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The enzymatically active enantiomer of 3-methylitaconate in Clostridium barkeri has (R)-configuration. This was checked by fermentation of the racemate and reisolation of the (S)-enantiomer. In addition (R)-3-methylitaconate was synthesized by enzymatic isomerisation of 2,3-dimethylmaleate which was protonated at the Si-face. 2-Methylene[2-2H1]glutarate was synthesized via (R)-3-methyl[3-2H1]itaconate by brief incubation of 2,3-dimethylmaleate with a cell-free extract of Clostridium barkeri in 2H2O. The predominantly monodeuterated compound was oxidized to (S)-[2-2H1]succinate as analysed by circular dichroism. The results demonstrate that 2-methyleneglutarate mutase catalyses the reversible migration of an acryloyl residue from the alpha-carbon to the beta-carbon of propionate with inversion of configuration at the alpha-carbon.  相似文献   

We have calculated hydrogen kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) for the first step of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase reaction, including multidimensional tunneling correction at the zero curvature (ZCT) level, and compared them with the experimental values. Both alternative mechanisms of this step, concerted and stepwise, can be accommodated. It turned out to be essential to include Arg207 hydrogen-bonded to the reactant in the mechanism predicting simultaneous breaking of the Co-C bond of AdoCbl and hydrogen atom transfer. The consequence of the stepwise mechanism is a much larger facilitation of the homolytic dissociation of the carbon-cobalt bond by the enzyme than currently appreciated; our results suggest lowering of the activation energy by about 23 kcal mol(-1). We have also shown that large hydrogen KIEs of tunneling origin do not necessarily break the Swain-Schaad equation. Furthermore, when this equation does not hold, the exponent may be smaller in the presence of tunneling than it is at the semi-classical limit, indicating that nonclassical behavior may be a more common phenomenon than expected.  相似文献   

1. Ethylmalonyl-CoA was found to be a substrate for methylmalonyl-CoA mutase from Propionibacterium shermanii, the product being mainly (2R)-methylsuccinyl-CoA along with some (2S)-diastereoisomer. 2. The relevant 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance signals of methylsuccinic acid and of its dimethyl ester were assigned to the diastereotopic methylene hydrogens using sterospecifically dideuterated specimens of known configuration. 3. [2(-2)H1]Ethylmalonyl-CoA was converted by methylmalonyl-CoA mutase in 2H2O mainly to (2R, 3S)-[3(-2)H1]methylsuccinyl-CoA. No dideuterated product was observed. 4. Starting from (1R)-[1(-2)H1]-ethathanol, (1S)-[1(-2)H1]ethanol and [2H6] ethanol the following deuterated specimens of ethylmalonic acid were synthesised and characterised: (3S)-[3(-2)H1], (3R)-[3(-2)H1] and [3(-2)H2, 4(-2)H3], respectively. 5. Conversion of (3S)-[3(-2)H1]-ethylmalonyl-CoA (70% 2H1 and 2% 2H2 species) on the mutase in water afforded mainly (2R)-[2(-2)H1]methylsuccinyl-CoA along with some (2S)-diastereoisomer. No deuterium loss was observed. 6. Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase converted (3R)-[3(-2)H1]ethylmalonyl-CoA (81% 2H1 and 2% 2H2 species) to the following methylsuccinyl-CoA species: 33% [3(-2)H1], the deuterium being in the threo position with respect to the methyl group; 21% [2(-2)H1]; 46% unlabelled. The ratio of the species with (2R) and (2S) configuration was about 60:40. 7. Reaction of [3(-2)H2, 4(-2)H3]ethylmalonyl-CoA (94.5% [2H5] species) with the mutase gave the following labelled methylsuccinyl-CoA species:53.4% [methyl-2H3, 2(-2)H1, 3(-2)H1], the 3-deuterium being in the threo position with respect to the methyl group; 37.6% [methyl-2H3, 2(-2)H1]; 5% [methyl(-2)H3, 2(-2)H1, 2(-2)H1, 3(-2)H1] the 3-deuterium being in erythro position with respect to the methyl group; 4% [methyl(-2)H3, 3(-2)H1]. The ratio of the species with (2R) and (2S) configuration was about 70:30. 8. Implications of these findings for the mechanism of the rearrangements catalysed by coenzyme B12 are discussed.  相似文献   

