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Golf courses ostensibly offer green space in urbanized areas, but it is unclear how suitable these human-modified habitats are for wildlife populations. Golf courses are home to a variety of wildlife, but in particular they have been the focus of research on avian responses to urbanization. Although numerous reproductive and diversity studies have been conducted on birds of golf courses, no research exists on postfledging survival in this created landscape. In 2008 and 2009, we estimated survival of eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) fledglings using radio telemetry on golf course and other developed sites in Williamsburg, Virginia. We used nest survival models in Program MARK set in an information theoretic framework to assess whether the golf course habitat predicted mortality along with other previously studied variables, such as fledgling age, year, site, body condition, fledging date, and transmitter weight. We found no evidence that inhabiting a golf course increased mortality during the fledgling period, but we did find support for both fledgling age and fledging date as predictors of survival. Mortality decreased for older fledglings and those that fledged later in the season. Cause-specific postfledging survival rates did not differ among sites. Fledgling bluebirds did, however, move into habitat that was significantly more forested and less grassy than their natal habitat. For managers of wildlife on golf courses and other urbanized sites, our study is the first to show that placing nest boxes in manicured habitat may attract birds to areas without suitable habitat for fledglings. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Male eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) have two types of ornamentalplumage coloration: a brilliant blue-ultraviolet head, back,and wings, and a patch of chestnut breast feathers. The blue-UVcoloration is produced from feather microstructure, whereasthe chestnut coloration is produced by a combination of pheaomelaninand eumelanin pigments deposited in feathers. We tested thehypothesis that plumage coloration reflects male quality ineastern bluebirds, a socially monogamous, sexually dichromaticbird. We investigated whether male ornamentation correlateswith mate quality and parental effort. We quantified three aspectsof male ornament coloration: (1) size of the patch of chestnutbreast feathers, (2) reflectance properties of the chestnutplumage coloration, and (3) reflectance properties of the blue-ultravioletplumage coloration. We found that males with larger breast patchesand brighter plumage provisioned nestlings more often, fledgedheavier offspring, and paired with females that nested earlier.Males with plumage coloration that exhibit more ultraviolethues fledged more offspring. These results suggest that plumagecoloration is a reliable indicator of male mate quality andreproductive success. Both melanin-based and structural-basedplumages appear to be honest signals of male quality and parentalcare that can be assessed by competitors or by potential mates.  相似文献   

We review observational, experimental, and model results on how plants respond to extreme climatic conditions induced by changing climatic variability. Distinguishing between impacts of changing mean climatic conditions and changing climatic variability on terrestrial ecosystems is generally underrated in current studies. The goals of our review are thus (1) to identify plant processes that are vulnerable to changes in the variability of climatic variables rather than to changes in their mean, and (2) to depict/evaluate available study designs to quantify responses of plants to changing climatic variability. We find that phenology is largely affected by changing mean climate but also that impacts of climatic variability are much less studied, although potentially damaging. We note that plant water relations seem to be very vulnerable to extremes driven by changes in temperature and precipitation and that heatwaves and flooding have stronger impacts on physiological processes than changing mean climate. Moreover, interacting phenological and physiological processes are likely to further complicate plant responses to changing climatic variability. Phenological and physiological processes and their interactions culminate in even more sophisticated responses to changing mean climate and climatic variability at the species and community level. Generally, observational studies are well suited to study plant responses to changing mean climate, but less suitable to gain a mechanistic understanding of plant responses to climatic variability. Experiments seem best suited to simulate extreme events. In models, temporal resolution and model structure are crucial to capture plant responses to changing climatic variability. We highlight that a combination of experimental, observational, and/or modeling studies have the potential to overcome important caveats of the respective individual approaches.  相似文献   

