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Trade-offs between competitive ability and the other life-history traits are considered to be a major mechanism of competitive coexistence. Many theoretical studies have demonstrated the robustness of such a coexistence mechanism ecologically; however, it is unknown whether the coexistence is robust evolutionarily. Here, we report that evolution of life-history traits not directly related to competition, such as longevity, and predator avoidance, easily collapses competitive coexistence in several competition systems: spatially structured, and predator-mediated two-species competition systems. In addition, we found that a superior competitor can be excluded by an inferior one by common mechanisms among the models. Our results suggest that ecological competitive coexistence due to a life-history trait trade-off balance may not be balanced on an evolutionary timescale, that is, it may be evolutionarily fragile.  相似文献   

The mode and tempo of host-parasite evolution depend on population structure and history and the strength of selection that the species exert on each other. Here we genetically and epidemiologically characterize populations of the mycophagous fly Drosophila innubila and its male-killing Wolbachia endosymbiont, with the aim of integrating the local through global nature of this association. Drosophila innubila inhabit the forested "sky island" regions of the of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where its distribution is highly fragmented. We examine geographically isolated sky island populations of D. innubila, surveying the frequency and expression of Wolbachia infection as well as the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations of the host and parasite. In all populations, Wolbachia infection is associated with virtually complete male-killing, thus providing no evidence for the evolution of population-specific interaction phenotypes or local resistance. Although Wolbachia infection occurs in each of the main populations, there is variation among populations in the prevalence of infection and the resulting population-level sex ratio of D. innubila. Among these populations, the nuclear genes of D. innubila show moderate, though significant, differentiation. In contrast, the host mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which shares transmission with Wolbachia, exhibits substantially greater geographic differentiation, even after accounting for differences in transmission between nuclear and mitochondrial genes. We suggest that this pattern is caused by local Wolbachia--but not D. innubila--fluctuations in prevalence that increase the severity of drift experienced only by the mtDNA. Overall, our data suggest that the association between D. innubila and male-killing Wolbachia is ecologically dynamic within local populations, but evolutionarily coherent across the species as a whole.  相似文献   

Dynamics of populations depend on demographic parameters which may change during evolution. In simple ecological models given by one-dimensional difference equations, the evolution of demographic parameters generally leads to equilibrium population dynamics. Here we show that this is not true in spatially structured ecological models. Using a multi-patch metapopulation model, we study the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypes that differ both in their response to local crowding, i.e. in their competitive behaviour within a habitat, and in their rate of dispersal between habitats. Our simulation results show that evolution can favour phenotypes that have the intrinsic potential for very complex dynamics provided that the environment is spatially structured and temporally variable. These phenotypes owe their evolutionary persistence to their large dispersal rates. They typically coexist with phenotypes that have low dispersal rates and that exhibit equilibrium dynamics when alone. This coexistence is brought about through the phenomenon of evolutionary branching, during which an initially uniform population splits into the two phenotypic classes.  相似文献   

Epidemiological models generally explore the evolution of parasite life-history traits, namely, virulence and transmission, against a background of constant host life-history traits. However, life-history models have predicted the evolution of host traits in response to parasitism. The coevolution of host and parasite life-history traits remains largely unexplored. We present an epidemiological model, based on resource allocation theory, that provides an analysis of the coevolution between host reproductive effort and parasite virulence. This model allows for hosts with either a fixed (i.e., genetic) or conditional (i.e., a phenotypically plastic) response to parasitism. It also considers superinfections. We show that parasitism always favors increased allocation to host reproduction, but because of epidemiological feedbacks, the evolutionarily stable host reproductive effort does not always increase with parasite virulence. Superinfection drives the evolution of parasite virulence and acts on the evolution of the host through parasite evolution, generally leading to higher host reproductive effort. Coevolution, as opposed to cases where only one of the antagonists evolves, may generate correlations between host and parasite life-history traits across environmental gradients affecting the fecundity or the survival of the host. Our results provide a theoretical framework against which experimental coevolution outcomes or field observations can be contrasted.  相似文献   

Spatial structure is of central importance in the dynamics of plant-parasite interactions and is imposed by the growth habit and distribution of host plants and by parasite dispersal which is frequently restricted. To investigate the effects of spatial heterogeneity on the dynamics of plant parasites we introduce a simple model for epidemic development within a spatially structured host population. Here the host population is subdivided into a number of patches which are linked to allow for transmission from one patch to another with the connections defining the spatial structure of the host population. Three key parameters are identified that play a critical role in the ability of the parasite to invade and persist within the host population: the within-patch parasite basic reproductive number which characterises the infection dynamics at the local spatial scale; and the neighbourhood of interaction which describes which patches interact with which and the strength of coupling between patches within the neighbourhood which together characterise the spread of the parasite over larger spatial scales. Using both deterministic and stochastic formulations of the model, we investigate how the thresholds and probabilities of invasion and persistence are affected by these parameters, by demographic stochasticity and by differences in the initial level of infection.  相似文献   

