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The relationship between mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and permeability transition pore (PTP) opening as well as the effects of mitochondrial energetic status on mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening were studied. The results showed that the calcium-induced calcium release from mitochondria (mCICR) induced PTP opening. Inhibitors for electron transport of respiratory chain inhibited mCICR and PTP opening. Partial recovery of electron transport in respiratory chain resulted in partial recovery of mCICR and PTP opening. mCICR and PTP opening were also inhibited by CCCP which eliminated transmembrane proton gradient. The results indicated that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening are largely dependent on electron transport and energy coupling.  相似文献   

目的:研究心功能自然衰退过程中线拉体通透性转换孔(MPTP)开放改变规律及其相关机制.方法:检测不同月龄(3、6、9、12月龄)SD大鼠左室心功能;分离各月龄大鼠心肌线粒体,检测MPTP开放改变、线粒体Mn-SOD活性.结果:9月龄和12月龄大鼠心功能同3月龄大鼠相比均出现明显减退,表现为左室收缩压LVSP减小(P<0...  相似文献   

The relationship between mitochondrial Ca2 transport and permeability transition pore (PTP) opening as well as the effects of mitochondrial energetic status on mitochondrial Ca2 transport and PTP opening were studied. The results showed that the calcium-induced calcium release from mitochondria (mClCR) induced PTP opening. Inhibitors for electron transport of respiratory chain inhibited mClCR and PTP opening. Partial recovery of electron transport in respiratory chain resulted in partial recovery of mClCR and PTP opening. mClCR and PTP opening were also inhibited by CCCP which eliminated transmembrane proton gradient. The results indicated that mitochondrial Ca2 transport and PTP opening are largely dependent on electron transport and energy coupling.  相似文献   

目的:为增进对青蒿素作用机制的了解,探讨参与调节线粒体体积的线粒体通透性转移孔在青蒿素抗疟机制中的作用.方法:分离线粒体,采用分光光度法检测青蒿素能否直接作用于离体线粒体导致线粒体体积变化;利用等效应图分析线粒体通透性转移孔抑制剂是否拮抗青蒿素的抗疟作用.结果:青蒿素可以直接导致离体疟原虫线粒体肿胀,而不会影响鼠肝线粒体体积;两种不同的线粒体通透性转移孔抑制剂均可拮抗青蒿素的抑疟效果.结论:青蒿素可以直接作用于离体疟原虫线粒体导致线粒体肿胀,且青蒿素导致线粒体肿胀的物种选择性与细胞毒性的物种选择性一致.此外,利用抑制剂阻断线粒体通透性转移孔的开放可以拮抗青蒿素的抗疟效果,证明线粒体通透性转移孔在青蒿素抗疟过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a critical problem in the chemotherapy of cancers. Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) responds poorly to chemotherapy owing to its potent MDR. Chemotherapeutic drugs primarily act by inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, and defects in apoptosis may result in MDR. Mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) is implicated as an important event in the control of cell death or survival and mPT represents a target for the development of cytotoxic drugs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of selective opener (Atractyloside glycoside, ATR) and inhibitor (Cyclosporine A, CsA) of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) on a CDDP-resistant HCC cell line (SK-Hep1 cells). In this study, a stable MDR phenotype characterization of SK-Hep1 cell line (SK-Hep1/CDDP cells) was established and used to investigate the role of mPTP in MDR. Results suggested that ATR accelerated the decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), reduced the Bax activity, and increased the apoptosis of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells; while CsA inhibited mPTP opening, reduced and delayed the decline of mitochondrial membrane potential, and increased the Bax activity, leading to increased tolerance of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells to apoptosis induction. However, mPTP activity had no effect on the expression of MDR1 in cells,meanwhile the P-gp translocation to mitochondria was increased, and functionally activated. In conclusion, selective modulation of mPTP can affect MDR in human HCC cells. Therefore, activation of mPTP may provide a new strategy to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and to reverse the MDR in cancer cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and permeability transition pore (PTP) opening as well as the effects of mitochondrial energetic status on mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening were studied. The results showed that the calcium-induced calcium release from mitochondria (mCICR) induced PTP opening. Inhibitors for electron transport of respiratory chain inhibited mCICR and PTP opening. Partial recovery of electron transport in respiratory chain resulted in partial recovery of mCICR and PTP opening. mCICR and PTP opening were also inhibited by CCCP which eliminated transmembrane proton gradient. The results indicated that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening are largely dependent on electron transport and energy coupling.  相似文献   

