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Several members of the newly emerging astacin metalloproteinase family have been shown to function in a variety of biological events, including cell differentiation and morphogenesis during both embryonic development and adult tissue differentiation. We have characterized a new astacin proteinase, hydra metalloproteinase 2 (HMP2) from the Cnidarian, Hydra vulgaris. HMP2 is translated from a single mRNA of 1.7 kb that contains a 1488 bp open reading frame encoding a putative protein product of 496 amino acids. The overall structure of HMP2 most closely resembles that of meprins, a subgroup of astacin metalloproteinases. The presence of a transient signal peptide and a putative prosequence indicates that HMP2 is a secreted protein that requires post-translational processing. The mature HMP2 starts with an astacin proteinase domain that contains a zinc binding motif characteristic of the astacin family. Its COOH terminus is composed of two potential protein-protein interaction domains: an "MAM" domain (named after meprins, A-5 protein and receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu) that is only present in meprin-like astacin proteinases; and a unique C-terminal domain (TH domain) that is also present in another hydra metalloproteinase, HMP1, in Podocoryne metalloproteinase 1 (PMP1) of jellyfish and in toxins of sea anemone. The spatial expression pattern of HMP2 was determined by both mRNA whole-mount in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence studies. Both morphological techniques indicated that HMP2 is expressed only by the cells in the endodermal layer of the body column of hydra. While the highest level of HMP2 mRNA expression was observed at the junction between the body column and the foot process, immunofluorescence studies indicated that HMP2 protein was present as far apically as the base of the tentacles. In situ analysis also indicated expression of HMP2 during regeneration of the foot process. To test whether the higher levels of HMP2 mRNA expression at the basal pole related to processes underlying foot morphogenesis, antisense studies were conducted. Using a specialized technique named localized electroporation (LEP), antisense constructs to HMP2 were locally introduced into the endodermal layer of cells at the basal pole of polyps and foot regeneration was initiated and monitored. Treatment with antisense to HMP2 inhibited foot regeneration as compared to mismatch and sense controls. These functional studies in combination with the fact that HMP2 protein was expressed not only at the junction between the body column and the foot process, but also as far apically as the base of the tentacles, suggest that this meprin-class metalloproteinase may be multifunctional in hydra.  相似文献   

