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Observational studies describe rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) actively foraging during the day on epipelagic species. Using data from depth-transmitting satellite tags deployed on nine individuals off Kauaʻi, we investigated diving behavior and the effects of lunar phase and solar light levels on vertical movements. Overall, tagged rough-toothed dolphins primarily used near-surface waters, spending between 83.6% and 93.7% of their time in the top 30 m of the water column. When diving, grand mean, median, and maximum dive depths were 76.9 m, 67.5 m, and 399.5 m, although individuals were in water with depths from approximately 700–1,450 m. Dive rates varied by time of day, being lowest during the day and at dawn and highest at dusk and night. Dives were deepest (M = 133.7 m, SD = 52.6 m, median = 106.5 m) and longest (M = 4.0 min, SD = 0.4 min, median = 4.0 min) at dusk, suggesting dolphins were taking advantage of prey rising to the surface in response to reduced light levels. Lunar phase indirectly affected diving, with deeper and longer dives occurring with increasing illumination. The variations in dive behavior across solar and lunar cycles indicate diving patterns shift based on the distribution of prey.  相似文献   

In the Pacific, rough-toothed dolphins ( Steno bredanensis ) are typically found in the open ocean and in deep waters around oceanic islands. We examined habitat use, site fidelity, movements, and association patterns of this species in the main Hawaiian Islands. Sighting rates were highest in depths >1,500 m. There were frequent within- and between-year resightings off the island of Hawai'i, indicating a small population size with high site fidelity. Resighting rates were lower off Kaua'i/Ni'ihau, indicating a larger population size, but with some site fidelity. Two individuals were documented moving from Kaua'i to Hawai'i, a distance of 480 km, but were not seen to associate with dolphins off Hawai'i. Observed movements were consistent with at most 2% dispersal per year between these two areas. Differences in group sizes, habitat use, and behavior imply that movements among the islands may be limited. Little is known about the diet of rough-toothed dolphins in Hawai'i, but they are thought to feed primarily on near-surface species. High fidelity to deep-water areas off the island of Hawai'i likely reflects an increase in the predictability of prey associated with upwelling due to the island mass effect, wind stress curl and cyclonic eddies that form off the island.  相似文献   

The franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) is endemic to coastal waters from Brazil to Argentina. The species is regarded as one of the most threatened cetaceans in South America due to high bycatch levels. Four management units (FMAs) were defined throughout the species’ range. FMA II includes states along southeastern and southern Brazil, and represents one of the least known units. Recently, genetic analysis proposed that FMA II comprises two distinct populations and its range should be divided into FMA IIa and IIb. In December 2008 and January 2009 aerial surveys were conducted to assess the distribution and to estimate abundance of franciscanas off FMA II. A total of 54 groups were seen (average group size = 2.76, SE = 0.17) in shallow (mean depth = 7.15 m, SE = 7.08) coastal habitats (average distance from the shore = 6.48 km, SE = 6.28). Abundance corrected for perception and availability bias was estimated at 6,827 (CV = 0.26) franciscanas in FMA II, and at 1,915 (CV = 0.32) and 4,353 (CV = 0.24) franciscanas in FMA IIa and FMA IIb, respectively. This study indicates that, at least during the summer, franciscanas aggregate in shallow coastal habitats. Current estimates of incidental mortality in FMA II correspond to 4.4%–7.3% of the estimated stock size, suggesting high, likely unsustainable bycatch.  相似文献   

2012年采用船基截线法在珠江口西部河口进行了中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)调查,并同步对渔业资源和渔业环境要素进行了现场采样测定,以分析该水域中华白海豚空间分布与环境因子的关系。利用广义加性模型(GAM)分析了中华白海豚目击率与海况、水深、底层水温、盐度、pH值、溶解氧、游泳生物密度、捕食种密度和离岸距离等的关系。GAM模型对中华白海豚目击率分布的总偏差解释率为64.7%,游泳生物密度、水深、捕食种密度、离岸距离、底层水温等对中华白海豚的栖息地选择有较大的影响。模型分析结果显示:中华白海豚的活动与捕食种密度密切相关,但当捕食种密度达到一定程度时对海豚目击率的影响减弱,推测可能与食物较多时海豚逗留捕食时间减少有关;中华白海豚较为喜欢的水深在10m左右,这一模拟结果与以前的统计结果基本一致;中华白海豚对底层水温似乎有一定的选择性,当底层水温大于19.5℃时目击率明显下降,推测底层水温可能影响了捕食种鱼类的分布,进而影响海豚的活动;离岸距离3km范围内是中华白海豚较为喜欢的水域,因此对这一水域范围应给予重点保护管理。  相似文献   

Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are threatened, little‐known cetaceans primarily jeopardized by fishing gear entanglement. Information regarding life history, foraging ecology, and movement are crucial to determine management units and conservation regions. This is the first analysis of the ontogenetic changes in diet and habitat of Irrawaddy dolphins from the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea using stable isotopes from skin and teeth. Results suggest limited age and sex structure indicated by weak ontogenetic and sexual variability in δ15N and δ13C in teeth. Significant variation in δ13C and δ15N values were observed between three Gulf regions and the Andaman Sea, indicating distinct regional groups. Isotope mixing models run on soft tissues from the eastern Gulf revealed a diet based primarily on fishes and secondarily on crustaceans, suggesting overlap with fishery targets. Conservation strategies that focus on reducing regional competition with humans and bycatch mortality are proposed. Fishing gear improvements and monitoring of fishing operations are a potential immediate response to reduce anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

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