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This paper presents a system of the genus Saxifraga L. from China, recognizes 2 subgenera, 8 sections, 7 subsections (including 1 new subsection), 31 series (including 23 new series), 4 subseries (new subseries) and 203 species (including 2 new species and 4 new varieties). The new taxa, statuses, combinations and names in this paper are as follows: Sect. Biro- stres (Gornall) C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, stat. nov.,; Sect. Punctatae (Engl.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Ser. Rufescentes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga lonshengensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. uninervata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. flabellifolia C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, nom. nov.; Ser. Stonoliferae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Stellariifoliae (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Subser. Aristulatae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Subser. Montanae J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Saxifraga ciliatopetata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan var. ciliata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Subser. Gonggashanenses J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Subser. Car- diophyllae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Saxifraga egregia Engl. var. xiaojinensis J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Caveanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Heterocladoideae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Chumbienses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Bulleyanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Brachypodae C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Erinaceae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga substrigosa J. T. Pan var. gemmifera J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Umbellulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov; Ser. Yu- shuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Ungviculatae J. T. Pan, Ser. nov.; Ser. Punctu- latae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Candelabriformes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Tanguti- cae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga tangutica Engl. var. platyphylla (H. Smith) J. T. Pan, comb. nov.; Ser. Yaluzangbuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Jainzhuglaenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga jainzhulaensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; Ser. Jacquemontianae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Nanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Subsect. Microgynae J. T. Pan, subsect. nov.; Ser. Nangxi- anenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Mucronulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Parkaenses J.T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Deqenenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga mucronulatoides J. T. Pan, nom. nov.  相似文献   

Adonis sect.Consiligo is split into three subsections based on morphology, growth pattern, pollen and fruit morphology. For all species distribution maps are provided and discussed with regard to their ecology and climatic requirements. These data reveal additional characters that support the classification of the taxa. Most species of the section grow in continental Eurasiatic steppes and mountain steppe habitats. Only the species of subsect.Amurenses grow in Far Eastern temperate forests and prefer a more oceanic climate. The taxonomic position of these strongly divergent species is supported by the distributional and ecological data. The evolution ofAdonis sect.Consiligo occurred under strong climatic control. During evolution the taxa could only slightly widen their ecological amplitude and, thus, ecology remained rather stable except that of the subsect.Amurenses. Ecological and distributional data can be used to validate taxonomy and phylogeny and reveal additional informations.  相似文献   

Pollen cell number was studied in 124 species of Saxifraga and six species of Micranthes. Binucleate pollen is present in all the six species of Micranthes studied and in 96 species of Saxifraga. Trinucleate pollen occurs in 28 species of Saxifraga and is confined to section Ciliatae subsection Hirculoideae, where it is a putative synapomorphy, and to two species of subsection Serpyllifoliae. Trinucleate pollen does not characterise the whole of section Ciliatae as has been thought. The state has probably evolved at least twice, and possibly three times, in the genus. One new nomenclatural combination is made in Micranthes.  相似文献   

Parsimony analyses of 54 nrDNA ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) sequences ofSaxifraga sect.Saxifraga were performed. In addition to some unresolved clades, there is strong disagreement between the ITS phylogeny and previous classifications based primarily on morphology. The extensive cytological instability of sect.Saxifraga prevents previous cytotaxonomical results from resolving the incongruence between molecular and morphological data. Dissimilar topologies between chloroplast (matK) and nuclear (ITS) trees for eight species of sect.Saxifraga suggest that gene trees and the true species tree are not coincident. Recent and mid-term reticulation is proposed as an explanation for the incongruence between morphological, cytological, organellar, and nuclear data. Homogenization in multigene families, such as the ITS region, via concerted evolution may be the key to the interpretation of results based on ITS sequences within sect.Saxifraga. The use of organellar genes in a larger sample should help to determine whether extensive reticulation occurs in sect.Saxifraga, as has been documented in various genera of Saxifragaceae.  相似文献   

