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Torso muscles contribute both intrinsic and reflexive stiffness to the spine; recent modeling studies indicate that intrinsic stiffness alone is sometimes insufficient to maintain stability in dynamic situations. The purpose of this study was to experimentally test this idea by limiting muscular reflexive responses to sudden trunk perturbations. Nine healthy males lay on a near-frictionless apparatus and were subjected to quick trunk releases from the neutral position into flexion or right-side lateral bend. Different magnitudes of moment release were accomplished by having participants contract their musculature to create a range of moment levels. EMG was recorded from 12 torso muscles and three-dimensional lumbar spine rotations were monitored. A second-order linear model of the trunk was employed to estimate trunk stiffness and damping during each quick release. Participants displayed very limited reflex responses to the quick load release paradigms, and consequently underwent substantial trunk displacements (>50% flexion range of motion and >70% lateral bend range of motion in the maximum moment trials). Trunk stiffness increased significantly with significant increases in muscle activation, but was still unable to prevent the largest trunk displacements in the absence of reflexes. Thus, it was concluded that the intrinsic stiffness of the trunk was insufficient to adequately prevent the spine from undergoing potentially harmful rotational displacements. Voluntary muscular responses were more apparent than reflexive responses, but occurred too late and of too low magnitude to sufficiently make up for the limited reflexes.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic creep of spine tissue, induced by submaximal spine flexion in sitting, can delay the onset of the flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FRP) and low back reflexes (LBR). Theoretically, these two outcome measures should be correlated; however, no studies have investigated this. This study aims to determine whether 30 min of near-maximal spine flexion will affect the onset of FRP and LBR in the lumbar erector spinae (LS) and lumbar multifidus (LM), and to examine the relation between these parameters. 15 participants were recruited (9F, 6M). Spine angle (between L1 and S2) was monitored synchronously with bilateral muscle activity in the LS (L1) and the LM (L4). FRP onset and LBR were measured in a randomized order before and after 30 min of slouched sitting. No significant difference was found for any muscle LBR onset time between pre and post-sitting (p > 0.05). A significant increase in FRP onset was found in the RLM (p = 0.016) following sitting. No significant correlation was found between the FRP and the LBR for any muscle. These results suggest that the LBR onset might not be as sensitive as an outcome measure to investigate shorter exposures of sitting as FRP.  相似文献   

Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most substantial and prevalent causes of occupational injuries and fatalities, and these events may contribute to low-back problems. We quantified lumbar kinematics (i.e., lumbar angles relative to pelvis) and kinetics during unexpected slip and trip perturbations, and during normal walking, among 12 participants (6F, 6 M). Individual anthropometry, lumbar muscle geometry, and lumbar angles, along with electromyography from 14 lumbar muscles were used as input to a 3D, dynamic, EMG-based model of the lumbar spine. Results indicated that, in comparison with values during normal walking, lumbar range of motion, lumbosacral (L5/S1) loads, and lumbar muscle activations were all significantly higher during the slip and trip events. Maximum L5/S1 compression forces exceeded 2700 N during slip and trip events, compared with ∼ 1100 N during normal walking. Mean values of L5/S1 anteroposterior (930 N), and lateral (800 N) shear forces were also substantially larger than the shear force during the normal walking (230 N). These observed levels of L5/S1 reaction forces, along with high levels of bilateral lumbar muscle activities, suggest the potential for overexertion injuries and tissue damage during unexpected slip and trip events, which could contribute to low back injuries. Outcomes of this study may facilitate the identification and control of specific mechanisms involved with low back disorders consequent to slips or trips.  相似文献   

There is a clear relationship between lumbar spine loading and back musculoskeletal disorders in manual materials handling. The incidence of back disorders is greater in women than men, and for similar work demands females are functioning closer to their physiological limit. It is crucial to study loading on the spine musculoskeletal system with actual handlers, including females, to better understand the risk of back disorders. Extrapolation from biomechanical studies conducted on unexperienced subjects (mainly males) might not be applicable to actual female workers. For male workers, expertise changes the lumbar spine flexion, passive spine resistance, and active/passive muscle forces. However, experienced females select similar postures to those of novices when spine loading is critical. This study proposes that the techniques adopted by male experts, male novices, and females (with considerable experience but not categorized as experts) impact their lumbar spine musculoskeletal systems differently. Spinal loads, muscle forces, and passive resistance (muscle and ligamentous spine) were predicted by a multi-joint EMG-assisted optimization musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine. Expert males flexed their lumbar spine less (avg. 21.9° vs 30.3–31.7°) and showed decreased passive internal moments (muscle avg. 8.9% vs 15.9–16.0%; spine avg. 4.7% vs 7.1–7.8%) and increased active internal moments (avg. 72.9% vs 62.0–63.9%), thus producing a different impact on their lumbar spine musculoskeletal systems. Experienced females sustained the highest relative spine loads (compression avg. 7.3 N/BW vs 6.2–6.4 N/BW; shear avg. 2.3 N/BW vs 1.7–1.8 N/BW) in addition to passive muscle and ligamentous spine resistance similar to novices. Combined with smaller body size, less strength, and the sequential lifting technique used by females, this could potentially mean greater risk of back injury. Workers should be trained early to limit excessive and repetitive stretching of their lumbar spine passive tissues.  相似文献   

