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Three different Listeria monocytogenes strains, LO28 (a laboratory strain with truncated InlA), 4446 (a clinical isolate) and 7291 (a food isolate), were compared in a guinea-pig model designed to mimic food-borne exposure. The objectives were (1) to verify the applicability of the animal model for distinguishing between Listeria with different virulence properties and (2) to explore whether it was possible to reduce the required number of animals by dosing with mixed cultures instead of monocultures. Consistent with in vitro observations of infectivity in Caco-2 cells, faecal densities and presence in selected organs were considerably lower for LO28 than for the other two strains. Additionally, the animal study revealed a difference in prevalence in faeces as well as in internal organs between the clinical isolate and the food isolate, which was not reproduced in vitro . Dosage with monocultures of Listeria strains gave similar results as dosage with a mixture of the three strains; thus, the mixed infection approach was a feasible way to reduce the number of animals needed for determination of listerial virulence.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular pathogen responsible for both invasive and non-invasive food-borne illness in animals and humans. In this study, macrorestriction analysis following pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to show that Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a strain EGD has a single chromosome containing eight NotI fragments of 1100, 850, 365, 320, 275, 40, 30 and 20 kb in size and 11 AscI fragments of 860, 470, 410, 360, 320, 250, 110, 80, 50, 30 and 20 kb. The total genome therefore comprises 3000 +/- 50 kb. The creation of a physical and genetic map of the Listeria genome was achieved by generating NotI linking clones and their use in subsequent hybridisation analysis. Using isogenic mutants harbouring additional artificial NotI restriction sites, we were able to precisely map the positions of all currently known virulence genes on the chromosome.  相似文献   

This is the first report of generalized transduction in the gram-positive, food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Bacteriophages were isolated from the environment and from lysogens, or were obtained from other laboratories. Of the 59 bacteriophages tested, 34 proved to be capable of transduction. We exploited the ability of L. monocytogenes to grow at room temperature and isolated bacteriophages that were incapable of growth at 37 degrees C. Transductions at this temperature therefore eliminated transductant killing and lysogeny, as did inclusion of citrate and the use of a low multiplicity of infection. Transducing bacteriophages were found for each of the well-characterized L. monocytogenes strains: EGD, 10403, Mack (serotype1/2a), L028 (serotype 1/2c), Scott A (serotype 4b) and strains from the Jalisco and Halifax, Nova Scotia outbreaks (serotype 4b). P35 (phiLMUP35) is a particularly useful generalized transducing bacteriophage with a wide host range (75% of all serotype 1/2 strains tested). Its disadvantages are that it is small and transduction is relatively infrequent. U153(phiCU-SI153/95) is larger than P35 and transduction frequency increased 100-fold, but it has a very narrow host range. We demonstrated interstrain transduction and used transduction to test linkage between transposon insertions and mutant phenotypes in a variety of strains.  相似文献   

