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由于我国宠物收容管理法规和措施缺乏,导致宠物管理不到位,导致流浪动物犬和猫咬伤人,传播人兽共患病,形成社会矛盾,有损于政府形象。本文研究美国等发达国家宠物收容管理,以提高我国宠物收容管理水平,探讨建立新的宠物管理办法与措施,减少流浪动物,防止人兽共患病的发生,使人和宠物和谐共处。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市家庭饲养宠物日益增多,宠物已经成为人们日常生活中接触最多的动物。然而,许多宠物是人兽共患疾病的重要传染源,随着人类与各种动物间"零"距离的接触,各种宠物携带的人兽共患病也悄然传入人类,给人们身体健康和公共卫生安全带来了严重的威胁。近年来,许多学者对犬、猫、鸟、鼠和其他宠物易感的人兽共患病毒病开展了许多研究工作,本文对狂犬病、戊型肝炎、禽流感、淋巴细胞脉络膜脑膜炎、流行性出血热、西尼罗热等一些严重危害的宠物人兽共患病毒病进行了概述。  相似文献   

随着宠物饲养的盛行,与宠物相关的人兽共患寄生虫病愈加得到高度重视。为了避免和减少人兽共患寄生虫病的流行,本文就几种重要的宠物人兽共患寄生虫病的流行情况、诊断及防治等作一介绍,以期提高认识,防患未然。  相似文献   

宠物是多种人兽共患病病原的宿主和传播媒介,由于传统宠物、另类宠物和进口宠物的增多,宠物来源的感染性疾病有了高发的趋势。本文总结了狗、猫、啮齿类、鸟类、鱼和爬行类宠物可能带有的人兽共患病病原,引发的疾病和传播途径。并概括了防控宠物源性感染性疾病的防控措施。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展、城市化进程的加速及人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的宠物走进了人们的家庭,在人类社会生活中发挥了积极作用。但同时,宠物也是人兽共患病的重要传染源和传播媒介。与人类关系最为密切的犬、猫在人兽共患病的防控中具有重要的意义。在已报道的200多种主要的人兽共患病中,与宠物犬、猫有直接或间接关系的有70余种。随着宠物犬猫数量的大幅攀升和宠物业的飞速发展,我国人与犬猫共患病可能会出现逐步高发的趋势,疫病防控工作面临着许多问题。为了完善宠物管理制度,建立有效的防疫监督体系,对人与犬猫共患病实行有效的防控,本文就完善法律法规、形成综合管理机制,加强卫生监督、强化无害化处理、培养专业人才以及广泛开展宣传教育等6个方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快和人民生活水平的提高,城市中宠物的饲养数量急速上升,由此产生的一系列问题也逐步显现,尤其是与人类密切相关的"卫生与健康"问题,诸如狂犬病、弓形体病等"人兽共患病"引发的公共卫生安全问题已引起社会和国家各主管部门的高度关注。强化宠物源人兽共患病的防范意识,采取有效的措施控制此类人兽共患病的发生,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

螨病是一种由螨虫引起的非季节性、瘙痒性宠物皮肤病。此病可以发生于多种哺乳动物,尤其是家养宠物,偶尔会传染给与之接触的人类,并引起瘙痒和自限性皮炎。犬猫做为人类最主要的宠物,其皮肤可以藏匿几种螨虫,主要包括犬疥螨、猫背肛螨和姬螯螨,这些螨虫都是具有引发人兽共患病的潜在能力。与宠物密切接触的人一旦出现可疑皮肤病应该警惕螨病的存在。犬猫螨病的诊断应该基于直接发现螨虫,分析其形态和获取动物宿主临床症状。了解这些螨病的发病特点并做好适当预防是控制此类人兽共患病的关键。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,宠物的数量和种类增长迅速。结核病是目前病死人数最多的人兽共患病,犬、猫和鸟类都能感染发病,对人类,尤其是免疫抑制人群威胁很大。监测和防治宠物结核病对人类结核根除计划具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,饲养宠物的家庭在中国越来越多。饲养宠物能改善心血管功能,增强机体免疫力,发出健康预警,增强自信和减少抑郁。但是不科学的饲养宠物也会给人类的健康带来挑战,近年发生的"非典"和高致病性禽流感引起了我们对生物安全和人兽共患病的高度重视。只要科学饲养,就可以创造人与动物和谐的幸福生活。  相似文献   

