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Behavioural trophic cascades highlight the importance of indirect/risk effects in the maintenance of healthy trophic‐level links in complex ecosystems. However, there is limited understanding on how the loss of indirect top–down control can cascade through the food‐web to modify lower level predator–prey interactions. Using a reef fish food‐web, our study examines behavioural interactions among predators to assess how fear elicited by top‐predator cues (visual and chemical stimuli) can alter mesopredator behaviour and modify their interaction with resource prey. Under experimental conditions, the presence of any cue (visual, chemical, or both) from the top‐predator (coral trout Plectropomus leopardus) strongly restricted the distance swum, area explored and foraging activity of the mesopredator (dottyback Pseudochromis fuscus), while indirectly triggering a behavioural release of the resource prey (recruits of the damselfish Pomacentrus chrysurus). Interestingly, the presence of a large non‐predator species (thicklip wrasse Hemigymnus melapterus) also mediated the impact of the mesopredator on prey, as it provoked mesopredators to engage in an ‘inspection’ behaviour, while significantly reducing their feeding activity. Our study describes for the first time a three‐level behavioural cascade of coral reef fish and stresses the importance of indirect interactions in marine food‐webs.  相似文献   

A 6-week laboratory experiment exposed juvenile Ambon damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis to visual and chemical cues of either a predator, a herbivore or a null control (sea water) and found no effect of predator cues on prey morphology (proportion of ocellus to eye diameter, body depth, standard length and fin area). Nonetheless, behaviour was significantly affected by predator presence, with prey less active and taking half as many feeding strikes when exposed to predators compared to fish from the null control. The presence of a herbivore also affected prey behaviour similar to that of the predator, suggesting that the presence of a non-predator may have important effects on development.  相似文献   

Making the appropriate decision in the face of predation risk dictates the fate of prey, and predation risk is highest at life history boundaries such as settlement. At the end of the larval phase, most coral reef fishes enter patches of reef containing novel predators. Since vision is often obscured in the complex surroundings, chemical information released from damaged conspecific is used to forewarn prey of an active predator. However, larvae enter the reef environment with their own feeding and growth histories, which will influence their motivation to feed and take risks. The present study explored the link between recent growth, feeding history, current performance and behavioural risk taking in newly settling stages of a coral reef damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis). Older and larger juveniles in good body condition had a stronger response to chemical alarm cues of injured conspecifics; these fish spent a longer time in shelter and displayed a more dramatic decrease in foraging behaviour than fish in lower body condition. Feeding experiments supported these findings and emphasized the importance of body condition in affecting risk assessment. Evidently, larval growth history and body condition influences the likelihood of taking risks under the threat of predation immediately after settlement, thereby affecting the probability of survival in P. amboinensis.  相似文献   

1. Predicted increases in the temperature of freshwaters is likely to affect how prey species respond to predators. We investigated how the predator avoidance behaviour of the freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis is influenced by the temperature at which it was reared and that at which behavioural trials were carried out. 2. Crawl‐out behaviour of juvenile snails from two populations (high predation risk versus low predation risk) reared at either 15 or 20 °C was assessed in response to predation cues (predatory fish kairomones and conspecific alarm cues) in behavioural trials at both 15 and 20 °C. 3. Trial temperature had a significant effect on the time that snails spent in avoidance, regardless of their population of origin. Crawl‐out behaviour was greater during behavioural trials at 15 °C, but there was no effect of trial temperature on the speed with which animals showed avoidance behaviour. 4. There was no interactive effect of rearing temperature (RT) and trial temperature, but the effect of RT on avoidance behaviour did differ between populations. For an RT of 15 °C, snails from the South Drain (high risk) population showed a more rapid and longer avoidance response than those from the Chilton Moor (low risk) population. In contrast, for snails reared at 20 °C, there was no difference between populations for the duration of the avoidance response and snails from Chilton Moor crawled out faster than those from South Drain. 5. Hence, whilst (predictable) differences relative to natural predation threat in crawl‐out behaviour were apparent at 15 °C, raising the developmental temperature to 20 °C eliminated or, in the case of latency, reversed these differences. This suggests that L. stagnalis populations that cohabit with predatory fish and experience high developmental temperatures may have a reduced ability to respond to fish predation risk.  相似文献   

