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Intense underwater sounds caused by military sonar, seismic surveys, and pile driving can harm acoustically sensitive marine mammals. Many jurisdictions require such activities to undergo marine mammal impact assessments to guide mitigation. However, the ability to assess impacts in a rigorous, quantitative way is hindered by large knowledge gaps concerning hearing ability, sensitivity, and behavioral responses to noise exposure. We describe a simulation‐based framework, called SAFESIMM (Statistical Algorithms For Estimating the Sonar Influence on Marine Megafauna), that can be used to calculate the numbers of agents (animals) likely to be affected by intense underwater sounds. We illustrate the simulation framework using two species that are likely to be affected by marine renewable energy developments in UK waters: gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). We investigate three sources of uncertainty: How sound energy is perceived by agents with differing hearing abilities; how agents move in response to noise (i.e., the strength and directionality of their evasive movements); and the way in which these responses may interact with longer term constraints on agent movement. The estimate of received sound exposure level (SEL) is influenced most strongly by the weighting function used to account for the specie's presumed hearing ability. Strongly directional movement away from the sound source can cause modest reductions (~5 dB) in SEL over the short term (periods of less than 10 days). Beyond 10 days, the way in which agents respond to noise exposure has little or no effect on SEL, unless their movements are constrained by natural boundaries. Most experimental studies of noise impacts have been short‐term. However, data are needed on long‐term effects because uncertainty about predicted SELs accumulates over time. Synthesis and applications. Simulation frameworks offer a powerful way to explore, understand, and estimate effects of cumulative sound exposure on marine mammals and to quantify associated levels of uncertainty. However, they can often require subjective decisions that have important consequences for management recommendations, and the basis for these decisions must be clearly described.  相似文献   

Animals exposed to anthropogenic disturbance make trade-offs between perceived risk and the cost of leaving disturbed areas. Impact assessments tend to focus on overt behavioural responses leading to displacement, but trade-offs may also impact individual energy budgets through reduced foraging performance. Previous studies found no evidence for broad-scale displacement of harbour porpoises exposed to impulse noise from a 10 day two-dimensional seismic survey. Here, we used an array of passive acoustic loggers coupled with calibrated noise measurements to test whether the seismic survey influenced the activity patterns of porpoises remaining in the area. We showed that the probability of recording a buzz declined by 15% in the ensonified area and was positively related to distance from the source vessel. We also estimated received levels at the hydrophones and characterized the noise response curve. Our results demonstrate how environmental impact assessments can be developed to assess more subtle effects of noise disturbance on activity patterns and foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

Assessments of the impact of offshore energy developments are constrained because it is not known whether fine-scale behavioural responses to noise lead to broader-scale displacement of protected small cetaceans. We used passive acoustic monitoring and digital aerial surveys to study changes in the occurrence of harbour porpoises across a 2000 km2 study area during a commercial two-dimensional seismic survey in the North Sea. Acoustic and visual data provided evidence of group responses to airgun noise from the 470 cu inch array over ranges of 5–10 km, at received peak-to-peak sound pressure levels of 165–172 dB re 1 µPa and sound exposure levels (SELs) of 145–151 dB re 1 µPa2 s−1. However, animals were typically detected again at affected sites within a few hours, and the level of response declined through the 10 day survey. Overall, acoustic detections decreased significantly during the survey period in the impact area compared with a control area, but this effect was small in relation to natural variation. These results demonstrate that prolonged seismic survey noise did not lead to broader-scale displacement into suboptimal or higher-risk habitats, and suggest that impact assessments should focus on sublethal effects resulting from changes in foraging performance of animals within affected sites.  相似文献   

