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Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc) plants were regenerated after cocultivation of leaf explants withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a plasmid that contained the coat protein (CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-As). PCR and Southern blot analyses revealed that the CMV CP gene was successfully introduced into the genomic DNA of the transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic plants (CP+) expressing CP were obtained and used for screening the virus resistance. They could be categorized into three types after inoculation with the virus: virus-resistant, delay of symptom development, and susceptible type. Most of the CP+ transgenic tobacco plants failed to develop symptoms or showed systemic symptom development delayed for 5 to 42 days as compared to those of nontransgenic control plants after challenged with the same virus. However, some CP+ transgenic plants were highly susceptible after inoculation with the virus. Our results suggest that the CP-mediated viral resistance is readily applicable to CMV disease in other crops.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that silencing suppression by the 2b protein and six mutants correlated both with their ability to bind to double-stranded (ds) small RNAs (sRNAs) in vitro and with their nuclear/nucleolar localization. To further discern the contribution to suppression activity of sRNA binding and of nuclear localization, we have characterized the kinetics of in vitro binding to a ds sRNA, a single-stranded (ss) sRNA, and a micro RNA (miRNA) of the native 2b protein and eight mutant variants. We have also added a nuclear export signal (NES) to the 2b protein and assessed how it affected subcellular distribution and suppressor activity. We found that in solution native protein bound ds siRNA, miRNA, and ss sRNA with high affinity, at protein:RNA molar ratios ~2:1. Of the four mutants that retained suppressor activity, three showed sRNA binding profiles similar to those of the native protein, whereas the remaining one bound ss sRNA at a 2:1 molar ratio, but both ds sRNAs with 1.5-2 times slightly lower affinity. Three of the four mutants lacking suppressor activity failed to bind to any sRNA, whereas the remaining one bound them at far higher ratios. NES-tagged 2b protein became cytoplasmic, but suppression activity in patch assays remained unaffected. These results support binding to sRNAs at molar ratios at or near 2:1 as critical to the suppressor activity of the 2b protein. They also show that cytoplasmically localized 2b protein retained suppressor activity, and that a sustained nuclear localization was not required for this function.  相似文献   

The inbred cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) line TMG-1 is resistant to three potyviruses:zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), and the watermelon strain of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W). The genetics of resistance to WMV and the relationship of WMV resistance to ZYMV resistance were examined. TMG-1 was crossed with WI-2757, a susceptible inbred line. F1, F2 and backcross progeny populations were screened for resistance to WMV and/or ZYMV. Two independently assorting factors conferred resistance to WMV. One resistance was conferred by a single recessive gene from TMG-1 (wmv-2). The second resistance was conferred by an epistatic interaction between a second recessive gene from TMG-1 (wmv-3) and either a dominant gene from WI-2757 (Wmv-4) or a third recessive gene from TMG-1 (wmv-4) located 20–30 cM from wmv-3. The two resistances exhibited tissue-specific expression. Resistance conferred by wmv-2 was expressed in the cotyledons and throughout the plant. Resistance conferred by wmv-3 + Wmv-4 (or wmv-4) was expressed only in true leaves. The gene conferring resistance to ZYMV appeared to be the same as, or tightly linked to one of the WMV resistance genes, wmv-3.  相似文献   

Canto T  Palukaitis P 《Journal of virology》2002,76(24):12908-12916
The N gene conditions for resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) but only below 28 degrees C. However, a TMV-based vector expressing green fluorescent protein (TMV-GFP) showed only limited movement at 33 degrees C in tobacco plants harboring the N gene and other genes cointrogressed from Nicotiana glutinosa. TMV-GFP moved efficiently in tobacco plants that either lacked these genes or that contained the N gene but were transgenic for RNA1 of Cucumber mosaic virus. These findings identified novel temperature-independent resistance to the movement of TMV-GFP which could be neutralized by a different viral transgene. Using the N gene and nahG gene-transgenic tobacco, we show that this novel resistance is manifested specifically by the N gene itself and operates via a pathway independent of salicylic acid.  相似文献   

