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西沙群岛礁栖鱼类物种多样性及其食性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过新的方法(即潜水调查法)调查了西沙群岛浅水区的礁栖鱼类, 并从食性角度分析鱼类群落特征及其对水质环境变化的响应。2006年5-6月, 对西沙群岛6个岛礁(东岛、永兴岛、羚羊礁、金银岛、华光礁和中建岛)共10个站位的礁栖鱼类种类、数量和长度进行了调查, 结合公开资料(FishBase等)确定鱼类食性。共记录到29科71属119种鱼, 其中50种是新记录。至此, 西沙群岛的鱼类总记录已达到717种。从不同站位来看, 永兴岛西的种类数量和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均最高。多数鱼种分布范围狭小。摄食浮游动物和底栖无脊椎动物的鱼类是优势类群, 而草食性、杂食性和食物链顶端食性的鱼类数量和生物量较低, 反映出西沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系统整体上健康稳定。永兴岛的杂食性鱼类的数量比例和生物量比例均高于其他岛礁, 反映出鱼类群落已对水体富营养化产生响应。  相似文献   

黄海生态系统高营养层次生物群落功能群及其主要种类   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张波  唐启升  金显仕 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1099-1111
根据2000年秋季和2001年春季在黄海的两次大面调查,选取生物量占总生物量90%的生物种类为研究对象,分析了黄海生态系统以及3个生态区(冷水团海域、近岸水域和黄海南部水域)春秋两季高营养层次生物群落的功能群组成及其主要种类.结果表明,黄海生态系统高营养层次生物群落包括6个功能群.按生物量排序为:浮游生物食性功能群、底栖动物食性功能群、鱼食性功能群、虾食性功能群、广食性功能群和虾/鱼食性功能群,各功能群营养级范围分别为3.22~3.35、3.30~3.46、4.04~4.50、3.80~4.00、3.38~3.79和4.01.黄海生态系统的主要功能群为浮游生物食性功能群和底栖动物食性功能群,占总生物量的79.6%;主要种类包括13种:小黄鱼、鳀、细巧仿对虾、银鲳、细点圆趾蟹、带鱼、黑鳃梅童、黄鲫、龙头鱼、双斑蟳、细纹狮子鱼、三疣梭子蟹和凤鲚,约占总生物量的70.6%.从不同季节看,春季黄海不同生态区高营养层次的营养级接近,而秋季差别较大,这主要与生物繁殖和索饵群体组成及摄食习性相关.从不同生态区看,黄海冷水团海域高营养层次生物群落以浮游生物食性功能群为主,受季节变化的影响较小,其高营养层次的营养级接近.黄海近岸水域和黄海南部水域高营养层次生物群落功能群组成受季节的影响较大,秋季的营养级均高于春季的营养级.这表明黄海冷水团海域较近岸水域和南部水域稳定,是黄海的一个典型的生态区域.  相似文献   

Efforts to characterize food webs have generated two influential approaches that reduce the complexity of natural communities. The traditional approach groups individuals based on their species identity, while recently developed approaches group individuals based on their body size. While each approach has provided important insights, they have largely been used in parallel in different systems. Consequently, it remains unclear how body size and species identity interact, hampering our ability to develop a more holistic framework that integrates both approaches. We address this conceptual gap by developing a framework which describes how both approaches are related to each other, revealing that both approaches share common but untested assumptions about how variation across size classes or species influences differences in ecological interactions among consumers. Using freshwater mesocosms with dragonfly larvae as predators, we then experimentally demonstrate that while body size strongly determined how predators affected communities, these size effects were species specific and frequently nonlinear, violating a key assumption underlying both size- and species-based approaches. Consequently, neither purely species- nor size-based approaches were adequate to predict functional differences among predators. Instead, functional differences emerged from the synergistic effects of body size and species identity. This clearly demonstrates the need to integrate size- and species-based approaches to predict functional diversity within communities.  相似文献   

