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一个可介导链霉菌PKS基因 向植物转化的杂合质粒的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素FR-008是由链霉菌FR-008所产生的一种七烯大环内酯类抗真菌抗生素。胡志浩等已克隆了长达约105kb的FR-008聚酮合酶(PKS)基因簇,对该基因簇中相邻于pabAB基因下游的3.8kbDNA进行序列分析,找到一个多功能聚酮合酶基因的起点,与数据库中蛋白质序列的比较分析揭示出一个尚未结束的大型开读框架的存在,它与抗细菌大环内酯类抗生素-红霉素生物合成所需的Ⅰ型聚酮合酶(PKS)基因中的乙酰转移酶(AT)和β-酮酰合酶(KS)的功能结构域显示出了高度的同源性,从分子水平上证实了FR-008抗生素由Ⅰ型PKS所合成。本实验将3.8kb中的编码聚酮合酶的部分开读框架通过基因工程的方法插入植物表达载体WRG2410上,从而成功构建了表达性质粒pHZ321。  相似文献   

Electrophilic attack to a double bond, the classic trigger of intramolecular isoprenoid cyclizations, is apparently silent in Cannabis and the diversity of the cannabinome can be ultimately traced to the oxidative cyclization of cannabigerolic acid (CBGA, 1a), a process triggered by the generation of an aromatic electrophilic species. To expand the chemical space of the cannabinoid chemotype, we have investigated an oxidative trigger based on the addition of iodine to the terminal isoprenyl double bond of cannabigerol (CBG, 1b), the decarboxylated and thermally stable version of CBGA (1a). Apart from the predictable product of an iodine-induced cascade cyclization (3), also a pair of unprecedented spiranes named spirocannabigerols (4a,b), derived from the formation of an edge-protonated cyclopropyl cation was also formed, along with a product (5) resulting from the incorporation, in a Friedel-Craft fashion, of the reaction solvent (toluene). Biological evaluation of these compounds on six thermo-transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) showed a remodeling of bioactivity compared to GBC, with emphasis on TRPA1 rather than TRPM8.  相似文献   

The melanin polyketide synthase (pks) gene of Nodulisporium sp. MF5954 (ATCC74245) was cloned by exploiting its homology to the Colletotrichum lagenarium pks1 gene. Sequence analysis demonstrated that this gene is 70% identical to the C. lagenarium pks1 gene. A gene disruption construct, designed to replace both the ketoacyl synthase and acyl transferase domains with a hygromycin resistance (Hyr) gene, was synthesized, and used to disrupt the Nodulisporium melanin pks1 gene via homologous recombination, resulting in a mel(−) phenotype. Sequence analyses of the gene and of cDNA segments generated by RT-PCR indicate that there are three introns in the 5′ half of the gene. The proposed 2159-amino acid product is 72% identical and 78% similar to the 2187-amino acid sequence deduced from the C. lagenarium pks1 gene. This similarity is notable, considering that C. lagenarium is a member of the order Phyllachoales or Sordariales, whereas Nodulisporium is generally believed to be member of the order Xylariales. However, despite the strong resemblance between the amino acid sequences in the acyl transferase domains of the two proteins, only one in five codons are conserved in the DNA sequences that encode this motif. The Nodulisporium sp. pks1 gene sequence and the amino acid sequence deduced from its coding region have been deposited in Genbank under Accession No. AF151533. Received: 15 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 July 1999  相似文献   

Microalgal cultivation that takes advantage of solar energy is one of the most cost‐effective systems for the biotechnological production of biofuels, and a range of high value products, including pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and feed. However, one of the main constraints for the cultivation of microalgae is the potential contamination with biological pollutants, such as bacteria, fungi, zooplankton or other undesirable microalgae. In closed bioreactors, the control of contamination requires the sterilization of the media, containers and all materials, which increases the cost of production, whereas open pond systems severely limits the number of species that can be cultivated under extreme environmental conditions to prevent contaminations. Here, we report the metabolic engineering of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to use phosphite as its sole phosphorus source by expressing the ptxD gene from Pseudomonas stutzeri WM88, which encodes a phosphite oxidoreductase able to oxidize phosphite into phosphate using NAD as a cofactor. Engineered C. reinhardtii lines are capable of becoming the dominant species in a mixed culture when fertilized with phosphite as a sole phosphorus source. Our results represent a new platform for the production of microalgae, potentially useful for both closed photobioreactors and open pond systems without the need for using sterile conditions nor antibiotics or herbicides to prevent contamination with biological pollutants.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parasites are a major cause of diarrhoea that pose a particular threat to children in developing areas and immunocompromised individuals. Curative therapies and vaccines are lacking, mainly due to lack of a long-term culturing system of this parasite. Here, we show that COLO-680N cells infected with two different Cryptosporidium parvum strains produce sufficient infectious oocysts to infect subsequent cultures, showing a substantial fold increase in production, depending on the experiment, over the most optimistic HCT-8 models. Oocyst identity was confirmed using a variety of microscopic- and molecular-based methods. This culturing system will accelerate research on Cryptosporidium and the development of anti-Cryptosporidium drugs.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase (HDAC) is an emergent anticancer target, and HR23B is a biomarker for response to HDAC inhibitors. We show here that HR23B has impacts on two documented effects of HDAC inhibitors; HDAC inhibitors cause apoptosis in cells expressing high levels of HR23B, whereas in cells with low level expression, HDAC inhibitor treatment is frequently associated with autophagy. The mechanism responsible involves the interaction of HDAC6 with HR23B, which downregulates HR23B and thereby reduces the level of ubiquitinated substrates targeted to the proteasome, ultimately desensitising cells to apoptosis. Significantly, the ability of HDAC6 to downregulate HR23B occurs independently of its deacetylase activity. An analysis of the HDAC6 interactome identified HSP90 as a key effector of HDAC6 on HR23B levels. Our results define a regulatory mechanism that involves the interplay between HR23B and HDAC6 that influences the biological outcome of HDAC inhibitor treatment.  相似文献   

