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TheHLA haplotypeB18-DR3 has a widespread geographical distribution, but has its greatest frequencies in Southern Europe, probably vestigial of the earliest populations of this region, particularly in the Pays Basque and Sardinia. This haplotype is of medical significance, being that most implicated as a factor of risk in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In this study, the closely linked microsatellite markers (TNFa,b,c) in the region of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) genes have been used in an attempt to subtype this haplotype in the two populations and/or in healthy and diabetic populations. A total of 79HLA-B18-DR3 haplotypes were analyzed: 54 in Basques (12 from healthy individuals and 42 from diabetics or their first-degree relatives) and 25 in Sardinians (13 from healthy and 12 from diabetic individuals). TheTNF haplotypea1-b5-c2 is completely associated withB18-DR3 in both populations. The homogeneity of theB18-DR3 haplotype in two ethnically pure populations implies stability in evolution, which suggests that the mutation rate of these microsatellite markers must be less than is usually assumed (i.e., ∼ 5×10−4 per site per generation). Such markers should be powerful tools for studying genetic drift and admixture of populations, but it remains to be established whether this stability is a rule for all microsatellites inHLA haplotypes or whether it is restricted to some microsatellites and/or someHLA haplotypes. The population genetics of those microsatellites associated withHLA B18-DR3 was also studied in a random sample of the Basque population.  相似文献   

Basques are a cultural isolate, and, according to mainly allele frequencies of classical polymorphisms, also a genetic isolate. We investigated the differentiation of Spanish Basques from the rest of Iberian populations by means of a dense, genome-wide SNP array. We found that F ST distances between Spanish Basques and other populations were similar to those between pairs of non-Basque populations. The same result is found in a PCA of individuals, showing a general distinction between Iberians and other South Europeans independently of being Basques. Pathogen-mediated natural selection may be responsible for the high differentiation previously reported for Basques at very specific genes such as ABO, RH, and HLA. Thus, Basques cannot be considered a genetic outlier under a general genome scope and interpretations on their origin may have to be revised.  相似文献   

Basques, Portuguese, Spaniards, and Algerians have been studied for HLA and mitochondrial DNA markers, and the data analysis suggests that pre-Neolithic gene flow into Iberia came from ancient white North Africans (Hamites). The Basque language has also been used to translate the Iberian-Tartesian language and also Etruscan and Minoan Linear A. Physical anthropometry of Iberian Mesolithic and Neolithic skeletons does not support the demic replacement in Iberia of preexisting Mesolithic people by Neolithic people bearing new farming technologies from Europe and the Middle East. Also, the presence of cardial impressed pottery in western Mediterranean Europe and across the Maghreb (North Africa) coasts at the beginning of the Neolithic provides good evidence of pre-Neolithic circum-Mediterranean contacts by sea. In addition, pre-dynastic Egyptian El-Badari culture (4,500 years ago) is similar to southern Iberian Neolithic settlements with regard to pottery and animal domestication. Taking the genetic, linguistic, anthropological, and archeological evidence together with the documented Saharan area desiccation starting about 10,000 years ago, we believe that it is possible that a genetic and cultural pre-Neolithic flow coming from southern Mediterranean coasts existed toward northern Mediterranean areas, including at least Iberia and some Mediterranean islands. This model would substitute for the demic diffusion model put forward to explain Neolithic innovations in Western Europe.  相似文献   

