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长白山北坡森林群落结构组成及其海拔变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对长白山北坡海拔700~1900m的13个森林群落进行了群落组成、结构随海拔上升变化情况的研究。结果表明,随着海拔的升高,群落的建群种组成、层次结构等,都表现出由复杂多样逐渐向简单单一过渡的变化趋势,从700m至1700m,针叶树所占的比例随海拔的升高呈明显的增加趋势,阔叶树比例随之减少,到林线时针阔叶树种均急剧减少,沿海拔梯度存在明显的树种更替现象。从群落的平均胸径及胸高断面积和可知。最大值出现于900~1100m及1600m,这2个海拔段正是不同森林群落类型间的过渡区。除海拔1800m的岳桦林之外,其它群落径级结构都呈倒J形分布,即各径级树木中,更新幼苗、幼树在数量上占绝对优势,随着胸径的增大,立木株数逐渐减少,这种径级结构表明,长白山北坡各海拔群落更新良好,群落处于稳定的发展状态。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌群落沿高寒草原海拔梯度的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭岳林  蔡晓布 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7475-7484
基于丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌孢子形态学的鉴定,对沿不同海拔(4584、4628、4744、4880、4956 m)梯度采集的高寒草原建群植物根际土壤样品进行了分析。结果表明,高寒草原AM真菌属、种构成均较简单,Acaulospora、Claroideoglomus、Funneliformis、Glomus属见于各海拔梯度,海拔4744 m地带未见Pacispora属,海拔4744、4956 m地带无Scutellospora属分布,Rhizophagus属仅见于海拔4584 m地带。随海拔上升,AM真菌种数、物种丰度均呈显著下降;海拔4584—4880 m范围Shannon-Weiner指数(H)无显著差异,但在最高海拔时显著下降;优势种种数及所占比例与海拔梯度则呈显著正相关(Funneliformis geosporum、Claroideoglomus claroideum为不同海拔梯度优势种);沿海拔梯度,孢子密度基本呈单峰分布格局,峰值出现在海拔4744 m地带;海拔梯度对菌根侵染效应影响显著,菌根侵染率、侵染强度和丛枝丰度随海拔上升均呈显著下降趋势;不同海拔梯度高寒草原AM真菌群落相似度(Sorensen相似性系数0.821—0.969)较高,并在总体上表现出随海拔梯度增大而降低的趋势。土壤pH值、有效磷、有机碳、海拔对AM真菌的群落分布均产生显著影响,尤以海拔的影响最为显著。研究结果对预测高寒草原微生物的作用与影响,以及高寒草原环境对全球变化的响应等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示白龙江林区地表甲虫群落沿海拔梯度(927-2 735 m)的多样性格局、群落结构及动态变化,为林区内生物多样性长期监测及保护提供理论基础和依据。【方法】采用巴氏罐诱捕法,沿不同海拔梯度(927、1 794、2 376和2 735 m)设置陷阱诱集地表甲虫。【结果】共采集2 015头地表甲虫,包括18科95种。虎甲科Cicindelidae的个体数量最多(436只)占总数的21.6%,其次是叩甲科Elateridae、步甲科Carabidae、葬甲科Silphidae、隐翅甲科Staphylinidae。5个科的采集数量占到总数的75.1%,是白龙江地区优势种群。随着海拔梯度的升高,流域内地表甲虫的数量及优势种群数量都呈先上升后下降的趋势。在海拔2 376 m处,地表甲虫丰富度最高,诱集数量最多。低海拔地区地表甲虫丰富度低,诱集数量少。在种群动态变化中,中高海拔地区的优势种群在6-9月间的种群数量变化趋势呈单峰增长模式,且不同海拔高度不同科种群的诱集峰值不同。如在不同海拔梯度内诱集的步甲科数量均在7月份最多;在海拔2 376 m处,叩甲科个体数量在8月份最多,相比海拔较低的1 794 m处,则7月份数量最多,在低海拔927 m处和高海拔地区2 735 m处,叩甲科的个体数量急剧减少,且动态变化不明显。【结论】在白龙江林区拱坝河流域,地表甲虫种类丰富,优势种群明显。在不同海拔梯度上,其优势种群表现出不同的变化模式。根据地表甲虫群落在海拔梯度上的分布,可将地表甲虫分为三类。一是分布在中高海拔,包括步甲科、隐翅甲科及虎甲科等,在流域内4个不同海拔梯度都有分布。二是在中高海拔和高海拔处种类丰富,在低海拔处未诱集到相应甲虫,包括叩甲科及葬甲科。三是在不同海拔高度都有分布,但数量少,未形成优势种群,包括金龟科、象甲科及瓢虫科等。  相似文献   