The vertebrate lens is a transparent, spheroidal tissue, located in the anterior region of the eye that focuses visual images on the retina. During development, surface ectoderm associated with the neural retina invaginates to form the lens vesicle. Cells in the posterior half of the lens vesicle differentiate into primary lens fiber cells, which form the lens fiber core, while cells in the anterior half maintain a proliferative state as a monolayer lens epithelium. After formation of the primary fiber core, lens epithelial cells start to differentiate into lens fiber cells at the interface between the lens epithelium and the primary lens fiber core, which is called the equator. Differentiating lens fiber cells elongate and cover the old lens fiber core, resulting in growth of the lens during development. Thus, lens fiber differentiation is spatially regulated and the equator functions as a platform that regulates the switch from cell proliferation to cell differentiation. Since the 1970s, the mechanism underlying lens fiber cell differentiation has been intensively studied, and several regulatory factors that regulate lens fiber cell differentiation have been identified. In this review, we focus on the lens equator, where these regulatory factors crosstalk and cooperate to regulate lens fiber differentiation. Normally, lens epithelial cells must pass through the equator to start lens fiber differentiation. However, there are reports that when the lens epithelium structure is collapsed, lens fiber cell differentiation occurs without passing the equator. We also discuss a possible mechanism that represses lens fiber cell differentiation in lens epithelium.  相似文献   

Common fragile sites (CFSs) correspond to chromosomal regions susceptible to present breaks, discontinuities or constrictions in metaphase chromosomes from cells subjected to replication stress. They are considered as genomic regions intrinsically difficult to replicate and they are evolutionary conserved at least in mammals. However, the recent discovery that CFSs are cell-type specific indicates that DNA sequence by itself cannot account for CFS instability. Nevertheless, the large gene FHIT that includes FRA3B, the most highly expressed CFS in human lymphocytes, is commonly deleted in a variety of tumors suggesting a tumor suppressor role for its product. Here, we report that the epicenter of fragility of Fra14A2/Fhit, the mouse ortholog of human FRA3B/FHIT that like its human counterpart is the most highly expressed CFS in mouse lymphocytes, is largely attached to the nuclear matrix compartment in naive B lymphocytes but not in primary hepatocytes or cortical neurons that do not express such a CFS. Our results suggest a structural explanation for the difficult-to-replicate nature of such a region and so for its common fragility in lymphocytes, that is independent of the possible tumor suppressor role of the gene harboring such CFS.  相似文献   

Main-chain conformations where one amino acid residue can be described as gamma(R) (or alpha(R)) and an adjacent one as gamma(L) (or alpha(L)) mostly result in the three main-chain NH groups (of the two residues and the one following) forming a depression that can accommodate an atom with a whole or partial negative charge. We propose the name nest for this feature. The negatively charged atom, when present, is also stabilized by hydrogen-bonding with the NH groups. In an average protein, 8 % of residues are involved in a nest. The anion, or partially negatively charged atom, that often occupies the nest may be a main-chain carbonyl oxygen atom as in the paperclip, also called the Schellman loop, and the oxyanion hole of serine proteases. It can be a phosphate group, as in the P-loop superfamily that binds ATP and GTP. Overlapping, compound, nests are observed often, as in the P-loop, which has five successive NH groups that bind the beta phosphate group of nucleotide triphosphate. The longest compound nests are found surrounding cysteine-bound [2Fe2S] and [4Fe4S] iron-sulfur centers, which are also anionic; nests may encourage binding of the more reduced forms. The nest is a novel feature in the sense of not having been described as a unique motif with anion-binding potential before, although some of the situations where it occurs are familiar.  相似文献   