The effects of whole body vibration exposure on the neuromuscular responses following inertial-based trunk perturbations were examined. Kinematic and surface EMG (sEMG) data were collected while subjects were securely seated on a robotic platform. Participants were either exposed to 10 min of vibration or not, which was followed by sudden inertial trunk perturbations with and without timing and direction knowledge. Amplitude of sEMG was analyzed for data collected during the vibration protocol, whereas the onset of sEMG activity and lumbar spine angle were analyzed for the perturbation protocol. Data from the vibration protocol did not show a difference in amplitude of sEMG for participants exposed to vibration and those not. The perturbation protocol data showed that those not exposed to vibration had a 14% faster muscle onset, despite data showing no difference in fatigue level.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers in response to sudden trunk loading in healthy subjects. Fifteen healthy male subjects were anteriorly loaded under different experimental conditions. Tests were conducted at rest and while performing each of the stabilization maneuvers (expiration and abdominal bracing) at 15% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the internal oblique muscle. Subjects had no knowledge of the perturbation timing. An electromyographic biofeedback system was used to control the intensity of internal oblique muscle activation. Muscular pre-activation of three trunk muscles (internal oblique, external oblique, and L3 erector spinae muscles) and lumbar acceleration in response to loading were measured. The expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers promoted torso co-contraction, reduced the magnitude of lumbar acceleration, and increased spinal stability compared to the resting condition. There were no differences between the expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers in the pre-activation of the three trunk muscles or in lumbar acceleration in response to loading. It appears that both expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers are effective in increasing spinal stability in response to sudden anterior loading.  相似文献   

Determination of the trunk maximum voluntary exertion moment capacity and associated internal spinal forces could serve in proper selection of workers for specific occupational task requirements, injury prevention and treatment outcome evaluations. Maximum isometric trunk exertion moments in flexion and extension along with surface EMG of select trunk muscles are measured in 12 asymptomatic subjects. Subsequently and under individualized measured harness-subject forces, kinematics and upper trunk gravity, an iterative kinematics-driven finite element model is used to compute muscle forces and spinal loads in 4 of these subjects. Different co-activity and intra-abdominal pressure levels are simulated. Results indicate significantly larger maximal resistant moments and spinal compression/shear forces in extension exertions than flexion exertions. The agonist trunk muscles reach their maximum force generation (saturation) to greater extent in extension exertions compared to flexion exertions. Local lumbar extensor muscles are highly active in extension exertions and generate most of the internal spinal forces. The maximum exertion attempts produce large spinal compression and shear loads that increase with the antagonist co-activity level but decrease with the intra-abdominal pressure. Intra-abdominal pressure decreases agonist muscle forces in extension exertions but generally increase them in flexion exertions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine trunk movement pattern responses to mechanical perturbation before and after two different repetitive trunk flexion-extension loading schemes. Spatial and temporal parameters were studied to understand the trunk recovery from an anteriorly directed perturbation. Eighteen male and female subjects (18–27 yrs) participated in active and passive trunk flexion-extension, performed seven days apart. Subjects performed 60 trunk flexion-extension repetitions in each condition. Subjects either volitionally moved their trunks (active condition) or relaxed while a dynamometer controlled the movements (passive condition). Trunk perturbations occurred before and immediately after two 30 repetition sessions. Initial responses included latency measures of trunk displacement and peak trunk velocity (VP). Temporal measures included perturbation onset to initial trunk movement (TD), movement initiation to VP (TMIPV), and perturbation onset to VP (TPPV). Recovery measures included peak recovery velocity (VPR), recovery time (TR), velocity slope (VS), and recovery slope (RS). Differences between loading sessions were present for TPPV (p < .05), TR (p < .05), and RS (p < .05). Overall, the results indicate repetitive loading leads to lower resistance to perturbation, but faster recovery from perturbation although no differences to active or passive repetitive loading was observed.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in patellofemoral (PF) kinematics for different loading configurations of the quadriceps muscle: single line of action (SL), physiological-based multiple lines of action (ML), weak vastus medialis (WVM), and weak vastus lateralis (WVL). Fourteen cadaveric knees were flexed from 15° to 120° knee flexion using a loading rig with the ability to load different heads of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in their anatomical orientation. PF rotation in the sagittal plane) and medial lateral translation were significantly different (p<0.05) for SL and ML, with maximum differences of 2.8° and 0.9 mm at 15° and 45° knee flexion, respectively. Compared to the ML, the WVM induced an average lateral shift of 1.5 mm and an abduction rotation of 0.8°, whereas a 0.9 mm medial shift and 0.6° adduction rotation was seen when simulating a WVL. The difference in the sagittal plane resultant force orientation of 26° between SL and ML was the major contributor to the change in PF rotation in the sagittal plane, while the difference in the frontal plane resultant force orientation of both the WVM and WVL from the ML (17° medial and 8° lateral, respectively) were the primary reasons for the change in PF frontal plane rotation and medial lateral translation. The two PF kinematic were significantly different from the ML for WVM and WVL (p<0.05). The results suggest that quadriceps muscle loading configuration can have a large influence on PF kinematics during full extension but less in deeper flexion. Therefore, using quadriceps single line loading for simulating activities with low flexion angles might not be sufficient to accurately replicate the physiological condition.  相似文献   