Here we studied the role of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening in curcumin’s cytotoxicity in melanoma cells. In cultured WM-115 melanoma cells, curcumin induced mitochondrial membrane potential (MPP) decrease, cyclophilin-D (CyPD)-adenine nucleotide translocator 1 (ANT-1) (two mPTP components) mitochondrial association and cytochrome C release, indicating mPTP opening. The mPTP blocker sanglifehrin A (SfA) and ANT-1 siRNA-depletion dramatically inhibited curcumin-induced cytochrome C release and WM-115 cell death. CyPD is required for curcumin-induced melanoma cell death. The CyPD inhibitor cyclosporin A (CsA) or CyPD siRNA-depletion inhibited curcumin-induced WM-115 cell death and apoptosis, while WM-115 cells with CyPD over-expression were hyper-sensitive to curcumin. Finally, we found that C6 ceramide enhanced curcumin-induced cytotoxicity probably through facilitating mPTP opening, while CsA and SfA as well as CyPD and ANT-1 siRNAs alleviated C6 ceramide’s effect on curcumin in WM-115 cells. Together, these results suggest that curcumin-induced melanoma cell death is associated with mPTP opening.  相似文献   

Pharmacological interventions targeting mitochondria present several barriers for a complete efficacy. Therefore, a new mitochondriotropic antioxidant (AntiOxBEN3) based on the dietary antioxidant gallic acid was developed. AntiOxBEN3 accumulated several thousand-fold inside isolated rat liver mitochondria, without causing disruption of the oxidative phosphorylation apparatus, as seen by the unchanged respiratory control ratio, phosphorylation efficiency, and transmembrane electric potential. AntiOxBEN3 showed also limited toxicity on human hepatocarcinoma cells. Moreover, AntiOxBEN3 presented robust iron-chelation and antioxidant properties in both isolated liver mitochondria and cultured rat and human cell lines. Along with its low toxicity profile and high antioxidant activity, AntiOxBEN3 strongly inhibited the calcium-dependent mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening. From our data, AntiOxBEN3 can be considered as a lead compound for the development of a new class of mPTP inhibitors and be used as mPTP de-sensitiser for basic research or clinical applications or emerge as a therapeutic application in mitochondria dysfunction-related disorders.  相似文献   

脓毒症是由宿主对感染的反应失调引起的危及生命的器官功能障碍.对于脓毒症的治疗主要是抗感染、抗休克、维持机体组织器官灌注等.但近年来,在对脓毒症诱导的组织器官功能障碍的研究中发现,脓毒症时出现多器官功能障碍的原因不仅在于组织器官的缺血缺氧,而且与线粒体通透性转换孔(mitochondrial permeability t...  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize current knowledge of perhaps one of the most intriguing phenomena in cell biology: the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). This phenomenon, which was initially observed as a sudden loss of inner mitochondrial membrane impermeability caused by excessive calcium, has been studied for almost 50 years, and still no definitive answer has been provided regarding its mechanisms. From its initial consideration as an in vitro artifact to the current notion that the mPTP is a phenomenon with physiological and pathological implications, a long road has been travelled. We here summarize the role of mitochondria in cytosolic calcium control and the evolving concepts regarding the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) and the mPTP. We show how the evolving mPTP models and mechanisms, which involve many proposed mitochondrial protein components, have arisen from methodological advances and more complex biological models. We describe how scientific progress and methodological advances have allowed milestone discoveries on mPTP regulation and composition and its recognition as a valid target for drug development and a critical component of mitochondrial biology.  相似文献   