Various indications for shifts in plant and animal phenology resulting from climate change have been observed in Europe. This analysis of phenological seasons in Germany of more than four decades (1951–96) has several major advantages: (i) a wide and dense geographical coverage of data from the phenological network of the German Weather Service, (ii) the 16 phenophases analysed cover the whole annual cycle and, moreover, give a direct estimate of the length of the growing season for four deciduous tree species. After intensive data quality checks, two different methods – linear trend analyses and comparison of averages of subintervals – were applied in order to determine shifts in phenological seasons in the last 46 years. Results from both methods were similar and reveal a strong seasonal variation. There are clear advances in the key indicators of earliest and early spring (?0.18 to ?0.23 d y?1) and notable advances in the succeeding spring phenophases such as leaf unfolding of deciduous trees (?0.16 to ?0.08 d y?1). However, phenological changes are less strong during autumn (delayed by + 0.03 to + 0.10 d y?1 on average). In general, the growing season has been lengthened by up to ?0.2 d y?1 (mean linear trends) and the mean 1974–96 growing season was up to 5 days longer than in the 1951–73 period. The spatial variability of trends was analysed by statistical means and shown in maps, but these did not reveal any substantial regional differences. Although there is a high spatial variability, trends of phenological phases at single locations are mirrored by subsequent phases, but they are not necessarily identical. Results for changes in the biosphere with such a high resolution with respect to time and space can rarely be obtained by other methods such as analyses of satellite data.  相似文献   

植物物候对气候变化的响应   总被引:44,自引:6,他引:44  
陆佩玲  于强  贺庆棠 《生态学报》2006,26(3):929-929
植物物候的变化可以直观地反映某些气候变化,尤其是气候变暖.植物生长节律的变化引起植物与环境关系的改变.生态系统的物质循环(如水和碳的循环)等过程将随物候而改变.不同种类植物物候对气候变化的响应的差异,会使植物间和动植物间的竞争与依赖关系也发生深刻的变化.目前欧洲、美洲、亚洲等许多地区均有关于春季植物物候提前,秋季物候推迟,使植物的生长季延长,从而提示气候变暖的趋势.植物物候的模拟模型构成生态系统生产力模型的重要部分.  相似文献   

黄土高原植被覆盖时空变化及其对气候因子的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张含玉  方怒放  史志华 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3960-3968
为研究黄土高原地区退耕还林(草)后,植被覆盖变化及其对水热条件的响应,利用1999—2013年SPOT VGT NDVI 1km/10d分辨率数据,采用最大合成法、一元线性回归法和偏相关分析法,系统分析了黄土高原地区NDVI(归一化植被指数)的时空分布及变化趋势,及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:黄土高原1999—2013年年最大NDVI的平均值为0.31,NDVI较高的区域位于黄土高原南部,而西北部植被覆盖度较低;自1999年开始,黄土高原地区NDVI呈极显著(P0.01)增加趋势,年最大NDVI的变化斜率为0.0099;不同季节(春、夏、秋、冬)和生长季的植被状况均呈现良性发展趋势;1998—2013年间,黄土高原地区气候呈现不显著的"冷湿化"特征;NDVI年际(及生长季和季节)变化与降雨和温度的相关性不显著,而在月时间尺度上,呈显著的相关性,并且月NDVI与当月降雨量的相关性要强于与当月温度的相关性;植被生长对温度的响应存在一个月的滞后期,而对降雨的响应无滞后效应。  相似文献   