 A systematic haplotype and sequencing analysis of the HLA-DR and -DQ region in patients with narcolepsy was performed. Five new (CA)n microsatellite markers were generated and positioned on the physical map across the HLA-DQB1-DQA1-DRB1 interval. Haplotypes for these new markers and the three HLA loci were established using somatic cell hybrids generated from patients. A four-marker haplotype surrounding the DQB1 * 0602 gene was found in all narcolepsy patients, and was identical to haplotypes observed on random chromosomes harboring the DQB1 * 0602 allele. Eighty-six kilobases of contiguous genomic sequence across the region did not reveal new genes, and analysis of this sequence for single nucleotide polymorphisms did not reveal sequence variation among DQB1 * 0602 chromosomes. These results are consistent with other studies, suggesting that the HLA-DQ genes themselves are among the predisposing factors in narcolepsy. Received: 18 March 1997 / Revised: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the fourth component of human complement (C4) was investigated in 83 Japanese families which have been typed for HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR, C2, and BF. Four common C4A alleles and four common C4B alleles were observed. The allele frequencies estimated from unrelated parents were as follows: C4A3, 0.686; A4, 0.132; A2, 0.106; AQ0, 0.067; ARares, 0.009; C4B1, 0.587; B2, 0.167; B5, 0.088; and BQ0, 0.158. Eight different C4 haplotypes were observed with frequencies of more than 0.01. The estimated haplotype frequencies were as follows: C4A3-B1, 0.513; A4-B2, 0.114; A2-BQ0, 0.106; A3-B5, 0.088; AQ0-B1, 0.059; A3-BQ0, 0.047; A3-B2,0.038; A4-B1, 0.015; and Rares, 0.021. Strong positive gametic associations were found in the following C4-HLA haplotypes: C4A2BQ0-A24, C4A2BQ0-Bw52, C4A3B5-Bw54, C4A3B5-Bw59, C4A4B2-Bw46, C4A3B5-Cw1, C4A2BQ0-DR2, and C4A3B5-DR4. Eleven complotypes were observed with frequencies of more than 0.01. C4A2BQ0 and C4A3B5 were exclusively associated with BFS-C2C. BFF was associated with C4A3B1, C2AT, C2B, and C2BH were associated with C4A3B1, A4B2, and C4A3B1, respectively. Eight different HLA-complement haplotypes were found to be characteristic of Japanese. These combinations are considerably different from those reported in Caucasoid populations.  相似文献   

Polymorphic insertion frequencies of the retrotransposons known as the “SVA” elements were investigated at four loci in the MHC class I genomic region to determine their allele and haplotype frequencies and associations with the HLA-A, -B or -C genes for 100 Japanese, 100 African Americans, 174 Australian Caucasians and 66 reference cell lines obtained from different ethnic groups. The SVA insertions representing different subfamily members varied in frequency between none for SVA-HF in Japanese and 65% for SVA-HB in Caucasians or African Americans with significant differences in frequencies between the three populations at least at three loci. The SVA loci were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium except for the SVA-HA locus which deviated significantly in African Americans and Caucasians possibly because of a genomic deletion of this locus in individuals with the HLA-A*24 allele. Strong linkage disequilibria and high percentage associations between the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I gene alleles and some of the SVA insertions were detected in all three populations in spite of significant frequency differences for the SVA and HLA class I alleles between the three populations. The highest percentage associations (>86%) were between SVA-HB and HLA-B*08, -B*27, -B*37 to -B*41, -B*52 and -B*53; SVA-HC and HLA-B*07; SVA-HA and HLA-A*03, -A*11 and -A*30; and SVA-HF and HLA-A*03 and HLA-B*47. From pairwise associations in the three populations and the homozygous cell line results, it was possible to deduce the SVA and HLA class I allelic combinations (haplotypes), population differences and the identity by descent of several common HLA-A allelic lineages.  相似文献   

