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Crude extracts of the wild-type Klebsiella pneumoniae reduced C2H2 with either pyruvate or formate as reductant (specific activity, 3 nmol min-1 mg of protein-1), whereas crude extracts of nifF mutant were almost inactive (specific activity, 0.05). However, activity in the latter extracts was stimulated by adding Azotobacter chroococcum flavodoxin (specific activity, 10). Thus, nifF mutants may lack an electron transport factor. Crude extracts of nifJ mutants had about 20% of the wild-type level of active MoFe protein, and thus nifJ has a presumptive role in maintaining active MoFe protein. Studies on pyruvate or formate as reductants for nitrogenase in extracts of the nifJ mutants suggest in addition a role in electron input to nitrogenase for the following reasons. (i) Nitrogenase activity with these reductants was very low (specific activity, 0.06) and was not stimulated by extra MoFe protein or the flavodoxin. (ii) Activity was increased by adding a crude extract of a mutant lacking the structural nif genes (specific activity, 1) or a crude extract of the nifF mutant (specific activity, 4).  相似文献   

Control of nitrogenase synthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

We report the complete DNA sequence of the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifH gene, the gene which codes for component 2 (Fe protein or nitrogenase reductase) of the nitrogenase enzyme complex. The amino acid sequence of the K. pneumoniae nitrogenase Fe protein is deduced from the DNA sequence. The K. pneumoniae Fe protein contains 292 amino acids, has a Mr = 31,753, and contains 9 cysteine residues. We compare the amino acid sequence of the K. pneumoniae protein with available amino acid sequence data on nitrogenase Fe proteins from two other species, Clostridium pasteurianum and Azotobacter vinelandii. The C. pasteurianum Fe protein, for which the complete sequence is known, shows 67% homology with the K. pneumoniae Fe protein. Extensive regions of strong conservation (90-95%) are found, while other regions show relatively poor conservation (30-35%). It is suggested that these strongly conserved regions are of special importance to the function of this enzyme, and the findings are discussed in the light of evolutionary theories on the origin of nif genes.  相似文献   

A binary plasmid system was used to produce nitrogenase components in Escherichia coli and subsequently to define a minimum set of nitrogen fixation (nif) genes required for the production of the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) reactivatable apomolybdenum-iron (apoMoFe) protein of nitrogenase. The active MoFe protein is an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer containing two FeMoco clusters and 4 Fe4S4 P centers (for review see, Orme-Johnson, W.H. (1985) Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 14, 419-459). The plasmid pVL15, carrying a tac-promoted nifA activator gene, was coharbored in E. coli with the plasmid pGH1 which contained nifHDKTYENXUSVWZMF' derived from the chromosome of the nitrogen fixing bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. The apoMoFe protein produced in E. coli by pGH1 + VL15 was identical to the apoprotein in derepressed cells of the nifB- mutant of K. pneumoniae (UN106) in its electrophoretic properties on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels as well as in its ability to be activated by FeMoco. The constituent peptides migrated identically to those from purified MoFe protein during electrophoresis on denaturing gels. The concentrations of apoMoFe protein produced in nif-transformed strains of E. coli were greater than 50% of the levels of MoFe protein observed in derepressed wild-type K. pneumoniae. Systematic deletion of individual nif genes carried by pGH1 has established the requirements for the maximal production of the FeMoco-reactivatable apoMoFe protein to be the following gene products, NifHDKTYUSWZM+A. It appears that several of the genes (nifT, Y, U, W, and Z) are only required for maximal production of the apoMoFe protein, while others (nifH, D, K, and S) are absolutely required for synthesis of this protein in E. coli. One curious result is that the nifH gene product, the peptide of the Fe protein, but not active Fe protein itself, is required for formation of the apoMoFe protein. This suggests the possibility of a ternary complex of the NifH, D, and K peptides as the substrate for the processing to form the apoMoFe protein. We also find that nifM, the gene which processes the nifH protein into Fe protein (Howard, K.S., McLean, P.A., Hansen, F. B., Lemley, P.V., Kobla, K.S. & Orme-Johnson, W.H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 772-778) can, under certain circumstances, partially replace other processing genes (i.e. nifTYU and/or WZ) although it is not essential for apoMoFe protein formation. It also appears that nifS and nifU, reported to play a role in Fe protein production in Azotobacter vinelandii, play no such role in K. pneumoniae, although these genes are involved in apoMoFe formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Citrate transport in Klebsiella pneumoniae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sodium ions were specifically required for citrate degradation by suspensions of K. pneumoniae cells which had been grown anaerobically on citrate. The rate of citrate degradation was considerably lower than the activities of the citrate fermentation enzymes citrate lyase and oxaloacetate decarboxylase, indicating that citrate transport is rate limiting. Uptake of citrate into cells was also Na+ -dependent and was accompanied by its rapid metabolism so that the tricarboxylic acid was not accumulated in the cells to significant levels. The transport could be stimulated less efficiently by LiCl. Li+ ions were cotransported with citrate into the cells. Transport and degradation of citrate were abolished with the uncoupler [4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazono]propanedinitrile (CCFP). After releasing outer membrane components and periplasmic binding proteins by cold osmotic shock treatment, citrate degradation became also sensitive towards monensin and valinomycin. The shock procedure had no effect on the rate of citrate degradation indicating that the transport is not dependent on a binding protein. Citrate degradation and transport were independent of Na+ ions in K. pneumoniae grown aerobically on citrate and in E. coli grown anaerobically on citrate plus glucose. An E. coli cit+ clone obtained by transformation of K. pneumoniae genes coding for citrate transport required Na specifically for aerobic growth on citrate indicating that the Na-dependent citrate transport system is operating. Na+ and Li+ were equally effective in stimulating citrate degradation by cell suspensions of E. coli cit+. Citrate transport in membrane vesicles of E. coli cit+ was also Na+ dependent and was energized by the proton motive force (delta micro H+). Dissipation of delta micro H+ or its components delta pH or delta psi by ionophores either totally abolished or greatly inhibited citrate uptake. It is suggested that the systems energizing citrate transport under anaerobic conditions are provided by the outwardly directed cotransport of metabolic endproducts with protons yielding delta pH and by the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate yielding delta pNa+ and delta psi. In citrate-fermenting K. pneumoniae an ATPase which is activated by Na+ was not found. The cells contain however a proton translocating ATPase and a Na+/H+ antiporter in their membrane.  相似文献   