Although striking changes have been documented in plant and animal phenology over the past century, less is known about how the fungal kingdom's phenology has been changing. A few recent studies have documented changes in fungal fruiting in Europe in the last few decades, but the geographic and taxonomic extent of these changes, the mechanisms behind these changes, and their relationships to climate are not well understood. Here, we analyzed herbarium data of 274 species of fungi from Michigan to test the hypotheses that fruiting times of fungi depend on annual climate and that responses depend on taxonomic and functional groups. We show that the fungal community overall fruits later in warmer and drier years, which has led to a shift toward later fruiting dates for autumn‐fruiting species, consistent with existing evidence. However, we also show that these effects are highly variable among species and are partly explained by basic life‐history characteristics. Resulting differences in climate sensitivities are expected to affect community structure as climate changes. This study provides a unique picture of the climate dependence of fungal phenology in North America and an approach for quantifying how individual species and broader fungal communities will respond to ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Question: Are trees sensitive to climatic variability, and do tree species differ in their responses to climatic variability? Does sensitivity of forest communities to climatic variability depend on stand composition? Location: Mixed young forest at Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, East Tennessee, USA. Methods: Using a long‐term dataset (1967–2006), we analyzed temporal forest dynamics at the tree and species level, and community dynamics for forest stands that differed in initial species composition (i.e., chestnut oak, oak–hickory, pine, and yellow poplar stands). Using summer drought and growing season temperature as defined climate drivers, we evaluated relationships between forest dynamics and climate across levels of organization. Results: Over the four‐decade study period, forest communities underwent successional change and substantially increased in biomass. Variation in summer drought and growing season temperature contributed to temporal biomass dynamics for some tree species, but not for others. Stand‐level responses to climatic variability were related to the responses of component species, except in pine stands. Pinus echinata, the dominant species in pine stands, decreased over time due to periodic outbreaks of pine bark beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). These outbreaks at Walker Branch could not be directly related to climatic conditions. Conclusions: The results indicate that sensitivity of developing forests to climatic variability is stand type‐dependent, and hence is a function of species composition. However, in the long term, direct effects of climatic variability on forest dynamics may be small relative to autogenic successional processes or climate‐related insect outbreaks. Empirical studies testing for interactions between forest succession and climatic variability are needed.  相似文献   

In spite of decades of intense research directed toward understanding the climates and ecology of the Great Basin (western United States) during the past 10,000 years, the responses of mammals to the extreme aridity of the Middle Holocene (c. 8000–5000 years ago) in this region have been poorly understood. Using a well‐dated small mammal sequence from Homestead Cave, north‐central Utah, I show that the Middle Holocene small mammal faunas of this area underwent a decrease in species richness and evenness, driven largely by a series of local extinctions and near‐extinctions coupled with a dramatic increase in the abundance of taxa well‐adapted to xeric conditions. At the end of this period, some taxa that require relatively mesic habitats began to increase in abundance immediately, others did not rebound in abundance until several thousand years later, while still others have not returned at all. This suite of responses has been difficult to detect because climatic change at the beginning of the Middle Holocene was so much more substantial than that which occurred toward its end.  相似文献   

Responses to environmental variability sheds light on how individuals are able to survive in a particular habitat and provides an indication of the scope and limits of its niche. To understand whether climate has a direct impact on activity, and determine whether vervet monkeys have the behavioral flexibility to respond to environmental change, we examined whether the amount of time spent resting and feeding in the nonmating and mating seasons were predicted by the thermal and energetic constraints of ambient temperature. Our results show that high temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent resting, at the expense of feeding. Cold temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent feeding, at the expense of resting. In contrast, both feeding and resting time during the mating season were independent of temperature, suggesting that animals were not adjusting their activity in relation to temperature during this period. Our data indicate that climate has a direct effect on animal activity, and that animals may be thermally and energetically compromised in the mating season. Our study animals appear to have the behavioral flexibility to tolerate current environmental variability. However, future climate change scenarios predict that the time an animal has available for behaviors critical for survival will be constrained by temperature. Further investigations, aimed at determining the degree of behavioral and physiological flexibility displayed by primates, are needed if we are to fully understand the consequences of environmental change on their distribution and survival. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:357–364, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Temperature and egg viability data from an Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus hatchery covering a period of 28 years were analysed. During the study period, there was a significant increase in the mean water temperature in May, July, August and September of c. 2° C. Independent of year, the egg viability showed a negative correlation with the mean monthly temperatures in July, August and September as well as with the temperature difference between October and November. The negative effect of high summer temperatures was further supported by a comparison of egg viability from replicate broodstock reared at two sites differing mainly in summer water temperature. The eggs from the colder site were, on average, significantly larger (4·4 mm compared with 4·0 mm) and had higher hatching rates (57% compared with 37%). These results suggest that unfavourable temperature conditions during the summer and autumn can explain much of the excessive egg mortality experienced at the main facility used for the Swedish S. alpinus breeding programme. The main effect was supra‐optimal temperatures during the period July to September, but there also appears to have been an effect from the temperature regime before and during spawning (October to November) that was unrelated to the summer temperatures. These findings emphasize the importance of site selection and sustainable management of aquaculture hatcheries in the light of the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

