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The base excision repair (BER) process removes base damage such as oxidation, alkylation or abasic sites. Two BER sub-pathways have been characterized using in vitro methods, and have been classified according to the length of the repair patch as either 'short-patch' BER (one nucleotide) or 'long-patch' BER (LP-BER; more than one nucleotide). To investigate the occurrence of LP-BER in vivo, we developed an assay using a plasmid containing a single modified base in the transcribed strand of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene and a stop codon, based on a single-nucleotide mismatch, at varying distances on the 3' side of the lesion. The reversion of the stop codon occurs after DNA repair synthesis and restores EGFP expression after transfection of mismatch-repair-deficient cells. Repair patches longer than one nucleotide were observed for 55-80% or 80-100% of the plasmids with a mean length of 2-6 or 6-12 nucleotides for 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine or a synthetic abasic site, respectively. These data show the existence of LP-BER in vivo, and emphasize the effect of the type of BER substrate lesion on both the yield and the extent of the LP-BER sub-pathway.  相似文献   

DNA damage recognition during nucleotide excision repair in mammalian cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Wood RD 《Biochimie》1999,81(1-2):39-44
For the bulk of mammalian DNA, the core protein factors needed for damage recognition and incision during nucleotide excision repair (NER) are the XPA protein, the heterotrimeric RPA protein, the 6 to 9-subunit TFIIH, the XPC-hHR23B complex, the XPG nuclease, and the ERCC1-XPF nuclease. With varying efficiencies, NER can repair a very wide range of DNA adducts, from bulky helical distortions to subtle modifications on sugar residues. Several of the NER factors have an affinity for damaged DNA. The strongest binding factor appears to be XPC-hHR23B but preferential binding to damage is also a property of XPA, RPA, and components of TFIIH. It appears that in order to be repaired by NER, an adduct in DNA must have two features: it must create a helical distortion, and there must be a change in DNA chemistry. Initial recognition of the distortion is the most likely function for XPC-hHR23B and perhaps XPA and RPA, whereas TFIIH is well-suited to locate the damaged DNA strand by locating altered DNA chemistry that blocks translocation of the XPB and XPD components.  相似文献   

Base excision repair of DNA in mammalian cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Base excision repair (BER) of DNA corrects a number of spontaneous and environmentally induced genotoxic or miscoding base lesions in a process initiated by DNA glycosylases. An AP endonuclease cleaves at the 5' side of the abasic site and the repair process is subsequently completed via either short patch repair or long patch repair, which largely require different proteins. As one example, the UNG gene encodes both nuclear (UNG2) and mitochondrial (UNG1) uracil DNA glycosylase and prevents accumulation of uracil in the genome. BER is likely to have a major role in preserving the integrity of DNA during evolution and may prevent cancer.  相似文献   

The RAD10 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Expression of RAD10 mRNA and Rad10 protein was demonstrated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells containing amplified copies of the gene, and RAD10 mRNA was also detected in stable transfectants without gene amplification. Following transfection with the RAD10 gene, three independently isolated excision repair-defective CHO cell lines from the same genetic complementation group (complementation group 2) showed partial complementation of sensitivity to killing by UV radiation and to the DNA cross-linking agent mitomycin C. These results were not observed when RAD10 was introduced into excision repair-defective CHO cell lines from other genetic complementation groups, nor when the yeast RAD3 gene was expressed in cells from genetic complementation group 2. Enhanced UV resistance in cells carrying the RAD10 gene was accompanied by partial reactivation of the plasmid-borne chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene following its inactivation by UV radiation. The phenotype of CHO cells from genetic complementation group 2 is also specifically complemented by the human ERCC1 gene, and the ERCC1 and RAD10 genes have similar amino acid sequences. The present experiments therefore indicate that the structural homology between the yeast Rad10 and human Ercc1 polypeptides is reflected at a functional level, and suggest that nucleotide excision repair proteins are conserved in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

