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The impact of grazing by copepods on phytoplankton was studied during a seasonal cycle on the Galician shelf off A Coruña (NW Spain). Grazing was estimated by measuring the chlorophyll gut content and the evacuation rates of copepods from three mesh-size classes: 200-500 (small), 500-1000 (medium), and 1000-2000 μm (large). Between February 1996 and June 1997, monthly measurements of water temperature, chlorophyll concentration, primary production rates, and copepod abundance, chlorophyll gut content, and evacuation rates were taken at an 80-m-deep, fixed shelf station. Additionally, the same measurements were collected daily during two bloom events in March and in July 1996. Small copepods were the most abundant through the seasonal cycle. The highest grazing impact, however, was due to the medium and large size classes. Grazing by small copepods exceeded grazing by medium and large copepods only during phytoplankton spring blooms. The impact of copepod grazing (considering all size fractions) was generally low. On average, 2% of the phytoplankton biomass and 6% of the primary production were removed daily by the copepod community. Maximum grazing impact values (9% of the phytoplankton biomass and 39% of the primary production) were found in mid-summer. These results suggest that most of the phytoplankton biomass would escape direct copepod grazing in this upwelling area.  相似文献   

In August 2002 and March 2003 the trophic structure of the microbialassemblage from the San Pedro Channel, California was studiedfollowing the experimental alteration of the number of copepods.Changes in the abundance/biomass of microorganisms <80 µmduring 3-day incubations were monitored in (i) the absence ofmetazoa >80 µm, (ii) the presence of natural abundancesof metazoa and (iii) the presence of an elevated number of copepods.Prokaryotes and small-sized eukaryotes (<4 µm) dominatedplankton biomass during both experimental months. Diatoms numericallydominated the 10–80 µm plankton in August 2002,but ciliate and heterotrophic dinoflagellate biomass generallyexceeded diatom biomass on both dates. Ingestion of protozooplankton(predominantly ciliates) contributed substantially to copepoddaily carbon rations. The adult copepod assemblage removed 4.6and 36% per day of the microzooplankton standing stocks (10–80µm size fraction) in August and March, respectively. Elevatedcopepod grazing pressure on protozooplankton resulted in increasedbiomass of nanoplankton (<5 µm) presumably via a trophiccascade. Accordingly, the copepod–protozoan trophic linkappears to be a key factor structuring the planktonic microbialassemblage in the San Pedro Channel. This paper is one of six on the subject of the role of zooplanktonpredator–prey interactions in structuring plankton communities.  相似文献   

New (nitrate) phytoplankton production was estimated monthlyduring 1 year (March 1991–March 1992) at three stationson the Scotian Shelf, Northwest Atlantic. Samples were sizefractionated to assess the uptake of nitrate by small (<5µm) and large (>5 µm) phytoplankton. The biomassof small phytoplankton remained relatively constant over theyear, whereas that of the large size fraction was high in earlyspring and low during the remainder of the year. Monthly variationsin nitrate uptake were similar for the two size fractions, suggestingthat both small and large phytoplankton used nitrate when available.It follows that, outside the spring bloom, new production waslargely due to the small fraction. Our results do not supportthe notion that new production is associated with large phytoplanktonand regenerated production with small phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results from a study in which two commonlyused plankton nets, the Nansen net and the WP 2 net, were compared.The study was performed at six stations in the Baltic Sea andthe samples were collected during seasons of both high and lowparticle abundance. The comparison included both qualitativeand quantitative filtration capacity of the nets under differentenvironmental conditions. Different mesh sizes were also tested.The results show that the Nansen net has an efficiency of 50–70%compared to the WP 2 net under favourable conditions. When conditionsare unfavourable, i.e. during periods of high particle abundanceor during long hauls, the efficiency may be as low as 25–30%.The mesh size of the nets proved to be of decisive importancefor the qualitative composition of the samples. Most of thesmaller size fractions such as rotifers, copepod nauplii andyoung copepodites passed through the 160 and 200 µm meshes.The 90 µm nets sampled these fractions well but with thedrawback of retaining vast amounts of phytoplankton at certaintimes of the year.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of zooplankton was investigated over a3-week period at a fixed station in the open NW Mediterraneanduring the DYNAPROC cruise (May 1995). The observational periodcoincided with the transition from spring bloom to oligotrophyin this area. Vertical distribution and migration in the 0–1000m water column are described in detail for the main speciesof copepods (>500 µm). Ontogenetic migration is reportedfor Neocalanus gracilis, Euchaeta acuta and Pleuromamma abdominalis.This study also documented the downwards seasonal migrationof Calanus helgolandicus. Short-term changes in the verticaldistribution of the small-sized organisms (>50 µm)in the upper 100 m are discussed in relation to the two majorwind events that occurred during the cruise. The naupliar stagesof copepods and euphausiids appeared unable to counter the upwardsvertical advection and the wind-induced mixing, while no markedchanges were observed for Oithona spp. and Microsetella spp.  相似文献   

