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The characteristics of endogenous Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)- and Ca2+/phosphatidylserine (PS)-stimulated phosphorylated proteins in the striatum of rat were partially determined and compared in this study. The Ca2+/CaM-dependent phosphoproteins were associated with serine and threonine residues. The sensitivity of these proteins for phosphorylation by Ca2+/CaM was not affected by pretreatment of tissue with Ca2+ chelating agent, EGTA or with non-ionic detergent, Triton X-114. Triton X-114 phase separation experiments revealed that these Ca2+/CaM-dependent phosphoproteins were partitioned in the detergent rich phase suggesting that they are integral proteins of the striatal membrane. On the other hand, the Ca2+/PS-dependent phosphorylated proteins were primarily associated with the serine residue. Phosphorylation of these proteins by Ca2+/PS were abolished after the treatment with EGTA or Triton X-114. These results suggest that Ca2+/PS-dependent striatal phosphoproteins are biochemically unstable in maintaining their state of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Ba(2+) current through the L-type Ca(2+) channel inactivates essentially by voltage-dependent mechanisms with fast and slow kinetics. Here we found that slow inactivation is mediated by an annular determinant composed of hydrophobic amino acids located near the cytoplasmic ends of transmembrane segments S6 of each repeat of the alpha(1C) subunit. We have determined the molecular requirements that completely obstruct slow inactivation. Critical interventions include simultaneous substitution of A752T in IIS6, V1165T in IIIS6, and I1475T in IVS6, each preventing in additive manner a considerable fraction of Ba(2+) current from inactivation. In addition, it requires the S405I mutation in segment IS6. The fractional inhibition of slow inactivation in tested mutants caused an acceleration of fast inactivation, suggesting that fast and slow inactivation mechanisms are linked. The channel lacking slow inactivation showed approximately 45% of the sustained Ba(2+) or Ca(2+) current with no indication of decay. The remaining fraction of the current was inactivated with a single-exponential decay (pi(f) approximately 10 ms), completely recovered from inactivation within 100 ms and did not exhibit Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation properties. No voltage-dependent characteristics were significantly changed, consistent with the C-type inactivation model suggesting constriction of the pore as the main mechanism possibly targeted by Ca(2+) sensors of inactivation.  相似文献   