在广东南岭国家级自然保护区海拔300-1900m的范围内,海拔每升高100m设置一条水平样带,共计调查了17条样带,样地面积20400m2。运用相关分析、回归分析和方差分析研究森林群落β多样性随海拔梯度的变化。结果表明:无论是相邻样带还是基准样带,Cody指数以及物种周转速率βC与海拔均呈显著的线性负相关(P<0.05);森林群落各层的共有种数随物种周转速率βC的增加而减少(P<0.05);单因素方差分析及多重比较揭示,Cody指数能较好地反映各层之间物种沿海拔梯度的变化差异。与相异性系数(community dissimilarity)、Bray-Curtis指数和Morisita-Horn指数、以及物种周转速率Sβ和物种周转速率t相比,Cody指数和物种周转速率βC能较好地反映南岭国家级自然保护区森林群落β多样性的海拔梯度格局。  相似文献   

研究群落物种组成和多样性的时空动态对揭示生物多样性的分布规律以及预测全球变化情景下生物多样性的变化趋势具有重要意义。然而,在山地生态系统中,不同海拔梯度的森林群落物种多样性和系统发育多样性如何随着时间尺度的变化仍不清楚。该研究以高黎贡山南段东、西坡海拔梯度(960~2 878 m)森林群落固定监测样带的17个样方为研究对象,基于2004、2008和2013年乔木层(DBH ≥ 5 cm)重调查数据,分析样方内物种组成、物种多样性和系统发育多样性的时空动态变化。结果表明:(1)沿着海拔梯度,物种多样性呈现单峰分布格局,系统发育多样性呈现上升的趋势,系统发育结构呈现聚集到离散或者随机的结构。(2)在时间尺度上,森林乔木层在物种多样性和系统发育多样性上并未发生显著性变化。然而,系统发育结构随着时间的推移呈现更加聚集的趋势。(3)在海拔梯度上,东坡低海拔区域(960~1 381 m)的森林群落样方呈现显著的物种丧失,其植被完全被耕地所替代。其中,诃子(Terminalia chebula)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、清香木(Pistacia weinmanniifolia)、枳椇(Hovenia acerba)和假香冬青(Ilex wattii)等为主要的丧失物种。相反,物种获得主要集中在西坡低海拔的样方,群落中丰富度显著增加的物种主要为曼青冈(Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon)、华山矾(Symplocos chinensis)和台湾杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides)等。据此,我们推测高黎贡山海拔梯度森林乔木层的群落结构和多样性的动态变化在中高海拔受群落演替和气候变化的制约,而在低海拔主要受人类活动的影响。该研究结果加深了对高黎贡山亚热带常绿阔叶林植物群落动态变化的认识,也有助于该地区精准保护策略的制定。  相似文献   