As a member of the phylum Cnidaria, the body wall of hydra is organized as an epithelium bilayer (ectoderm and endoderm) with an intervening extracellular matrix (ECM). Previous studies have established the general molecular structure of hydra ECM and indicate that it is organized as two subepithelial zones that contain basement membrane components such as laminin and a central fibrous zone that contains interstitial matrix components such as a unique type I fibrillar collagen. Because of its simple structure and high regenerative capacity, hydra has been used as a developmental model to study cell-ECM interaction during epithelial morphogenesis. The current study extends previous studies by focusing on the relationship of ECM biogenesis to epithelial morphogenesis in hydra, as monitored during head regeneration or after simple incision of the epithelium. Histological studies indicated that decapitation or incision of the body column resulted in an immediate retraction of the ECM at the wound site followed by a re-fusion of the bilayer within 1 hour. After changes in the morphology of epithelial cells at the regenerating pole, initiation of de novo biogenesis of an ECM began within hours while full reformation of the mature matrix required approximately 2 days. These processes were monitored using probes to three matrix or matrix-associated components: basement membrane-associated hydra laminin beta1 chain (HLM-beta1), interstitial matrix-associated hydra fibrillar collagen (Hcol-I) and hydra matrix metalloproteinase (HMMP). While upregulation of mRNA for both HLM-beta1 and Hcol-I occurred by 3 hours, expression of the former was restricted to the endoderm and expression of the latter was restricted to the ectoderm. Upregulation of HMMP mRNA was also associated with the endoderm and its expression paralleled that for HLM-beta1. As monitored by immunofluorescence, HLM-beta1 protein first appeared in each of the two subepithelial zones (basal lamina) at about 7 hours, while Hcol-I protein was first observed in the central fibrous zone (interstitial matrix) between 15 and 24 hours. The same temporal and spatial expression pattern for these matrix and matrix-associated components was observed during incision of the body column, thus indicating that these processes are a common feature of the epithelium in hydra. The correlation of loss of the ECM, cell shape changes and subsequent de novo biogenesis of matrix and matrix-associated components were all functionally coupled by antisense experiments in which translation of HLM-beta1 and HMMP was blocked and head regeneration was reversibly inhibited. In addition, inhibition of translation of HLM-beta1 caused an inhibition in the appearance of Hcol-I into the ECM, thus suggesting that binding of HLM-beta1 to the basal plasma membrane of ectodermal cells signaled the subsequent discharge of Hcol-I from this cell layer into the newly forming matrix. Given the early divergence of hydra, these studies point to the fundamental importance of cell-ECM interactions during epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Role of the extracellular matrix in morphogenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The extracellular matrix is a complex, dynamic and critical component of all tissues. It functions as a scaffold for tissue morphogenesis, provides cues for cell proliferation and differentiation, promotes the maintenance of differentiated tissues and enhances the repair response after injury. Various amounts and types of collagens, adhesion molecules, proteoglycans, growth factors and cytokines or chemokines are present in the tissue- and temporal-specific extracellular matrices. Tissue morphogenesis is mediated by multiple extracellular matrix components and by multiple active sites on some of these components. Biologically active extracellular matrix components may have use in tissue repair, regeneration and engineering, and in programming stem cells for tissue replacement.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in organizing tissues, defining their shapes or in presenting growth factors. Their components have been well described in most species, but our understanding of the mechanisms that control ECM remodeling remains limited. Likewise, how the ECM contributes to cellular mechanical responses has been examined in few cases. Here, I review how studies performed in C. elegans have brought several significant advances on those topics. Focusing only on epithelial cells, I discuss basement membrane invasion by the anchor cell during vulva morphogenesis, a process that has greatly expanded our knowledge of ECM remodeling in vivo. I then discuss the ECM role in a novel mechanotransduction process, whereby muscle contractions stimulate the remodeling of hemidesmosome-like junctions in the epidermis, which highlights that these junctions are mechanosensitive. Finally, I discuss progress in defining the composition and potential roles of the apical ECM covering epidermal cells in embryos.  相似文献   

Proteolytic shedding is an important step in the functional down-regulation and turnover of most membrane proteins at the cell surface. Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) is a multifunctional glycoprotein that has two Ig-like domains in its extracellular portion and functions in cell adhesion as an inducer of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression in surrounding cells. Although the shedding of EMMPRIN is reportedly because of cleavage by metalloproteinases, the responsible proteases, cleavage sites, and stimulants are not yet known. In this study, we found that human tumor HT1080 and A431 cells shed a 22-kDa EMMPRIN fragment into the culture medium. The shedding was enhanced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and inhibited by TIMP-2 but not by TIMP-1, suggesting the involvement of membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs). Indeed, down-regulation of the MT1-MMP expression in A431 cells using small interfering RNA inhibited the shedding. The 22-kDa fragment was purified, and the C-terminal amino acid was determined. A synthetic peptide spanning the cutting site was cleaved by MT1-MMP in vitro. The cleavage site is located in the linker region connecting the two Ig-like domains. The N-terminal Ig-like domain is important for the MMP inducing activity of EMMPRIN and for cell-cell interactions, presumably through its ability to engage in homophilic interactions, and the 22-kDa fragment retained the ability to augment MMP-2 expression in human fibroblasts. Thus, the MT1-MMP-dependent cleavage eliminates the functional N-terminal domain of EMMPRIN from the cell surface, which is expected to down-regulate its function. At the same time, the released 22-kDa fragment may mediate the expression of MMPs in tumor tissues.  相似文献   