The evolution of herbivore-host plant specialization requires low levels of gene flow between populations on alternate plant species. Accordingly, selection for host plant specialization is most effective when genotypes have minimal exposure to, and few mating opportunities with individuals from, alternate habitats. Maternally transmitted bacterial symbionts are common in insect herbivores and can influence host fecundity under a variety of conditions. Symbiont-mediated effects on host life-history strategies, however, are largely unknown. Here, we show that the facultative bacterial symbiont Candidatus Regiella insecticola strikingly alters both dispersal and mating in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Pea aphids containing Regiella produced only half the number of winged offspring in response to crowding and, for two out of three aphid lineages, altered the timing of sexual reproduction in response to conditions mimicking seasonal changes, than did aphids lacking Regiella. These symbiont-associated changes in dispersal and mating are likely to have played a key role in the initiation of genetic differentiation and in the evolution of pea aphid-host plant specialization. As symbionts are widespread in insects, symbiont-induced life history changes may have promoted specialization, and potentially speciation, in many organisms.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that classical results of microparasite evolution could not extend to the case where the host species shows an important spatial structure. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), responsible for rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD), which recently emerged in rabbits, has strains within a wide range of virulence, thus providing an interesting example of competition between strains infecting a host species with a metapopulation structure. In addition, rabbits may show a genetic diversity regarding RHDV susceptibility. In the present paper we use the example of the rabbit-RHDV interaction to study the competition between strains of a same microparasite in a host population that is both spatially and genetically structured. Using metapopulation models we show that the evolution of the microparasite is guided by a trade-off between its capacity to invade subpopulations potentially infected by other strains and its capacity to persist within the subpopulation. In such a context, host genetic diversity acts by reducing the number of hosts susceptible to each strain, often favouring more persistent—and generally less virulent—strains. We also show that even in a stochastic context where host genes regularly go locally extinct, the microparasite pressure helps maintain the genetic diversity in the long term while reinforcing gene loss risk in the short term. Finally, we study how different demographic and epidemiologic parameters affect the coevolution between the rabbit and RHDV.  相似文献   

A hallmark of the infectious cycle for many RNA viruses parasitizing multicellular hosts is the need to invade and successfully replicate in tissues that comprise a variety of cell types. Thus, multicellular hosts represent a heterogeneous environment to evolving viral populations. To understand viral adaptation to multicellular hosts, we took a double approach. First, we developed a mathematical model that served to make predictions concerning the dynamics of viral populations evolving in heterogeneous environments. Second, the predictions were tested by evolving vesicular stomatitis virus in vitro on a spatially structured environment formed by three different cell types. In the absence of gene flow, adaptation was tissue-specific, but fitness in all tissues decreased with migration rate. The performance in a given tissue was negatively correlated with its distance to the tissue hosting the population. This correlation decreased with migration rate.  相似文献   

Suicide upon infection by lytic phages is known in several bacteria species and represents an effective defence strategy to limit phage spread. However, the ecological conditions favouring the evolution of such a radically altruistic behaviour are unclear. Here, we model the feedback of epidemiology on host evolution in a spatially structured environment and we generate several specific predictions on altruistic suicide evolution. We test these predictions experimentally by competing E. coli cells carrying the suicide gene Lit against non‐carrier cells in the presence or in the absence of the lytic phage T6. We show that in accord with our theoretical analysis altruistic suicide is only favoured in the presence of the phage in spatially structured environments at intermediate levels of mixing. Our work provides a general explanation for the evolution of altruistic defence strategies against pathogens. We discuss the implications of these results for oncolytic virus therapy.  相似文献   

Spatial structure has dramatic effects on the demography and the evolution of species. A large variety of theoretical models have attempted to understand how local dispersal may shape the coevolution of interacting species such as host–parasite interactions. The lack of a unifying framework is a serious impediment for anyone willing to understand current theory. Here, we review previous theoretical studies in the light of a single epidemiological model that allows us to explore the effects of both host and parasite migration rates on the evolution and coevolution of various life‐history traits. We discuss the impact of local dispersal on parasite virulence, various host defence strategies and local adaptation. Our analysis shows that evolutionary and coevolutionary outcomes crucially depend on the details of the host–parasite life cycle and on which life‐history trait is involved in the interaction. We also discuss experimental studies that support the effects of spatial structure on the evolution of host–parasite interactions. This review highlights major similarities between some theoretical results, but it also reveals an important gap between evolutionary and coevolutionary models. We discuss possible ways to bridge this gap within a more unified framework that would reconcile spatial epidemiology, evolution and coevolution.  相似文献   

