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A study of the uridine monophosphate kinase (UMPK) electrophoretic patterns in Venezuelan individuals from the mestizo population of Caracas and from the Warao Indians of the Nabasanuka village in the Delta of the Orinoco River are reported. Among the mestizo population, the frequency of the UMPK1, UMPK2, and UMPK3 alleles was .979, .020, and .001, respectively. A higher frequency of the UMPK3 gene was seen in the highly inbred Warao Indians than any other population studied to date.  相似文献   

Determination of adenylate kinase phenotypes employing agar gel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Rundle  Alan  Sudell  Barbara  Wood  Keith  Coppen  Alec 《Human genetics》1977,36(2):161-166
Summary The red cell adenylate kinase (AK) phenotype was determined by starch gel electrophoresis in 96 adult Caucasian subjects with affective disorders (24 with bipolar illness and 72 with unipolar illness). The phenotype frequencies and the gene frequencies of the bipolar group closely resembled that of the control subjects (180 subjects drawn from the population of a large institution for the mentally retarded), the unipolar group however, showed a significant increase in the frequency of the AK2 allele.The significance of these results have been discussed in relation to the known genetic and biochemical findings in the affective disorders. It is suggested that the mechanism involved may be a reduction of the enzyme activity in the tissues of subjects with the AK 2:1 phenotype. This may present a selective disadvantage in the form of a decrease in control of energy metabolism in general, and control of adenine nucleotide levels in nervous tissue in particular.  相似文献   

Summary Red cell adenylate kinase (AK) phenotypes were studied in 195 patients with affective disorders (41 with the bipolar and 81 with the unipolar form of the disease) and 418 controls. No significant differences were found between patients and controls and between patients with different types of affective disorders. Thus the previous observation by Rundle et al. (1977) showing an increased frequency of the AK2 allele in the unipolar group was not confirmed.  相似文献   

Adenylate kinase (ATP:AMP phosphotransferase, EV from pig heart is inactivated by the specific arginyl reagent phenylglyoxal. During inactivation two molecules of phenyglyoxal are incorporated into the protein indicating the modification of one of the 11 arginine residues. The modification of other amino acids is ruled out. Chemical modification of this essential residue is prevented by high concentrations of the substrates AMP, ADP and MgATP2-. The protection of the substrates is explained by the formation of a ternary abortive enzyme-substrate complex ESS. The dissociation constants KD = [ES] - [S]/[ESS] are determined from the kinetic data of inactivation and protection.  相似文献   

Two conformations of crystalline adenylate kinase.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pig muscle adenylate kinase (EC2.7.4.3) can exist in three crystal forms, which are interconvertible. For crystal form A the enzyme structure is known in atomic detail. We report the X-ray diffraction analysis of crystal form B at 4.7 Å resolution and a comparison with the A form. During the transition from A to B the packing arrangement of the molecules changes slightly. Moreover, the individual molecule undergoes an appreciable conformational change: by displacing a chain segment of seven residues and two adjacent α-helices a hydrophobic pocket is opened deep in the cleft near the centre of the molecule. Concomitantly the β-pleated sheet is enlarged by about four hydrogen bonds in the B form. Several lines of evidence indicate that the observed conformational change is an intrinsic property of the molecule and is not induced by crystal packing forces.  相似文献   

Sixteen wild populations of Lolium rigidum Gaud. were collected from island and mainland locations in Mediterranean Europe and western Asia. Five loci, controlling isozymes at four enzyme systems, were assayed on 60 plants per population using starch gel electrophoresis. Gene diversity measures and Nei’s genetic distance were calculated, and the relationships between the populations were analysed using principal component (PCA) and cluster analyses. All populations were found to show a gene diversity index that is consistent with that expected in a cross-fertilising species. The highest gene diversity measures were recorded in some of the island populations. Both PCA and cluster analysis grouped the Balearic Island populations together and separated the Spanish and Sardinian populations from any of the others. The results are discussed with respect to a number of theories of migration between populations, and in relation to the colonization history of each island. It is suggested that the preservation of these island populations in gene banks is important as part of a core collection of the species.  相似文献   