宠物疫病特别是人兽共患病严重危害着宠物健康和公共卫生安全。通过对我国宠物疫苗研发和应用现状进行分析,提出关于开展疫苗质量监控技术和免疫抗体检测技术研究,以建立宠物疫苗质量监控体系和免疫抗体监测体系的建议。免疫试纸快速检测技术是一种敏感、快捷的一步法检测技术,适用于多种分析物的快速、低成本即时检测。本实验室建立了抗原、抗体和半抗原3类靶标物的免疫试纸快速检测技术体系,研制成功动物疫病抗原、抗体快速检测试纸系列产品,真正实现了长期以来人们在检测技术领域所追求的"特异、敏感、快速、简便"的目标,为实现动物疫病快速诊断和实时监测提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Animal contact is a potential transmission route for campylobacteriosis, and both domestic household pet and petting zoo exposures have been identified as potential sources of exposure. Research has typically focussed on the prevalence, concentration, and transmission of zoonoses from farm animals to humans, yet there are gaps in our understanding of these factors among animals in contact with the public who don’t live on or visit farms. This study aims to quantify, through a systematic review and meta-analysis, the prevalence and concentration of Campylobacter carriage in household pets and petting zoo animals. Four databases were accessed for the systematic review (PubMed, CAB direct, ProQuest, and Web of Science) for papers published in English from 1992–2012, and studies were included if they examined the animal population of interest, assessed prevalence or concentration with fecal, hair coat, oral, or urine exposure routes (although only articles that examined fecal routes were found), and if the research was based in Canada, USA, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Studies were reviewed for qualitative synthesis and meta-analysis by two reviewers, compiled into a database, and relevant studies were used to create a weighted mean prevalence value. There were insufficient data to run a meta-analysis of concentration values, a noted study limitation. The mean prevalence of Campylobacter in petting zoo animals is 6.5% based on 7 studies, and in household pets the mean is 24.7% based on 34 studies. Our estimated concentration values were: 7.65x103cfu/g for petting zoo animals, and 2.9x105cfu/g for household pets. These results indicate that Campylobacter prevalence and concentration are lower in petting zoo animals compared with household pets and that both of these animal sources have a lower prevalence compared with farm animals that do not come into contact with the public. There is a lack of studies on Campylobacter in petting zoos and/or fair animals in Canada and abroad. Within this literature, knowledge gaps were identified, and include: a lack of concentration data reported in the literature for Campylobacter spp. in animal feces, a distinction between ill and diarrheic pets in the reported studies, noted differences in shedding and concentrations for various subtypes of Campylobacter, and consistent reporting between studies.  相似文献   


To test hypotheses derived from a specificity model of the development of children's nurturance, parents of preschool, second-grade and fifth-grade children (n=707) reported the frequency of their children's play with and care of pets as well as play and care directed to younger siblings, non-family babies, and elderly persons. Parents also reported on their children's frequency of expressed interest in animals, babies, and nurture in general. As predicted, gender differences were found for frequency of time spent with babies but not with pets. Frequency of time with pets was related to expressed interest in animals but not in babies. Children who had pets but no younger siblings were reported to spend more time with pets than were children with both pets and younger siblings. Children without pets were reported to express interest in babies more often than did pet owning children.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have assessed the personality of pet owners. However, although there is a large number of people who own exotic pets, their personalities have seldom been examined. Furthermore, studies of personality of pet owners have focused almost exclusively on typical personality traits, ignoring associations with “dark” traits. Here, we assessed both traditional and some dark personality features in association with pet ownership and attachment in 325 pet owners via an online survey. We predicted that individuals scoring higher on narcissism and borderline personality features would be a) more likely to own exotic pets, and b) less attached to their pets compared with people scoring lower on narcissism and traditional pet owners. Additionally, we theorized that neurotic pet owners would be more attached to their pets compared with less neurotic pet owners. We did not find an association between personality and exotic pet ownership but we found that those high in grandiose narcissism were actually more attached to their traditional pets. Those high in vulnerable narcissism were more attached only if their pets were exotic. Those high in borderline features were less attached to both kinds of pets. Personality assessments including “dark” features of personality may therefore be useful in predicting attachment to pets during the matching process of potential adopters to pets.  相似文献   

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