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董兆克  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1141-1148
全世界地表平均温度在上个世纪增加了0.74℃,并且在未来还会持续增加。在过去的20年,气候变暖对生物系统的影响吸引了大量的研究。本文综述了由温度升高为主要驱动因子的气候变化对昆虫适合度的影响,主要从昆虫越冬存活率、化性(世代数)、扩散迁移、发生分布、物候关系5个方面阐述气候变暖对昆虫发生发展的作用,认为未来应长期进行昆虫种群动态监测预警,更关注气候变暖下植物-害虫-天敌互作关系的研究。  相似文献   

水稻秸秆是生物能源生产的潜在材料,大气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度升高改变水稻秸秆的量和质,从而改变其生物能源的生产潜力.本试验水稻秸秆来自中国自由大气CO2富集平台(FACE),选取FACE平台(试验组CO2浓度控制在570μmol·mol^-1左右,比对照组高200μmol·mol-1)3种水稻品种‘武运粳27’、‘Y两优900’和‘日本晴N16’,通过对秸秆化学组成进行分析,探讨CO2浓度升高对水稻秸秆质量的影响.结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高显著提高了水稻秸秆C含量和C/N;增加了秸秆中非结构碳水化合物含量;CO2浓度升高使武运粳27、Y两优900和N16秸秆中释放的总糖分别增加8.8%、6.7%和9.9%;CO2浓度升高显著提高N16秸秆生物量,但对其他两种水稻秸秆生物量没有显著影响;N16的总糖产量在CO2浓度升高下增加最显著,达到19.2%.表明CO2浓度升高可以改善水稻秸秆质和量,从而提高生物燃料利用潜能.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增加对昆虫的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
戈峰  陈法军 《生态学报》2006,26(3):935-944
大气CO2浓度增加已经受到国内外的极大关注.CO2浓度升高不但影响植物的生长发育,而且还改变植物体内的化学成分的组成与含量,从而间接地影响到植食性昆虫,并进而通过食物链影响到以之为食的天敌.根据国内外研究进展,结合多年的研究,系统介绍了CO2浓度变化对植物-昆虫系统影响的研究方法,论述了CO2浓度变化对植食性昆虫、天敌的作用规律及作用机理,探讨了CO2浓度变化对植物-植食性昆虫系统影响的特征,分析了未来研究发展的趋势及其存在的问题.  相似文献   

Hao XY  Han X  Li P  Yang HB  Lin ED 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2776-2780
利用FACE系统在大田条件下通过盆栽试验研究了大气CO2浓度升高[CO2浓度平均为(550+60) μmol·mo1-1]对绿豆叶片光合生理和叶绿素荧光参数的影响.结果表明:与对照[ CO2浓度平均为(389+40) μmol·mol-1左右]相比,大气CO2浓度升高使花荚期绿豆叶片净光合速率(Pn)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)分别升高11.7%和9.8%,气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)分别下降32.0%和24.6%,水分利用效率(WUE)提高83.5%;在蕾期,CO2浓度升高对绿豆叶片叶绿素初始荧光(Fo)、最大荧光(Fm)、可变荧光(Fv)、Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo没有显著影响;在鼓粒期,CO2浓度升高使绿豆叶片Fo增加19.1%,Fm和Fv分别下降9.0%和14.3%,Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm分别下降25.8%和6.2%.表明大气CO2浓度升高可能使绿豆生长后期光系统Ⅱ反应中心结构受到破坏,叶片的光合能力下降.  相似文献   

自世界工业革命以来,化石燃料的大量使用以及人类对自然环境的过度破坏,致使大气CO2浓度不断升高.研究大气CO2浓度升高介导的农业生态系统内植物、植食性昆虫及其天敌的适应机制,对于阐明气候变化下农业害虫爆发危害规律,指导防控与减排具有重要意义.本文综述了大气CO2浓度升高对农业生态系统中植物、植食性昆虫及天敌的影响,主要包括:1)相关研究方法的改进;2)大气CO2浓度升高介导的寄主植物营养和次生代谢物质的变化;3)大气CO2浓度升高对以植物为食的昆虫的个体生长发育、种群数量、行为的影响;4)天敌昆虫的生物学及捕食量与寄生率变化.最后对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

