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Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based genome editing, derived from prokaryotic immunity system, is rapidly emerging as an alternative platform for introducing targeted alterations in genomes. The CRISPR-based tools have been deployed for several other applications including gene expression studies, detection of mutation patterns in genomes, epigenetic regulation, chromatin imaging, etc. Unlike the traditional genetic engineering approaches, it is simple, cost-effective, and highly specific in inducing genetic variations. Despite its popularity, the technology has limitations such as off-targets, low mutagenesis efficiency, and its dependency on in-vitro regeneration protocols for the recovery of stable plant lines. Several other issues such as persisted CRISPR activity in subsequent generations, the potential for transferring to its wild type population, the risk of reversion of edited version to its original phenotype particularly in cross-pollinated plant species when released into the environment and the scarcity of validated targets have been overlooked. This article briefly highlights these undermined aspects, which may challenge the wider applications of this platform for improving crop genetics.  相似文献   

谷峰  高彩霞 《生物工程学报》2017,33(10):1661-1664
基因组编辑技术,作为一项生物医学领域的革新技术,已经在动物、植物和微生物基因组改造中得到了广泛的应用。以CRISPR/Cas9为主导的基因组编辑技术掀起了基因组编辑的浪潮,在功能基因组学、遗传改良育种、遗传病治疗等研究中展示出其极大的价值与潜力。本专刊报道了基因组编辑技术的总体状况、在相关领域的基础与应用研究、该技术当前存在的优缺点以及未来展望等。  相似文献   

基因组编辑技术在植物基因功能鉴定及作物育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周想春  邢永忠 《遗传》2016,38(3):227-242

Precise replacement of an allele with an elite allele controlling an important agronomic trait in a predefined manner by gene editing technologies is highly desirable in crop improvement.Base editing and prime editing are two newly developed precision gene editing systems which can introduce the substitution of a single base and install the desired short indels to the target loci in the absence of double-strand breaks and donor repair templates,respectively.Since their discoveries,various strate...  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas基因编辑技术在植物基因功能研究和作物遗传改良方面具有重要应用价值,其主要依赖gRNA引导核酸内切酶在目标基因组位置产生双链断裂(DSBs),DSBs在通过非同源末端连接(NHEJ)或同源重组(HDR)方式进行修复时,会引起靶标位置核苷酸序列的缺失、插入或者替换,从而实现基因编辑。介绍了CRISPR/Cas基因编辑技术的作用机理及发展趋势,并对CRISPR/Cas技术在主要粮食及经济作物育种中的应用进展进行了总结,以期为农作物育种提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

黑曲霉Aspergillus niger是有机酸与酶制剂的重要工业生产菌株,以极端环境耐受性、高生产经济性、强发酵鲁棒性与高食品安全性等优势成为不可多得的细胞工厂.合成生物学与系统生物学的快速发展,不仅拉开了全面揭示黑曲霉细胞工厂高效运转机制的序幕,而且为高效黑曲霉细胞工厂的创建优化提供了新技术体系.作为新一代的基因组...  相似文献   

杨帆  李寅 《生物工程学报》2017,33(3):361-371
CRISPR/Cas系统几乎存在于所有的细菌和古菌中,是用来抵御外来病毒和噬菌体入侵的获得性免疫防御机制。2012年起CRISPR/Cas9被改造为基因编辑工具,并衍生出一系列高效、便捷的基因编辑工具,迅速在基础理论、基因诊断和临床治疗等研究领域中得到广泛应用。然而,CRISPR/Cas9也存在细胞毒性、脱靶效应和基因插入困难等一些亟待解决的问题,在一定程度上限制了CRISPR/Cas9的应用。Cpf1是2015年报道的一种新型CRISPR效应蛋白,具有许多与Cas9不同的特性,有利于克服CRISPR/Cas9应用中的一些限制。本文综述了近两年来对CRISPR/Cpf1的研究进展和应用,并对其应用前景和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats‐associated protein 9 (CRISPR‐Cas9) is a revolutionary technology that enables efficient genomic modification in many organisms. Currently, the wide use of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) primarily recognizes sites harbouring a canonical NGG protospacer adjacent motif (PAM). The newly developed VQR (D1135V/R1335Q/T1337R) variant of Cas9 has been shown to cleave sites containing NGA PAM in rice, which greatly expanded the range of genome editing. However, the low editing efficiency of the VQR variant remains, which limits its wide application in genome editing. In this study, by modifying the single guide RNA (sgRNA) structure and strong endogenous promoters, we significantly increased the editing efficiency of the VQR variant. The modified CRISPR‐Cas9‐VQR system provides a robust toolbox for multiplex genome editing at sites containing noncanonical NGA PAM.  相似文献   

王大勇  马宁  惠洋  高旭 《遗传》2016,38(1):1-8
CRISPR/cas9基因组编辑技术因其设计简单以及操作容易,使其在基因编辑的研究中越来越受到欢迎。利用该技术,科研人员可以实现在碱基的水平对基因组进行定点修饰。CRISPR系统现已经被广泛地应用到多个物种的基因组编辑以及癌症的相关研究中。本文在最新研究进展的基础上,结合对癌症研究及基因组编辑技术的理解,对CRISPR/Cas9技术在癌症研究中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

幸宇云  杨强  任军 《遗传》2016,38(3):217-226
CRISPR(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas(CRISPR associated proteins)是在细菌和古细菌中发现的一种用来抵御病毒或质粒入侵的获得性免疫系统.目前已发现的CRISPR/Cas系统包括Ⅰ,Ⅱ和Ⅲ型,其中Ⅱ型系统的组成较简单,由其改造成的CRISPR/Cas9技术已成为一种高效的基因组编辑工具.自2013年CRISPR/Cas9技术成功用于哺乳动物基因组定点编辑以来,应用该技术进行基因组编辑的报道呈现出爆发式的增长.农业动物不仅是重要的经济动物,也是人类疾病和生物医药研究的重要模式动物.本文综述了CRISPR/Cas9技术在农业动物中的研究和应用进展,简述了该技术的脱靶效应及减少脱靶的主要方法,并展望了该技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

