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<正>黄山有脊椎动物417种,其中鱼类38种,两栖动物28种,爬行类52种,鸟类224种,哺乳类75种;无脊椎动物蝶类175种,蜘蛛目138种。列入世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录的有18种,列入濒危动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)的58种,列入中国物种红色名录的47种(其中兽类16种,鸟类9种,爬行类17种,两栖类4种,鱼类1种)。属于国家一级重点保护野生动物8种(其中鸟类4种,兽类4种);属于国家二级重点保护野生动物51种(其中鸟类34种,兽类10种)。  相似文献   

由国家环保局发起和资助,中华人民共和国濒危物种科学委员会主持,汪松教授主编的<中国濒危动物红皮书>,经过数十位专家十余年的共同努力,其鱼类(乐佩琦、陈宜瑜主编)、两栖类和爬行类(赵尔宓主编)、鸟类(郑光美、王歧山主编)及兽类(汪松主编)四个分卷已于1998年由科学出版社正式出版,其定价别为58元、69元、69元和79元,需要者请与出版者联系.全书共收录中国濒危鱼类92种、两栖类29种、爬行类96种、鸟类183种及兽类133种,总计533种,即表明我国现有533种脊椎动物已被正式确认为濒危物种,约占我国全部已知脊椎动物种类6347种的8%.收录范围覆盖了所有已公布的国家重点保护野生脊椎动物和CITES附录收录的在中国分布的脊椎动物.对各个种提供的信息包括:分类地位和名称,本书评定的濒危等级及相关的国家重点保护野生动物保护级别、IUCN濒危等级(IUCN,1994,1996)和CITES附录等级(CITES,1995),识别特征、分布及中国分布图、栖息地及习性、估计数量、致危因素、驯养繁殖、保护措施及保护措施建议,以及参考文献和部分种类的彩图.文字为中英文对照.  相似文献   

开展受威胁和濒危物种价值评估是生物多样性研究的关键问题之一。当前受威胁和濒危物种研究正处于濒危等级界定和保护优先性确定阶段,存在不同保护等级交叉管理、价值评估方法欠缺及重复性计算等多方面问题。利用IUCN濒危等级和中国特有种等级名录确定厦门市不同濒危等级物种数,在此基础上利用能值转换率和修正的中国能值/货币比率对厦门市陆域受威胁和濒危物种价值进行估算。结果显示,通过多途径整理纳入估算的厦门市陆域野生动植物物种数为1444种,其中受威胁和濒危物种数为318种;2015年厦门市物种能值价值约为3.53×10~(11)元,2010年约为3.08×10~(11)元,其中两期受威胁和濒危物种能值价值均占物种总价值的88.31%;中国特有种等级对价值贡献最大达73.25%,其次是IUCN濒危等级达23.24%。研究表明,能值评估法能够客观凸显受威胁和濒危物种价值,研究结果可为生物多样性及物种保育的管理决策提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

物种受威胁状况评估:研究进展与中国的案例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评估物种濒危等级,确定物种保护优先序,是生物多样性保护的一项重要工作。通过不断的修订,IUCN红色名录濒危等级标准已经趋于完善。但是,目前人们还在探索在无法获得物种的种群数量、生境、生活史数据时,如何寻找替代指标评估物种濒危等级。我们综述了国内外物种濒危状况研究的进展,提出了结合物种分布区、生活史、生态功能、人为干扰和特殊利用价值的评估物种受威胁状况的方法,并以此方法评估了中国陆生脊椎动物的生存状况。结果表明,列入灭绝级的物种有5个,功能性灭绝级的物种有30个,濒危级的物种有343个,受胁级的物种有459个,关注级的物种有439个,无危级的物种有1,032个。  相似文献   

