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The taxomically critical species Centaurea stoebe is represented in Central Europe by a diploid (2n?=?18) and a tetraploid (2n?=?36) cytotype. Their morphological differentiation and taxonomic treatment is still controversial. Karyological (chromosome numbers and flow cytometric measurements) and multivariate morphometric analyses were used here to address cytotype distribution patterns and their morphological differentiation. Material from 38 localities (771 individuals) in Slovakia, Hungary and Austria, including type localities of the names traditionally applied to the different cytotypes, was sampled and evaluated using both morphometric and karyological approaches. The morphological tendency towards cytotype differentiation is evident only at a population level, and is blurred at the level of individual plants. Diploid populations prevail in the area studied, as well as throughout Europe; mixed-cytotype populations were also found. The present data, namely the weak morphological distinction, largely sympatric occurrence of the cytotypes, and the existence of mixed-cytotype populations, favour taxonomic treatment as a single species, without recognition of infraspecific units.  相似文献   

A classical morphological study ofHyacinthoides sect.Somera in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula revealed the new speciesH. paivae. It differs from the closely related speciesH. italica, H. hispanica, andH. mauritanica by vegetative and generative characters, such as leaf length, raceme shape, tepal length and width. It typically occurs in woodlands in the A Coruña province of NW Spain.  相似文献   

Thymus sect. Teucrioides comprises three species, namely, T. hartvigii, T. leucospermus, and T. teucrioides, distributed in Greece and Albania. The volatile constituents of all species of the section were obtained by hydrodistillation and investigated by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. Twenty populations were sampled and a total of 103 compounds were identified, representing 98.0–99.9% of the oil compositions. The oils were mainly characterized by high contents of monoterpene hydrocarbons (42.7–92.4%), with the exception of three oils for which oxygenated monoterpenes were the dominating constituents, viz., that of T. hartvigii ssp. macrocalyx, with linalool as main compound (89.2±0.5%), and those of T. hartvigii ssp. hartvigii and of one population of T. teucrioides ssp. candilicus, containing thymol as major component (46.4±3.1 and 38.2±3.9%, resp.). The most common compound in the oils of the 20 populations of the section was p‐cymene. Considerable variation was detected within and among populations, and seven chemotypes were distinguished, i.e., p‐cymene, linalool, p‐cymene/thymol, p‐cymene/γ‐terpinene, p‐cymene/borneol, p‐cymene/γ‐terpinene/borneol, and p‐cymene/linalool chemotypes. Different chemotypes may exist in the same population. Multivariate statistical analyses enabled the segregation of the oils within Thymus sect. Teucrioides into two groups, one consisting of the three subspecies of T. teucrioides and the second comprising the species T. hartvigii and T. leucospermus. A linalool‐rich chemotype, unique within the section, distinguished the oil of T. hartvigii ssp. macrocalyx from all other oils. The high oil content of p‐cymene and the preference for serpentine substrates render T. teucrioides species promising for future exploitation.  相似文献   

采用染色体压片技术对云贵高原17个多星韭居群,共412株个体进行染色体数目和核型研究。结合已有的细胞学资料,对云贵高原多星韭多倍体分布格局进行了研究。9个二倍体居群、6个二倍体与四倍体混生居群分布于云南中部至西北部,12个四倍体居群分布于整个云贵高原。二倍体除香格里拉d和保山居群核型类型为3A型外,其余均为2A型,四倍体除会泽和赫章居群为2 B型外,其余均为2A型。云南西北部四倍体核型不对称指数低于其它分布区,推测该地区四倍体可能起源较早。多星韭二倍体与四倍体核型类型和形态并无明显差异,表明多星韭四倍体可能为同源多倍体。  相似文献   

采用染色体压片技术对云贵高原17个多星韭居群,共412株个体进行染色体数目和核型研究。结合已有的细胞学资料,对云贵高原多星韭多倍体分布格局进行了研究。9个二倍体居群、6个二倍体与四倍体混生居群分布于云南中部至西北部,12个四倍体居群分布于整个云贵高原。二倍体除香格里拉d和保山居群核型类型为3A型外,其余均为2A型,四倍体除会泽和赫章居群为2 B型外,其余均为2A型。云南西北部四倍体核型不对称指数低于其它分布区,推测该地区四倍体可能起源较早。多星韭二倍体与四倍体核型类型和形态并无明显差异,表明多星韭四倍体可能为同源多倍体。  相似文献   

