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DNA topoisomerases have been shown to be important therapeutic targets in cancer chemotherapy. We found that KT6006 and KT6528, synthetic antitumor derivatives of indolocarbazole antibiotic K252a, were potent inducers of a cleavable complex with topoisomerase I. In DNA cleavage assay using purified calf thymus DNA topoisomerase I and supercoiled pBR322 DNA, KT6006 induced topoisomerase I mediated DNA cleavage in a dose-dependent manner at drug concentrations up to 50 microM, while DNA cleavage induced by KT6528 was saturated at 5 microM. The maximal amount of nicked DNA produced by KT6006 was more than 50% of substrate DNA, which was comparable to that of camptothecin. Heat treatment (65 degrees C) of the reaction mixture containing these compounds and topoisomerase I resulted in a substantial reduction in DNA cleavage, suggesting that topoisomerase I mediated DNA cleavage induced by KT6006 and KT6528 is through the mechanism of stabilizing the reversible enzyme-DNA "cleavable complex". Both KT6006 and KT6528 did not induce topoisomerase II mediated DNA cleavage in vitro. KT6006 and KT6528 were found to induce nearly identical topoisomerase I mediated DNA cleavage patterns, which was distinctly different from that with camptothecin. In contrast to the similarity between KT6006 and KT6528 in their structures and the nature of their cleavable complex with topoisomerase I, these drugs have different properties with respect to their interaction with DNA: KT6006 is a very weak intercalator whereas KT6528 is a strong intercalator with potentials comparable to that of adriamycin. These results indicate that KT6006 and KT6528 represent a new distinct class of mammalian DNA topoisomerase I active antitumor drugs.  相似文献   

O'Reilly EK  Kreuzer KN 《Biochemistry》2002,41(25):7989-7997
Bacteriophage T4 provides a useful model system for dissecting the mechanism of action of antitumor agents that target type II DNA topoisomerases. Many of these inhibitors act by trapping the cleavage complex, a covalent complex of enzyme and broken DNA. Previous analysis showed that a drug-resistant T4 mutant harbored two amino acid substitutions (S79F, G269V) in topoisomerase subunit gp52. Surprisingly, the single amino acid substitution, G269V, was shown to confer hypersensitivity in vivo to m-AMSA and oxolinic acid [Freudenreich, C. H., et al. (1998) Cancer Res. 58, 1260-1267]. We purified this G269V mutant enzyme and found it to be hypersensitive to a number of cleavage-inducing inhibitors including m-AMSA, VP-16, mitoxantrone, ellipticine, and oxolinic acid. While the mutant enzyme did not exhibit altered DNA cleavage site specificity compared to the wild-type enzyme, it did display an apparent 10-fold increase in drug-independent DNA cleavage. This suggests a novel mechanism of altered drug sensitivity in which the enzyme equilibrium has been shifted to favor the cleavage complex, resulting in an increase in the concentration of cleavage intermediates available to inhibitors. Mutations that alter drug sensitivities tend to cluster within two specific regions of all type II topoisomerases. Residue G269 of gp52 lies outside of these regions, and it is therefore not surprising that G269V leads to a unique mechanism of drug hypersensitivity. We believe that this mutant defines a new category of type II topoisomerase mutants, namely, those that are hypersensitive to all inhibitors that stabilize the cleavage complex.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase I is an ubiquitous DNA cleaving enzyme and an important therapeutic target in cancer chemotherapy for the camptothecins as well as for indolocarbazole antibiotics such as rebeccamycin and its synthetic derivatives, which stabilize the cleaved DNA-topoisomerase I complex. The covalent linkage of a triple helixforming oligonucleotide to camptothecin or to the indolocarbazole derivative R-6 directs DNA cleavage by topoisomerase I to specific sequences. Sequence-specific recognition of DNA is achieved by the triple helix-forming oligonucleotide, which binds to the major groove of double-helical DNA and positions the drug at a specific site. The efficacy of topoisomerase I-induced DNA cleavage mediated by the rebeccamycin-conjugate and the camptothecin-conjugate was compared and related to the intrinsic potency of the isolated drugs.  相似文献   