Trophic cascading in an oligotrophic temperate estuary, South Africa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trophic cascading resulting from the coupling between componentsof the microbial food comprising bacteria, phytoplankton andprotozooplankton [nano- (2–20 µm) and microzooplankton(20–200 µm)] and mesozooplankton (copepods) (200–2000µm) was investigated at three stations in the oligotrophictemperate Kariega estuary during the summer (February) and winter(May) 2001. Total chlorophyll a (Chl a) was dominated by picophytoplankton(<2 µm) throughout the study comprising between 55and 74% of the total pigment during summer and between 64 and78% of the total during winter. Among the heterotrophic componentsof the pelagic food web, nanozooplankton (HNAN) were identifiedas the most important consumers of bacteria and microzooplankton(MICRO) the primary consumers of Chl a. The low impact of themesozooplankton (MESO) on the Chl a appears to be related tothe size structure of the phytoplankton community in the estuarywhich is too small to be grazed efficiently by the larger zooplankton.In response to the unfavourable size structure of the phytoplanktoncommunity in the estuary, it is suggested that the MESO consumeHNAN, MICRO and/or detritus. The negative impact of the MESOon the net growth rates of the HNAN and MICRO resulted in adecrease in the feeding impact of these organisms on the Chla < 2 µm and bacteria. This result is consistent withthe expectations of predator–prey cascades.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns in phytoplankton size fractions were studiedfor >1 year on the shelf south of Kingston, Jamaica. On average,in the East Channel, total chlorophyll was partitioned as 42%netplankton (>20 µm), 30% nanoplankton (2–20µm) and 28% picoplankton (0.2–2 µm); correspondingaverages for size-fractionated primary production were 27, 30and 43%. Netplankton was more variable than the other size fractions,and it predominated at times of high total chlorophyll concentration.When total chlorophyll was low, picoplankton predominated. Regressionmodels using wind and rainfall parameters could explain up to46% of the variation in chlorophyll concentrations. In theseregression models, the variation accounted for was always greatestfor the net- and least for the picoplankton. A suggested mechanismfor meteorological-phytoplankton coupling is that during periodsof easterly winds (90–150°), offshore water (in whichpicoplankton dominates) is advected onto the shelf, either displacingor diluting the nearshore water. At times of weaker westerlywinds (230–290°) there is a persistence of the phytoplanktoncommunity in nutrient-rich shelf waters and net- and nanoplanktonbiomass increases.  相似文献   

To estimate the predation effect of the predominant ctenophorePleurobrachia bachei on the small-copepod community in the upwellingarea off Mejillones (23°S), northern Chile, a series ofoceanographic cruises and predation experiments were conductedin the austral springs 2000, 2001 and 2002. The daily consumptionrates and predatory effect of P. bachei on the small copepods(in terms of % of standing stock and biomass removed daily)were determined at three stations located in relation to theshelf-break (coastal, shelf-break and oceanic) reaching valuesup to 4.5% per day of the <1500 µm copepod standingstock. Our results indicate that the ctenophores were most abundantat the coastal station, that small copepods dominated the copepodcommunity (being more abundant nearshore), and that the relativefrequency of ctenophores with copepods in their guts was alsohigher near the coast. The predatory effect of P. bachei onthe small-copepod community was also higher in the coastal zone.However, the effect of this predation on the copepod biomassin terms of carbon did not decrease steadily seawards, whichmay be due to the larger sized copepods consumed at the offshorestations. Determinations of predatory effect on the secondaryproduction of the more abundant small-copepod populations (i.e26% daily in 2000) suggest that this single species of Pleurobrachiais modulating the population growth rate of the small copepods,the copepod community size structure, and maybe even the alternanceof key species in the Mejillones coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   

Short-term changes in the zooplankton community were investigatedat a time-series station in the open NW Mediterranean duringthe DYNAPROC cruise programme (May 1995). Based on the samplesobtained with three devices (12 l bottle, 200 µm and 500µm mesh nets), the abundance and specific compositionare presented for mesozooplankton (copepods mainly), macroplanktonand micronekton. Over the 3 week sampling period, overall densityof the copepod community decreased and changes in the specificcomposition occurred. The decline was also observed in naupliiand was more marked in small-sized copepod species than in largerones; one species, Centropages typicus, even disappeared. Anincrease in the proportion of carnivorous organisms appearedin both copepods (Euchaeta acuta, Heterorhabdus spp.) and euphausiids(Nematoscelis megalops, Stylocheiron longicorne). These changesare discussed in relation to environmental features and in thecontext of seas-onal variability, the observational period coincidingwith the transition from spring bloom to oligotrophy in thisarea. Effects of a major wind event that appeared to have inducedlong-lasting changes are also explored.  相似文献   

