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Lightning strike is a rare natural phenomenon, which carries a risk of dramatic medical complications to multiple organ systems and a high risk of fatality. The known complications include but are not limited to: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, cardiac contusion, stroke, cutaneous burns, respiratory disorders, neurological disorders, acute kidney injury and death. We report a case of a healthy young man who suffered a lightning injury and discuss the cardiovascular complications of lightning injury, ranging from ECG changes to death. The patient in our case, a 27-year old previously healthy male, developed a syndrome of rhabdomyolysis and symptomatic cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Electrocardiographic findings included transient T-wave inversions, late transition shift and long QT. His clinical condition improved with supportive measures.Early recognition of lightning injury syndromes and anticipation of complications may help us improve outcomes for these patients. Evaluation of patients having experienced a lightning injury should include a minimum of a detailed history and physical examination, 12-lead ECG and drawing of baseline troponins. Prolonged electrocardiographical monitoring (for monitoring of ventricular arrhythmias) and assessment for signs and symptoms of hemodynamic compromise may be warranted.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) in hypertrophic scars and keloids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Fibronectin (FN) distribution was compared among samples of normal human dermis, hypertrophic scar, keloid, and granulation tissues from deep injuries. Localization was established by use of fibronectin antibodies and the indirect immunofluorescence method. Fresh-frozen tissue was sectioned on a cryostat and examined by epifluorescence. Hypertrophic scar and keloid demonstrated heavy deposition of FN, which conformed to the nodular characteristics of the lesions. Intense localization occurred in granulation tissue over fibroblasts which were stellate and vesiculated, and over small blood vessels. FN-staining was weak in areas over fibroblasts which were more rounded and nonvesiculated. Staining for FN was also minimal over the collagen in normal dermis and the deeper, larger collagen fascicles in the lesions. Fibroblasts cultured from normal dermis, hypertrophic scar, and keloid for 5–6 weeks were intensely stained for FN. Extracellular matrix was heavily positive in cultures from the lesions compared with those from normal dermis.Supported in part by NIH Research Grant 1 R01GM 25159  相似文献   

The predominance of secondary forest‐species in Brazilian subtropical forests highlights the importance of understanding the ecology of these taxa, and dendrochronology provides valuable information about the growth and climate response of tree species. The wide distribution of Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Mull. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), and the presence of growth rings in its wood, leds to its selection for this study. Samples were collected from 34 trees growing in rainy dense forest fragments in the cities of Blumenau and Brusque, in southern Brazil, and subjected to standard dendrochronological techniques. The local chronology spanned from 1889 to 2013 and the age of the trees ranged from 32 to 125 years. The mean age was 73 years and annual increment was 1.13 mm year?1; the diameter and age showed a weak correlation. The results suggest that A. triplinervia growth responded negatively to hot summers and increased rainfall in the previous spring and winter. The high perdiodicity trend characteristic of ENSO activity was reflected in wavelet power spectra of A. triplinervia chronology, affecting positively its growth after strong ENSO events (1970–2009). Negative influences occurred before 1970 during normal ENSO events. Also, there is evidence of the existence of a connection between Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperatures influencing on tree growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Analysis of fire statistics revealed that there are steep gradients in the distribution of lightning-caused fire ignitions in Sweden. The highest ignition density was found in the southeastern provinces of Kalmar and Östergötland, ca. 0.23/10 000 ha/yr. From there, densities generally declined both to the north and to the west, with a density averaging ca. 0.05 in the six northernmost provinces, and an equally low density in the southwestern province of Halland. For both northern and southern Sweden, lightning ignitions peaked in early July, but in the south the season for ignitions started 2–3 weeks earlier and ended 2–3 weeks later. The geographical gradients in lightning ignition density correspond to the average precipitation during summer. The patterns of lightning ignition densities may also indicate gradients in natural fire frequencies. This hypothesis is supported by the distribution of certain fire-adapted plant species.  相似文献   

Dating divergences in the Fungal Tree of Life: review and new analyses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Taylor JW  Berbee ML 《Mycologia》2006,98(6):838-849