The dominant locus, RCY1, in the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype C24 confers resistance to the yellow strain of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-Y). The RCY1 locus was mapped to a 150-kb region on chromosome 5. Sequence comparison of this region from C24 and a CMV-Y-susceptible C24 mutant predicts that the RCY1 gene encodes a 104-kDa CC-NBS-LRR-type protein. The RCY1 gene from C24, when expressed in the susceptible ecotype Wassilewskija (Ws), restricted the systemic spread of virus. RCY1 is allelic to the resistance genes RPP8 from the ecotype Landsberg erecta and HRT from the ecotype Dijon-17, which confer resistance to Peronospora parasitica biotype Emco5 and turnip crinkle virus (TCV), respectively. Examination of RCY1 plants defective in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene signaling revealed a requirement for SA and ethylene signaling in mounting a resistance response to CMV-Y. The RCY1 nahG etr1 double mutants exhibited an intermediate level of susceptibility to CMV-Y, compared to the resistant ecotype C24 and the susceptible ecotypes Columbia and Nossen. This suggests that in addition to SA and ethylene, a novel signaling mechanism is associated with the induction of resistance in CMV-Y-infected C24 plants. Moreover, our results suggest that the signaling pathways downstream of the RPP8, HRT, and RCY1 have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Pectin is synthesized in a highly methylesterified form in the Golgi cisternae and partially de-methylesterified in muro by pectin methylesterases (PMEs). Arabidopsis thaliana produces a local and strong induction of PME activity during the infection of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. AtPME17 is a putative A. thaliana PME highly induced in response to B. cinerea. Here, a fine tuning of AtPME17 expression by different defence hormones was identified. Our genetic evidence demonstrates that AtPME17 strongly contributes to the pathogen-induced PME activity and resistance against B. cinerea by triggering jasmonic acid–ethylene-dependent PDF1.2 expression. AtPME17 belongs to group 2 isoforms of PMEs characterized by a PME domain preceded by an N-terminal PRO region. However, the biochemical evidence for AtPME17 as a functional PME is still lacking and the role played by its PRO region is not known. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we demonstrate that AtPME17 is a functional PME with activity favoured by an increase in pH. AtPME17 performs a blockwise pattern of pectin de-methylesterification that favours the formation of egg-box structures between homogalacturonans. Recombinant AtPME17 expression in Escherichia coli reveals that the PRO region acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of AtPME17 activity.  相似文献   

Biological control agents (BCAs) composed of attenuated cucumber mosaic (CMV) and its satellite RNA for controlling CMV diseases were found to induce plant resistance to a number of fungal diseases. Tests conducted in both the field and greenhouse showed evident protective effects against fungal infections by the BCAs. Artificial inoculation with a fungal spore suspension using BCA-treated plants, satellite transgenic plants and plants infected with CMV alone indicated that the resistance to fungi was induced by the virus infection, not by the presence of satellite RNA.  相似文献   

Plant viral symptoms are rarely explained by direct molecular interaction between a viral protein and a host factor, but rather understood as a consequence of arms race between host RNA silencing and viral silencing suppressors. However, we have recently demonstrated that the 2b protein (2b) of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) HL strain could bind to Arabidopsis catalase that is important in scavenging cellular hydrogen peroxide, leading to the induction of distinct necrosis on Arabidopsis. Because we previously used virulent strains of subgroup I CMV in the study, we here further analyzed mild strains of subgroup II CMV, which share 70 to 80% sequence homology with subgroup I, to understand whether the necrosis induction is a general phenomenon to compromise host defense system mediated by catalase in the pathosystem of any CMV strains and Arabidopsis. Based on the results, we concluded that 2bs of subgroup II could also bind to catalase, resulting in decrease in catalase activity and weak necrosis on Arabidopsis. Because the 2b-catalase interaction did not prevent CMVs from spreading, it may eventually operate in favor of CMV.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana represents a valuable and efficient model to understand mechanisms underlying plant susceptibility to viral diseases. Here, we describe the identification and molecular cloning of a new gene responsible for recessive resistance to several isolates of Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV, genus Potyvirus) in the Arabidopsis Cvi‐0 accession. rwm1 acts at an early stage of infection by impairing viral accumulation in initially infected leaf tissues. Map‐based cloning delimited rwm1 on chromosome 1 in a 114‐kb region containing 30 annotated genes. Positional and functional candidate gene analysis suggested that rwm1 encodes cPGK2 (At1g56190), an evolutionary conserved nucleus‐encoded chloroplast phosphoglycerate kinase with a key role in cell metabolism. Comparative sequence analysis indicates that a single amino acid substitution (S78G) in the N‐terminal domain of cPGK2 is involved in rwm1‐mediated resistance. This mutation may have functional consequences because it targets a highly conserved residue, affects a putative phosphorylation site and occurs within a predicted nuclear localization signal. Transgenic complementation in Arabidopsis together with virus‐induced gene silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana confirmed that cPGK2 corresponds to rwm1 and that the protein is required for efficient WMV infection. This work uncovers new insight into natural plant resistance mechanisms that may provide interesting opportunities for the genetic control of plant virus diseases.  相似文献   