The fear of predators can strongly impact food web dynamics and ecosystem functioning through effects on herbivores morphology, physiology or behaviour. While non‐consumptive predator effects have been mostly studied in three‐level food chains, we lack evidence for the propagation of non‐consumptive indirect effects of apex predators in four level food‐webs, notably in terrestrial ecosystems. In experimental mesocosms, we manipulated a four‐level food chain including top‐predator cues (snakes), mesopredators (lizards), herbivores (crickets), and primary producers (plants). The strength of the trophic cascade induced by mesopredators through the consumption of herbivores decreased in the presence of top‐predator cues. Specifically, primary production was higher in mesocosms where mesopredators were present relative to mesocosms with herbivores only, and this difference was reduced in presence of top‐predator cues, probably through a trait‐mediated effect on lizard foraging. Our study demonstrates that non‐consumptive effects of predation risk can cascade down to affect both herbivores and plants in a four‐level terrestrial food chain and emphasises the need to quantify the importance of such indirect effects in natural communities.  相似文献   

The activity patterns exhibited by animals are shaped by evolution, but additionally fine‐tuned by flexible responses to the environment. Predation risk and resource availability are environmental cues which influence the behavioural decisions that make both predators and prey engage in activity bursts, and depending on their local importance, can be strong enough to override the endogenous regulation of an animals’ circadian clock. In Southern Europe, wherever the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is abundant, it is the main prey of most mammalian mesopredators, and rodents are generally the alternative prey. We evaluated the bidirectional relation between the diel activity strategies of these mammalian mesopredators and prey coexisting in south‐western Europe. Results revealed that even though predation risk enforced by mammalian mesocarnivores during night‐time was approximately twice and five times higher than during twilight and daytime, respectively, murids consistently displayed unimodal nocturnal behaviour. Conversely, the European rabbits exhibited a bimodal pattern that peaked around sunrise and sunset. Despite the existence of some overlap between the diel rhythms of mesocarnivores and rabbits, their patterns were not synchronized. We suggest that the environmental stressors in our study areas are not severe enough to override the endogenous regulation of the circadian cycle in murids. European rabbits, however, are able to suppress their biological tendency for nocturnality by selecting a predominantly crepuscular pattern. In spite of the higher energetic input, mesocarnivores do not completely track rabbits’ activity pattern. They rather track rodents’ activity. We propose that these systems have probably evolved towards a situation where some degree of activity during high‐risk periods benefits the overall prey population survival, while the accessibility to sufficient prey prevents predators to completely track them.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force acting on prey animals. Predation is by nature highly variable in time; however, this aspect of predation risk has traditionally been overlooked by behavioural ecologists. Lima and Bednekoff proposed the predation risk allocation hypothesis (RAH), predicting how temporal variation in predation risk drives prey antipredator behaviours. This model is based on the concept that prey adaptively allocate their foraging and antipredator efforts across high‐ and low‐risk situations, depending on the duration of high‐ vs. low‐risk situations and the relative risk associated with each of them. An unstudied extension of the RAH is the effect of predictability of predation risk. A predictable risk should lead to prey displaying minimal vigilance behaviours during predictable low‐risk periods and the strongest antipredator behaviours during risky periods. Conversely, an unpredictable predation risk should result in prey displaying constant vigilance behaviour, with suboptimal foraging rates during periods of safety but antipredator behaviours of lower intensity during periods of risk. We tested this extension of the RAH using convict cichlids exposed to high‐risk alarm cues at two frequencies of risk (1× vs. 3×) per day, on either a fixed or random schedule for 5 d. We then tested the fish for a response to high‐risk cues (alarm cues) and to low‐risk cues (disturbance resulting from the introduction of distilled water). Our study supports previous results on the effects of risk frequency and cue intensity on cichlid behaviour. We failed to show an effect of risk predictability on the behavioural responses of cichlids to high‐risk alarm cues, but predictability did influence responses to low‐risk cues. We encourage further studies to test the effect of predictability in other systems.  相似文献   

