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The two-way and three-way interactions among active-site-blocked bovine thrombin, bovine protein C, and the elastase fragment of rabbit thrombomodulin (elTM) were examined by analytical ultracentrifugation at 23.3 degrees C in 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris (pH 7.65), and 1 mM benzamidine, in the presence of 0 to 5 mM calcium chloride. Thrombin and elTM form a tight (Kd less than 10(-8) M) 1:1 complex in the absence of Ca2+ that weakens with the addition of Ca2+ (Kd approximately 4 microM in 5 mM Ca2+). Without Ca2+, thrombin and protein C form a 1:1 complex (Kd approximately 1 microM) and what appears to be a 1:2 thrombin-protein C complex. The Kd for the 1:1 complex weakens over 100-fold in 5 mM CaCl2. Protein C and elTM form a Ca(2+)-independent 1:1 complex (Kd approximately 80 microM). Nearly identical binding to thrombin and elTM is observed when active-site-blocked activated bovine protein C is substituted for protein C. Thrombin inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and thrombin inhibited by a tripeptide chloromethyl ketone exhibited identical behavior in binding experiments, suggesting that the accessibility of protein C to the substrate recognition cleft of these two forms of thrombin is nearly equal. Human protein C binds with lower affinity than bovine protein C. Ternary mixtures also were examined. Protein C, elTM, and thrombin form a 1:1:1 complex which dissociates with increasing [Ca2+]. In the absence of Ca2+, protein C binds to the elTM-thrombin complex with an apparent Kd approximately 1 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To elucidate the binding sites for thrombin and protein C in the six epidermal growth factor (EGF) domains of human thrombomodulin, recombinant mutant proteins were expressed in COS-1 cells. Mutant protein EGF456, which contains the fourth, fifth, and sixth EGF domains from the NH2 terminus of thrombomodulin, showed complete cofactor activity in thrombin-catalyzed protein C activation, as did intact thrombomodulin or elastase-digested thrombomodulin. EGF56, containing the fifth and sixth EGF domains, did not have cofactor activity; but EGF45, containing the fourth and fifth EGF domains, had about one-tenth of the cofactor activity of EGF456. Thrombin binding to attached recombinant thrombomodulin (D123) was inhibited by EGF45 as well as by EGF56. A synthetic peptide (ECPEGYILDDGFICTDIDE), corresponding to Glu-408 to Glu-426 in the fifth EGF domain, inhibited thrombin binding to attached thrombomodulin (D123) with an apparent Ki of 95 microM. At Ca2+ concentrations of 0.25-0.3 mM, intact protein C was maximally activated by thrombin in the presence of EGF45, EGF456, or EGF1-6, which contains the first to sixth EGF domains; but such maximum cofactor activity was not observed when gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-domainless protein C was used. These findings suggest that: 1) thrombin binds to the latter half of the fifth EGF domain; and 2) protein C binds to the fourth EGF domain of thrombomodulin through Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

The association of thrombin with thrombomodulin, a non-enzymatic endothelial cell surface receptor, alters the substrate specificity of thrombin. Complex formation converts thrombin from a procoagulant to an anticoagulant enzyme. Structure-function analysis of this change in specificity is facilitated by the availability of two soluble proteolytic derivatives of thrombomodulin, one consisting of the six repeated growth factor-like domains of thrombomodulin (GF1-6) and the other containing only the fifth and sixth such domains (GF5-6). Both derivatives can bind to thrombin and block fibrinogen clotting activity, though only the larger GF1-6 can stimulate the activation of protein C. To ascertain whether the substrate specificity change from fibrinogen to protein C is accompanied by structural changes in the active site of the enzyme, fluorescent dyes were positioned at different locations within the active site. A 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl (dansyl) dye was covalently attached to the active site serine to form dansyl-thrombin, while either a fluorescein or an anilinonaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (ANS) dye was attached covalently to the active site histidine of thrombin via a D-Phe-Pro-Arg linkage. The environment of the dansyl dye was altered in a similar fashion when either GF1-6 or GF5-6 bound to thrombin, since a similar reduction in dansyl emission intensity was elicited by these two thrombomodulin derivatives (25 and 32%, respectively). These spectral changes, and all others in this study, were saturable and reached a maximum when the ratio of thrombomodulin derivative to thrombin was close to 1. The environments of the fluorescein and ANS dyes were also altered when GF1-6 bound to thrombin because binding resulted in emission intensity changes of -13% and +18%, respectively. In contrast, no fluorescence changes were observed when the fluorescein and ANS thrombin derivatives were titrated with GF5-6. Thus, the structure of the active site was altered by thrombomodulin both immediately adjacent to the active site serine and also more than 15 A away from it. However, the structural change far from Ser-195 was only elicited by thrombomodulin species that stimulate thrombin-dependent activation of protein C.  相似文献   

