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A detailed restriction map was deduced for the genome of the exogenous bovine leukemia virus. The cleavage sites for nine restriction enzymes were mapped. The unintegrated linear viral DNA intermediate that is produced by infection of permissive cells with bovine leukemia virus was isolated. The linear viral DNA had a unique restriction map, indicating that it is not a set of random circular permutations of the RNA genome. From hybridization with a 3'-enriched probe, the DNA restriction map was aligned relative to the 5'-to-3' orientation of the viral RNA. Restriction enzyme analysis of integrated bovine leukemia virus information present in animals with enzootic bovine leukosis provided evidence for the existence of genetic variants of the virus.  相似文献   

The Southern DNA filter transfer technique was used to study the involvement of the endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) in the development of mammary tumors of nonviral etiology. The presence of extra MMTV proviruses in the genomes of these non-virally induced mammary tumors would indicate an integration of the provirus of an activated endogenous MMTV. Acquisition of MMTV proviruses did not seem to be an absolute requirement for the development of hormone or carcinogenically induced mammary tumors in strain BALB/c nor for hormone-induced mammary tumors in mouse strains 020, C57BL, and C3Hf. In some hormone-induced mammary tumors we did observe extra MMTV proviruses in submolar quantities, indicating that reintegration may occasionally occur and that only a part of the tumor cells acquired new MMTV DNA information. Hormone-dependent and -independent primary mammary tumors of the mouse strain GR, which are controlled by the Mtv-2 mammary tumor induction gene, all acquired extra MMTV proviruses. Most of these extra MMTV proviral-DNA-containing fragments appeared present in submolar quantities, suggesting that only part of the tumor cells acquired extra MMTV proviral information. These findings indicate that the initially transformed mammary gland cells of non-virally induced mammary tumors do not necessarily acquire extra MMTV proviral DNA information, in contrast to the MMTV-induced mammary tumors, in which all tumor cells contain extra MMTV DNA information.  相似文献   

Restriction fragments of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral DNA were obtained by molecular cloning procedures. A 4-kilobase fragment delimited by two PstI sites was isolated from unintegrated, linear MMTV DNA and amplified in the pBr322 plasmid vector. EcoRI fragments of proviral DNA, integrated into the genome of a GR mammary tumor cell line, were isolated as lambda recombinant molecules. Five different recombinant phages which contained the 3' region of the MMTV proviral DNA and adjacent host DNA sequences were isolated. Heteroduplex analysis and S1 nuclease digestion suggested that there is no extensive sequence homology in the host DNA flanking the different proviral genes. The cloned DNA was fractionated into site-specific restriction fragments which served as molecular probes in the analysis of the endogenous MMTV proviral copies of C3H, GR, BALB/c, and feral mice. This allowed the correlation of MMTV-specific EcoRI fragments obtained from genomic DNA of these strains with the 5' and 3' ends of the proviral gene. Restriction fragments of two clones which contained the proviral sequences adjacent to the flanking host DNA as well as 1 to 2 kilobases of host DNA were used as hybridization probes, and the results allow the following conclusions: the proviral DNA of both clones contains nucleotide sequences complementary to the 5' and 3' ends of proviral DNA; and the host DNA flanking one clone belongs to the unique class of genomic DNA, whereas the DNA flanking the second clone is reiterated at least 15 times within the mouse genome.  相似文献   

Unintegrated linear and closed circular DNAs of B- and N-tropic endogenous BALB/c murine leukemia virus (MuLV) were extracted from newly infected mouse cells and cleaved with EcoRI, XhoI, PvuI, HindIII, SalI, XbaI, KpnI, SmaI, and PstI restriction endonucleases. The DNA fragments were separated by electrophoresis and analyzed by the Southern blot hybridization procedure. EcoRI did not cleave the two genomes. A physical map of 15 cleavage sites on B- and N-tropic genomes was constructed with the other restriction endonucleases. Identical cleavage sites of B- and N-tropic MuLV DNAs were found with all these enzymes. However, the N-tropic linear genome was found to lack about 75 base pairs at each end of the molecule. PstI, KpnI, and SmaI recognize a cleavage site at both ends of the linear molecules. And sequences derived from the 5' end of the RNA genome were found in the third left end of the linear DNA and at its extreme right-end terminus, suggesting the presence of redundant sequences. Two species of closed circular viral DNA were observed. The larger species has the same size as the linear molecule and appears to be a circularized form of linear DNA. The smaller species contains sequences common to both the linear and the larger circular viral DNA but seems to be deleted from sequences present at either one or both ends of the linear DNA. Therefore, the general structure of the linear and circular DNA species of these B- and N-tropic endogenous BALB/c MuLV appears analogous to the structure found with other retroviruses.  相似文献   

