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谈成  边成  杨达  李宁  吴珍芳  胡晓湘 《遗传》2017,39(11):1033-1045
基因组选择(genomic selection, GS)是畜禽经济性状遗传改良的重要方法。随着高密度SNP芯片和二代测序价格的下降,GS技术越来越多被应用于奶牛、猪、鸡等农业动物育种中。然而,降低全基因组SNP分型成本、提高基因组育种值(genomic estimated breeding value,GEBV)估计准确性仍然是GS研究的主要难题。本文从全基因组SNP分型策略和GEBV估计模型两个方面进行了综述,并对目前GS技术在主要畜禽品种中的应用现状进行了介绍,以期为GS在农业动物育种中的深入开展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Cultivated peanut is grown worldwide as richsource of oil and protein. A broad genetic base is needed for cultivar improvement. The objectives of this study were to develop highly informative simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers and to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of peanut cultivars and breeding lines from different breeding programs in China, India and the US. A total of 111 SSR markers were selected for this study, resulting in a total of 472 alleles. The mean values of gene diversity and polymorphic information content(PIC) were 0.480 and 0.429, respectively.Country-wise analysis revealed that alleles per locus in three countries were similar. The mean gene diversity in the US,China and India was 0.363, 0.489 and 0.47 with an average PIC of 0.323, 0.43 and 0.412, respectively. Genetic analysis using the STRUCTURE divided these peanut lines into two populations(P_1, P_2), which was consistent with the dendrogram based on genetic distance(G_1, G_2) and the clustering of principal component analysis. The groupings were related to peanut market types and the geographic origin with a few admixtures. The results could be used by breeding programs to assess the genetic diversity of breeding materials to broaden the genetic base and for molecular genetics studies.  相似文献   

Environmental changes threaten insect pollinators, creating risks for agriculture and ecosystem stability. Despite their importance, we know little about how wild insects respond to environmental pressures. To understand the genomic bases of adaptation in an ecologically important pollinator, we analyzed genomes of Bombus terrestris bumblebees collected across Great Britain. We reveal extensive genetic diversity within this population, and strong signatures of recent adaptation throughout the genome affecting key processes including neurobiology and wing development. We also discover unusual features of the genome, including a region containing 53 genes that lacks genetic diversity in many bee species, and a horizontal gene transfer from a Wolbachia bacteria. Overall, the genetic diversity we observe and how it is distributed throughout the genome and the population should support the resilience of this important pollinator species to ongoing and future selective pressures. Applying our approach to more species should help understand how they can differ in their adaptive potential, and to develop conservation strategies for those most at risk.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)是世界重要的经济虾类,畅销国内外市场,备受消费者的喜爱。中国是罗氏沼虾养殖大国,年均养殖产量占世界一半以上。种质资源是我国罗氏沼虾产业发展的原动力,处于整个产业链的最上游,并支撑着整个产业的发展。世界多国为了壮大产业规模,也纷纷开展了罗氏沼虾种质资源库的建设与良种选育。本文回顾了我国自主选育的罗氏沼虾主要品种及品系,综述了大规模家系的构建以及不同来源群体的遗传多样性分析,并对国外的良种选育现状和趋势进行了概述,最后结合国内外的研究进展,提出了良种选育的研究要点与方向,以期为今后的种质创新研究提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in yields of agricultural crops over the last 40 years in developed countries has been attributed equally to improved genetic components and improved agronomic practices. The success of plant breeding is based partly on an increased understanding of the parameters involved, to a great extent on improved and more efficient methods of selection, to greater use of available genetic diversity and also to advances in a number of related disciplines including plant pathology, biochemistry, agronomy and genetics. Successes and problems associated with using various genetic resources in plant breeding are illustrated with examples from some of the world's major crops, including potatoes, barley and cotton.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a highly energy‐efficient crop primarily for sugar and bio‐ethanol production. Sugarcane genetics and cultivar improvement have been extremely challenging largely due to its complex genomes with high polyploidy levels. In this study, we deeply sequenced the coding regions of 307 sugarcane germplasm accessions. Nearly five million sequence variations were catalogued. The average of 98× sequence depth enabled different allele dosages of sequence variation to be differentiated in this polyploid collection. With selected high‐quality genome‐wide SNPs, we performed population genomic studies and environmental association analysis. Results illustrated that the ancient sugarcane hybrids, S. barberi and S. sinense, and modern sugarcane hybrids are significantly different in terms of genomic compositions, hybridization processes and their potential ancestry contributors. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis showed a large extent of LD in sugarcane, with 962.4 Kbp, 2739.2 Kbp and 3573.6 Kbp for Sspontaneum, Sofficinarum and modern S. hybrids respectively. Candidate selective sweep regions and genes were identified during domestication and historical selection processes of sugarcane in addition to genes associated with environmental variables at the original locations of the collection. This research provided an extensive amount of genomic resources for sugarcane community and the in‐depth population genomic analyses shed light on the breeding and evolution history of sugarcane, a highly polyploid species.  相似文献   

