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Accumulation of plastid-encoded chlorophyll apoproteins and chlorophyll synthesis are controlled by light in angiosperms. An in vitro system utilizing isolated and lysed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) etioplasts revealed the specific accumulation of P700, CP47, CP43 and D2 triggered by de novo synthesis of chlorophyll. Accumulation rates of radiolabelled chlorophyll apoproteins were linear for about 30 min. Pulse/chase translation assays showed that synthesis of chlorophyll does not result in increased chlorophyll apoprotein stability. Instead turnover rates of chlorophyll apoproteins were higher in the presence than in the absence of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll-dependent accumulation of chlorophyll apoproteins must therefore be regulated on the level of translation. Translation of chlorophyll apoproteins was blocked to about 50% by addition of 30-50 microM aurintricarboxylic acid or 20 microM kasugamycin. The kinetics of chlorophyll-dependent translation indicated that the in vitro translation system is capable of translation initiation. The capability of translation initiation was lost in lysed etioplasts after preincubation for at least 5 min without chlorophyll synthesis. The results suggest that initiation is involved in chlorophyll-dependent regulation of translation.  相似文献   

In order to study the coordinate accumulation of chlorophyll (Chl) and apoproteins of Chl-protein complexes (CPs) during chloroplast development, we examined changes in the accumulation of the apoproteins in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves when the rate of Chl synthesis was altered by feeding 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a precursor of Chl biosynthesis. Pretreatment with ALA increased the accumulation of Chl a and Chl b 1.5- and 2.3-fold, respectively, after 12 cycles of intermittent light (2 min light followed by 28 min darkness). Apoproteins of the light-harvesting Chl a/b-protein complex of photosystem II (LHCII) were increased 2.4-fold with ALA treatment. However, apoproteins of the P700-Chl a-protein complex (CP1) and the 43-kDa apoprotein of a Chl a-protein complex of photosystem II (CPa) were not increased by ALA application. With respect to CPs themselves, LHCII was increased when Chl synthesis was raised by ALA feeding, whereas CP1 exhibited no remarkable increase. These results indicate that LHCII serves a role in maintaining the stoichiometry of Chl to apoproteins by acting as a temporary pool for Chl molecules.Abbreviations ALA 5-aminolevulinic acid - Chl chlorophyll - CP chlorophyll-protein complex - CPa chlorophyll a-protein complex of PSII - CP1 P700-chlorophyll a-protein complex - LDS lithium dodecyl sulfate - LHCII light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex of PSII This work was supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (04304004) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

In vitro synthesis of barley storage proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane-bound polysomes were isolated from developing endosperms of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and shown to support the synthesis of trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material by an in vitro wheat germ protein synthesis system. The mRNA associated with the polysomes was separated from the ribosomes by affinity chromatography on oligo-dT cellulose and was also shown to support in vitro protein synthesis. The poly-A+ RNA isolated contained material of between 0.55 and 2.55 kilobases in length with about 6% poly A. The products of in vitro protein synthesis resembled hordeins (the prolamin storage proteins of the barley endosperm) in that they were predominantly soluble in 55% propan-2-ol, contained a low proportion of lysine as compared with leucine and had similar, but not identical, electrophoretic properties. The differences in the electrophoretic behaviour between the products of poly-A+ RNA translation and authentic hordeins is suggested to be due to the presence of an extra (leader?) sequence on the former.  相似文献   

A barley mutant lacking chlorophyll b and the pigmented light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein of photo-system 2 is shown by several criteria to contain functional apoproteins of the light-harvesting complex. 1. Electrophoretic comparison of thylakoid polypeptide patterns, and the effects of trypsin treatment on these, suggests that the mutant contains several polypeptides equivalent in mobility to those of the wild-type complex. 2. An antibody monospecific for the light-harvesting complex agglutinated both wild-type and mutant thylakoids. 3. 'Western blot' immunoelectrophoretic analysis indicated that of four distinct subunits of the light-harvesting complex in the wild-type thylakoids, three are detectable in the mutant. 4. As in wild-type lamellae at least one of the light-harvesting complex polypeptides is phosphorylated by the endogenous protein kinase. The results are considered in terms of a general role for the light-harvesting complex polypeptides in membrane appression and the regulation of excitation energy distribution within thylakoids.  相似文献   