We have deduced the entire 575-amino acid sequence of the human thrombomodulin precursor from cDNA clones. The precursor starts with an 18-residue signal peptide domain, followed by the NH2-terminal domain, a domain with six epidermal growth factor-like structures, an O-glycosylation site-rich domain, a 24-residue transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic domain. Simian COS cells transfected with the expression vector pSV2 containing thrombomodulin cDNA synthesized immunoreactive and functionally active thrombomodulin.  相似文献   

Protein C activation is catalyzed on endothelium by a complex between thrombin and thrombomodulin. Ca2+ stimulates protein C activation in the presence, and inhibits in the absence, of thrombomodulin. Protein C has Asp residues at the P3 and P3' positions relative to the scissile bond at Arg169-Leu. To determine the contribution of these residues to the Ca2+ effect on activation, we have expressed human 4-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)-domainless protein C and 3 mutants with Asp-->Gly substitutions at P3, P3', and both positions. Ca2+ interaction with the protein C derivatives was monitored by changes in intrinsic fluorescence, and the Ca2+ dependence of activation by thrombin and a complex of thrombin-thrombomodulin with a soluble thrombomodulin derivative (the fourth through sixth epidermal growth factor domains). The affinity for Ca2+ of the mutants was reduced 3-6-fold, which was reflected by a comparable change in the Ca2+ concentration required for the half-maximal rate of activation by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. However, Ca2+ no longer effectively inhibited activation of the mutants by thrombin alone. We conclude that 1) the Asp residues play a specific role in the Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition of protein C activation by thrombin; 2) these mutations alter the affinity of Ca2+ for the high affinity binding site; and 3) the Asp residues in the P3 and P3' sites do not contribute in a positive fashion to rapid activation by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin, an endothelial thrombin receptor, acts as a cofactor for the thrombin-catalyzed activation of anticoagulant protein C. The extracellular region of human thrombomodulin consists of three tentative domains, a NH2-terminal domain (D1), a domain involving six consecutive epidermal growth factor-like structures (D2), and an O-glycosylation-rich domain (D3). To identify the domain onto which thrombin binds, a series of recombinant proteins corresponding to the entire protein, D1, D2, D1 + D2, D1 + D2 + D3, and D2 + D3 were expressed in simian COS-1 cells. The proteins were partially purified by rabbit anti-thrombomodulin-F(ab')2-agarose chromatography. Western blotting analysis showed the expression of the respective recombinant proteins. All proteins involving D2, as well as D2 alone, had cofactor activity that allowed binding directly to thrombin, but D1 did not. The cofactor activity of the entire protein but not the mutants is increased in the presence of phospholipids and this is the only protein that binds to the phospholipid layer. These results indicate that the domain involving the epidermal growth factor-like structures of thrombomodulin is essential for thrombin binding and expression of the cofactor activity for protein C activation and that none of the extracellular domains interact with phospholipids.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin (TM) is an endothelial cell surface protein that binds thrombin to form a reversible complex with altered enzyme specificity. The complex rapidly converts protein C to the anticoagulant enzyme activated protein C and has decreased fibrinogen clotting activity. To investigate whether formation of this complex elicits conformational changes in the active center of thrombin, we employed the following fluorosulfonyl spin-label inhibitors: N-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxy-3-pyrrolidinyl)-m-(fluorosulfonyl)benzamide (m-V); O-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxy-4-piperidinyl) N-[m-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl]carbamate (m-VI); N-[4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl]-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxy-3-pyrroline -3-carboxamide (p-I); N-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxy-3-pyrrolidinyl)-p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzamide (p-V). To compare the spectra of the free thrombin with those of the complex, the viscosity of the solution was adjusted with sucrose to give similar tumbling rates (isokylindric spectra) or the macromolecular rotational contribution to the spectra was essentially eliminated with saturated sucrose. Both a buffer-soluble proteolytic derivative of TM and the intact molecule elicited changes in the electron spin resonance signals of many of the labeled thrombins employed. Two of the labels, p-I and p-V, had previously been shown to exhibit decreased mobility when indole derivatives were bound to thrombin. When TM complexes with thrombin, the mobility of the p-I label increases while the mobility of the p-V label decreases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The functional epitope of thrombin recognizing thrombomodulin was mapped using Ala-scanning mutagenesis of 54 residues located around the active site, the Na(+) binding loop, the 186-loop, the autolysis loop, exosite I, and exosite II. The epitope for thrombomodulin binding is shaped as a hot spot in exosite I, centered around the buried ion quartet formed by Arg(67), Lys(70), Glu(77), and Glu(80), and capped by the hydrophobic residues Tyr(76) and Ile(82). The hot spot is a much smaller subset of the structural epitope for thrombomodulin binding recently documented by x-ray crystallography. Interestingly, the contribution of each residue of the epitope to the binding free energy shows no correlation with the change in its accessible surface area upon formation of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. Furthermore, residues of the epitope are strongly coupled in the recognition of thrombomodulin, as seen for the interaction of human growth hormone and insulin with their receptors. Finally, the Ala substitution of two negatively charged residues in exosite II, Asp(100) and Asp(178), is found unexpectedly to significantly increase thrombomodulin binding.  相似文献   