Conquest of Granada Muslim Kingdom (1492 AD) finished with Muslim occupation; they were mostly North African Berbers who had reached Iberia by 711 AD. A politics of Iberian Christianization followed after this date: Jewish were expelled in 1492 and Moriscos (Spaniards practicing Muslim religion or speaking Arab) were expelled from all Spanish territory on 1609 AD. Las Alpujarras is a southern Spain mountainous secluded region, which underwent a repopulation from North Spain and a specific Muslim (Moriscos)–Christian war took place according to historical records. Both Las Alpujarras repopulation by northern Iberians and Moriscos expulsion success have been debated and are regarded as non-clarified episodes. In this study, we have addressed the question whether the repopulation succeeded by determining HLA genes of present day Las Alpujarras inhabitants and compared with those of other Mediterranean populations HLA frequencies and genealogies. HLA frequencies show ambiguous results because of extant HLA similar gene frequencies there exist in North Africa and Spain. This is reflected by the finding of North and South western Mediterraneans close relatedness of HLA dendrograms and correspondence analyses. However, the genealogical study of extended HLA haplotypes particularly Alpujarran high frequency of HLA-A29-B44-DRB1*0701-DQA1*02-DQB1*02 (not found in Algerians but frequent in North and Central Spain) and Alpujarran low frequency extended haplotype HLA-A3-B7-DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 (frequent in North Europe) reveals that a significant HLA gene flow from North Spain is observed in present day Alpujarrans: both haplotypes are characteristic of North Spain and North Europe, respectively. This may indicate that enforced Alpujarran repopulation from North Spain may have been a success, which was started by Spanish King Philip II in 1571 AD.  相似文献   

One Y-specific DNA polymorphism (p49/TaqI) was studied in a sample of 97 French Basques and compared with those found in 7 other French, Iberian, and Italian populations. A particularly high frequency (72.2%) of Y-haplotype XV was observed in Basques, compared to values (mean of 41%) obtained in other Western Europeans. Basques were also characterized by virtual absence, or presence at a low level, of the South or Near Eastern haplotypes XII, VII, and VIII. Considered together, these results confirm that Basques are a very ancient European population which has had little previous contact with the Neolithics.  相似文献   

 A Celtic origin for hemochromatosis, a common genetic iron metabolism disorder, has been postulated for a long time. To check whether the two mutations recently identified in the HLA-class I candidate gene for this disease were found only in Caucasians, we examined their frequencies in individuals originating from Algeria, Ethiopia, and Senegal. The presumably disease-causing mutation, responsible for the Cys282Tyr substitution, was not found in any member of these ethnic groups, although it was shown to be highly prevalent in populations of European ancestry. This geographic distribution supports the previously suggested Celtic origin for the disease. In contrast, the mutation responsible for the His63Asp substitution is not restricted to European populations. Although absent in the Senegalese, it was found on about 9% of the chromosomes of the Central Ethiopians and Algerians (Mzab) genotyped for this study. This second mutation, which probably represents a common variant unrelated to hemochromatosis, thus appears to have occurred earlier than that responsible for the Cys282Tyr substitution. More detailed population studies are needed to provide information on the age of these two mutations and eventually show how the hemochromatosis-causing mutation chronologically spread throughout Europe. Received: 24 December 1996 / Revised: 11 February 1997  相似文献   

 The presence of haplotype-specific recombination sites can be determined by analyzing the conservation of extended haplotypes in the population. This approach considers all meioses in the history of the population and requires the presence of characteristic markers that easily allow the identification of the haplotype or of its recombined segments. The recombination breakpoint can then be mapped by looking for shared alleles between haplotypes selected through the specific marker/s. We identified a rare perfect tandem duplication of a 145 base pair segment in the LTA promoter, which tags a B60 (B60D) haplotype. The duplication was detected in 16/90 B60 + Europeans, while absent in 101 B60 + Orientals. The conservation of the class I end and the extreme variability of the class II end suggested that the present-day B60D haplotypes originated from an ancestral haplotype by recombination events centromeric to the duplicated sequence. Through a fine mapping using markers of the HLA central region a preferential recombination site was localized in the 60 kilobase interval between TNFd,e, and D6S273/K11 Amicrosatellite loci (i.e., between LST1 and BAT3 genes). This site behaves as a potent recombination enhancer leading to fragmentation in most of the extant B60D haplotypes and can be considered responsible for their “instability”. In the relatively recently founded Finnish population, where the LST1/BAT3 interval recombination has probably not yet had the chance to occur, a founder effect can explain the presence of a rare DP (DPB1 * 1601) allele in most B60D haplotypes in this population. Received: 15 October 1997 / Revised: 23 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary Frequencies of recently described HLA-A,-B (antigens or splits) and HLA-C and HLA-DR antigens are studied in a 450 normal Spaniards sample. The linkage disequilibria are also calculated. HLA-DR7 is more frequent than in any other population studied. Aw30-B18 and Aw33-B14 associations are common and specific Spanish, Basque, and Sardinian HLA features. A11-B27 association is found in our Spanish sample and also in Basques.HLA-Bw4,-Bw6 antigens are analyzed by family mating and segregation and also using unrelated individuals. It shows a good fit as a genetic system. HLA-B antigens are included either in Bw4 or Bw6 according to expectations from other Caucasoid population results. The possibility of a common and North African origen (Iberians) for Spaniards, Basques, and Sardinians is discussed on the basis of presently available HLA data.  相似文献   