Deguelin exhibits chemopreventive properties in animal carcinogenesis models. The mechanism underpinning the chemopreventive effects of deguelin has not been fully elucidated. However, it has been suggested that this agent reduces ornithine decarboxylase activity, and perhaps the activity of other signaling intermediates associated with tumorigenesis, by inhibiting mitochondrial bioenergetics. We sought to determine if deguelin could trigger apoptosis by inhibiting mitochondrial bioenergetics. Therefore, we compared and contrasted the effects of deguelin on cells from two human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (parental cells) and their respiration-deficient clones lacking mitochondrial DNA (rho0). While deguelin promoted marked apoptosis in the parental cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner, it failed to do so in the rho0 clones. Furthermore, short-term exposure to deguelin diminished oxygen consumption by the parental cells and promoted mitochondrial permeability transition as evidenced by the dissipation of mitochondrial inner transmembrane potential, reactive oxygen species production, cardiolipin peroxidation, caspase activation, and mitochondrial swelling. Mitochondrial permeability transition was not observed in the rho0 clones exposed to deguelin. These results demonstrate that deguelin induces apoptosis in skin cancer cells by inhibiting mitochondrial bioenergetics and provide a novel mechanism for the putative anticancer activity of this agent.  相似文献   

Mitochondria have a central role in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and involve activation of several transmembrane channels leading to release of death factors. Reduced expression of a mitochondrial J-protein DnaJC15 was associated with the development of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer cells. DnaJC15 was found to be a part of mitochondrial protein-transport machinery, though its connection with cell death mechanisms is still unclear. In the present study, we have provided evidence towards a novel function of DnaJC15 in regulation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) complex in normal and cancer cells. Overexpression of DnaJC15 resulted in MPTP opening and induction of apoptosis, whereas reduced amount of protein suppressed MPTP activation, upon cisplatin treatment. DnaJC15 was found to exert its proapoptotic function through the essential component of MPTP, cyclophilin D (CypD). Our results reveal a specific role of DnaJC15 in recruitment and coupling of CypD with mitochondrial permeability transition. In summary, our analysis provides first-time insights on the functional connection between mitochondrial inner membrane protein translocation machinery-associated J-protein DnaJC15 and regulation of cell death pathways.  相似文献   

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes - Propionic acid (PA) predominantly accumulates in tissues and biological fluids of patients affected by propionic acidemia that may manifest chronic renal...  相似文献   

目的:探讨谷氨酰胺(Gln)对过度训练状态下心肌线粒体膜通透性转换孔(PTP)开放的干预作用及其可能机制。方法:30只SD大鼠随机分为3组(n=10):对照组(CG组)、过度训练组(OG组)和补充Gln+过度训练组(GOG组)。采用分光光度法检测大鼠心肌线粒体PTP开放程度,电化学法检测心肌丙二醛(MDA)、还原型谷胱苷肽(GSH)含量和磷脂酶A2(PLA2)活性。结果:OG组与GOG组比较,吸光度(A0)显著下降(P<0.05),吸光度变化(△A)值显著降低(P<0.05);荧光剂罗丹明123(Rh123)的荧光强度(F0)显著增强(P<0.05),Rh123荧光强度变化(△F)值明显降低(P<0.05)。与GOG组比较,线粒体GSH含量显著降低(P<0.05),PLA2活性显著增加(P<0.05);MDA含量显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:过度训练可导致心肌细胞线粒体PTP开放增加,过度训练状态下线粒体活性氧生成增多,PLA2活性增加及GSH的含量下降,补充外源性的Gln对这些变化有显著的干预作用。  相似文献   

