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The dermal skeleton (=exoskeleton) has long been recognized as a major determinant of vertebrate morphology. Until recently however, details of tissue development and diversity, particularly among amniotes, have been lacking. This investigation explores the development of the dermatocranium, gastralia, and osteoderms in the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. With the exception of osteoderms, elements of the dermal skeleton develop early during skeletogenesis, with most initiating ossification prior to mineralization of the endoskeleton. Characteristically, circumoral elements of the dermatocranium, including the pterygoid and dentigerous elements, are among the first to form. Unlike other axially arranged bones, gastralia develop in a caudolateral to craniomedial sequence. Osteoderms demonstrate a delayed onset of development compared with the rest of the skeleton, not appearing until well after hatching. Osteoderm development is asynchronous across the body, first forming dorsally adjacent to the cervical vertebrae; the majority of successive elements appear in caudal and lateral positions. Exclusive of osteoderms, the dermal skeleton initiates osteogenesis via intramembranous ossification. Following the establishment of skeletal condensations, some preossified spicules become engorged with many closely packed clusters of chondrocyte-like cells in a bone-like matrix. This combination of features is characteristic of chondroid bone, a tissue otherwise unreported among nonavian reptiles. No secondary cartilage was identified in any of the specimens examined. With continued growth, dermal bone (including chondroid bone) and osteoid are resorbed by multinucleated osteoclasts. However, there is no evidence that these cells contribute to the rugose pattern of bony ornamentation characteristic of the crocodylian dermatocranium. Instead, ornamentation develops as a result of localized concentrations of bone deposited by osteoblasts. Osteoderms develop in the absence of osteoblastic cells, osteoid, and periosteum; bone develops via the direct transformation of the preexisting dense irregular connective tissue. This mode of bone formation is identified as metaplasia. Importantly, it is also demonstrated that osteoderms are not histologically uniform but involve a range of tissues including calcified and uncalcified dense irregular connective tissue. Between taxa, not all osteoderms develop by homologous processes. However, it is concluded that all osteoderms may share a deep homology, connected by the structural and skeletogenic properties of the dermis.  相似文献   

The independent evolution of gigantism among dinosaurs has been a topic of long-standing interest, but it remains unclear if gigantic theropods, the largest bipeds in the fossil record, all achieved massive sizes in the same manner, or through different strategies. We perform multi-element histological analyses on a phylogenetically broad dataset sampled from eight theropod families, with a focus on gigantic tyrannosaurids and carcharodontosaurids, to reconstruct the growth strategies of these lineages and test if particular bones consistently preserve the most complete growth record. We find that in skeletally mature gigantic theropods, weight-bearing bones consistently preserve extensive growth records, whereas non-weight-bearing bones are remodelled and less useful for growth reconstruction, contrary to the pattern observed in smaller theropods and some other dinosaur clades. We find a heterochronic pattern of growth fitting an acceleration model in tyrannosaurids, with allosauroid carcharodontosaurids better fitting a model of hypermorphosis. These divergent growth patterns appear phylogenetically constrained, representing extreme versions of the growth patterns present in smaller coelurosaurs and allosauroids, respectively. This provides the first evidence of a lack of strong mechanistic or physiological constraints on size evolution in the largest bipeds in the fossil record and evidence of one of the longest-living individual dinosaurs ever documented.  相似文献   

Two series of osteoderms associated with the anterior three-quarters of the presacral vertebral column of the Early Permian temnospondylous amphibian Cacops aspidephorus have important implications for biomechanics of the axial skeleton. An internal series consists of an osteoderm fused to the distal tip of each neural spine. Lying dorsal to the internal series and overlapping each internal osteoderm is a second external series. The orientation of the zygapophyseal facets implies modest lateral flexion with limited coupled axial rotation of the column. However, the osteoderms restricted any possible lateral flexion through their inverted V-shape, strongly angled overlap between each external osteoderm and its neighbouring internal osteoderms, and the presence of a midsagittal flange on the ventral surface of each external osteoderm that fits into grooves on the anterior and posterior edges of the neighbouring internal osteoderms. This configuration allowed vertical flexion of the vertebral column with little lateral flexion. The rod-like nature of osteoderms with the anterior three-quarters of the presacral vertebrae suggests a restricted form of forward movement for Cacops unlike that of other early tetrapods.  相似文献   