The molecular details of glucocorticoid hormone regulation of expression of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral gene have been investigated. Cloned proviral DNA was introduced into cultured cells by a gene transfer procedure. DNA acquired by transfection was shown to be expressed in a hormone regulated fashion. The proviral DNA was fragmented and recombined in vitro with an indicator gene to delimit the hormone response sequence. Inducibility of the indicator gene (thymidine kinase gene from Herpes Simplex Virus, tk) was observed upon recombination with the long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence of MMTV. Further delimitation of the LTR DNA demonstrated that 202 nucleotides located 5' of the RNA initiation site are sufficient to confer glucocorticoid regulation. In vitro interaction of LTR DNA with glucocorticoid hormone receptor complex, showed a preferential affinity to the same sequence which mediated hormonal regulation in transfected cells. Evidence for a direct receptor gene interaction in the process of gene induction was gained by the measurement of the kinetics of induction and the use of a glucocorticoid antagonist (RU 486). The induction of the transfected gene is very rapid, independent of simultaneous protein synthesis and requires a functional glucocorticoid receptor hormone complex.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone 21-mesylate, an irreversible antiglucocorticoid in HTC cells, forms a covalent receptor-steroid complex which can be activated in cell-free systems. The molecular basis of its antiglucocorticoid activity is unknown; it might result from altered DNA sequence preferences and/or affinities of the covalent receptor-steroid complex. To test this hypothesis, the affinities of both covalent receptor-antagonist and noncovalent receptor-agonist complexes for defined DNA sequences were measured in a DNA binding competition assay. This assay requires neither purified complexes nor large quantities of DNA, yet it provides quantitative comparisons of the affinities of different double-stranded DNAs for binding receptor-steroid complexes. In this assay, activated covalent receptor-dexamethasone 21-mesylate complexes in crude cytosol bound to calf thymus DNA and cloned subregions of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral DNA with approximately the same relative affinities as did noncovalent receptor-dexamethasone complexes. Both types of complex exhibited similar orders of preferential binding to DNA sequences. LTR subregions, as well as the entire LTR, were 2-20 times more potent competitors than calf thymus DNA. Cloned sequences from the 3' terminus of the LTR were more effective competitors than either the entire LTR or comparably sized DNAs from the 5' terminus. The DNA sequences with the greatest affinities for both covalent and noncovalent complexes are located within the region of -221 to -67. These studies support the theory that recognition by regulatory elements of specific DNA sequences upstream of responsive genes is an integral step of hormone action.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease cleavage map of the DNA of JC virus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A physical map of the sites cleaved by the following restriction endonucleases was derived for the DNA of JC virus, a human polyomavirus: EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI (one site each); HindII (four sites); and HindIII (three sites). By agarose gel electrophoresis of fragmented DNA, the size of full-length DNA of JC virus was estimated to be 5,125 +/- 105 base pairs (98 +/- 2% of the length of simian virus 40 DNA).  相似文献   

Summary A cleavage site map of the colicin Ib plasmid (ColIb) has been determined for the enzymes Sall, XhoI, and HindIII by analysis of partial digests, double digests, DNA-DNA hybridization, and Tn5-induced insertion mutants. The site of the colicin gene has been determined by probing with cloned DNA coding for colicin production, as well as by analysis of a colicin negative ColIb:Tn5.  相似文献   

