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Features of the transport system for hydroxyproline in a strain of Pseudomonas putida were studied. A mutant, lacking hydroxyproline-2 epimerase and unable to metabolize hydroxy-l-proline, was shown to transport and accumulate this compound after induction. Both entry and exit rates were examined, and kinetic constants for the reaction were determined. Increasing the induction time from 0.5 to 3 hr increased the entry rate three- to fourfold but had only a small and variable effect on the exit rate. Entry followed saturation kinetics. For hydroxy-l-proline, the K(m) and V(max) values were found to be 3 x 10(-5)m and 6 mumoles per g (dry weight) per min, respectively. The K(m) and V(max) for the epimer allohydroxy-d-proline were 10(-3)m and 0.1 mumole per g (dry weight) per min. Entry rates into "loaded" and "unloaded" cells were found to be the same. Exit was shown to be first order over the range of internal substrate concentrations measured. Exit rates were measured by several different methods and found to be independent of external substrate concentration. The first-order exit rate constant was computed to be 0.23 min(-1). Several metabolic inhibitors were examined for their effect on transport. The inhibitory action of N-ethyl maleimide was shown to be greatly reduced if cells were allowed to accumulate hydroxy-l-proline before exposure to the inhibitor. A number of other amino acids interfered with the transport of hydroxy-l-proline; the greatest effect was produced by l-alanine and l-proline.  相似文献   

Mutant Pseudomonas putida strains that produce constitutive levels of the beta-ketoadipate uptake system are selected by the sequential transfer of cultures between mineral growth media supplemented with the noninducing growth substrate succinate and growth media containing beta-ketoadipate as the sole carbon and energy source. The mutant strains also produce constitutively three catabolic enzymes that give rise to beta-ketoadipate from the metabolic precursor beta-carboxy-cis, cis-muconate, and thus a single regulatory gene appears to govern the expression of the enzymes as well as the uptake system. The three enzymes that convert beta-carboxy-cis, cis-muconate to beta-ketoadipate are induced to higher levels when the orgainisms are grown with p-hydroxybenzoate (a compound that is catabolized via beta-ketoadipate); the beta-ketoadipate uptake system is partially repressed when the cells are grwon at the expense of p-hydroxybenzoate. The transferase that acts upon beta-ketoadipate remains inducible in the constitutive mutant strains. Thus a minimum of three biosynthetic controls must be exerted over the expression of the five genes. Since the regulatory mutation does not alter the expression of the gene for the transferase, the physiological target of the selection procedure appears to be mutant strains that produce the uptake system constitutively. Levels of the uptake system are higher in uninduced constitutive mutant cultures than in induced cultures of the wild type. Hence procedures analogous to the one we employed may be of general use in obtaining mutant strains that produce high levels of uptake systems.  相似文献   

beta-Ketoadipate:succinyl-coenzyme A transferase (beta-ketoadipate:succinyl-CoA transferase) (EC carries out the penultimate step in the conversion of benzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoate to tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in bacteria utilizing the beta-ketoadipate pathway. This report describes the characterization of a DNA fragment from Pseudomonas putida that encodes this enzyme. The fragment complemented mutants defective in the synthesis of the CoA transferase, and two proteins of sizes appropriate to encode the two nonidentical subunits of the enzyme were produced in Escherichia coli when the fragment was placed under the control of a phage T7 promoter. DNA sequence analysis revealed two open reading frames, designated pcaI and pcaJ, that were separated by 8 bp, suggesting that they may comprise an operon. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of the P. putida CoA transferase genes with the sequences of two other bacterial CoA transferases and that of succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid CoA transferase from pig heart suggests that the homodimeric structure of the mammalian enzyme may have resulted from a gene fusion of the bacterial alpha and beta subunit genes during evolution. Conserved functional groups important to the catalytic activity of CoA transferases were also identified.  相似文献   

Naphthalene association and uptake in Pseudomonas putida.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two methods for bacterial membrane transport, filtration and flow dialysis, were used to study cellular association of Pseudomonas putida with naphthalene. It is not technically possible to determine the exact cellular or vesicular location of the naphthalene, and because it is hydrophobic, it could be at the membrane(s) rather than inside the cells. As an index of naphthalene having crossed the inner membrane we used the intracellular formation of its first catabolite. An energized membrane or ATP was not essential for association or movement into the cell. Evidence for a nonspecific association and a movement into cells by simple diffusion are the lack of saturation of association, an absence of inhibition of association by protein inhibitors and structural analogs, and the passage of naphthalene through cell membranes in the presence of iodoacetamide. Specific naphthalene metabolism gene expression was not required for association.  相似文献   