The ability to perceive biologically important sounds is critical to marine mammals, and acoustic disturbance through human-generated noise can interfere with their natural functions. Sounds from seismic surveys are intense and have peak frequency bands overlapping those used by baleen whales, but evidence of interference with baleen whale acoustic communication is sparse. Here we investigated whether blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) changed their vocal behaviour during a seismic survey that deployed a low-medium power technology (sparker). We found that blue whales called consistently more on seismic exploration days than on non-exploration days as well as during periods within a seismic survey day when the sparker was operating. This increase was observed for the discrete, audible calls that are emitted during social encounters and feeding. This response presumably represents a compensatory behaviour to the elevated ambient noise from seismic survey operations.  相似文献   

Underwater sound and video observations were made at noon, sunset, and midnight in sand, gravel, and boulder habitat in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Maine, USA in October 2001 using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Seventeen species of fish and squid were observed with clear habitat and time differences. Observations of feeding behavior, disturbance behavior, and both interspecific and intraspecific interactions provided numerous opportunities for potential sound production; however, sounds were recorded only during a single dive. Although high noise levels generated by the ROV and support ship may have masked some sounds, we conclude that fish sound production in the Gulf of Maine during the fall is uncommon. The recorded fish sounds are tentatively attributed to the cusk Brosme brosme. Cusk sounds consisted variously of isolated thumps, widely spaced thump trains, drumrolls, and their combinations. Frequency peaks were observed at 188, 539, and 1195 Hz. Use of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) as a passive acoustic observation platform was problematic due to high ROV self-noise and the ROV's inability to maintain a fixed position on the bottom without thruster power. Some fishes were clearly also disturbed by ROV noise, indicating a potential ROV sampling bias. Based on our observations, we suggest that new instruments incorporating both optic and passive acoustic technologies are needed to provide better tools for in situ behavioral studies of cusk and other fishes [Current Zoology 56 (1): 90-99 2010].  相似文献   

Automatic click detectors and full-bandwidth sound recorders are widely used in passive acoustic monitoring of small cetaceans. Detection of these signals depends on a variety of factors, including signal to noise ratio. Passive acoustic monitoring is often used to study impact of underwater noise on small cetaceans, but as detection probability is affected by changes in signal to noise ratio, variable noise levels may affect conclusions drawn from these experiments. Therefore, we examine how different detectors and filters perform in varying ocean noise conditions. C-PODs and full-bandwidth recorders (Wildlife Acoustics, SM2M+) were deployed at two stations in an environment with fluctuating ambient noise for 42 days. Noise level and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) click trains simultaneously recorded on both loggers were compared. Overall, we found that porpoise click detections by the algorithm used to analyse full-band recorder data (Pamguard) paralleled detections by the C-POD. However, Pamguard detected significantly more clicks than the C-POD. A decrease in detections was seen for both loggers with increasing noise in the band 20 –160 kHz, in particular for levels above 100 dB re 1μPa rms. We also found that the Pamguard detection function changed the least over varying noise conditions when compared to the C-POD detectors. This study sheds light on the fact that inference of animal presence/absence or density that are based on echolocation cues (here, Porpoise Positive Minutes) shall account for the acoustic environments where probability of detecting signals may be affected by variability in ambient noise levels.  相似文献   