F Mancia  G A Smith  P R Evans 《Biochemistry》1999,38(25):7999-8005
X-ray crystal structures of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase in complexes with substrate methylmalonyl-CoA and inhibitors 2-carboxypropyl-CoA and 3-carboxypropyl-CoA (substrate and product analogues) show that the enzyme-substrate interactions change little during the course of the rearrangement reaction, in contrast to the large conformational change on substrate binding. The substrate complex shows a 5'-deoxyadenine molecule in the active site, bound weakly and not attached to the cobalt atom of coenzyme B12, rotated and shifted from its position in the substrate-free adenosylcobalamin complex. The position of Tyralpha89 close to the substrate explains the stereochemical selectivity of the enzyme for (2R)-methylmalonyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Primary structure and activity of mouse methylmalonyl-CoA mutase.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) is an adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzyme that catalyses isomerization between methylmalonyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA (3-carboxypropionyl-CoA). Genetic deficiency of this enzyme in man causes an often fatal disorder of organic acid metabolism termed mut methylmalonicacidaemia. We report cloning of a mouse MCM cDNA and the characterization of its primary structure and biological function. Mouse MCM in fibroblasts and crude liver extracts exhibits activity and reaction kinetics similar to those of the human enzyme. The predicted amino acid sequence of mouse MCM exhibits 94% identity with its human homologue and considerable identity with a prokaryotic MCM. Transfection of the mouse cDNA into cultured cells constitutes an active apoenzyme and can complement genetic deficiency of the apoenzyme in cells from patients with mut methylmalonicacidaemia. These results establish that mouse MCM is homologous to human MCM in structure and function and provides a basis for using the mouse as a model for studying this enzyme and its deficiency state.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of the chorismate mutase reaction.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H G?risch 《Biochemistry》1978,17(18):3700-3705

A novel procedure for the purification of methylmalonyl-CA mutase from Propionibacterium shermanii has been described which employs affinity chromatography on a column of immobilized vitamin B-12 linked covalently to Sepharose. The method has the advantage of being simple and rapid, thus enabling the purification of the enzyme to near homogeneity with good yields.  相似文献   

Structure of the human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT) locus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Thomä NH  Evans PR  Leadlay PF 《Biochemistry》2000,39(31):9213-9221
Adenosylcobalamin-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase catalyzes the interconversion of methylmalonyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA via radical intermediates generated by substrate-induced homolysis of the coenzyme carbon-cobalt bond. From the structure of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase it is evident that the deeply buried active site is completely shielded from solvent with only a few polar contacts made between the protein and the substrate. Site-directed mutants of amino acid His244, a residue close to the inferred site of radical chemistry, were engineered to investigate its role in catalysis. Two mutants, His244Ala and His244Gln, were characterized using kinetic and spectroscopic techniques. These results confirmed that His244 is not an essential residue. However, compared with that of the wild type, k(cat) was lowered by 10(2)- and 10(3)-fold for the His244Gln and His244Ala mutants, respectively, while the K(m) for succinyl-CoA was essentially unchanged in both cases. The primary kinetic tritium isotope effect (k(H)/k(T)) for the His244Gln mutant was 1.5 +/- 0.3, and tritium partitioning was now found to be dependent on the substrate used to initiate the reaction, indicating that the rearrangement of the substrate radical to the product radical was extremely slow. The His244Ala mutant underwent inactivation under aerobic conditions at a rate between 1 and 10% of the initial rate of turnover. The crystal structure of the His244Ala mutant, determined at 2.6 A resolution, indicated that the mutant enzyme is unaltered except for a cavity in the active site which is occupied by an ordered water molecule. Molecular oxygen reaching this cavity may lead directly to inactivation. These results indicate that His244 assists directly in the unusual carbon skeleton rearrangement and that alterations in this residue substantially lower the protection of reactive radical intermediates during catalysis.  相似文献   