Orthologs generally are under selective pressure against loss of function, while paralogs usually accumulate mutations and finally die or deviate in terms of function or regulation. Most ortholog detection methods contaminate the resulting datasets with a substantial amount of paralogs. Therefore we aimed to implement a straightforward method that allows the detection of ortholog clusters with a reduced amount of paralogs from completely sequenced genomes. The described cross-species expansion of the reciprocal best BLAST hit method is a time-effective method for ortholog detection, which results in 68% truly orthologous clusters and the procedure specifically enriches single-copy orthologs. The detection of true orthologs can provide a phylogenetic toolkit to better understand evolutionary processes. In a study across six photosynthetic eukaryotes, nuclear genes of putative mitochondrial origin were shown to be over-represented among single copy orthologs. These orthologs are involved in fundamental biological processes like amino acid metabolism or translation. Molecular clock analyses based on this dataset yielded divergence time estimates for the red/green algae (1,142 MYA), green algae/land plant (725 MYA), mosses/seed plant (496 MYA), gymno-/angiosperm (385 MYA) and monocotyledons/core eudicotyledons (301 MYA) divergence times. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Species richness patterns are characterized either by overlaying species range maps or by compiling geographically extensive survey data for multiple local communities. Although, these two approaches are clearly related, they need not produce identical richness patterns because species do not occur everywhere in their geographical range. Using North American breeding birds, we present the first continent‐wide comparison of survey and range map data. On average, bird species were detected on 40.5% of the surveys within their range. As a result of this range porosity, the geographical richness patterns differed markedly, with the greatest disparity in arid regions and at higher elevations. Environmental productivity was a stronger predictor of survey richness, while elevational heterogeneity was more important in determining range map richness. In addition, range map richness exhibited greater spatial autocorrelation and lower estimates of spatial turnover in species composition. Our results highlight the fact that range map richness represents species coexistence at a much coarser scale than survey data, and demonstrate that the conclusions drawn from species richness studies may depend on the data type used for analyses.  相似文献   

We use terahertz imaging to measure four human skin scars in vivo. Clear contrast between the refractive index of the scar and surrounding tissue was observed for all of the scars, despite some being difficult to see with the naked eye. Additionally, we monitored the healing process of a hypertrophic scar. We found that the contrast in the absorption coefficient became less prominent after a few months post‐injury, but that the contrast in the refractive index was still significant even months post‐injury. Our results demonstrate the capability of terahertz imaging to quantitatively measure subtle changes in skin properties and this may be useful for improving scar treatment and management.


Four grain chests, which cultural historians presumed were medieval, have been dendrochronologically dated by measuring the tree-ring widths on photographs. Only two chests proved to be clearly medieval. It is now planned to use dendrochronology to date 12 more grain chests that are known to be in private homes and museums.  相似文献   

Many plants from Mediterranean-type ecosystems show enhanced germination when exposed to heat and other fire-related cues. Whether Mediterranean-type plants are fire recruiters and need fire to germinate is subject of discussion. In the present work, we tested the above hypothesis by subjecting seeds from 57 species representative of a recently burned plant community to various heat pulses. Differences in germination among species, taking into account their phylogeny, were studied by dividing them according to their life-form (chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes), regeneration strategy (non-sprouters, sprouters) and geographical distribution range (Iberian Peninsula endemics, Mediterranean, widely distributed species). Seeds were exposed to 80, 100 and 120 °C during 10 min, and then, incubated at 17.5 °C for 6 weeks in darkness. Maximum germination was reached at 80 °C and control treatments and minimum germination was at 120 °C. Most species were tolerant to heat-shocks, only a few of them were stimulated by heat, and around 20% suffered a reduction in germination with heat. The germination response to heat-shock differed according to regenerative strategy and distribution range, but not to life-form. These results were supported independently of phylogeny. As expected, sprouters and Iberian endemics were more sensitive to heat-shock than non-sprouters and widely distributed species, respectively. As a conclusion, the studied plant group appears to exhibit resistance to heat but not dependence on it for germination. Therefore, recruitment could be high after low intensity fires, but might be significantly reduced for most species after more intense fires.  相似文献   

Soils contaminated with hydrocarbons and others contaminants (heavy metals, PCBs, PAHs) were recently discovered in the banks of the Saint-François and Massawippi rivers. The aim of this study is to attempt to date the contamination events using dendrochronological and dendrochemical methods. For this study, dendrochronology is used to indicate the age of trees, identify the morphological growth anomalies, and provide the geochemical profile timeframe, with dendrochemistry used specifically to identify metal element concentrations in the growth rings of the selected specimens. Sampling for the two types of analysis was done on the banks of the Saint-François River in Windsor and Richmond, where the level of hydrocarbon contamination in the soil profiles is among the highest. Core samples were taken from three red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) and dendrochemical analyses were done on the tree rings (191 samples). Dendrochemistry was successfully used to determine that there were heavy metals in the rings, and also to estimate the date of the contamination events by using tree-ring wood. Several contamination events were identified through the presence of lead and other metal trace elements (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn) in the xylem of the trees analyzed at the selected sites. This suggests that various contaminants were transported by the river on several occasions and deposited on floodplains during successive floods. The atmospheric fallout must also be considered as the other source of pollutants recorded in the trees.  相似文献   