侯颖 《生态科学》2013,32(2):253-258
形态结构是植物对气候变化响应研究中的重要内容之一。论文分别综述了CO2浓度、气温及二者同时升高对植物株高、分枝、冠型、叶片和根系形态结构的影响。结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高促进植物的枝、茎、节间长和根系的生长,因而改变了植物的冠层结构和根系结构;单独气温升高或CO2浓度和温度同时升高对植物形态结构的影响因不同功能群、种或区域而显现出不确定性;通过对比研究,探讨了各研究结果出现差异的可能原因。最后分析了目前气候变化对植物形态结构影响研究的特点并提出未来应加强形态结构变化机理及形态结构变化与生态系统功能之间关系的研究。  相似文献   

植物依赖昆虫传授花粉,昆虫从植物获得花粉和花蜜作为食物,两者在漫长的进化过程中形成了密切的互惠共生关系.大量研究表明,CO2浓度升高对植物花蜜的产量和组成有显著的影响.CO2浓度增加后,有花植物花蜜的产量和组分在不同物种之间的变化差异很大,即使是种内不同基因型植株的花蜜对CO2浓度增加的反应也有所不同.大部分种类花蜜的...  相似文献   

孙玉诚  郭慧娟  刘志源  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1123-1129
大气二氧化碳浓度升高及其伴随的全球变暖引起国内外科学家的极大关注。CO2浓度升高主要通过改变植物的初级和次级代谢产物,影响以之为食的昆虫。本文结合作者近年来的研究成果,着重于以CO2浓度升高为作用因子,以植物和植食性昆虫的相互关系为对象,比较了咀嚼式口器昆虫与刺吸式口器昆虫对大气CO2浓度升高的响应特征,分析了不同取食类型昆虫-植物对大气CO2浓度升高的响应机制。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对稻田土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验利用无锡稻 麦轮作FACE系统研究平台 ,开展了稻田土壤线虫群落对大气CO2 浓度升高响应的研究。实验中共观测到线虫 2 7科 4 0属 ,其中短腔属 (Brevibucca)、茎属(Ditylenchus)和垫刃属 (Tylenchus)为优势属。拔节期稻田土壤线虫总数、食细菌线虫和捕食 /杂食线虫对大气CO2 浓度升高表现出正响应。食真菌线虫在拔节期和抽穗期对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应 ,成熟期捕食 /杂食线虫对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应。在FACE条件下 ,植物寄生线虫的潜根属 (Hirschmanniella)和散香属 (Boleodorus)线虫数量显著增加 ,对CO2 浓度升高敏感  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高引起的全球变化对土壤生态系统的生物地球化学过程产生了重要影响.挥发性卤代烃(VOXs)的合成与释放是土壤参与全球物质循环与能量流动的重要途径.本研究以南亚热带乔木幼苗木荷和杉木为对象,设置对照(CK)、CO2浓度升高(EC)、增温(ET)以及两者同时升高(EC+ET)4个处理,运用开顶箱及吹...  相似文献   

蚜虱净对苜蓿田节肢动物群落结构及动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘长仲  王刚  严林 《应用生态学报》2007,18(10):2379-2383
以物种丰富度(S)、个体数量(N)、香农指数(Shannon’sindex,H′)和均匀度指数(E)作为多样性指标,研究了蚜虱净对苜蓿田节肢动物群落结构和季节动态的影响.结果表明:蚜虱净对天敌亚群落物种数的影响大于害虫亚群落,使总群落和害虫亚群落的优势集中性显著增加,但5月底施药对传粉蜜蜂类亚群落的优势集中性无显著影响.喷药初期,蚜虱净显著降低了蚜虫、蓟马等害虫数量,7d后蚜虫、蓟马等种群数量迅速回升,40d后超过对照;施药初期天敌亚群落的物种数大幅减少,多样性和均匀度指数较低,7d后天敌的物种数逐渐回升,到后期与对照田基本一致,但个体数量一直未恢复至对照水平.  相似文献   