An intramolecular interaction between a distal (DCRD) and a proximal regulatory domain (PCRD) within the C terminus of long Ca(v)1.3 L-type Ca(2+) channels (Ca(v)1.3(L)) is a major determinant of their voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent gating kinetics. Removal of these regulatory domains by alternative splicing generates Ca(v)1.3(42A) channels that activate at a more negative voltage range and exhibit more pronounced Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation. Here we describe the discovery of a novel short splice variant (Ca(v)1.3(43S)) that is expressed at high levels in the brain but not in the heart. It lacks the DCRD but, in contrast to Ca(v)1.3(42A), still contains PCRD. When expressed together with α2δ1 and β3 subunits in tsA-201 cells, Ca(v)1.3(43S) also activated at more negative voltages like Ca(v)1.3(42A) but Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation was less pronounced. Single channel recordings revealed much higher channel open probabilities for both short splice variants as compared with Ca(v)1.3(L). The presence of the proximal C terminus in Ca(v)1.3(43S) channels preserved their modulation by distal C terminus-containing Ca(v)1.3- and Ca(v)1.2-derived C-terminal peptides. Removal of the C-terminal modulation by alternative splicing also induced a faster decay of Ca(2+) influx during electrical activities mimicking trains of neuronal action potentials. Our findings extend the spectrum of functionally diverse Ca(v)1.3 L-type channels produced by tissue-specific alternative splicing. This diversity may help to fine tune Ca(2+) channel signaling and, in the case of short variants lacking a functional C-terminal modulation, prevent excessive Ca(2+) accumulation during burst firing in neurons. This may be especially important in neurons that are affected by Ca(2+)-induced neurodegenerative processes.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels allow the influx of Ca2+ ions from the extracellular space upon membrane depolarization and thus serve as a transducer between membrane potential and cellular events initiated by Ca2+ transients. Most insects are predicted to possess three genes encoding Cavα, the main subunit of Ca2+ channels, and several genes encoding the two auxiliary subunits, Cavβ and Cavα2δ; however very few of these genes have been cloned so far. Here, we cloned three full-length cDNAs encoding the three Cavα subunits (AmelCav1a, AmelCav2a and AmelCav3a), a cDNA encoding a novel variant of the Cavβ subunit (AmelCavβc), and three full-length cDNAs encoding three Cavα2δ subunits (AmelCavα2δ1 to 3) of the honeybee Apis mellifera. We identified several alternative or mutually exclusive exons in the sequence of the AmelCav2 and AmelCav3 genes. Moreover, we detected a stretch of glutamine residues in the C-terminus of the AmelCav1 subunit that is reminiscent of the motif found in the human Cav2.1 subunit of patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 6. All these subunits contain structural domains that have been identified as functionally important in their mammalian homologues. For the first time, we could express three insect Cavα subunits in Xenopus oocytes and we show that AmelCav1a, 2a and 3a form Ca2+ channels with distinctive properties. Notably, the co-expression of AmelCav1a or AmelCav2a with AmelCavβc and AmCavα2δ1 produces High Voltage-Activated Ca2+ channels. On the other hand, expression of AmelCav3a alone leads to Low Voltage-Activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent L-type Cav1.3 channels have been detected in satellite cells localized to muscle fibers. It was established that the action of carbachol, which activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and causes cell membrane to depolarize, resulted in the activation of these channels. In addition, verapamil and amlodipine, selective L-type calcium channel blockers, suppressed extracellular calcium influx into the cytoplasm. It was noted that in a calcium-free medium, carbachol had no influence on the concentration of calcium in the cytoplasm of satellite cells, whereas adrenaline induced calcium efflux from intracellular stores. In addition, calcium influx into the cytoplasm was not suppressed by verapamil and amlodipine under the action of adrenaline and noradrenalin in a medium with calcium, and an ICI-118551 blocker of β2-adrenoreceptros significantly decreased the increase in the concentration of calcium in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Prior to hearing onset, spontaneous action potentials activate voltage-gated Cav1.3 Ca2+ channels in mouse inner hair cells (IHCs), which triggers exocytosis of glutamate and excitation of afferent neurons. In mature IHCs, Cav1.3 channels open in response to evoked receptor potentials, causing graded changes in exocytosis required for accurate sound transmission. Developmental alterations in Cav1.3 properties may support distinct roles of Cav1.3 in IHCs in immature and mature IHCs, and have been reported in various species. It is not known whether such changes in Cav1.3 properties occur in mouse IHCs, but this knowledge is necessary for understanding the roles of Cav1.3 in developing and mature IHCs. Here, we describe age-dependent differences in the biophysical properties of Cav1.3 channels in mouse IHCs. In mature IHCs, Cav1.3 channels activate more rapidly and exhibit greater Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI) than in immature IHCs. Consistent with the properties of Cav1.3 channels in heterologous expression systems, CDI in mature IHCs is not affected by increasing intracellular Ca2+ buffering strength. However, CDI in immature IHCs is significantly reduced by strong intracellular Ca2+ buffering, which both slows the onset of, and accelerates recovery from, inactivation. These results signify a developmental decline in the sensitivity of CDI to global elevations in Ca2+, which restricts negative feedback regulation of Cav1.3 channels to incoming Ca2+ ions in mature IHCs. Together with faster Cav1.3 activation kinetics, increased reliance of Cav1.3 CDI on local Ca2+ may sharpen presynaptic Ca2+ signals and improve temporal aspects of sound coding in mature IHCs.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation (CDI) of L-type Ca(2+) channels plays a critical role in controlling Ca(2+) entry and downstream signal transduction in excitable cells. Ca(2+)-insensitive forms of calmodulin (CaM) act as dominant negatives to prevent CDI, suggesting that CaM acts as a resident Ca(2+) sensor. However, it is not known how the Ca(2+) sensor is constitutively tethered. We have found that the tethering of Ca(2+)-insensitive CaM was localized to the C-terminal tail of alpha(1C), close to the CDI effector motif, and that it depended on nanomolar Ca(2+) concentrations, likely attained in quiescent cells. Two stretches of amino acids were found to support the tethering and to contain putative CaM-binding sequences close to or overlapping residues previously shown to affect CDI and Ca(2+)-independent inactivation. Synthetic peptides containing these sequences displayed differences in CaM-binding properties, both in affinity and Ca(2+) dependence, leading us to propose a novel mechanism for CDI. In contrast to a traditional disinhibitory scenario, we suggest that apoCaM is tethered at two sites and signals actively to slow inactivation. When the C-terminal lobe of CaM binds to the nearby CaM effector sequence (IQ motif), the braking effect is relieved, and CDI is accelerated.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-binding protein-1 (CaBP1) and calmodulin (CaM) are highly related Ca(2+)-binding proteins that directly interact with, and yet differentially regulate, voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. Whereas CaM enhances inactivation of Ca(2+) currents through Ca(v)1.2 (L-type) Ca(2+) channels, CaBP1 completely prevents this process. How CaBP1 and CaM mediate such opposing effects on Ca(v)1.2 inactivation is unknown. Here, we identified molecular determinants in the alpha(1)-subunit of Ca(v)1.2 (alpha(1)1.2) that distinguish the effects of CaBP1 and CaM on inactivation. Although both proteins bind to a well characterized IQ-domain in the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of alpha(1)1.2, mutations of the IQ-domain that significantly weakened CaM and CaBP1 binding abolished the functional effects of CaM, but not CaBP1. Pulldown binding assays revealed Ca(2+)-independent binding of CaBP1 to the N-terminal domain (NT) of alpha(1)1.2, which was in contrast to Ca(2+)-dependent binding of CaM to this region. Deletion of the NT abolished the effects of CaBP1 in prolonging Ca(v)1.2 Ca(2+) currents, but spared Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation due to CaM. We conclude that the NT and IQ-domains of alpha(1)1.2 mediate functionally distinct interactions with CaBP1 and CaM that promote conformational alterations that either stabilize or inhibit inactivation of Ca(v)1.2.  相似文献   