The distribution of the lizard Lacerta schreiberi is likely to have been severely affected by the climatic cycles that have influenced the Iberian Peninsula. Information about the species ecology and Iberian physiogeography was used to generate specific hypotheses about episodes of colonization and subsequent population persistence. These hypotheses generated predictions about the distribution of genetic variation, which were tested using nested clade analysis (NCA) supplemented by analysis of molecular variance (amova). Two predictions were confirmed by NCA; that is those that specified multiple and allopatric refugia. However, the remaining three predictions were not corroborated by the analyses. Firstly, a simple analysis of the distribution of genetic variability failed to detect an expected difference in the pattern of colonization between the inland mountain system and the coastal region. Moreover, while NCA did detect the expected genetic pattern in southern coastal populations, it was explained in terms of long-distance migration, which seems implausible because of the extent of unsuitable habitat. A more likely cause of the pattern is population fragmentation and a reduction in population size caused during the Holocene. Finally, NCA also failed to detect a northwestern population expansion, which is supported by other evidence. We conclude that NCA has a limited ability to detect range expansion led by individuals with more ancestral (interior) haplotypes.  相似文献   

Aim Models relating species distributions to climate or habitat are widely used to predict the effects of global change on biodiversity. Most such approaches assume that climate governs coarse‐scale species ranges, whereas habitat limits fine‐scale distributions. We tested the influence of topoclimate and land cover on butterfly distributions and abundance in a mountain range, where climate may vary as markedly at a fine scale as land cover. Location Sierra de Guadarrama (Spain, southern Europe) Methods We sampled the butterfly fauna of 180 locations (89 in 2004, 91 in 2005) in a 10,800 km2 region, and derived generalized linear models (GLMs) for species occurrence and abundance based on topoclimatic (elevation and insolation) or habitat (land cover, geology and hydrology) variables sampled at 100‐m resolution using GIS. Models for each year were tested against independent data from the alternate year, using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) (distribution) or Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs) (abundance). Results In independent model tests, 74% of occurrence models achieved AUCs of > 0.7, and 85% of abundance models were significantly related to observed abundance. Topoclimatic models outperformed models based purely on land cover in 72% of occurrence models and 66% of abundance models. Including both types of variables often explained most variation in model calibration, but did not significantly improve model cross‐validation relative to topoclimatic models. Hierarchical partitioning analysis confirmed the overriding effect of topoclimatic factors on species distributions, with the exception of several species for which the importance of land cover was confirmed. Main conclusions Topoclimatic factors may dominate fine‐resolution species distributions in mountain ranges where climate conditions vary markedly over short distances and large areas of natural habitat remain. Climate change is likely to be a key driver of species distributions in such systems and could have important effects on biodiversity. However, continued habitat protection may be vital to facilitate range shifts in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Aim We used fraying scars to understand spatial variation in browsing history. Information on browsing history is an essential background in studies on the long‐term effect of deer browsing on the flora and fauna and of its variation in space. Location We focused on two small neighbouring islands of Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada), Reef Island and South‐Skedans Island, colonized by introduced black‐tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis). Methods We searched for sites where trees with fraying scars were clustered. We studied the trees that deer selected (species, size) and the characteristics of scars (number, position, size). Using a cross‐dating procedure, we dated fraying scars with dendrochronology, obtaining an accurate estimate of the year the scar was formed. Results On Reef Island, Thuja plicata was the tree species chosen for fraying. On South‐Skedans Island, where Thuja plicata is missing, deer chose Salix sp. and Alnus rubra. Deer chose only trees with a circumference of less than 50 cm. About two to three fraying scars were recorded per tree. All of them extended between 30–40 and 70–80 cm from the ground and were between 5 and 6 cm in width. On Reef Island, 95% of the scars were formed during the last 50 years. On South‐Skedans Island, 95% were formed over the last 10 years. Age distribution of scars showed a constant increase of the number of scars over time. It indicated that deer had colonized Reef Island 53 years prior to this study but were absent or rare on South‐Skedans Island until 13 years prior to this study. Main conclusions These results indicate different colonization dates and thus different length of browsing histories for the islands studied and provide the historical background necessary to analyse the involvement of deer in the current differences in the flora and fauna observed between islands.  相似文献   