Abstract: The presence of postcranial dermal armour is plesiomorphic for Archosauria. Here, we survey the external microanatomy and histology of postcranial osteoderms (i.e. dorsal paramedian and caudal osteoderms) of rauisuchians, a widely distributed assemblage of extinct predatory pseudosuchians from the Triassic. The osteoderms of eight rauisuchian taxa were found to be rather compact bones, which usually lack significant bone remodelling or large areas of cancellous bone. The presence of highly vascularized woven or fibrolamellar bone tissue deposited in the core areas indicates higher growth rates during earlier life stages, whereas a more compact parallel‐fibred bone matrix indicates reduced growth rates in later development. This pattern of change corroborates earlier studies on long bone histology. With the exception of a bone tissue found in the sample of Batrachotomus kupferzellensis, which might be the result of metaplastic ossification, the general mode of skeletogenesis is comparable with intramembraneous ossification. The lack of cancellous bone tissue and remodelling processes associated with bone ornamentation, as well as the predominantly intramembraneous mode of ossification, indicates that rauisuchian osteoderm formation differs profoundly from that of the osteoderms of the only extant pseudosuchian lineage, the crocodylians.  相似文献   

Ichthyosaurians (Ichthyosauria) are a major clade of secondarily aquatic marine tetrapods that occupied several major predatory niches during the Mesozoic Era. Multiple lines of evidence including isotopic, body shape and swimming modality analyses suggest they exhibited elevated growth and metabolic rates, and body temperatures. However, applications of osteohistological methods to test hypotheses regarding their physiology are few. Previous studies focused on the humeri, vertebrae and ribs from a small number of taxa. Here, we use osteohistological methods to describe the bone microstructure of over 30 cranial and post‐cranial elements from a nearly complete, articulated individual of Stenopterygius quadriscissus from the Posidonienschiefer Formation (Posidonia Shale, Lower Jurassic) of Germany. The specimen shows highly vascularized primary bone and spongious secondary bone in its limbs, suggesting an overall shift to a lighter spongious‐structured skeleton was achieved through multiple developmental mechanisms. The modified perichondral ossification in elements of the limbs distal to the stylopodium informs our understanding of functional morphology, including hydrodynamic forces on the paddles. The ribs show variation in cortical thickness and trabecular organization along their length. Cyclical growth is inferred from changes in vascularization and osteocyte density as well as the presence of annuli in primary fibrolamellar bone. Cranial elements, due to their relative density and better preservation of growth marks, may prove to be of particular importance in future skeletochronological studies of post‐Triassic ichthyosaurians. We infer and corroborate hypotheses of elevated growth rates and metabolic rates in ichthyosaurians, and the potential for thermoregulation similar to extant homeothermic ectotherms.  相似文献   

Many studies of the limb bones from birds of the major clades reveal a mosaic evolution in morphological characters. From this, we assume that uninterrupted compact bone evolved independently multiple times outside of the crown group. We hypothesise that there are key intraskeletal changes in the osteohistological features, such as the organisation of the vascular network. To test these hypotheses, we analysed and described the osteohistological features of five different midshaft samples of Gansus yumenensis, a non-ornithurine Euornithes from China, based on virtual models obtained from synchrotron microtomography scans, a less invasive method that the traditional physical cross section. We performed quantitative analyses with volume, surface area and estimated ratios. The osteohistological features of Gansus yumenensis were compared with those of stem and crown birds. From our analyses, we discuss the pros/cons of using synchrotron microtomography scans compared to traditional physical cross section. Our analyses demonstrate that Gansus yumenensis is the fourth described extinct Euornithes to exhibit uninterrupted bone deposition in all bone samples, providing further support for multiple origins of this feature outside of the bird crown group. Finally, our osteohistological investigation of Gansus yumenensis provides future study avenues regarding the evolution and development of bone tissue in fossil birds.  相似文献   

