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Like most mysticetes, North Atlantic right whale cows generally separate from their calves on their feeding grounds within a year. Right whale life history data from 1993 to 2005 were analyzed to determine the duration of cow/calf associations and where the pair separated. A change occurred with the 2001 cows; 71% of those available stayed with their calves into the second year and this behavior remained elevated for several years. Less experienced cows, independent of their age, were more likely to extend their associations. The occurrence of cow/yearling associations was not related to the length of the cow's previous interbirth interval, used as a proxy for cow condition, but the hypothesis that body condition impacts how long cows nurse their young could not be adequately tested. Seventy-seven percent of the observed cow/yearling pairs also returned to the calving ground, a substantial physiological investment given the 1,450 km plus migration and the fact that they fast there, indicating that factors other than nutrition also influenced the cow's behavior. The concurrent increase in juveniles in the shallow waters of the winter calving grounds may afford naive whales greater protection from predators or provide a social benefit that improves their overall fitness.  相似文献   

Blue whales were targeted in the North Pacific from 1905–1971 and are listed as endangered by the IUCN. Despite decades without whaling, abundance estimates for eastern North Pacific (ENP) blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) suggest little evidence for a recent increase. One possible reason is fatal strikes by large ships, which have affected populations of other cetaceans and resulted in mitigation. We used a population dynamics model to assess the trends and status of ENP blue whales, and the effects of ship strikes. We estimate the population likely never dropped below 460 individuals, and is at 97% of carrying capacity (95% interval 62%–99%). These results suggest density dependence, not ship strikes, is the key reason for the observed lack of increase. We also estimate future strikes will likely have a minimal impact; for example, an 11‐fold increase in vessels would lead to a 50% chance the long‐term population would be considered depleted. Although we estimate ship strike mitigation would have minimal impacts on population trends and status, current levels of ship strikes are likely above legal limits set by the U.S. The recovery of ENP blue whales from whaling demonstrates the ability of blue whale populations to rebuild under careful management.  相似文献   

Japanese negotiators agreed to eliminate driftnet fishing for salmon in the North Pacific Ocean by the end of 1992. The Japanese high seas fishing fleet for salmon had been an economically valuable yet environmentally destructive operation for four decades. The Japanese government progressively phased out lucrative Japanese salmon fishing operations in the North Pacific, apparently capitulating to U.S. pressure. No U.S. enforcement with punitive sanctions proved necessary, however. Specific characteristics of the international market created the possibility of an environmentally benign international agreement. International integration of the market for fisheries products was made possible by the high market value of salmon in the United States and in Japan. In the 1970s, foreign direct investment from vertically integrated, Tokyo‐based fishing firms into canning and processing operations in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest facilitated U.S. Japanese agreement. The high existence (nonuse) value of marine mammals in the United States was also an important factor.  相似文献   

Although Hubbs' beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) was previously known from over 60 strandings on both sides of the North Pacific, it had been identified alive in the wild only once, off Oregon in 1994. In September 2021, we conducted a search effort for beaked whales off the coast of Oregon using a towed hydrophone array and a visual search team. Approximately 350 km off the Columbia River mouth, we detected the vocalizations of an unidentified mesoplodont whale; we stopped our vessel and waited in the area until two unidentified juvenile Mesoplodon surfaced and stayed near our vessel for almost 2 hr. During that time, we took numerous photographs and videos, made behavioral observations, and recorded their vocalizations. The DNA sequence from a biopsy sample identified them as M. carlhubbsi. In this paper, we discuss our biological observations, including color patterning and acquired markings, behavioral observations, and describe for the first time the acoustic characteristics of this species. We confirm that M. carlhubbsi is the source of a previously unidentified acoustic signal known as BW37V, and we update what is known about the at-sea distribution of this species based on previous recordings and observational records.  相似文献   