青藏高原植被覆盖时空变化及其对气候因子的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
卓嘎  陈思蓉  周兵 《生态学报》2018,38(9):3208-3218
研究青藏高原植被覆盖时空分布特征对加深气候变化的认识及生态环境保护具有重要的生态价值和现实意义。利用2000—2016年MODIS NDVI 1km/月分辨率数据以及气象观测数据,采用最大合成法、趋势性分析以及相关分析方法,探讨了不同时间尺度青藏高原地区NDVI的分布特征及其与降水、气温的关系。结果表明:(1)青藏高原东南部植被状况明显好于西北部,植被覆盖的分布格局与区域水热条件的时空分布保持了较好的一致性;近17年来青藏高原植被覆盖改善的地区要比退化的地区面积大,严重退化的区域主要位于青藏高原西南部;青藏高原NDVI值在2000—2016年呈幅度较小的增加趋势。(2)除夏季降水量外,研究时段内其他季节降水量均呈增加趋势;气温均呈增加趋势,尤其以春季增加最为显著,整体上青藏高原气候呈现"暖湿化"趋势。总体上年降水量与年最大合成NDVI呈较好的正相关;年平均气温与年最大合成NDVI在高原东南部呈正相关,西南部呈负相关。降水量和热量条件均是高原植被生长的影响因素,降水与植被覆盖的影响较气温密切。  相似文献   