The joint probability distribution of the number of distinct (not identical by descent) genes from each founder of the Equus przewalskii population that survive in the five horses of the Calgary Zoological Gardens breeding group has been calculated. The dependence structure of this distribution is investigated, and informative marginal distributions are given, among them the distributions of the genetic contributions of each founder to the Calgary horses and the distribution of wild-type genes in these horses. The dependence pattern is found to be complex; there is no substitute for exact calculation of the full joint probability distribution of numbers of surviving genes. Probabilities of gene survival give a more complete summary of the genetic structure of a set of individuals than is provided by more routine measures such as heterozygosity or founder contributions. The feasibility of computing these probabilities for small groups of current individuals descended from few founders via long and complex pedigrees, provides a new approach to assessing such groups, and could be used also in selecting animals to form the founder stock of propagules for future reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

RAPD markers were generated from 6 groups of Tibetan hulless barley (23 varieties): Lasagoumang, QB, Zangqing, Guoluo, Dongqing, and Hymalayia. Of the 48 fragments generated by 5 selected primers (among 68 primers), 44 appeared to be polymorphic (92%). Cluster analysis was performed (RAPDistance 1.04). The 23 varieties were divided into 2 groups, and the molecular foundation of genetic diversity was explored. In addition, to identify the varieties, one DNA fingerprint was constructed based on 17 bands amplified with S32 and 2 bands with S18. A specific RAPD fragment can be used to select for high and low β-glucan content varieties. Supported by the important program of Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China, “The Construction of Key Animal & Plant Resource System of Southwest China”.  相似文献   

The availability of favorable genetic diversity is a thriving vitality for the success of a breeding program. It provides a firm basis of selecting superior breeding lines for the development of high yielding crop genotypes. In this context, present investigation aimed to generate information on genetic divergence and character association in a diversity panel of 123 local and exotic soybean genotypes. Analysis of variance revealed significant response of the evaluated genotypes based on studied attributes. It depicted the probability of selecting desirable soybean genotypes by focusing on character association studies and genetic diversity analysis. Correlation analysis revealed that seed yield per plant showed high positive correlation with 100-seed weight followed by pods per plant and plant height. Furthermore, path coefficient analysis exposed that pods per plant had maximum direct contribution in seed yield per plant followed by 100-seed weight, days to flowering and SPAD measurement. Genotype named “G-10” showed maximum yield per plant followed by 24607, G-52, 24593, Arisoy, 24566, 17426, A-3127, 24570 and 24567. Genetic diversity analysis grouped the evaluated germplasm into 17 clusters. All clusters showed zero intra-cluster variability; while inter-cluster divergence ranged from 9.00 to 91.11. Cluster V showed maximum inter-cluster distance with cluster XII followed by that of between V and VIII. Moreover, cluster IV with superior genotypes (G-10, 24607, 24593 and 24566), VI (17426 and 24567), XIII (24570) and X (Arisoy and G-52) showed above mean values for most of the studied characters. Overall, the results of hybridization between the superior genotypes of these cluster pairs might be useful for soybean breeding with improving agronomic traits and adaptability.  相似文献   