运用Biolog EcoPlate技术, 对武夷山不同海拔植被带(常绿阔叶林(EBF)、针叶林(CF)、亚高山矮林(DF)、高山草甸(AM))土壤微生物群落多样性差异进行了研究。结果表明: 不同海拔植被带土壤微生物群落功能多样性差异显著。土壤平均颜色变化率(AWCD)随培养时间延长而逐渐增加, 同一深度土层的AWCD值随海拔升高而逐渐降低, 大小顺序依次为EFB > CF > DF > AM。同一海拔植被带, 不同深度土层的AWCD值总体趋势依次为0-10 cm > 10-25 cm > 25-40 cm。土壤微生物群落Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、丰富度指数和McIntosh指数的总体趋势为EBF最高, CF和DF次之, AM最低。不同海拔植被带土壤微生物对不同碳源利用强度存在较大差异, 其中EBF利用率最高, AM利用率最低, 碳水化合物和羧酸类碳源是各海拔植被带土壤微生物的主要碳源。主成分分析结果表明, 从31个因素中提取的与碳源利用相关的主成分1、主成分2分别能解释变量方差的75.27%和16.14%, 在主成分分离中起主要贡献作用的是胺类和氨基酸类碳源。土壤微生物群落多样性随着海拔上升、土层加深而逐渐下降的原因, 可能是生物量、林分凋落物、土壤养分、微小动物、植物根系等多种因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

 对不同海拔梯度高寒草甸群落植物多样性和初级生产力关系的研究结果表明:1)不同海拔梯度上,中间海拔梯度群落植物多样性最高,即物种丰富度、均匀度和多样性最大;2)不同海拔梯度上,群落生产力水平和物种丰富度中等时,物种多样性最高;3)随着海拔的逐渐升高,地上生物量逐渐减少;4)地下生物量具有“V”字形季节变化规律,在牧草返青期和枯黄期地下生物量最大,7月最小,且地下生物量主要分布在0~10 cm的土层中。地下生物量垂直分布呈明显的倒金字塔特征。  相似文献   

该研究采用样线和样地相结合的方法,对甘肃省白水江国家级自然保护区摩天岭北坡大垭子梁森林不同海拔(1 600~2 100m)的植物群落进行野外调查、采样分析,并运用线性回归分析、Pearson相关性分析及曲线拟合分析方法,研究木本植物的比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)、叶碳氮磷含量(LCC、LNC、LPC)及其计量比(C/N、C/P、N/P)等叶性状变化特征,以及在物种和群落水平随海拔梯度的变化趋势和相关性。结果表明:(1)摩天岭北坡大垭子梁山地森林为落叶阔叶林带,共有木本植物13科23种,其中乔木6种,灌木17种,且整体上灌木种类较为丰富。此外,有些物种在不同海拔间都有分布,如华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)、胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)等,反映出不同植物对于异质环境的适应。(2)8个叶功能性状中变异系数最小的是LCC(4.6%),属于弱变异,最大的是SLA(42.1%),其他叶性状都属于中等变异,表明在其他叶性状的协同作用下,使得木本植物的碳获取保持在一定的水平以确保群落的稳定性。(3)叶片功能性状间的关联性普遍存在,是植物适应环境的一种对策.该研究表明SLA-LNC以及LNC-LPC在物种和群落水平上的相关性及其相关程度均一致,而其他叶性状间相关关系则有所不同,这为以后进行大尺度研究时对叶性状的选择提供了一定的依据。(4)叶性状随海拔的变化趋势,除C/N和N/P在物种和群落水平上变化趋势不一致外,其他各个性状随海拔的总体变化趋势基本一致,但显著程度只有LNC一致外其他均不同,反映了木本植物的不同叶片功能性状对海拔造成的不同环境的适应。  相似文献   

为了解不同生境中台湾水青冈(Fagus hayatae)的群落特征,对四川米仓山国家级自然保护区不同海拔的台湾水青冈群落的物种组成、区系特征、生活型谱、重要值和物种多样性等进行了研究。结果表明,台湾水青冈群落中的植物种类随海拔存在差异。群落中植物区系均以北温带分布类型为主,且其分布比例与海拔呈正相关关系。不同海拔群落的物种生活型谱主要以高位芽植物为主,其它生活型较少。群落乔木层中台湾水青冈的重要值随海拔上升不断增大。中海拔群落中的物种多样性指数均低于高海拔和低海拔,具有物种种类少、多样性低的特点。因此,不同海拔段上的台湾水青冈群落学特征有明显的差异。  相似文献   

