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In recent years, number of X-ray synchrotron beam lines dedicated to collecting diffraction data from macromolecular crystals has exceeded 50. Indeed, today most protein and nucleic acid crystal structures are solved and refined based on the synchrotron data. Collecting diffraction data on a synchrotron beam line involves many technical points, but it is not a mere technicality. Even though the available hardware and software have become more advanced and user-friendly, it is always beneficial if the experimenter is aware of the problems involved in the data collection process and can make informed decisions leading to the highest possible quality of the acquired diffraction data. Various factors, important for the success of data collection experiments and their relevance for different kinds of applications, are discussed.  相似文献   

To increase the efficiency of diffraction data collection for protein crystallographic studies, an automated system designed to store frozen protein crystals, mount them sequentially, align them to the X-ray beam, collect complete data sets, and return the crystals to storage has been developed. Advances in X-ray data collection technology including more brilliant X-ray sources, improved focusing optics, and faster-readout detectors have reduced diffraction data acquisition times from days to hours at a typical protein crystallography laboratory [1,2]. In addition, the number of high-brilliance synchrotron X-ray beam lines dedicated to macromolecular crystallography has increased significantly, and data collection times at these facilities can be routinely less than an hour per crystal. Because the number of protein crystals that may be collected in a 24 hr period has substantially increased, unattended X-ray data acquisition, including automated crystal mounting and alignment, is a desirable goal for protein crystallography. The ability to complete X-ray data collection more efficiently should impact a number of fields, including the emerging structural genomics field [3], structure-directed drug design, and the newly developed screening by X-ray crystallography [4], as well as small molecule applications.  相似文献   

High-resolution structures of macromolecular assemblies are pivotal for our understanding of their biological functions in fundamental cellular processes. In the field of X-ray crystallography, recent methodological and instrumental advances have led to the structure determinations of macromolecular assemblies of increased size and complexity, such as those of ribosomal complexes, RNA polymerases, and large multifunctional enzymes. These advances include the use of robotic screening techniques that maximize the chances of obtaining well-diffracting crystals of large complexes through the fine sampling of crystallization space. Sophisticated crystal optimization and cryoprotection techniques and the use of highly brilliant X-ray beams from third-generation synchrotron light sources now allow data collection from weakly diffracting crystals with large asymmetric units. Combined approaches are used to derive phase information, including phases calculated from electron microscopy (EM) models, heavy atom clusters, and density modification protocols. New crystallographic software tools prove valuable for structure determination and model refinement of large macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   

Radiation damage to biological samples is currently one of the major limiting factors in macromolecular X-ray crystallography, since it severely and irreversibly affects the quality of the data that can be obtained from a diffraction experiment. However, radiation damage can effectively be reduced by utilizing the electron and radical scavenging potential of certain small-molecule compounds. We propose an approach to protect macromolecular crystals prior to data collection by quick soaking with scavengers. This, in favorable cases, can more than double crystal lifetime in the X-ray beam. The approach has the potential to yield diffraction data of superior quality and hence to increase the amount of high-quality diffraction data and of structural information attainable from a single crystal.  相似文献   

Structural genomics discovery projects require ready access to both X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy which support the collection of experimental data needed to solve large numbers of novel protein structures. The most productive X-ray crystal structure determination laboratories make extensive use of tunable synchrotron X-ray light to solve novel structures by anomalous diffraction methods. This requires that frozen cryo-protected crystals be shipped to large multi acre synchrotron facilities for data collection. In this paper we report on the development and use of the first laboratory-scale synchrotron light source capable of performing many of the state-of-the-art synchrotron applications in X-ray science. This Compact Light Source is a first-in-class device that uses inverse Compton scattering to generate X-rays of sufficient flux, tunable wavelength and beam size to allow high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collection from protein crystals. We report on benchmarking tests of X-ray diffraction data collection with hen egg white lysozyme, and the successful high-resolution X-ray structure determination of the Glycine cleavage system protein H from Mycobacterium tuberculosis using diffraction data collected with the Compact Light Source X-ray beam.  相似文献   