Predators influence prey populations not only through predation itself, but also indirectly through prompting changes in prey behaviour. The behavioural adjustments of prey to predation risk may carry nutritional costs, but this has seldom been studied in the wild in large mammals. Here, we studied the effects of an ambush predator, the African lion (Panthera leo), on the diet quality of plains zebras (Equus quagga) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. We combined information on movements of both prey and predators, using GPS data, and measurements of faecal crude protein, an index of diet quality in the prey. Zebras which had been in close proximity to lions had a lower quality diet, showing that adjustments in behaviour when lions are within short distance carry nutritional costs. The ultimate fitness cost will depend on the frequency of predator–prey encounters and on whether bottom-up or top-down forces are more important in the prey population. Our finding is the first attempt to our knowledge to assess nutritionally mediated risk effects in a large mammalian prey species under the threat of an ambush predator, and brings support to the hypothesis that the behavioural effects of predation induce important risk effects on prey populations.  相似文献   

Ecological theory predicts that the diffuse risk cues generated by wide‐ranging, active predators should induce prey behavioural responses but not major, population‐ or community‐level consequences. We evaluated the non‐consumptive effects (NCEs) of an active predator, the grey wolf (Canis lupus), by simultaneously tracking wolves and the behaviour, body fat, and pregnancy of elk (Cervus elaphus), their primary prey in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. When wolves approached within 1 km, elk increased their rates of movement, displacement and vigilance. Even in high‐risk areas, however, these encounters occurred only once every 9 days. Ultimately, despite 20‐fold variation in the frequency of encounters between wolves and individual elk, the risk of predation was not associated with elk body fat or pregnancy. Our findings suggest that the ecological consequences of actively hunting large carnivores, such as the wolf, are more likely transmitted by consumptive effects on prey survival than NCEs on prey behaviour.  相似文献   

Predators and prey often co-exist at high densities within the same habitat, yet the behavioural and spatial dynamics underlying this co-existence are not well known. To better understand small-scale, predator-prey co-occurrence, the spatial patterns and behaviour of age 0 juvenile cod Gadus morhua 75-88 mm SL and two of their known predators, age 2+ cod and short-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpinus, were examined in two habitats (i.e., sand and eelgrass) using three-dimensional video analysis. Both habitat and predator type interacted to result in unique spatial patterns of prey. Spatial overlap between predators and prey was highest in open habitat in the presence of the cruising predator but lowest in the presence of sculpin in the same habitat. In eelgrass, age 0 cod avoided predators primarily along the vertical axis (i.e., distance off bottom). Age 0 cod stayed above eelgrass in the presence of sculpin but lowered themselves into the eelgrass while in the presence of predator cod. Anti-predator behaviour (i.e., predator-prey distance, prey cohesion and freezing) was significantly reduced over eelgrass compared to sand, suggesting eelgrass has lower ‘inherent risk’ than open habitats. However, predator consumption was similar across all treatments, suggesting that, 1) complex habitat also impairs the visual cues needed for anti-predator behaviour (e.g., schooling) and assessing the location of predators, and 2) predators change their behaviour with habitat to enhance their opportunities for finding and capturing prey.  相似文献   

When confronted by signals of predators presence, many aquatic organisms modify their phenotype (e.g., behaviour or morphology) to reduce their risk of predation. A principal means by which organisms assess predation risk is through chemical cues produced by the predators and/or prey during predation events. Such responses to predation risk can directly affect prey fitness and indirectly affect the fitness of species with which the prey interacts. Accurate assessment of the cue will affect the adaptive nature, and hence evolution, of the phenotypic response. It is therefore, important to understand factors affecting the assessment of chemical cues. Here I examined the effect of the age of chemical cues arising from an invertebrate predator, a larval dragonfly (Anax junius), which was fed bullfrog tadpoles, on the behavioural response (activity level and position) of bullfrog tadpoles. The bullfrog response to chemical cues declined as a function of chemical cue age, indicating the degradation of the chemical cue was on the order of 2–4 days. Further, the decay occurred more rapidly when the chemical cue was placed in pond water rather than well water. These results indicate a limitation of the tadpoles to interpret factors that affect the magnitude of the chemical cue and hence accurately assess predation risk. These findings also have implications for experimental design and the adaptation of phenotypic responses to chemical cues of predation risk.  相似文献   