在群落水平上重建植物系统发育关系是当前植物系统学研究的一项重要内容;DNA条形码技术的出现为这一工作的开展提供了便利。本文选取国际通用的植物DNA条形码(rbcL,matK和psbA trnH),对鼎湖山大样地的183个物种(隶属于24目51科110属)进行测序;分别利用两位点和三位点DNA条形码组合构建该样地植物群落的系统发育关系,并比较不同位点组合构建出的群落系统发育关系的拓扑结构和节点支持率;最后选出一个具有最好拓扑结构和最高节点支持率的鼎湖山大样地群落系统发育关系。在目、科和属这三个水平上,三位点条形码片段组合构建的群落系统发育关系与APG系统获得较好匹配;有些进化分支在相应的APG系统位置解决得不好,却在条形码序列构建的系统发育关系中得到了较好解决。表明综合使用不同进化速率的DNA条形码片段并采取三位点超级矩阵的组合策略,在未采用APG系统大框架的情况下,也能快速而又相对准确地构建出鼎湖山南亚热带森林植物群落的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

Woody debris (WD), including coarse woody debris (CWD) and fine woody debris (FWD), is an essential structural and functional component of many ecosystems, particularly in montane forests. CWD is considered to be the major part in forest WD and it is primarily composed of logs, snags, stumps and large branches, while FWD mainly consists of small twigs. Attributes of dead woody material may change in accordance with trends in stand dynamics. The primary forest (primary montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest) in Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve (NNR) preserves the largest tract of natural vegetation in China. The Alnus nepalensis (D. Don) association, Populus bonatii (Levl.) association and secondary Lithocarpus association represent the secondary and chronological types following human disturbance by fires and logging under different intensity. The mass and composition of coarse woody debris (CWD, ≥10 cm in diameter) and fine woody debris (FWD, 2.5–10 cm in diameter) were inventoried in a primary forest and its three secondary counterparts. Estimates of total mass of woody debris across secondary types to primary forest ranged from 2.4 to 74.9 Mg ha−1. The lowest value was found in the A. nepalensis association and the highest values were in the primary forest of which logs are the considerable differences. The ratios of CWD to FWD were low in the secondary types (about 1–4) but high in the primary forest (above 15). Our results suggested that for the recovery of woody debris in the secondary forest, it might last longer than the age of the oldest successional stage studied. Yang Lipan and Ma Wenzhang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic trees have been extensively used in community ecology. However, how the phylogeny construction affects ecological inferences is poorly understood. In this study, we constructed three different types of phylogenetic trees (a synthetic-tree generated using V.PhyloMaker, a barcode-tree generated using rbcL+matK+trnH-psbA, and a plastome-tree generated from plastid genomes) that represented an increasing level of phylogenetic resolution among 580 woody plant species from six forest dynamic plots in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests of China. We then evaluated the performance of each phylogeny in estimations of community phylogenetic structure, turnover and phylogenetic signal in functional traits. As expected, the plastome-tree was most resolved and most supported for relationships among species. For local phylogenetic structure, the three trees showed consistent results with Faith's PD and MPD; however, only the synthetic-tree produced significant clustering patterns using MNTD for some plots. For phylogenetic turnover, contrasting results between the molecular trees and the synthetic-tree occurred only with nearest neighbor distance. The barcode-tree agreed more with the plastome-tree than the synthetic-tree for both phylogenetic structure and turnover. For functional traits, both the barcode-tree and plastome-tree detected phylogenetic signal in maximum height, but only the plastome-tree detected signal in leaf width. This is the first study that uses plastid genomes in large-scale community phylogenetics. Our results highlight the improvement of plastome-trees over barcode-trees and synthetic-trees for the analyses studied here. Our results also point to the possibility of type I and II errors in estimation of phylogenetic structure and turnover and detection of phylogenetic signal when using synthetic-trees.  相似文献   


Background: Several studies have documented the variation in species diversity patterns along elevational gradients in the Himalaya, but few have reported the evolutionary and biogeographic processes behind these patterns.