Basket trials simultaneously evaluate the effect of one or more drugs on a defined biomarker, genetic alteration, or molecular target in a variety of disease subtypes, often called strata. A conventional approach for analyzing such trials is an independent analysis of each of the strata. This analysis is inefficient as it lacks the power to detect the effect of drugs in each stratum. To address these issues, various designs for basket trials have been proposed, centering on designs using Bayesian hierarchical models. In this article, we propose a novel Bayesian basket trial design that incorporates predictive sample size determination, early termination for inefficacy and efficacy, and the borrowing of information across strata. The borrowing of information is based on the similarity between the posterior distributions of the response probability. In general, Bayesian hierarchical models have many distributional assumptions along with multiple parameters. By contrast, our method has prior distributions for response probability and two parameters for similarity of distributions. The proposed design is easier to implement and less computationally demanding than other Bayesian basket designs. Through a simulation with various scenarios, our proposed design is compared with other designs including one that does not borrow information and one that uses a Bayesian hierarchical model.  相似文献   

The computational design of novel nested proteins—in which the primary structure of one protein domain (insert) is flanked by the primary structure segments of another (parent)—would enable the generation of multifunctional proteins. Here we present a new algorithm, called Loop‐Directed Domain Insertion (LooDo), implemented within the Rosetta software suite, for the purpose of designing nested protein domain combinations connected by flexible linker regions. Conformational space for the insert domain is sampled using large libraries of linker fragments for linker‐to‐parent domain superimposition followed by insert‐to‐linker superimposition. The relative positioning of the two domains (treated as rigid bodies) is sampled efficiently by a grid‐based, mutual placement compatibility search. The conformations of the loop residues, and the identities of loop as well as interface residues, are simultaneously optimized using a generalized kinematic loop closure algorithm and Rosetta EnzymeDesign, respectively, to minimize interface energy. The algorithm was found to consistently sample near‐native conformations and interface sequences for a benchmark set of structurally similar but functionally divergent domain‐inserted enzymes from the α/β hydrolase superfamily, and discriminates well between native and nonnative conformations and sequences, although loop conformations tended to deviate from the native conformations. Furthermore, in cross‐domain placement tests, native insert‐parent domain combinations were ranked as the best‐scoring structures compared to nonnative domain combinations. This algorithm should be broadly applicable to the design of multi‐domain protein complexes with any combination of inserted or tandem domain connections.  相似文献   

Inositol phosphates are a large and diverse family of signalling molecules. While genetic studies have discovered important functions for them, the biochemistry behind these roles is often not fully characterized. A key obstacle in inositol phosphate research in mammalian cells has been the lack of straightforward techniques for their purification and analysis. Here we describe the ability of titanium dioxide (TiO2) beads to bind inositol phosphates. This discovery allowed the development of a new purification protocol that, coupled with gel analysis, permitted easy identification and quantification of InsP6 (phytate), its pyrophosphate derivatives InsP7 and InsP8, and the nucleotides ATP and GTP from cell or tissue extracts. Using this approach, InsP6, InsP7 and InsP8 were visualized in Dictyostelium extracts and a variety of mammalian cell lines and tissues, and the effects of metabolic perturbation on these were explored. TiO2 bead purification also enabled us to quantify InsP6 in human plasma and urine, which led to two distinct but related observations. Firstly, there is an active InsP6 phosphatase in human plasma, and secondly, InsP6 is undetectable in either fluid. These observations seriously question reports that InsP6 is present in human biofluids and the advisability of using InsP6 as a dietary supplement.  相似文献   

A specific protein kinase that phosphorylates Ser60, Ser59, or Ser58 of 14-3-3beta, eta, or zeta, respectively, only in the presence of sphingosine (Sph) or N,N-dimethyl-Sph (DMS), was termed "sphingosine-dependent protein kinase-1" (SDK1) [J. Biol. Chem. 273(34) (1998) 21834]. We have now identified SDK1 as a protein having the same amino acid sequence as in the C-terminal-half kinase domain of PKCdelta, with approximately 40 kDa molecular mass, based on large-scale purification of a protein from rat liver, and partial sequence using three different combinations of LC-MS or LC-MS/MS with respective search engine. PKCdelta did not display any SDK1 activity and PKCdelta activity was inhibited by Sph and DMS. However, strong SDK1 activity, only in the presence of Sph or DMS, became detectable when PKCdelta was incubated with caspase-3, which releases the approximately 40 kDa kinase domain.  相似文献   

The predicted inhibition constant (Ki) and the predicted inhibitor concentration (IC90) of the HIV-1 protease (HIV-1 PR) inhibitors: symmetric and nonsymmetric - benzyl, ketone, oxime, pyrazole, imidazole, and triazole cyclic urea derivatives, were obtained by the 3D-CoMFA (Comparative Molecular Field Analysis) method. The CoMFA statistical parameters: cross-validate correlation coefficient (q2), higher than 0.5, and the fitted correlation coefficient (r2), higher than 0.90 validated the predicted biological activities. The best predictions were found for the trifluoromethyl ketoxime derivative (log 1/Ki predict = 8.42), the m-pyridineCH2 pyrazole derivative (log 1/Ki predict = 9.77) and the 1,2,3 triazole derivative (log 1/Ki predict = 7.03). We attempted to design a new potent HIV-1 protease inhibitor by addition of o-benzyl to the (p-HOPhCH2) pyrazole 12f derivative inhibitor. A favorable steric area surrounded the o-benzyl, suggesting a possible new potent HIV-1 protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

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