Coactivation is an important component for understanding the physiological cost of muscular and spinal loads and their associations with spinal pathology and potentially myofascial pain. However, due to the complex and dynamic nature of most activities of daily living, it can be difficult to capture a quantifiable measure of coactivation. Many methods exist to assess coactivation, but most are limited to two-muscle systems, isometric/complex analyses, or dynamic/uniplanar analyses. Hence, a void exists in that coactivation has not been documented or assessed as a multiple-muscle system under realistic complex dynamic loading. Overall, no coactivation index has been capable of assessing coactivation during complex dynamic exertions. The aim of this review is to provide an understanding of the factors that may influence coactivation, document the metrics used to assess coactivity, assess the feasibility of those metrics, and define the necessary variables for a coactivation index that can be used for a variety of tasks. It may also be clinically and practically relevant in the understanding of rehabilitation effectiveness, efficiency during task performance, human-task interactions, and possibly the etiology for a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions.  相似文献   

The human cervical spine supports substantial compressive load in vivo. However, the traditional in vitro testing methods rarely include compressive loads, especially in investigations of multi-segment cervical spine constructs. Previously, a systematic comparison was performed between the standard pure moment with no compressive loading and published compressive loading techniques (follower load – FL, axial load – AL, and combined load – CL). The systematic comparison was structured a priori using a statistical design of experiments and the desirability function approach, which was chosen based on the goal of determining the optimal compressive loading parameters necessary to mimic the segmental contribution patterns exhibited in vivo. The optimized set of compressive loading parameters resulted in in vitro segmental rotations that were within one standard deviation and 10% of average percent error of the in vivo mean throughout the entire motion path. As hypothesized, the values for the optimized independent variables of FL and AL varied dynamically throughout the motion path. FL was not necessary at the extremes of the flexion–extension (FE) motion path but peaked through the neutral position, whereas, a large negative value of AL was necessary in extension and increased linearly to a large positive value in flexion. Although further validation is required, the long-term goal is to develop a “physiologic” in vitro testing method, which will be valuable for evaluating adjacent segment effect following spinal fusion surgery, disc arthroplasty instrumentation testing and design, as well as mechanobiology experiments where correct kinematics and arthrokinematics are critical.  相似文献   

The follower load (FL) combined with moments is commonly used to approximate flexed/extended posture of the lumbar spine in absence of muscles in biomechanical studies. There is a lack of consensus as to what magnitudes simulate better the physiological conditions. Considering the in-vivo measured values of the intradiscal pressure (IDP), intervertebral rotations (IVRs) and the disc loads, sensitivity of these spinal responses to different FL and flexion moment magnitudes was investigated using a 3D nonlinear finite element (FE) model of ligamentous lumbosacral spine. Optimal magnitudes of FL and moment that minimize deviation of the model predictions from in-vivo data were determined. Results revealed that the spinal parameters i.e. the IVRs, disc moment, and the increase in disc force and moment from neutral to flexed posture were more sensitive to moment magnitude than FL magnitude in case of flexion. The disc force and IDP were more sensitive to the FL magnitude than moment magnitude. The optimal ranges of FL and flexion moment magnitudes were 900–1100 N and 9.9–11.2 Nm, respectively. The FL magnitude had reverse effect on the IDP and disc force. Thus, magnitude for FL or flexion that minimizes the deviation of all the spinal parameters together from the in-vivo data can vary. To obtain reasonable compromise between the IDP and disc force, our findings recommend that FL of low magnitude must be combined with flexion moment of high intensity and vice versa.  相似文献   