IUCN濒危物种红色名录与国家濒危物种红色名录都是物种灭绝风险的测度, 前者是全球性评估, 后者则是国别研究。IUCN濒危物种红色名录预警了全球物种的濒危状况, 为全球生物多样性研究提供了大数据; 国别红色名录确定了各国物种受威胁状况, 填补了前者的知识空缺, 两份名录互为补充。目前对国家濒危物种红色名录重视不够。基于如下原因, 应当重视国别濒危物种红色名录的意义: (1)国家是濒危物种保护的行为主体, 物种在一个国家的生存状况是确定其保护级别、开展濒危物种保育的依据; (2)对于仅分布于一个国家的特有物种来说, 其国别濒危物种红色名录等级即是其全球濒危等级; (3)对于跨国境分布的物种来说, 国别濒危物种红色名录等级则确定了该物种在本国的生存状况; (4)结合IUCN濒危物种红色名录, 国别濒危物种红色名录为建立跨国保护地、保护迁徙物种的栖息地与跨国迁徙洄游通道提供依据; (5)国别濒危物种红色名录所特有的“区域灭绝”等级, 反映了一个物种边缘种群在该国的区域灭绝, 恢复“区域灭绝”物种是该物种原分布国重引入保育工作的重点; (6)国别濒危物种红色名录提供了该国物种编目、分类、分布和生存状况的最新信息。然而, 国别濒危物种红色名录的重要性在许多情况下被忽视了。目前正值全球新冠肺炎大流行, 人们正在重新审视人与野生动物的关系。我国将修订有关野生动物保护与防疫法法律以及《国家重点保护野生动物名录》, 防控新的人与野生动物共患疾病再次暴发。对于确定国家重点保护野生动物物种名录来言, 物种受威胁程度是物种列为国家重点保护物种的特征之一。重视国别红色名录有特别的意义。  相似文献   

三江源自然保护区森林-草甸交错带植物优先保护序列研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用系统分析方法和原理,在资料收集和实地调查的基础上,借助专家咨询系统构建了三江源自然保护区森林一草甸交错带植物受威胁等级、优先保护定量分级评价指标体系以及相应的定量评价标准.评价体系包括物种濒危系数、遗传损失系数和利用价值系数3个评价系统层和10个评价指标层.利用专家咨询法和层次分析法,定量确定各个系统层和指标层的权重.通过数学模型和计算机程序计算,分别度量了三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带植物物种受威胁状况和优先保护序列状况的濒危系数和优先保护系数;对照植物濒危等级和优先保护序列区域性评价标准,定量评价了植物物种濒危等级和优先保护等级.评价结果表明,三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带的种子植物有濒危种4种,脆弱种68种,敏感种179种,安全种695种;该地区种子植物一级保护物种8种,二级保护物种78种,三级保护物种164种。暂缓保护物种696种.最后,针对植物物种优先保护序列评价的指标体系与权重分配问题。物种濒危等级与优先保护序列之间的关系,物种濒危等级评价的空间尺度问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

我国是全球生物多样性大国,拥有包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎、麋鹿、白鱀豚等特有物种和旗舰物种在内的丰富兽类资源。近几十年来,土地利用模式转变、盗猎、环境污染、气候变化等因素使许多兽类物种面临生存威胁,导致物种遗传多样性丧失。而遗传多样性是生物多样性的基本组成部分,决定了物种和种群能否长期生存。保护遗传学作为保护生物学的一大分支学科,旨在通过遗传学分析探明种群遗传变异和物种濒危的遗传学机制。近40年来,随着研究手段和技术的不断发展,我国兽类保护遗传学在遗传多样性和近交水平评估、景观遗传学、生态遗传学和圈养种群遗传管理等方面都取得了重要成果。然而,未来人类社会发展可能为濒危兽类带来的威胁依然存在,高通量测序等新技术的进一步发展则能够帮助我们更加深入地了解濒危物种和种群遗传适应与濒危机制,从而实现对濒危兽类的有效管理与保护。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球生物多样性热点区域和优先保护区,分布着多种重点保护物种及青藏高原特有种,物种丰富度高且濒危物种占比大。本文针对青藏高原分布的有蹄类、猫科、熊科、犬科、鼬科、翼手目、小型兽类7个动物类群,从濒危现状、濒危成因、已开展的研究工作和管理对策、取得的保护成效等角度分别论述了各类群的保护与管理研究进展。在青藏高原有蹄类中特有种占比远高于其他类群;81% ~ 100%的有蹄类、猫科、熊科、犬科动物被列为国家重点保护野生动物;45% ~ 100%的有蹄类、猫科、熊科动物被中国脊椎动物红色名录或IUCN红色名录列为受威胁物种,远高于全球平均水平。全球变暖、栖息地破碎化、环境污染、过度放牧、偷猎与非法贸易是青藏高原濒危兽类生存的主要威胁。相关法律法规的贯彻实施、自然保护地建设及开展的大量调查监测和研究,为青藏高原濒危兽类保护生物学研究提供了法律保障和科学依据。鉴于目前保护与管理工作的局限性,建议构建全面系统的大数据平台,开展青藏高原地区保护成效快速评估及自然保护地空间优化布局研究,将国际先进的交叉学科理论方法与实践创新优势相结合,为濒危兽类的保护与管理提供指导与建议,从而为我国生物多样性保护和生态文明建设提供重要的科技支撑。  相似文献   

