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Infection by bacteriophage T4 has previously been shown to cause a rapid inhibition of the host recBC DNase, an ATP-dependent DNase that is required for genetic recombination in Escherichia coli. We report here the partial purification of a protein ("T4 rec inhibitor") from extracts of T4-infected cells and some characteristics of the in vitro inhibition reaction with purified inhibitor and recBC nuclease. This inhibitory activity could not be purified from extracts of uninfected E. coli. Both the ATP-dependent exonuclease and DNA-dependent ATPase activities of recBC DNase are inhibited by T4 rec inhibitor. Experiments suggest that the inhibitor interacts with the nuclease in a stoichiometric manner. The biological significance of this inhibition is discussed with respect to control reactions in phage-infected cells.  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from T5 and BF23 phage carrying amber mutations in genes A2, A1, or D9 and tested for its ability to transfect su minus spheroplasts. DNA from T5 am231, defective in gene A2, transfects Escherichia coli su minus recB minus spheroplasts with an efficiency of 16% of that of wild-type T5 DNA, whereas DNA from T5 am16d or BF23 am57, both defective in gene A1 or its equivalent, transfects E. coli su minus recB minus spheroplasts with an efficiency of 1.4% of that of wild-type T5 DNA, provided E. coli su+ bacteria is used as the indicator in all cases. More than 95% of the progeny from the am231, am16d, and am57 DNA that transfects su minus recB minus spheroplasts is still amber mutant. From these efficiencies of transfection we conclude that the product of gene A2 functions mainly in the mechanism of transfer of phage DNA to intact host cells, and that this function is not essential for transfection of spheroplasts. We also conclude that gene A1 controls functions in addition to DNA transfer, in agreement with previous studies which show that mutations in gene A1 have a pleiotropic effect. Apparently, the absence of these additional functions controlled by gene A1 leads to a high frequency of abortive infection. DNA from amber mutants defective in either gene A1 or A2 does not appreciably transfect su minus rec+ spheroplasts, indicating that the products of these two genes may both be needed to protect T5 DNA from the very active rec BC nuclease in spheroplasts.  相似文献   

Role of recBC nuclease in Escherichia coli transformation.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In Escherichia coli transformation with linear donor deoxyribonucleic acid, the recBC pathway is functional, but genetic analysis shows that the recBC nuclease is deleterious to linear deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   

Infectivity of linear lambdaDNA molecules is proved to be about a hundred times higher in calcinated E. coli K12 (lambai434) than in E. coli K12(lambda-): the levels of transfection were 1-3-10(7) and 1-2-10(5) infective centers per 1 mug DNA, respectively. In E. coli JC 5743 rec B21 defective for exonucleases I and V the level of transfection was 1-3-10(6). High infectivity of linear lambdaDNA in lysogenic cells cannot be explained by a helping effect of phage particles spontaneously liberated by these cells. It can be caused by recombinations of inserted lambdaDNA molecules with prophage or by the low activity of some nucleases in the lysogenic cells. Covalently closed and "Hershey" ring forms of lambdaDNA penetrate the calcinated cells as readily as linear molecules do but the infectivity of the former ones is proved to be very low.  相似文献   

Chimeric plasmids containing the uvsY uvsW region of the T4 genome were examined for the expression of these genes. Certain of these plasmids were shown to express the uvsY or the uvsW gene products by their ability to complement the UV sensitivity of infecting uvsW or uvsY mutant phage. Also, a chimeric plasmid containing both the uvsW and uvsY genes increases the survival of UV-irradiated, methyl methane sulfonate- or ethyl methane sulfonate-treated recA hosts.  相似文献   

Transfection of Streptococcus pneumoniae with bacteriophage DNA.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
It was possible to transfect Streptococcus pneumoniae with DNA obtained from a newly isolated bacteriophage, diplophage-4 (Dp-4). Optimal frequency of transfection (0.9%) required the use of a nuclease-defective mutant; with wild-type bacteria, the transfection frequency was about 100-fold lower. Transfection requires physiological conditions that appear to be similar to the competent state needed for genetic transformation (A. Tomasz, J. Bacteriol. 91:1050--1061, 1966).  相似文献   

Complex formation of circular, single-stranded phage fd DNA with Escherichia coli DNA binding protein HD or phage fd gene 5 protein keeps infection of E. coli spheroplasts at the level of free phage DNA, whereas complexes of this DNA with E. coli DNA unwinding protein show a strongly reduced efficiency of transfection. Displacement of the unwinding protein by HD protein or gene 5 protein also maintains the poor adsorption of the complexes to spheroplasts. Free E. coli DNA unwinding protein and residual amounts of this protein bound to the DNA may interfere with the adsorption and the uptake of the phage genome.  相似文献   

Complex formation of circular, single-stranded phage fd DNA with Escherichia coli DNA binding protein HD or phage fd gene 5 protein keeps infection of E. coli spheroplasts at the level of free phage DNA, whereas complexes of this DNA with E. coli DNA unwinding protein show a strongly reduced efficiency of transfection. Displacement of the unwinding protein by HD protein or gene 5 protein also maintains the poor adsorption of the complexes to spheroplasts. Free E. coli DNA unwinding protein and residual amounts of this protein bound to the DNA may interfere with the adsorption and the uptake of the phage genome.  相似文献   