Although highly homologous to the other eukaryotic type I DNA topoisomerases, vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase I is distinct in its resistance to the anti-cancer drug camptothecin. After comparison of available sequences of sensitive and resistant type I topoisomerases, the aspartic acid at position 221 of vaccinia virus topoisomerase I is mutated to a valine. The resulting mutant protein is partially active. In contrast to the wild type enzyme, the relaxation of supercoiled DNA is inhibited by camptothecin. Its cleavage reaction with DNA is enhanced by camptothecin due to inhibition of religation of DNA. This demonstrates that even though the size of vaccinia virus is only about one-third that of the other camptothecin-sensitive topoisomerases, it has a potential interaction site for camptothecin.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic effects and topoisomerase II-mediated DNA breaks induced in vitro by ellipticine derivatives were examined in connection with 1H NMR and circular dichroism (CD) studies on molecular structures and interactions of drugs with DNA. The compounds included four 9-hydroxyellipticine and two 7-hydroxyisoellipticine derivatives. Structure-activity relationships indicated that a change in nitrogen atom position in the pyridinic ring greatly affected drug effects both on topoisomerase II action and cytotoxicity to L1210 cells. The four 9-hydroxyellipticine derivatives yielded bell-shaped curves in in vitro topoisomerase II-mediated DNA break assays, whereas the two 7-hydroxyisoellipticine derivatives demonstrated an almost linear increase at the same concentration (0-10 microM). In both cases, the intensity of cleavage was modulated by the position and the degree of methylation on the pyridinic ring, and results were correlated with cytotoxic activity expressed as the in vitro ID50 values for L1210 leukemia cells. 1H NMR experiments performed on free drug molecules in solution revealed that the two protons (alpha and beta) contiguous to the biologically important hydroxy group were sensitive to changes in electron distribution produced by the distant chemical modifications and methylations of the pyridinic ring. A linear relationship was observed between the differences in chemical shifts of alpha and beta protons (delta delta alpha-beta) versus ID50 values. CD experiments indicated that, at weak ionic strength I = 0.02 and at pH 7, drugs interact with the poly[d(A-T)] duplex according to a "three-mode binding model" which is governed by the drug structure and the drug to DNA ratio. The intercalation mode was related to the induction of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage, while the external binding mode consecutive to intercalation was related to cleavage suppression. These two modes concerned the good intercalators 9-hydroxyellipticines. The third was found for the weak intercalators 7-hydroxyisoellipticines and was characterized by self-stacked molecules bound "outside" DNA, presumably in the minor groove. Ligands either could be intercalated partially or linked at the edge of bases with a small number of molecules filling intercalation sites, for the second alternative. In addition to having different binding modes, 9-hydroxyellipticines were better inducers of DNA distortions than 7-hydroxyisoellipticines. The incidence of the drug binding modes on DNA-topoisomerase II recognition was discussed in connection with the in vitro cytotoxic activity exhibited by the drugs.  相似文献   

Camptothecin, a cytotoxic antitumor compound, has been shown to produce protein-linked DNA breaks mediated by mammalian topoisomerase I. We have investigated the mechanism by which camptothecin disrupts DNA processing by topoisomerase I and have examined the effect of certain structurally related compounds on the formation of a DNA-topoisomerase I covalent complex. Enzyme-mediated cleavage of supercoiled plasmid DNA in the presence of camptothecin was completely reversed upon the addition of exogenous linear DNA or upon dilution of the reaction mixture. Camptothecin and topoisomerase I produced the same amount of cleavage from supercoiled DNA or relaxed DNA. In addition, the alkaloid decreased the initial velocity of supercoiled DNA relaxation mediated by catalytic quantities of topoisomerase I. Inhibition occurred under conditions favoring processive catalysis as well as under conditions favoring distributive catalysis. By use of [3H]camptothecin and an equilibrium dialysis assay, the alkaloid was shown to bind reversibly to a DNA-topoisomerase I complex, but not to isolated enzyme or isolated DNA. These results are consistent with a model in which camptothecin reversibly traps an intermediate involved in DNA unwinding by topoisomerase I and thereby perturbs a set of equilibria, resulting in increased DNA cleavage. By examining certain compounds that are structurally related to camptothecin, it was found that the 20-hydroxy group, which has been shown to be essential for antitumor activity, was also necessary for stabilization of the covalent complex between DNA and topoisomerase I. In contrast, no such correlation existed for UV-light-induced cleavage of DNA by Cu(II)-camptothecin derivatives.