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The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the transient response of a chemostat-type continuous culture of Escherichia coli B to step changes in temperature by following transient limiting substrate concentration and calculating from it the transient growth rate. The transient response to step changes of temperature was tested for four different situations. In the first two cases, temperature was shifted down from 37 to 27°C., and 37 to 32°C. In the last two, it was shifted up from 32 to 37°C., and 27 to 37°C. When the temperature was shifted up, the growth rate increased rather rapidly to its transient maximum value and then decreased slowly until it, settled back into the steady-state value. On the other hand, when the temperature was shifted down, the growth rate decreased relatively rapidly to its transient minimum and then it slowly increased and returned gradually to the steady-state value. The magnitude of the transients was less than would be expected if the transient growth rates followed an Arrhenius function.  相似文献   

The effects of step-change increase in the concentrations of amino acids and vitamins on the metabolism, growth, and antibody productivity of a murine hybridoma cell line grown in continuous culture on serum-free medium are presented. Additions of the amino acids cysteine with methionine, tryptophan, and isoleucine with valine and vitamin B(12) (as cyanocobalamin) resulted in significant increases in viable cell concentrations. Additions of aspartate with asparagine, and threonine with vitamin B(1) (as thiamine hydrochloride) resulted in significant increases in final antibody concentrations. Substantial decrease in the fraction of amino acid nitrogen excreted as ammonia occurred upon supplementation with three times the normal concentrations of branched chain amino acids. Decreases in the fraction of amino acid nitrogen converted to ammonia were paralleled by increases in the fraction converted to alanine. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The kinetics of growth and lymphokine formation by T-cell hybridomas were investigated in batch and continuous culture. Product inhibitions by ammonia and lactic acid were considered in the proposed model and experimental data were used to determine the kinetic and inhibition constants. The effect of dilution rate on specific substrate consumption and product formation rates was investigated.  相似文献   

A gamma delta T-cell hybridoma established from influenza virus-infected mice responded to a reproducible way when cultured with influenza virus-infected stimulators. Subclones of this line responded to cells infected with influenza viruses A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), X-31 (H3N2), and B/HK/8/73 but not to cells infected with vaccinia virus or Sendai virus. This spectrum of response to both type A and type B orthomyxoviruses has never been recognized for the alpha beta T-cell receptor-positive subsets. There was no response to cells infected with a panel of recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing all individual influenza virus proteins, and so it is unlikely that the stimulating antigen is of viral origin. The alternative is that the antigen is a cellular molecule induced in influenza virus-infected cells. Infectious virus was required for stimulation, and immunofluorescence studies showed increased expression of heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) in influenza virus- but not Sendai virus- or vaccinia virus-infected cells. Both the hybridoma generated from influenza virus-infected mice and an established hybridoma which uses the same gamma delta T-cell receptor combination responded to recombinant Hsp60. Furthermore, the Hsp60-reactive hybridoma, which was obtained from an uninfected mouse, also responded to influenza virus-infected cells, indicating that Hsp60 may indeed be the target antigen.  相似文献   

Oxygen is an important nutrient that may limit the productivity of commercial cell culture reactors. The transient responses of hybridoma growth and metabolism to step changes in the oxygen supply rate have been examined for dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) ranging from 0.1% to 10% of air saturation in continuous culture. Metabolic quotients are reported for glucose, lactate, ammonia, oxygen, glutamine, alanine and other amino acids. A majority of the estimated ATP production was due to oxidative phosphorylation under all conditions tested. Decreases in the oxygen supply rate below the value required to maintain 0.5% DO caused the viable cell concentration to decrease. Glycolysis was enhanced at the lower oxygen concentrations, and after an initial decrease, the specific glutamine consumption rate was also higher. High residual glutamine concentrations occurred below 0.5% DO. Oxidation of other amino acids and production of serine were also inhibited. The cells subsequently adapted to low oxygen concentrations. The increase in cell concentration following the return to 10% DO was preceded by increased biosynthetic activity, as evidenced by transiently reduced yields of lactate from glucose, and alanine and ammonia from glutamine.  相似文献   