DNA excision repair in mammalian cell extracts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The many genetic complementation groups of DNA excision-repair defective mammalian cells indicate the considerable complexity of the excision repair process. The cloning of several repair genes is taking the field a step closer to mechanistic studies of the actions and interactions of repair proteins. Early biochemical studies of mammalian DNA repair in vitro are now at hand. Repair synthesis in damaged DNA can be monitored by following the incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides. Synthesis is carried out by mammalian cell extracts and is defective in extracts from cell lines derived from individuals with the excision-repair disorder xeroderma pigmentosum. Biochemical complementation of the defective extracts can be used to purify repair proteins. Repair of damage caused by agents including ultraviolet irradiation, psoralens, and platinating compounds has been observed. Neutralising antibodies against the human single-stranded DNA binding protein (HSSB) have demonstrated a requirement for this protein in DNA excision repair as well as in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Some hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))-containing compounds are human lung carcinogens. While ample information is available on the genetic lesions produced by Cr, surprisingly little is known regarding the cellular mechanisms involved in the removal of Cr-DNA adducts. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a highly versatile pathway that is responsive to a variety of DNA helix-distorting lesions. Binary Cr-DNA monoadducts do not produce a significant degree of helical distortion. However, these lesions are unstable due to the propensity of Cr(III) to form DNA adducts (DNA interstrand crosslinks, DNA-protein/amino acid ternary adducts) which may serve as substrates for NER. Therefore, the focus of this study was to determine the role of NER in the processing of Cr-DNA damage using normal (CHO-AA8) and NER-deficient [UV-5 (XP-D); UV-41 (ERCC4/XP-F)] hamster cells. We found that both UV-5 and UV-41 cells exhibited an increased sensitivity towards Cr(VI)-induced clonogenic lethality relative to AA8 cells and were completely deficient in the removal of Cr-DNA adducts. In contrast, repair-complemented UV-5 (expressing hamster XPD) and UV-41 (expressing human ERCC4) cells exhibited similar clonogenic survival and removed Cr-DNA adducts to a similar extent as AA8 cells. In order to extend these findings to the molecular level, we examined the ability of Cr(III)-damaged DNA to induce DNA repair synthesis in cell extracts. Repair synthesis was observed in reactions using extracts derived from AA8, or repair-complemented, but not NER-deficient cells. Cr(III)-induced repair resynthesis was sensitive to inhibition by the DNA polymerase δ/ε inhibitor, aphidicolin, but not 2′,3′-dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP), a polymerase β inhibitor. These results collectively suggest that NER functions in the protection of cells from Cr(VI) lethality and is essential for the removal of Cr(III)-DNA adducts. Consequently, NER may represent an important mechanism for preventing Cr(VI)-induced mutagenesis and neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are repaired in mammalian cells are unclear. Studies in bacteria and yeasts indicate that both nucleotide excision repair (NER) and recombination are required for their removal and that double-strand breaks are produced as repair intermediates in yeast cells. The role of NER and recombination in the repair of ICLs induced by nitrogen mustard (HN2) was investigated using Chinese hamster ovary mutant cell lines. XPF and ERCC1 mutants (defective in genes required for NER and some types of recombination) and XRCC2 and XRCC3 mutants (defective in RAD51-related homologous recombination genes) were highly sensitive to HN2. Cell lines defective in other genes involved in NER (XPB, XPD, and XPG), together with a mutant defective in nonhomologous end joining (XRCC5), showed only mild sensitivity. In agreement with their extreme sensitivity, the XPF and ERCC1 mutants were defective in the incision or "unhooking" step of ICL repair. In contrast, the other mutants defective in NER activities, the XRCC2 and XRCC3 mutants, and the XRCC5 mutant all showed normal unhooking kinetics. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were found to be induced following nitrogen mustard treatment. DSB induction and repair were normal in all the NER mutants, including XPF and ERCC1. The XRCC2, XRCC3, and XRCC5 mutants also showed normal induction kinetics. The XRCC2 and XRCC3 homologous recombination mutants were, however, severely impaired in the repair of DSBs. These results define a role for XPF and ERCC1 in the excision of ICLs, but not in the recombinational components of cross-link repair. In addition, homologous recombination but not nonhomologous end joining appears to play an important role in the repair of DSBs resulting from nitrogen mustard treatment.  相似文献   