Cryocrystallography is routinely used in macromolecular crystallography laboratories. The main advantage of X-ray diffraction data collection near 100K is that crystals display much less radiation damage than seen at room temperature. Techniques and tools are described to facilitate cryoprotecting and flash-cooling crystals for data collection.  相似文献   

Macromolecular crystals commonly suffer rapid radiation damage during room temperature X-ray data collection. Therefore, data are now routinely collected with the sample held at around 100K, significantly reducing secondary radiation damage, and usually resulting in higher resolution and better quality data. At synchrotron sources, the frequent observation of radiation damage even at cryotemperatures has prompted the development of exciting new experiments aimed at characterising and reducing this damage, and using it for structure determination and enzymatic studies. Current research into cryotechniques seeks to understand the basic physical and chemical processes involved in flash-cooling and radiation damage, which should eventually enable the rational optimisation of cryoprotocols.  相似文献   

X-ray radiation damage to cryocooled ( approximately 100 K) macromolecular crystals has emerged as a general problem, especially since the advent of third generation synchrotron undulator sources. Interest in understanding the physical and chemical phenomena behind the observed effects is growing rapidly. The specific structural damage seen in electron density maps has to be accounted for when studying intermediates, and can sometimes be related to biological function. Radiation damage induces non-isomorphism, thus hampering traditional phasing methods. However, specific damage can also be used to obtain phases. With an increased knowledge of expected crystal lifetime, beamline characteristics and types of damage, macromolecular crystallographers might soon be able to account for radiation damage in data collection, processing and phasing.  相似文献   

The majority of 3D structures of macromolecules are currently determined by macromolecular crystallography, which employs the diffraction of X-rays on single crystals. However, during diffraction experiments, the X-rays can damage the protein crystals by ionization processes, especially when powerful X-ray sources at synchrotron facilities are used. This process of radiation damage generates photo-electrons that can get trapped in protein moieties. The 3D structure derived from such experiments can differ remarkably from the structure of the native molecule. Recently, the crystal structures of different oxidation states of horseradish peroxidase and nickel-containing superoxide dismutase were determined using crystallographic redox titration performed during the exposure of the crystals to the incident X-ray beam. Previous crystallographic analyses have not shown the distinct structures of the active sites associated with the redox state of the structural features of these enzymes. These new studies show that, for protein moieties that are susceptible to radiation damage and prone to reduction by photo-electrons, care is required in both the design of the diffraction experiment and the analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   

Recent technical developments, achievements and prospects of high-pressure (HP) macromolecular crystallography (MX) are reviewed. Technical difficulties associated with this technique have been essentially solved by combining synchrotron radiation of ultra-short wavelength, large-aperture diamond anvil cells and new sample-mounting techniques. The quality of diffraction data collected at HP can now meet standards of conventional MX. The exploitation of the potential of the combination of X-ray diffraction and high-pressure perturbation is progressing well. The ability of pressure to shift the population distribution of conformers in solution, which is exploited in particular by NMR, can also be used in the crystalline state with specific advantages. HPMX has indeed bright prospects, in particular to elucidate the structure of higher-energy conformers that are often of high biological significance. Furthermore, HPMX may be of interest for conventional crystallographic studies, as pressure is a fairly general tool to improve order in pre-existing crystals with minimal perturbation of the native structure.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which macromolecular impurities degrade the diffraction properties of protein crystals have been investigated using X-ray topography, high-resolution diffraction line shape measurements, crystallographic data collection, chemical analysis, and two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy. Hen egg-white lysozyme crystals grown from solutions containing a structurally unrelated protein (ovotransferrin) and a related protein (turkey egg-white lysozyme) can exhibit significantly broadened mosaicity due to formation of cracks and dislocations but have overall B factors and diffraction resolutions comparable to those of crystals grown from uncontaminated lysozyme. Direct fluorescence imaging of the three-dimensional impurity distribution shows that impurities incorporate with different densities in sectors formed by growth on different crystal faces, and that impurity densities in the crystal core and along boundaries between growth sectors can be much larger than in other parts of the crystal. These nonuniformities create stresses that drive formation of the defects responsible for the mosaic broadening. Our results provide a rationale for the use of seeding to obtain high-quality crystals from heavily contaminated solutions and have implications for the use of crystallization for protein purification. Proteins 1999;36:270-281.  相似文献   