Fitness and community consequences of avoiding multiple predators   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We investigated the fitness and community consequences of behavioural interactions with multiple predators in a four-trophic-level system. We conducted an experiment in oval flow-through artificial-stream tanks to examine the single and interactive sublethal effects of brook trout and stoneflies on the size at emergence of Baetis bicaudatus (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), and the cascading trophic effects on algal biomass, the food resource of the mayflies. No predation was allowed in the experiment, so that all effects were mediated through predator modifications of prey behaviour. We reared trout stream Baetis larvae from just before egg development until emergence in tanks with four treatments: (1) water from a holding tank with two brook trout (trout odour), (2) no trout odour + eight stoneflies with glued mouthparts, (3) trout odour + stoneflies and (4) no trout odour or stoneflies. We ended the experiment after 3 weeks when ten male and ten female subimagos had emerged from each tank, measured the size of ten male and ten female mature nymphs (with black wing pads), and collected algal samples from rocks at six locations in each tank. To determine the mechanism responsible for sublethal and cascading effects on lower trophic levels we made day and night observations of mayfly behaviour for the first 6 days by counting mayflies drifting in the water column and visible on natural substrata in the artificial streams. Trout odour and stoneflies similarly reduced the size of male and female Baetis emerging from artificial streams, with non-additive effects of both predators. While smaller females are less fecund, a fitness cost of small male size has not been determined. The mechanism causing sublethal effects on Baetis differed between predators. While trout stream Baetis retained their nocturnal periodicity in all treatments, stoneflies increased drift dispersal of mayflies at night, and trout suppressed night-time feeding and drift of mayflies. Stoneflies had less effect on Baetis behaviour when fish odour was present. Thus, we attribute the non-additivity of effects of fish and stoneflies on mayfly growth to an interaction modification whereby trout odour reduced the impact of stoneflies on Baetis behaviour. Since stonefly activity was also reduced in the presence of fish odour, this modification may be attributed to the effect of fish odour on stonefly behaviour. Only stoneflies delayed Baetis emergence, suggesting that stoneflies had a greater sublethal effect on Baetis fitness than did trout. Delayed emergence may reduce Baetis fitness by increasing risks of predation and parasitism on larvae, and increasing competition for mates or oviposition sites among adults. Finally, algal biomass was higher in tanks with both predators than in the other three treatments. These data implicate a behavioural trophic cascade because predators were not allowed to consume prey. Therefore, differences in algal biomass were attributed to predator-induced changes in mayfly behaviour. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering multiple predators when measuring direct sublethal effects of predators on prey fitness and indirect effects on lower trophic levels. Identification of an interaction modification illustrates the value of obtaining detailed information on behavioural mechanisms as an aid to understanding the complex interactions occurring among components of ecological communities. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, chemical cues serve as an important source of information for the detection of predation risk. Here, we investigate the response of convict cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, to injury-released chemical cues. We exposed pairs of juvenile convict cichlids first to dechlorinated tap water (control), then later to one of two test stimuli: 1. chemical cues from injured convict cichlids; or 2. chemical cues from injured mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis. Gambusia are allopatric and phylogenetically unrelated to convict cichlids. Gambusia skin was used to control for a general response to injured fish. In response to conspecific cues, convict cichlids significantly increased time spent near the bottom of test aquaria and time under a shelter object. In response to Gambusia skin, convict cichlids tended to increase time spent near the tank bottom but did not increase use of the shelter object. There was a trade-off between antipredator and agonistic behaviours. In response to convict cichlid cues, there was a significant reduction in the frequency of approaches and bites. Gambusia skin extract had no significant effect on aggressive behaviour. These data suggest a species-specific antipredator response to conspecific alarm pheromones in a New World cichlid fish and demonstrate a trade-off between predator avoidance and intraspecific aggression. Further, the presence of an alarm response in this model species sets the stage for the use of chemical cues as a research tool to manipulate predation risk in studies of the interaction between predation risk and reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Non‐native predators might inflict proportionally higher mortality on prey that have no previous experience of them, compared to species that have coexisted with the predator for some time. 2. We tested whether juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were less able to recognise a non‐native than a native predator, by investigating behavioural responses to the chemical cues of the invasive smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and the native northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) in both laboratory and field experiments. 3. Laboratory results demonstrated strong innate antipredator responses of individual juvenile Chinook salmon to northern pikeminnow; fish spent 70% of time motionless and exhibited 100% greater panic response than in controls. By contrast, antipredator responses to the chemical cues of smallmouth bass did not differ from controls. 4. These results were supported by similar differences in recognition of these predator odours by groups of juvenile Chinook salmon in fully natural conditions, though responses reflected a greater range of antipredator behaviours by individuals. In field trials, responses to northern pikeminnow odour resulted in increased flight or absence, reductions in swimming and foraging, and increased time spent near the substratum, compared to smallmouth bass odour. 5. Given that survival of juvenile fish is facilitated by predator recognition, our results support the hypothesis that naivety may be an important factor determining the effect of non‐native predators on prey populations. Efforts to manage the effect of native and non‐native predators may benefit by considering complex behavioural interactions, such as these at the individual and group levels.  相似文献   

