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Summary The aim of this study was to determine whether DNA variations could be detected in regenerated pea plants. Two different genotypes were analyzed by cytogenetic and molecular techniques: the Dolce Provenza cultivar and the 5075 experimental line. Dolce Provenza regenerated plants showed a reduction in DNA content, particularly at the level of unique sequences and ribosomal genes. Moreover, regeneration was associated with an increase in DNA methylation of both internal and external cytosines of the CCG sequence. On the other hand, the DNA content of the 5075 line remained stable after regeneration. DNA reduction was found only in 5075 plants regenerated from callus cultures maintained for long incubation periods (about a year). The DNA variations observed are discussed both in relation to the genotype source and the role of tissue-culture stress.  相似文献   

In this study 16 cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were screened in vitro for the formation of somatic embryos which were dependent on the genotype, culture conditions and explant source used. The cultivars Stehgolt, Maro and Progreta showed the highest tendency to form somatic embryos (c. 25%) while Alaska, Rondo and Ascona did not show any embryo production. Using the cultivar Belman, the highest embryo production was achieved by using nodal explants of shoots (10.6%) and a cotyledon-free embryo as explant source (14.1%) in the light (15.8%) compared to using apices as explants (1.8%) and a seedling as the explant source (9.4%) in the dark (3.3%). Media containing picloram (0.75 mg/litre) followed by BA (1 mg/litre) or kinetin (1 mg/litre), each for four weeks gave the highest somatic embryo production. The development of embryos to whole plants was unreliable and some 90% of the embryos induced did not develop any further, died, recallused or formed secondary embryos. The size of the embryo at separation and the timing of the separation from the original callus were important factors determining success for complete development to whole plant. Regeneration of 184 plants was achieved with ensuing flowering, pod formation and viable seed production from the techniques described.  相似文献   

A mutant line of Pisum fulvum was identified that lacked seed lipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2). The mutant phenotype was introgressed into a standard Pisum sativum cv. Birte to provide near-isogenic lines with or without seed LOX-2. Genetic analyses showed the mutation to behave as a single, recessive Mendelian gene. Northern and dot-blot analyses showed a large reduction in LOX-2 mRNA from developing seeds of the LOX-2-null mutant. A restriction fragment length polymorphism associated with the 5 end of the LOX-2 gene(s) co-segregated with the null phenotype, indicating that the reduction of LOX-2 mRNA was neither a consequence of deletion of the LOX genes nor a consequence of the action of a genetically distant regulatory gene. Analysis of the 5-flanking sequences of LOX-2 genes from Birte and the near-isogenic LOX-2-null mutant revealed a number of insertions, deletions and substitutions within the promoter from the LOX-2-null mutant that could be responsible for the null phenotype. Incubation of crude seed LOX preparations from Birte and the LOX-2-null mutant showed that the latter generated relatively less 13-hydroperoxides and also produced relatively more hydroxy- and ketoacid compounds that have implications for the fresh-frozen pea industry.  相似文献   

Pisum sativum cv. Guido grown under controlled environment conditions was exposed to either low or high UV-B radiation (2·2 or 9·9 kJ m–2 d–1 plant-weighted UV-B, respectively). Low or high UV-B was maintained throughout growth (LL and HH treatments, respectively) or plants were transferred between treatments when 22 d old (giving LH and HL treatments). High UV-B significantly reduced plant dry weight and significantly altered plant morphology. The growth and morphology of plants transferred from low to high UV-B were little affected, when compared with those of LL plants. By contrast, plants moved from high to low UV-B showed marked increases in growth when compared with HH plants. This contrast between HL and LH appeared to be related to the effect of UV-B on plant development. Exposure to high UV-B throughout development consistently reduced leaf areas. In fully expanded leaves there was no significant UV-B effect on cell area and reduced leaf area could be attributed to reduced cell number, suggesting effects on leaf primordia. Further reductions in the leaf area of younger leaves were the result of the slower development rate of plants grown at high UV-B, which also resulted in significant reductions in leaf number.  相似文献   

A new modulated lamp system is described. This system has successfully provided an ultraviolet-B (UV-B) supplement in proportion to ambient UV-B. The modulated system was used to simulate the UV-B environment resulting from an annual mean reduction of 15% in the stratospheric ozone under UK field conditions, but taking account of seasonal variation in depletion. The effects of this enhanced level of UV-B on the growth, physiology and yield of four cultivars of pea were assessed. Enhanced UV-B resulted in small reductions in the number of stems and total stem length per plant (respectively 4.7 and 8.7%). There were also significant decreases in the dry weight of peas (10.1%), pods (10.3%) and stems (7.8%) per plant. UV-B treatment had no effect on the number of peas per pod or average pea weight, but did significantly reduce (12.1%) the number of pods per plant. This decrease in pod number was partly due to enhanced abscission of pods during the final month of plant growth. UV-B treatment had no significant effect on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics or CO2assimilation rate per unit leaf area. These results are consistent with previous controlled environment experiments, and suggest that reduction in yield may be due to direct effects of UV-B on plant growth rather than a decrease in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area.  相似文献   