General host-parasite theory suggests that parasites may be implicated in the extinction of their hosts by causing instability that leads to increased risk of stochastic extinction. In contrast, spatially explicit models suggest that the parasite may directly drive the host population to extinction. Here we examine the ecological characteristics of host-parasite interactions that favor parasite-driven host extinction. Pair approximations and simulations show that parasites only drive their hosts to extinction when they significantly reduce host reproduction. As a matter of interest, parasites that have a relatively small effect on host death rate are more likely to cause host extinction. Parasite-driven host extinction occurs at any population size, whereas extinction caused by stochastic effects is less likely to occur in large host populations. Populations may therefore be under threat from parasites that stop host reproduction, and this type of parasite may prove to be the most effective biological pesticide.  相似文献   

A central paradigm of life-history theory is the existence of resource mediated trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness, yet observations inconsistent with this tenet are not uncommon. We previously found a clonal population of the aphid Myzus persicae to exhibit positive genetic correlations among major components of fitness, resulting in strong heritable fitness differences on a common host. This raises the question of how this genetic variation is maintained. One hypothesis states that variation for resource acquisition on different hosts may override variation for allocation, predicting strong fitness differences within hosts as a rule, but changes in fitness hierarchies across hosts due to trade-offs. Therefore, we carried out a life-table experiment with 17 clones of M. persicae, reared on three unrelated host plants: radish, common lambsquarters and black nightshade. We estimated the broad-sense heritabilities of six life-history traits on each host, the genetic correlations among traits within hosts, and the genetic correlations among traits on different hosts (cross-environment genetic correlations). The three plants represented radically different environments with strong effects on performance of M. persicae, yet we detected little evidence for trade-offs. Fitness components were positively correlated within hosts but also between the two more benign hosts (radish and lambsquarters), as well as between those and another host tested earlier. The comparison with the most stressful host, nightshade, was hampered by low survival. Survival on nightshade also exhibited genetic variation but was unrelated to fitness on other hosts. Acknowledging that the number of environments was necessarily limited in a quantitative genetic experiment, we suggest that the rather consistent fitness hierarchies across very different plants provided little evidence to support the idea that the clonal variation for life-history traits and their covariance structure are maintained by strong genotypexenvironment interactions with respect to hosts. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Among a great diversity of other strategies, insects have evolved polymodal emergence patterns that can increase survival in the face of annual variations in environmental conditions. Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) is a polyvoltine pest that attacks several cultivated cruciferous species. At the time of emergence, most populations show a polymodal emergence of type A (i.e. all individuals that enter diapause in the same year terminate diapause the following growing season, and exhibit a bimodal emergence curve). This results in the occurrence of two sympatric phenotypes, early and late, which differ by the timing of adult emergence in both diapausing and non‐diapausing generations. 2. In Brittany, D. radicum pupae can be heavily parasitised by three parasitoids, Aleochara bilineata Gyll. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Aleochara bipustulata L., and Trybliographa rapae (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae). As in all parasitoids species, the successful development of both Aleochara species and T. rapae larvae depends mainly on the amount and quality of the food provided by the host. 3. The relationship between early and late host phenotype and (i) the parasitism efficiency, (ii) emergence patterns, and (iii) host selection behaviour were investigated for the three parasitoid species. 4. Depending on parasitoid species and their different parasitism and development mode, the results reveal that host phenotype can influence (i) survival and development time in T. rapae, and (ii) survival in Aleochara species. Aleochara larvae did not appear to discriminate between early and late host pupae on the basis of phenotype, but rather selected them according to their developmental stage. Furthermore, it was discovered that the same phenological strategy occurred in T. rapae and in D. radicum. However, for D. radicum the results indicate that such a strategy has a cost as the longer development time of late host pupae results in a longer period of time favourable for parasitism.  相似文献   

Ecological factors influencing the effects of antibiotic production were explored experimentally and theoretically. A spatially structured model was used to model the dynamics of antibiotic-producing and nonproducing bacteria in which growth of the nonproducers was reduced by neighbouring antibiotic producers. Various factors affecting spatial interactions between the bacteria were examined for their impact on antibiotic producers. Spatial clustering had a positive impact on the effect of antibiotic production, as measured by the decline in growth of the nonproducing strain, while increasing the initial density of the nonproducing strain had a negative impact. Experiments examined the growth of antibiotic-producing Streptomyces species and a nonproducing, antibiotic-sensitive strain of Bacillus subtilis that were coinoculated on surface media. There was an effect of the Streptomyces on Bacillus growth in some experiments but not in others. In light of the predictions from the model, unintentional clustering of cells is a more likely explanation for this finding than different initial Bacillus densities. The importance of spatial structure seen in this study is consistent with a terrestrial rather than an aquatic distribution of antibiotic-producing bacteria, and may have implications in the search for novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