杨永 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1599-189
定期开展物种红色名录评估, 了解植物濒危状态、致危因素变化, 对于物种保育有重要意义。本文报道了国产裸子植物的最新评估结果, 并与2013版红色名录进行了比较。本次评估了国产裸子植物274个种和种下分类群(隶属于8科37属)。与2013版红色名录相比, 本次评估减少了2科, 增加了3属和40个种和种下分类群。分类群变化是由于上次评估遗漏属种、新类群、新分布记录以及分类群名称和等级变化所致。本次评估有139个种和种下分类群被列入受威胁等级(包括极危、濒危和易危), 占总评估种类的50.7%, 与2013版的51.0%相比, 受威胁程度基本不变。物种自身进化属性、资源过度利用、生境丧失和全球变暖是国产裸子植物的主要致危因素。此外, 还有27种列为数据缺乏(DD), 占总种数的9.9%, 较2013版略有增加, 表明我国裸子植物需开展针对性野外调查和相关研究, 以摸清物种的野外生存现状, 为深入认识我国裸子植物濒危程度奠定数据基础。新的红色名录评估对濒危物种保育实践也有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于标本和分布信息评估中国虾脊兰属 植物的濒危状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰科植物是生物多样性保护的旗舰类群之一, 但如何客观准确地评估兰科植物的濒危状况, 一直是生物多样性保护中急需解决的问题。本文以中国虾脊兰属(Calanthe)植物为例, 探讨了基于馆藏标本和野外分布信息进行兰科植物红色名录濒危等级评估的利弊。我们的研究表明, 馆藏标本能够比较客观地反映物种地理分布信息和相应的野外居群状况, 但对于物种分布的历史变化和受威胁因素反映不足; 而野外工作对于物种的实际分布状况和受威胁因素等的反映比较客观, 但能发现的物种和居群数量有限, 部分极小种群物种在短时间野外工作中很难发现。我们的研究认为, 有2种虾脊兰属植物应被评估为野外灭绝(EW), 16种应被评估为极度濒危(CR)。可见, 中国虾脊兰属植物濒危的状况远比前人的评估结果要严重得多。  相似文献   

The World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List is widely recognized as the most authoritative and objective system for classifying species by their risk of extinction. Red List Indices (RLIs) illustrate the relative rate at which a particular set of species change in overall threat status (i.e. projected relative extinction-risk), based on population and range size and trends as quantified by Red List categories. RLIs can be calculated for any representative set of species that has been fully assessed at least twice. They are based on the number of species in each Red List category, and the number changing categories between assessments as a result of genuine improvement or deterioration in status. RLIs show a fairly coarse level of resolution, but for fully assessed taxonomic groups they are highly representative, being based on information from a high proportion of species worldwide. The RLI for the world's birds shows that that their overall threat status has deteriorated steadily during the years 1988-2004 in all biogeographic realms and ecosystems. A preliminary RLI for amphibians for 1980-2004 shows similar rates of decline. RLIs are in development for other groups. In addition, a sampled index is being developed, based on a stratified sample of species from all major taxonomic groups, realms and ecosystems. This will provide extinction-risk trends that are more representative of all biodiversity.  相似文献   