The production of three-dimensional crystallographic structural information of macromolecules can now be thought of as a pipeline which is being streamlined at every stage from protein cloning, expression and purification, through crystallisation to data collection and structure solution. Synchrotron X-ray beamlines are a key section of this pipeline as it is at these that the X-ray diffraction data that ultimately leads to the elucidation of macromolecular structures are collected. The burgeoning number of macromolecular crystallography (MX) beamlines available worldwide may be enhanced significantly with the automation of both their operation and of the experiments carried out on them. This paper reviews the current situation and provides a glimpse of how a MX beamline may look in the not too distant future.  相似文献   

Several new crystal forms of thymidylate synthase (5,10-methlenetetrahydrofolate:dUMP C-methyltransferase; EC were obtained by controlled pH change. In the crystals the dimeric molecule has a 2-fold symmetry axis coinciding with crystallographic symmetry. The crystals scatter to at least 2.7 A resolution in the synchrotron X-ray beam and appear to be suitable for high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals were successfully derivatized and preliminary results are reported for the covalent inhibitory ternary complex of thymidylate synthase, 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate.  相似文献   

The development of "time-resolved" crystallographic methods, including trapping of reaction intermediates and rapid data collection, allows the comparative study of discrete structural species formed during a macromolecular reaction, such as enzymatic catalysis, ribozyme cleavage, or a protein photocycle. The primary technical details that must be addressed in such studies are the reaction initiation, the accumulation of a specific reaction species throughout the crystal, the lifetime of that species and of the crystal under the experimental conditions, and the method used to collect X-ray data. Methods of reaction initiation range from substrate diffusion, which is appropriate for the visualization of very long-lived intermediates, to photolysis, which is appropriate for the accumulation of rate-limited species with half-lives ranging from milliseconds to nanoseconds. This review discusses various methods for initiating turnover in crystals and trapping rate-limiting species for structural studies.  相似文献   

Experimental phasing of macromolecular crystal structures relies on the accurate measurement of two or more sets of reflections from isomorphous crystals, where the scattering power of a few atoms is different for each set. Recently, it was demonstrated that X-ray-induced intensity differences can also contain phasing information, exploiting specific structural changes characteristic of X-ray damage. This method (radiation damage-induced phasing; RIP) has the advantage that it can be performed on a single crystal of the native macromolecule. However, a drawback is that X-rays introduce many small changes to both solvent and macromolecule. In this study, ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been used to induce specific changes in the macromolecule alone, leading to a larger contrast between radiation-susceptible and nonsusceptible sites. Unlike X-ray RIP, UV RIP does not require the use of a synchrotron. The method has been demonstrated for a series of macromolecules.  相似文献   

The flash-cooling of crystals in macromolecular crystallography has become commonplace. The procedure makes it possible to collect data from much smaller specimens than was the case in the past Also, flash-cooled crystals are much less prone to radiation damage than their room-temperature counterparts, allowing data to be accumulated over extended periods of time. Notwithstanding the attractiveness of the technique, it does have potential disadvantages. First, better methods need to be developed to prevent damage to crystals on freezing. There is also a risk that structures determined at low temperature may suggest conclusions based on aspects of the structure that are not necessarily relevant at room temperature.  相似文献   