Pampatheres are extinct, large‐bodied cingulates, which share morphological characters with both armadillos and glyptodonts but are considered to be more closely related to the latter. The osteoderm histology of six pampathere taxa was examined and compared to the histology of other cingulate osteoderms. This study investigates the development and functional adaptation of pampathere osteoderms as well as the phylogenetic relationships of the Pampatheriidae within the Cingulata. We found that pampathere osteoderms share a uniform histological organization based on a basic diploe‐like structure. After initial stages of intramembranous growth, metaplastic ossification, that is, the direct incorporation and mineralization of pre‐existing protein fibers, plays an important role in osteoderm development and provides information on various kinds of soft tissue otherwise not preserved. The latest stages of osteoderm growth are dominated by periosteal bone formation especially in the superficial cortex. Movable band osteoderms show regular arrangements of incorporated fibers that may increase the resistance of particularly weak areas against strain. The histological composition of pampathere osteoderms is plesiomorphic in its basic structure but shows a number of derived features. A unique array of Sharpey's fibers that are incorporated into the bone matrix at sutured osteoderm margins is interpreted as a synapomorphy of pampatheres. The arrangement of dermal fibers in the deep and superficial cortexes supports the close relationship between pampatheres and glyptodonts. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of growth dynamics in large ceratopsian dinosaurs is very poor, in part, due to the paucity of quantifiable age markers such as growth lines in their bones. We sought marker-based, osteohistological evidence for ceratopsid age structure from high Arctic paleolatitudes based on the observations that: (1) extant mammals from high latitudes better express growth lines in their hard tissues than those from lower latitudes, and (2) the occurrence of accentuated growth banding in teeth from Arctic dinosaurs. We examined the long bones in the specimens of Pachyrhinosaurus sp. from the early Maastrichtian of northern Alaska, and found conspicuous osseous banding. Histological analysis of the spacing, structure, pattern and numbers of these bands in the femur of a very large specimen suggests that they are not a taphonomic artefact, rather they appear to reflect annual growth cycling. Counts and measurements of the growth zones suggest that the animal showed rapid linear growth early in ontogeny, sexual maturity in perhaps the 9th year of life, and that it died in the 19th year of life. Our data adds to a growing body of evidence that a genetically distinct northern dinosaurian fauna existed at high paleolatitudes in Alaska during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Our previous studies of human lung and intestinal mast cells failed to show the heterogeneity found among mast cells in murine species. Recently, we and others have developed techniques for the enzymatic dispersion of human neonatal skin mast cells. In addition, we are now able to make single cell suspensions of mast cells from adult skin and to purify these cells to near homogeneity. Comparative studies of mast cells from these several sources have uncovered several major differences among them. Adult and neonatal skin mast cells themselves differ in that the former are 10-fold less sensitive to goat anti-human IgE, with maximal release occurring at 3.0 and 0.3 microgram/ml, respectively. Skin mast cells also differ in optimal temperature for release: adult mast cells respond maximally at 23 to 30 degrees C and neonatal cells at 37 degrees C. Skin mast cells from both sources are dramatically different from lung and intestinal mast cells in two aspects. First, skin mast cells are quite responsive to several stimuli--morphine sulfate (10(-4) to 10(-6) M), substance P (10(-5) to 10(-7) M), compound 48/80 (10 to 0.1 microgram/ml), f-Met peptide (10(-6) M), and C5a (10(-8) M)--to which the other mast cells fail to respond. Second, although stimulated skin mast cells produce prostaglandin D2, little leikotriene C4, if any, is generated, unlike lung or intestinal mast cells. These differences in inflammatory potential among human mast cells from various sites have important implications for the management of allergic and inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Following the assumption that parathyroid hormone related protein and Indian hedgehog form a biochemical regulatory loop for the endochondral process and bone morphogenetic protein 2 and Noggin in the intramembranous process, this paper implements these regulatory mechanisms. For this purpose, we use a set of reaction–diffusion equations that are widely used in morphogenesis, in which biochemical factors are assumed to be secreted by precursor cells, mesenchymal cells and chondrocytes, in endochondral and intramembranous ossification, respectively. The solution leads to the so-called Turing patterns, which represent these processes of ossification in a very approximate way.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts were incubated for 24 h with 10(-6) M androstenedione and the estrone + estradiol released in the culture medium were measured by an enzymatic assay. Aromatase activity was expressed as pmol (estrone + estradiol) formed in the medium per mg cell protein per day. Using this method we were able to investigate the kinetic properties of aromatase in different cell strains and its stimulation by dexamethasone. Values of 92 nM and 9.1 pmol/mg protein/day were obtained respectively for Km and Vmax in cultured fibroblasts derived from genital skin of normal prepubertal subjects. In patients with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome CAIS, the Km was 156 nM and the Vmax 42 pmol/mg protein/day. Aromatase activity varied from 7.9 +/- 1.2 pmol/mg protein/day (mean +/- SD; n = 19) in normal prepubertal boys to 24.5 +/- 4.7 pmol/mg protein/day (mean +/- SD; n = 11) in those from normal postpubertal boys. The values were even higher in fibroblasts cultured from genital skin of prepubertal patients with CAIS. Cell concentrations did not modify the pattern of estrogen formation and aromatase activity did not vary with serial subcultures. The stimulatory effect of dexamethasone on aromatase activity in cultured fibroblasts was measured after preincubation of the cells for 48 h with dexamethasone, by determining estrogen formation after 24 h incubation of the cells with androstenedione 10(-6) M using this enzymatic method. This data suggest that aromatase activity measured in cultured fibroblasts could be a useful tool for studying extraglandular estrogen formation in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