The endogenous proviral copies of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) were selected from a gene library of GR mouse DNA. We obtained five different lambda. MMTV recombinant clones. Four of them correspond to the 3' Eco RI fragments of the endogenous proviruses an one comprises an intact MMTV provirus with 2 to 3 kb of flanking mouse genomic DNA. Heteroduplex formation followed by S1 digestion under stringent conditions shows that there is nucleotide sequence heterology among the cloned endogenous proviral copies. Only one endogenous proviral copy, associated with the mtv-2 locus, was found to be totally homologous to the exogenous proviral DNA.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme mapping of vaccinia virus DNA.   总被引:4,自引:17,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The cleavage sites for the restriction enzymes Bg/I, HindIII, KpnI, SalI, SmaI, and XhoI were located, from primary data, on the DNA isolated from the WR strain of vaccinia virus. Bg/I and SmaI divide the DNA into five segments which can be isolated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. These large segments provide a convenient means to group segments produced by other enzymes. The construction of physical maps was initiated by identifying the segments at each end of the DNA and then finding segments which were adjacent to these terminal sections. This was accomplished by isolating large shear fragments which contained the covalently linked termini of the DNA. Most of the data needed to derive the maps were obtained by isolating segments produce by one enzyme and then cleaving these individual segments with a second enzyme.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized a novel endogenous murine mammary tumor virus proviral unit of the C3H/He strain of mice. The cloned proviral unit is 16 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size and is composed of a 5.6-kbp 5' EcoRI segment of an endogenous provirus with 10.4-kbp flanking cellular sequences. A comparison of the restriction map of the cloned proviral DNA with that of an endogenous provirus of the GR strain of mice has revealed minor differences in restriction sites on the two proviruses. The restriction enzyme SstI, which does not cleave the 5' EcoRI fragment of GR DNA, cleaves the C3H/He proviral sequences once; MspI has an additional site in the C3H/He proviral sequences. By using a subcloned fragment containing unique cellular sequences as a hybridization probe, we (i) mapped the C3H/He proviral unit to chromosome 14 by using mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids, and (ii) demonstrated that this proviral unit is also present in the genome of DBA/2 mice. From these results we conclude that the C3H/He strain of mice acquired this proviral unit from DBA stock by genetic transmission. Our data also indicate that the murine mammary tumor virus sequences present in the gag-specific proviral unit of C3H/He mice extend at least 2.45 kbp downstream of the EcoRI site in the genomic DNA. Since the structural organization and chromosomal location of this proviral unit are distinct from those of previously reported proviral units represented by similar-sized (16.7-kbp) EcoRI fragments, we tentatively propose to designate this proviral unit Mtv-7a.  相似文献   

D R Joseph 《Gene》1982,17(3):341-344
Suprahelical proviral DNA of AKR xenotropic murine leukemia virus was purified from agarose gels and cloned in lambda Charon 28 DNA (BamHI sites). Nine viral DNA recombinants were identified and mapped with 12 restriction endonucleases. Three calsses of cloned viral DNA inserts were found: (1) Six inserts were apparently full-length 9.0-kb DNA with tandem long terminal repeat (LTR) elements; (2) two inserts contained DNAs with deletions in or adjacent to the LTR regions; (3) a single isolate contained an inversion of 2.3 kb around the LTR in the envelope gene.  相似文献   

Sequences in the human genome with homology to the murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) pol gene were isolated from a human phage library. Ten clones with extensive pol homology were shown to define five separate loci. These loci share common sequences immediately adjacent to the pol-like segments and, in addition, contain a related repeat element which bounds this region. This organization is suggestive of a proviral structure. We estimate that the human genome contains 30 to 40 copies of these pol-related sequences. The pol region of one of the cloned segments (HM16) and the complete MMTV pol gene were sequenced and compared. The nucleotide homology between these pol sequences is 52% and is concentrated in the terminal regions. The MMTV pol gene contains a single long open reading frame encoding 899 amino acids and is demarcated from the partially overlapping putative gag gene by termination codons and a shift in translational reading frame. The pol sequence of HM16 is multiply terminated but does contain open reading frames which encode 370, 105, and 112 amino acid residues in separate reading frames. We deduced a composite pol protein sequence for HM16 by aligning it to the MMTV pol gene and then compared these sequences with other retroviral pol protein sequences. Conserved sequences occur in both the amino and carboxyl regions which lie within the polymerase and endonuclease domains of pol, respectively.  相似文献   

Two lambda proviral DNA recombinants were characterized with a number of restriction endonucleases. One recombinant contained a complete presumptive avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) provirus flanked by cellular sequences on either side, and the second recombinant contained 85% of a myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (MAV-1)-like provirus with cellular sequences adjacent to the 5' end of the provirus. Comparing the restriction maps for the proviral DNAs contained in each lambda hybrid showed that the putative AMV and MAV-1-like genomes shared identical enzyme sites for 3.6 megadaltons beginning at the 5' termini of the proviruses with respect to viral RNA. Two enzyme sites near the 3'-end of the MAV-1-like provirus were not present in the putative AMV genome. We also examined a number of leukemic myeloblast clones for proviral content and cell-provirus integration sites. The presumptive AMV provirus was present in all the leukemic myeloblast clones regardless of the endogenous proviral content of the target cells or the AMV pseudotype used for conversion. Multiple cellular sites were suitable for integration of the putative AMV genome and the helper genomes. The proviral genomes were all integrated colinearly with respect to linear viral DNA.  相似文献   

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