Ca2+ influx into presynaptic terminals via voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels triggers fast neurotransmitter release as well as different forms of synaptic plasticity. Using electrophysiological and genetic techniques we demonstrate that presynaptic Ca2+ entry through Cav2.3 subunits contributes to the induction of mossy fiber LTP and posttetanic potentiation by brief trains of presynaptic action potentials while they do not play a role in fast synaptic transmission, paired-pulse facilitation, or frequency facilitation. This functional specialization is most likely achieved by a localization remote from the release machinery and by a Cav2.3 channel-dependent facilitation of presynaptic Ca2+ influx. Thus, the presence of Cav2.3 channels boosts the accumulation of presynaptic Ca2+ triggering presynaptic LTP and posttetanic potentiation without affecting the low release probability that is a prerequisite for the enormous plasticity displayed by mossy fiber synapses.  相似文献   

In cochlea inner hair cells (IHCs), L-type Ca(2+) channels (LTCCs) formed by alpha1D subunits (D-LTCCs) possess biophysical and pharmacological properties distinct from those of alpha1C containing C-LTCCs. We investigated to which extent these differences are determined by alpha1D itself by analyzing the biophysical and pharmacological properties of cloned human alpha1D splice variants in tsA-201 cells. Variant alpha1D(8A,) containing exon 8A sequence in repeat I, yielded alpha1D protein and L-type currents, whereas no intact protein and currents were observed after expression with exon 8B. In whole cell patch-clamp recordings (charge carrier 15-20 mm Ba(2+)), alpha1D(8A) - mediated currents activated at more negative voltages (activation threshold, -45.7 versus -31.5 mV, p < 0.05) and more rapidly (tau(act) for maximal inward currents 0.8 versus 2.3 ms; p < 0.05) than currents mediated by rabbit alpha1C. Inactivation during depolarizing pulses was slower than for alpha1C (current inactivation after 5-s depolarizations by 90 versus 99%, p < 0.05) but faster than for LTCCs in IHCs. The sensitivity for the dihydropyridine (DHP) L-type channel blocker isradipine was 8.5-fold lower than for alpha1C. Radioligand binding experiments revealed that this was not due to a lower affinity for the DHP binding pocket, suggesting that differences in the voltage-dependence of DHP block account for decreased sensitivity of D-LTCCs. Our experiments show that alpha1D(8A) subunits can form slowly inactivating LTCCs activating at more negative voltages than alpha1C. These properties should allow D-LTCCs to control physiological processes, such as diastolic depolarization in sinoatrial node cells, neurotransmitter release in IHCs and neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

L-type Ca2+ channels in mammalian brain neurons have either a CaV1.2 or CaV1.3 pore-forming subunit. Recently, it was shown that CaV1.3 Ca2+ channels underlie autonomous pacemaking in adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, and this reliance renders them sensitive to toxins used to create animal models of Parkinson’s disease. Antagonism of these channels with the dihydropyridine antihypertensive drug isradipine diminishes the reliance on Ca2+ and the sensitivity of these neurons to toxins, pointing to a potential neuroprotective strategy. However, for neuroprotection without an antihypertensive side effect, selective CaV1.3 channel antagonists are required. In an attempt to identify potent and selective antagonists of CaV1.3 channels, 124 dihydropyridines (4-substituted-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic diesters) were synthesized. The antagonism of heterologously expressed CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 channels was then tested using electrophysiological approaches and the FLIPR Calcium 4 assay. Despite the large diversity in substitution on the dihydropyridine scaffold, the most CaV1.3 selectivity was only about twofold. These results support a highly similar dihydropyridine binding site at both CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 channels and suggests that other classes of compounds need to be identified for CaV1.3 selectivity.  相似文献   