The base excision repair (BER) of modified nucleotides is initiated by damage-specific DNA glycosylases. The repair of the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site involves the replacement of either a single nucleotide (short patch BER) or of several nucleotides (long patch BER). The mechanism that controls the selection of either BER pathway is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the type of base damage present on DNA, by determining the specific DNA glycosylase in charge of its excision, drives the repair of the resulting abasic site intermediate to either BER branch. In mammalian cells hypoxanthine (HX) and 1,N6-ethenoadenine (epsilonA) are both substrates for the monofunctional 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase, the ANPG protein, whereas 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) is removed by the bifunctional DNA glycosylase/beta-lyase 8-oxoG-DNA gly- cosylase (OGG1). Circular plasmid molecules containing a single HX, epsilonA, or 8-oxoG were constructed. In vitro repair assays with HeLa cell extracts revealed that HX and epsilonA are repaired via both short and long patch BER, whereas 8-oxoG is repaired mainly via the short patch pathway. The preferential repair of 8-oxoG by short patch BER was confirmed by the low efficiency of repair of this lesion by DNA polymerase beta-deficient mouse cells as compared with their wild-type counterpart. These data fit into a model where the intrinsic properties of the DNA glycosylase that recognizes the lesion selects the branch of BER that will restore the intact DNA template.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) is an evolutionarily conserved process for maintaining genomic integrity by eliminating several dozen damaged (oxidized or aikylated) or inappropriate bases that are generated endogenously or induced by genotoxicants, predominantly, reactive oxygen species (ROS). BER involves 4-5 steps starting with base excision by a DNA glycosylase, followed by a common pathway usually involving an AP-endonuclease (APE) to generate 3' OH terminus at the damage site, followed by repair synthesis with a DNA polymerase and nick sealing by a DNA iigase. This pathway is also responsible for repairing DNA single-strand breaks with blocked termini directly generated by ROS. Nearly all glycosylases, far fewer than their substrate lesions particularly for oxidized bases, have broad and overlapping substrate range, and could serve as back-up enzymes in vivo. In contrast, mammalian cells encode only one APE, APEI, unlike two APEs in lower organisms. In spite of overall similarity, BER with distinct subpathways in the mammals is more complex than in E. coli. The glycosylases form complexes with downstream proteins to carry out efficient repair via distinct subpathways one of which, responsible for repair of strand breaks with 3' phosphate termini generated by the NEIL family glycosylases or by ROS, requires the phosphatase activity of polynucleotide kinase instead of APE1. Different complexes may utilize distinct DNA polymerases and iigases. Mammalian glycosylases have nonconserved extensions at one of the termini, dispensable for enzymatic activity but needed for interaction with other BER and non-BER proteins for complex formation and organeile targeting. The mammalian enzymes are sometimes covalently modified which may affect activity and complex formation. The focus of this review is on the early steps in mammalian BER for oxidized damage.  相似文献   

Base excision repair intermediates are mutagenic in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Base excision repair (BER) is the main pathway for repair of DNA damage in mammalian cells. This pathway leads to the formation of DNA repair intermediates which, if still unsolved, cause cell lethality and mutagenesis. To characterize mutations induced by BER intermediates in mammalian cells, an SV-40 derived shuttle vector was constructed carrying a site-specific lesion within the recognition sequence of a restriction endonuclease. The mutation spectra of abasic (AP) sites, 5′-deoxyribose-5-phosphate (5′dRp) and 3′-[2,3-didehydro-2,3-dideoxy-ribose] (3′ddR5p) single-strand breaks (ssb) in mammalian cells was analysed by RFLP/PCR and mutation frequency was estimated by quantitative PCR. Point mutations were the predominant events occurring at all BER intermediates. The AP site-induced mutation spectrum supports evidence for the ‘A-rule’ and is also consistent with the use of the 5′ neighbouring base to instruct nucleotide incorporation (5′-rule). Preferential adenine insertion was also observed after in vivo replication of 5′dRp or 3′ddR5p ssb. We provide original evidence that not only the abasic site but also its derivatives ‘faceless’ BER intermediates are mutagenic, with a similar mutation frequency, in mammalian cells. Our findings support the hypothesis that unattended BER intermediates could be a constant threat for genome integrity as well as a spontaneous source of mutations.  相似文献   

Postreplication repair of DNA in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A R Lehmann 《Life sciences》1974,15(12):2005-2016

Sleeth KM  Robson RL  Dianov GL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(40):12924-12930
In mammalian cells, DNA ligase IIIalpha and DNA ligase I participate in the short- and long-patch base excision repair pathways, respectively. Using an in vitro repair assay employing DNA ligase-depleted cell extracts and DNA substrates containing a single lesion repaired either through short-patch (regular abasic site) or long-patch (reduced abasic site) base excision repair pathways, we addressed the question whether DNA ligases are specific to each pathway or if they are exchangeable. We find that immunodepletion of DNA ligase I did not affect the short-patch repair pathway but blocked long-patch repair, suggesting that DNA ligase IIIalpha is not able to substitute DNA ligase I during long-patch repair. In contrast, immunodepletion of DNA ligase IIIalpha did not significantly affect either pathway. Moreover, repair of normal abasic sites in wild-type and X-ray cross-complementing gene 1 (XRCC1)-DNA ligase IIIalpha-immunodepleted cell extracts involved similar proportions of short- and long-patch repair events. This suggests that DNA ligase I was able to efficiently substitute the XRCC1-DNA ligase IIIalpha complex during short-patch repair.  相似文献   