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic topoisomerase I (topo I) is the target of the cytotoxic alkaloid camptothecin (CTT). In vitro, CTT enhances the breakage of DNA by topo I when the reaction is stopped with detergent. Although breakage at some sites is enhanced to a great extent while breakage at others is enhanced only minimally, CTT does not significantly change the breakage specificity of topo I in vitro. It has been suggested that CTT acts by slowing the reclosure step of the nicking-closing reaction. To test this hypothesis, we have measured the rate of reclosure for different break sites in the presence of CTT after adding 0.5 M NaCl to a standard low salt reaction. In support of the hypothesis, we find that topo I-mediated DNA breakage is enhanced the greatest at those sites where closure of the break is the slowest. These results suggest a mechanism for the toxicity of CTT in vivo.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase I adjusts torsional stress in the genome by breaking and resealing one strand of the helix through a transient covalent coupling between enzyme and DNA. Camptothecin, a specific topoisomerase I poison, traps this covalent intermediate, thereby damaging the genome. Here we examined the activity of topoisomerase I at telomeric repeats to determine whether telomere structures are targets for DNA damage. We show that topoisomerase I is catalytically active in cleaving the G-rich telomeric strand in vitro in the presence of camptothecin but not in cleaving the C-rich strand. The topoisomerase I cleavage site is 5'-TT (downward arrow) AGGG-3' (cleavage site marked by the downward arrow). We also show that endogenous topoisomerase I can access telomeric DNA in vivo and form camptothecin-dependent covalent complexes. Therefore, each telomeric repeat represents a potential topoisomerase I cleavage site in vivo. Because telomere structures are comprised of a large number of repeats, telomeres in fact represent a high concentration of nested topoisomerase I sites. Therefore, more telomeric DNA damage by camptothecin could occur in cells with longer telomeres when cells possess equivalent levels of topoisomerase I. The evidence presented here suggests that DNA damage at telomeric repeats by topoisomerase I is a prominent feature of cell killing by camptothecin and triggers camptothecin-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase (top) I inhibition activity of the natural alkaloid fagaronine (NSC157995) and its new synthetic derivative ethoxidine (12-ethoxy-benzo[c]phenanthridine) has been correlated with their molecular interactions and sequence specificity within the DNA complexes. Flow linear dichroism shows that ethoxidine exhibits the same inhibition of DNA relaxation as fagaronine at the 10-fold lower concentration. The patterns of DNA cleavage by top I show linear enhancement of CPT-dependent sites at the 0.016-50 microM concentrations of fagaronine, whereas ethoxidine suppress both top I-specific and CPT-dependent sites. Suppression of top I-mediated cleavage by ethoxidine is found to be specific for the sites, including strand cut between A and T. Fagaronine and ethoxidine are DNA major groove intercalators. Ethoxidine intercalates DNA in A-T sequences and its 12-ethoxy-moiety (absent in fagaronine) extends into the DNA minor groove. These findings may explain specificity of suppression by ethoxidine of the strong top I cleavage sites with the A(+1), T(-1) immediately adjacent to the strand cut. Fagaronine does not show any sequence specificity of DNA intercalation, but its highly electronegative oxygen of hydroxy group (absent in ethoxidine) is shown to be an acceptor of the hydrogen bond with the NH(2) group of G base of DNA. Ability of fagaronine to stabilize top I-mediated ternary complex is proposed to be determined by interaction of its hydroxy group with the guanine at position (+1) of the DNA cleavage site and of quaternary nitrogen interaction with top I. The model proposed provides a guidance for screening new top I-targeted drugs in terms of identification of molecular determinants responsible for their top I inhibition effects.  相似文献   