The nifF gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae was cloned into a multicopy plasmid in order to construct a strain that synthesizes and retains an elevated concentration of the gene product relative to the wild-type strain. Characterization of the isolated flavodoxin, which serves as an electron donor to nitrogenase, shows unambiguously that it is the product of the nifF gene.  相似文献   

The major metal clusters of the MoFe protein, Kpl , of Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase were characterized separately by low-temperature magnetic-circular-dichroism spectroscopy. The spectra and magnetization curves of the extracted iron-molybdenum cofactor, FeMoco , and of 'P' clusters in NifB - Kpl , the inactive, FeMoco -less, MoFo protein from an nifB mutant, were measured and compared with those of the holoprotein. (When FeMoco and NifB - Kpl are combined, active Kpl is formed.) Reduced NifB - Kpl had a spectrum with a weak, paramagnetic, component superimposed on a diamagnetic background. The paramagnetic component was assigned to a contaminating, e.p.r.-active, species. Thionine-oxidized NifB - Kpl had a spectrum and magnetization properties very similar to those of thionine-oxidized Kpl , demonstrating that the 'P' clusters are not significantly affected by the absence of the FeMoco clusters. The spectra of reduced isolated FeMoco had similar magnetization curves but sharper features and higher intensities than those of this centre in dithionite-reduced Kpl . Furthermore, a shoulder near 580 nm in the Kpl spectrum was absent from that of FeMoco . This may be due to the loss of a ligand or to a change in symmetry of the FeMoco cluster on extraction.  相似文献   