To examine how the major elements of global change affect herbivory in agroecosystems, a multifactorial experiment was conducted where soybeans were grown at two levels of carbon dioxide and temperature, including those predicted for 2050, under otherwise normal field conditions. Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica Newman) were enclosed on foliage for 24 h, after which the beetle survivorship, total and per capita leaf consumption, and leaf protease inhibitor activity were measured. The direct effect of temperature on beetle consumption and survivorship also was measured under controlled environmental conditions. No differences in total foliage consumption were observed; however, beetles forced to feed at elevated temperature in the field demonstrated greater per capita consumption and reduced survivorship compared to beetles feeding at ambient temperature. Survivorship was also greater for beetles that consumed foliage grown under elevated CO2, but there were no interactive effects of CO2 and temperature, and no differences in leaf chemistry were resolved. Leaf consumption by beetles increased strongly with increasing temperature up to ~37° C, above which increased mortality caused a precipitous decrease in consumption. An empirical model based on the temperature dependence of leaf consumption and flight suggests that the 3.5°C increase in temperature predicted for 2050 will increase the optimal feeding window for the Japanese beetle by 290%. Elevated temperature and CO2 operating independently have the potential to greatly increase foliage damage to soybean by chewing insects, such as Popillia japonica, potentially affecting crop yields.  相似文献   

World-wide declines in arthropod abundance and diversity are a major concern, particularly given their importance in ecosystem functioning. Yet, data documenting long-term trends are rare from the tropics, particularly the Afrotropics. Here we evaluate changes in the arthropod communities in Kibale National Park, Uganda across almost four decades. Systematic sweep-net sampling was conducted in two forested sections of the park that had been logged and in one old-growth forest area over 12 consecutive months in 1983/1984 and 2020/2021. This data was augmented with intermittent samples taken in 1986 and 1995. Arthropod abundance declined in all areas, but only significantly so in the moderately logged forestry compartment (41%). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance indicated that community compositions of arthropods differed between the censuses. Understanding the drivers of changes in the arthropod communities is difficult as the system is complex and dynamic. We document an increase in temperature, but no change in rainfall, increases in 11 mammal species, including a marked increase in elephant numbers, and changes in forest structure. We also report on changes in the landscape outside of the park, which includes the human population increasing by a factor of four and agricultural intensification that now includes the use of pesticides. We document that many components of the ecosystem we studied changed simultaneously, which signals that for effective conservation planning, more long-term multi-disciplinary efforts are needed.  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., ev. Mercia) was grown in a controlled-environment facility at two CO2 concentrations (targets 350 and 700 μmol mol?1), and two temperature regimes (tracking ambient and ambient + 4°C). Observations of phenology, canopy growth, dry matter production and grain yield were used to test the ARCWHEAT1 simulation model. Dry-matter production and grain yield were increased at elevated CO2 concentration (27 and 39%, respectively) and reduced at increased temperature (?16 and ?35%, respectively). ARCWHEAT1 substantially underestimated canopy growth for all treatments. However, differences in the facility environment from field conditions over the winter, indicated by the unusually rapid canopy growth observed in this period, meant that empirical model relationships were being used outside the conditions for which they were developed. The ARCWHEAT productivity submodel, given observed green area indices as inputs, overestimated the effect of CO2 on productivity. An alternative, more mechanistic submodel of productivity, based on the SUCROS87 and Farquhar & von Caemmerer models, simulated observed crop biomass very closely. When these productivity simulations were inputed into the ARCWHEAT1 partitioning and grain-fill submodels, grain yield was predicted poorly, mainly as a result of the assumption that the number of grains is proportional to total growth during a short pre-anthesis phase. While yield was not correlated with growth in this phase, it was correlated with growth in longer pre-anthesis phases, indicating that ARCWHEAT1 could be improved by taking into account the contribution of earlier growth in determining yield.  相似文献   