A total of 39 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from raw milk, smoked meat, chicken carcass and reference strains, belonging to serovars 1/2a, 4a, 1/2b, 3b and 4b, were analysed by RAPD and by polymorphisms of the virulent genes inlAB and iap. Ten isolates, belonging to serovars 1/2a and 1/2b and, collected from raw milk and smoked meat, were further tested for pathogenicity by IP injection into mice. The clustering of the 39 L. monocytogenes strains in 3 groups at 0.45 similarity level, based on molecular typing, was observed. Distribution of serovars in these clusters was in agreement with the proposed three Listeria monocytogenes lineages. Within serovar 1/2b, the 50% lethal dose (LD50) ranged from 8.4 x 10(4) to 1.7 x 10(6) cfu.ml(-1). One of the serovar 1/2b strains, isolated from smoked meat, exhibited the lowest virulence potential evaluated by LD50 and by mean time to death (MTD) and, from this point of view, was completely different from the other strains. Our results suggest the existence of heterogeneity in virulence levels within serovars 1/2a and 1/2b. However, when comparing the isolates based on genotyping, virulence indicators and food origin, no relation could be assessed.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to examine the diversity of Listeria monocytogenes strains from healthy sheep, winter feed and environment of sheep farms in Iceland. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 104 L. monocytogenes isolates from animals, winter feed and environment on 10 Icelandic sheep farms were compared by serotyping, ribotyping, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis with ApaI and AscI. The isolates were divided into 24 genotypes, all identified as serovars 1/2a, 1/2b, or 4b. Nine genotypes were detected on more than one farm. On three of the farms there seemed to be a dominant strain of L. monocytogenes. Isolates from incidents of listeriosis in animals occurring on two of the farms belonged to the genotype most commonly found on the particular farm. Nine of the 24 genotypes found on the sheep farms have been associated with disease in animals and/or humans elsewhere in Iceland. CONCLUSIONS: Certain strains of L. monocytogenes seem to be widely distributed on Icelandic sheep farms. On some farms there appears to be a dominant strain of L. monocytogenes. Incidents of listeriosis in animals may tend to be associated with strains commonly found on the farm. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates the diversity of L. monocytogenes present in healthy sheep and their environment.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a significant food-borne human and veterinary pathogen. Contaminated silage commonly leads to disease in livestock, but the pervasive nature of the bacterium can make it difficult to identify the source of infection. An investigation of bovine listeriosis that occurred on a Pacific Northwest dairy farm ("farm A") revealed that the clinical strain was closely related to fecal strains from asymptomatic cows, and that farm environment was heavily contaminated with a diversity of L. monocytogenes strains. In addition, the farm A clinical strain was closely related to clinical and environmental strains obtained 1 year prior from a second Northwest dairy farm ("farm B"). To investigate the source(s) of contamination on farm A, environmental samples were collected from farm A at two time points. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis characterization of 538 isolates obtained from that farm identified 57 different AscI pulsovars. Fecal isolates obtained from individual cows were the most genetically diverse, with up to 94% of fecal samples containing more than one pulsovar. The maximum numbers of pulsovars and serotypes isolated from a fecal sample of one cow were 6 and 4, respectively. Serotype 1/2a was isolated most frequently at both time points. Microarray genotyping of bovine listeriosis, fecal, and silage strains from both farms identified four probes that differentiated listeriosis strains from environmental strains; however, no probe was common to both bovine listeriosis strains.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Histoplasma capsulatum strains in Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study establishes the genetic relatedness among Brazilian Histoplasma capsulatum samples obtained from different sources. A PCR-based random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay was used to delineate polymorphisms among isolates in geographically diverse regions in Brazil. RAPD fingerprints revealed distinct DNA profiles and provided a high level of discrimination among H. capsulatum strains from different locations. Cluster I was composed of H. capsulatum isolates from the northeast region. The majority of strains from southeast and south were categorized as major cluster II. The strain 84564 from Rio de Janeiro State showed no genetic correlation to any of the isolates from the same state. The RAPD patterns of H. capsulatum isolates from Goias (Cluster III) were unrelated to DNA fingerprints observed among the other H. capsulatum strains (48% similarity). This study is the first report that stratifies the clusters of H. capsulatum strains from Brazil by molecular typing and associates them with the geographical origin.  相似文献   

为了解单增李斯特菌株耐药后可能发生的生物学变化,以哈市生肉中分离到的1株对17种抗生素耐受的单增李斯特菌株L.M.B8为研究对象,对其生长及毒力特性进行研究。结果显示,L.M.B8的生长及毒力特性均与标准菌株有明显差异。在NaC l浓度为0.5%~5%、pH值为4.0~10.0及温度为20~45℃范围内,L.M.B8的生长速度均明显高于标准菌株。L.M.B8对高浓度盐的敏感性高于标准菌株,且对温度的适应能力强于标准菌株。从生长曲线看,L.M.B8的对数生长期与稳定期均较标准菌株提前2~3 h,且其稳定期较标准菌株明显缩短。L.M.B8小鼠腹腔注射半数致死量(LD50)较标准菌株明显降低。该研究为进一步探讨单增李斯特菌的耐药性与其他生物学特性的相关性奠定基础。  相似文献   