HLA alleles have been determined for the first time in individuals from the Chuvashian population by DNA typing and sequencing. HLA-A, -B, -DR, and -DQ allele frequencies and extended haplotypes have also been determined, and the results compared to those for Central Europeans, Siberians and other Asians, Caucasians, Middle Easterners, and Mediterranean peoples. Genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms, and correspondence analysis have been performed. Present-day Chuvash speak an Altaic-Turkic language and are genetically related to Caucasians (Georgians), Mediterraneans, and Middle Easterners, and not only to Central or Northern Europeans; Chuvash contain little indications of Central Asian-Altaic gene flow. Thus, present-day Chuvash who speak an Altaic-Turkic language are probably more closely related to ancient Mesopotamian-Hittites and northern European populations than to central Asia-Altaic people.  相似文献   

Five sets of cytotoxic effector cells were generated, using haploidentical, first degree relatives in five different families, against the HLA-A3; B7 serological determinants combined with different DR antigens. When tested against a panel of cells bearing combinations of the HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens it was shown that the HLA-B7 antigen was as strong a CML target determinant alone as it was in the presence of HLA-A3. The strength of the HLA-A3 antigen as target determinant varied. With effector cells primed to the HLA-A3; B7; DR2 haplotype, the A3 antigen alone behaved as a weak target determinant. When the same target cells were tested with the effector cells generated against HLA-A3; B7 without DR2, the A3 antigen behaved as a strong target determinant. A number of target cells lacking the serologically detectable HLA determinants present on the sensitizing HLA haplotype were identified as being killed by specific effector cells. These data suggest either a number of new CML target determinants controlled by different loci or the presence of a single, new locus with multiple alleles controlling CML targets.  相似文献   

Deficient arylsulfatase A activity causes the neurodegenerative disease metachromatic leukodystrophy. However, some individuals with deficient enzyme activity appear clinically normal. This “pseudodeficiency” allele commonly found among many reported populations (frequency ∼ 0.10) is associated with two A→G transitions in cis in the arylsulfatase A gene causing the simultaneous loss of an N-glycosylation and a polyadenylation signal. To understand the evolutionary relationship between such common and tightly linked mutations, we studied 400 individuals in the African, European, Indian and East Asian populations and found none carrying the polyadenylation mutation alone. However, the N-glycosylation mutation could occur independently. Its frequency varied from 0.01 in Indians, 0.06 in Europeans, 0.21 in East Asians to 0.32 in Africans. The frequencies of both mutations occurring together ranged from almost non-existent in the Africans and East Asians, to 0.075 in the Europeans and 0.125 in the Indians. These frequencies were significantly different among populations. Haplotype analysis among homozygous pseudodeficiency individuals and eight multi-generation families with six polymorphic enzymes showed that, of the five haplotypes found in the general population, only one was linked to the double mutations. Alleles among the four populations with only the N-glycosylation mutation also supported linkage to the same haplotype except in some Europeans whose alleles were discordant. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the N-glycosylation mutation may be a recurrent event among the Europeans but first occurred in an ancestral allele before the emergence of modern Homo sapiens from Africa at ∼100 000–200 000 years ago. Subsequently, the polyadenylation mutation occurred in this ancient allele with the N-glycosylation mutation, an event that likely took place after the divergence between the European and East Asian lineages. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