We describe the extra bony elements, plates, and osteoderms present in species of the genus Brachycephalus. Samples of eight species of Brachycephalus, including seven populations of Brachycephalus ephippium, were examined. The large additional elements associated with the skull (parotic plate) and vertebrae (vertebral and paravertebral plates) all comprise intramembranous bone, similar to that of the frontoparietal or nasal bones of the skull of most of frogs. Additionally, in the dermis of one unnamed species, we discovered and described true osteoderms. We discuss the morphological nature and diversity of theses elements and their importance as evidence of phylogenetic relationship within Brachycephalus. In summary, three distinct conditions of extra bony elements occur in the genus Brachycephalus: (1) bony plates may be present or absent in species of the genus; (2) a few, small bony plates may be developed and these may be represented by (a) paravertebral plates small and restricted to the distal ends of the transverse processes of the presacral IV, (b) parotic plates small and not covering the tops of the squamosals, and (c) ornamented spinal plates on all vertebrae; and (3) well‐developed bony plates may be present as (a) paravertebral plates forming a ‘bone‐shield’ on the dorsal surface of the trunk, ornamented, and visible through the integument, (b) parotic plates covering the tops of the squamosals, and (c) spinal plates associated with all vertebrae, and ornamented on vertebrate I–VI. Although the phenomenon of miniaturization may be associated with the appearance of new elements in at least some of the species in the genus, the traditional rule may not be universally applicable. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 752–767.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of a mucus layer in the transepithelial movement of ions was examined in frogs by altering the surface charge density while measuring22Na and36Cl fluxes. Cationic dyes such as Alcian Blue and Ruthenium Red titrate surface mucus but did not affect22Na or36Cl influx or efflux. Other agents such as lanthanum, Azure II, calcium and arginine titrate the subcorni-fied space mucus yet did not affect22Na movement through this action. Thus, the mucus layer does not play a role in epithelial sodium or chloride movement across frog skin.  相似文献   

Intravenous (IV) slow reacting substance (SRS) challenge produces bronchoconstriction that can be reduced by cyclooxygenase inhibitors. This report shows that IV SRC challenge also produces significant increases in tracheal mucous gel thickness and that the increases are inhibited by pretreatment with indomethacin (4 mg/kg, PO) or imidazole (10 mg/kg, IV). The increase in gel thickness is preceded by increases in plasma thromboxane B2 (TXB2) levels and the inhibition of gel thickening by imidazole is paralleled by decreases in plasma TXB2 levels. Aerosolized SRS produces increases in tracheal mucous gel thickness which are not inhibited by either indomethacin or imidazole, but are significantly inhibited by FPL-55712. These findings indicate that SRS acts, not only directly to stimulate mucous secretion but also indirectly through an indomethacin and imidazole sensitive mechanism.  相似文献   