Alterations in the lumbo-pelvic coordination denote changes in neuromuscular control of trunk motion as well as load sharing between passive and active tissues in the lower back. Differences in timing and magnitude aspects of lumbo-pelvic coordination between patients with chronic low back pain (LBP) and asymptomatic individuals have been reported; yet, the literature on lumbo-pelvic coordination in patients with acute LBP is scant. A case-control study was conducted to explore the differences in timing and magnitude aspects of lumbo-pelvic coordination between females with (n=19) and without (n=19) acute LBP. Participants in each group completed one experimental session wherein they performed trunk forward bending and backward return at preferred and fast paces. The amount of lumbar contribution to trunk motion (as the magnitude aspect) as well as the mean absolute relative phase (MARP) and deviation phase (DP) between thoracic and pelvic rotations (as the timing aspect) of lumbo-pelvic coordination were calculated. The lumbar contribution to trunk motion in the 2nd and the 3rd quarters of both forward bending and backward return phases was significantly smaller in the patient than the control group. The MARP and the DP were smaller in the patient vs. the control group during entire motion. The reduced lumbar contribution to trunk motion as well as the more in-phase and less variable lumbo-pelvic coordination in patients with acute LBP compared to the asymptomatic controls is likely the result of a neuromuscular adaptation to reduce painful deformation and to protect injured lower back tissues.  相似文献   

It has been reported that altered neuromuscular control of the trunk is associated with lower back pain. In this context reflex delays of the trunk muscles have often been assessed but the reliability of the tests has not been well established. The aim of this study was to test the reliability of measuring reflex delays of the trunk muscles after two types of postural perturbations. 24 Healthy subjects participated in the intra-session study and 13 of them repeated the test protocol within 1–3 weeks, to determine inter-session reliability. Postural reflex delays to unexpected loading and unloading of the arms were assessed in a standing unrestrained position. Each subject performed 40 trials of each test in order to evaluate muscle responses of 5 trunk muscles using surface electromyography. Overall reliability increased with higher number of the averaged trials. Good intra-session (ICC3,1>0.75) and moderate (ICC3,1>0.60) inter-session reliability were reached in most of the monitored trunk muscles. Within the performed number of trials we did not observe any significant systematic intra- or inter-session bias effect. Averaging a higher number of consecutive trials would be recommended in future research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Simulating realistic musculoskeletal dynamics is critical to understanding neural control of muscle activity evoked in sensorimotor feedback responses that have inherent neural transmission delays. Thus, the initial mechanical response of muscles to perturbations in the absence of any change in muscle activity determines which corrective neural responses are required to stabilize body posture. Muscle short-range stiffness, a history-dependent property of muscle that causes a rapid and transient rise in muscle force upon stretch, likely affects musculoskeletal dynamics in the initial mechanical response to perturbations. Here we identified the contributions of short-range stiffness to joint torques and angles in the initial mechanical response to support surface translations using dynamic simulation. We developed a dynamic model of muscle short-range stiffness to augment a Hill-type muscle model. Our simulations show that short-range stiffness can provide stability against external perturbations during the neuromechanical response delay. Assuming constant muscle activation during the initial mechanical response, including muscle short-range stiffness was necessary to account for the rapid rise in experimental sagittal plane knee and hip joint torques that occurs simultaneously with very small changes in joint angles and reduced root mean square errors between simulated and experimental torques by 56% and 47%, respectively. Moreover, forward simulations lacking short-range stiffness produced unreasonably large joint angle changes during the initial response. Using muscle models accounting for short-range stiffness along with other aspects of history-dependent muscle dynamics may be important to advance our ability to simulate inherently unstable human movements based on principles of neural control and biomechanics.  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc viscoelastic response is governed primarily by its fluid content and flow. In vivo measurements demonstrate that the disc volume, fluid content, height and nucleus pressure completely recover during resting even after diurnal loading with twice longer duration (16 vs. 8 h). In view of much longer periods required for the recovery of disc height and pressure in vitro, concerns have been raised on the fluid inflow through the endplates that might be hampered by clogged blood vessels post mortem. This in silico study aimed to identify fluid-flow dependent response of discs and conditions essential to replicate in vitro and in vivo observations.An osmo-poroelastic finite element model of the human lumbar L4-L5 disc-bone unit was used. Simulating earlier in vitro experiments on bovine discs, the loading protocol started with 8 h preload at 0.06 MPa followed by 30 high/low compression loading cycles each lasting 7.5 min at 0.5/0.06 MPa, respectively. Three different endplate configurations were investigated: free in- and outflow, no inflow and closed endplates with no flow. Additionally, the preload magnitude was increased from 0.06 MPa to 0.28 MPa and 0.50 MPa, or the initial nucleus hydration was reduced from 83% to 50%.For 0.06 MPa preload, the model with no inflow best matched in vitro trends. The model with free inflow increased segment height and nucleus pressure while the model with no fluid inflow resulted in a relatively small recovery in segment height and a rather constant nucleus pressure during unloading periods.Results highlight an excessive mobile fluid content as well as a restricted fluid inflow through endplates as likely causes of the discrepancies between in vivo and in vitro studies. To replicate in vivo conditions in vitro and in silico, disc hydration level should be controlled by adequate selection of preload magnitude/period and/or mobile fluid porosity.  相似文献   