Species biomass and size composition of fish faunas along a productivity gradient were studied in south Swedish lakes. Generally, with increasing productivity (measured as chlorophyll content), Salmoniformes were replaced by percids, which in turn were replaced by cyprinids, as suggested in previous studies. However, percids showed two peaks in biomass, one in medium productive lakes due to perch and one in highly productive lakes due to zander. Benthic piscivores were present in all lakes, whereas pelagic piscivores were absent in the least productive lakes. The proportion of piscivores in the total fish biomass showed a peak in medium productive lakes, largely reflecting the importance of piscivorous perch. The median size of the dominant cyprinids (roach) in the systems studied increased as the importance of piscivores increased, which was interpreted as a size refuge response to increased predation pressure. The same pattern was present for the dominant planktivore, vendace, in low productive systems. Although a predictable pattern of change in the fish fauna was found along the productivity gradient, other environmental factors such as structural complexity may be the ultimate cause of the observed succession pattern.  相似文献   

Species trait data have been used to predict and infer ecological processes and the responses of biological communities to environmental changes. It has also been suggested that, in lieu of trait, data niche differences can be inferred from phylogenetic distance. It remains unclear how variation in trait data may influence the strength and character of ecological inference. Using species‐level trait data in community ecology assumes intraspecific variation is small in comparison with interspecific variation. Intraspecific variation across species ranges or within populations may lead to variability in trait data derived from different scales (i.e., local or regional) and methods (i.e., mean or maximum values). Variation in trait data across species can affect community‐level relationships. I examined variability in body size, a key trait often measured across taxa. I collected 12 metrics of fish species length (including common and maximum values) for 40 species from literature, online databases, museum collections, and field data. I then tested whether different metrics of fish length could consistently predict observed species range boundary shifts and the impacts of an introduced predator on inland lake fish communities across Ontario, Canada. I also investigated whether phylogenetic signal, an indicator of niche‐conservativism, changed among measures. I found strong correlations between length metrics and limited variation across metrics. Accordingly, length was a consistently significant predictor of the response of fish communities to environmental change. Additionally, I found significant evidence of phylogenetic signal in fish length across metrics. Limited variation in length across metrics (within species), in comparison with variation within metrics (across species), made fish species length a reliable predictor at a community‐level. When considering species‐level trait data from different sources, researchers should examine the potential influence of intraspecific trait variation on data derived by different metrics and at different scales.  相似文献   

Few models concern how environmental variables such as temperature affect community structure. Here, we develop a model of how temperature affects food web connectance, a powerful driver of population dynamics and community structure. We use the Arrhenius equation to add temperature dependence of foraging traits to an existing model of food web structure. The model predicts potentially large temperature effects on connectance. Temperature-sensitive food webs exhibit slopes of up to 0.01 units of connectance per 1°C change in temperature. This corresponds to changes in diet breadth of one resource item per 2°C (assuming a food web containing 50 species). Less sensitive food webs exhibit slopes down to 0.0005, which corresponds to about one resource item per 40°C. Relative sizes of the activation energies of attack rate and handling time determine whether warming increases or decreases connectance. Differences in temperature sensitivity are explained by differences between empirical food webs in the body size distributions of organisms. We conclude that models of temperature effects on community structure and dynamics urgently require considerable development, and also more and better empirical data to parameterize and test them.  相似文献   

温度对水螅种群增长和个体大小的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用群体累积培养法,以枝角类为食物,在10℃、20℃和30℃三种温度下,研究了温度对水螅(Hydra sp.)种群密度、种群增长率和个体大小的影响。结果表明温度对水螅种群密度和个体体积由极显著影响。在培养初期,30℃下的水螅种群密度最大;而在培养后期,20℃下的水螅种群密度则显著大于30℃下的值;10℃下的值则始终最小。在同一温度下,种群增长率均与时间呈曲线相关,10℃、20℃、30℃的回归方程分别为:Y=0.000433X^2-0.00262X 0.00332、Y=-0.003367X^2 0.068335X-0.066489、Y=-0.018469X^2 0.188952X-0.030933。在研究范围内,30℃的水螅个体最小。  相似文献   

  • 1 A method of separating the effects of two important determinants of body size in natural populations, temperature of larval development and level of larval nutrition, by making measurements of thorax length and wing length of adult flies is investigated.
  • 2 I show that at any given time variation in body size of Drosophila buzzatii from two sites in eastern Australia is determined primarily by variation in the quality of nutrition available to larvae.
  • 3 Throughout the year adult flies are consistently at least 25% smaller in volume than predicted for optimal nutrition at their predicted temperature of larval development.
  • 4 Nutritional stress is therefore a year-round problem for these flies.
  • 5 Measurements of adult flies emerging from individual breeding substrates (rotting cactus cladodes) show that there is substantial variation among these substrates in the nutrition available to larvae.
  • 6 This method will allow study of spatial and temporal variation in the temperature of larval substrates and in the nutritional resources available to flies in natural populations.