The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of top‐order predators results in an increase in the abundance of smaller predators (mesopredators) due to a reduction in intra‐guild predation and competition. The irruption of mesopredators that follows the removal of top‐order predators can have detrimental impacts on the prey of the mesopredators. Here we investigated the mechanisms via which the presence of a top‐order predator can benefit prey species. We tested predictions made according to the MRH and foraging theory by contrasting the abundances of an invasive mesopredator (red fox Vulpes vulpes) and an endangered prey species (dusky hopping mouse Notomys fuscus), predator diets, and N. fuscus foraging behaviour in the presence and absence of a top‐predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo). As predicted by the MRH, foxes were more abundant where dingoes were absent. Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and foxes was extensive, and fox was recorded in 1 dingo scat possibly indicating intra‐guild predation. Notomys fuscus were more likely to occur in fox scats than dingo scats and as predicted by the MRH N. fuscus were less abundant in the absence of dingoes. The population increase of N. fuscus following rainfall was dampened in the absence of dingoes suggesting that mesopredator release can attenuate bottom‐up effects, although it remains conceivable that differences in grazing regimes associated with dingo exclusion could have also influenced N. fuscus abundance. Notomys fuscus exhibited lower giving‐up densities in the presence of dingoes, consistent with the prediction that their perceived risk of predation would be lower and foraging efficiency greater in the presence of a top‐predator. Our results suggest that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can create a safer environment for prey species where the frequency of fatal encounters between predators and prey is reduced and the non‐consumptive effects of predators are lower.  相似文献   

Predators can influence prey abundance and traits by direct consumption, as well as by non-consumptive effects of visual, olfactory, or tactile cues. The strength of these non-consumptive effects (NCEs) can be influenced by a variety of factors, including predator foraging mode, temporal variation in predator cues, and the density of competing prey. Testing the relative importance of these factors for determining NCEs is critical to our understanding of predator-prey interactions in a variety of settings. We addressed this knowledge gap by conducting two mesocosm experiments in a tri-trophic intertidal oyster reef food web. More specifically, we tested how a predatory fish (hardhead catfish, Ariopsis felis) directly influenced their prey (mud crabs, Panopeus spp.) and indirectly affected basal resources (juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica), as well as whether these direct and indirect effects changed across a density gradient of competing prey. Per capita crab foraging rates were inversely influenced by crab density, but they were not affected by water-borne predator cues. As a result, direct consumptive effects on prey foraging rates were stronger than non-consumptive effects. In contrast, predator cue and crab density interactively influenced indirect predator effects on oyster mortality in two experiments, with trait-mediated and density-mediated effects of similar magnitude operating to enhance oyster abundance. Consistent differences between a variable predator cue environment and other predator cue treatments (no cue and constant cue) suggests that an understanding of the natural risk environment experienced by prey is critical to testing and interpreting trait-mediated indirect interactions. Further, the prey response to the risk environment may be highly dependent on prey density, particularly in prey populations with strong intra-specific interactions.  相似文献   

