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Dopamine (DA) is the only catecholaminergic neurotransmitter in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Dopaminergic neurons have been identified in the larval and adult central nervous system (CNS) in Drosophila and other insects, but no specific genetic tool was available to study their development, function, and degeneration in vivo. In Drosophila as in vertebrates, the rate-limiting step in DA biosynthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). The Drosophila TH gene (DTH) is specifically expressed in all dopaminergic cells and the corresponding mutant, pale (ple), is embryonic lethal. We have performed ple rescue experiments with modified DTH transgenes. Our results indicate that partially redundant regulatory elements located in DTH introns are required for proper expression of this gene in the CNS. Based on this study, we generated a GAL4 driver transgene, TH-GAL4, containing regulatory sequences from the DTH 5' flanking and downstream coding regions. TH-GAL4 specifically expresses in dopaminergic cells in embryos, larval CNS, and adult brain when introduced into the Drosophila genome. As a first application of this driver, we observed that in vivo inhibition of DA release induces a striking hyperexcitability behavior in adult flies. We propose that TH-GAL4 will be useful for studies of the role of DA in behavior and disease models in Drosophila.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The advent of genomics yields thousands of reading frames in search of function. Identification of conserved functional motifs in protein sequences can be helpful for function prediction. RESULTS: A database and a classification of reported DNA-binding protein motifs has been designed. A program ('TranScout') has been developed for the detection and evaluation of conserved motifs in prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences of proteins with a gene regulatory function. The efficiency of the program is shown in a benchmark against a database obtained from SWISS-PROT without the protein sequences used to train the program. All motifs were detected with a mean average sensitivity of 0.98 and a mean average specificity of 0.92. AVAILABILITY: The program is freely available for use on the internet at http://luz.uab.es/transcout/. The user can find additional information at this site.  相似文献   

T V Ramabhadran  B A Reitz  D M Shah 《Gene》1985,38(1-3):111-118
The gene coding for bovine growth hormone (bGH) was isolated from a lambda-phage library constructed using bovine pituitary DNA partially digested with MboI. Expression of this gene transfected into mouse and monkey cells was studied. CV-1 monkey cells transfected with simian virus 40 (SV40) vectors containing the intact bGH gene, including the putative promoter region, did not express bGH. However, replacement of the bGH promoter with the mouse metallothionein-I (MT) promoter resulted in high-level synthesis and secretion of bGH. These results show that the bGH promoter functions poorly in CV-1 cells but CV-1 cells process and translate the bGH mRNA accurately. The MT-bGH chimeric gene was used to establish permanent bGH-secreting mouse C127 cell lines using the 69% transforming fragment of bovine papilloma virus (BPV) as the vector. One such cell line produced high levels of bGH and secreted it into the medium efficiently. Secreted bGH is processed accurately and is bioactive as judged by its ability to bind to rabbit liver membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Because of the complexities involved in the regulation of gene expression in Escherichia coli and mammalian cells, it is considered general practice to use different vectors for heterologous expression of recombinant proteins in these host systems. However, we have developed and report a shuttle vector system, pGFLEX, that provides high-level expression of recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins in E. coli and mammalian cells. pGFLEX contains the cytomegaloma virus (CMV) immediate-early promoter in tandem with the E. coli lacZpo system. The sequences involved in gene expression have been appropriately modified to enable high-level production of fusion proteins in either cell type. The pGFLEX expression system allows production of target proteins fused to either the N or C terminus of the GST π protein and provides rapid purification of target proteins as either GST fusions or native proteins after cleavage with thrombin. The utility of this vector in identifying and purifying a component of a multi-protein complex is demonstrated with cyclin A. The pGFLEX expression system provides a singular and widely applicable tool for laboratory or industrial production of biologically active recombinant proteins in E. coli and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Three traditional tribes of Fordini, Pemphigini and Eriosomatini comprise Pemphiginae, and there are two subtribes in Fordini and Pemphigini, respectively. Most of the species in this subfamily live heteroecious holocyclic lives with distinct primary host specificity. The three tribes of Pemphigini (except Prociphilina), Eriosomatini and Fordini use three families of plants, Salicaceae (Populus), Ulmaceae (Ulums) and Anacardiaceae (Pistacia and Rhus), as primary hosts, respectively, and form galls on them. Therefore, the Pemphigids are well known as gall makers, and their galls can be divided into true galls and pseudo-galls in type. We performed the first molecular phylogenetic study of Pemphiginae based on molecular data (EF-1alpha sequences). Results show that Pemphiginae is probably not a monophylum, but the monophyly of Fordini is supported robustly. The monophyly of Pemphigini is not supported, and two subtribes in it, Pemphigina and Prociphilina, are suggested to be raised to tribal level, equal with Fordini and Eriosomatini. The molecular phylogenetic analysis does not show definite relationships among the four tribes of Pemphiginae, as in the previous phylogenetic study based on morphology. It seems that the four tribes radiated at nearly the same time and then evolved independently. Based on this, we can speculate that galls originated independently four times in the four tribes, and there is no evidence to support that true galls are preceded by pseudo-galls, as in the case of thrips and willow sawflies.  相似文献   