Acidic and non-acidic forms of rabbit thrombomodulin were studied with regard to their effects on the inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin in the presence of exogenous heparin. The non acidic form was obtained by proteolytic cleavage of a polyanionic component (presumably a sulfated polysaccharide) from the parent acidic form of thrombomodulin, and purified by ion-exchange chromatography. It was previously found that the acidic form of thrombomodulin increases the rate of thrombin inactivation by antithrombin. The present study showed that thrombin bound to acidic thrombomodulin was inactivated at a lower rate by antithrombin in the presence of exogenous heparin than was free thrombin or thrombin bound to the non-acidic form of thrombomodulin. The data suggest that the acidic component of thrombomodulin is primarily responsible for the retardation of thrombin-antithrombin complex formation in the presence of exogenous heparin. It is proposed that the polyanionic component of thrombomodulin blocks a site on thrombin required for heparin binding, thus rendering the antithrombin-heparin complex ineffective.  相似文献   

Fibronectin exists in a compact or extended conformation, depending upon environmental pH and salt concentration. Using recombinant fragments expressed in bacteria and baculovirus, we determined the domains responsible for producing fibronectin's compact conformation. Our velocity and equilibrium sedimentation data show that FN2-14 (a protein containing FN-III domains 2 through 14) forms dimers in low salt. Experiments with smaller fragments indicates that the compact conformation is produced by binding of FN12-14 of one subunit to FN2-3 of the other subunit in the dimer. The binding is weakened at higher salt concentrations, implying an electrostatic interaction. Furthermore, segment FN7-14+A, which contains the alternatively spliced A domain between FN11 and 12, forms dimers, whereas FN7-14 without A does not. Segment FN12-14+A also forms dimers, but the isolated A domain does not. These data imply an association of domain A with FN12-14, and the presence of A may favor an open conformation by competing with FN2-3 for binding to FN12-14.  相似文献   

The generation of multiprotein complexes at receptors and adapter proteins is crucial for the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. In this study, we used multiple biochemical and biophysical methods to examine the binding properties of several SH2 and SH3 domain-containing signaling proteins as they interact with the adapter protein linker for activation of T-cells (LAT) to form multiprotein complexes. We observed that the binding specificity of these proteins for various LAT tyrosines appears to be constrained both by the affinity of binding and by cooperative protein-protein interactions. These studies provide quantitative information on how different binding parameters can determine in vivo binding site specificity observed for multiprotein signaling complexes.  相似文献   