Blooms of the highly toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (previously referred to as tamarense group 1) were first detected off eastern Tasmania in 2012 and have since been responsible for incidences of human paralytic shellfish poisoning and extended closures (up to 25 weeks) of mussel, oyster, scallop, abalone and rock lobster industries (up to 150 mg/kg PST in mussels). Investigation of meteorological and oceanographic influences indicate that the annually recurrent winter-spring blooms (June–Oct) occur within a narrow water temperature window (10–15 °C) under two distinct sets of conditions: (1) following high rainfall and land run-off, under relatively light winds; and (2) following periods of anomalously low air temperatures and associated cooling of shallow coastal waters, again under relatively light winds. The common driver of blooms appears to be the development of stratification in coastal waters, via salinity and/or temperature gradients. We propose a framework for evaluating the risk of Alexandrium with the aim of developing a forecasting capability, and compare these environmental conditions with historic data to understand the recent advent of these blooms.  相似文献   

During the last decades, farmland habitats in central European countries have changed significantly, seriously affecting populations of many farmland bird species. We compiled available published data on densities of three owl species, Athene noctua, Asio otus and Strix aluco collected in the Polish farmland. All results of censuses based on the playback method conducted between 1980–2005 were included in the analysis. The proportions of grassland, fields, built-up land and forest at each studied plot were estimated and used as predictors in additive models. Proportions of main land use types, extracted with the principal component analysis, explained much of the variation found in owl densities, although some of the relationships were nonlinear. In general, owl densities were found to be affected positively by a high percentage of grasslands and built-up land, and negatively by the amount of fields and forests. Little owl densities showed a significant negative trend over the study period. It seems that high prey availability is an important factor accounting for the positive relationship between grassland proportion and owl density. The significant decrease in grassland areas and increase in forest coverage that were recently recorded in Poland may thus negatively affect populations of the three owl species studied here.  相似文献   


Although the fertility decline in the black population in the Mississippi Delta between the late 1870's and early 1930's closely paralleled that of the national black population, it rose much more dramatically in the 1940's and 1950's to almost 1880 levels. Given the especially rural and oppressed conditions of blacks there, the initial decline seems puzzling. Low fertility rates in the 1930's reflected a large proportion of childless females. Investigations of changing contraceptive usage and mate exposure suggest both were minor components at most. Several physiological impairments were investigated including dietary deficiences, malaria, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Evidence suggests STD played the major role, facilitated by nutritional and other health problems. Models relying heavily on those developed by McFalls and McFalls (1984) suggest 50–80 percent of the decline could have been due to the spread of STD. Age‐specific birth rates for different periods and post‐World‐War‐II fertility increases seem consistent with this finding.  相似文献   

Biogeographic disjunction patterns, where multiple taxa are shared between isolated geographic areas, represent excellent systems for investigating the historical assembly of modern biotas and fundamental biological processes such as speciation, diversification, niche evolution, and evolutionary responses to climate change. Studies on plant genera disjunct across the northern hemisphere, particularly between eastern North America (ENA) and eastern Asia (EAS), have yielded tremendous insight on the geologic history and assembly of rich temperate floras. However, one of the most prevalent disjunction patterns involving ENA forests has been largely overlooked: that of taxa disjunct between ENA and cloud forests of Mesoamerica (MAM), with examples including Acer saccharum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Cercis canadensis, Fagus grandifolia, and Epifagus virginiana. Despite the remarkable nature of this disjunction pattern, which has been recognized for over 75 years, there have been few recent efforts to empirically examine its evolutionary and ecological origins. Here I synthesize previous systematic, paleobotanical, phylogenetic, and phylogeographic studies to establish what is known about this disjunction pattern to provide a roadmap for future research. I argue that this disjunction pattern, and the evolution and fossil record of the Mexican flora more broadly, represents a key missing piece in the broader puzzle of northern hemisphere biogeography. I also suggest that the ENA–MAM disjunction represents an excellent system for examining fundamental questions about how traits and life history strategies mediate plant evolutionary responses to climate change and for predicting how broadleaf temperate forests will respond to the ongoing climatic pressures of the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