The stability of hybrid plasmids, constructed on the basis of vector pCV20(AprTcr) and containing HindIII fragments of Drosophila melanogaster DNA (pDm6, pDm9) and PstI fragments of D. melanogaster DNA (pDm39, pDm187, pDm189) was studied. After the transformation of E. coli HB101 recA and Escherichia coli 802 rec+ and selection to Tcr (pDm6, pDm9), or to Apr (pDm39, pDm189, pDm187) 0.04--9% of clones with reduced resistance to Tc or Ap was detected. The hybrid plasmids are more stable in rec-, but not in rec+ strain, the stability depends of the nature of cloned DNA, and on the site of vector DNA in which foreign genes are cloned. Restriction endonuclease analysis revealed that all plasmids of the clones with reduced Tcr or Apr lost the inserted DNA and the excision of foreign DNA occurred precisely in the sites of cloning. We suggest that the genome of the hybrid plasmid in the region of foreign insertion has a conformation which allows the bringing together the ends of cloned DNA with the following excision of the foreign genes.  相似文献   

The survival of ultraviolet-irradiated Escherichia coli K12 uvr+re was increased by post-irradiation incubation in phosphate buffer. During this incubation both dimer excision and DNA breakdown were inhibited. It is suggested that the bacteria coped with the remaining dimers in a manner which did not involve excision.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the gam gene of bacteriophage lambda ("gamma protein") is a specific inhibitor of the recBC enzyme of Escherichia coli. The lambda protein has been purified approximately 2,000-fold, and its structure and inhibitory activity have been characterized. It appears to be composed of two identical subunits of 16,500 daltons, inhibits all of the catalytic activities of the recBC enzyme with apparently equal efficiency, but has no effect upon any other E. coli or lambda-DNase tested. Inhibition does not occur unless recBC enzyme is exposed to gamma protein prior to reaction of the enzyme with DNA. The inhibitory activity is independent of temperature, and no catalytic activity has been detected that might fulfill the inhibitory function. It appears instead that the inhibition involves a stoichiometric, rather than a catalytic interaction between gamma protein and the enzyme. Reaction kinetics for the recBC enzyme inhibited by gamma protein show no anomalous protein--only a depressed rate. Inhibition is not competitive and does not appear to affect the enzyme's affinity for DNA. The enzyme remains inhibited after it is separated from "excess" gamma protein by gel filtration or sedimentation in a glycerol gradient, and inhibited enzyme has a reduced electrophoretic mobility compared to that of uninhibited enzyme. Gamma Protein inhibits recBC enzyme which has been reconstituted from cell-free extracts by complementation in vitro, but at least one of the complementing factors present in extracts from recB- cells does not by itself form a complex with gamma protein. The mechanism of inhibition and the implications of these results from gamma replication and recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Conjugational recombination in Escherichia coli depends normally on RecBCD enzyme, a multifunctional nuclease and DNA helicase produced by the recB, recC, and recD genes. However, recombination can proceed efficiently without RecBCD in recB or recC strains carrying additional mutations in both the sbcB and sbcC genes. Recombination in these strains, sometimes referred to as the RecF pathway, requires gene products that are not essential in the RecBCD-dependent process predominating in the wild type. It has also been reported to produce a different spectrum of recombinant genotypes in crosses with Hfr donors. However, the sbcC+ gene was unknowingly transferred to the recipient strain in some of these crosses, and this may have affected the outcome. This possibility was examined by conducting parallel crosses with Hfr donors that were either wild type or mutant for sbcC. Transfer of sbcC+ from an Hfr donor is shown to alter the frequency of recombinant genotypes recovered. There is a severe reduction in progeny that inherit donor markers linked to the sbcC+ allele and an increase in the incidence of multiple exchanges. Colonies of mixed genotype for one or more of the unselected proximal markers are also much more prevalent. Since the yield of recombinants is lower than normal, these changes are attributed to the reduced viability of recombinants that inherit sbcC+ from the Hfr donor. When the Hfr donor used is also mutant for sbcC, the yield of recombinants is greater and the frequencies of the different genotypes recovered are similar to those obtained in crosses with a rec+ sbc+ recipient, in which transfer of sbcC+ has no apparent effect. Earlier studies are re-examined in light of these findings. It is concluded that, while recombination in recBC sbcBC strains involves different enzymes, the underlying molecular mechanism is essentially the same as that in the wild type.  相似文献   

T7 bacteriophage infects with equal efficiency restriction-proficient Escherichia coli K12 cells and the restriction-deficient mutants. To the contrary, the purified phage DNA transfects wild-type cells at a very low efficiency (10?9 plaques/genome equivalent). Mutations in the recB recC (exonuclease V) and sbcB (exonuclease I) loci increase the transfecting efficiency tenfold. A 1000-fold increase is obtained with cells deficient in restriction. No further increase is observed in hosts carrying both sets of mutations. The transfecting activity of the DNA on restriction-deficient hosts increases another 20-fold (up to 4 × 10?5 plaques/genome equivalent) by complete erosion of the redundant regions of DNA with λ exonuclease, both in rec+ and recB recC sbcB genotypes. Circles and linear oligomers arising from the annealing of eroded DNA show the same transfecting activity as the unannealed monomers. The terminal redundancy of the genome, as measured by the onset of annealability of eroded molecules, was found to comprise 50 to 100 base-pairs.  相似文献   

The effect of several enzymes of the DNA metabolism of Escherichia coli on the biological activity of native and single-stranded T7 DNA was studied by transfection of lysozyme-EDTA spheroplasts prepared from various E. coli mutants. It is shown that the presence of the recBC DNase in the recipient cells decreases the infectivity of native and denatured DNA by about 100- and 10-fold, respectively. Lack of exonuclease I did not stimulate transfection by single-stranded DNA. Separated light (l) and heavy (r) strands of T7 DNA are fully infective, with a linear dependence on DNA concentrations, whereas heat-denatured DNA shows a two-hit kinetics. Single-stranded DNA was observed to depend on a functional DNA polymerase III for infectivity in polAB cells, whereas transfection with native T7 DNA was independent of the host DNA polymerases. The results are discussed with respect to the mode of T7 DNA replication.  相似文献   

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