A novel acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that initiates beta-oxidation of the side chains of phenylacyl-CoA compounds by Pseudomonas putida was induced by growth with phenylhexanoate as carbon source. It was identified as the product of gene PP_0368, which was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. This phenylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase was found to be dimeric with a subunit molecular mass of 66 kDa, to contain FAD and to be active with phenylacyl-CoA substrates having side chains from four to at least 11 carbon atoms. The same enzyme was induced by the aliphatic alkanoate octanoate. The optimal aliphatic substrates for the enzyme were palmitoyl-CoA and stearoyl-CoA, a property shared with mammalian very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. The FAD in the enzyme was reduced by aromatic and aliphatic substrates, with changes to the oxidation-reduction potential. Chemical reduction by dithionite ion and oxidation by ferricyanide ion showed that the enzyme can accept four electrons: two to reduce the flavin and two to slowly reduce an unknown acceptor, which in its reduced form interacts with the oxidized flavin in a charge-transfer complex. The experiments identify for the first time an acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that oxidizes the activated forms of aromatic acids similar to those used to first demonstrate the biological beta-oxidation of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Uptake of substituted nitrophenols from the bulk solution into the cytoplasm limited reaction rates by Pseudomonas putida B2. Initial enzymatic conversion of 2-nitrophenol (ONP) to catechol is by an intracellular soluble enzyme, nitrophenol oxygenase [Zeyer J and Kearney PC. 1984. J Agric Food Chem 32: 238–242]. Addition of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) to cell suspensions led to a decrease in specific reaction rates for ONP, dependent on the ratio of NEM to cellular protein. Maximal NEM inhibition resulted in an 80–90% decrease in the ONP reaction rate which could not be reversed following dilution. Cell-free enzyme extract isolated from NEM-inactivated cells demonstrated less than 20% loss of the specific ONP reaction rates. NEM apparently acted by inhibiting a protein which facilitated uptake of nitrophenol into the cytoplasm, prior to the first catabolic enzyme. Both intact organisms and protoplasts exhibited the same 80–90% decrease in reaction rate which established that NEM inhibition was localized in the plasma membrane. NEM elicited variable effects on reaction rates for a series of ring substituted 2-nitrophenols. The data indicated that uptake of substituted 2-nitrophenols involved at least two transport systems, one sensitive to NEM inactivation and a second insensitive uptake process. Received 05 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 29 May 1997  相似文献   

Myo-inositol transport system in Pseudomonas putida.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetic features of the myo-inositol transport system in Pseudomonas putida are reported. The system is sensitive to osmotic shock, is not operative in membrane vesicles, and does not involved substrate phosphorylation. Line-weaver-Burk plots indicate the presence of two different systems, whose Kt are 5 micrometer and 0.43 mM and whose V max are 7.9 and 27 nml/mg per min, respectively. Transport activity of glucose-grown cells is very low. myo-Inositol-grown cells lose the high-affinity system upon osmotic shock; concentrated shock fluid possesses myo-inositol-binding activity. The system is very specific for the myo-configuration of the cyclitol.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida U grown in a chemically defined medium containing octanoic acid as the sole carbon source accumulated a homopolymer of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) as intracellular reserve material, and metabolized the polymer during the late exponential phase of growth. Kinetic measurement of the uptake of [1-14C]octanoic acid by cells at 34°C in 85 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 showed linear uptake for at least 2 min and the calculated Km and Vmax were 100 μM and 9 nmol min−1 respectively. This transport system is constitutive, energy-dependent, and is strongly inhibited by structural analogs of octanoic acid, by various fatty acids with a carbon length higher than C5 and by certain phenyl derivatives.  相似文献   