Post-fire conditions are characterized by enhanced light and the availability of nitrogenous compounds in the soil. It is not known, however, to what extent light or nitrogenous compounds control the germination response of species growing in burned areas and, in particular, whether functional groups of plants differ in their response. The germination response to light and nitrate was tested for 53 species representative of the flora of a Mediterranean recently burned area in Central-Eastern Spain. Differences in germination among species, with and without taking into account their phylogeny, were studied by classifying them according to their life-form (chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes), regeneration strategy (non-sprouters, sprouters) and geographical distribution range (Iberian Peninsula endemics, Mediterranean, widely distributed species). The overall germination mean was not affected by any of the two treatments. There were statistically significant interactions between species and the two treatments. That is, not all species were equally affected, and about 30% of the species were significantly affected by light (half of them positively and the other half negatively) and 25% by nitrate (most of them positively). Species response was related to functional groups. Light response (stimulation vs. non-stimulation) was associated to life-form, regeneration strategy and distribution range. Hemicryptophytes, sprouters and widely distributed species were positively affected by light. No evidence of such an association for nitrate was found. No statistically significant effects of light and nitrate on the mean germination of the various groups (life-form, regeneration strategy, distribution range) were found. Moreover, significant interactions emerged between light and nitrate for all three groups. In summary, the studied set of plants appears to be non-dependent on factors that may change with fire, such as increased light and soil nitrate, for germination. Nonetheless, some species and groups will be affected by such changes. That means that fire will modify the relative balance of germination among species and functional groups. Due to the particular sensitivity of Iberian Peninsula endemics to light, a factor that significantly changes with fire, these species may be at risk under the current fire regime.  相似文献   

Aim  To analyse quantitatively the extent to which several methodological, geographical and taxonomic variables affect the magnitude of the tendency for the latitudinal ranges of species to increase with latitude (the Rapoport effect).
Location  Global.
Methods  A meta-analysis of 49 published studies was used to evaluate the effect of several methodological and biological moderator variables on the magnitude of the pattern.
Results  The method used to depict the latitudinal variation in range sizes is a strong moderator variable that accounts for differences in the magnitude of the pattern. In contrast, the extent of the study or the use of areal or linear estimations of range sizes does not affect the magnitude of the pattern. The effect of geography is more consistent than the effect of taxonomy in accounting for differences in the magnitude of the pattern. The Rapoport effect is indeed strong in Eurasia and North America. Weaker or non-significant latitudinal trends are found at the global scale, and in Australia, South America and the New World. There are no significant differences in the magnitude of the pattern between different habitats, however, the overall pattern is weaker in oceans than in terrestrial regions of the world.
Main conclusions  The Rapoport effect is indeed strong in continental landmasses of the Northern Hemisphere. The magnitude of the effect is primarily affected by methodological and biogeographical factors. Ecological and spatial scale effects seem to be less important. We suggest that not all methodological approaches may be equally useful for analysing the pattern.  相似文献   

Aim We test whether species of western Mediterranean aquatic Coleoptera of the ‘Haenydra’ lineage (Hydraenidae, Hydraena) originated through: (1) successive periods of dispersal and speciation, (2) range fragmentation by random vicariance, or (3) range fragmentation by geographic isolation owing to a general reduction of population density. Location Europe. Methods To discriminate between scenarios we use contrasting predictions of the relationship between phylogenetic and geographic distance. The phylogeny was based on 3 kb of four mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments of about half of the known species of ‘Haenydra’, including most western Mediterranean taxa. Divergences were estimated using a molecular clock. The relationship between phylogenetic and geographic distance was tested using bivariate plots, Mantel tests and comparison of the observed phylogeny with the one minimizing geographic distances between species, as measured using Euclidean minimum spanning trees (EMSTs). Results The monophyly of ‘Haenydra’ was strongly supported, although its phylogenetic placement was not resolved. ‘Haenydra’ was estimated to be of late Miocene age, with most species originating during the Pleistocene. In two clades (Hydraena tatii and Hydraena emarginata clades) there was a significant association between geographic and phylogenetic distance, and the reconstructed phylogeny was identical to that obtained through the EMST, demonstrating a strong non‐randomness of the geographic distribution of the species. In two other clades (Hydraena iberica and Hydraena bitruncata clades) there was no association between geographic and phylogenetic distance, and the observed phylogeny was not the one minimizing geographic distances. In one of the clades this seems to be due to a secondary, recent range expansion of one species (H. iberica), which erased the geographic signal of their distributions. Main conclusions We show that it is possible to obtain strong evidence of stasis of the geographic ranges of narrow‐range endemic species through the study of their phylogenetic relationships and current distributions. In at least two of the studied clades, current species seem to have originated through the fragmentation of a more widely distributed species, without further range movements. A process of range expansion and fragmentation may have occurred repeatedly within the ‘Haenydra’ lineage, contributing to the accumulation of narrow‐range endemics in Mediterranean Pleistocene refugia.  相似文献   

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