Regenerating forests influence the global carbon (C) cycle, and understanding how climate change will affect patterns of regeneration and C storage is necessary to predict the rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) increase in future decades. While experimental elevation of CO2 has revealed that young forests respond with increased productivity, there remains considerable uncertainty as to how the long‐term dynamics of forest regrowth are shaped by elevated CO2 (eCO2). Here, we use the mechanistic size‐ and age‐ structured Ecosystem Demography model to investigate the effects of CO2 enrichment on forest regeneration, using data from the Duke Forest Free‐Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment, a forest chronosequence, and an eddy‐covariance tower for model parameterization and evaluation. We find that the dynamics of forest regeneration are accelerated, and stands consistently hit a variety of developmental benchmarks earlier under eCO2. Because responses to eCO2 varied by plant functional type, successional pathways, and mature forest composition differed under eCO2, with mid‐ and late‐successional hardwood functional types experiencing greater increases in biomass compared to early‐successional functional types and the pine canopy. Over the simulation period, eCO2 led to an increase in total ecosystem C storage of 9.7 Mg C ha‐1. Model predictions of mature forest biomass and ecosystem–atmosphere exchange of CO2 and H2O were sensitive to assumptions about nitrogen limitation; both the magnitude and persistence of the ecosystem response to eCO2 were reduced under N limitation. In summary, our simulations demonstrate that eCO2 can result in a general acceleration of forest regeneration while altering the course of successional change and having a lasting impact on forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The frequency of freezing events during the early growing season and the vulnerability to freezing of plants in European high‐altitude environments could increase under future atmospheric and climate change. We tested early growing season freezing sensitivity in 10 species, from four plant functional types (PFTs) spanning three plant growth forms (PGFs), from a long‐term in situ CO2 enrichment (566 vs. 370 ppm) and 2‐year soil warming (+4 K) experiment at treeline in the Swiss Alps (Stillberg, Davos). By additionally tracking plant phenology, we distinguished indirect phenology‐driven CO2 and warming effects from direct physiology‐related effects on freezing sensitivity. The freezing damage threshold (lethal temperature 50) under ambient conditions of the 10 treeline species spanned from ?6.7±0.3 °C (Larix decidua) to ?9.9±0.6 °C (Vaccinium gaultherioides). PFT, but not PGF, explained a significant amount of this interspecific variation. Long‐term exposure to elevated CO2 led to greater freezing sensitivity in multiple species but did not influence phenology, implying that physiological changes caused by CO2 enrichment were responsible for the effect. The elevated CO2 effect on freezing resistance was significant in leaves of Larix, Vaccinium myrtillus, and Gentiana punctata and marginally significant in leaves of Homogyne alpina and Avenella flexuosa. No significant CO2 effect was found in new shoots of Empetrum hermaphroditum or in leaves of Pinus uncinata, Leontodon helveticus, Melampyrum pratense, and V. gaultherioides. Soil warming led to advanced leaf expansion and reduced freezing resistance in V. myrtillus only, whereas Avenella showed greater freezing resistance when exposed to warming. No effect of soil warming was found in any of the other species. Effects of elevated CO2 and soil warming on freezing sensitivity were not consistent within PFTs or PGFs, suggesting that any future shifts in plant community composition due to increased damage from freezing events will likely occur at the individual species level.  相似文献   

CO2浓度和温度升高对红桦根际微生物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
肖玲  王开运  张远彬 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1701-1708
应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究升高的大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度 350(±25)μmol.mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度 2.0(±0.5)℃,ET)及其交互作用(ECT)对不同栽植密度条件下红桦根际土壤可培养微生物数量的影响。结果表明:(1)EC显著增加了高密度条件下根际细菌数量;在整个生长季中,最大的根际细菌数量增加出现在7月份;而EC对低密度处理的根际细菌数量影响不显著。除了5月和6月份,ET在其余月份均显著增加了根际细菌数量,但是与密度处理没有有意义的相关;ECT对高低密度处理的根际细菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(2)EC对低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量有显著增加,而对高密度条件下的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(3)EC和ET对高低密度条件下的根际真菌数量无显著增加,而ECT显著增加了根际真菌数量。  相似文献   

A rising global population and demand for protein-rich diets are increasing pressure to maximize agricultural productivity. Rising atmospheric [CO2] is altering global temperature and precipitation patterns, which challenges agricultural productivity. While rising [CO2] provides a unique opportunity to increase the productivity of C3 crops, average yield stimulation observed to date is well below potential gains. Thus, there is room for improving productivity. However, only a fraction of available germplasm of crops has been tested for CO2 responsiveness. Yield is a complex phenotypic trait determined by the interactions of a genotype with the environment. Selection of promising genotypes and characterization of response mechanisms will only be effective if crop improvement and systems biology approaches are closely linked to production environments, that is, on the farm within major growing regions. Free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments can provide the platform upon which to conduct genetic screening and elucidate the inheritance and mechanisms that underlie genotypic differences in productivity under elevated [CO2]. We propose a new generation of large-scale, low-cost per unit area FACE experiments to identify the most CO2-responsive genotypes and provide starting lines for future breeding programmes. This is necessary if we are to realize the potential for yield gains in the future.  相似文献   

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