1. The concentration of adenylate kinase in carp muscle is about 0.3 mg/g. An improved isolation procedure makes use of a dilute solution of the substrates, ATP and AMP, to elute the enzyme from a phosphocellulose column in overall yields of 60% before crystallization. By the hexokinase--pH-stat assay the specific activity is 3550 units/mg. The preparation has been found to be essentially homogeneous by dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis, isoelectrofocusing and gel filtration. 2. The molecular weight has been determined to be 22000 by several methods. The absorbance of a 1% solution at 280 nm is 6.9 and the isoelectric point by electrofocusing is pH 5.9. 3. The crystals of carp adenylate kinase have the space group P4-1-22 or P4-3-22. 4. The amino acid composition has been determined. There is no tryptophan, no cystine. There is one amino acid residue each of cysteine and histidine which are at or close to the catalytic center. 5. Several peptides derived by tryptic hydrolysis have been isolated and identified with corresponding peptides of porcine adenylate kinase. Consideration is given to histidine and cysteine being a part of the active site.  相似文献   

Substrate positions and induced-fit in crystalline adenylate kinase.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The binding positions of ATP and AMP in pig muscle adenylate kinase (EC have been located by X-ray diffraction analysis. For this purpose crystals have been soaked with solutions containing substrates and substrate analogues. Two adenosine pockets and the region of the phosphates have been identified. In combination with other experimental data the pockets have been assigned to the AMP site and the ATP site, respectively. Moreover, the results suggest that the known conformations of adenylate kinase reflect an induced-fit of the enzyme: conformation B being related to the free enzyme E and conformation A being related to E1, the enzyme species after a substrate-induced conformational change.  相似文献   

In isolated guinea pig gastric mucous and enriched parietal cells it was tested whether or not cyclic AMP in response to histamine stimulation might reach concentrations sufficiently high to activate an intracellular cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and thereby mediate the acid response. Although histamine stimulated parietal cell adenylate cyclase to a greater extent than mucous cell adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP levels in response to maximal histamine stimulation reached higher levels in mucous than in parietal cells. This had to be attributed to a five times higher phosphodiesterase activity in parietal cell than in mucous cell populations. In the absence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine exposure of the cells to histamine only in mucous cells produced an increase in cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity ratio, but not in parietal cells. Dibutyryl-cyclic AMP induced cyclic AMP accumulation in parietal cell populations was compared to dibutyryl-cyclic AMP induced H+ secretion, as measured by 14C-aminopyrine uptake. A maximal acid response was associated with an intracellular cyclic AMP level of approximately 300 pmol/10(6) cells, which was never reached by maximal histamine stimulation even not in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor. It is concluded that activation of the parietal cell cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase is one way for stimulating H+ secretion, but that the acid response elicited by histamine requires another intracellular pathway.  相似文献   

The properties of adenylate kinase in 2 ADP in equilibrium ATP + AMP reaction have been studied. The dependence of the enzyme activity on medium pH, protein concentration, substrates, Mg++ ions, AMP, adenine and adenosine has been also investigated. pH optimum is found to be 8.5 for forward reaction and 8-9--for the reverse one. The Michaelis constants are as follows: for ADP--1.17-10(-4) M, for ATP--3.33-10(-4) M at 24 degrees C, in 50 mM tris-HCl pH 7.6. The optimal ratio, Mg++ ions/substrates (ADP, ATP + AMP), is 1:2. The chelates of adenine nucleotides with Mg++ ions are proved to be "true" reaction substrates. Unlike adenine and adenosine, the product of AMP reaction inhibits adenylate kinase activity. It is concluded that the properties of adenylate kinase in plants are similar to those of animals and humans (moikinase).  相似文献   

Large conformational changes in the LID and NMP domains of adenylate kinase (AKE) are known to be key to ligand binding and catalysis, yet the order of binding events and domain motion is not well understood. Combining the multiple available structures for AKE with the energy landscape theory for protein folding, a theoretical model was developed for allostery, order of binding events, and efficient catalysis. Coarse-grained models and nonlinear normal mode analysis were used to infer that intrinsic structural fluctuations dominate LID motion, whereas ligand-protein interactions and cracking (local unfolding) are more important during NMP motion. In addition, LID-NMP domain interactions are indispensable for efficient catalysis. LID domain motion precedes NMP domain motion, during both opening and closing. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed 1:1:1 correspondence between LID domain closure, NMP domain closure, and substrate turnover. This catalytic cycle has likely evolved to reduce misligation, and thus inhibition, of AKE. The separation of allosteric motion into intrinsic structural fluctuations and ligand-induced contributions can be generalized to further our understanding of allosteric transitions in other proteins.  相似文献   

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