A diversity of fishes release chemical cues upon being attacked by a predator. These cues, commonly termed alarm cues, act as sources of public information warning conspecifics of predation risk. Species which are members of the same prey guild (i.e. syntopic and share predators) often respond to one another's alarm cues. The purpose of this study was to discriminate avoidance responses of fishes to conspecific alarm cues and cues of other prey guild members from responses to unknown damaged fish odours and novel odours. We used underwater video to measure avoidance responses of freshwater littoral species, namely fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), finescale dace (Chrosomus neogaeus), and brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans), to both injured fish cues and novel non‐fish odours. The cyprinids (minnows and dace) showed significant avoidance of minnow cues over swordtail cues, morpholine, and the control of distilled water and tended to avoid fathead cues over cues of known prey guild members (stickleback). Cyprinids also significantly avoided cues of stickleback over unknown heterospecific cues (swordtail) and tended to avoid stickleback cues over morpholine and the distilled water control. Stickleback significantly avoided fathead minnow extract over the distilled water and tended to avoid stickleback and swordtail over distilled water. We conclude that fishes in their natural environment can show dramatic changes in behaviour upon exposure to alarm cues from conspecifics and prey guild members. These responses do not represent avoidance of cues of any injured fish or any novel odour.  相似文献   

The risk of predation can have large effects on ecological communities via changes in prey behaviour, morphology and reproduction. Although prey can use a variety of sensory signals to detect predation risk, relatively little is known regarding the effects of predator acoustic cues on prey foraging behaviour. Here we show that an ecologically important marine crab species can detect sound across a range of frequencies, probably in response to particle acceleration. Further, crabs suppress their resource consumption in the presence of experimental acoustic stimuli from multiple predatory fish species, and the sign and strength of this response is similar to that elicited by water-borne chemical cues. When acoustic and chemical cues were combined, consumption differed from expectations based on independent cue effects, suggesting redundancies among cue types. These results highlight that predator acoustic cues may influence prey behaviour across a range of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa, with the potential for cascading effects on resource abundance.  相似文献   

Stomach contents were examined from 136 Amazonian wingfin anchovy, Pterengraulis atherinoides (Engraulidae), caught from intertidal mangrove creeks at diurnal neap tides between June and September 1997 (early dry season) near Bragança (northern Brazil). The study found that P. atherinoides are specialized predators of juvenile Natantia and Teleostei (mean: 67 and 28% by dry weight, respectively). On average, 5.2 g ha?1 day?1 of Natantia and 2.6 g ha?1 day?1 of Teleostei (wet weight) were eaten by P. atherinoides. Diet changed with fish size as well as by month. While smaller sizes still fed on several food items (e.g. the copepod Pseudiaptomus marshii, the brachyuran crab Pachygrapsus gracilis, amphipods), fish >13 cm standard length (SL) fed exclusively on Natantia and Teleostei. Copepods were especially abundant in July and August, dominating the diet of fish <9 cm SL in numbers (92%). Our results suggest a positive relationship between predator size and prey size, both in penaeid and piscine prey. However, the largest predator size class apparently selected fewer but larger Teleostei prey. More than 64% of Natantia were juvenile penaeid shrimps of commercial importance (Fenneropenaeus subtilis, F. schmitti, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri). Comparison with ichthyoplankton samples taken simultaneously showed that Sciaenidae and Mugilidae were positively selected while Gobiidae and Engraulidae were negatively selected. The presence of pranzia larvae in the stomachs of fish <10 cm SL, from July onward, suggests that these sizes fulfil a mutually beneficial ‘cleaning’ function on other fish. Block net sampling at neap tides showed that P. atherinoides were present in intertidal mangrove creeks throughout the submergence period, suggesting temporal optimization of the foraging time in the eulittoral.  相似文献   

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