Previous crystal structures of thrombin indicate that the 60-insertion loop is a rigid moiety that partially occludes the active site, suggesting that this structural feature plays a decisive role in restricting thrombin's specificity. This restricted specificity is typified by the experimental observation that thrombin is not inhibited by micromolar concentrations of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). Surprisingly, a single atom mutation in thrombin (E192Q) results in a 10(-8) M affinity for BPTI. The crystal structure of human thrombin mutant E192Q has been solved in complex with BPTI at 2.3 A resolution. Binding of the Kunitz inhibitor is accompanied by gross structural rearrangements in thrombin. In particular, thrombin's 60-loop is found in a significantly different conformation. Concomitant reorganization of other surface loops that surround the active site, i.e. the 37-loop, the 148-loop and the 99-loop, is observed. Thrombin can therefore undergo major structural reorganization upon strong ligand binding. Implications for the interaction of thrombin with antithrombin and thrombomodulin are discussed.  相似文献   

The Frizzled (Fz) protein in Drosophila is a bifunctional receptor that acts through a GTPase pathway in planar polarity signaling and as a receptor for Wingless (Wg) using the canonical Wnt pathway. We found that the ligand-binding domain (CRD) of Fz has an approximately 10-fold lower affinity for Wg than the CRD of DFz2, a Wg receptor without polarity activity. When the Fz CRD is replaced by the high-affinity CRD of DFz2, the resulting chimeric protein gains Wg signaling activity, yet also retains polarity signaling activity. In contrast, the reciprocal exchange of the Fz CRD onto DFz2 is not sufficient to confer polarity activity to DFz2. This suggests that Fz has an intrinsic capacity for polarity signaling and that high-affinity interaction with Wg couples it to the Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Hartman HL  Hicks KA  Fierke CA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(46):15314-15324
Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) and protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I (GGTase I) catalyze the attachment of lipid groups from farnesyl diphosphate and geranylgeranyl diphosphate, respectively, to a cysteine near the C-terminus of protein substrates. FTase and GGTase I modify several important signaling and regulatory proteins with C-terminal CaaX sequences ("C" refers to the cysteine residue that becomes prenylated, "a" refers to any aliphatic amino acid, and "X" refers to any amino acid). In the CaaX paradigm, the C-terminal X-residue of the protein/peptide confers specificity for FTase or GGTase I. However, some proteins, such as K-Ras, RhoB, and TC21, are substrates for both FTase and GGTase I. Here we demonstrate that the C-terminal amino acid affects the binding affinity of K-Ras4B-derived hexapeptides (TKCVIX) to FTase and GGTase I modestly. In contrast, reactivity, as indicated by transient and steady-state kinetics, varies significantly and correlates with hydrophobicity, volume, and structure of the C-terminal amino acid. The reactivity of FTase decreases as the hydrophobicity of the C-terminal amino acid increases whereas the reactivity of GGTase I increases with the hydrophobicity of the X-group. Therefore, the hydrophobicity, as well as the structure of the X-group, determines whether peptides are specific for farnesylation, geranylgeranylation, or dual prenylation.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction studies of human thrombin revealed that compared with trypsin, two insertions (B and C) potentially limit access to the active site groove. When amino acids Glu146, Thr147, and Trp148, adjacent to the C-insertion (autolysis loop), are deleted the resulting thrombin (des-ETW) has dramatically altered interaction with serine protease inhibitors. Whereas des-ETW resists antithrombin III inactivation with a rate constant (Kon) approximately 350-fold slower than for thrombin, des-ETW is remarkably sensitive to the Kunitz inhibitors, with inhibition constants (Ki) decreased from 2.6 microM to 34 nM for the soybean trypsin inhibitor and from 52 microM to 1.8 microM for the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The affinity for hirudin (Ki = 5.6 pM) is weakened at least 30-fold compared with recombinant thrombin. The mutation affects the charge stabilizing system and the primary binding pocket of thrombin as depicted by a decrease in Kon for diisopropylfluorophosphate (9.5-fold) and for N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine-chloromethyl ketone (51-fold) and a 39-fold increase in the Ki for benzamidine. With peptidyl p-nitroanilide substrates, the des-ETW deletion results in changes in the Michaelis (Km) and/or catalytic (kcat) constants, worsened as much as 85-fold (Km) or 100-fold (kcat). The specific clotting activity of des-ETW is less than 5% that of thrombin and the kcat/Km for protein C activation in the absence of cofactor less than 2%. Thrombomodulin binds to des-ETW with a dissociation constant of approximately 2.5 nM and partially restores its ability to activate protein C since, in the presence of the cofactor, kcat/Km rises to 6.5% that of thrombin. This study suggests that the ETW motif of thrombin prevents (directly or indirectly) its interaction with the two Kunitz inhibitors and is not essential for the thrombomodulin-mediated enhancement of protein C activation.  相似文献   