An inducible phenylserine aldolase (L-threo-3-phenylserine benzaldehyde-lyase, EC, which catalyzes the cleavage of L-3-phenylserine to yield benzaldehyde and glycine, was purified to homogeneity from a crude extract of Pseudomonas putida 24-1 isolated from soil. The enzyme was a hexamer with the apparent subunit molecular mass of 38 kDa and contained 0.7 mol of pyridoxal 5' phosphate per mol of the subunit. The enzyme exhibited absorption maxima at 280 and 420 nm. The maximal activity was obtained at about pH 8.5. The enzyme acted on L-threo-3-phenylserine (Km, 1.3 mM), l-erythro-3-phenylserine (Km, 4.6 mM), l-threonine (Km, 29 mM), and L-allo-threonine (Km, 22 mM). In the reverse reaction, threo- and erythro- forms of L-3-phenylserine were produced from benzaldehyde and glycine. The optimum pH for the reverse reaction was 7.5. The structural gene coding for the phenylserine aldolase from Pseudomonas putida 24-1 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells. The nucleotide sequence of the phenylserine aldolase gene encoded a peptide containing 357 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 37.4 kDa. The recombinant enzyme was purified and characterized. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments showed that replacement of K213 with Q resulted in a loss of the enzyme activity, with a disappearance of the absorption maximum at 420 nm. Thus, K213 of the enzyme probably functions as an essential catalytic residue, forming a Schiff base with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   

Fructose transport was not apparently affected in a number of Pseudomonas putida strains with deranged activity of a common glucose-gluconate uptake system, indicating the existence of an independent fructose uptake system. Fructose uptake by glucose-gluconate uptake mutants was induced by fructose and obeyed saturation kinetics (apparent K m =0.3 mM). The fructose uptake system serves to transport glucose in addition to fructose. The entry of fructose into P. putida cells appears to be mediated also by the glucose-gluconate uptake system, as shown by the ability to accumulate fructose of wild type cells grown on glucose, a substrate that induces the glucose-gluconate uptake system but not the fructose uptake system. In addition, fructose was found to be an inducer of the glucose-gluconate uptake system. The physiological significance of these observations is not clear because the fructose uptake system can provide the cell with a high enough internal concentration of fructose to support maximum growth rate on this hexose, as shown by following the growth course of glucose-gluconate uptake mutants on fructose.  相似文献   

The 1-phosphofructokinase (1-PFK, EC from Pseudomonas putida was partially purified by a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. In its kinetic properties, this enzyme resembled the 1-PFK's from other bacteria. With the substrates fructose-1-phosphate (F-1-P) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed, the Km for one substrate being unaffected by a variation in the concentration of the other substrate. At pH 8.0, the Km values for F-1-P and ATP were 1.64 X 10(-4) M and 4.08 X 10(-4) M, respectively. At fixed concentrations of F-1-P and ATP, an increase in the Mg2+ resulted in sigmoidal kinetics. Activity was inhibited by ATP when the ratio of ATP:Mg2+ was greater than 0.5 suggesting that ATP:2 Mg2+ was the substrate and free ATP was inhibitory. Activity of 1-PFK was stimulated by K+ and to a lesser extent by NH4+ and Na+. The reaction rate was unaffected by 2 mM K2HPO4, pyruvate, phosphoenolpyruvate, adenosine monophosphate, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, fructose-6-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, 6-phosphogluconate, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate, or citrate. The results indicated that the 1-PFK from P. putida was not allosterically regulated by a number of metabolites which may play an important role in the catabolism of D-fructose.  相似文献   

The uptake of 2-ketogluconate is inducible in Pseudomonas putida: 2-ketogluconate, glucose, gluconate, glycerol and glycerate were each good nutritional inducers of this ability. 2-Ketogluconate uptake obeyed saturation kinetics (apparent K min 2-ketogluconate-grown cells was 0.4 mM). 2-Ketogluconate was transported against a concentration gradient, apparently in an unchanged state, and the process required metabolic energy, all of which indicate an active transport system.A number of independently isolated mutants with deranged activity of a common glucose-gluconate uptake system were found to be also defective in 2-ketogluconate transport. Strains unable to transport 2-ketogluconate which grew readily on glucose and gluconate were also isolated. These results suggest that 2-ketogluconate transport is governed by at least two genetic elements: one which is also required to take up glucose and gluconate and another which appears to be specific for 2-ketogluconate transport. Similarly glucose and gluconate transport appears to require at least one factor which is not necessary for 2-ketogluconate transport, as suggested by the lack of induction of the common glucose-gluconate uptake system by glycerol and glycerate, substrates which are good inducers of 2-ketogluconate uptake.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl-cyanide-m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone - cpm radioactivity counts per minute - GGU glucose-gluconate uptake - PFU plaque forming units - U.V. ultraviolet Dedicated to Prof. Roger Y. Stainer on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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