Knowing the abundance of a population is a crucial component to assess its conservation status and develop effective conservation plans. For most cetaceans, abundance estimation is difficult given their cryptic and mobile nature, especially when the population is small and has a transnational distribution. In the Baltic Sea, the number of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) has collapsed since the mid‐20th century and the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN and HELCOM; however, its abundance remains unknown. Here, one of the largest ever passive acoustic monitoring studies was carried out by eight Baltic Sea nations to estimate the abundance of the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise for the first time. By logging porpoise echolocation signals at 298 stations during May 2011–April 2013, calibrating the loggers’ spatial detection performance at sea, and measuring the click rate of tagged individuals, we estimated an abundance of 71–1105 individuals (95% CI, point estimate 491) during May–October within the population''s proposed management border. The small abundance estimate strongly supports that the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise is facing an extremely high risk of extinction, and highlights the need for immediate and efficient conservation actions through international cooperation. It also provides a starting point in monitoring the trend of the population abundance to evaluate the effectiveness of management measures and determine its interactions with the larger neighboring Belt Sea population. Further, we offer evidence that design‐based passive acoustic monitoring can generate reliable estimates of the abundance of rare and cryptic animal populations across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Autonomous acoustic recorders are an increasingly popular method for low‐disturbance, large‐scale monitoring of sound‐producing animals, such as birds, anurans, bats, and other mammals. A specialized use of autonomous recording units (ARUs) is acoustic localization, in which a vocalizing animal is located spatially, usually by quantifying the time delay of arrival of its sound at an array of time‐synchronized microphones. To describe trends in the literature, identify considerations for field biologists who wish to use these systems, and suggest advancements that will improve the field of acoustic localization, we comprehensively review published applications of wildlife localization in terrestrial environments. We describe the wide variety of methods used to complete the five steps of acoustic localization: (1) define the research question, (2) obtain or build a time‐synchronizing microphone array, (3) deploy the array to record sounds in the field, (4) process recordings captured in the field, and (5) determine animal location using position estimation algorithms. We find eight general purposes in ecology and animal behavior for localization systems: assessing individual animals' positions or movements, localizing multiple individuals simultaneously to study their interactions, determining animals' individual identities, quantifying sound amplitude or directionality, selecting subsets of sounds for further acoustic analysis, calculating species abundance, inferring territory boundaries or habitat use, and separating animal sounds from background noise to improve species classification. We find that the labor‐intensive steps of processing recordings and estimating animal positions have not yet been automated. In the near future, we expect that increased availability of recording hardware, development of automated and open‐source localization software, and improvement of automated sound classification algorithms will broaden the use of acoustic localization. With these three advances, ecologists will be better able to embrace acoustic localization, enabling low‐disturbance, large‐scale collection of animal position data.  相似文献   

长江航运业的快速发展导致长江中船舶数量激增,相应的水体噪声污染可能对同水域的长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis)产生一定的负面影响,本研究采用宽频录音设备对长江和畅洲北汊非正式通航江段的各类常见大型船舶(长>15m且宽>5m)的航行噪声进行了记录,并分析其峰值-峰值声压级强度(SPLp-p)和功率谱密度(PSD)等。结果表明,大型船舶的航行噪声能量分布频率范围较广(>100kHz),但主要集中于中低频(<10kHz)部分,各频率(20Hz~144kHz)处的均方根声压级(SPLrms)对环境背景噪声在该频率处的噪声增量范围为3.7~66.5dB。接收到的1/3倍频程声压级(TOL)在各频率处都大于70dB,在8~140kHz频段内都高于长江江豚的听觉阈值。说明大型船舶的航行噪声可能会对长江江豚个体间的声通讯及听觉带来不利影响,如听觉掩盖。  相似文献   

The impact of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) on marine mammals remains poorly documented despite their increasing use. In the high-Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, where marine mammals face increasing pressure from climate change and expanding tourism, the use of RPAS remains largely unregulated. In this study we assessed the impacts of RPAS across a range of species to provide science-based management advice, using a variety of aircraft sizes and approach strategies. We explored RPAS sound levels and animal behavior prior to and after flights. Preexperimental alertness influenced sensitivity to disturbance notably. Harbor seals were more sensitive during prebreeding than during molting, reacting at distances of 80 m, whereas walruses responded at distances <50 m. Polar bears reacted to the sound of RPAS during take-off at 300 m, although response levels were relatively low. White whales reacted to the sight of RPAS when flown ahead of the pod, below 15 m. Variations in sound levels typical in overhead descents and manual flights increased disturbance potential more than RPAS size; preprogrammed flight paths are advised. Our study highlights factors that can influence sensitivity to RPAS including tidal state and swell, the presence of young individuals, ambient noise levels, and RPAS approach strategies.  相似文献   