An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga L.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
GORNALL, R. J., 1987. An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga. A revised classification of Saxifraga is presented in which 15 sections, 19 subsections and 34 series are recognized. A total of 394 names are accounted for, including the following new taxa, combinations and names: series Hirculoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lychnitidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Nulanles (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Cinctae (H. Sm.) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Gemmiparae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Spinulosae (C. B. Clarke) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Rosulares Gornall, nom. nov.; subsection Serpyllifoliae Gornall, subscct. nov.; subsection Hemisphaericae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Merkianae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Stellares (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Birostres Gornall, ser. nov.; series Melanocentrae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Astasianlhes (Sternberg) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Aulaxis (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Dermasea (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; scries Aretioideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Juniperifoliae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lilacinae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Marginatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Squarrosae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Rigidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Engleria (Siindermann) Gornall, stat. nov; series Subsessiliflorae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Oppositiofoliae (Hayek) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Tetrameridium (Engler) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Mutatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Florulentae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Odontophyllae Gornall, sect, nov.; series Biternatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Triplinervium (Gaudin) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Arachnoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Tridactylites (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.  相似文献   

The largest section of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae), sect. Ciliatae, consists of 175 morphologically diverse species. This section is mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions of southwest China and more than 80% of the total number of species are endemic to this region. It remains unknown whether this section is monophyletic and up to now no study has been conducted on the infra-sectional phylogeny. In this study, ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were firstly determined for 33 species mainly from this section and related sections. We further downloaded the corresponding sequences of the same DNA region for the other 22 species of Saxifraga and Mitella from GenBank. All sequences were together used to construct the phy-logenetic trees. The main implications of the phylogenetic analyses include: (1) sect. Ciliatae, as traditionally defined, constitutes as a monophyletic clade and its sister group is a well supported clade that includes species from 8 sections such as sect. Porphyrion, sect. Saxifraga and sect. Mesogyne; (2) three morphological subsections, i.e., subsect. Gemmiparae, subsect. Hirculoideae and subsect. Rosulares were tentatively recovered despite the relatively low statistic bootstrap support for the last one; however, subsect. Flagellares and subsect. Hemi-sphaericae were not recognized as separate entities, and nested within subsect. Gemmiparae; (3) subsect. Hircu-loideae and subsect. Rosulares clustered together as sister subclades while subsect. Gemmiparae diverged early. In addition, our results suggest that the paired variation of ITS sequences in sect. Ciliatae is relatively low between the sampled species in spite of their diverse morphology. It is suggested that such a scenario may mirror rapid speciation in this section that probably trigged by the uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the extensive selection pressure under the alpine environments.  相似文献   

 Five discrete plastid genotypes (plastomes), designated I–V and typified by Oenothera Hookeri, biennis, Lamarckiana, parviflora and argillicola respectively, have been previously characterized within the European subsect. Euoenothera. The evolutionarily more-derived plastome types (I, II and V) are generally less tolerant of new hybridization events than the ancestral types (III and IV), and were first identified based on their incompatibility reactions with standard hybrid nuclei. Restriction maps for all five plastomes are available for the enzymes PvuII, SalI, KpnI and PstI (Gordon et al. 1982). The present study employs PvuII and KpnI restriction digests to compare 28 of the 45 species of subsect. Munzia with Euoenothera plastomes I–V. The results of plastome RFLP fingerprinting show uniform divergence of the South American taxa from their European congeners; all share the previously documented 45-kb inversion in the large single-copy region reported by Hachtel et al. (1991). However, at least six new plastome types have evolved within subsect. Munzia, giving rise to small-fragment size differences of 0.1–0.7 kb. In two of these cases (Oe. featherstonei and Oe. longiflora) unique fragments occurred. For Oe. featherstonei the unique KpnI fragment resulted from a novel 2.2 kb insertion, whereas in Oe. longiflora an additional PvuII restriction site has been created. Received: 2 June 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   


On the systematic position of Euphrasia marchesettii Wettst. B. marchesettii Wettst. is generally considered as a hybrid between E. kerneri Wettst. and a not well mentioned species of subsect. Angustifoliae. Some ecological and phenological observations rouse a doubt on this interpretation and suggest the hypotesis that E. marchesettii may have a common origin with E. kerneri. Its differentiation could be possibly due to specialization in wet communities. A morphometric study was carried out to compare E. marchesettii with its possible ancestors out of subsect. Ciliatae and Angustifoliae. The results of this study show that the highest morfological affinity of E. marchesettii is with E. kerneri; consequently it should be included in subsect. Ciliatae.  相似文献   