昆虫滞育后的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从昆虫滞育后性比、寿命、生殖力和重复滞育等方面对昆虫滞育后的生物学特性进行了概括,并分析了影响昆虫滞育后生物学特性数量表达的因子。这些因子包括:(1)滞育前昆虫的发育速率、取食行为和个体大小;(2)滞育期间的环境条件及昆虫取食行为;(3)滞育持续期;(4)滞育后的取食需求;以及(5)滞育后的温度和光周期。  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes determine immune repertoires and social preferences of vertebrates. Immunological regulation of microbial assemblages associated with individuals influences their sociality, and should also affect their life-history traits. We exposed Xenopus laevis tadpoles to water conditioned by adult conspecifics. Then, we analysed tadpole growth, development and survivorship as a function of MHC class I and class II peptide-binding region amino acid sequence similarities between tadpoles and frogs that conditioned the water to which they were exposed. Tadpoles approached metamorphosis earlier and suffered greater mortality when exposed to immunogenetically dissimilar frogs. The results suggest that developmental regulatory cues, microbial assemblages or both are specific to MHC genotypes. Tadpoles may associate with conspecifics with which they share microbiota to which their genotypes are well adapted.  相似文献   

Most of the evidence for a key role of parasites in structuring communities is based on the idea of a differential susceptibility of host species to infection and its consequences. Recent advances in community ecology suggest that life-history traits of free-living species can be an important determinant of their co-existence within communities. On the other hand, parasites have the potential to indirectly alter the life-history traits of their hosts, such as developmental time or dispersal. We discuss the idea that these indirect effects could influence the structure of free-living and parasite communities. We explore this idea in relation to related concepts including 'parasitic arbitration' and engineering processes.  相似文献   

A hybrid zone model was developed that uses a stepping-stone model of population structure along with both nuclear and cytoplasmic genotypes to evaluate the effect that migration has on random mating organisms when no selection is present. Numerical simulations indicate that a number of different allele frequency and cytonuclear disequilibrium patterns can be found across the hybrid zone when it has reached equilibrium, and these results are discussed in the context of relative migration rates of the two sexes and the two source populations. The importance of numbers of subpopulations sampled, census time, and the persistence of pure species individuals into the hybrid zone are also discussed. Although this model does not consider selection or assortative mating in the hybrid zone, it should provide a useful baseline for evaluating joint cytonuclear genetic data from a structurally complex hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Gordo I  Campos PR 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):217-229
We study the process of adaptation in a spatially structured asexual haploid population. The model assumes a local competition for replication, where each organism interacts only with its nearest neighbors. We observe that the substitution rate of beneficial mutations is smaller for a spatially structured population than that seen for populations without structure. The difference between structured and unstructured populations increases as the adaptive mutation rate increases. Furthermore, the substitution rate decreases as the number of neighbors for local competition is reduced. We have also studied the impact of structure on the distribution of adaptive mutations that fix during adaptation.  相似文献   

Many organisms show polymorphism in dispersal distance strategies. This variation is particularly ecological relevant if it encompasses a functional separation of short‐ (SDD) and long‐distance dispersal (LDD). It remains, however, an open question whether both parts of the dispersal kernel are similarly affected by landscape related selection pressures. We implemented an individual‐based model to analyze the evolution of dispersal traits in fractal landscapes that vary in the proportion of habitat and its spatial configuration. Individuals are parthenogenetic with dispersal distance determined by two alleles on each individual's genome: one allele coding for the probability of global dispersal and one allele coding for the variance σ of a Gaussian local dispersal with mean value zero. Simulations show that mean distances of local dispersal and the probability of global dispersal, increase with increasing habitat availability, but that changes in the habitat's spatial autocorrelation impose opposing selective pressure: local dispersal distances decrease and global dispersal probabilities increase with decreasing spatial autocorrelation of the available habitat. Local adaptation of local dispersal distance emerges in landscapes with less than 70% of clumped habitat. These results demonstrate that long and short distance dispersal evolve separately according to different properties of the landscape. The landscape structure may consequently largely affect the evolution of dispersal distance strategies and the level of dispersal polymorphism.  相似文献   

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