AGD2-LIKE DEFENCE RESPONSE PROTEIN 1 (ALD1) triggers plant defence against bacterial and fungal pathogens by regulating the salicylic acid (SA) pathway and an unknown SA-independent pathway. We now show that Nicotiana benthamiana ALD1 is involved in defence against a virus and that the ethylene pathway also participates in ALD1-mediated resistance. NbALD1 was up-regulated in plants infected with turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). Silencing of NbALD1 facilitated TuMV infection, while overexpression of NbALD1 or exogenous application of pipecolic acid (Pip), the downstream product of ALD1, enhanced resistance to TuMV. The SA content was lower in NbALD1-silenced plants and higher where NbALD1 was overexpressed or following Pip treatments. SA mediated resistance to TuMV and was required for NbALD1-mediated resistance. However, on NahG plants (in which SA cannot accumulate), Pip treatment still alleviated susceptibility to TuMV, further demonstrating the presence of an SA-independent resistance pathway. The ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACC), accumulated in NbALD1-silenced plants but was reduced in plants overexpressing NbALD1 or treated with Pip. Silencing of ACS1, a key gene in the ethylene pathway, alleviated the susceptibility of NbALD1-silenced plants to TuMV, while exogenous application of ACC compromised the resistance of Pip-treated or NbALD1 transgenic plants. The results indicate that NbALD1 mediates resistance to TuMV by positively regulating the resistant SA pathway and negatively regulating the susceptible ethylene pathway.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatases (PPs) counteract kinases in reversible phosphorylation events during numerous signal transduction pathways in eukaryotes. PP2Cs, one of the four major classes of the serine/threonine‐specific PP family, are greatly expanded in plants. Thus, PP2Cs are thought to play a specific role in signal transduction pathways. Some rice PP2Cs classified in subgroup K are responsive to infection by the compatible Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the causal agent of bacterial blight. In Arabidopsis thaliana, orthologous PP2C genes (AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26) classified to subgroup K are also responsive to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc, causal agent of black rot) infection. To elucidate the function of these subgroup K PP2Cs, atpp2c62‐ and atpp2c26‐deficient A. thaliana mutants were characterized. A double mutant plant which was inoculated with a compatible Xcc showed reduced lesion development, as well as the suppression of bacterial multiplication. AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 localized to the chloroplast. Furthermore, the photosynthesis‐related protein, chaperonin‐60, was indicated as the potential candidate for the dephosphorylated substrate catalysed by AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 using two‐dimensional isoelectric focusing sodium dodecylsulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D‐IDF‐SDS‐PAGE). Taken together, AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 are suggested to be involved in both photosynthesis and suppression of the plant immune system. These results imply the occurrence of crosstalk between photosynthesis and the plant defence system to control productivity under pathogen infection.  相似文献   