The effect of peroxynitrite (OONO-) on voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) was examined by measuring [45Ca2+] influx into mouse cerebral cortical neurones. OONO- time- and dose-dependently increased [45Ca2+] influx and this increase was abolished by manganese (III) tetrakis (4-benzoic acid) porphyrin, a scavenger for OONO-. Inhibition of cyclic GMP (cGMP) formation did not alter the OONO(-)-induced [45Ca2+] influx. OONO-, as well as 30 mm KCl, significantly increased fluorescence intensity of cell-associated bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol (bis-oxonol). Tetrodotoxin and membrane stabilizers such as lidocaine dose-dependently suppressed OONO(-)-induced [45Ca2+] influx. Although each of 1 microM nifedipine and 1 microM omega-agatoxin VIA (omega-ATX) significantly inhibited the OONO(-)-induced [45Ca2+] influx and the concomitant presence of these agents completely abolished the influx, 1 microM omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CTX) showed no effect on the influx. On the other hand, OONO- itself reduced 30 mM KCl-induced [45Ca2+] influx to the level of [45Ca2+] influx induced by OONO- alone, and the magnitude of this reduction was as same as that of KCl-induced [45Ca2+] influx by omega-CTX. These results indicate that OONO- increases [45Ca2+] influx into the neurones through opening P/Q- and L-type VDCCs subsequent to depolarization, and inhibits the influx through N-type VDCCs.  相似文献   

Calmodulin, bound to the alpha(1) subunit of the cardiac L-type calcium channel, is required for calcium-dependent inactivation of this channel. Several laboratories have suggested that the site of interaction of calmodulin with the channel is an IQ-like motif in the carboxyl-terminal region of the alpha(1) subunit. Mutations in this IQ motif are linked to L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) facilitation and inactivation. IQ peptides from L, P/Q, N, and R channels all bind Ca(2+)calmodulin but not Ca(2+)-free calmodulin. Another peptide representing a carboxyl-terminal sequence found only in L-type channels (designated the CB domain) binds Ca(2+)calmodulin and enhances Ca(2+)-dependent I(Ca) facilitation in cardiac myocytes, suggesting the CB domain is functionally important. Calmodulin blocks the binding of an antibody specific for the CB sequence to the skeletal muscle L-type Ca(2+) channel, suggesting that this is a calmodulin binding site on the intact protein. The binding of the IQ and CB peptides to calmodulin appears to be competitive, signifying that the two sequences represent either independent or alternative binding sites for calmodulin rather than both sequences contributing to a single binding site.  相似文献   

The atrioventricular node controls cardiac impulse conduction and generates pacemaker activity in case of failure of the sino-atrial node. Understanding the mechanisms of atrioventricular automaticity is important for managing human pathologies of heart rate and conduction. However, the physiology of atrioventricular automaticity is still poorly understood. We have investigated the role of three key ion channel-mediated pacemaker mechanisms namely, Cav1.3, Cav3.1 and HCN channels in automaticity of atrioventricular node cells (AVNCs). We studied atrioventricular conduction and pacemaking of AVNCs in wild-type mice and mice lacking Cav3.1 (Cav3.1-/-), Cav1.3 (Cav1.3-/-), channels or both (Cav1.3-/-/Cav3.1-/-). The role of HCN channels in the modulation of atrioventricular cells pacemaking was studied by conditional expression of dominant-negative HCN4 channels lacking cAMP sensitivity. Inactivation of Cav3.1 channels impaired AVNCs pacemaker activity by favoring sporadic block of automaticity leading to cellular arrhythmia. Furthermore, Cav3.1 channels were critical for AVNCs to reach high pacemaking rates under isoproterenol. Unexpectedly, Cav1.3 channels were required for spontaneous automaticity, because Cav1.3-/- and Cav1.3-/-/Cav3.1-/- AVNCs were completely silent under physiological conditions. Abolition of the cAMP sensitivity of HCN channels reduced automaticity under basal conditions, but maximal rates of AVNCs could be restored to that of control mice by isoproterenol. In conclusion, while Cav1.3 channels are required for automaticity, Cav3.1 channels are important for maximal pacing rates of mouse AVNCs. HCN channels are important for basal AVNCs automaticity but do not appear to be determinant for β-adrenergic regulation.  相似文献   