Aims: To understand whether evolutionary history and phylogeny have any role in structuring plant species communities along an elevational gradient in the Sikkim Himalaya.

Methods: We used data on endemic plant species occurrence from primary and secondary sources to construct family-level phylogenetic supertrees for different growth forms with the help of Phylomatic tool of Phylocom. These phylogenetic supertrees were used as a base for testing phylogenetic diversity (PD), niche conservatism, diversification time patterns and phylogenetic structure of various plant growth forms along an elevational gradient.

Results: PD was the highest at mid-elevations for all growth forms and PD had a significant positive correlation with endemic species richness. Species at mid-elevations were dominated by the ancestral/primitive taxa. There was phylogenetic clustering at higher elevations and phylogenetic overdispersion at lower and mid-elevations for the majority of the growth forms.

Conclusions: Time-for-speciation effect and niche conservatism along elevation (retention of niche-related ancestral elevational distribution over evolutionary time scale by species) together determine plant species diversity patterns in the Himalaya.  相似文献   

Beta多样性通常指群落在时间和空间上物种组成的差异, 包括物种周转组分和物种丰富度差异组分。驱动beta多样性格局形成的生态过程决定了群落的时空动态, 然而关于beta多样性及其两个组分格局形成的驱动力还存在较多争议。以往研究表明, beta多样性的格局存在取样尺度的依赖性, 驱动其形成的生态过程在不同取样尺度下的相对重要性也随之改变。本研究以哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林20 ha动态监测样地为研究对象, 在不同取样尺度上, 将样方间的Bray-Curtis指数分解为物种周转组分和物种丰富度差异组分, 通过典范冗余分析和方差分解的方法揭示环境过滤和扩散限制对于beta多样性及其两个组分格局形成的相对重要性及其尺度依赖性。结果表明: (1) beta多样性、物种周转组分和物种丰富度差异组分均随取样尺度的增大而减小。在不同取样尺度下, 物种周转组分对于beta多样性的贡献始终占主导地位。(2)随着取样尺度的增大, 环境过滤驱动beta多样性格局形成的相对重要性逐渐增加, 而扩散限制的相对重要性逐渐降低。本研究进一步证实了取样尺度在beta多样性格局形成及其驱动力定量评价中的重要性, 今后的研究需要进一步解析上述尺度效应的形成机制。  相似文献   

Aims Understanding what drives the variation in species composition and diversity among local communities can provide insights into the mechanisms of community assembly. Because ecological traits are often thought to be phylogenetically conserved, there should be patterns in phylogenetic structure and phylogenetic diversity in local communities along ecological gradients. We investigate potential patterns in angiosperm assemblages along an elevational gradient with a steep ecological gradient in Changbaishan, China.Methods We used 13 angiosperm assemblages in forest plots (32×32 m) distributed along an elevational gradient from 720 to 1900 m above sea level. We used Faith's phylogenetic diversity metric to quantify the phylogenetic alpha diversity of each forest plot, used the net relatedness index to quantify the degree of phylogenetic relatedness among angiosperm species within each forest plot and used a phylogenetic dissimilarity index to quantify phylogenetic beta diversity among forest plots. We related the measures of phylogenetic structure and phylogenetic diversity to environmental (climatic and edaphic) factors.Important findings Our study showed that angiosperm assemblages tended to be more phylogenetically clustered at higher elevations in Changbaishan. This finding is consistent with the prediction of the phylogenetic niche conservatism hypothesis, which highlights the role of niche constraints in governing the phylogenetic structure of assemblages. Our study also showed that woody assemblages differ from herbaceous assemblages in several major aspects. First, phylogenetic clustering dominated in woody assemblages, whereas phylogenetic overdispersion dominated in herbaceous assemblages; second, patterns in phylogenetic relatedness along the elevational and temperature gradients of Changbaishan were stronger for woody assemblages than for herbaceous assemblages; third, environmental variables explained much more variations in phylogenetic relatedness, phylogenetic alpha diversity and phylogenetic beta diversity for woody assemblages than for herbaceous assemblages.  相似文献   