天山东部西伯利亚落叶松树轮生长对气候要素的响应分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
天山东部西伯利亚落叶松的树木年轮学研究可以看出:森林上限树轮宽度年表之间相关性较高而下限年表间相关稍低,表明下限小生境要素对树木生长干扰较大。森林上下限树轮年表中样本的总解释量(ESP)和信噪比(SNR)都比较高,说明树木中都含有较多的环境信息;但标准年表中平均敏感度(M.S.)和轮宽指数的标准差(S.D.)都是森林上限数值低于下限,这表明森林上限树木生长对环境变化响应的敏感性降低;相关分析和响应分析也发现森林下限生长的树木对气候因子的响应较为显著。就温度而言,森林上限和下限表现基本一致,树木生长多与温度负相关,其中下限树木生长与春季均温和3.6月份均温显著负相关;降水表现出一定的差别,上限树木生长与春季、夏季及年降水量有较高的负相关,而对下限树木生长影响最大的则是冬季和3—6月份降水。湿润指数与降水基本一致即上限呈负相关而下限正相关,温暖指数全为负相关,寒冷指数下限负相关显著;显然该地区森林上下限树木生长的生态模式存在着一定的差异。研究发现,冬春季节的不同水热组合则是形成树木年轮宽窄的限制因素;同时,前期生长的滞后效应对年轮形成有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Interannual variations of photosynthesis in tropical seasonally dry vegetation are one of the dominant drivers to interannual variations of atmospheric CO2 growth rate. Yet, the seasonal differences in the response of photosynthesis to climate variations in these ecosystems remain poorly understood. Here using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), we explored the response of photosynthesis of seasonally dry tropical vegetation to climatic variations in the dry and the wet seasons during the past three decades. We found significant (p < 0.01) differences between dry and wet seasons in the interannual response of photosynthesis to temperature (γint) and to precipitation (δint). γint is ~1% °C?1 more negative and δint is ~8% 100 mm?1 more positive in the dry season than in the wet season. Further analyses show that the seasonal difference in γint can be explained by background moisture and temperature conditions. Positive γint occurred in wet season where mean temperature is lower than 27°C and precipitation is at least 60 mm larger than potential evapotranspiration. Two widely used Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) estimates (empirical modeling by machine‐learning algorithm applied to flux tower measurements, and nine process‐based carbon cycle models) were examined for the GPP–climate relationship over wet and dry seasons. The GPP derived from empirical modeling can partly reproduce the divergence of γint, while most process models cannot. The overestimate by process models on negative impacts by warmer temperature during the wet season highlights the shortcomings of current carbon cycle models in representing interactive impacts of temperature and moisture on photosynthesis. Improving representations on soil water uptake, leaf temperature, nitrogen cycling, and soil moisture may help improve modeling skills in reproducing seasonal differences of photosynthesis–climate relationship and thus the projection for impacts of climate change on tropical carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The ability of organisms to respond evolutionarily to rapid climatic change is poorly known. Secondary sexual characters show the potential for rapid evolutionary change, as evidenced by strong divergence among species and high evolvability. Here we show that the length of the outermost tail feathers of males of the socially monogamous barn swallow Hirundo rustica, feathers that provide a mating advantage to males, has increased by more than 1 standard deviation during the period from 1984 to 2003. Barn swallows from the Danish population studied here migrate through the Iberian Peninsula to South Africa in fall, and return along the same route in spring. Environmental conditions on the spring staging grounds in Algeria, as indexed by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, predicted tail length and change in tail length across generations. However, conditions in the winter quarters and at the breeding grounds did not predict change in tail length. Environmental conditions in Algeria in spring showed a temporal deterioration during the study period, associated with a reduction in annual survival rate of male barn swallows. Phenotypic plasticity in tail length of males, estimated as the increase in tail length from the age of 1 to 2 years, decreased during the course of the study. Estimates of directional selection differentials for male tail length with respect to mating success, breeding date, fecundity, survival and total selection showed temporal variation, with the intensity of breeding date selection, survival selection and total selection declining during the study. Response to selection as estimated from the product of heritability and total selection was very similar to the observed temporal change in tail length. These findings provide evidence of rapid micro-evolutionary change in a secondary sexual character during a very short time period, which is associated with a rapid change in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Population growth is highly sensitive to changes in reproductive rates for many avian species. Understanding how reproductive rates are related to environmental conditions can give managers insight into factors contributing to population change. Harvest trends of eastern wild turkey in northeastern South Dakota suggest a decline in abundance. We investigated factors influencing reproductive success of this important game bird to identify potential factors contributing to the decline. We monitored nesting rate, nest survival, renesting rate, clutch size, hatchability, and poult survival of 116 eastern wild turkey hens using VHF radio transmitters during the springs and summers of 2017 and 2018. Heavier hens were more likely to attempt to nest than lighter hens, and adult hens were more likely to renest than yearling hens. Nest survival probability was lowest in agricultural fields relative to all other cover types and positively related to horizontal visual obstruction and distance to the nearest road. Daily nest survival probability demonstrated an interaction between temperature and precipitation, such that nest survival probability was lower on warm, wet days, but lowest on dry days. Egg predation was the leading cause of nest failure, followed by haying of the nest bowl and death of the incubating hen. Poults reared by adult hens had a greater probability of survival than poults reared by yearling hens. Our estimate of survival probability of poults raised by yearling hens was low relative to other studies, which may be contributing to the apparent regional population decline. However, there is little managers can do to influence poult survival in yearling hens. Alternatively, we found nest survival probability was lowest for nests initiated in agricultural fields. Wildlife‐friendly harvesting practices such as delayed haying or installation of flushing bars could help increase productivity of eastern wild turkey in northeastern South Dakota.  相似文献   

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