Effects of very low concentrations of dissolved O2 on nitrogenase activity in Klebsiella pneumoniae were studied in a stirred chamber system which enabled simultaneous measurements of steady-state O2 concentrations, O2 consumption and C2H2 reduction. A strain carrying a chromosomal nifH::lac fusion as well as the Nif+ plasmid pRD1, expressed nitrogenase activity with 80 nM-O2, a concentration known to inhibit nifH::lac expression by about 50% Thus nitrogenase activity in vivo was no more sensitive to O2 than expression of nifH::lac. When compared with anaerobic treatments, dissolved O2 near 30 nM apparently stimulated nitrogenase derepression and enhanced the activity of nitrogenase synthesized anaerobically. Thus, in this organism, N2 fixation occurs in microaerobic as well as anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Effect of amino acids on the nitrogenase system of Klebsiella pneumoniae   总被引:27,自引:19,他引:8  
Yoch, D. C. (South Dakota State University, Brookings), and R. M. Pengra. Effect of amino acids on the nitrogenase system of Klebsiella pneumoniae. J. Bacteriol. 92:618-622. 1966.-The effect of exogenous amino acids and the free amino acid pool on the synthesis of the nitrogenase system of Klebsiella pneumoniae M5al (formerly Aerobacter aerogenes M5al) was investigated. When an actively N(2)-fixing culture was used to inoculate a medium containing a limiting concentration of NH(4) (+), an induction lag period was observed. When either a single amino acid or a mixture of amino acids was substituted at the same nitrogen concentration, growth was uninterrupted by the induction period. It appears that a step or steps in the formation of the nitrogenase system are repressed by NH(4) (+) and are not affected by amino acid N. The amino acids, far from repressing formation of nitrogenase as does NH(4) (+), actually stimulate its formation. It appears that both free and amino nitrogen are used simultaneously. The amino acids that served concomitantly with N(2) as a source of nitrogen were: aspartic acid, serine, threonine, leucine, and histidine. Of these amino acids, it was shown that aspartic acid is readily taken up by the cells. Of the amino acids not serving as an immediate nitrogen source, isoleucine is not taken up by the cells. The free amino acid pool of the cells was measured at the onset and termination of the induction period. Ninhydrin-positive material in the amino acid pool was depleted by 35% during the induction period.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae including mutant strains, which produce nitrogenase in the presence of NH+4 (Shanmugam, K.T., Chan, Irene, and Morandi, C. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 408, 101--111) is repressed by a mixture of L-amino acids. Biochemical analysis shows that glutamine synthetase activity in strains SK-24, SK-28, and SK-29 is also repressed by amino acids, with no detectable effect on glutamate dehydrogenase. Among the various amino acids, L-glutamine in combination with L-aspartate was found to repress nitrogenase biosynthesis completely. In the presence of high concentrations of glutamine (1 mg/ml) even NH+4 repressed nitrogenase biosynthesis in the strains SK-27, SK-37, SK-55 and SK-56. Under these conditions, increased glutamate dehydrogenase activity was also detected. Physiological studies show that nitrogenase derepressed strains are unable to utilize NH+4 as sole source of nitrogen for biosynthesis of glutamate for biosynthesis of glutamate, whereas back mutations leading to NH+4 utilization results in sensitivity to repression by NH+4. These findings suggest that amino acids play an important role as regulators of nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Crude extracts of wild-type, nitrogenase-derepressed Klebsiella pneumoniae fractionated by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis contain, in addition to the major form of the MoFe protein, two minor variants of lower electrophoretic mobility. Of seven Nif- mutants of K. pneumoniae with nonpolar point mutations in nifD (encoding the alpha subunit of Kp1), three exhibit a wild-type-like electrophoretic pattern, whereas in the remaining four, the slowest-migrating form becomes the predominant species. Amino acid substitutions in mutants of the first type are located in the N terminus of NifD and include Gly-85 to Arg (UN1661), Glu-121 to Lys (UN1649), and Gly-161 to Asp (UN1683). Mutations of the second type are Gly-186 to Asp (UN1648), Gly-195 to Glu (UN1680), Ser-443 to Pro (UN1793), and Gly-455 to Asp (UN1650). Six of the mutated residues show interspecies conservation, three are close to conserved cysteines, and two are located next to conserved histidines. Based on evidence pointing to the possibility that the lowest-mobility form lacks the iron-molybdenum cofactor, these results provide insights into the functional significance of specific sites in the alpha subunit of the MoFe protein.  相似文献   

Temperature sensitivity of the regulatory protein coded by nifA prevents the organism from utilizing N2 at 37 degrees C. The purpling of 6-cyanopurine, a function of nifA expression, also is thermolabile.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation is dependent on a source of ATP and the generation of a reductant at low enough red-ox potential to transfer electrons to nitrogenase. In Rhodospirillum rubrum, grown photoheterotrophically, ATP is produced by photophosphorylation, a process studied in great detail, but the source of reductant for nitrogenase is as yet unidentified. In this report we have studied the effect on nitrogen fixation when the energization of the chromatophore membranes was changed, by decreasing the light intensity or by addition of uncouplers. When the light intensity was lowered a pronounced decrease in nitrogenase activity was observed although there was no decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio. The inhibition observed was not due to ADP-ribosylation, as the same effect was observed in a mutant devoid of the enzymes in the metabolic regulatory cascade operating in R. rubrum and some other diazotrophs. Even at low concentrations of the uncouplers used, a drastic decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio was observed. However, this decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio did not cause a decrease in nitrogenase activity. At higher concentrations of uncouplers, nitrogenase activity decreased but the ATP/ADP ratio remained essentially at a constant low level. These results support a model in which reduction of the electron donor(s) to nitrogenase in R. rubrum is coupled to the energization of the chromatophore membranes.  相似文献   

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