Feeding by larval and post-larval ctenophores on microzooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Feeding by the coastal ctenophorc, Mnemiopsis leidyi, on microplanktonwas investigated. Larval ctenophores (tentaculate stage) grewbest and had the highest survival rates when offered a mixtureof ciliates and copepod nauplii. Larvae did not survive whenoffered phytoplankton alone. Clearing of planktonjc ciliatesby post-larval ctenophores was a function of the ciliate speciesand the size of the predator. Removal of small ciliates (<20µm in size) and phytoplankton was negligible. Small post-larvalctenophores (volume <4 cm3) had higher biovolume-specificclearing rates (0.5–1.5 1 cm–3 day–1) thandid larger ctenophores fed the same ciliate species. Duringin situ incubations, adult M. leidyi removed ciliates, rotifersand copepod nauplii from natural microplankton assemblages.The data indicate that non-crustacean microzooplanlctoo arean important component of the diet of larval and post-larvallocate cteoophores, particularly when copepod standing stocksare low.  相似文献   

Seasonal dry weights of female and male Cyclops bicuspidatusthomasi, Diaptomus ashlandi and Diaptomus minutus were studiedin southeastern Lake Michigan during 1975–1981. Smallestanimals occurred during summer and early fall, and largest animalsin winter and spring, a pattern reported for other copepods.The range of weights for the species and sexes decreased fromwinter to summer, and converged in summer to a value of approximately2 µg/animal. Surface water temperature and abundancesof young-of-the-year (YOY) fish were inversely correlated withweights of males and females of the three copepod species. Standingstocks of important phytoplankton groups, especially pennatediatoms and flagellates, were positively correlated with copepodweight. Seasonal change of copepod body size appears to be morethan simply a function of temperature; seasonal predation byYOY fish may be a factor influencing sizes of adult copepods.  相似文献   

We determined the productivity (µg C µg–1Chi a h–1) of size-fractionated phytoplankton in the northernNorth Pacific and the Bering Sea in summer and winter. Picoplankton(<2 µm) were more productive than larger sized phytoplankton(2–10 and 10–200 µm) in the subtropical region,where the in situ temperature was >10°C; whereas picoplanktonin the subarctic region were similar in productivity or lessproductive than larger sized plankton, where the in situ temperaturewas <10°C. The result from the subtropical region inthis study agrees with previous results from tropical and subtropical waters, which indicate that phytoplankton productivitytends to decrease with increasing cell size. The result fromthe subarctic region, however, differs from previous results.We observed a positive linear regression for in situ temperatureand picoplankton productivity, but this trend was not seen inthe larger sized phytoplankton. The results show that the productivityof picoplankton is markedly influenced by in situ temperaturecompared with that of larger sized plankton. Low tem peratureappears to account largely for the observation that the productivityof picoplankton is not significantly higher than that of largersized phytoplankton in the subarctic region.  相似文献   