The β‐subunit of the human eukaryotic elongation factor 1 complex (heEF1β) plays a central role in the elongation step in eukaryotic protein biosynthesis, which essentially involves interaction with the α‐ and γ‐subunits (eEF1γ). To biophysically characterize heEF1β, we constructed 3 Escherichia coli expression vector systems for recombinant expression of the full length (FL‐heEF1β), N‐terminus (NT‐heEF1β), and the C‐terminus (CT‐heEF1β) regions of the protein. Our results suggest that heEF1β is predominantly alpha‐helical and possesses an accessible hydrophobic cavity in the CT‐heEF1β. Both FL‐heEF1β and NT‐heEF1β form dimers of size 62 and 30 kDa, respectively, but the CT‐heEF1β is monomeric. FL‐heEF1β interacts with the N‐terminus glutathione transferase‐like domain of heEF1γ (NT‐heEF1γ) to form a 195‐kDa complex or a 230‐kDa complex in the presence of oxidized glutathione. On the other hand, NT‐heEF1β forms a 170‐kDa complex with NT‐heEF1γ and a high molecular weight aggregate of size greater than 670 kDa. Surface plasmon resonance analysis confirmed that (by fitting the Langmuir 1:1 model) FL‐heEF1β associated with monomeric or dimeric NT‐heEF1γ at a rapid rate and slowly dissociated, suggesting strong functional affinity (KD = 9.6 nM for monomeric or 11.3 nM for dimeric NT‐heEF1γ). We postulate that the N‐terminus region of heEF1β may be responsible for its dimerization and the C‐terminus region of heEF1β modulates the formation of an ordered heEF1β‐γ oligomer, a structure that may be essential in the elongation step of eukaryotic protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CG beta is expressed not only in placenta, but also in a wide range of tumors. To study DNA vaccine based on xenogeneic CG beta for cancer immuno-therapy, we investigated whether rhesus monkey CG beta (rmCG beta) DNA vaccine could induce protective T-cell responses and humoral responses in mouse. METHODS: We constructed a plasmid containing the rmCG beta coding sequence. Two cloned syngeneic SP2/0 myeloma cell lines that stably express muCG beta l (SP2/0-muCG beta l) and HN (SP2/0-HN) protein were established. Inoculation of these cell lines was made into mice that had been immunized with DNA vaccine. Specific IgG and IgG type were measured by ELISA and the cytokine expression was detected with RT-PCR. To measure the lymphocyte metabolic activity, the MTS assay was used. RESULTS: After injection of SP2/0-muCG beta l into mice that had been immunized with DNA vaccine, a significant increase in the IgG2a specific to the antigen (p < 0.05) and a decrease in the specific IgG1 (p < 0.05) were measured. The expression of T(H)1 but not T(H)2 cytokines, including IFN-gamma and IL-2, were detected in the splenocytes. However, injection of tumor cells expressing irrelevant or mock molecules into immunized mice could not induce these changes. The survival rate of vaccine-immunized mice injected with SP2/0-muCG beta l was as high as 58.3% after 55 days. CONCLUSIONS: The rmCG beta DNA vaccine has proved to be a potential strategy for protection against tumors with homologous molecules. The muCG beta l produced by tumors is able to elicit an immunity switch from T(H)2 to T(H)1 in vaccinated mice.  相似文献   

The stress protein hsp27 is constitutively expressed in several human cells and shows a rapid phosphorylation following treatment with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). hsp27 usually displays native molecular mass ranging from 100 to 700 kDa. Here, we have analyzed the TNF-α-mediated changes in the phosphorylation, cellular localization, and structural organization of hsp27 in HeLa cells. We report that the TNF-α-mediated hsp27 phosphorylation is a long-lasting phenomenon that correlates with the cytostatic effect of this cytokine. Following TNF-α treatment, the rapid phosphorylation of hsp27 occurred concomitantly with complex changes in the intracellular distribution and structural organization of this protein. This resulted in the quantitative redistribution of hsp27 toward the soluble phase of the cytoplasm. In addition, during the first 2 h of TNF-α treatment, a transient increase in the native molecular mass of most hsp27 molecules (≤ 700 kDa) occurred. Then, by 4 h of TNF-α treatment, the native size of this stress protein drastically regressed (< 200 kDa). During this phenomenon, the phosphorylated isoforms of hsp27 remained concentrated in the small or medium-sized oligomers (< 300 kDa) of this protein. We also analyzed the properties of human hsp27 in transfected murine L929 cell lines that constitutively express this protein. In these cells, TNF-α induced modifications in the phosphorylation, intracellular distribution, and oligomerization of human hsp27 similar to those observed in HeLa cells. Moreover, the expression of hsp27 in L929 cells was found to correlate with a reduced cytotoxicity of this cytokine. Hence, the complex changes in the phosphorylation, intracellular locale and structural organization of human hsp27 may be related to the protective activity of this protein against the deleterious effects induced by TNF-α.  相似文献   