Human topoisomerase I is composed of four major domains: the highly charged NH(2)-terminal region, the conserved core domain, the positively charged linker domain, and the highly conserved COOH-terminal domain. Near complete enzyme activity can be reconstituted by combining recombinant polypeptides that approximate the core and COOH-terminal domains, although DNA binding is reduced somewhat for the reconstituted enzyme (Stewart, L., Ireton, G. C., and Champoux, J. J. (1997) J. Mol. Biol. 269, 355-372). A reconstituted enzyme comprising the core domain plus a COOH-terminal fragment containing the complete linker region exhibits the same biochemical properties as a reconstituted enzyme lacking the linker altogether, and thus detachment of the linker from the core domain renders the linker non-functional. The rate of religation by the reconstituted enzyme is increased relative to the forms of the enzyme containing the linker indicating that in the intact enzyme the linker slows religation. Relaxation of plasmid DNA by full-length human topoisomerase I or a 70-kDa form of the enzyme that is missing only the non-essential NH(2)-terminal domain (topo70) is inhibited approximately 16-fold by the anticancer compound, camptothecin, whereas the reconstituted enzyme is nearly resistant to the inhibitory effects of the drug despite similar affinities for the drug by the two forms of the enzyme. Based on these results and in light of the crystal structure of human topoisomerase I, we propose that the linker plays a role in hindering supercoil relaxation during the normal relaxation reaction and that camptothecin inhibition of DNA relaxation depends on a direct effect of the drug on DNA rotation that is also dependent on the linker.  相似文献   

Plasmid pBR322 DNA isolated from Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I deletion mutant DM800 is estimated to contain about 10% of the knotted forms (Shishido et al., 1987). These knotted DNA species were shown to have the same primary structure as usual, unknotted pBR322 DNA. Analysis of the knotting level of deletion, insertion and sequence-rearranged derivatives of pBR322 in DM800 showed that the presence of the region on pBR322 encoding resistance to tetracycline (tet) is required for high levels of plasmid knotting. When the entire tet region is present in a native orientation, the level of knotting is highest. Inactivating the tet promoter is manifested by a middle level of knotting. For deletion derivatives lacking various portions of the tet region, the level of knotting ranges from lowest to high depending on the site and length of the tet gene remaining. Inverting the orientation of tet region on the pBR322 genome results in a middle level of knotting. Deleting the ampicillin-resistance (bla)gene outside of its second promoter does not affect the level of knotting, if the entire tet gene remains. A possible mechanism of regulation of plasmid knotting is discussed.  相似文献   

It is now becoming clear from the abundant lipolytic enzyme literature that any meaningful interpretation of inhibition data has to take into account the kinetics of enzyme action at the lipid/water interface. We attempt in the present paper to provide a kinetic model applicable to water-insoluble competitive inhibitors, in order to quantitatively compare the results obtained at several laboratories. We derived kinetic equations applicable to the pre-steady state as well as steady state. By measuring the inhibitory power, as described in the present paper, it is possible to obtain a normalized estimation of the relative efficiency of various potential inhibitors. Furthermore, with the kinetic treatment developed here, it is possible to make quantitative comparisons with the same inhibitor placed under various physico-chemical situations, i.e., micellar or monolayer states.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is a multifunctional protein required during DNA replication, chromosome disjunction at mitosis, and other DNA-related activities by virtue of its ability to alter DNA supercoiling. The enzyme is encoded by two similar but nonidentical genes: the topoisomerase IIalpha and IIbeta genes. In HeLa cells synchronized by mitotic shake-off, topoisomeraseII alpha mRNA levels were found to vary as a function of cell cycle position, being 15-fold higher in late S phase (14 to 18 h postmitosis) than during G1 phase. Also detected was a corresponding increase in topoisomerase IIalpha protein synthesis at 14 to 18 h postmitosis which resulted in significantly higher accumulation of the protein during S and G2 phases. Topoisomerase IIalpha expression was not dependent on DNA synthesis during S phase, which