 Prior studies in the Schmiedeleut Hutterites of South Dakota have demonstrated associations between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype matching and fetal loss (Ober et al. 1992) and mate preferences (Ober et al. 1997), as well as deficiencies of homozygotes for HLA haplotypes (Kostyu et al. 1993). These studies were based on the serologically-defined five-locus HLA-A, -C, -B, -DR, -DQ haplotype. To further elucidate the effects of specific major histocompatibility (MHC) loci or regions on fetal loss and mate choice, we genotyped a sample of Hutterites for 14 MHC loci by DNA or biochemical methods. Typing for additional loci in the HLA-A to HLA-DPB1 region increased the number of recognized Hutterite MHC haplotypes to 67, and further localized the site of cross-over in 9 of 15 recombinant haplotypes. Hutterite MHC haplotype sequences are similar to those observed in outbred Caucasians, suggesting that the influence of HLA haplotypes on fetal loss and mating structure may be general. Received: 1 May 1998 / Revised: 2 December 1998  相似文献   

Various populations have contributed to the present-day gene pool in oriental Mediterranean (Aegean Sea) and are well documented for ancient history. The primary objective of the study is to report on the analysis of the paternal component of the variation (Y chromosome haplotypes) in contemporary populations in Greece, Crete, Turkey and Cyprus. A total of 245 males who hailed from five different locations in Turkey, Greece, and the islands of Crete and Cyprus were analyzed for Y-chromosome-specific haplotypes based on p49a,f TaqI polymorphism. The main haplotype observed (21.2%) in the Greek–Turkish area is haplotype VII. The second haplotype in terms of frequency (13.5%) is haplotype VIII, which is characteristic of Semitic populations. The third (11.4%), fourth (6.9%) and fifth (5.7%) haplotypes in frequency are haplotype XI (a typical eastern European haplotype), haplotype V (the North African haplotype) and haplotype XV (the Western European haplotype), respectively. The distribution of haplotype VII is significantly heterogeneous genetically among the five localities studied, with a peak of frequency (43.8%) in Crete. It is proposed that haplotype VII reflects the ancient Minoan civilization. Haplotype VII frequencies actually known are mapped in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The populations that colonized Siberia diverged from one another in the Paleolithic and evolved in isolation until today. These populations are therefore a rich source of information about the conditions under which the initial divergence of modern humans occurred. In the present study we used the HLA system, first, to investigate the evolution of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) itself, and second, to reveal the relationships among Siberian populations. We determined allelic frequencies at five HLA class II loci (DRB1, DQA1, DQB1, DPA1, and DPB1) in seven Siberian populations (Ket, Evenk, Koryak, Chukchi, Nivkh, Udege, and Siberian Eskimo) by the combination of single-stranded conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing analysis. We then used the gene frequency data to deduce the HLA class II haplotypes and their frequencies. Despite high polymorphism at four of the five loci, no new alleles could be detected. This finding is consistent with a conserved evolution of human class II MHC genes. We found a high number of HLA class II haplotypes in Siberian populations. More haplotypes have been found in Siberia than in any other population. Some of the haplotypes are shared with non-Siberian populations, but most of them are new, and some represent “forbidden” combinations of DQA1 and DQB1 alleles. We suggest that a set of “public” haplotypes was brought to Siberia with the colonizers but that most of the new haplotypes were generated in Siberia by recombination and are part of a haplotype pool that is turning over rapidly. The allelic frequencies at the DRB1 locus divide the Siberian populations into eastern and central Siberian branches; only the former shows a clear genealogical relationship to Amerinds. Received: 18 August 1997 / Accepted: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