A taxonomic treatment ofSalvia sect.Ekmania, a group of tall shrubs endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, is provided. Morphology, phenology, pollination biology, habitats, and distributions are discussed. Species boundaries are examined using phenetic analysis of morphological data. Eight species are here accepted as belonging to the section. Two recently described species,S. lavendula andS. paryskii, are considered for inclusion in the section, but only the latter appears to be a member.Salvia lachnaiclada andS. ottoschulzii are treated as conspecific.Salvia bahorucona is recognized as a distinct species.  相似文献   

Lectotypification of the name Thymus serpyllum L. (Lamiaceae) is presented. The name is typified by a specimen from the Burser herbarium (UPS), the only one which corresponds well with the present concept of T serpyllum and undoubtedly represents original material.  相似文献   

Variation in genome size of 24 populations belonging to 11 NWPatagonian species of Berberis was analysed as a function ofthe environment and geographical location. The variation showedthree levels of discontinuity, two of which corresponded todiploid species (2 n = 28) while the third corresponded to polyploidspecies (2 n = 56). Diploids with DNA content ranging from 1.463pg to 1.857 pg includedBerberis cabrerae , B. chillanensis,B. montana, B. serrato-dentata and B. bidentata. Diploids withDNA content ranging from 2.875 pg to 3.806 pg included B. linearifolia,B. darwinii, B. parodii and B. empetrifolia. The genome sizeof the polyploid species B. buxifolia and B. heterophylla rangedfrom 5.809 pg to 6.844 pg. Principal component analysis (PCA)was applied to represent the variability of environmental conditions.The eigenvectors of the principal component axes showed thatPC1 discriminates the populations according to rainfall, typesof vegetation and geomorphology; altitude and latitude, on theother hand, contribute to PC2 and PC3, respectively. From theseresults it is concluded: (1) that diploids with lower DNA contentgrow in high-elevation sites having greater rainfall but lowerwater availability; (2) diploids with higher DNA content areassociated with half-elevation forests where the vegetativeperiod is longer, the water availability is greater and thetemperatures are higher; and (3) the distribution pattern ofpolyploids is considerably wider than that of diploids, whichare geographically and ecologically restricted to forest areas.These results suggest that the C-value plays an important rolein the ability of the species to adapt to different growingconditions. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Berberis L., barberry, calafate, michay, genome size, DNA content, environmental correlation, Patagonia  相似文献   

Hybridization seems to be common in the genus Phlomis (Lamiaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the P.  ×  composita complex. In order to detect patterns of morphological variation linked to eco- and geographical variation, ecological (cluster and canonical correspondence) and morphometric (principal component and discriminant function) analyses were performed. Character count procedure was applied to discern between divergence and reticulate events for the origin of the morphologically intermediate plants. Following these analyses clear patterns were detected suggesting the existence of four independent morphological groups also supported by the ecogeographical data. These are P. crinita ssp. crinita (Levante, eastern Spain), P. crinita ssp. malacitana (Andalusia, southern Spain) and P. lychnitis (widespread) being the extremes of the morphological variation, and P.  ×  composita including all the morphologically intermediate individual plants. Furthermore, at the population level significant differences in hybrid plant frequencies between areas were also found.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 97–108.  相似文献   

Allozyme diversity in the tetraploid endemic Thymus loscosii (Lamiaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Thymus loscosii (Lamiaceae) is a tetraploid perennial species endemic to the Ebro river basin (north-eastern Spain), which is included in the National Catalogue of Endangered Species. It is a tetraploid species (2n = 54), presumably an autotetraploid originated by the duplication of a 2n = 28 genome and the subsequent loss of two chromosomes. Allozyme electrophoresis was conducted to survey the levels and distribution of genetic diversity and to test the previous autopolyploid hypothesis for its origin. In addition, both in situ and ex situ conservation measures are proposed. METHODS: Eight populations were sampled for analysis by standard methods of starch gel electrophoresis, and six putative enzymatic loci were resolved (five consistently and one only partially). KEY RESULTS: Banding patterns exhibited no evidence of fixed heterozygosity and showed both balanced and unbalanced heterozygotes. In addition, most individuals showed a pattern consistent with the presence of three or four alleles at a single locus. High levels of genetic variability were found at population level (P = 85 %, A = 3.0, He = 0.422), in addition to a trend of an excess of heterozygotes. CONCLUSIONS: Allozyme data support the hypothesis that T. loscosii is an autotetraploid, and the high number of alleles at some loci may be due to repeated polyploidization events. The high values of genetic variation found in this species agree with those expected for tetraploids. The excess of heterozygotes may be due to some barriers to inbreeding (e.g. occurrence of gynodioecy) and/or selection for heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Nutlet sculpturing of 22 taxa ofScutellaria sect.Resinosa, representing 18 of its 19 species, and the monotypic genusSalazaria was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The nutlets of sect.Resinosa, while remarkably variable among themselves, differed from hypothetically closely related sections in lacking circumferential banding and sessile glands. Species could be grouped by surface sculpturing into seemingly meaningful phenetic clusters.Scutellaria potosina var.platyphylla was sufficiently distinct micromorphically so as to be elevated to specific status asScutellaria platyphylla comb. and stat. nov. The significance of nutlet microcharacters within sect.Resinosa is discussed, especially as compared to closely related sections. The genusSalazaria had nutlet sculpturing quite different from all taxa belonging to sect.Resinosa.  相似文献   