Vochysia palmirana is described and illustrated as a new species. It is a member of sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes. It grows in sandy Cerrados of the Central Brazilian Plateau and is similar toV. sessilifolia. A key to the species ofVochysia sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes is provided.  相似文献   

We used chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis to test hypotheses of relationships of Solarium subgenus Potatoe (including potatoes and pepinos), two other Solanum, Cyphomandra (the tree tomatoes), and Lycopersicon (the tomatoes). Capsicum and Datura were used as outgroups. The results support two main clades among the taxa we studied: 1) Solanum subgenus Potatoe and Lycopersicon; and 2) other Solanum and Cyphomandra. Within the first clade, the following groups were supported: a) sect. Basarthrum and sect. Anarrhichomenum; b) sect. Etuberosum; c) sect. Petota; d) sect. Juglandifolium, including subsect. Lycopersicoides; and e) the genus Lycopersicon. These results, in combination with an analysis of morphological data, advocate the controversial, but previously suggested, treatment of Lycopersicon as congeneric with Solanum in subgenus Potatoe. Thus, the cultivated tomato will be recognized as Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanum chmielewskii and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme are proposed as new combinations; Solanum neorickii is proposed as a new name for Lycopersicon parviflorum. Our data also suggest that Cyphomandra should be included within Solanum.  相似文献   

以环地中海地区和北美葱属Allium的Amerallium亚属种类为外类群,基于36个形态学性状对葱属粗根组sect. Bromatorrhiza进行系统发育分析。简约分析获得的分支拓扑结构与分子系统学的研究结果相吻合,粗根组与环地中海地区的Amerallium亚属种类形成姐妹群关系,表明它们具有密切的亲缘关系。粗根组明显分为两支,粗根韭A. fasciculatum (x = 10,2胚珠)与染色体基数为11的种类(单胚珠)形成一支,另一支由染色体基数为7的大花韭A. macranthum与多星韭A. wallichii (2胚珠)组成,从而否定了粗根亚组subsect. Bromatorrhiza(粗根韭+大花韭+多星韭)的成立。综合已有研究结果,本研究认为粗根组内存在4个相对独立的演化支系,即多星韭及其变种、大花韭、粗根韭,以及染色体基数为11的种类(5种1变种),尽管前人建议的单胚珠亚组subsect. Uniovulatum是合理的,但没有必要在物种数量相对较少的粗根组下进一步细分。  相似文献   

The transfer of the four taxa ofSiphonoglossa sect.Pentaloba toJusticia is proposed. It is shown that the taxa of this section were placed inSiphonoglossa primarily because of a single-character phenetic relationship and that they correctly belong inJusticia. In addition to morphology, data from cytology and flavonoid chemistry are also presented that support this intergeneric transfer. A key to the taxa and a detailed taxonomic treatment of the section are provided.  相似文献   

On two small islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, two new endemic species of the Saxifraga granulata group, namely S. caprariae and S. montis-christi, were recently described on a morphological basis. This led us to investigate these species using a molecular approach involving the analysis of ITS and trnL-F regions. Our aims were: to highlight their phylogenetic traits; to confirm or reject the hypothesis that they are more closely related to S. corsica than to S. granulata; and to verify their phylogenetic position in the context of Saxifraga L. ser. Saxifraga. We considered all the species belonging to the ser. Saxifraga and some other species of sect. Saxifraga – a total of 19 species. We generated 10 new DNA sequences, six for ITS and four for trnL-trnF. We produced separate Bayesian and Maximum likelihood trees for both ITS and trnL-trnF regions and we analysed the genetic distances among the new endemics and the more closely related species. The phylogenetic analyses showed that S. caprariae and S. montis-christi are relatively well separated from S. granulata and more related to S. corsica. This supports the taxonomic treatment previously proposed. We showed that the results of our phylogenetic analysis are in agreement with our biogeographic knowledge of the Tuscan Archipelago and the neighbouring territories and emphasize the conservation relevance of these findings.  相似文献   