Tumor cells interact with stromal cells via soluble or cell-bound factors stimulating the production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a group of enzymes largely involved in the extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling in tumor invasion. Among these factors, extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) has been shown to stimulate in vitro the fibroblast production of various MMPs such as interstitial collagenase (MMP-1), stromelysin-1 (MMP-3), and gelatinase A (MMP-2). In this study, the EMMPRIN protein was detected by immunohistochemistry prominently in malignant proliferations of the breast and the lung. It was present at the surface of both tumor epithelial and peritumor stromal cells. Because previous studies have reported that stromal cells do not express EMMPRIN mRNAs, it is very likely that EMMPRIN is bound to stromal cells via a specific receptor. Moreover, our observations also demonstrated that the same peritumor stromal cells strongly express MMP-2. Our results show that EMMPRIN is an important factor in tumor progression by causing tumor-associated stromal cells to increase their MMP-2 production, thus facilitating tumor invasion and neoangiogenesis. (J Histochem Cytochem 47: 1575-1580, 1999)  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is synthesized and secreted by embryonic cells beginning at the earliest stages of development. Our understanding of ECM composition, structure and function has grown considerably in the last several decades and this knowledge has revealed that the extracellular microenvironment is critically important for cell growth, survival, differentiation and morphogenesis. ECM and the cellular receptors that interact with it mediate both physical linkages with the cytoskeleton and the bidirectional flow of information between the extracellular and intracellular compartments. This review considers the range of cell and tissue functions attributed to ECM molecules and summarizes recent findings specific to key developmental processes. The importance of ECM as a dynamic repository for growth factors is highlighted along with more recent studies implicating the 3-dimensional organization and physical properties of the ECM as it relates to cell signaling and the regulation of morphogenetic cell behaviors. Embryonic cell and tissue generated forces and mechanical signals arising from ECM adhesion represent emerging areas of interest in this field.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-2 is expressed in keratinocytes of the epithelial tongue of skin wounds, suggesting a role in keratinocyte migration. Here, we show that stromelysin-2 enhances migration of cultured keratinocytes. To gain insight into the in vivo activities of stromelysin-2 in epithelial repair, we generated transgenic mice expressing a constitutively active stromelysin-2 mutant in keratinocytes. These animals had no alterations in skin architecture, and the healing rate of skin wounds was normal. Histologically, however, we found abnormalities in the organization of the wound epithelium. Keratinocytes at the migrating epidermal tip were scattered in most sections of mice with high expression level, and there was a reduced deposition of new matrix. In particular, the staining pattern of laminin-5 at the wound site was altered. This may be due to proteolytic processing of laminin-5 by stromelysin-2, because degradation of laminin-5 by this enzyme was observed in vitro. The inappropriate matrix contact of keratinocytes was accompanied by aberrant localization of beta1-integrins and phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase, as well as by increased apoptosis of wound keratinocytes. These results suggest that a tightly regulated expression level of stromelysin-2 is required for limited matrix degradation at the wound site, thereby controlling keratinocyte migration.  相似文献   

The respective roles of urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA) and the u-PA receptor in extracellular matrix degradation was investigated. Human pro-u-PA and the human u-PA receptor were expressed independently by two different mouse LB6 cell lines. The matrix degradation capacity of these cell lines individually or in coculture was studied. Although pro-u-PA-producing cells alone degrade the matrix in the presence of plasminogen, u-PA-receptor producing cells do not. Cocultivation of a small fraction of pro-u-PA-producing cells with the receptor-producing cells increases the rate of matrix degradation at least threefold. By immunoprecipitation it was shown that cocultivation of the two cell lines increases the conversion of the inactive pro-u-PA to the active two chain u-PA. The enhancement of matrix degradation and of pro-u-PA activation requires actual binding of pro-u-PA to its receptor because it is inhibited by u-PA-receptor antagonists. The u-PA receptor must be cell associated, as binding of pro-u-PA to a receptor solubilized from the cell surface with phosphatidyl-inositol specific phospholipase C did not enhance the activation of pro-u-PA in the presence of plasminogen. The finding that activity of u-PA is enhanced when it is bound to its receptor, even when the receptor is produced by a different cell, might have important implications for the mechanisms of u-PA-induced extracellular proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   



Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) regulates several biological functions involving the modulation of cell behaviors via cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. According to its diverse functions, we hypothesized that EMMPRIN may play an important role in endometrial remodeling and establishment of pregnancy in cow.  相似文献   

Tumor cell derived matrix metalloproteinases are a family of enzymes associated with the tumor invasion and metastasis. Extracellular matrix metalloproteinases inducer (EMMPRIN) stimulates synthesis of gelatinase A (MMP-2) in peritoneal fibroblasts. In the present study the role of MMP-2 and EMMPRIN in the progression of breast cancer has been investigated. Gelatinase-A and EMMPRIN were analyzed in benign as well as in stage II and stage III breast cancer tissue samples by gelatin zymography assay, immunoprecipation analysis and Western blot analysis with a monoclonal primary antibody specific for EMMPRIN. Our results showed over expression of EMMPRIN in advanced stages of breast cancer tissues compared with benign tumor tissue samples. The expression of MMP-2, the active and latent forms of the enzyme increased with tumor progression from Stage II to Stage III of breast cancer and it was not expressed in benign tissues. The expression MMP-2 correlates with tumor progression. This observation obviously indicates that EMMPRIN and MMP-2 are the major determinants of malignancy in cancers.  相似文献   