The Sonoran Desert columnar cactus Pachycereus pringlei has a geographically variable, non-hermaphroditic breeding system. It is trioecious (separate males, females and hermaphrodites) in the northern two-thirds of its range in Sonora, Mexico, and in the southern three-quarters of its range in Baja California, Mexico, and is gynodioecious (separate females and hermaphrodites) elsewhere. Trioecy occurs near known maternity roosts of its major pollinator, the nectar-feeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae; gynodioecy occurs>50km from known bat roosts. The observed geographic patterns cannot be explained by limited gene flow or by the geographic distributions of diurnal avian pollinators. Our field observations plus a theoretical analysis suggest that the abundance of chiropteran pollinators plays an important role in the maintenance of trioecy in this plant. Under pollinator limitation, trioecy can be a stable breeding system in this species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

KAREN J. NUTT 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(15):3541-3556
Knowledge of the dispersal status of group members is important to understanding how sociality may have evolved within a species. I assessed the effectiveness of four techniques for elucidating dispersal behaviour in a rock-dwelling rodent ( Ctenodactylus gundi ) with small group sizes (2–10 animals): genetic parentage assignment, haplotype data and kinship analyses, assignment testing, and F -statistics. The first two methods provided the greatest insight into gundi dispersal behaviour. Assignment testing and F -statistics proved of limited use for elucidating fine-scale dispersal, but could detect large-scale patterns despite low sex-biased dispersal intensity (1.9 : 1) because of moderate genetic differentiation among groups ( F ST = 0.10). Findings are discussed in light of current dispersal theory. In general, gundi dispersal is plastic, and seems to be dependent on body weight (for males), group composition, and scale of analysis (total dispersal events recorded within the population were almost twice the immigration rate into the population). Most groups were comprised of a single matriline and one immigrant male. Immigrant rather than philopatric males bred with group females. Dispersal among groups was male-biased, but dispersal or philopatry could occur by either sex. During a drought, both sexes delayed dispersal and cooperative social units formed. Whether such behaviour resulted directly from the drought or not remains unclear, however, since comparative information was not available from nondrought years. Combining fine-scale analyses with information on large-scale patterns provided substantial insight into gundi dispersal behaviour despite the limited movement of animals during a drought, and may prove useful for elucidating dispersal behaviour in other social animals.  相似文献   

林木基因组及功能基因克隆研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹佟明 《遗传》2010,32(7):677-684
在美国能源部资助下, 首个多年生木本植物-- 杨树的全基因组测序已经完成且序列信息已对公众开放。杨树全基因组测序的完成标志着林木基因组进入后基因组研究时代。克隆控制重要性状的主效基因是林木后基因组时代的主要研究内容。近年来, 在一些重要作物, 如水稻、蕃茄及玉米中, 先后成功克隆了多个控制重要农艺性状的主效基因, 分子育种在作物中已进入实用阶段。林木相对于这些重要作物而言, 分子遗传学的研究起步较晚, 同时, 由于林木自身的一些生物学特性, 在林木中精确定位与克隆未知基因一度被视为遗传学研究领域的难点。随着技术和研究手段的不断进步, 以及林木基因组资源的快速积累, 有望在这一领域取得突破, 为在林木中开展分子育种创造条件。文章综述了国际上林木基因组与功能基因克隆研究的现状与新发展, 并对后基因组时代的林木功能基因克隆研究的预期成果进行了展望, 以期为从事该领域研究的科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Only a small fraction of the naturally occurring genetic diversity available in the world's germplasm repositories has been explored to date, but this is expected to change with the advent of affordable, high-throughput genotyping and sequencing technology. It is now possible to examine genome-wide patterns of natural variation and link sequence polymorphisms with downstream phenotypic consequences. In this paper, we discuss how dramatic changes in the cost and efficiency of sequencing and genotyping are revolutionizing the way gene bank scientists approach the responsibilities of their job. Sequencing technology provides a set of tools that can be used to enhance the quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of gene bank operations, the depth of scientific knowledge of gene bank holdings, and the level of public interest in natural variation. As a result, gene banks have the chance to take on new life. Previously seen as "warehouses" where seeds were diligently maintained, but evolutionarily frozen in time, gene banks could transform into vibrant research centers that actively investigate the genetic potential of their holdings. In this paper, we will discuss how genotyping and sequencing can be integrated into the activities of a modern gene bank to revolutionize the way scientists document the genetic identity of their accessions; track seed lots, varieties, and alleles; identify duplicates; and rationalize active collections, and how the availability of genomics data are likely to motivate innovative collaborations with the larger research and breeding communities to engage in systematic and rigorous phenotyping and multilocation evaluation of the genetic resources in gene banks around the world. The objective is to understand and eventually predict how variation at the DNA level helps determine the phenotypic potential of an individual or population. Leadership and vision are needed to coordinate the characterization of collections and to integrate genotypic and phenotypic information in ways that will illuminate the value of these resources. Genotyping of collections represents a powerful starting point that will enable gene banks to become more effective as stewards of crop biodiversity.  相似文献   