Glucose and glutamine are the main nutrients used by mammalian cells in culture. Each provides unique biosynthetic precursors but are complementary for production of other metabolites and energy. The transient and steady-state responses of hybridoma growth and metabolism to glucose pulse and step changes have been examined. Metabolic quotients are reported for oxygen, glucose, lactate, ammonia, glutamine, alanine, and other amino acids. The glucose consumption rate increased by 100-200% immediately after glucose was added to the reactor, and the increased glycolytic ATP production appears to be responsible for the concurrent rapid decrease in the oxygen consumption rate. The effects on glutamine consumption were delayed, probably due to buffering by the TCA cycle and interrelated pathways. A period of increased biosynthetic activity, as evidenced by an increase in the estimated specific ATP production rate and lower by-product yields from glutamine, preceded the increase in cell concentration after the glucose step change. The biosynthetic yield of cells from ATP was calculated, and it was estimated that maintenance accounted for about 60% of the energy used by the cells at a specific growth rate of 0.66 day(-1). The estimated 22% ATP production due to glycoysis was twice as great as that before the step change.  相似文献   

Ammonia and lactate are the major byproducts from mammalian cells grown in medium containing glutamine and glucose. Both can be toxic to cells, and may limit the productivity of commercial bioreactors. The transient and steady-state responses of hybridoma growth and metabolism to lactate and ammonia pulse and step changes in continuous suspension culture have been examined. No inhibition was observed at 40 mM lactate. Cell growth was inhibited by 5 mM ammonia, but the cells were able to adapt to ammonia concentrations as high as 8.2 mM. Ammonia production decreased and alanine production increased in response to higher ammonia concentrations. Increased ammonia concentrations also inhibited glutamine and oxygen consumption. The specific oxygen consumption rate decreased by an order of magnitude after an ammonia pulse to 18 mM. Under these conditions, over 90% of the estimated ATP production was due to glycolysis and a large fraction of glutamine was converted to lactate.  相似文献   

Human lymphotoxin (LT)-producing T-cell hybridomas were constructed by fusing concanavalin A-activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes with emetine-actinomycin D-pretreated human acute lymphatic leukemia cells. LT secretion from these hybridomas was considerably enhanced by stimulation with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and concanavalin A or PMA alone. A study using cloned hybrid lines revealed that PMA/Con A acted directly on the LT-producing clones. Furthermore, PMA/Con A stimulated A-B9-24, one of the cloned hybridomas, and secreted fourfold larger amounts of LT under serum-free conditions than under serum-containing conditions. However, MIF/MAF and LT-producing cloned hybrid line E10-20 secreted rather decreased amounts of MIF/MAF when stimulated with PMA, while the LT secretion from the same hybridoma was enhanced with PMA.  相似文献   

The nature and temporal development of ammonia inhbition were investigated in batch, fed-batch, and continuous cultures. Significant inhibition was observed when cells were inoculated in serum-containing or chemically defined medium containing more than 2 mM of ammonia. In contrast, no inhibition was observed at greater than 10 mM when the ammonia concentration was gradually increased over the span of a batch culture by feeding ammonium chloride. Strong growth inhibition was observed after each of five step changes (2.8 --> 3.7 --> 4.0 --> 4.9 --> 7.7 --> 13.5 mM) in continuous culture. Following a period of adaptation at each higher value, the viable cell density stabilized at a new lower value. The lowering in viable cell density was caused by an increase in specific death rate and a decreased cell yield on glucose, glutamine, and oxygen. Increased ammonia concentration had little or no effect on the steady-state specific growth kinetics or specific antibody productivity. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Three marine phytoplankton, Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin, and Thalassiosira pseudonana (3H) Hasle & Heindal, were grown on waste water-sea water mixtures in continuous-flow monocultures. P. tricornutum increased in biomass with increasing waste-water additions until a mixture of about 40 % waste water-60 % sea water was reached. The other species did not increase in biomass beyond a 20 % waste water-80 % sea water mixture and even showed some inhibition at higher waste water additions. The carbon/nitrogen (CN) ratio of the algae was consistently below 6 when nitrogen was not limiting growth, but increased with decreasing dilution rate under nitrogen-limiting conditions, depending on whether NH4+-N or NO3?-N was the main nitrogen source.Species dominance in enriched cultures is controlled by a complex interaction of environmental factors. By altering the chemical composition (CN ratio) of dominant phytoplankton such as P. tricornutum in mass culture through control of nitrogen source and concentration, it may be possible to increase the nutritional value of these organisms so that they represent a balanced diet for the growth of herbivorous shellfish.  相似文献   