The impact of heat stress on the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus was examined in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants grown at control (25 °C; 25 °C-plants) or moderately elevated temperature (35 °C; 35 °C-plants). In both types of plants net photosynthesis (Pn) decreased with increasing leaf temperature (LT) and was more than 80% reduced at 45 °C as compared to 25 °C. In the 25 °C-plants, LTs higher than 40 °C could result in a complete suppression of Pn. Short-term acclimation to heat stress did not alter the temperature response of Pn. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements revealed that photosynthetic electron transport (PET) started to decrease when LT increased above 35 °C and that growth at 35 °C improved the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes. In the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants, the maximum quantum yield of the photosystem II primary photochemistry, as judged by measuring the Fv/Fm ratio, decreased significantly at LTs higher than 38 °C. A post-illumination heat-induced reduction of the plastoquinone pool was observed in the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants. Inhibition of Pn by heat stress correlated with a reduction of the activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Western-blot analysis of Rubisco activase showed that heat stress resulted in a redistribution of activase polypeptides from the soluble to the insoluble fraction of extracts. Heat-dependent inhibition of Pn and PET could be reduced by increasing the intercellular CO2 concentration, but much more effectively so in the 35 °C-plants than in the 25 °C-plants. The 35 °C-plants recovered more efficiently from heat-dependent inhibition of Pn than the 25 °C-plants. The results show that growth at moderately high temperature hardly diminished inhibition of Pn by heat stress that originated from a reversible heat-dependent reduction of the Rubisco activation state. However, by improving the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes it allowed the photosynthetic apparatus to preserve its functional potential at high LTs, thus minimizing the after-effects of heat stress.  相似文献   

We analysed the changes of the chlorophyll (Chl)a fluorescence rise kinetic (from 50 s to 1 s) that occur when leaves or chloroplasts of pea ( Pisum sativum L.) are incubated under anaerobic conditions in the dark. In control leaves, Chl a fluorescence followed a typical O-J-I-P polyphasic rise [Strasser et al. (1995) Photochem Photobiol 61: 32–42]. Anaerobiosis modified the shape of the transient with the main effect being a time-dependent increase in the fluorescence yield at the J-step (2 ms). Upon prolongation of the anaerobic treatment (> 60 min), the O-J-I-P fluorescence rise was eventually transformed to an O-J (J = P) rise. A similar transformation was observed when pea leaves were treated with DCMU or sodium dithionite. Anaerobiosis resulted in a 10–20% reduction in the maximum quantum yield of the primary photochemistry of Photosystem II, as measured by the ratio of the maximal values of variable and total fluorescence (FV/FM). When the leaves were returned to the air in the dark, the shape of the fluorescence transient showed a time-dependent recovery from the anaerobiosis-induced change. The original O-J-I-P shape could also be restored by illuminating the anaerobically treated samples with far-red light but not with blue or white light. Osmotically broken chloroplasts displayed under anaerobic conditions fluorescence transients similar to those observed in anaerobically treated leaves, but only when they were incubated in a medium comprising reduced pyridine nucleotides (NADPH or NADH). As in intact leaves, illumination of the anaerobically treated chloroplasts by far-red light restored the original O-J-I-P transient, although only in the presence of methyl viologen. The results provide additional evidence for the existence of a chlororespiratory pathway in higher plant cells. Furthermore, they suggest that the J-level of the fluorescence transient is strongly determined by the redox state of the electron carriers at the PS II acceptor side.  相似文献   