Habitat structure has broad impacts on many biological systems. In particular, habitat fragmentation can increase the probability of species extinction and on the other hand it can lead to population outbreaks in response to a decline in natural enemies. An extreme consequence of fragmentation is the isolation of small regions of suitable habitat surrounded by a large region of hostile matrix. This scenario can be interpreted as a critical patch-size problem, well studied in a continuous time framework, but relatively new to discrete time models. In this paper we present an integrodifference host-parasitoid model, discrete in time and continuous in space, to study how the critical habitat-size necessary for parasitoid survival changes in response to parasitoid life history traits, such as emergence time. We show that early emerging parasitoids may be able to persist in smaller habitats than late emerging species. The model predicts that these early emerging parasitoids lead to more severe host outbreaks. We hypothesise that promoting efficient late emerging parasitoids may be key in reducing outbreak severity, an approach requiring large continuous regions of suitable habitat. We parameterise the model for the host species of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hbn., a pest insect for which fragmented landscape increases the severity of outbreaks. This host is known to have several parasitoids, due to paucity of data and as a first step in the modelling we consider a single generic parasitoid. The model findings are related to observations of the forest tent caterpillar offering insight into this host-parasitoid response to habitat structure.  相似文献   

The extensive data requirements of three-dimensional inverse dynamics and joint modelling to estimate spinal loading prevent the implementation of these models in industry and may hinder development of advanced injury prevention standards. This work examines the potential of feed forward artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a data reduction approach and compared predictions to rigid link and EMG-assisted models. Ten males and ten females performed dynamic lifts, all approaches were applied and comparisons of predicted joint moments and joint forces were evaluated. While the ANN under- predicted peak extension moments (p = 0.0261) and joint compression (p < 0.0001), predictions of cumulative extension moments (p = 0.8293) and cumulative joint compression (p = 0.9557) were not different. Therefore, the ANNs proposed may be used to obtain estimates of cumulative exposure variables with reduced input demands; however they should not be applied to determine peak demands of a worker's exposure.  相似文献   

Schoech SJ  Hahn TP 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):369-376
Food supplementation experiments have provided considerable information about the importance of resource availability in timing reproduction. Supplemented birds usually advance breeding over non-supplemented controls. Initial observations suggested that degree of advancement in studies conducted at higher latitudes was less than in those at lower latitudes. We hypothesized that birds at high latitudes are less responsive to the "supplementary" cue of food. We tested this hypothesis using a literature-based meta-analysis of 36 papers which, because several papers presented separate data sets from different years, yielded 56 "studies." We used step-wise regression to determine whether latitude, elevation, the duration of supplementation, and the migratory status of the species predicted the degree to which mean clutch initiation dates of food supplemented birds differed from non-supplemented controls (i.e., effect size = [Formula: see text]). Consistent with our predictions, there was a significant inverse relationship between effect size and latitude: elevation, migratory status, and duration of treatment contributed little to the model. Because the response of animals' reproductive systems to environmental information is mediated by the neuroendocrine system, we discuss two models: (1) the adaptive specialization hypothesis in which higher latitude species that experience a relatively short breeding season have evolved a reliance on photic cues while exhibiting reduced sensitivity to non-photic cues; and (2) the conditional plasticity hypothesis in which an individual might show a marked response to non-photic information if it lived at low latitudes, but be largely driven by photic cues, endogenous rhythms, or both to the relative exclusion of non-photic information if it lived at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

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