Controls on chlorophyll synthesis in barley   总被引:24,自引:18,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In 7- to 10-day-old leaves of etiolated barley (Hordeum vulgare), all of the enzymes that convert δ-aminolevulinic acid to chlorophyll are nonlimiting during the first 6 to 12 hours of illumination, even in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis. The limiting activity for chlorophyll synthesis appears to be a protein (or proteins) related to the synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid, presumably δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase. Protein synthesis in both the cytosol and plastids may be required to produce nonlimiting amounts of δ-aminolevulinic acid. The half-life of a limiting protein controlling the synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid appears to be about 1½ hours, when determined with inhibitors of protein synthesis. Acceleration of chlorophyll synthesis by light is not inhibited by inhibitors of nucleic acid synthesis, but is inhibited by inhibitors of protein synthesis. A model for control of chlorophyll synthesis is proposed, based on a light-induced activation at the translational level of the synthesis of proteins forming δ-aminolevulinic acid, as well as the short half-life of these proteins. Evidence is presented confirming the idea that the holochrome on which protochlorophyllide is photoreduced to chlorophyllide functions enzymatically.  相似文献   

Müller B  Eichacker LA 《The Plant cell》1999,11(12):2365-2377
Assembly of plastid-encoded chlorophyll binding proteins of photosystem II (PSII) was studied in etiolated barley seedlings and isolated etioplasts and either the absence or presence of de novo chlorophyll synthesis. De novo assembly of reaction center complexes in etioplasts was characterized by immunological analysis of protein complexes solubilized from inner etioplast membranes and separated in sucrose density gradients. Previously characterized membrane protein complexes from chloroplasts were utilized as molecular mass standards for sucrose density gradient separation analysis. In etiolated seedlings, induction of chlorophyll a synthesis resulted in the accumulation of D1 in a dimeric PSII reaction center (RCII) complex. In isolated etioplasts, de novo chlorophyll a synthesis directed accumulation of D1 precursor in a monomeric RCII precomplex that also included D2 and cytochrome b(559). Chlorophyll a synthesis that was chemically prolonged in darkness neither increased the yield of RCII monomers nor directed assembly of RCII dimers in etioplasts. We therefore conclude that in etioplasts, assembly of the D1 precursor in monomeric RCII precomplexes precedes chlorophyll a-triggered accumulation of reaction center monomers.  相似文献   

Janet R. Hilton  Harry Smith 《Planta》1980,148(4):312-318
Data are presented confirming that purified barley etioplasts contain, or have associated with them, consistently detectable amounts of photoreversible phytochrome. Etioplasts, separated from mitochondrial contamination by sucrose gradient centrifugation, respond in vitro to red light treatment by an increase in the level of extractable gibberellin-like substances. It is concluded that earlier reports of the substances. It is concluded that earlier reports of the phytochrome regulation of biologically-active gibberellin levels in crude plastid fractions represent responses of the etioplast alone.  相似文献   

α-Hydroxypyridine methane sulphonic acid (HPMS), isonicotinyl hydrazide (INH) and nialamide inhibit chlorophyll synthesis in etiolated barley leaves exposed to light. HPMS lowered the rate of protochlorophyllide regeneration but had little effect on the synthesis of protochlorophyll (P630) from exogenous δ-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA). The addition of glycine to HPMS treated leaves partially overcame the inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis. Glycine-[14C] was readily incorporated into ALA in dark-grown leaves. HPMS treatment increased the sp. act. of ALA in leaves fed glycine-[14C]. Glycollate oxidation was lower in extracts from HPMS treated leaves. Plants may therefore have two pathways for ALA production with the glutamate pathway becoming more important in conditions where photorespiration is high.  相似文献   

Synthesis of chlorophyll was initiated in 5- to 6-day-old dark-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Clipper)seedlings by exposing them to light in the presence of 1-14 C glutamic acid supplied via the roots.The plants were then returned to darkness. At the end of light treatment (T) and after 7 or 18 h dark treatment chlorophylls a and b were extracted, quantified (μgleaf1). purified by HPLC to their magnesium-free derivatives (pheophytin a and b) and their molar radioactivities determined. After 2 h exposure to light followed by 6 h illumination in the presence of 1-14 C glutamic acid, seedlings had accumulated 4-7 nmol chlorophyll leaf1 and had incorporated between 900-1 350 Bq (g fresh weight)1 of radioactive label into the chlorophyll pool. When seedlings were transferred to darkness, label continued to be incorporated and after 18 h the radioactivity of the chlorophyll pool had increased by 300-700 Bq (g fresh weight)1. Net chlorophyll content, however, remained constant during dark treatment. The increase in radioactivity of the chlorophyll pool in darkness represented the difference between a net increase of label incorporated into chlorophyll a and a small loss of label from chlorophyll b. The absence of measurable radioactivity in the phytol moiety of labelled chlorophyll a, extracted at the endof dark treatment, demonstrated thatincorporation of label was into the tetrapyrrole moiely of chlorophyll and not into the phytol chain. Light-independent incorporation of 1-14 C glutamic acid into chlorophyll of greening barley seedlings transferred to darkness indicates that chlorophyll synthesis continues when light is withheld. We interpret the net gain in radioactivity of chlorophyll in darkness, in the absence of a net gain in chlorophyll content, to chlorophyll turnover i.e. to simultaneous synthesis and breakdown of chlorophyll when etiolated greening barley seedlings are transferred to darkness.  相似文献   