早在20世纪80年代, 我国就引入IUCN红色名录原理, 对我国生物物种的濒危状况开展评估工作。但是随着经济发展和气候变化, 一些物种的数量和分布区发生了变化, 加之在以往的评估中存在一些不足, 亟需对我国生物物种的濒危状况开展一次全面的评估。2008年, 环境保护部联合中国科学院启动了《中国生物多样性红色名录》的编制工作, 《中国生物多样性红色名录——高等植物卷》和《中国生物多样性红色名录——脊椎动物卷》分别于2013年9月和2015年5月正式对外发布。本文回顾了《中国生物多样性红色名录》的编制背景、过程和取得的成果。《中国生物多样性红色名录》完成了对我国34,450种高等植物和除海洋鱼类外的4,357种脊椎动物受威胁状况的评估, 是迄今为止对象最广、信息最全、参与专家人数最多的一次评估。在评估中取得了一系列成果: 统计了中国已知高等植物和脊椎动物物种数, 确定了物种丰富度在世界上的排名; 完善了国际上所使用的IUCN红色名录评估等级标准体系; 评估分析了我国已知高等植物和脊椎动物的受威胁程度及分布差异; 评估分析了高等植物和脊椎动物濒危灭绝的原因, 其中人类活动导致的生境丧失和退化是首要因素。这些成果将对我国生物多样性保护和管理工作产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

The rapid destruction of the planet's biodiversity has prompted the nations of the world to set a target of achieving a significant reduction in the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010. However, we do not yet have an adequate way of monitoring progress towards achieving this target. Here we present a method for producing indices based on the IUCN Red List to chart the overall threat status (projected relative extinction risk) of all the world's bird species from 1988 to 2004. Red List Indices (RLIs) are based on the number of species in each Red List category, and on the number changing categories between assessments as a result of genuine improvement or deterioration in status. The RLI for all bird species shows that their overall threat status has continued to deteriorate since 1988. Disaggregated indices show that deteriorations have occurred worldwide and in all major ecosystems, but with particularly steep declines in the indices for Indo-Malayan birds (driven by intensifying deforestation of the Sundaic lowlands) and for albatrosses and petrels (driven by incidental mortality in commercial longline fisheries). RLIs complement indicators based on species population trends and habitat extent for quantifying global trends in the status of biodiversity. Their main weaknesses are that the resolution of status changes is fairly coarse and that delays may occur before some status changes are detected. Their greatest strength is that they are based on information from nearly all species in a taxonomic group worldwide, rather than a potentially biased subset. At present, suitable data are only available for birds, but indices for other taxonomic groups are in development, as is a sampled index based on a stratified sample from all major taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

A recent complete assessment of the conservation status of 5487 mammal species demonstrated that at least one-fifth are at risk of extinction in the wild. We retrospectively identified genuine changes in extinction risk for mammals between 1996 and 2008 to calculate changes in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Index (RLI). Species-level trends in the conservation status of mammalian diversity reveal that extinction risk in large-bodied species is increasing, and that the rate of deterioration has been most accelerated in the Indomalayan and Australasian realms. Expanding agriculture and hunting have been the main drivers of increased extinction risk in mammals. Site-based protection and management, legislation, and captive-breeding and reintroduction programmes have led to improvements in 24 species. We contextualize these changes, and explain why both deteriorations and improvements may be under-reported. Although this study highlights where conservation actions are leading to improvements, it fails to account for instances where conservation has prevented further deteriorations in the status of the world's mammals. The continued utility of the RLI is dependent on sustained investment to ensure repeated assessments of mammals over time and to facilitate future calculations of the RLI and measurement against global targets.  相似文献   

