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Here we report on a lipid-signalling pathway in plants that is downstream of phosphatidic acid and involves the Arabidopsis protein kinase, AGC2-1, regulated by the 3'-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (AtPDK1). AGC2-1 specifically interacts with AtPDK1 through a conserved C-terminal hydrophobic motif that leads to its phosphorylation and activation, whereas inhibition of AtPDK1 expression by RNA interference abolishes AGC2-1 activity. Phosphatidic acid specifically binds to AtPDK1 and stimulates AGC2-1 in an AtPDK1-dependent manner. AtPDK1 is ubiquitously expressed in all plant tissues, whereas expression of AGC2-1 is abundant in fast-growing organs and dividing cells, and activated during re-entry of cells into the cell cycle after sugar starvation-induced G1-phase arrest. Plant hormones, auxin and cytokinin, synergistically activate the AtPDK1-regulated AGC2-1 kinase, indicative of a role in growth and cell division. Cellular localisation of GFP-AGC2-1 fusion protein is highly dynamic in root hairs and at some stages confined to root hair tips and to nuclei. The agc2-1 knockout mutation results in a reduction of root hair length, suggesting a role for AGC2-1 in root hair growth and development.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroid (BR) signalling is known to be coordinated with light signalling in above ground tissue. Many studies focusing on the shade avoidance response in above ground tissue or hypocotyl elongation in darkness have revealed the contribution of the BR signalling pathway to these processes. We previously analysed the expression of DWARF 4 (DWF4), a key BR biosynthesis enzyme, and revealed that light perception in above ground tissues triggered DWF4 accumulation in root tips. To determine the required wavelength of light and photoreceptors responsible for this regulation, we studied DWF4‐GUS marker plants grown in several monochromatic light conditions. We revealed that monochromatic blue LED light could induce DWF4 accumulation in primary root tips and root growth as much as white light, whereas monochromatic red LED could not. Consistent with this, a cryptochrome1/2 double mutant showed retarded root growth under white light whereas a phytochromeA/B double mutant did not. Taken together, our data strongly indicated that blue light signalling was important for DWF4 accumulation in root tips and root growth. Furthermore, DWF4 accumulation patterns in primary root tips were not altered by auxin or sugar treatment. Therefore, we hypothesize that blue light signalling from the shoot tissue is different from auxin and sugar signalling.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fibre is an important natural raw material for textile industry in the world. Understanding the molecular mechanism of fibre development is important for the development of future cotton varieties with superior fibre quality. In this study, overexpression of Gh14‐3‐3L in cotton promoted fibre elongation, leading to an increase in mature fibre length. In contrast, suppression of expression of Gh14‐3‐3L, Gh14‐3‐3e and Gh14‐3‐3h in cotton slowed down fibre initiation and elongation. As a result, the mature fibres of the Gh14‐3‐3 RNAi transgenic plants were significantly shorter than those of wild type. This ‘short fibre’ phenotype of the 14‐3‐3 RNAi cotton could be partially rescued by application of 2,4‐epibrassinolide (BL). Expression levels of the BR‐related and fibre‐related genes were altered in the Gh14‐3‐3 transgenic fibres. Furthermore, we identified Gh14‐3‐3 interacting proteins (including GhBZR1) in cotton. Site mutation assay revealed that Ser163 in GhBZR1 and Lys51/56/53 in Gh14‐3‐3L/e/h were required for Gh14‐3‐3‐GhBZR1 interaction. Nuclear localization of GhBZR1 protein was induced by BR, and phosphorylation of GhBZR1 by GhBIN2 kinase was helpful for its binding to Gh14‐3‐3 proteins. Additionally, 14‐3‐3‐regulated GhBZR1 protein may directly bind to GhXTH1 and GhEXP promoters to regulate gene expression for responding rapid fibre elongation. These results suggested that Gh14‐3‐3 proteins may be involved in regulating fibre initiation and elongation through their interacting with GhBZR1 to modulate BR signalling. Thus, our study provides the candidate intrinsic genes for improving fibre yield and quality by genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