The silver saxifrages (Saxifraga sect. Ligulatae Haworth; Saxifragaceae) exhibit remarkable variation of substrate specialization, with strictly calcicole to calcifuge species, as well as life histories which range from semelparity to iteroparity. They occur almost exclusively in the European mountain ranges and display high levels of endemism. Sequences from chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA were obtained to resolve phylogenetic relationships among the silver saxifrages and related taxa and to gain insight into the evolution of substrate specificity, life history, and biogeography. The resulting phylogenies suggested that (1) Saxifraga sect. Ligulatae, as traditionally defined, does not constitute a monophyletic group; (2) lime-secreting hydathodes in calcifuge species apparently represent a secondary nonaptation; (3) semelparity evolved independently two or three times in the silver saxifrages and allied sections, possibly in response to climatic changes that occured during the Pleistocene; and (4) narrow endemics, for example S. cochlearis, likely evolved from the fragmentation of the widespread S. paniculata into refugial populations that became isolated during the glacial maxima of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The B genome of Glycine subgenus Glycine comprises three diploid species whose monophyly is supported by morphological, crossing, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) data. Previous cpDNA studies indicated low levels of divergence among these taxa and failed to resolve cladistic relationships among them. More intensive studies of cpDNA variation were initiated, using additional restriction endonucleases and accessions. Results from cladistic analyses of over 50 restriction site characters indicate that there is considerable cpDNA polymorphism within this group of species, with a minimum of 27 plastome types occurring among the 74 accessions sampled. Levels of homoplasy observed in this group are relatively high (15%) for closely related congeneric species. There is only limited congruence between plastome type and taxonomic classification based on morphological characters. Explanations for this lack of concordance include: 1) the early state of taxonomic understanding in this group, 2) lack of resolution in the cpDNA tree caused by homoplasy and the small number of synapomorphic characters, 3) introgression among these interfertile, often sympatric taxa, and 4) maintenance of ancestral cpDNA polymorphisms resulting in shared plastomes among species.  相似文献   

In this study, sequence data from the inert nuclear region ITS1‐5.8S rDNA‐ITS2 and the chloroplast region trnL–F, as well as a few morphological characters, are analysed to the relationships among known annual Poa (bluegrasses). It is shown that all taxa from the Poa annua aggregate distinguished by lemma characters and growth form have identical ITS and trnL–trnF sequences, all ITS sequences of this aggregate are the same as thethose of P. supina, and all trnL–trnF sequences are homologous with those of P. infirma. Furthermore, no differences were found between unusual morphotypes of P. supina with short spinules on their panicle branches and typical plants, but Siberian samples were found to have a slightly differentiated trnL–trnF region. These results suggest a hybrid origin of the Asian annual bluegrasses. Their maternal genome is close to that of P. sect. Homalopoa, but their ITS sequences are different. Some ITS sequences from annual Asian bluegrasses are resolved among representatives of P. sect. Stenopoa while for other (morphologically closely similar) species they fall in a clade with representatives of P. sect. Malacanthae. The latter group is distant from P. sect. Ochlopoa and is better treated as a separate section, viz P. sect. Acroleucae. The American annual bluegrasses are heterogeneous and also rather distant from P. sect. Ochlopoa. Poa chapmaniana, a species with cleistogamic flowers, is nested among the basal Subantarctic sections, far away from the taxa with which it has previously been considered related. It is indeed closer to P. sect. Ochlopoa than to other annual American bluegrasses. Thus, the studied annual species in fact belong to four independent evolutionary lines (or six including the separate genus Eremopoa and the Turkish Poa jubata), one of which, Acroleucae, has gone through three reticulation events. As in previous studies, our analysis did not support the generic status of P. sect. Ochlopoa.  相似文献   