The growth processes and defect structures of protein and virus crystals have been studied in situ by atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction topography, and high-resolution reciprocal space scanning. Molecular mechanisms of macromolecular crystallization were visualized and fundamental kinetic and thermodynamic parameters, which govern the crystallization process of a number of macromolecular crystals, have been determined. High-resolution AFM imaging of crystal surfaces provides information on the packing of macromolecules within the unit cell and on the structure of large macromolecular assemblies. X-ray diffraction techniques provide a bulk probe with poorer spatial resolution but excellent sensitivity to mosaicity and strain. Defect structures and disorder created in macromolecular crystals during growth, seeding, and post-growth treatments including flash cooling were characterized and their impacts on the diffraction properties of macromolecular crystals have been analyzed. The diverse and dramatic effects of impurities on growth and defect formation have also been studied. Practical implications of these fundamental insights into the improvement of macromolecular crystallization protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of large multi-component complexes and membrane protein crystal structures determined over the last few years can be ascribed to a number of factors such as better protein expression and purification systems, the emergence of high-throughput crystallization techniques and the advent of 3rd generation synchrotron sources. However, many systems tend to produce crystals that can be extremely heterogeneous in their diffraction properties. This prevents, in many cases, the collection of diffraction data of sufficient quality to yield useful biological or phase information. Techniques that can increase the diffraction quality of macromolecular crystals can therefore be essential in the successful conclusion of these challenging projects. No technique is universal but encouraging results have been recently achieved by carrying out the controlled dehydration of crystals of biological macromolecules. A new device that delivers a stream of air with a precisely controlled relative humidity to the complicated sample environment found at modern synchrotron beamlines has been conceived at the EMBL Grenoble and developed by the EMBL and the ESRF as part of the SPINE2 complexes project, a European Commission funded protein structure initiative. The device, the HC1b, has been available for three years at the ESRF macromolecular crystallography beamlines and many systems have benefitted from on-line controlled dehydration. Here we describe a standard dehydration experiment, highlight some successful cases and discuss the different possible uses of the device.  相似文献   

Electron crystallography has the potential of yielding structural information equivalent to x-ray diffraction. The major difficulty has been preparing specimens with the required structural order and size for diffraction and imaging in the electron microscope. 2D crystallization on phospholipid monolayers is capable of fulfilling both of these requirements. Crystals can form as a result of specific interactions with a protein's ligand or an analog, suitably linked to a lipid tail; or on a surface of complementary head-group charge. With such choices, the availability of a suitable lipid is limited only by synthetic chemistry. Ultimately, it is the quality and regularity of the protein-protein interactions that determine the crystalline order, as it is with any protein crystal. In the case of streptavidin, the monolayer crystal diffracts beyond 2.5 Å. A 3 Å projection map reconstructed from electron diffraction amplitudes and phases from images shows density which can be interpreted as β-sheets and clusters of side chains. It remains to be shown that the monolayer crystals are flat and diffract as well at high tilt angle as untilted. Technological issues such as charging must be resolved. With parallel advances in data collection and processing, electron crystallography of monolayer macromolecular crystals will eventually take its place beside x-ray crystallography and NMR as a routine and efficient structural technique.  相似文献   

The positions of hydrogen atoms significantly define protein functions. However, such information from protein crystals is easily disturbed by X-rays. The damage can not be prevented completely even in the data collection at cryogenic temperatures. Therefore, the influence of X-rays should be precisely estimated in order to derive meaningful information from the crystallographic results. Diffraction data from a single crystal of the high-potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP) from Thermochromatium tepidum were collected at an undulator beamline of a third generation synchrotron facility, and were merged into three data sets according to X-ray dose. A series of structures analyzed at 0.70 Å shows detailed views of the X-ray induced perturbation, such as the positional changes of hydrogen atoms of a water molecule. Based on the results, we successfully collected a low perturbation data set using attenuated X-rays. There was no influence on the crystallographic statistics, such as the relative B factors, during the course of data collection. The electron densities for hydrogen atoms were more clear despite the slightly lower resolution.  相似文献   

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