In the southern North Sea, harbour porpoise occurrence increased in recent years after a phase of low abundances during earlier decades. Only very few studies on porpoise presence in the southern German North Sea exist so far. As anthropogenic activities will strongly increase in this part of the North Sea during the next years it is most important to assess population level effects. This study focuses on the analysis of temporal and spatial trends in porpoise density in this area of recent change. Dedicated aerial line-transect distance sampling surveys were conducted in the southern German North Sea between May 2002 and June 2013 to assess porpoise density and distribution. Statistical inferences on porpoise population trends were made using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. Two approaches were chosen to test for a trend in porpoise density and an additional model focused on the change in density of calves. During 55,820 km of survey effort 4377 porpoises including 140 calves were recorded. A significant effect of increasing spatial aggregation from the lower density areas in the south-eastern German Bight to hot spot areas in the western parts was detected. For the western part of the study area a significant increase in porpoise density between 2002 and 2013 was detected. Seasons were significantly different with highest porpoise density in spring and successively decreasing densities in summer and autumn. From 2008 onwards high densities were also observed in summer. Calf density increased during the study period and was significantly higher in the west. On the basis of this extensive and unique data set on porpoise occurrence in the southern German North Sea the findings clearly show that especially the south-western German North Sea serves as habitat of increasing importance for porpoises throughout the last decade. Definite reasons still remain unresolved. Changes in prey abundance or less favourable conditions in other areas could be important factors, which may also have caused a southward shift from high density areas in northern waters. On this baseline, further integrative approaches might lead to a sound understanding of the effect of anthropogenic activities on the future development of porpoise populations.  相似文献   

In Greenlandic waters the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) has been observed around the southern part of Greenland from Ammassalik on the east coast to Avanersuaq in northwest Greenland. The main distribution lies between Sisimiut and Paamiut in central west Greenland. Catch statistics from 1900 to 1993 indicate an annual average take of 668 harbour porpoises, ranging from 27 to 1531 animals. A decline in the reported catch has been recorded since 1980. Harbour porpoises are mainly caught between April and November, with a peak during June to October. Five fish species, crustaceans and squids have been found in stomach contents of harbour porpoises in Greenlandic waters. There are no indications that environmental issues such as organochlorines, heavy metals, oil or noise have constituted any threat to harbour porpoises in Greenland. No reports of ice entrapments of harbour porpoises have yet been made in Greenland, as is the case for white whales and narwhals on the west coast of Greenland. Disease patterns of harbour porpoise have not been studied in Greenland and incidents of mass mortality have never been recorded. Killer whales are sparse along the west Greenland coast and are not believed to constitute a threat to the harbour porpoise population. In Greenland no estimates on stock size are available, and a monitoring programme is needed if the impact of the catch is to be evaluated. Received: 10 February 1997 / Accepted: 26 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary Evoked potential (EP) recordings in the auditory cortex of the porpoise,Phocoena phocoena, were used to obtain data characterizing the auditory perception of this dolphin. The frequency threshold curves showed that the lowest EP thresholds were within 120–130 kHz. An additional sensitivity peak was observed between 20 and 30 kHz. The minimal EP threshold to noise burst was 3·10–4–10/s-3 Pa. The threshold for response to modulations in sound intensity was below 0.5 dB and about 0.1% for frequency modulations. Special attention was paid to the dependence of the auditory cortex EP on the temporal parameters of the acoustic stimuli: sound burst duration, rise time, and repetition rate. The data indicate that the porpoise auditory cortex is adapted to detect ultrasonic, brief, fast rising, and closely spaced sounds like echolocating clicks.Abbreviation EP evoked potential  相似文献   

既往研究发现听觉感知包括对声音信号的觉察、感觉、注意和知觉等多个认知过程,但依然不清楚大脑如何对不同类型的复杂声音信号(如同种鸣声和其他声音)进行解码和处理,以及在感知不同类型声音信号时大脑活动的动态特征.本研究记录了在随机播放白噪声和洞内鸣叫声音刺激时仙琴蛙Nidirana daunchina的左右端脑、间脑和中脑的...  相似文献   