以“Index Muscorum”中的20个藓类植物地理分布单位为分析区域,基于标本信息和相关文献,统计了世界砂藓属84种植物在20个地理单位的分布数据,应用除趋势对应分析法和三维空间图直观地展示了世界砂藓属植物的地理分布格局。发现世界砂藓属植物分布明显地分为南半球区和北半球区,并与岗瓦纳古陆和劳亚古陆有较好的对应性。南半球区包括Am.2,Am.3,Am.4,Am.5,Am.6,Afr.2,Afr.3,Afr.4,Austr.1,Austr.2,As.4和Ant.等12个地理单位;北半球区包括Am.1,Eur.,As.1,As.2,As.3,As.5,Afr.1和Oc.等8个地理单位。砂藓属中的无瘤类群在南、北半球分布广泛,而叶片细胞壁具瘤的NiphotrichumCodriophorus亚属的种类主要分布在北半球。推测砂藓属植物的起源应早于联合古陆分裂以前,其祖先类群的叶片细胞表面光滑无瘤。  相似文献   

Rhizomnium (Broth.) Kop. is represented in the Iberian Peninsula by two taxa: Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) Kop. and R. magnifolium. R. punctatum is common in the northern part of the Peninsula while R. magnifolium, new taxon for the Spanish bryoflora, is restricted to the high mountains of the northern half of the Peninsula. The distribution maps, the phytogeography and ecology of both species are given. All samples from herbaria named as R. pseudopunctatum correspond to R. punctatum or R. magnifolium.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法、离析法以及徒手切片3种方法研究了绿玉树(EuphorbiatirucalliL.)乳汁管的分布,并对二倍体和四倍体植株茎的乳汁管分布和数量进行了比较研究。结果表明,绿玉树乳汁管为无节型;初级乳汁管主要分布在木质部与韧皮部之间,在2a生茎的髓部也有分布;次级乳汁管以多级分支的形式无规则地散布在韧皮部中;末级乳汁管分布在皮层(或周皮)下部。随着茎成熟度增加,初级乳汁管数量和直径随之增加,直径增加到一定时便不再增粗,而以增加数量的方式来缓解液压。与二倍体相比,相同成熟度的四倍体绿玉树乳汁管的数量和直径都显著减少,其中嫩茎的初级乳汁管数量减少了5.5条,直径减少了8.4μm;1a生枝条初级乳汁管数量减少了10.7条,直径减少了9.6μm。  相似文献   

The new species Stachys ketenoglui Kaynak, Daşkın & Yılmaz (Lamiaceae) is described and illustrated from south Anatolia, Turkey. It is closely related to S. cataonica and S. pumila, but differs from them by its longer petiolated basal leaves, longer calyx, pale pink and longer corollas. Notes are also provided on its ecology, geographical distribution and conservation status. In addition, SEM photos of pollen grains for S. ketenoglui , S. cataonica and S. pumila are provided.  相似文献   

In the framework of our studies on Lamiaceae from the eastern Iberian Peninsula, for the forthcoming fourth volume of Flora valentina, a new infraspecific arrangement is proposed here for the Iberian endemic Teucrium thymifolium. Besides the type subspecies, T. thymifolium subsp. thymifolium, which is widely distributed through the eastern Iberian Peninsula, two new nomenclatural combinations are established: (i) T. thymifolium subsp. fraternum (Pau) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín (= T. terciae), for the thermophilous populations growing in SE Murcia province, and (ii) T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri (Briq. & Debeaux) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín, for Subbaetic inland populations from where the provinces of Albacete, Jaén and Granada come into contact. Nomenclatural types and data on distribution and ecology are reported for all accepted subspecies, including the designation of a lectotype for T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri. Furthermore, relationships of the latter to the recently described T. moleromesae Sánchez Gómez et al. are briefly discussed, both taxa being treated here in synonymy.  相似文献   

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