Studying the seed production of semi-natural grasslands helps to understand their regeneration processes and to evaluate the possibility of collecting seed useful for ecological restoration. In a subalpine Festuca nigrescensAgrostis capillaris meadow, the development of the main grasses' seed production and the standing seed yield at meadow maturity were studied. The inflorescence size was in the lower part of the variation range reported in previous studies. The seed viability was average to high and durable. The biological floret site utilization was mostly above 50%. With 458 fertile stems m? 2, the seeds produced (all seeds produced up to the time of the meadow maturity) by the main grasses were 21,000 m? 2, of which 77% were of A. capillaris and 81% were viable. On a 3-year average, the standing seed yield (seeds present on the plants, i.e. produced minus shed seeds) at meadow maturity was 6953 seeds m? 2. Amount and composition of the produced seeds were affected mainly by the variability among years of the fertile stems density of the perennial grasses and the annual hemiparasite Rhinanthus freynii. The percentage of produced seeds which formed the standing seed yield was affected mainly by the collecting date.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Siderastrea glynni Budd & Guzmán, 1994 was erroneously erected from live colonies of S. siderea (Ellis & Solander, 1768) unintentionally transferred from the...  相似文献   

The Devonian/Carboniferous (D/C) transition is characterized by a major transgressive/regressive cycle which led to a widespread ocean anoxia known as the Hangenberg Black Shale Event (HBSE), as well to a major sea-level fall (Hangenberg Sandstone Event, HSSE), recognized around the world. Both events are known as the Hangenberg Crisis. In order to examine the D/C transition in shallow water environment, the Mighan section in eastern Alborz was studied in terms of conodont biostratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry. Twenty-five conodont species belonging to seven genera were identified and 5 conodont zones discriminated; namely, the Bispathodus aculeatus aculeatus Zone, Bispathodus costatus Zone, Bispathodus ultimus Zone, Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, costatus-kockeli Interregnum, and the sulcata Zone. Below the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary (DCB), the Hangenberg Black Shale and Hangenberg Sandstone equivalents were recognized, representing the Hangenberg Crisis that highly affected trilobite, ammonoid, brachiopod and conodont faunas at Mighan and worldwide. The kockeli Zone of the latest Famennian is missing at Mighan due to the lack of conodonts, probably related with the major environmental changes linked with the Hangenberg Crisis recognizable worldwide. Carbon isotopes measured of micrites from Mighan indicate a proximal depositional environment of a shallow shelf with terrestrial input and the oxygen isotope values from conodont apatite suggest warm seawater temperatures of tropical and subtropical setting in the study area.  相似文献   

Compositional patterns of vegetation and their relationship to temporal and spatial environmental variation, with emphasis on climatic factors, were investigated in plant communities located in the southernmost portion of the North American Graminetum, in central México. Data from 353 samples, obtained in four ecologically contrasting plant communities during 11 years, were analyzed by partial canonical correspondence analysis. Eight climatic variables and eighteen covariables (seventeen edaphic and one resource management) were included in the ordination. A relationship between floristic change and weather variation, once covariables effects were fitted, was examined. Despite a strong contrast in ecological conditions among study sites, a set of four climatic variables was finally found in which each variable contributed independently and statistically (P < 0.01) to the total variance in the vegetation data. Thus, environmental variables other than climatic could not conceal the important role of weather as a mediator of floristic change through time. Summer precipitation and summer maximum temperature showed the highest correlations with the first two species axes, 0.77 and –0.39, respectively. Contribution of these two climatic variables to variance in the vegetation data explained by environmental variables was approximately 81%. Annual species were abundant during rainy years, while abundance of perennial grasses and shrubs showed no clear relationship to weather variation. This study explicitly probes the important role of rain patterns in shaping structure and composition of semiarid communities and considers how other environmental factors can affect plant communities at the southernmost part of the North American Graminetum.  相似文献   