The structural genes coding for both subunits of adenosylcobalamin-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase from the Gram-positive bacterium Propionibacterium shermanii have been cloned, with the use of synthetic oligonucleotides as primary hybridization probes. The genes are closely linked and are transcribed in the same direction. Nucleotide sequence analysis of 4.5 kb of DNA encompassing both genes allowed us to infer the complete amino acid sequence of the two subunits: the beta-subunit is the product of the upstream gene, and consists of 638 amino acid residues (Mr 69465) and the alpha-subunit consists of 728 amino acid residues (Mr 80,147). There is a very close structural homology between the two subunits, reflecting the probable duplication of a common ancestral gene. A sequence present only in the alpha-subunit is significantly homologous to a portion of the sequence of the methylmalonyl-CoA-binding subunit of transcarboxylase from P. shermanii [Samols, Thornton, Murtif, Kumar, Haase & Wood (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 6461-6464], and this homologous region may form part of the CoA ester-binding site in both enzymes.  相似文献   

Significant accumulation of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase apoenzyme was observed in the photosynthetic flagellate Euglena gracilis Z at the end of the logarithmic growth phase. The apoenzyme was converted to a holoenzyme by incubation for 4 h at 4°C with 10 μM 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, and then, the holoenzyme was purified to homogeneity and characterized. The apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was calculated to be 149.0 kDa ± 5.0 kDa using Superdex 200 gel filtration. SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme yielded a single protein band with an apparent molecular mass of 75.0 kDa ± 3.0 kDa, indicating that the Euglena enzyme is composed of two identical subunits. The purified enzyme contained one mole of prosthetic 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin per mole of the enzyme subunit. Moreover, we cloned the full-length cDNA of the Euglena enzyme. The cDNA clone contained an open reading frame encoding a protein of 717 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 78.3 kDa, preceded by a putative mitochondrial targeting signal consisting of nine amino acid residues. Furthermore, we studied some properties and physiological function of the Euglena enzyme.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to clone a full-length human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase cDNA from a human liver library by priming with sequences from the 5' end of a partial cDNA and sequences in the phage vector. The amino acid sequence predicted from the cDNA corresponds to the authentic amino acid sequences of peptide fragment from purified methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. The open reading frame of the cDNA encodes 742 amino acids (82,283 Da) comprising a 32 amino acid mitochondrial leader sequence and a mature protein of 710 amino acids (78,489 Da). The use of the polymerase chain reaction to "screen" the cDNA library represents a novel application of this technique. The full length will enable analysis of mutations underlying inherited methylmalonic acidemias caused by deficiency of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase apoenzyme.  相似文献   

Padovani D  Banerjee R 《Biochemistry》2006,45(30):9300-9306
MeaB is a recently described P-loop GTPase that plays an auxiliary role in the reaction catalyzed by the radical B12 enzyme, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. Defects in the human homologue of MeaB result in methylmalonic aciduria, but the role of this protein in coenzyme B12 assimilation and/or utilization is not known. Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase catalyzes the isomerization of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA that uses reactive radical intermediates that are susceptible to oxidative inactivation. In this study, we have examined the influence of MeaB on the kinetics of the reaction catalyzed by methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and on the thermodynamics of cofactor binding. MeaB alone has a modest effect on the affinity of the mutase for the 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl) cofactor, increasing it 2-fold from 404 +/- 71 to 210 +/- 22 nM. However, in the presence of GDP, the affinity for the cofactor decreases 5-fold to 1.89 +/- 0.33 microM, while in the presence of guanosine 5'(beta-gamma imino)triphosphate, a nonhydrolyzable analogue of GTP, the binding of AdoCbl to the mutase is not detected. Protection against oxidative inactivation of the mutase by MeaB is dependent upon the presence of nucleotides with the MeaB/GDP and MeaB/GTP complexes decelerating the rate of formation of oxidized cofactor by 3- and 15-fold, respectively. This study suggests that MeaB functions in the GTP-dependent assembly of holomethylmalonyl-CoA mutase and subsequent protection of radical intermediates during catalysis.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of OH. scavenger action.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Adenosylcobalamin or coenzyme B(12)-dependent enzymes are members of the still relatively small group of radical enzymes and catalyse 1,2-rearrangement reactions. A member of this family is methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, which catalyses the isomerization of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA and, unlike the others, is present in both bacteria and animals. Enzymes that catalyse some of the most chemically challenging reactions are the ones that tend to deploy radical chemistry. The use of radical intermediates in an active site lined with amino acid side chains that threaten to extinguish the reaction by presenting alternative groups for abstraction poses the conundrum of how the enzymes control their reactivity. In this review, insights into this issue that have emerged from kinetic, mutagenesis and structural studies are described for methylmalonyl-CoA mutase.  相似文献   