We investigated the feeding rates, agonistic behaviour and diet of two blenny species, Entomacrodus vomerinus and Ophioblennius trinitatis, by direct observation and gut content analysis. Both species coexist in small and shallow tide pools in the St Peter and St Paul's Archipelago, equatorial North Atlantic Ocean. The feeding rate of O. trinitatis was c. 55% higher than E. vomerinus. On the other hand, agonistic rate of O. trinitatis was negatively related to body size, whereas in E. vomerinus was positively related. Both species showed a high diet overlap, in which detritus was the most important food item (86% in O. trinitatis and 80% in E. vomerinus). Feeding activity was more intense during the morning for O. trinitatis but afternoon for E. vomerinus. These behavioural observations support the importance of temporal feeding partitioning as the main strategy allowing species co-existence in tide pools.  相似文献   

In ectothermic organisms, it is hypothesized that metabolic rates mediate influences of temperature on the ecological and evolutionary processes governing biodiversity. However, it is unclear how and to what extent the influence of temperature on metabolism scales up to shape large-scale diversity patterns. In order to clarify the roles of temperature and metabolism, new theory is needed. Here, we establish such theory and model eco-evolutionary dynamics of trophic networks along a broad temperature gradient. In the model temperature can influence, via metabolism, resource supply, consumers' vital rates and mutation rate. Mutation causes heritable variation in consumer body size, which diversifies and governs consumer function in the ecological network. The model predicts diversity to increase with temperature if resource supply is temperature-dependent, whereas temperature-dependent consumer vital rates cause diversity to decrease with increasing temperature. When combining both thermal dependencies, a unimodal temperature-diversity pattern evolves, which is reinforced by temperature-dependent mutation rate. Studying coexistence criteria for two consumers showed that these outcomes are owing to temperature effects on mutual invasibility and facilitation. Our theory shows how and why metabolism can influence diversity, generates predictions useful for understanding biodiversity gradients and represents an extendable framework that could include factors such as colonization history and niche conservatism.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant species richness influences the diversity of herbivorous and predatory/parasitic arthropods is central to community ecology.We explore the effects of crop species richness on the diversity of pest insects and their natural enemies.Using data from a four-year experiment with five levels of crop species richness,we found that crop species richness significantly affected the pest species richness,but there were no significant effects on richness of the pests’natural enemies.In contrast,the species richness of pest insects significantly affected their natural enemies.These findings suggest a cascade effect where trophic interactions are strong between adjacent trophic levels,while the interactions between connected but nonadjacent trophic levels are weakened by the intermediate trophic level.High crop species richness resulted in a more stable arthropod community compared with communities in monoculture crops.Our results highlight the complicated cross-trophic interactions and the crucial role of crop diversity in the food webs of agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Multiple biotic and abiotic factors influence species coexistence and co‐occurrence patterns. In a competitive environment, for example, temperature and diet variation may modify both foraging behaviour and aggression, thereby changing competitive interactions and species co‐occurrence patterns. In New Zealand, two endemic ant species (Prolasius advenus and Monomorium antarcticum) often form allopatric distributions; though also periodically do co‐occur in the same habitat. Here, we performed a long‐term laboratory experiment in an attempt to understand how diet, colony size and environmental conditions may influence these co‐occurrence patterns. The consequences of temperature and diet variation differed between P. advenus and M. antarcticum. Colonies of P. advenus exhibited increased aggression and foraging activities at higher temperatures. In addition, P. advenus colonies augmented their foraging activities when deprived of a carbohydrate‐rich food source. Conversely, small M. antarcticum colonies exhibited higher aggression than when in large colonies, and increased their foraging activities at lower temperatures. The modulation of aggression and foraging behaviour may influence the likelihood of small P. advenus and M. antarcticum colonies persisting in the long term. Our results are compatible with the hypothesis that the environment is likely to be a strong filter for the negative co‐occurrence patterns we observe between P. advenus and M. antarcticum in New Zealand. Furthermore, this study provides a mechanistic explanation for potential impacts of climate warming on community structure. Environmental modification of aggression and foraging behaviour could potentially alter competitive interactions and influence community assembly.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a theory to describe stochastic influences on the fate of new species with non-linear growth rates in evolutionary processes. We develop a theoretical framework based on notions of species, network, innovation, competition, survival and fitness. We introduce a stochastic picture describing the role of fluctuations in the survival of new species in non-linear systems. In particular we consider the fate of new species with non-linear growth. As an application of the general model framework we consider the fate of 'rare species' in early biological evolution. We show that hypercycle systems do not represent the end of the evolutionary process as they may evolve further in small niches. This has implications for different types of applications ranging from biological systems on one level to socio-technological systems on a more metaphoric level.  相似文献   