Mesic grasslands in North America and South Africa share many structural attributes, but less is known of their functional similarities. We assessed the control of a key ecosystem process, aboveground net primary production (ANPP), by interannual variation in precipitation amount and pattern via analysis of data sets (15- and 24-year periods) from long-term research programs on each continent. Both sites were dominated by C4 grasses and had similar growing season climates; thus, we expected convergence in precipitation–ANPP relationships. Lack of convergence, however, would support an alternative hypothesis—that differences in evolutionary history and purportedly greater climatic variability in South Africa fundamentally alter the functioning of southern versus northern hemisphere grasslands. Neither mean annual precipitation nor mean ANPP differed between the South African and North American sites (838 vs. 857 mm/year, 423.5 vs. 461.4 g/m2 respectively) and growing season precipitation–ANPP relationships were similar. Despite overall convergence, there were differences between sites in how the seasonal timing of precipitation affected ANPP. In particular, interannual variability in precipitation that fell during the first half of the growing season strongly affected annual ANPP in South Africa (P < 0.01), but was not related to ANPP in North America (P = 0.098). Both sites were affected similarly by late season precipitation. Divergence in the seasonal course of available soil moisture (chronically low in the winter and early spring in the South African site vs. high in the North American site) is proposed as a key contingent factor explaining differential sensitivity in ANPP to early season precipitation in these two grasslands. These long-term data sets provided no support for greater rainfall, temperature or ANPP variability in the South African versus the North American site. However, greater sensitivity of ANPP to early season precipitation in the South African grassland suggests that future patterns of productivity may be more responsive to seasonal changes in climate compared with the North American site.  相似文献   

The calcareous nannofossil assemblage from ODP Site 1240 in the equatorial upwelling of the Eastern Pacific was analysed for the last 560 Ka. The chronological framework was set with a combination of isotopic stratigraphy, nannofossil biostratigraphy and one paleomagnetic event.  相似文献   

In international practice, the database (DB) considered below is unique in its sources, quantity of data, history of creation, updating and enhancement methods. The advantages and disadvantages of this DB are discussed. Its role in fundamental biological science and applied resource studies and in the development of innovative techniques is shown. The significance of the DB for the Concept of Informational Provisioning of Fishery Studies in Far Eastern Seas of Russia, as well as the Concept of the Ecological Safety of Russia is explained. The necessity of continuing the work on its regular updating is emphasized.  相似文献   

Pterothrissus gissu is a rare albulid fish that is distributed in deep water off Japan. This fish is known to pass through a leptocephalus larval stage, but only metamorphosed (after reaching the fully grown stage) specimens have been available. In this study, the premetamorphosis (before fully grown stage) leptocephalus larva of P. gissu is first described from 45 specimens (117.2–194.5 mm SL) collected by a pelagic otter trawl in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region of the western North Pacific in May 1995. Premetamorphosis leptocephalus larvae are characterized by having poorly developed fin rays except for the caudal fin, a translucent body, branched melanophores beneath the eye, and punctuate melanophores on the dorsal edge of the gut from the throat to the anus. Previously fully grown leptocephali were estimated to reach about 130 mm SL based on the size distributions of metamorphosing specimens. However, the present specimens show that fully grown leptocephali of P. gissu exceed 180 mm SL. Received: March 21, 2001 / Revised: March 19, 2002 / Accepted: April 15, 2002  相似文献   

Guadalupe fur seals (GFS), Arctocephalus philippii townsendi, an U.S. Endangered Species Act threatened pinniped, have recently reappeared in their historic range along the western seaboard of the continental United States. Starting 2005 through 2016, 169 GFSs stranded in Washington and Oregon, involving two designated unusual mortality events. The circumstances surrounding GFS strandings, mortality, and their increased presence in Oregon and Washington were analyzed during this study. Detailed necropsies, histopathology (n = 93), and epidemiological analysis found three main causes of death (COD): emaciation (44%), trauma (29%), and infectious disease (19%) and the factors associated with overall strandings and emaciation. Trauma included many cases found associated with fisheries interactions and clustered near the mouth of the Columbia River, where high levels of commercial fishing occur. The most common pathogens found associated with disease were Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona, and gastrointestinal helminths. Seasonality and upwelling were associated with higher stranding numbers regardless of COD. Seasonal migration into the region, coinciding with postweaning, suggests young GFSs are in search of prey and habitat resources. Reemergence of GFSs is likely due to conservation efforts, which have been critical for species recovery in the region. Continued monitoring is needed as this vulnerable species continues to rebound.  相似文献   

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