To assess the mechanism by which mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) is induced by the nonpolar carboxylic acids, we investigated the effects of flufenamic acid (3-trifluoromethyl diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid, FA) on mitochondrial respiration, electrical transmembrane potential difference (), osmotic swelling, Ca2+ efflux, NAD(P)H oxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Succinate-energized isolated rat liver mitochondria incubated in the absence or presence of 10 M Ca2+, 5 M ruthenium red (RR) or 1 M cyclosporin A (CsA) were used. The dose response-curves for both respiration release and dissipation were nearly linear, presenting an IC50 of approximately 10 M and reaching saturation within 25-50 M, indicating that FA causes mitochondrial uncoupling by a protonophoric mechanism. Within this same concentration range FA showed the ability to induce MPT in energized mitochondria incubated with 10 M Ca2+, followed by dissipation and Ca2+ efflux, and even in deenergized mitochondria incubated with 0.5 mM Ca2+. ADP, Mg2+, trifluoperazine (TFP) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) reduced the extent of FA-promoted swelling in energized mitochondria by approximately one half, whereas dithiothreitol (DTT) slightly enhanced it. NAD(P)H oxidation and ROS generation (H2O2 production) by mitochondria were markedly stimulated by FA; these responses were partly prevented by CsA, suggesting that they may be implicated as both a cause and effect of FA-induced MPT. FA incubated with mitochondria under swelling assay conditions caused a decrease of approximately 40% in the content of protein thiol groups reacting with 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB). The present results are consistent with a ROS-intermediated sensitization of MPT by a direct or indirect FA interaction with inner mitochondrial membrane at a site which is in equilibrium with the NAD(P)H pool, namely thiol groups of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Trehalose has extensively been used to improve the desiccation tolerance of mammalian cells. To test whether trehalose improves desiccation tolerance of mammalian mitochondria, we introduced trehalose into the matrix of isolated rat liver mitochondria by reversibly permeabilizing the inner membrane using the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP). Measurement of the trehalose concentration inside mitochondria using high performance liquid chromatography showed that the sugar permeated rapidly into the matrix upon opening the MPTP. The concentration of intra-matrix trehalose reached 0.29 mmol/mg protein (∼190 mM) in 5 min. Mitochondria, with and without trehalose loaded into the matrix, were desiccated in a buffer containing 0.25 M trehalose by diffusive drying. After re-hydration, the inner membrane integrity was assessed by measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential with the fluorescent probe JC-1. The results showed that following drying to similar water contents, the mitochondria loaded with trehalose had significantly higher inner membrane integrity than those without trehalose loading. These findings suggest the presence of trehalose in the mitochondrial matrix affords improved desiccation tolerance to the isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

When loaded with high (pathological) levels of Ca2+, mitochondria become swollen and uncoupled as the result of a large non-specific increase in membrane permeability. This process, known as the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), is exacerbated by oxidative stress and adenine nucleotide depletion. These conditions match those that a heart experiences during reperfusion following a period of ischaemia. The MPT is caused by the opening of a non-specific pore that can be prevented by sub-micromolar concentrations of cyclosporin A (CsA). A variety of conditions that increase the sensitivity of pore opening to [Ca2+], such as thiol modification, oxidative stress, increased matrix volume and chaotropic agents, all enhance the binding of matrix cyclophilin (CyP) to the inner mitochondrial membrane in a CsA-sensitive manner. In contrast, ADP, membrane potential and low pH decrease the sensitivity of pore opening to [Ca2+] without affecting CyP binding. We present a model of pore opening involving CyP binding to a membrane target protein followed by Ca2+-dependent triggering of a conformational change to induce channel opening. Using the ischaemic/reperfused rat heart we have shown that the mitochondrial pore does not open during ischaemia, but does do so during reperfusion. Recovery of heart during reperfusion is improved in the presence of 0.2 µM CsA, suggesting that the MPT may be critical in the transition from reversible to irreversible reperfusion injury. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 167–172, 1997)  相似文献   

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes - S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) predominantly accumulates in tissues and biological fluids of patients affected by liver dysmethylating diseases,...  相似文献   

Addition of 5 M copper to rat kidney mitochondria enhances the effect of carboxyatractyloside and oleate on pore opening, in a cyclosporin A-sensitive fashion. The effects of the pair copper-carboxyatractyloside were observed on matrix Ca2+ efflux, mitochondrial swelling and on the transmembrane electric gradient. The effect of Cu2+ emphasizes the importance of membrane thiol groups located, probably, in the ADP/ATP translocase (ANT), on permeability transition. It was also found that Cu2+ does not block the fluorescent label of ANT by eosin 5-maleimide, but abolishes the inhibition by CAT on the labeling. This suggests that the binding of Cu2+ to cysteine residues of ANT promotes a conformational change in the carrier, strengthening the effect of CAT and oleate on membrane leakage.  相似文献   

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