could be inhibited without effect on the timing or level of mRNA expression. Mechanistically, topoisomerase IIalpha expression appears to be coupled to cell cycle position mainly through associated changes in mRNA stability. When cells are in S phase and mRNA levels are maximal, the half-life of topoisomerase IIalpha mRNA was determined to be approximately 30 min. A similar decrease in mRNA stability was also induced by two external factors known to delay cell cycle progression. Treatment of S-phase cells, at the time of maximum topoisomerase IIalpha mRNA stability, with either ionizing radiation (5 Gy) or heat shock (45 degrees C for 15 min) caused the accumulated topoisomerase IIalpha mRNA to decay. This finding suggests a potential relationship between stress-induced decreases in topoisomerase IIalpha expression and cell cycle progression delays in late S/G2.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes from person A, primed for 10 to 14 days in MLC against lymphocytes from person B, inhibit specifically the proliferative response to B by fresh (i.e., unprimed) lymphocytes of A. Gamma-irradiated (2000 R) primed lymphocytes likewise inhibit specifically, although less strongly. Cells of A, primed with cells of B and then irradiated, usually can inhibit the response of A to cells of any individual sharing HLA-D antigens with B, and the effect tends to be independent of the number of stimulating cells. We also often see inhibition of responses to cells sharing HLA-A and -B antigens with person B, but this effect tends to be lost when the number of stimulating cells is increased. Similarly, at low doses, cells primed for HLA-D antigen a appear not to inhibit the response to an irrelevant HLA-D antigen b on the same stimulating cell. At higher doses of primed cells, even the response to the irrelevant antigen is inhibited. These data suggest to us that at least two mechnaisms may be involved: one directed at the stimulating cell (most likely cell-mediated cytolysis), and predominant at high ratios of primed cells to stimulating cells; the other directed at specific clones of responding cells, and predominant at low ratios.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model describing the species-area relation was developed. This paper dealt with the case that discrete random samples are combined. Modelling was made on the assumption that the occurrence probability of a species in a quadrat has a continuous density distribution. The model, given by the equation (6), holds only for a particular size of quadrat (i.e. the characteristic area). More general form applicable to the quadrats the size of which is near to the characteristic area was represented by the equation (9). Validity of the model was examined for the data of plant and insect communities, and it was concluded that the observation can be predicted by the model unless the size of sampling unit considerably differs from the characteristic area. The uniformity of specific density (i. e. the number of species per quadrat) and the size of characteristic area were discussed as being important in an understanding of community structure.  相似文献   

The Hill two-state cooperativity model and the McKillop-Geeves (McK-G) three-state model predict very similar binding traces of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) binding to regulated actin filaments in the presence and absence of calcium, and both fit the experimental data reasonably well [Chen et al., Biophys. J., 80, 2338-2349]. Here, we compared the Hill model and the McK-G model for binding myosin S1 to regulated actin against three sets of experimental data: the titration of regulated actin with S1 and the kinetics of S1 binding of regulated actin with either excess S1 to actin or excess actin to S1. Each data set was collected for a wide range of specified calcium concentrations. Both models were able to generate reasonable fits to the time course data and to titration data. The McK-G model can fit all three data sets with the same calcium-concentration-sensitive parameters. Only K(B) and K(T) show significant calcium dependence, and the parameters have a classic pCa curve. A unique set of the Hill model parameters was extremely difficult to estimate from the best fits of multiple sets of data. In summary, the McK-G cooperativity model more uniquely resolves parameters estimated from kinetic and titration data than the Hill model, predicts a sigmoidal dependence of key parameters with calcium concentration, and is simpler and more suitable for practical use.  相似文献   

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