The arterial system is characterized geometrically as a system of branched elastic fluid lines whose frequency response is then known in the sense of the Fourier transform. For convenience of visualization the transient response of the individual tube to an input pressure-flow pair is represented in the time domain by kernel functions indicating the hybrid effect of viscosity and momentum on the line impedance and damping characteristics. The system as a whole is then divided into a zone of smaller tubes (below 3 mm) and a zone of larger tubes extending up to the aorta. It is shown that as a system each labyrinth of tubes below the 3 mm size may be replaced by a single impedance transformation which is dominantly resistive-capacitive. In the larger tubes, the transformation of the pulse wave at different stations is considered a point of interest. Therefore hand calculated examples are worked to derive the response of a system involving some of the larger vessels to a pressure or flow pulse of the typical shape seen near the heart. The result suggests that the dicrotic wave seen in the pressure pulse of mammals is due to the hybrid viscosity-momentum nature of the longer fluid lines in relation to the gradation of unmatched terminal impedances with which they are terminated. Damping of the higher frequency components is also accounted for.  相似文献   

TB/C3 mouse hybridoma cells have been grown at 2 controlled dO2 conditions by headspace and sparged oxygenation. Also a variety of sparging rates and sparger sizes and positions have been employed. Headspace oxygenation at dO2 levels from 5% to 100% of saturation give essentially the same performance as controls. Sparging is generally damaging to cells, the extent of damage decreasing with reduced sparging rate until at below about 0.02 vvm results equivalent to the unsparged conditions are obtained. Damage is clearly linked with bubble-cell interactions at the air-medium interface where bubbles bursting in clusters and of a size less than 5 mm appear to be the most lethal. When the interaction of air sparging with the agitator flow leads to an increase in the number of smaller bubbles and cluster bursts, cell damage is further increased. Pluronic F-68 reduces damage very significantly. Biological aspects are briefly discussed in the light of various biological tests. The practical implications of this work for large scale, free suspension cell culture are outlined.  相似文献   

Heat produced by hybridoma suspension cultures was continuously monitored in a two-liter heat-flux calorimeter. Heat measurements reflected changes in metabolic state of the culture under different aeration conditions. A highly anaerobic metabolism was indicated by the low ratios of heat produced to glucose consumed.  相似文献   

Summary The polyols glycerol and arabitol were accumulated against an increasing concentration ratio in response to aW reduction. Glycerol was the main osmoregulatory solute accumulated and arabitol accumulation only occurred during the initial transitory phase. The polyols were accumulated to concentrations less than that required to maintain equilibrium across the membrane.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 10953 was grown in continuous culture and the atmosphere changed stepwise from nitrogen (anaerobiosis) to a mixture of air: oxygen (40:60). No significant differences in biomass were observed and the baseline low level of superoxide dismutase increased only slightly; catalase and peroxidase activities were never detected but the level of NADH oxidase increased more than three-fold when oxygen was introduced into the system. In relation to acidic end-products, the relative proportion of acetate increased while that of butyrate decreased. Due mainly, it would seem, to NADH oxidase activity, the culture maintained a low redox potential (E(h)=-274 mV) even under an atmosphere of 40% oxygen in air and dissolved oxygen was not detected. This may, in part, explain the protective role of F. nucleatum for anaerobes in both biofilm and planktonic phases of aerated, mixed cultures of oral bacteria.  相似文献   