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is one of the most devastating viral pathogens of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr). In total, 22 Chinese SMV strains (SC1–SC22) have been classified based on the responses of 10 soybean cultivars to these pathogens. However, although several SMV-resistance loci in soybean have been identified, no gene conferring SMV resistance in the resistant soybean cultivar (cv.) Kefeng No.1 has been cloned and verified. Here, using F2-derived F3 (F2:3) and recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations from a cross between Kefeng No.1 and susceptible soybean cv. Nannong 1138-2, we localized the gene in Kefeng No.1 that mediated resistance to SMV-SC3 strain to a 90-kb interval on chromosome 2. To study the functions of candidate genes in this interval, we performed Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV)-induced gene silencing (VIGS). We identified a recombinant gene (which we named RSC3K) harboring an internal deletion of a genomic DNA fragment partially flanking the LOC100526921 and LOC100812666 reference genes as the SMV-SC3 resistance gene. By shuffling genes between infectious SMV DNA clones based on the avirulent isolate SC3 and virulent isolate 1129, we determined that the viral protein P3 is the avirulence determinant mediating SMV-SC3 resistance on Kefeng No.1. P3 interacts with RNase proteins encoded by RSC3K, LOC100526921, and LOC100812666. The recombinant RSC3K conveys much higher anti-SMV activity than LOC100526921 and LOC100812666, although those two genes also encode proteins that inhibit SMV accumulation, as revealed by gene silencing in a susceptible cultivar and by overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana. These findings demonstrate that RSC3K mediates the resistance of Kefeng No.1 to SMV-SC3 and that SMV resistance of soybean is determined by the antiviral activity of RNase proteins.  相似文献   

Isolate M of Potato virus A (PVA‐M; genus Potyvirus) is avirulent in Nicandra physaloides L. (family Solanaceae). The inoculated leaves are infected but no systemic infection is observed. Forty plants of ‘Black Pod’ (BP) and ‘Black Pod Alba’ (BPA), two variants of N. physaloides described in this study, were inoculated with PVA‐M. Two plants of BP and one plant of BPA were systemically infected. Mosaic, blistering and dark green islands developed on the systemically infected leaves, and flowers showed colour‐break symptoms. PVAprogeny were sequence‐characterised for the 6K2 protein and viral genome‐linked protein (VPg) encoding regions known to control the long distance movement of PVA in N. physaloides. All virus progeny (designated as PVA‐Mm) in the systemically infected leaves of the plants inoculated with PVA‐M contained only a single amino acid substitution (Vail 16Met) in the central part of VPg due to a nucleotide substitution G6033A, as compared to PVA‐M. Other PVA isolates that infected N. physaloides systemically also contained Metll6 in VPg. In a previous study using chimeric viruses, Metl16 in VPg was shown to be a major determinant for vascular movement of PVA in N. physaloides, and this study reveals that the mutation for Metl16 can occur in vivo during replication of the avirulent PVA‐M in infected plants. Immunolocalisation studies on BP and BPA plants showed that the pods (berries) and seed coat contained PVA‐Mm in the developing seeds, but no virus was detected in embryons. Up to 27% of the mature seeds contained PVA‐Mm but no transmission to seedlings was observed in a total of 450 seeds tested, and no test plants were infected following mechanical inoculation with extracts prepared from the seeds.  相似文献   

Two different isolates of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV: UK 1 and JPN 1) belonging to different virus strains were tested on three different Brassica species, namely turnip (Brassica rapa L.), Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun). Although all three hosts were readily infected by isolate UK 1, isolate JPN 1 was able to establish a visible systemic infection only in the first two. Ethiopian mustard plants showed no local or systemic symptoms, and no virus antigens could be detected by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Thus, this species looks like a non‐host for JPN 1, an apparent situation of non‐host resistance (NHR). Through an experimental approach involving chimeric viruses made by gene interchange between two infectious clones of both virus isolates, the genomic region encoding the C‐terminal domain of viral protein P3 was found to bear the resistance determinant, excluding any involvement of the viral fusion proteins P3N‐PIPO and P3N‐ALT in the resistance. A further determinant refinement identified two adjacent positions (1099 and 1100 of the viral polyprotein) as the main determinants of resistance. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐tagged viruses showed that the resistance of Ethiopian mustard to isolate JPN 1 is only apparent, as virus‐induced fluorescence could be found in discrete areas of both inoculated and non‐inoculated leaves. In comparison with other plant–virus combinations of extreme resistance, we propose that Ethiopian mustard shows an apparent NHR to TuMV JPN 1, but not complete immunity or extreme resistance.  相似文献   

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