Two freshwater gobies Padogobius martensii and Gobius nigricans live in shallow (5-70 cm) stony streams, and males of both species produce courtship sounds. A previous study demonstrated high noise levels near waterfalls, a quiet window in the noise around 100 Hz at noisy locations, and extremely short-range propagation of noise and goby signals. To investigate the relationship of this acoustic environment to communication, we determined audiograms for both species and measured parameters of courtship sounds produced in the streams. We also deflated the swimbladder in P. martensii to determine its effect on frequency utilization in sound production and hearing. Both species are maximally sensitive at 100 Hz and produce low-frequency sounds with main energy from 70 to 100-150 Hz. Swimbladder deflation does not affect auditory threshold or dominant frequency of courtship sounds and has no or minor effects on sound amplitude. Therefore, both species utilize frequencies for hearing and sound production that fall within the low-frequency quiet region, and the equivalent relationship between auditory sensitivity and maximum ambient noise levels in both species further suggests that ambient noise shapes hearing sensitivity.  相似文献   

Acoustic behavior plays a crucial role in many aspects of cicada biology, such as reproduction and intrasexual competition. Although female sound production has been reported in some cicada species, acoustic behavior of female cicadas has received little attention. In cicada Subpsaltria yangi, the females possess a pair of unusually well-developed stridulatory organs. Here, sound production and its function in females of this remarkable cicada species were investigated. We revealed that the females could produce sounds by stridulatory mechanism during pair formation, and the sounds were able to elicit both acoustic and phonotactic responses from males. In addition, the forewings would strike the body during performing stridulatory sound-producing movements, which generated impact sounds. Acoustic playback experiments indicated that the impact sounds played no role in the behavioral context of pair formation. This study provides the first experimental evidence that females of a cicada species can generate sounds by stridulatory mechanism. We anticipate that our results will promote acoustic studies on females of other cicada species which also possess stridulatory system.  相似文献   

  1. Acoustic population monitoring is a noninvasive method that can be deployed continuously over long periods of time and at large spatial scales. One of the newly discovered threats acting on biological diversity is anthropogenic noise. High levels of anthropogenic noise occur in aquatic environments, yet their effects on animals living in freshwater habitats have very rarely been investigated.
  2. Here, we used acoustic monitoring and automatic detection to assess the acoustic activity of a population of a soniferous freshwater insect.
  3. The sounds emitted by the corixid Micronecta scholtzi were recorded in a Mediterranean pond with an array of 12 hydrophones. An automatic analysis based on a measure of the amplitude found in the frequency band of M. scholtzi was developed to assess the level of acoustic activity. We used functional linear models, accounting for the periodicity of the calling behaviour, to estimate the possible effect of temperature, vegetation and a noise due to an immersed engine.
  4. The automatic analysis was validated as an efficient method to measure the acoustic activity. The monitoring revealed a clear 24-hr pattern in the acoustic activity of M. scholtzi and three peaks of activity during the morning. Functional linear models revealed negative effects of both temperature and vegetation and showed that an engine noise, played back for 2 hr during the night, elicited an increase in the level of acoustic activity of the population. Moreover, a cross-correlation procedure showed that noise delayed the acoustic activity of the population.
  5. Our results suggest that acoustic survey and automatic detection are efficient methods to monitor the acoustic activity of an insect population especially in response to an anthropogenic disturbance.

