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渤海湾头鲻、鳆鲻的寄生动物 Ⅰ.汉沽地区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了汉沽地区头鲻、(鱼夋)鲻的寄生动物共7种,其中单殖类吸虫1种、复殖类吸虫1种、线虫幼虫1种、棘头虫2种、寄生桡足类2种。对多刺四旋棘虫、新种Quadrigyrus polyspinosus进行了形态上的描述。  相似文献   

球蚧蓝绿跳小蜂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟祥永 《昆虫知识》1996,33(3):170-173
球蚧蓝绿跳小蜂是球坚蚧的重要天敌。该蜂寄生于球坚蚧的越冬若虫为致死性单寄生,寄生于球坚蚧雌成虫为非致死性过寄生,但显著降低球坚蚧的抱卵量。在新疆和田地区该蜂寄生于球坚蚧越冬若虫的寄生率为28.5%,寄生于雌成虫的寄生率为51.3%;在喀什地区寄生于球坚蚧雌成虫的寄生率为47%。描述了球蚧蓝绿跳小蜂的卵、幼虫、蛹的形态特征。叙述了球蚧蓝绿跳小峰世代生活史和习性,及其交配、产卵行为。表述球蚧蓝绿跳小峰与球坚蚧生活阶段对应关系。实施刮皮涂药措施防治球坚蚧,既能有效地防治球坚蚧,又可保护球蚧蓝绿跳小蜂。采集带蜂枝条插入装水塑料袋搬迁天敌,简单易行且效果好。  相似文献   

福建棘头虫记述Ⅱ   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
寄生于脊椎动物的棘头虫(Acanthocephala Rudolphi,1808),作者(1966)曾报告过40种。近年来,在福建各地又采得一些种类,经初步鉴定有11种,其中有7个新种,兹记述于后。标本保存于福建师范大学寄生动物研究室。 一、四旋棘科Quadrigyridae Van Cleave,1920  相似文献   

动物寄生线虫种类很多,有不少种类严重地危害人畜的健康,对医学和农业都有密切关系。研究寄生线虫可以帮助我們了解各种寄生线虫的种类、分布及其对人畜的危害情况,借此作出防治措施,逐漸予以消灭,以增进人畜的健康。检查动物寄生线虫的检查,通常采用下面两种方法: 1.完全剖检法在准备剖检动物以前,先仔細观  相似文献   

棘口科Echinostomatidae吸虫种类繁多,分布广泛,遍及全世界。主要寄生于鸟类,其次是哺乳类、爬虫类,少数见于鱼类。目前文献报道本科吸虫能寄生于人体的虫种已有十多种,在我国报道寄生于人体的已有7种(赵慰先等,1983)。其中棘隙属Echinochasmus Dietz 1909在我国曾报道寄生于人体的仅有日本棘隙吸虫Echinochasmus japonicus及抱茎棘隙吸虫Echinochasmus perfliatus。本文现报道在广州市郊区发现寄生于人体的棘隙属一新种——九佛棘隙吸虫,新种Echinochasmus jiufoensis sp. nov.。  相似文献   

福建棘头虫记述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
棘头虫(Acanthocephala)是脊椎动物(成虫)和无脊椎动物(幼虫)的寄生虫,大多数是寄生在鱼类和鸟类的肠中。根据Golvan(1958—1962)的记载已知有547种,分隶于90属22科。在苏联Petrotschenko(1956,1958)曾汇编有家畜和野生动物棘头虫一书。我国学者对这一类动物研究尚少,近年来华东师范大学生物系即所、李慧珠(1962)在太湖作  相似文献   

线虫的分子生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线虫在动物发育的研究及生物防治中起着巨大作用。对20世纪80年代以来有关植物寄生线虫、昆虫寄生线虫的分子生物学研究概况进行了综述。  相似文献   

刘金华  龙芝美 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):229-231
1992年3~7月在海南省三亚市和通什市捕获12种鼠形动物,检获6种富生革螨。用定量分析方法分析了寄生革螨的群落结构。每棘厉螨是多种宿主体外的优势绒种。  相似文献   