Veillonella alcalescens during lactate degradation developed an Na+ concentration gradient with 7-8 times higher external than internal Na+ concentrations in the logarithmic growth phase. The gradient declined to a factor of 1.9 in the late stationary phase. Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase reconstituted into proteoliposomes performed an active electrogenic Na+ transport, creating delta psi of 60 mV, delta pNa+ of 50 mV, and delta mu Na+ of 110 mV. In the initial phase of the transport, the decarboxylase catalyzed the uptake of 2 Na+ ions malonyl-CoA molecule decarboxylated. During further development of the electrochemical Na+ gradient, this ratio gradually declined to zero, when decarboxylation continued without further increase of the internal Na+ concentration. The rate of malonyl-CoA decarboxylation declined initially during development of the membrane potential, but remained unchanged later on. Monensin abolished the Na+ gradient and increased the malonyl-CoA decarboxylation rate 2.8-fold. On dissipating the membrane potential with valinomycin, the internal Na+ concentration reached three times higher values than in its absence, and the decarboxylation rate increased 2.8-fold. Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase catalyzed an exchange of internal and external Na+ ions in addition to net Na+ accumulation. The initial rate of Na+ influx was double that of malonyl-CoA decarboxylation. In the following, both rates decreased about twofold in parallel to values which remained constant during further development of the electrochemical Na+ gradient. Thus, Na+ influx and malonyl-CoA decarboxylation follow a stoichiometry of approximately 2:1, independent of the magnitude of the electrochemical Na+ gradient and are thus highly coupled events.  相似文献   

Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is an adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the rearrangement of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. The crystal structure of this protein revealed that binding of the cofactor is accompanied by a significant conformational change in which dimethylbenzimidazole, the lower axial ligand to the cobalt in solution, is replaced by His-610 donated by the active site. The contribution of the lower axial base to the approximately 10(12)-fold rate acceleration of the homolytic cleavage of the upper axial cobalt-carbon bond has been the subject of intense scrutiny in the model inorganic literature. In contrast, trans ligand effects in methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and indeed the significance of the ligand replacement are poorly understood. In this study, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to create the H610A and H610N variants of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and report that both mutations exhibit both diminished activity (5,000- and 40,000-fold, respectively) and profoundly weakened affinity for the native cofactor, AdoCbl. In contrast, binding of the truncated cofactor analog, adenosylcobinamide, lacking the nucleotide tail, is less impaired. The catalytic failure of the His-610 mutants is in marked contrast to the phenotype of the adenosylcobinamide-GDP reconstituted wild type enzyme that exhibits only a 4-fold decrease in activity, although His-610 fails to coordinate when this cofactor analog is bound. Together, these studies suggest that His-610 may: (i) play a structural role in organizing a high affinity cofactor binding site possibly via electrostatic interactions with Asp-608 and Lys-604, as suggested by the crystal structure and (ii) play a role in catalyzing the displacement of dimethylbenzimidazole thereby facilitating the conformational change that must precede cofactor docking to the mutase active site.  相似文献   

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