The effects of drought on photosynthesis have been extensively studied, whereas those on thylakoid organization are limited. We observed a significant decline in gas exchange parameters of pea (Pisum sativum) leaves under progressive drought stress. Chl a fluorescence kinetics revealed the reduction of photochemical efficiency of photosystem (PS)II and PSI. The non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and the levels of PSII subunit PSBS increased. Furthermore, the light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) and some of the PSI and PSII core proteins were disassembled in drought conditions, whereas these complexes were reassociated during recovery. By contrast, the abundance of supercomplexes of PSII-LHCII and PSII dimer were reduced, whereas LHCII monomers increased following the change in the macro-organization of thylakoids. The stacks of thylakoids were loosely arranged in drought-affected plants, which could be attributed to changes in the supercomplexes of thylakoids. Severe drought stress caused a reduction of both LHCI and LHCII and a few reaction center proteins of PSI and PSII, indicating significant disorganization of the photosynthetic machinery. After 7 days of rewatering, plants recovered well, with restored chloroplast thylakoid structure and photosynthetic efficiency. The correlation of structural changes with leaf reactive oxygen species levels indicated that these changes were associated with the production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Abstract The roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. ev. Feltham First) seedlings contained haemagglutinating activity and a protein which reacted with antibodies directed against pea seed lectin. This protein was shown to be present on the surface of root hairs and in the root cortical cells by immunofluorescence. Lectin (haemagglutinin) was purified from pea seedling roots by both immunoaffinity chromatography and affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-100. The pea root lectin was similar to the seed lectin when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and was antigenically identical: however, the isoelectric focussing band patterns of the proteins differed. The sugar specificity of the root lectin differed from that of the seed lectin, and the haemagglutinating activity of the root lectin was less than the seed lectin. These results are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that lectins mediate in the symbiotic association of legume and Rhizobium through their carbohydrate-binding properties.  相似文献   

Trehalose 6‐phosphate (Tre6P) is a signal of sucrose availability in plants, and has been implicated in the regulation of shoot branching by the abnormal branching phenotypes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and maize (Zea mays) mutants with altered Tre6P metabolism. Decapitation of garden pea (Pisum sativum) plants has been proposed to release the dormancy of axillary buds lower down the stem due to changes in sucrose supply, and we hypothesized that this response is mediated by Tre6P. Decapitation led to a rapid and sustained rise in Tre6P levels in axillary buds, coinciding with the onset of bud outgrowth. This response was suppressed by simultaneous defoliation that restricts the supply of sucrose to axillary buds in decapitated plants. Decapitation also led to a rise in amino acid levels in buds, but a fall in phosphoenolpyruvate and 2‐oxoglutarate. Supplying sucrose to stem node explants in vitro triggered a concentration‐dependent increase in the Tre6P content of the buds that was highly correlated with their rate of outgrowth. These data show that changes in bud Tre6P levels are correlated with initiation of bud outgrowth following decapitation, suggesting that Tre6P is involved in the release of bud dormancy by sucrose. Tre6P might also be linked to a reconfiguration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism to support the subsequent growth of the bud into a new shoot.  相似文献   

Summary Radiotracer studies revealed that the mechanism of zinc uptake was not purely non-metabolic. The over all uptake of Zn by intact plant ofPisum sativum L. (Var. T-163) occurred through an initial nonmetabolic phase followed by a metabolically mediated absorption. The translocation of zinc from plant roots to shoot was more sensitive to metabolic inhibitors and thus was a metabolic function.Research Publication No. 1541/116/0 through Experiment Station, G. B. Pant University, Pantnagar-263145, India.  相似文献   

Summary Three isoenzyme systems (amylase, esterase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) were examined in seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and shown to give clear variation in their band patterns on gel electrophoresis between different lines. The inheritance of these isoenzyme systems, and the location of their genes on the pea genome was investigated. Reciprocal crosses were made between lines, F2 seeds were analysed for segregation in the band patterns of the isoenzymes, and F2 plants were investigated to find linkage between the genes for these isoenzymes and genes for selected morphological markers. The results obtained showed that each of the investigated isoenzyme systems is genetically controlled by co-dominant alleles at a single locus. The gene for amylase was found to be on chromosome 2, linked to the loci k and wb (wb ... 9 ... k ... 25 ... Amy). The gene for esterase was found to be linked with the gene Br (chromosome 4) but the exact location is uncertain because of the lack of the morphological markers involved in the cross. The gene for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was found to be on chromosome 1 and linked with the loci a and d (a... 24... Got... 41 ... d).  相似文献   

Using low concentrations of picloram (0.06 mg/l), embryoids were formed on the surface of leaf-derived callus of pea, Pisum sativum L. (c.v. Dippes Gelbe Victoria) upon transfer to liquid medium. After some days in culture, embryoids spontaneously separated from the calli, and developed into torpedo-shaped embryos, which were transferred to solid medium. In a second series of experiments, embryos were also formed by mutant 489C and a genetic line of Pisum arvense, which additionally exhibited embryogenesis also from epicotyl-derived callus. Some of the embryos showed root formation, but no shoot morphogenesis occurred. In a limited number of cases, an additional root was formed in the apparent shoot apical region after 2–5 days.  相似文献   

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