Protoheme turnover and chlorophyll synthesis in greening barley tissue   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Studies in which 14C-labeled precursors were fed to etiolated barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Proctor) yielded chlorophyll and protoheme having similar specific radioactivities. These findings indicate: (a) there appears to be a rapid turnover of protoheme in the absence of net synthesis; (b) both pigments probably originate from a single 5-aminolevulinic acid pool; (c) the efficient utilization of glutamate-1-14C and the relatively poor utilization of glycine-2-14C suggest that 5-aminolevulinic acid is probably synthesized by a pathway other than 5-aminolevulinic acid synthetase (succinyl CoA-glycine succinyltransferase) in agreement with previously published work; (d) protoheme turnover appears to be faster under conditions which allow for rapid chlorophyll accumulation; (e) difference spectra indicate that mitochondrial cytochromes make a relatively minor contribution to the total heme in barley leaves. These findings are discussed in the light of current knowledge about tetrapyrrole regulation in photosynthetic organisms.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of polypeptides in whole cells and in chloroplasts of different strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardii was studied. Phosphorylation in vivo was strongly reduced when cytoptasmic protein synthesis was inhibited either by anisomycin or by cycloheximide. In isolated chloroplasts these two inhibitors had no effect on labelling. The incorporation of [32P]-phosphate into one of the apoproteins of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b -protein complex (LHC 2) was also studied in relation to its synthesis. In vivo, in a chlorophyll b -deficient mutant and in its parent strain we found a pronounced relationship between synthesis and phosphorylation of this LHC 2-apoprotein. Our results suggest that LHC 2-apoproteins, newly synthesized in the cytoplasm, are preferentially phosphorylated after synthesis. Together with the observation that phosphorylation still occurs in isolated chloroplasts we conclude that in vivo at least two levels of phosphorylation of the LHC 2-apoproteins have to be clearly differentiated. One level involves the phosphorylation of existing and the other of newly synthesized polypeptides. The biological significance of phosphorylation of the LHC 2-apoproteins in vivo and probably also of other thylakoid polypeptides is complex and not restricted to regulation of energy distribution between photosystems 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Exogenously supplied bovine haemin, fed to etiolated barley leaves, inhibited chlorophyll synthesis in leaves exposed to light. Haemin inhibited the regeneration of protochlorophyllide (P650) and the conversion of exogenously supplied δ-aminolaevulinate (ALA) to protochlorophyll (P630). The effect of haemin on chlorophyll production was overcome by incubating the leaves in water in the dark before light treatment, suggesting the operation of a rapid haem destruction mechanism in leaves. Protohaem turnover in dark-grown leaves was between 8 and 9 hr, based on the rate of degradation of erogenous haemin and the rate of protohaem breakdown in laevulinic acid (LA) treated leaves. The rate constant for haem destruction was 85 pmol/nmol/hr in the dark and 45 pmol/nmol/hr after 4 hr light. There was no evidence that light affects the synthesis of protohaem. It appears that the regulation of endogenous levels of protohaem is by breakdown and it is this mechanism which is under light control. Haem considerably decreased the incorporation of radioactivity from glycollate-[14C], glycine-[14C] and glutamate-[14C] into accumulated ALA in the presence of LA.  相似文献   