利用傅立叶红外光谱仪和OMNI采样器直接、迅速、准确地测定山茶属Camellia4组63种2变种植物叶片的红外光谱,结果表明:各分类群(种)的红外光谱具有高度特异性,其红外光谱图的变化可以作为山茶属植物属下的分类依据之一。这也暗示了利用标准红外光谱图库,可以区分和鉴定出山茶属植物的种类。经主成分分析后的红外光谱数据构建的树型聚类图与先前的形态分类结果大体一致,能将油茶组sect.Oleifera和短柱茶组sect.Paracamellia植物明显区分,并且各组中亲缘关系较近的种聚在一起。因此支持它们作为两个独立的组处理。但是,红山茶组sect.Camellia内的滇山茶亚组subsect.Lucidissima和光果红山茶亚组subsect.Reticulata植物在聚类图上很难区分,建议将这两个亚组植物进行归并。最后讨论了张宏达和闵天禄系统中存在分歧的油茶组、短柱茶组和红山茶组内的种间分类关系。  相似文献   

Cross‐sections of roots, stems, petioles and peduncles were investigated in 12 species of Viola distributed mainly in northern Iran: V. kitaibeliana, V. arvensis, V. occulta, V. tricolor (sect. Melanium), V. somchetica (sect. Plagiostigma), V. spathulata (sect. Spathulidium ined.), V. alba, V. odorata, V. sintenisii (sect. Viola subsect. Viola), V. caspia, V. reichenbachiana and V. rupestris (sect. Viola subsect. Rostratae). General anatomical features of Viola species are discussed. The following characters were found to be taxonomically informative: cross‐section shapes of the aerial stem, petiole and peduncle as well as the number of vascular bundles in the aerial stem. In taxa of sect. Melanium, stem cross‐sections are elliptic with two wings, but they are semi‐circular with two wings in taxa of sect. Viola subsect. Rostratae. Within the latter subsection, the number of vascular bundles in the stem can be used to delimit the species V. caspia, V. reichenbachiana and V. rupestris. Calcium oxalate crystals were observed in all vegetative organs of taxa belonging to sect. Viola. All examined taxa had a secondary structure with the exception of V. somchetica. Our results show that anatomical characters are useful for delimiting species, subsections, and sections within Viola.  相似文献   

Fresh leaves of 150 individuals from 15 populations representing five putative species of Stachys sect. Fragilicaulis, subsect. Fragiles distributed in the Zagros mountains in western Iran were analyzed for isoenzyme variation. Four enzyme systems (peroxidase, esterase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) have been studied and a total of 32 bands representing seven putative loci have been analyzed by UPGMA using the Euclidean distances. UPGMA analysis resulted in the recognition of three distinct clusters among the considered populations. The average value of Shannon diversity index (H′) estimated for each population ranged from 0.05 to 2.17. The mean number of bands per isoenzyme ranges from 1.60 to 2.50. The value of Euclidean distance ranges from 0.85 to 3.79. The analysis of isoenzyme variation patterns suggests recognizing following species in Stachys sect. Fragilicaulis subsect. Fragiles: Stachys benthamiana (including Stachys megalodonta), Stachys kurdica (including Stachys ballotiformis) and Stachys asterocalyx. These data also suggest paying more attention to geographical distribution of taxa in Stachys for their taxonomic delimitation. This study provides another strong support for application of electrophoretic analysis of isoenzymes in taxonomy at species level.  相似文献   

Species of Volvox sect. Volvox (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae) are unique because they have thick cytoplasmic bridges between somatic cells and spiny‐walled zygotes. This section is taxonomically important because the genus Volvox is polyphyletic. However, taxonomic studies of species in Volvox sect. Volvox have not been carried out on cultured material. Here, we performed a taxonomic study of monoecious species of Volvox sect. Volvox based on the comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of chloroplast genes and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear rDNA using various strains originating from Japan and two preserved strains from the USA. The strains were clearly divided into four species, V. globator L., V. barberi W. Shaw, V. kirkiorum sp. nov., and V. ferrisii sp. nov., on the basis of differences in numbers of zygotes (eggs) in the sexual spheroids, form of zygote wall, and somatic cell shape. Sequences for ITS of nuclear rDNA resolved that the two new species have phylogenetic positions separated from V. globator, V. barberi, V. capensis F. Rich et Pocock, and V. rousseletii G. S. West UTEX 1862 within Volvox sect. Volvox.  相似文献   

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