The rate of fork movement during DNA replication in mammalian cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Yu. B. Yurov 《Chromosoma》1979,74(3):347-353
DNA fiber autoradiography was used to measure the rate of replication fork progression along replication units in human diploid cells. The rate in different replication units differs very significantly and lies within the range 0.1 to 1.2 m/min. However, no significant changes were found in the rate of fork movement along single replication units operating during long intervals of S phase. Moreover, the fork progression rate is constant in many replication units of human cells.  相似文献   

Wu X  Braithwaite E  Wang Z 《Biochemistry》1999,38(9):2628-2635
Excision repair of DNA is an important cellular response to DNA damage induced by radiation and many chemicals. In eukaryotes, base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) are two major excision repair pathways which are completed by a DNA ligation step. Using a cell-free system, we have determined the DNA ligase requirement during BER and NER of the yeast S. cerevisiae. Under nonpermissive conditions in extracts of the cdc9-2 temperature-sensitive mutant, DNA ligation in both BER and NER pathways was defective, and the repair patches were enlarged. At the permissive temperature (23 degrees C), DNA ligation during excision repair was only partially functional in the mutant extracts. In contrast, deleting the DNA ligase IV gene did not affect DNA ligation of BER or NER. Defective DNA ligation of BER and NER in cdc9-2 mutant extracts was complemented in vitro by purified yeast Cdc9 protein, but not by DNA ligase IV even when overexpressed. These results demonstrate that the ligation step of excision repair in yeast cell-free extracts is catalyzed specifically by the Cdc9 protein, the homologue of mammalian DNA ligase I.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD4, RAD7, RAD16, and RAD23 genes function in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) of ultraviolet light (UV)-damaged DNA. Previous biochemical studies have shown that the Rad4 and Rad23 proteins are associated in a stoichiometric complex named NEF2, and the Rad7 and Rad16 proteins form another stoichiometric complex named NEF4. While NEF2 is indispensable for the incision of UV-damaged DNA in the in vitro reconstituted system, NEF4 stimulates the incision reaction. Both NEF2 and NEF4 bind UV-damaged DNA, which raises the intriguing possibility that these two complexes cooperate to achieve the high degree of specificity for DNA damage demarcation required for nucleotide excision repair in vivo. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that NEF2 and NEF4 bind in a synergistic fashion to UV-damaged DNA in a reaction that is dependent on ATP. We also purify the Rad7 protein and show that it binds DNA but has no preference for UV-damaged DNA. Rad7 physically interacts with NEF2, suggesting a role for Rad7 in linking NEF2 with NEF4.  相似文献   

We investigated expression patterns of DNA repair genes such as the CPD photolyase, UV-DDB1, CSB, PCNA, RPA32 and FEN-1 genes by northern hybridization analysis and in situ hybridization using a higher plant, rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare). We found that all the genes tested were expressed in tissues rich in proliferating cells, but only CPD photolyase was expressed in non-proliferating tissue such as the mature leaves and elongation zone of root. The removal of DNA damage, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6–4) photoproducts, in both mature leaves and the root apical meristem (RAM) was observed after UV irradiation under light. In the dark, DNA damage in mature leaves was not repaired efficiently, but that in the RAM was removed rapidly. Using a rice 22K custom oligo DNA microarray, we compared global gene expression patterns in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and mature leaves. Most of the excision repair genes were more strongly expressed in SAM. These results suggested that photoreactivation is the major DNA repair pathway for the major UV-induced damage in non-proliferating cells, while both photoreactivation and excision repair are active in proliferating cells.  相似文献   

We have used 8-methoxypsoralen to probe the chromatin structure of mammalian cells in situ while they repair pyrimidine dimers or bulky lesions in DNA. We observed that excision repair of these DNA lesions is accompanied by periodic alterations of chromatin organization. In parallel, fluctuations of the rates of repair patch synthesis accompanied these structural changes. Taking advantage of the accessibility of free DNA domains for psoralen intercalation, we have developed a technique to quantitatively isolate the micrococcal nuclease-sensitive, free DNA fraction of native bulk chromatin. We have determined the location of newly synthesized repair patches relative to free DNA domains as a function of repair time. Extensive rearrangements of repair patches from these domains into micrococcal nuclease-resistant DNA were observed. Our results indicate that periodic changes of chromatin organization associated with rearrangement of repair patches accompany the process of excision repair in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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