In etiolated leaves, saturating flash of 200 ms induces phototransformation of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) F655 into chlorophyllide (Chlide), then into Chl through reactions which do not need light sensibilisation. The synthesis of Chl is known to be slowed down in etiolated leaves exposed to desiccation stress. In order to analyse the intensity and time-course of Chlide transformation into Chl, we used the fluorescence emission of etiolated leaves previously exposed to a 200 ms saturating flash. We used low-temperature fluorescence spectroscopy to reveal the inhibition site of Chl synthesis in etiolated barley leaves exposed to water stress. Shibata shift appears as the main target point of the water deficit. It was found that water deficit inhibits partially active Pchlide F655 regeneration. Also, esterification of Chlide into Chl is impaired. It appears that these inhibitory effects alter the appearance of PSII active reaction centres.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll b-less barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant chlorina 2807 allelic to the well-known barley mutant chlorina f2 was studied. 5-Aminolevulinic acid at saturating concentration (40 mM) was introduced into postetiolated leaves of the mutant and its wild type, and the protochlorophyllide accumulation in the dark was measured. It was found that the activity of the enzyme system transforming 5-aminolevulinic acid into protochlorophyllide was the same in both types of plants. The activity of esterifying enzymes that catalyze attachment of phytol to chlorophyllide was analyzed by infiltration of exogenous chlorophyllides a and b into etiolated leaves. The reaction was shown to have close rates in the mutant and wild-type plants. In very early stages of greening of etiolated leaves, when the apoproteins of the light-harvesting complexes are not yet formed, appearance of chlorophyll b was clearly recorded in the wild-type plants, while in the mutant chlorina 2807 no indications of chlorophyll b were detected in any stage of greening. On the other hand, in the mutant as well as in the wild type an active reverse conversion of chlorophyll b into chlorophyll a was possible. It is concluded that (a) in the mutant chlorina 2807 the ability of the biosynthetic system to transform 5-aminolevulinic acid to chlorophyll a is fully preserved, (b) in the mutant the enzymes converting chlorophyll a into chlorophyll b are most likely absent or damaged, (c) the conversion of chlorophyll a into chlorophyll b and the reverse conversion of chlorophyll b into chlorophyll a are performed by different enzymes.  相似文献   

Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Clipper, Procter, Astrix) seedlings were transferred from daylight to darkness and changes in chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b , protochlorophyllide and chlorophyllide (μ leaf−1) in either the first or second leaf determined spectrophotometrically after separating the esterified from unesterified pigments by partitioning between ammoniacal acetone and light petroleum ether. Chlorophyll a and b as well as protochlorophyllide accumulated in the dark. The ratio of chlorophyll to protochlorophyllide formed in the absence of light was 18:1. 5-aminolevulinic acid (10 m M ) promoted the synthesis of chlorophyll a and b and protochlorophyllide. Pigment synthesis and response to 5-aminolevulinic acid addition was related to tissue age. Mature tissue in the apical third of the leaf accumulated most chlorophyll, but per μg chlorophyll present at the time of transfer to darkness, was less efficient than immature tissue towards the base of the leaf. Immature tissue was also most responsive to added 5-aminolevulinic acid. Chlorophyll synthesis in the dark was accompanied by chloroplast development. Chloroplasts in immature leaf tissue increased in size and extent of thylakoid development when transferred from daylight to darkness. The results indicate that chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast membrane development in light-grown barley continue into the dark phase of the diurnal cycle. A light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase in light-grown barley seedlings is postulated.  相似文献   

The possible regulatory role of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase for chlorophyll accumulation has been investigated in barley plants. Within the primary leaf of etiolated plants the different maturation stages of etioplasts are found in a linear series with the youngest in cells near the base and the oldest in cells near the tip. This distribution of different plastid forms is paralleled by drastic differences in the NADPH-protochlorophyllide-oxidoreductase content of the plastids and their capacity to accumulate chlorophyll during illumination. The amount of enzyme and the rate of chlorophyll accumulation are highest in the mature etioplast in the tip of the leaf and both decline rapidly with decreasing age of the leaf tissue, being almost undetectable in the leaf base. The translatable mRNA coding for the enzyme shows a different distribution pattern within the leaf. The highest concentration is found in the middle part of the leaf while in the top part only traces of this mRNA are detectable. It is concluded that during leaf development the enzyme is synthesized rapidly only during a limited time period and that it is stored subsequently in the mature etioplast as a stable protein. The close correlation between the distribution of the enzyme within the barley leaf and that of the potential to accumulate chlorophyll during illumination would favour a control of chlorophyll accumulation by the amount of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. Dark-grown plants which were exposed to far-red light were used to test this possibility. The far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) has an inverse effect on the kinetics of chlorophyll accumulation and the enzyme concentration. Our results indicate that the rate of chlorophyll accumulation in barley is not determined by the level of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase present in the leaves.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts of a chlorophyll (Chl) b-less barley mutant were solubilized with digitonin and fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with sodium deoxycholate in the running buffer. By this procedure, in contrast to using sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) for solubilization, a Chl a-protein analogous to the major light-harvesting Chl a-b protein complex from wildtype chloroplasts was recovered. This mutant Chl a-protein comprises about fifty percent of the total Chl a, and is very similar in carotenoid, amino acid, protein and polypeptide composition to the major wildtype antenna Chl a-b protein. The only major differences we have found is its instability in the presence of SDS and sensitivity to protease action. Even with deoxycholate, the mutant Chl a complex often dissociates during electrophoresis into two green bands. The lack of Chl b appears to affect the normal organization of Chl a and protein in such a way as to render the complex more unstable.CIW-DPB No. 917.  相似文献   

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