The role of phospholipase A(2) in Arabidopsis root growth and microtubule organisation was investigated using a specific inhibitor, aristolochic acid. At 0.5-1.5 microm concentrations, this inhibitor reduced root elongation and caused radial swelling of the root tip. The normally transverse cortical microtubules in root tip cells became progressively more disorganised with increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. Microtubule disorganisation also occurred in leaf epidermal cells of Allium porrum. We propose that phospholipase A(2) is involved in microtubule organisation and anisotropic growth in a manner similar to that reported previously for phospholipase D, thus broadening the significance of phospholipid signalling in microtubule organisation in plants.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant hormones that are essential for a wide range of developmental processes in plants. Many of the genes responsible for the early reactions in the biosynthesis of BRs have recently been identified. However, several genes for enzymes that catalyze late steps in the biosynthesis pathways of BRs remain to be identified, and only a few genes responsible for the reactions that produce bioactive BRs have been identified. We found that the ROTUNDIFOLIA3 (ROT3) gene, encoding the enzyme CYP90C1, which was specifically involved in the regulation of leaf length in Arabidopsis thaliana, was required for the late steps in the BR biosynthesis pathway. ROT3 appears to be required for the conversion of typhasterol to castasterone, an activation step in the BR pathway. We also analyzed the gene most closely related to ROT3, CYP90D1, and found that double mutants for ROT3 and CYP90D1 had a severe dwarf phenotype, whereas cyp90d1 single knockout mutants did not. BR profiling in these mutants revealed that CYP90D1 was also involved in BR biosynthesis pathways. ROT3 and CYP90D1 were expressed differentially in leaves of A. thaliana, and the mutants for these two genes differed in their defects in elongation of hypocotyls under light conditions. The expression of CYP90D1 was strongly induced in leaf petioles in the dark. The results of the present study provide evidence that the two cytochrome P450s, CYP90C1 and CYP90D1, play distinct roles in organ-specific environmental regulation of the biosynthesis of BRs.  相似文献   

BRI1-like receptor kinase (BRL1) was identified as an extragenic suppressor of a weak bri1 allele, bri1-5, in an activation-tagging genetic screen for novel brassinosteroid (BR) signal transduction regulators. BRL1 encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase (LRR-RLK). Sequence alignment revealed that BRL1 is closely related to BRI1, which is involved in BR perception. Overexpression of a BRL1 cDNA, driven by a constitutive CaMV 35S promoter, recapitulates the bri1-5 suppression phenotypes, and partially complements the phenotypes of a null bri1 allele, bri1-4. Analysis of a BR-specific feedback response gene, CPD, indicates that BRL1 functions in BR signaling. BRL1 expression pattern overlaps with, but is distinct from, that of BRI1. In addition, both the expression level and in vitro kinase autophosphorylation activity of BRL1 are significantly lower than those of BRI1. bri1-5 brl1-1 double mutant plants have enhanced developmental defects relative to bri1-5 mutant plants, revealing that BRL1 plays a partially redundant role with BRI1 in controlling Arabidopsis growth and development. These findings enhance our understanding of functional redundancy and add an additional layer of complexity to RLK-mediated BR signaling transduction in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In yeast, the interaction of General Control Non‐derepressible 1 (GCN1) with GCN2 enables GCN2 to phosphorylate eIF2α (the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2) under a variety of stresses. Here, we cloned AtGCN1, an Arabidopsis homologue of GCN1. We show that AtGCN1 directly interacts with GCN2 and is essential for the phosphorylation of eIF2α under salicylic acid (SA), ultraviolet (UV), cold stress and amino acid deprivation conditions. Two mutant alleles, atgcn1‐1 and atgcn1‐2, which are defective in the phosphorylation of eIF2α, showed increased sensitivity to cold stress, compared with the wild type. Ribosome‐bound RNA profiles showed that the translational state of mRNA was higher in atgcn1‐1 than in the wild type. Our result also showed that cold treatment reduced the tendency of the tor mutant seedlings to produce purple hypocotyls. In addition, the kinase activity of TOR was transiently inhibited when plants were exposed to cold stress, suggesting that the inhibition of TOR is another pathway important for plants to respond to cold stress. In conclusion, our results indicate that the AtGCN1‐mediated phosphorylation of eIF2α, which is required for inhibiting the initiation of protein translation, is essential for cold tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The interaction between the plant hormones, brassinosteroids and auxins has been documented in various processes using a variety of plants and plant parts. In this study, detached inflorescences from brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling Arabidopsis mutants were evaluated for their gravitropic bending in response to epibrassinolide (EBR) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). EBR supplied to the base of detached inflorescences stimulated gravitropic bending in all BR biosynthetic mutants but there was no effect on the BR signaling mutant or wild type plants. When IAA was supplied to the base of BR mutant inflorescences both natural and EBR-induced gravitropic bending was inhibited. Treatment with the auxin inhibitors also decreased both natural and EBR-induced gravitropic bending. No gravitropic bending was observed when the apical tips of BR mutant inflorescences were removed. IAA treatment to the tips of decapitated BR mutant inflorescences restored gravitropic bending to values observed in the inflorescences with an apical tip, however, EBR applied to the tip had no effect. When decapitated inflorescences from BR mutants were treated with IAA to the base and either gel, EBR or IAA was applied to the tip; there was no gravitropic bending. These results show that brassinosteroids have a role in the gravitropic bending response in Arabidopsis and mutants serve to uncover this hidden contributor.  相似文献   

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