目前已知的蛭纲动物约有500种。分为四个目:棘蛭目(多寄生在鱼体上),吻蛭目(生活于海水或淡水中,寄生在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物体外或自由生活),咽蛭目(肉食性,可吞食昆虫幼虫或蠕虫,生活在淡水、湿土中,如石蛭、齿蛭)以及颚蛭目(包括一些吸血的种类,生活在淡水或湿地上,如医蛭、金线蛭、山蛭等)。多数种类靠吸食动物的血生活。  相似文献   

前殖吸虫属(Prosthogonimus)及棘口吸虫低颈属(Hypoderaum)吸虫是寄生于家禽的常见寄生虫,成虫分别寄生于成禽的输卵管和肠道。常引起家禽软壳蛋、无壳蛋或产蛋停滞。家禽前殖吸虫病和棘口吸虫病呈地方性流行,对农村家禽饲养业有较大的危害。  相似文献   

Early modern and archaic humans are associated with similar lithic industries in the Middle Paleolithic of the southern Levant, but new data suggest that they used the environment in different ways. Evidence from analyses of seasonally deposited increments of the teeth of the animals they hunted suggests that modern humans primarily practiced a strategy ofcirculating seasonal mobility, while archaic humans in the same region 30,000 years later were more residentially mobile. Analyses of their lithic hunting technology further suggest that archaic humans hunted more frequently than did modern humans. We argue that this greater hunting intensity may have been a strategy for coping with the consequences of resource biodepletion resulting from long-term, multiseasonal occupation of sites. These behavioral contrasts may be related to some of the morphological differences between early modern and archaic humans.  相似文献   

Genetic, environmental, and pharmacological interventions into the aging process can confer resistance to multiple age‐related diseases in laboratory animals, including rhesus monkeys. These findings imply that individual mechanisms of aging might contribute to the co‐occurrence of age‐related diseases in humans and could be targeted to prevent these conditions simultaneously. To address this question, we text mined 917,645 literature abstracts followed by manual curation and found strong, non‐random associations between age‐related diseases and aging mechanisms in humans, confirmed by gene set enrichment analysis of GWAS data. Integration of these associations with clinical data from 3.01 million patients showed that age‐related diseases associated with each of five aging mechanisms were more likely than chance to be present together in patients. Genetic evidence revealed that innate and adaptive immunity, the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway and activity of the ERK1/2 pathway were associated with multiple aging mechanisms and diverse age‐related diseases. Mechanisms of aging hence contribute both together and individually to age‐related disease co‐occurrence in humans and could potentially be targeted accordingly to prevent multimorbidity.  相似文献   

A consideration of the metacarpal 1 articulation of the Olduvai Hominid 7 trapezium shows that, although it is generally similar to those of recent humans, it is considerably flatter radioulnarly and dorsopalmarly than those of modern humans and similar in its degree of dorsopalmar flattening to those of Upper Pleistocene late archaic humans. Even though this flattening may have slightly limited flexion-extension at the pollical carpometacarpal joint, it is most likely related to the apparently elevated levels of axial joint reaction force through the thumbs of archaic members of the genus Homo. It also documents the continuation of human carpometacarpal articular evolution through the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider three hypotheses to account for the evolution of the extraordinary capacity for large-scale cooperation and altruistic social preferences within human societies. One hypothesis is that human cooperation is built on the same evolutionary foundations as cooperation in other animal societies, and that fundamental elements of the social preferences that shape our species'' cooperative behaviour are also shared with other closely related primates. Another hypothesis is that selective pressures favouring cooperative breeding have shaped the capacity for cooperation and the development of social preferences, and produced a common set of behavioural dispositions and social preferences in cooperatively breeding primates and humans. The third hypothesis is that humans have evolved derived capacities for collaboration, group-level cooperation and altruistic social preferences that are linked to our capacity for culture. We draw on naturalistic data to assess differences in the form, scope and scale of cooperation between humans and other primates, experimental data to evaluate the nature of social preferences across primate species, and comparative analyses to evaluate the evolutionary origins of cooperative breeding and related forms of behaviour.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphotropic virus types I (HTLV-I) and II (HTLV-II) are members of a family of four known retroviruses that are oncogenic as opposed to cytopathic. This family includes HTLV-I and -II, bovine leukemia virus, and simian T-cell leukemia virus. The two types of HTLV are closely related, and for more than a decade we have been aware of the presence of these viruses in humans. In the first part of this article I summarize recent epidemiologic and clinical findings related to the presence of HTLV-I and -II in the Americas. In the second part, I discuss how these viruses may regulate themselves and how in turn they might cause leukemia and neurologic disease in humans.  相似文献   