A luminescence method for monitoring gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells using apoaequorin as a secreted reporter enzyme is described. In this method, the cell is not disrupted prior to assay as in the earlier aequorin procedure and in the firefly method. The apoaequorin secretion vector is constructed by fusing the DNA fragment of the signal peptide sequence of human follistatin to the apoaequorin gene. Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with the vector causes the apoaequorin to be secreted directly into the culture medium. Assay is carried out by removing a small aliquot of the culture medium, incubating it with coelenterazine, and adding Ca2+ to trigger light emission from the regenerated aequorin. The light intensity is measured with a photomultiplier photometer and is proportional to the amount of apoaequorin present. The method is highly specific and sensitive and can be carried out in a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   

A bacterial cDNA clone was identified carrying one third of the nucleotides coding for elongation factor EF-1 alpha from the brine shrimp Artemia. The sequence of codons corresponds with the known sequence of amino acids of EF-1 alpha in the region involved.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate was used to enhance expression levels and thereby facilitate the generation of analytical quantities of nine different tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) analogues expressed under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV IE) promoter by the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mammalian expression system. Production involved growth in roller bottles, using serum free or low serum media formulations, together with repetitive, sodium butyrate inductions. Average inductions in the presence of sodium butyrate ranged from 2 to 9-fold relative to uninduced controls, using cell lines with no previous butyrate exposure. Retardation of growth rate by butyrate minimized the need to split cells during the production runs, extending longevity of roller bottles containing cells secreting at induced levels. SDS-PAGE analyses indicate a consistently high percentage of single-chain material. Measurements of specific activity and fibrinogen fragment enhancement for one of the analogues demonstrate that neither of these two critical parameters are affected by production in the presence of butyrate. Induction kinetic data and growth curves for the expression of sCD4 under control of the SV40 early promoter demonstrate that the benefits of butyrate can be realized with different promoters and heterologous genes, and are additive when used in conjunction with an amplified cell line constitutively expressing at elevated levels. This work demonstrates the practical application of sodium butyrate in the production of analytical quantities of protein from the CHO expression system, and suggests a role for sodium butyrate in commercial scale processes as well.  相似文献   

An expression vector has been generated using a gene highly expressed under conditions found in a typical fed-batch bioreactor process. The ferritin heavy chain (HC) gene exhibits higher levels of expression in the late stages of a fed-batch bioreactor than in the early stages. This property was considered advantageous for an expression vector, since the maximal cell density would coincide with maximal expression. The rat ferritin HC genomic region was isolated and converted into an expression vector where large segments of 5' and 3' flanking regions were included in an attempt to recreate the same high level of expression in stably transfected cells. Expression from the resulting ferritin HC vector was compared to vectors containing the commonly used strong promoters, CMV IE, and SV40 early promoter/enhancer, in the generation of stable transfectants. The ferritin HC vector was able to generate cell lines with significantly higher expression levels than those under the control of the viral promoters.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Bicyclus anynana has become an important model species for wing-pattern developmental biology and studies of phenotypic plasticity, little is known of the evolutionary history of the genus Bicyclus and the position of B. anynana. Understanding the evolution of development as well as the evolution of plasticity can be attempted in this species-rich genus that displays a large range of wing patterns with variable degrees of phenotypic responses to the environment. A context to guide extrapolations from population genetic studies within B. anynana to those between closely related species has been long overdue. A phylogeny of 54 of the 80 known Bicyclus species is presented based on the combined 3000-bp sequences of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase I and II, and the nuclear gene, elongation factor 1alpha. A series of tree topologies, constructed either from the individual genes or from the combined data, using heuristic searches under a variety of weighting schemes were compared under the best maximum-likelihood models fitted for each gene separately. The most likely tree topology to have generated the three data sets was found to be a tree resulting from a combined MP analysis with equal weights. Most phylogenetic signal for the analysis comes from silent substitutions at the third position, and despite the faster rate of evolution and higher levels of homoplasy of the mitochondrial genes relative to the nuclear gene, the latter does not show substantially stronger support for basal clades. Finally, moving branches from the chosen tree topology to other positions on the tree so as to comply better with a previous morphological study did not significantly affect tree length.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene encoding for HIV-1 integrase was designed to circumvent the intrinsic instability and the repressor elements present in the wild-type gene. High-level expression of HIV-1 integrase was obtained in various human cell lines independently of viral accessory proteins. A human 293T cell line was selected that stably expresses HIV-1 integrase and has growth kinetics comparable to the parental cell line. The enzyme was localized in the nucleus and remained stably associated with the chromosomes during mitosis. Lentiviral vector particles carrying the inactivating D64V mutation in the integrase gene were capable of stably transducing 293T cells when complemented in the producer cells with integrase expressed from the synthetic gene. When the cell line that stably expresses integrase was infected with the defective viral particles, complementation of integrase activity was detected as well. Expression of active HIV-1 integrase in human cells will facilitate the study of the interplay between host and viral factors during integration.  相似文献   

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