Maquart FX  Bellon G  Pasco S  Monboisse JC 《Biochimie》2005,87(3-4):353-360
The term "matrikines" was coined for designating peptides liberated by partial proteolysis of extracellular matrix macromolecules, which are able to regulate cell activities. Among these peptides, some of them may modulate proliferation, migration, protease production, or apoptosis. In this review, we summarize the activity of matrikines derived from elastin and interstitial or basement membrane collagens on the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases expression and/or activation, and on the plasminogen/plasmin system. Due to their activity, matrikines may play a significant role in physiological or pathological processes such as wound healing or tumor invasion.  相似文献   

Action of foot activator on growth and differentiation of cells in hydra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foot activator is a small peptide found in hydra and specifically activates foot formation. I present a method for the further purification of foot activator by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The morphogenetically active fractions were assayed for their effect at the cellular level. Foot activator acts as a mitogen by pushing epithelial and interstitial cells, which are arrested in G2, into mitosis. In the presence of foot activator, epithelial stem cells are stimulated to differentiate into foot mucus cells, and interstitial nerve precursor cells differentiate into mature nerve cells. The interaction of foot activator with head activator in the development of hydra is discussed.  相似文献   

Unregulated activities of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family have been implicated in primary and metastatic tumor growth, angiogenesis, and pathological degradation of extracellular matrix components, such as collagen and laminin. However, clinical trials with small molecule MMP inhibitors have been largely unsuccessful, with a lack of selectivity considered particularly problematic. Enhanced selectivity could be achieved by taking advantage of differences in substrate secondary binding sites (exosites) within the MMP family. In this study, triple-helical substrates and triple-helical transition state analog inhibitors have been utilized to dissect the roles of potential exosites in MMP-9 collagenolytic behavior. Substrate and inhibitor sequences were based on either the alpha1(V)436-450 collagen region, which is hydrolyzed at the Gly (downward arrow) Val bond selectively by MMP-2 and MMP-9, or the Gly (downward arrow) Leu cleavage site within the consensus interstitial collagen sequence alpha1(I-III)769-783, which is hydrolyzed by MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-13, and MT1-MMP. Exosites within the MMP-9 fibronectin II inserts were found to be critical for interactions with type V collagen model substrates and inhibitors and to participate in interactions with an interstitial (types I-III) collagen model inhibitor. A triple-helical peptide incorporating a fibronectin II insert-binding sequence was constructed and found to selectively inhibit MMP-9 type V collagen-based activities compared with interstitial collagen-based activities. This represents the first example of differential inhibition of collagenolytic activities and was achieved via an exosite-binding triple-helical peptide.  相似文献   

Since their first introduction, stents have revolutionised the treatment of atherosclerosis; however, the development of in-stent restenosis still remains the Achilles' heel of stent deployment procedures. Computational modelling can be used as a means to model the biological response of arteries to different stent designs using mechanobiological models, whereby the mechanical environment may be used to dictate the growth and remodelling of vascular cells. Changes occurring within the arterial wall due to stent-induced mechanical injury, specifically changes within the extracellular matrix, have been postulated to be a major cause of activation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the subsequent development of in-stent restenosis. In this study, a mechanistic multi-scale mechanobiological model of in-stent restenosis using finite element models and agent-based modelling is presented, which allows quantitative evaluation of the collagen matrix turnover following stent-induced arterial injury and the subsequent development of in-stent restenosis. The model is specifically used to study the influence of stent deployment diameter and stent strut thickness on the level of in-stent restenosis. The model demonstrates that there exists a direct correlation between the stent deployment diameter and the level of in-stent restenosis. In addition, investigating the influence of stent strut thickness using the mechanobiological model reveals that thicker strut stents induce a higher level of in-stent restenosis due to a higher extent of arterial injury. The presented mechanobiological modelling framework provides a robust platform for testing hypotheses on the mechanisms underlying the development of in-stent restenosis and lends itself for use as a tool for optimisation of the mechanical parameters involved in stent design.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the morula cells of Eupentacta quinquesemita and the distribution of these cells in the dermal connective tissue are described. Morula cells are abundant in the dermis and appear to function in the maintenance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) as a source of ground substance material. The synthetic activity of these cells is described in detail. Morula cells are filled with large secretory vesicles containing three electrondense materials which are derived from rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi activity. The synthetic product of these cells contains glycosaminoglycans and is secreted into the ECM by degranulation. The ultrastructural and histochemical similarity of the degranulation product to the ECM ground substance suggests that they are comprised of the same material. Morula cells appear to function primarily in connective tissues where ground substance predominates. The cells often contain secretory vesicles at various stages of formation, all of which eventually mature and degranulate. The synthetic pathway of the morula cells appears to result ultimately in the complete disruption and death of the cells. The function of morula cells in the holothuroid ECM is discussed, and the synthetic activity of the cells is compared with that of other secretory cells.  相似文献   

Membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is an integral membrane protein that participates in the processing and degradation of cell surface proteins and the extracellular matrix (ECM). This enzyme regulates ECM turnover in wound repair, promotes cell migration and activates other MMPs, such as MMP-2, which is involved in angiogenesis, cell migration and tumoral metastasis. An increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, such as gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), has been associated with chronic wounds in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, the extent to which cytokines modulate MT1-MMP has not been totally defined. In this report, the effects of the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and ECM-bound IFN-gamma on MT1-MMP expression and MMP-2 activity were evaluated by Western blot, RT-PCR and zymography in isolated intestinal epithelial and cultured HT-29 cells. In the presence of LPS, ECM-bound IFN-gamma, but not soluble IFN-gamma, reduced the enterocyte MT1-MMP protein expression. In addition, the active form of MMP-2 was also decreased in the presence of both LPS and IFN-gamma, indicating that lower MMP-2 activity accompanied the decrease in MT1-MMP expression. These results suggest the possibility that endotoxin and ECM-bound IFN-gamma may affect matrix remodeling by modulating matrix metalloproteinase in enterocytes during wound healing.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in organizing tissues, defining their shapes or in presenting growth factors. Their components have been well described in most species, but our understanding of the mechanisms that control ECM remodeling remains limited. Likewise, how the ECM contributes to cellular mechanical responses has been examined in few cases. Here, I review how studies performed in C. elegans have brought several significant advances on those topics. Focusing only on epithelial cells, I discuss basement membrane invasion by the anchor cell during vulva morphogenesis, a process that has greatly expanded our knowledge of ECM remodeling in vivo. I then discuss the ECM role in a novel mechanotransduction process, whereby muscle contractions stimulate the remodeling of hemidesmosome-like junctions in the epidermis, which highlights that these junctions are mechanosensitive. Finally, I discuss progress in defining the composition and potential roles of the apical ECM covering epidermal cells in embryos.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) or CD147 is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed by various cell types, including oral epithelial cells. Recent studies have brought evidence that EMMPRIN plays a role in periodontitis. In the present study, we investigated the effect of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major pathogen in chronic periodontitis, on the shedding of membrane-anchored EMMPRIN and on the expression of the EMMPRIN gene by oral epithelial cells. A potential contribution of shed EMMPRIN to the inflammatory process of periodontitis was analyzed by evaluating the effect of recombinant EMMPRIN on cytokine and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) secretion by human gingival fibroblasts. ELISA and immunofluorescence analyses revealed that P. gingivalis mediated the shedding of epithelial cell-surface EMMPRIN in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Cysteine proteinase (gingipain)-deficient P. gingivalis mutants were used to demonstrate that both Arg- and Lys-gingipain activities are involved in EMMPRIN shedding. Real-time PCR showed that P. gingivalis had no significant effect on the expression of the EMMPRIN gene in epithelial cells. Recombinant EMMPRIN induced the secretion of IL-6 and MMP-3 by gingival fibroblasts, a phenomenon that appears to involve mitogen activated protein kinases. The present study brought to light a new mechanism by which P. gingivalis can promote the inflammatory response during periodontitis.  相似文献   

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