The feasibility of operating a multistage continuous culture of plant cells was demonstrated for Nicotiana tabacum. Cells in the second stage of a two-stage chemostat were morphologically distinct from cells in the first stage or cells in a single-stage unit with a holding time equal to the combined holding times in the two-stage system. Cells in the second stage produced much higher levels of phenolics per unit weight of cells than cells in either the first-stage or single-stage unit. The steady-state was reproduced. When a glucose side stream was fed to the second stage, an increase in apparent cell division was observed with a simultaneous decrease in phenolics productivity. When the toxic precursor phenylalanine was pulsed into the reactor, the quantity of biomass decreased temporarily while phenolic productivity increased. These experiments demonstrate that multistage continuous culture may be useful in increasing secondary metabolite formation in cells and in exploring mechanisms controlling secondary metabolite formation.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone concentrations change in response to social or environmental stimuli in many vertebrates. To test this phenomenon in an amphibian, we examined plasma androgen (A) and corticosterone (B) concentrations in male marine toads (Bufo marinus), a tropical species exhibiting intermale competition, amplectic clasping of females, and bouts of breeding behavior following rains. When males clasped females for 0, 1, 2, or 3 hr, plasma A concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with hours spent in amplexus. In field-sampled males, plasma A concentrations were higher in amplexing males than in single males. Among single males those found closer to breeding ponds had higher A concentrations than those more distant. These data support the hypothesis that sexual stimuli enhance plasma A concentrations in this amphibian. In 3-hr experimental tests and field-sampled males, B concentrations were higher in amplexing than in single males. Unlike some amphibians, short-term elevations of B apparently are not associated with decreased reproductive function. However, as in other amphibians in which high B concentrations are associated with stress-induced inhibition of reproduction, after 48-72 hr in captivity male toads showed high B concentrations and low plasma androgen concentrations. The bursts of sexual activities exhibited by B. marinus following heavy rains were associated with no changes in A concentration and with increased B concentration.  相似文献   

In the process of secretion, the membrane of secretory granules is expected to change its elastic behavior. Elastic modulus of the membrane of zymogen granules, prepared from the rat pancreas acinar cell, was measured by an osmotic swelling method. The elastic modulus of the granule membrane at pCa 8 reduced from the maximal value of 230 dyn/cm at pH 6.0 to almost zero at pH 7.5. In a cytosol of an acinar cell, calcium ions play an important role as a second messenger in secretion. The elastic modulus of the granule membrane reduced in a sigmoidal fashion at pCa between 7.0 and 6.0. This range of pCa corresponds to a physiological rise of free Ca2+ concentrations in the cell cytosol when stimulated by external secretagogues. Reduction of the elastic modulus indicates that the state of the granule membrane switches to a more flexible one in which the granule is easy to appose to the cell plasma membrane and then swell as a final step of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Splenic leucocyte effector cells from 3-month-old C3H/HeJ mice which were antibody negative for influenza A virus were found to be spontaneously cytotoxic for mouse L929 fibroblasts infected with influenza virus, but not for uninfected cells. The cytotoxic activity was significantly enhanced if the effector cells were preincubated with splenic leucocytes from older 6- or 9-month-old antibody-negative mice before being added to the target cells. Enhancement appeared to be due to a cooperative effect between leucocytes from mice of different ages. Preincubation of effector cells with autologous sera markedly suppressed spontaneous cytotoxicity, but the suppression was significantly less with sera from 7- or 10-month-old mice than with sera from 3-month-old mice. Most cytotoxic activity was observed with a nylon wool-adherent subpopulation of leucocytes, although some cytotoxicity remained in the non-adherent fraction. The results suggested that spontaneous cytotoxicity was due to two subpopulations of cells, possibly adherent monocyte-macrophages and nonadherent natural killer cells.  相似文献   

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