Integrating multiple facets of biodiversity to describe spatial and temporal distribution patterns is one way of revealing the mechanisms driving community assembly. We assessed the species, functional, and phylogenetic composition and structure of passerine bird communities along an elevational gradient both in wintering and breeding seasons in the Ailao Mountains, southwest China, in order to identify the dominant ecological processes structuring the communities and how these processes change with elevation and season. Our research confirms that the highest taxonomic diversity, and distinct community composition, was found in the moist evergreen broadleaf forest at high elevation in both seasons. Environmental filtering was the dominant force at high elevations with relatively cold and wet climatic conditions, while the observed value of mean pairwise functional and phylogenetic distances of low elevation was constantly higher than expectation in two seasons, suggested interspecific competition could play the key role at low elevations, perhaps because of relative rich resource result from complex vegetation structure and human‐induced disturbance. Across all elevations, there was a trend of decreasing intensity of environmental filtering whereas increasing interspecific competition from wintering season to breeding season. This was likely due to the increased resource availability but reproduction‐associated competition in the summer months. In general, there is a clear justification for conservation efforts to protect entire elevational gradients in the Ailao Mountains, given the distinct taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic compositions and also elevational migration pattern in passerine bird communities.  相似文献   

To better understand the elevational pattern of phylogenetic structure shown by alpine taxa and the underlying causes, we analyzed the phylogenetic structure of each elevational belt of alpine plants in the Hengduan Mountains Region, measured by net related index (NRI) and net nearest taxon index (NTI). We found both the indices of phylogenetic diversity indicated that alpine plants tended to show phylogenetic overdispersion at low elevational belts, implying that the distribution of alpine plants in these belts was mainly determined by interspecific competition. Alpine plants at higher elevational belts tended to phylogenetic clustering indicated by NRI, and NTIrevealed phylogenetic clustering at the belts between 4300 m and 5500 m, which presumably suggested environment filtering and rapid speciation. Above 5500 m,NTI indicated that the phylogenetic structure became random again, perhaps due to the low intensity of filtering and the large distances between plants at the top of the scree slopes. We concluded that phylogenetic structure was, indeed, influenced by the environmental filter, interspecies interaction, rapid speciation during the uplift of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, and distance between plants.  相似文献   

亚热带森林植物群落沿海拔梯度的分类与系统发育研究 生物多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局已受到广泛关注。然而,生物多样性格局沿海拔梯度的变异及其潜在机制尚不清楚。整合生物多样性的多维度信息为理解群落构建机制提供了新思路。本研究在我国东部亚热带森林沿海拔270–1470 m的梯度上设置了17个木本植物固定样地,分析了沿海拔梯度植物群落 构建的生态和进化驱动力。基于样地内物种出现(0–1数据)和多度信息,计算群落内被子植物的物种和系统发育alpha和beta多样性、系统发育结构等,并量化多样性指标与微气候和地形之间的关系。研究发现,不论多度加权与否,物种alpha多样性均沿海拔升高而增加,物种和系统发育的相似性随海拔距离的增加而呈衰减趋势。然而,多度加权与否会形成不同的系统发育alpha多样性格局。对于系统发育结构而言,沿海拔增加并无明显趋势。地形和微气候是多样性格局和系统发育结构的主要驱动力。与未考虑物种多度的多样性指标相比,多度加权的指标与坡度和胸高断面积相关性更高。这些结果表明,由局域物种多度介导的确定性过程对沿海拔梯度的植物群落构建具有一定影响。  相似文献   

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