The use of specific activators and inhibitors that penetrate the central nervous system has suggested an essential functional role of L-type calcium channels (LTCC) in several important physiological processes of the brain, including the modulation of the mesoaccumbal dopamine signalling pathway, synaptic transmission of auditory stimuli and synaptic plasticity of neutral and aversive learning and memory processes. However, the lack of selectivity of available pharmacological agents towards the most prominent LTCC isoforms in the brain, namely Cav1.2 and Cav1.3, has hampered the elucidation of the precise contribution made by each specific channel isoform within these specific physiological processes. Modern genetic approaches, both in rodents and in human, have recently enhanced our understanding of the selective functional roles of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels. In rodents, the characterisation of global and conditional isoform-specific knockouts suggests a contribution of Cav1.2 channels in spatial memory formation, whereas Cav1.3 channels seem to be involved in the consolidation of fear memories and in neurodegenerative mechanisms associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease. With regard to the molecular mechanisms underlying drug addiction, Cav1.3 channels are necessary for the development and Cav1.2 channels for the expression of cocaine and amphetamine behavioural sensitisation. In humans, both the identification of naturally occurring LTCC variants (“channelopathies”) and unbiased genome-wide association studies have linked LTCCs to working memory performance in healthy individuals and schizophrenic patients. Individually, CACNA1C polymorphisms and CACNA1D variants have been linked to a variety of psychiatric diseases and to congenital deafness, respectively. However, the contribution of individual LTCCs and their polymorphisms to human brain function and diseases remains unclear, necessitating the use of isoform-specific pharmacological agents.  相似文献   

In non-excitable cells, one major route for Ca2+ influx is through store-operated Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane. These channels are activated by the emptying of intracellular Ca2+ stores, and in some cell types store-operated influx occurs through Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels. Here, we report that intracellular Ca2+ modulates CRAC channel activity through both positive and negative feedback steps in RBL-1 cells. Under conditions in which cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration can fluctuate freely, we find that store-operated Ca2+ entry is impaired either following overexpression of a dominant negative calmodulin mutant or following whole-cell dialysis with a calmodulin inhibitory peptide. The peptide had no inhibitory effect when intracellular Ca2+ was buffered strongly at low levels. Hence, Ca2+-calmodulin is not required for the activation of CRAC channels per se but is an important regulator under physiological conditions. We also find that the plasma membrane Ca2+ATPase is the dominant Ca2+ efflux pathway in these cells. Although the activity of the Ca2+ pump is regulated by calmodulin, the store-operated Ca2+ entry is more sensitive to inhibition by the calmodulin mutant than by Ca2+ extrusion. Hence, these two plasmalemmal Ca2+ transport systems may differ in their sensitivities to endogenous calmodulin. Following the activation of Ca2+ entry, the rise in intracellular Ca2+ subsequently feeds back to further inhibit Ca2+ influx. This slow inactivation can be activated by a relatively brief Ca2+ influx (30-60 s); it reverses slowly and is not altered by overexpression of the calmodulin mutant. Hence, the same messenger, intracellular Ca2+, can both facilitate and inactivate Ca2+ entry through store-operated CRAC channels and through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Control of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels by G protein-coupled receptors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
G proteins act as transducers between membrane receptors activated by extracellular signals and enzymatic effectors controlling the concentration of cytosolic signal molecules such as cAMP, cGMP, inositol phosphates and Ca2+. In some instances, the receptor/G protein-induced changes in the concentration of cytosolic signal molecules correlate with activity changes of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Ca2+ channel modulation, in these cases, requires the participation of protein kinases whose activity is stimulated by cytosolic signal molecules. The respective protein kinases phosphorylate Ca2+ channel-forming proteins or unknown regulatory components. More recent findings suggest another membrane-confined mechanism that does not involve cytosolic signal molecules but rather a more direct control of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels by G proteins. Modulation of Ca2+ channel activity that follows this apparently membrane-confined mechanism has been described to occur in neuronal, cardiac, and endocrine cells. The G protein involved in the hormonal stimulation of Ca2+ channels in endocrine cells may belong to the family of Gi-type G proteins, which are functionally uncoupled from activating receptors by pertussis toxin. The G protein Gs, which is activated by cholera toxin, may stimulate cardiac Ca2+ channels without the involvement of a cAMP-dependent intermediate step. Hormonal inhibition of Ca2+ channels in neuronal and endocrine cells is mediated by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein, possibly Go. Whether G proteins act by binding directly to Ca2+ channels or through interaction with as yet undetermined regulatory components of the plasma membrane remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

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