Soybean is globally cultivated primarily for its protein and oil. The protein and oil contents of the seeds are quantitatively inherited traits determined by the interaction of numerous genes. In order to gain a better understanding of the molecular foundation of soybean protein and oil content for the marker-assisted selection (MAS) of high quality traits, a population of 185 soybean germplasms was evaluated to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the seed protein and oil contents. Using specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) technology, a total of 12,072 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency (MAF)?≥?0.05 were detected across the 20 chromosomes (Chr), with a marker density of 78.7 kbp. A total of 31 SNPs located on 12 of the 20 soybean chromosomes were correlated with seed protein and oil content. Of the 31 SNPs that were associated with the two target traits, 31 beneficial alleles were identified. Two SNP markers, namely rs15774585 and rs15783346 on Chr 07, were determined to be related to seed oil content both in 2015 and 2016. Three SNP markers, rs53140888 on Chr 01, rs19485676 on Chr 13, and rs24787338 on Chr 20 were correlated with seed protein content both in 2015 and 2016. These beneficial alleles may potentially contribute towards the MAS of favorable soybean protein and oil characteristics.  相似文献   

Gambel oak is a short shrub to medium-sized tree of southwest North America for which the potential to grow in large clonal stands has been proposed. Here we use three different multilocus VNTR DNA probes (synthesized via PCR) to demonstrate that clones growing together can be identified, but individual clones exceeding 50 m in diameter do not commonly occur in the study population of Quercus gambelii . Further, using a hierarchical sampling scheme (three circular transects with diameters of 9, 1100, and 28 000 m), we estimate that for nonclonal individuals: (i) mean number of bands analysed per individual = 22.92; (ii) mean similarity (band sharing) between individuals = 0.322; (iii) mean probability that two randomly chosen individuals share all bands = 4.93 × 10–11; and (iv) mean estimated heterozygosity = 0.796. F ST calculated for the two nonclonal levels of the sampling hierarchy was 0.023, indicating that little genetic differentiation exists between them. These results support previous findings that, due to life-history traits of the genus and this species (out-crossing, wind-pollinated, animal-dispersed, long-lived woody perennials), gene flow is high and genetic subdivision of populations is low in oaks. At this study site, the clonal nature demonstrated for Gambel oak appears to have little detectable effect on these population genetic characteristics.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity (the digital characteristics) of four populations (120 individuals) of breeding large yellow croakers, Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson, was analyzed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Ten primer combinations amplified 248 bands, of which 39.52% were polymorphic. Shannon's information index of the Daiqv (DQ) population was higher than that of the Minyu (MY) population, at 0.2167 and 0.2074, respectively. Additionally, the Shannon's information index value for the minus-hybrid (DQ population♂ × MY population♀) first hybrid generation was higher than the value for the plus-hybrid (MY population♂ × DQ population♀) first hybrid generation at 0.1687 and 0.1613, respectively. The FST of the parental generation was lower than that of the filial generation at 0.0329 and 0.0891, respectively. Gene flow was very high according to Fst values in both parental and filial generations. The UPGMA clustering analysis based on genetic similarity organized the four populations into three groups. The minus-hybrid stock was the most distinct as compared to the other populations.  相似文献   

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