The fecundity and somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensisand Calanoides carinatus, the dominant large calanoid copepodsin the southern Benguela upwelling system, as well as the fecundityof several other common copepods, were measured between Septemberand March of 1993/94 and 1994/95. Mean egg production of mostcopepods was low at >30 eggs female-1 day-1 {Calanoides carinatus23.7, Calanus agulhensis 19.0, Neocalanus tonsus 16.1 and Rhincalanusnasutus 26.1), whereas the mean fecundity of Centropages brachiatuswas significantly greater (83.6 eggs female–1 day-1).This study also presents the first comprehensive field estimatesof the fecundity of Nanno-calanus minor (mean: 26.1 eggs female–1day–1, range: 0.0–96.2 eggs female–1 day–1)and of somatic growth of N6 and all copepodite stages of Calanoidescarinatus (decreasing from 0.58 day–1 for N6 to 0.04 day–1for C5). Somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensis also declinedwith age: from 0.57 day1 for N6 to 0.09 day1 for C5. Data ongrowth rates were used to assess the relative importance offood [as measured by total chlorophyll (Chi) a concentration],phytoplankton cell size (proportion of cells >10 µm)and temperature to the growth of copepods. Multiple regressionresults suggested that fecundity and somatic growth rates werepositively related to both Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, but not to temperature. Although it was not possibleto separate the effects of Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, data from previous laboratory experiments suggestthat copepod growth is not limited by small cells per se, butby the low Chi a concentrations that are associated with theseparticles in the field. Despite growth not being directly relatedto temperature, a dome-shaped relationship was evident in somespecies, with slower growth rates at cool (<13°C) andwarm (>18°C) temperatures. The shape of this relationshipmirrors that of Chi a versus temperature, where poor Chi a concentrationsare associated with cool and warm temperatures. It is concludedthat the effect of food limitation on growth of copepods outweighsthat of temperature in the southern Benguela region. Sourcesof variability in relationships between growth and Chi a concentrationare discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates food supply for copepods, highlighting the trophic relationship between copepods and protozooplankton. To test the hypotheses that protozooplankton prey are capable of sustaining the copepod standing stock in the western Irish Sea, the taxonomic and size composition of these two groups and the size-specific predation of copepods on protozooplankton were investigated. Protozooplankton and copepod samples were collected off the southwest coast of the Isle of Man using 1.7 l Niskin water bottles and two nets (64 and 280 μm meshes), respectively. Copepod predation on protozooplankton was calculated using weight-specific clearance rates from the literature, considering the availability of prey that was accessible to a given size of copepod. Low protozooplankton biomass was dominated by small cells (<60 μm), and high copepod biomass was dominated by small species, which were more efficiently collected by a 64-μm mesh net. However, large copepods were only collected by a 280-μm mesh net, suggesting that the combination of the two nets provided a better estimate of copepod biomass. Predation by the copepod assemblage in the Irish Sea removed 1–47% and 0.5–22% of ciliates and dinoflagellates standing stock, respectively, resulting in 1–40% of the copepod feeding requirement per day. Contrary to our hypothesis, copepods could not meet their feeding requirements by grazing only on the microzooplankton prey (15–200 μm), and other food sources (i.e. nanoplankton) must be important additional dietary components to copepods in the Irish Sea. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

Seventeen size-fractionation experiments were carried out duringthe summer of 1979 to compare biomass and productivity in the< 10, <8 and <5 µm size fractions with that ofthe total phytoplankton community in surface waters of NarragansettBay. Flagellates and non-motile ultra-plankton passing 8 µmpolycarbonate filters dominated early summer phytoplankton populations,while diatoms and dinoflagellates retained by 10 µm nylonnetting dominated during the late summer. A significant numberof small diatoms and dinoflagellates were found in the 10–8µm size fraction. The > 10 µm size fraction accountedfor 50% of the chlorophyll a standing crop and 38% of surfaceproduction. The <8 µm fraction accounted for 39 and18% of the surface biomass and production. Production by the< 8 µm fraction exceeded half of the total communityproduction only during a mid-summer bloom of microflagellates.Mean assimilation numbers and calculated carbon doubling ratesin the <8 µm (2.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 0.9day–1)and<5 µm(1.7 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 0.5day–1)size fractions were consistently lower than those of the totalpopulation (4.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 1.3 day–1)and the <10 µm size fraction (5.8 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 1.4 day –1). The results indicate that smalldiatoms and dinoflagellates in fractionated phytoplankton populationscan influence productivity out of proportion to their numbersor biomass. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia.  相似文献   

Environmental control of zooplankton biomass size structure(53–100, 100–202, 202–500 and >500 µm)was investigated in the three limnetic strata of 25 southernQuébec Shield lakes, Canada. Among-lake differences werethe greatest source of variation of zooplankton biomass, whereasthe strong lake–by–stratum interaction observedindicated that the vertical variations of zooplankton biomassand its size fractions were not constant from lake to lake.The analysis of spatial and local factors based on thermal stratais consistent with conceptual models of predation and nutrientcontrol on the biomass and size structure of the zooplankton.Productivity of the aquatic systems, which was driven by lakedepth, flushing rate and total phosphorus concentration, wasthe primary factor influencing total zooplankton biomass andsize structure at among-lake scale in epilimnetic waters. Theeffects of the planktivorous fish on the large zooplankton biomass(>500 µm) was more clearly perceived when the effectof lake depth was removed by partial redundancy analysis. Thisstudy showed that although bottom-up and top-down forces arecomplementary in structuring of zooplankton communities, theycan also act differently on the community attributes (e.g. biomassand size structure). Among-lake zooplankton biomass is predictablefrom lake trophy, but the size structure and vertical distributionof zooplankton communities appear to be controlled by lake stratificationand by inference to interactions with size selective predationby fish. In metalimnetic waters, the 53–100 and 100–202µm zooplankton biomass fractions were primarily dependenton abiotic factors, while the 202–500 and >500 µmfractions were related to planktivory and picophytoplanktonconcentrations. The well-oxygenated and cold hypolimnetic watersof some lakes offered a refuge from surface turbulence and planktivoryto large zooplankton size fractions (202–500 and >500µm).  相似文献   