The results of some recent Monte Carlo simulations (Bhuiyan et al. J. Electroanal. Chem., in press) for the electric double layer formed by rigid ions of equal diameter (the solute) in a continuum dielectric (the solvent), next to a uniformly charged planar hard wall are examined. A contact value formula for the sum of the density profiles of this system has long been known (Henderson et al. J. Electroanal. Chem. 102, 315 (1979)). Here we propose a simple formula for the contact value of the charge profile in the limit of low electrode charge density. The evidence obtained from the aforementioned simulations supports this formula.  相似文献   

Summary For elucidation of the functional organization of frog skin epithelium with regard to transepithelial Na transport, electrolyte concentrations in individual epithelial cells were determined by electron microprobe analysis. The measurements were performed on 1-m thick freeze-dried cryosections by an energy-dispersive X-ray detecting system. Quantification of the electrolyte concentrations was achieved by comparing the X-ray intensities obtained in the cells with those of an internal albumin standard.The granular, spiny, and germinal cells, which constitute the various layers of the epithelium, showed an identical behavior of their Na and K concentrations under all experimental conditions. In the control, both sides of the skin bathed in frog Ringer's solution, the mean cellular concentrations (in mmole/kg wet wt) were 9 for Na and 118 for K. Almost no change in the cellular Na occurred when the inside bathing solution was replaced by a Na-free isotonic Ringer's solution, whereas replacing the outside solution by distilled water resulted in a decrease of Na to almost zero in all layers. Inhibition of the transepithelial Na transport by ouabain (10–4 m) produced an increase in Na to 109 and a decrease in K to 16. The effect of ouabain on the cellular Na and K concentrations was completely cancelled when the Na influx from the outside was prevented, either by removing Na or adding amiloride (10–4 m). When, after the action of ouabain, Na was removed from the outside bathing solution, the Na and K concentration in all layers returned to control values. The latter effect could be abolished by amiloride.The other cell types of the epithelium showed under some experimental conditions a different behavior. In the cornified cells and the light cells, which occurred occasionally in the stratum granulosum, the electrolyte concentrations approximated those of the outer bathing meium under all experimental conditions. In the mitochondria-rich cells, the Na influx after ouabain could not be, prevented by adding amiloride. In the gland cells, only a small change in the Na and K concentrations could be detected after ouabain.The results of the present study are consistent with a two-barrier concept of transepithelial Na transport. The Na transport compartment comprises all living epithelial layers. Therefore, with the exception of some epithelial cell types, the frog skin epithelium can be regarded as a functional syncytium for Na.  相似文献   

Most chemicals that produce skin cancer are genotoxic by in vitro and in vivo short-term assays and produce a high incidence of skin cancer within a year if optimal doses are applied. If in long-term skin painting studies one or two tumours in 50 mice are observed there is a general consensus that no carcinogenic activity can be claimed and it has been suggested that if up to 10% tumours are induced by irritant substances this could be due to an enhancement of spontaneous tumour incidence. Observations of skin tumour incidences higher than 10% with non-genotoxic substances, usually after a long latent period, is considered to represent evidence for a non-genotoxic mechanism. Examples of such substances include croton oil, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, phenol, dodecylbenzene and petroleum-derived middle distillates. Two distinct mechanisms appear to be involved in the production of tumours by a non-genotoxic substance. The first of these is that seen with the strong promoting agents. These, by binding to and activating protein kinase C, appear to directly stimulate sustained epidermal hyperplasia without severe skin damage. The other appears to involve substances producing severe skin damage either by a direct caustic effect or by cumulative irritancy. These changes give rise to marked epidermal hyperplasia with repeated episodes of regeneration and damage. The tumour induction by both mechanisms probably results from oncogene activation and it is possible that oxidative enzymes from inflammatory cells may be involved in the activation process. Various reasons are given why non-genotoxic carcinogenesis in the skin is considered not to be relevant to man and ways of recognising and avoiding its occurrence in animals studies are recommended.  相似文献   

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