中国杜鹃花属植物已超过600种,是世界杜鹃花属的现代分布中心和分化中心之一。本文以杜鹃花红色名录、中国高等植物红色名录以及中国高等植物受威胁物种名录为基础,对我国杜鹃花的濒危现状进行分析,并根据极度濒危杜鹃花的最新调查结果,结合IUCN红色名录和极小种群野生植物标准对它们进行重新评估。评估结果认为,杜鹃花属12个极度濒危物种中,有4个物种降低了极度濒危的等级,1个物种数据缺乏,1个物种灭绝。我国杜鹃花属植物濒危种类近20%,数据缺乏的种类近1/3,资源本底不清,严重威胁我国杜鹃花的生物多样性保护。未来应加强对杜鹃花本底资源的普查,开展极度濒危物种和极小种群物种的“抢救性保护”、加强园林应用与基础研究。  相似文献   

We assessed the prevalence of alien species as a driver of recent extinctions in five major taxa (plants, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals), using data from the IUCN Red List. Our results show that alien species are the second most common threat associated with species that have gone completely extinct from these taxa since AD 1500. Aliens are the most common threat associated with extinctions in three of the five taxa analysed, and for vertebrate extinctions overall.  相似文献   

For the first time ever, the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Index for habitat types was calculated for an entire country, Finland. The RLIs were based on species threat assessments from 2000 and 2010 and included habitat definitions for all 10,131 species of 12 organism groups. The RLIs were bootstrapped to track statistically significant changes. The RLI changes of species grouped by habitats were negative for all habitat types except for forests and rural biotopes which showed a stable trend. Trends of beetles and true bugs were positive in rural and forest habitats. Other 16 observed trends of species group and habitat combinations were negative. Several trends observed were in accordance with studies focusing on particular taxa and habitats, and drivers for their change. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the RLI as a tool for observing habitat change based on species threat assessment data.  相似文献   

The value of the IUCN Red List for conservation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is the most comprehensive resource detailing the global conservation status of plants and animals. The 2004 edition represents a milestone in the four-decade long history of the Red List, including the first Global Amphibian Assessment and a near doubling in assessed species since 2000. Moreover, the Red List assessment process itself has developed substantially over the past decade, extending the value of the Red List far beyond the assignation of threat status. We highlight here how the Red List, in conjunction with the comprehensive data compiled to support it and in spite of several important limitations, has become an increasingly powerful tool for conservation planning, management, monitoring and decision making.  相似文献   

为促进河南内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区野生动物资源保护与管理,本研究于2015年4月—2018年9月,利用红外相机技术对区内陆生大中型兽类和地面活动鸟类进行了连续3年的调查。本次调查涉及62个红外相机位点,累积工作37 923个有效相机日,共获得12 040张独立有效照片,识别到动物12目26科54种,其中鸟类6目12科35种,兽类6目14科19种。灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)、斑胸钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus hypoleucos)和蓝鹀(Latoucheornis siemsseni)为保护区新记录物种。保护区内有林麝(Moschus berezovskii)和金雕(Aquila chrysaeto) 2种国家一级重点保护野生动物,豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)、黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta)、中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)等13种国家二级重点保护野生动物;IUCN红色名录收录濒危物种(EN)有林麝1种,易危物种(VU)有中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus...  相似文献   

Feral cats have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous species on islands worldwide, including endemic species of mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of feral cats in the main habitats of the Canary Islands, as generally occurred on oceanic islands, is mainly composed of introduced mammals, and native species of birds, reptiles and insects. The impact of feral cat upon the endangered species was assessed by evaluating their relative abundance in the cats’ diet and by considering their current conservation status. A total of 68 different preys were identified at species level in all studies carried out in the Canary Islands (5 mammals, 16 birds, 15 reptiles and 32 invertebrates). From all the species preyed by feral cats in the Canary Islands, only four of them are considered threatened by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: one endemic bird Saxicola dacotiae and three endemic giant lizards, Gallotia simonyi, Gallotia intermedia, and Gallotia gomerana. Although some efforts on management control have been carried out, it is necessary to enforce these conservation activities on those areas of Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro where giant lizards are still present. Furthermore some local areas where endangered bird species are highly predated should be protected. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account the presence of other introduced species such as rats, mice or rabbits in order to avoid problems derived from the hyperpredation process and mesopredator release effect.  相似文献   

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