 To evaluate the effect of balancing selection and intragenic recombination (or gene conversion) at six individual HLA loci, synonymous nucleotide diversity in different exon groups is examined within (πw) and between (πb) allelic lineages that may be defined by either serological or DNA sequence differences. Both π values are high in exons which encode for the peptide binding region (PBR) and tend to decrease in other exons. The value of πw is significantly smaller than that of πb in any exon of any locus. However, even πw is much greater than nucleotide diversity at non-HLA loci. These observations provide additional strong evidence for the operation of balancing selection in PBR-encoding exons and its indirect effects on polymorphism at linked neighboring regions. It appears that allelic lineages have generally evolved in isolation but the linkage relationships within and between exons are incomplete throughout the long evolutionary history. To quantify intragenic recombination and account for the large discrepancy between the HLA and non-HLA diversity, a population genetics model is analyzed with special reference to the evolution of modern humans. The analysis suggests that the recombination rate between two sites 1000 base pairs apart is about 10–5 per generation and that the effective size of human populations (equivalent roughly to the number of breeding individuals in a randomly mating population) has dropped from 105 to 104 in most of the Quaternary. One possibility for this reduction is discussed. Received: 11 August 1997 / Revised: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

Lithophyllum byssoides is a common coralline alga in the intertidal zone of Mediterranean coasts, where it produces biogenic concretions housing a high algal and invertebrate biodiversity. This species is an ecosystem engineer and is considered a target for conservation efforts, but designing effective conservation strategies currently is impossible due to lack of information about its population structure. The morphological and molecular variation of L. byssoides was investigated using morphoanatomy and DNA sequences (psbA and cox2,3) obtained from populations at 15 localities on the Italian and Croatian coasts. Lithophyllum byssoides exhibited a high number of haplotypes (31 psbA haplotypes and 24 cox2,3 haplotypes) in the central Mediterranean. The psbA and cox2,3 phylogenies were congruent and showed seven lineages. For most of these clades, the distribution was limited to one or a few localities, but one of them (clade 7) was widespread across the central Mediterranean, spanning the main biogeographic boundaries recognized in this area. The central Mediterranean populations formed a lineage separate from Atlantic samples; psbA pair‐wise divergences suggested that recognition of Atlantic and Mediterranean L. byssoides as different species may be appropriate. The central Mediterranean haplotype patterns of L. byssoides were interpreted as resulting from past climatic events in the hydrogeological history of the Mediterranean Sea. The high haplotype diversity and the restricted spatial distribution of the seven lineages suggest that individual populations should be managed as independent units.  相似文献   

Homozygous typing cells from 13 normal HLA-A1, B8, Dw3, DR3 and five normal HLA-A26, Bw38, Dw10, DR4 individuals were typed for the following markers: HLA-SB, MB, MT; complement proteins BF, C2, C4A, C4B; and GLO. Ninety-one percent of A1, B8, Dw3, DR3 homozygous individuals (HI) tested were homozygous for BF * S, C2 * C, C4A * QO, and C4B *1 (SCO1 complotype), which indicates that the SCO1 complotype is in linkage disequilibrium with the A1, B8, DR3 haplotype in randomly selected normal populations. Sixty-seven percent of HLA-A1, B8, Dw3, DR3, SCO1 positive HI also expressed SB1; since the frequency of SB 1 in random Caucasian populations is 11.2%, this finding indicates that SB1 is in linkage disequilibrium with the A1, B8, DR3, SCO1 extended haplotype. All HI with the A26, Bw38, Dw10, DR4 haplotype were homozygous for both SC21 and SB4, suggesting that SC21 and SB4 should be included in the A26, Bw38, Dw10, DR4 extended haplotype. On the other hand, neither of the GLO markers were found in association with either haplotype. The results of this study indicate that HLA-SB is included in some extended haplotypes and may be important in these markers for diseases such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This study also demonstrated an apparent influence of HLA-SB on primary mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) responses. The mean relative response of primary MLCs between individuals matched for HLA-A, B, D, DR, MB and MT but not SB was 40% of that for the MLCs with mismatched HLA-D, significantly higher than the MLCs matched for all HLA and complotypes.  相似文献   

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