1. Management of invasive species benefits from detailed information on the biology of the invaders, both from where they have already invaded, and from within their areas of origin. Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a widely invasive and destructive freshwater fish. However, within its native range, G. affinis co‐exists with many other fish species in a wide variety of habitats without obvious harm. 2. In this study, we used data on fish communities within the native range of G. affinis at 154 sites across a broad spatial scale to examine the effects of G. affinis on species richness and diversity of residual (species other than G. affinis) fish assemblages. We further used data based on annual samples at eight fixed river sites over 18 summers to examine temporal population dynamics of G. affinis and to test factors associated with population fluctuations. 3. Higher residual species richness occurred in the presence of G. affinis, but residual diversity did not differ. We found an inverse relationship between relative abundance of G. affinis and residual species richness (although effect size was extremely small), but no effect on residual diversity. 4. Gambusia affinis populations fluctuated markedly across summers at all eight fixed sites, but population sizes at a site over time were not autocorrelated. However, population fluctuations were highly correlated among sites across all years, suggesting that regional factors influenced population size. Regional abundance of G. affinis did not correlate with drought, rainfall or winter temperature, but varied with spring temperature. We suggest earlier onset of reproduction in warmer springs resulted in larger summer populations. 5. Overall, within its native range, G. affinis does not appear to impact negatively on the assemblages in which it occurs, possibly due to fluctuations in its density. These findings suggest that introduced Gambusia populations, and those of other invasive species, warrant careful monitoring over long periods of time where they have invaded. Long‐term monitoring of new populations can establish if they are prone to ‘boom and bust’ dynamics, in which case the invader may be less a threat than sometimes assumed. Population information from long‐term studies, either in their native ranges or at invaded sites, can thus help to form the basis of prudent, cost‐effective management strategies for invasive organisms.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of temperature enhancement on alpine calcareous grassland species, a warming experiment was carried out in the Berchtesgaden National Park (Southeast Germany, Northern Calcareous Alps) between 2002 and 2004. The study was conducted in stands of the Carex sempervirens and the Carex firma communities; the two most widespread grassland types in the alpine zone of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The temperature of the vegetation stand and the upper soil was passively enhanced using open top chambers (OTCs). The construction of the OTCs was appropriate since temperature was clearly increased while water conditions (humidity, soil water content) were not changed.

By comparing manipulated (temperature enhancement) with non-manipulated plots, the effects of warming on growth and reproduction of selected key species were studied. To test if vegetation response to temperature enhancement is at least partly due to increases in nutrient availability, soil solution concentrations of nitrate and ammonium were analysed.