乳酸菌是一类重要的食品工业微生物,目前对其功能基因鉴定和挖掘优良功能基因主要依赖于传统的基因同源重组技术,该技术尽管有较高的可靠性,但是存在操作繁琐、效率低下等不足,严重制约了乳酸菌优良菌株的遗传选育。CRISPR/Cas基因编辑技术极大提升了对多物种基因组的编辑效率,这为乳酸菌功能基因的快速鉴定及遗传改良提供了可能,但是现有的CRISPR/Cas基因编辑技术在乳酸菌的应用还存在诸多限制。本文综述了CRISPR/Cas基因编辑技术在乳酸菌基因组上的应用现状及亟待解决的问题,并展望了乳酸菌基因组编辑技术的未来发展趋势,为乳酸菌功能基因鉴定及遗传改良提供参考。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal regulation of molecular reactions dictates cell fate. Thus, studying molecular dynamics is essential to understand how cells decide what to do and the fundamental perturbations causing disease. Classically, molecular dynamics has been studied by protocols based in the overexpression of fluorescent fusion proteins. However, overexpression is associated to altered stoichiometry, molecular dynamics and subcellular distribution. We here discuss the necessity to study molecular dynamics of fluorescent fusion proteins expressed under physiological mechanisms in the cell, pointing to CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing as the ideal means to do so. Current genome editing protocols enable us to study molecular dynamics while avoiding drawbacks associated to overexpression.  相似文献   

李红花  刘钢 《遗传》2017,39(5):355-367
丝状真菌(filamentous fungi)通常指那些菌丝体较发达且不产生大型肉质子实体结构的真核微生物。丝状真菌不仅在自然界物质循环中发挥着重要作用,还与人类健康和工农业生产有着紧密的联系。然而,对丝状真菌进行遗传操作相对困难,极大地妨碍了丝状真菌的遗传学研究。成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列及其相关系统(clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9, CRISPR/Cas9)是近年来发现的一种存在于细菌和古菌中保守的获得性免疫防御机制。最近,CRISPR/Cas9被开发成为了一种方便灵活的基因组编辑技术。目前,该技术已经广泛应用在不同物种的基因组编辑中。本文概述了CRISPR/Cas9在丝状真菌基因组编辑中的应用进展,旨在为开展该领域的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Technique for Animal Knockout system by Electroporation (TAKE) is a simple and efficient method to generate genetically modified (GM) mice using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) systems. To reinforce the versatility of electroporation used for gene editing in mice, the electric condition was optimized for vitrified-warmed mouse embryos, and applied to the fresh embryos from widely used inbred strains (C57BL/6NCr, BALB/cCrSlc, FVB/NJcl, and C3H/HeJJcl). The electric pulse settings (poring pulse: voltage, 150 V; pulse width, 1.0 ms; pulse interval, 50 ms; number of pulses, +4; transfer pulse: voltage, 20 V; pulse width, 50 ms; pulse interval, 50 ms; number of pulses, ±5) were optimal for vitrified-warmed mouse embryos, which could efficiently deliver the gRNA/Cas9 complex into the zygotes without zona pellucida thinning process and edit the target locus. These electric condition efficiently generated GM mice in widely used inbred mouse strains. In addition, electroporation using the electrode with a 5 mm gap could introduce more than 100 embryos within 5 min without specific pretreatment and sophisticated technical skills, such as microinjection, and exhibited a high developmental rate of embryos and genome-editing efficiency in the generated offspring, leading to the rapid and efficient generation of genome editing mice. The electric condition used in this study is highly versatile and can contribute to understanding human diseases and gene functions by generating GM mice more easily and efficiently.  相似文献   

刘沛峰  吴强 《遗传》2020,(1):18-31
CRISPR/Cas9系统在基因编辑方面具有巨大优势,能够低成本、可编程、方便快捷地用于动物、植物以及微生物的基因组靶向编辑和功能改造。三维基因组学是近年来兴起的一门研究染色质高级结构动态调控及基因组生物学功能的交叉学科。在三维基因组研究中,通常采用对DNA片段进行基因编辑以模拟基因组结构性变异,标记特定DNA片段,进而研究调控元件对于基因调控、细胞分化、组织发生、器官形成、个体发育的影响,最终阐明三维基因组的组装调控机制和生物学功能。因此,CRISPR及其衍生技术为研究三维基因组提供了极好的遗传学工具。本文主要综述了CRISPR片段编辑及其衍生技术在三维基因组调控与功能研究中的应用,以期为后续研究工作提供理论参考以及新的研究思路。  相似文献   

Viral diseases severely affect crop yield and quality, thereby threatening global food security. Genetic improvement of plant virus resistance is essential for sustainable agriculture. In the last decades, several modern technologies were applied in plant antiviral engineering. Here we summarized breakthroughs of the two major antiviral strategies, RNA silencing and genome editing. RNA silencing strategy has been used in antiviral breeding for more than thirty years, and many crops engineered to stably express small RNAs targeting various viruses have been approved for commercial release. Genome editing technology has emerged in the past decade, especially CRISPR/Cas, which provides new methods for genetic improvement of plant virus resistance and accelerates resistance breeding. Finally, we discuss the potential of these technologies for breeding crops, and the challenges and solutions they may face in the future.  相似文献   

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