The endothelial cell surface provides a receptor for thrombin-designated thrombomodulin (TM) which regulates thrombin formation and the activity of the enzyme at the vessel wall surface by serving as a potent cofactor for the activation of protein C by thrombin. Heparin-like structures of the vessel wall have been proposed as another regulatory mechanism catalyzing the inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III. In the present study, the interaction of antithrombin III with the thrombin-TM complex and its interference with heparin and polycations were investigated by using human components and TM isolated from the microvasculature of rabbit lung. Purified TM bound thrombin and acted as a cofactor for protein C activation. The addition of heparin (0.5 unit/mL) to the reaction mixture interfered neither with the binding of thrombin to TM nor with the activation of protein C. However, the polycations protamine (1 unit/mL) as well as polybrene (0.1 mg/mL) affected the thrombin-TM interaction. This was documented by an increase in the Michaelis constant from 8.3 microM for thrombin alone to 19.5 microM for thrombin-TM with the chromogenic substrate compound S-2238 in the presence of 1 unit/mL protamine. When the inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III was determined, the second-order rate constant k2 = 8.4 X 10(3) M-1 s-1 increased about 8-fold in the presence of TM, implying an accelerative function of TM in this reaction. Although purified TM did not bind to antithrombin III-Sepharose, suggesting the absence of heparin-like structures within the receptor molecule, protamine reversed the accelerative effect of TM in the inhibition reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pH dependence of association constants of the lectin-sugar complexes was determined by means of affinity electrophoresis. All the lectins studied (from the seeds of Dolichos biflorus, Glycine soja, Lens esculenta and Vicia cracca and of the fruiting body of Marasmius oreades) were characterized by a similar course of pH dependence of the association constants, with the maximum values at pH 7--9. For concanavalin A and the L-fucose binding Ulex europaeus lectin only the association constants at three selected pH values were determined. Concanavalin A does not interact with immobilized alpha-D-mannosyl residues at pH 2.3. The association constants vs. pH curves measured for lectins isolated from two different lentil varieties slightly differ in accordance with the differences observed in the interaction of these lectins with the Sephadex gel.  相似文献   

We have examined the properties of several human protein C (HPC) derivatives with substitutions for acidic residues near the thrombin cleavage site, including changing the P3' Asp to Asn (D172N), Gly (D172G), Ala (D172A), or Lys (D172K). The rate of thrombin-catalyzed activation of D172N, D172G, and D172A was increased 4-9-fold compared to wild-type HPC, primarily due to a reduction in the inhibitory effect of calcium and a resulting increase in affinity for free alpha-thrombin. There was no significant increase in activation rate or affinity with these 3 derivatives in the absence of calcium, confirming that P3' Asp affects calcium dependency in the native protein C molecule. With charge reversal at P3' (D172K), there was a 30-fold increase in activation rate in the presence of calcium, but unlike the other derivatives, there was a substantial effect (5-fold) on the activation rate and affinity for free alpha-thrombin in the absence of calcium. Thus, protein C affinity for thrombin appears to be influenced by a combination of calcium-dependent and -independent effects of the acidic P3' residue.  相似文献   

To probe the active site structure of protein kinase C stereochemical studies were carried out by using ATP beta S. The enzyme utilizes either one of the diastereomers (SP and RP) of ATP beta S almost equally well as a substrate. This result contrasts with that for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, suggesting that the topography of the nucleotide-binding site is significantly different between the two kinases.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of association constants of the lectin-sugar complexes was determined by means of affinity electrophoresis. All the lectins studied (from the seeds of Dolichos biflorus, Glycine soja, Lens esculenta and Vicia cracca and of the fruiting body of Marasmius oreades) were characterized by a similar course of pH dependence of the association constants, with the maximum values at pH 7–9. For concanavalin A and the l-fucose binding Ulex europaeus lectin only the association constants at three selected pH values were determined. Concanavalin A does not interact with immobilized α-d-mannosyl residues at pH 2.3. The association constants vs. pH curves measured for lectins isolated from two different varieties slightly differ in accordance with the differences observed in the interaction of these lectins with the Sephadex gel.  相似文献   

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