We found that most of the studied plant species are sensitive to temperature enhancement. Growth and/or reproduction of 12 of the 14 studied species were significantly stimulated by warming. Only two species showed no response; none of the species experienced decreases in growth or reproduction. Dwarf shrubs and graminoids showed a stronger response than herbaceous perennials. A significant effect of warming on nutrient availability could not be detected. The observed response of vegetation is therefore mainly caused by direct and not by indirect temperature effects.  相似文献   

Year-class strength in northern populations of smallmouth bass is strongly influenced by winter starvation of young-of-the-year. We examined starvation among young bass under both winter and summer light and temperature conditions. During starvation, body condition declines to a specific level and then the fish dies. Body condition at death is a well defined function of body size that remains relatively constant over a wide range of environmental conditions. Starvation rate varies systematically with body size, temperature, pH and water hardness. Available stored energy increases more rapidly with body size than starvation rate. Therefore, lifetime under starvation conditions tends to increase with increasing body size. The Q10 for starvation rate over the temperature range 2.5-8° C is 2.2. Starvation rate increases as pH declines from 7.0-4.9: the rate at pH 4.9 is ∼ 1.25 times the rate at pH 7 Starvation rate decreases as Ca concentration increases from 1 mgl−1 to 80mgl−1: the rate at 80 mg Ca 1−1 is ∼0.80 times the rate at 1 mgl−1.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. In a 3-year study of the solitary bee Colletes cunicularius L. in Sweden, average body size and population density fluctuated greatly between years.
2. In this protandrous population, females mated just once and the sex ratio was slightly male biased. Males were smaller than females.
3. Size assortative mating (homogamy), associated with an increase in population density during the central days of female emergence and mating, was observed in two out of three years. Homogamy was also observed in pairs with remating males.
4. Most of the mating males had emerged the day they mated, but 42% were older. We found no support for a general large-male mating advantage.
5. Weight of emerging females and mating males were negatively correlated with ground temperature, indicating thermoregulatory influence on the process of sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy and size are two important life‐history traits that interplay as adaptation to varying environmental settings. As evolution of both traits involves correlated selective pressures, it is of interest to comparatively investigate the evolution of the two traits jointly as well as independently. We explore evolutionary trajectories of seed dormancy and size using adaptive dynamics in scenarios of deterministic or stochastic temperature variations. Ecological dynamics usually result in unbalanced population structures, and temperature shifts or fluctuations of high magnitude give rise to more balanced ecological structures. When only seed dormancy evolves, it is counter‐selected and temperature shifts hasten this evolution. Evolution of seed size results in the fixation of a given strategy and evolved seed size decreases when seed dormancy is lowered. When coevolution is allowed, evolutionary variations are reduced while the speed of evolution becomes faster given temperature shifts. Such coevolution scenarios systematically result in reduced seed dormancy and size and similar unbalanced population structures. We discuss how this may be linked to the system stability. Dormancy is counter‐selected because population dynamics lead to stable equilibrium, while small seeds are selected as the outcome of size‐number trade‐offs. Our results suggest that unlike random temperature variation between generations, temperature shifts with high magnitude can considerably alter population structures and accelerate life‐history evolution. This study increases our understanding of plant evolution and persistence in the context of climate changes.  相似文献   

Fire is one of the main natural disturbances in Tropical Savannas, changing the diversity of species, altering the structure of species interactions, and driving the evolution of adaptations. Here, we investigated the effects of fire disturbance on interactions between ants and plants with extrafloral nectaries in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna). We carried out the study in two different ecosystems of Brazilian Cerrado 700 km apart; Woody Cerrado and Rupestrian Grasslands. We conducted a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) experiment, in which the impact was the disturbance caused by fire. In Woody Cerrado, we found no evidence of fire affecting the diversity and composition of plants or its interactions. Fire also did not affect ant diversity but changed the interaction pattern of its interactions by reorganizing the paired interactions between species (i.e., rewiring). However, this effect did not result in changes on the overall structure of the network. In Rupestrian Grasslands, fire also did not affect the diversity and composition of plant species or its interactions, but it did increase the number of ant species and change its composition, leading to a reorganization of the its paired interactions. However, these fire disturbances in the ant level did not affect the overall structure of the network. Our findings indicate that the structure of ant-plant interaction networks is robust to fire disturbances, more in Woody Cerrado than Rupestrian Grasslands, confirming our hypothesis that ant-plant interactions in Cerrado are adapted to fire disturbances. In sum, our study enhances the understanding of the effects of environmental disturbances and the stability of the ant-plant interactions in fire-adapted ecosystems such as Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

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