Aims: Listeria monocytogenesΔgadD1 and ΔlisK mutants display enhanced and reduced sensitivity, respectively, to the food preservative nisin in laboratory media. However, the behaviour of these strains in a nisin‐containing food has not been assessed. Here we use cottage cheese as a model food to address this issue. Materials and Results: Antibiotic‐resistant forms of the wild‐type and mutant strains were employed to investigate the behaviour of multiple strains in a single food sample, thereby eliminating the problem of intersample variation. Using this approach, it was established that percentage survival of the ΔlisK mutant was greater than the parent strain in the absence of nisin and that this relative difference became even more dramatic in cottage cheese supplemented with nisin. The numbers of the ΔgadD1 mutant decreased more rapidly than the parent in cottage cheese without nisin, but surprisingly this trend was reversed in nisin‐supplemented cheese. Upon the addition of 10 mmol l?1 monosodium glutamate, a substrate for the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system, the wild‐type LO28 strain regained its relative advantage over ΔgadD1. Conclusions: Care needs to be taken when predicting the behaviour of mutants of L. monocytogenes with altered resistance to nisin in food as experiments in laboratory media are not always a good indicator of how the strains will behave in such food environments. Significance and impact of the Study: This study further emphasizes the importance of utilizing food matrices to confirm observations made using laboratory media.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】 InlA与InlB是单核细胞增多性李斯特菌重要的毒力因子,其介导的黏附作用是细菌建立感染的前提。本研究拟探明天然缺失inlAB基因簇的非典型单增李斯特菌的表型与基因型特征。【方法】针对inlAB天然缺失株S10,进行生化特征、细胞黏附力、小鼠体内毒力、感染相关基因检测、谱系分析等。【结果】 S10株为具有典型单增李斯特菌生化特征的1/2b型菌株,对HeLa细胞的黏附力显著低于其他菌株(p<0.05),对小鼠毒力较弱。S10缺失inlAB及与其毗邻的lmo0431、lmo0432、lmo0436、lmo0437基因,但具有李斯特菌第一毒力岛中完整的毒力基因构成。S10分布于谱系Ⅰ的进化枝上,与4b型菌株的遗传距离较近。【结论】 S10为单增李斯特菌inlAB天然缺失株代表该类非典型菌株的首次报道。S10具有典型的单增李斯特菌谱系Ⅰ基因背景,inlAB可能通过独立的重组或水平转移事件缺失于基因组。  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that actA allelic variation contributes to virulence differences among Listeria monocytogenes strains, cell-to-cell spread and intracellular ActA phosphorylation patterns were characterized for 14 wild-type isolates and selected isogenic mutants. Our data show that (i) while actA allelic variation is not responsible for enhanced cell-to-cell spread observed in epidemic clone I strains, actA allelic variation may contribute to reduced plaque size observed in some isolates, (ii) actA sequence alone determines phosphorylation-dependent ActA banding patterns, and (iii) sequence variation at the positively selected ActA residue 498 does not contribute to ActA phosphorylation patterns or to differences in cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of the study was to evaluate the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in the conditioning liquid of packaged water buffalo mozzarella cheese (WBMC). Methods and Results: The conditioning liquid was contaminated with L. monocytogenes, and the contaminated samples were stored at four different storage temperatures: 5 and 10°C for 22 days; 20°C for 9 days; 20°C for 3 days and then at 5°C for 6 days. The results showed that L. monocytogenes concentration decreased when contaminated samples were stored at 5°C. When WBMC was stored at 20°C and at 10°C, L. monocytogenes started to grow after a lag phase of 3 and 10 days, respectively. When samples were stored at variable temperature conditions, L. monocytogenes numbers showed a lag phase of 5 days. Conclusions: Use of a conditioning liquid characterized by acidity and a correct storage temperature is able to counteract pathogen replication during shelf life. A high concentration of lactic acid bacteria was associated with effective control of L. monocytogenes but the role of lactic acid bacteria in WBMC conditioning liquid requires further investigation. Significance and Impact of the Study: According to European regulations, food producers should be able to justify decision‐making on the shelf life assigned to their products, taking into account reasonable storage conditions and use by consumers. The results of the trial yielded information for producers of WBMC and similar cheeses for decision‐making on product shelf life.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular human pathogen which enters the body through contaminated food stuffs and is known to contaminate fresh leafy produce such as spinach, lettuce and rocket. Routinely, fresh leafy produce is grown and processed on a large scale before reaching the consumer through various products such as sandwiches and prepared salads. From farm to fork, the fresh leafy produce supply chain (FLPSC) is complex and contains a diverse range of environments where L. monocytogenes is sporadically detected during routine sampling of produce and processing areas. This review describes sources of the bacteria in the FLPSC and outlines the physiological and molecular mechanisms behind its survival in the different environments associated with growing and processing fresh produce. Finally, current methods of source tracking the bacteria in the context of the food supply chain are discussed with emphasis on how these methods can provide additional, valuable information on the risk that L. monocytogenes isolates pose to the consumer.  相似文献   

We analyzed 27 Listeria monocytogenes strains of serotypes 1/2b and 4b, from invasive and gastroenteric listeriosis, for molecular and experimental virulence. Molecular virulence was tested by PCR for the presence of 8 major virulence-associated genes and genetic polymorphisms through restriction enzyme analysis; genomic DNA typing using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was also performed. Experimental virulence was evaluated through intra-peritoneal and intra-gastric mouse virulence assays. Our results showed no significant differences in the virulence-related molecular properties of the strains analyzed. All strains were equally pathogenic following intra-peritoneal inoculation of mice. In mice inoculated intra-gastric with 4 representative strains of the 2 types of listeriosis, there were no significant differences in the bacterial count when comparing invasive and gastroenteric strains, suggesting that the strains were comparable in terms of mean oral infectivity.  相似文献   

Cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) are produced by a large number of pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria. Most of these single-chain proteins are secreted in the extracellular medium. Among the species producing CDCs, only two species belonging to the genus Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii) are able to multiply intracellularly and release their toxins in the phagosomal compartment of the infected host cell. This review provides an updated overview on the importance of listeriolysin O (LLO) in the pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes, focusing mainly on two aspects: (1) the structure-function relationship of LLO and (2) its role in intra- and extracellular signalling. We first examine the specific sequence determinants, or protein domains, that make this cytolysin so well adapted to the intracellular lifestyle of L. monocytogenes. The roles that LLO has in cellular signalling events in the context of relations to pathogenesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

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