Noisy, unpredictable sounds are often present in the vocalizations of fearful and stressed animals across many taxa. A variety of structural characteristics, called nonlinear acoustic phenomena, that include subharmonics, rapid frequency modulations, and deterministic chaos are responsible for the harsh sound quality of these vocalizations. Exposure to nonlinear sound can elicit increased arousal in birds and mammals. Past experiments have used white noise to test for effects of deterministic chaos on perceivers. However, deterministic chaos differs structurally from white noise (i.e., random signal with equal energy at all frequencies), and unlike white noise, may differ dramatically depending on how it is produced. In addition, the subtle structural variation of chaos may not be distinguishable in the environment due to the attenuation and degradation of sound over distance and different habitat types. We designed two experiments to clarify whether American robins (Turdus migratorius) and warbling vireos (Vireo gilvus) discriminate between white noise and deterministic chaos. We broadcast and re‐recorded white noise and two exemplars of deterministic chaos—one generated with a Chua oscillator and the other generated using a logistic equation—at 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 80 m across open and forested habitat and used spectrogram correlations to compare stimuli along this degradational gradient. We found that sounds degraded similarly in both habitats when compared to a reference distance of 1 m. Comparing pairs of stimuli across distances suggested that Chua chaos was more easily distinguishable from noise and logistic chaos. In addition, all stimuli became more distinctive over increased distance. The second experiment tested behavioral responses of robins and warbling vireos to control sounds of tropical kingbird (Quiscalus mexicanus), white noise, and two exemplars of deterministic chaos (Chua and logistic). Neither American robins nor warbling vireos responded differently to at least two types of deterministic chaos and white noise, validating previous playback studies that used white noise as a surrogate for deterministic chaos. Uniform responses to a variety of nonlinear features in these birds possibly reflect error management in alarm signal detection.  相似文献   

Using the evoked potential technique, studies have been made on localization of the projectional sensory areas in the cerebral cortex (visual, acoustic and somatosensory) of the porpoise T. truncatus. Distribution of these projectional areas in the porpoise is quite different as compared to that in other mammals. Visual and acoustic areas are shifted to the dorsal part of the hemisphere, all the sensory areas investigated exhibit a direct contact with each other.  相似文献   

Fishes use a variety of sensory systems to learn about their environments and to communicate. Of the various senses, hearing plays a particularly important role for fishes in providing information, often from great distances, from all around these animals. This information is in all three spatial dimensions, often overcoming the limitations of other senses such as vision, touch, taste and smell. Sound is used for communication between fishes, mating behaviour, the detection of prey and predators, orientation and migration and habitat selection. Thus, anything that interferes with the ability of a fish to detect and respond to biologically relevant sounds can decrease survival and fitness of individuals and populations. Since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, there has been a growing increase in the noise that humans put into the water. These anthropogenic sounds are from a wide range of sources that include shipping, sonars, construction activities (e.g., wind farms, harbours), trawling, dredging and exploration for oil and gas. Anthropogenic sounds may be sufficiently intense to result in death or mortal injury. However, anthropogenic sounds at lower levels may result in temporary hearing impairment, physiological changes including stress effects, changes in behaviour or the masking of biologically important sounds. The intent of this paper is to review the potential effects of anthropogenic sounds upon fishes, the potential consequences for populations and ecosystems and the need to develop sound exposure criteria and relevant regulations. However, assuming that many readers may not have a background in fish bioacoustics, the paper first provides information on underwater acoustics, with a focus on introducing the very important concept of particle motion, the primary acoustic stimulus for all fishes, including elasmobranchs. The paper then provides background material on fish hearing, sound production and acoustic behaviour. This is followed by an overview of what is known about effects of anthropogenic sounds on fishes and considers the current guidelines and criteria being used world-wide to assess potential effects on fishes. Most importantly, the paper provides the most complete summary of the effects of anthropogenic noise on fishes to date. It is also made clear that there are currently so many information gaps that it is almost impossible to reach clear conclusions on the nature and levels of anthropogenic sounds that have potential to cause changes in animal behaviour, or even result in physical harm. Further research is required on the responses of a range of fish species to different sound sources, under different conditions. There is a need both to examine the immediate effects of sound exposure and the longer-term effects, in terms of fitness and likely impacts upon populations.  相似文献   

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