刘武  吴秀杰  邢松 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):161-171
自2002年在周口店附近的田园洞发现大约4万年前的现代人化石以来,相继在湖北郧西黄龙洞、广西崇左智人洞等地点发现了早期现代人化石。这些化石发现证实大约10万年前早期现代人在华南地区已经出现。最近在湖南道县福岩洞发现的人类牙齿化石及相关研究进一步揭示具有完全现代形态的人类8万-12万年前在华南局部地区已经出现;而在这个时间段的华北地区,以许家窑人为代表的人类化石形态仍较原始,其演化尚未进入早期现代人阶段。这些研究发现提示,在中国地区,华南是现代人形成与扩散的中心区域,早期现代人以及完全现代类型的人类都可能首先在华南地区出现,然后向华北地区扩散。现有的化石形态证据显示,更新世晚期华南地区人类具有较大的演化变异,可能同时生存有几种不同的演化类群。智人洞属于从古老型智人向现代人演化的过渡类型,而道县则代表着演化进入完全现代类型的人类。基于前人研究及本文的分析,作者认为柳江、资阳、丽江、田园洞等更新世晚期人类化石特征比较进步,在演化上属于与道县相似的现代类型人类。值得注意的是,这些研究进展在引起对现代人在东亚地区出现和扩散关注的同时,古人类学界对其中涉及的许多问题还存在争论。本文在回顾分析这些研究进展的基础上,就相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Modern humans exhibit increasing relative enamel thickness from M1 to M3. Some biomechanical (basic lever) models predict that the more distal molars in humans encounter higher occlusal forces, and it has been postulated that this provides a functional explanation for the observed gradient in relative enamel thickness. However, constrained three-dimensional models and experimental observations suggest that there is a reduction in bite force potential from M1 to M3, which would be consistent with the tendency for humans to reduce the size of the distal molars. In this regard, it has been postulated that the distal increase in enamel thickness is a consequence of crown size reduction; thus, it is unnecessary to invoke functional scenarios to explain this phenomenon. We assess these competing proposals by examining relative enamel thickness in a catarrhine primate (Papio ursinus) that exhibits crown size increase from M1 to M3. The molar row of P. ursinus is positioned relatively far forward of the temporomandibular joint, which results in the baboon being able to exert relatively greater muscle forces during posterior biting in comparison to modern humans. Thus, a significant distalward gradient of increasing enamel thickness would be expected in P. ursinus according to the hypothesis that posits it to be functionally related to bite force. The present study reveals no significant difference in relative enamel thickness along the molar row in P. ursinus. This finding lends support to the notion that the relatively thicker enamel of human distal molars is related primarily to their reduction in size. This carries potential implications for the interpretation of enamel thickness in phylogenetic reconstructions: the relatively thick molar enamel shared by modern humans and some of our fossil relatives may not be strictly homologous, in that it may result from different underlying developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

Group B SOX genes, the closest relatives to the sex-determining gene SRY, are thought to have evolved from a single ancestral SOX B by a series of duplications and translocations. The two SOX B genes SOX2 and SOX14 co-localize to chromosome 3q in humans. SOX2 and SOX14 homologues were cloned and characterized in the platypus, a monotreme mammal distantly related to man. The two genes were found to co-localize to chromosome 1q in this species. Proximity of the two related genes has therefore been conserved for 170 Myr, since humans and platypus diverged. The sequence similarity and conserved synteny of these group B genes provide clues to their origin. A simple model of SOX group B gene evolution is proposed.  相似文献   

Although the human diet is markedly different from the diets of closely related primate species, the influence of diet on phenotypic and genetic differences between humans and other primates is unknown. In this study, we analyzed gene expression in laboratory mice fed diets typical of humans and of chimpanzees. The effects of human diets were found to be significantly different from that of a chimpanzee diet in the mouse liver, but not in the brain. Importantly, 10% of the genes that differ in their expression between humans and chimpanzee livers differed also between the livers of mice fed the human and chimpanzee diets. Furthermore, both the promoter sequences and the amino acid sequences of these diet-related genes carry more differences between humans and chimpanzees than random genes. Our results suggest that the mouse can be used to study at least some aspects of human-specific traits.  相似文献   

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