Measurements of hydrography, chlorophyll, moulting rates ofjuvenile copepods and egg production rates of adult female copepodswere made at eight stations along a transect across the Skagerrak.The goals of the study were to determine (i) if there were correlationsbetween spatial variations in hydrography, phytoplankton andcopepod production rates, (ii) if copepod egg production rateswere correlated with juvenile growth rates, and (iii) if therewas evidence of food-niche separation among co-occumng femalecopepods The 200 km wide Skagerrak had a stratified water columnin the center and a mixed water column along the margins. Suchspatial variations should lead to a dominance of small phytoplanktoncells in the center and large cells along the margins; however,during our study blooms of Gyrodinium aureolum and Ceratium(three species) masked any locally driven differences in cellsize: 50% of chla was >11 µm, 5% in the 11–50µm fraction and 45% <50 µm. averaged for allstations. Chlorophyll ranged from 0.2 to 2.5 µg l–1at most depths and stations. Specific growth rates of copepodsaveraged 0.10 day–1 for adult females and 0.27 day–1for juveniles The latter is similar to maximum rates known fromlaboratory studies, thus were probably not food-limited. Eggproduction rates were food-limited with the degree of limitationvarying among species: 75% of maximum for Centropages typicus, 50% for Calanus finmarchicus, 30% for Paracalanus parvus and 15% for Acartia longiremis and Temora longicornis. Thedegree of limitation was unrelated to female body size suggestingfood-niche separation among adults. Copepod production, summedover all species, ranged from 3 to 8 mg carbon m–3day–1and averaged 4.6 mg carbon m–1 day–1. Egg productionaccounted for 25% of the total.  相似文献   

Carbon dynamics in the 'grazing food chain' of a subtropical lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were conducted over a 13 month period at four pelagicsites in eutrophic Lake Okeechobee, Florida (USA), in orderto quantify carbon (C) uptake rates by size-fractionated phytoplankton,and subsequent transfers of C to zooplankton. This was accomplishedusing laboratory 14C tracer methods and natural plankton assemblages.The annual biomass of picoplankton (<2 µm), nanoplankton(2–20 µm) and microplankton (<20 µm averaged60, 389 and 100 µg C 1–1 respectively, while correspondingrates of C uptake averaged 7, 51 and 13 µg C1–1h–1. The biomass of microzooplankton (40–200 µm)and macrozooplankton (<200 µm averaged 18 and 60 µgC 1–1, respectively, while C uptake rates by these herbivoregroups averaged 2 and 3 µg C 1–1 h–1. Therewere no strong seasonal patterns in any of the plankton metrics.The ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton C uptake averaged7% over the course of the study. This low value is typical ofthat observed in eutrophic temperate lakes with small zooplanktonand large inedible phytoplankton, and indicates ineffectiveC transfer in the grazing food chain. On a single occasion,there was a high density (<40 1–1) of Daphnia lumholrzii,a large-bodied exotic cladoceran. At that time, zooplanktoncommunity C uptake was <20 µg C 1–1 h–1and the ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton C uptake was near30%. If D.lumholrzii proliferates in Lake Okeechobee and theother Florida lakes where it has recently been observed, itmay substantially alter planktonic C dynamics.  相似文献   

The winter/spring vertical distributions of polar cod, copepods, and ringed seal were monitored at a 230-m station in ice-covered Franklin Bay. In daytime, polar cod of all sizes (7–95 g) formed a dense aggregation in the deep inverse thermocline (160–230 m, −1.0 to 0°C). From December (polar night) to April (18-h daylight), small polar cod <25 g migrated into the isothermal cold intermediate layer (90–150 m, −1.4°C) at night to avoid visual predation by shallow-diving immature seals. By contrast, large polar cod (25–95 g), with large livers, remained below 180 m at all times, presumably to minimize predation by deep-diving mature seals. The diel vertical migration (DVM) of small polar cod was precisely synchronized with the light/dark cycle and its duration tracked the seasonal lengthening of the photoperiod. The DVM stopped in May coincident with the midnight sun and increased schooling and feeding. We propose that foraging interference and a limited prey supply in the deep aggregation drove the upward re-distribution of small polar cod at night. The bioluminescent copepod Metridia longa could have provided the light needed by polar cod to feed on copepods in the deep aphotic layers.  相似文献   

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