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A molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed on 14 species of the Mediterranean unrewarding orchid genus Serapias using sequences of four noncoding regions of chloroplast DNA. This study has led to a new interpretation of the evolutionary relationships in this genus. The well-defined phylogenetic tree supports a division of taxa into two main clades, each including two minor groups. The molecular relationships found in this study differ from those defined by traditional systematic morphological assessments. By comparing the variation in sequence to variations in floral traits, we propose that the split in the two main lineages reflects an early differentiation of flower size, perhaps due to the shift from allo- to self-pollination. Conversely, the relationships within each minor group do not reflect floral size variation; therefore, we presume that this diversification resulted from genetic drift, local selection forces, and multiple, independent transitions towards self-pollination and polyploidy.  相似文献   

The entire nucleotide sequences of the rice, tobacco and liverwort chloroplast genomes have been determined. We compared all the chloroplast genes, open reading frames and spacer regions in the plastid genomes of these three species in order to elucidate general structural features of the chloroplast genome. Analyses of homology, GC content and codon usage of the genes enabled us to classify them into two groups: photosynthesis genes and genetic system genes. Based on comparisons of homology, GC content and codon usage, unidentified ORFs can also be assigned to each of these groups such that it is possible to speculate about the functions of products which may be produced by these ORFs. The spacer regions and intron sequences were compared and found to have no obvious homology between rice and liverwort or between tobacco and liverwort.  相似文献   

The gene for the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) is responsible for severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) and its products associate with Ku70/Ku86 autoantigens, c-Abl, and other factors to exert its roles. Investigations to date suggest that DNA-PKcs comprises several regions which specifically interact with these known and other as yet unidentified factors. Nevertheless, the relationship between the structure and function of the DNA-PKcs molecule is poorly understood. Here we report cloning of the entire DNA-PKcs cDNA from chicken and Xenopus laevis. Comparative study of the DNA-PKcs polypeptides from four different vertebrates revealed at least three novel conserved regions in addition to the carboxyl-terminal region containing the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase domain. We also demonstrated that the four vertebrates share the common genomic organization between a licensing factor, MCM4, and DNA-PKcs, both of which locate in a head-to-head manner within a few kilobase intervals. These data provide useful clues for the further genetic study of this huge multifunctional enzyme.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome of Pyrus was found to be 159,922?bp in length which included a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26,392?bp, separated by a small single-copy region of 19,237?bp and a large single-copy region (LSC) of 87,901?bp. A total of 130 predicted genes (113 unique genes and 17 genes, which were duplicated in the IR) including 79 protein-coding genes, four ribosomal RNA genes and 30 tRNA genes were identified based on similarity to homologs from the chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum. Genome organization was very similar to the inferred ancestral angiosperm chloroplast genome. Comparisons between Pyrus, Malus, and Prunus in Rosaceae revealed 220 indels (??10?bp). Excluding ycf1 and ycf2, which contained deletions in the coding region, all of these were detected in the spacer or intron regions. Three insertions and 13 deletions were detected in Pyrus compared to the same loci in Malus and Prunus. After comparing 89 noncoding chloroplast DNA regions in Pyrus and Malus, highly variable regions such as ndhC-trnV and trnR-atpA were identified. In Pyrus and Malus, the IR/LSC borders were 62?bp shorter than those of Prunus. In addition, there were length mutations at the IRa/LSC junction and in trnH. A total of 67 simple sequence repeats (more than 10 repeated motifs) were identified in the Pyrus chloroplast genome. The indels and simple sequence repeats will be useful evolutionary tools at both intra- and interspecific levels. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a close relationship between Pyrus and Prunus in the Rosaceae.  相似文献   

A microsatellite locus, MFW1, originating from common carp is highly conserved in flanking nucleotides but variable in repeat length in some fishes from different families of the Cypriniformes. This orthologous locus is polymorphic in approximately 58% of the species tested in the order and is inherited by Mendelian law. It proved to be a potentially good marker in population genetics and in the cyprinid species‐breeding programme in which no microsatellite markers were available.  相似文献   

Ankyrin is an essential link between cytoskeletal proteins, such as spectrin, and membrane bound proteins, such as protein 3, the erythrocyte anion exchanger. Although the amino acid structure of human ankyrin is known, the functional regions have been only partially defined. Sequence comparisons between mouse and human ankyrin offer one mechanism of identifying highly conserved regions that probably have functional significance. We report the isolation and sequencing of a series of overlapping murine erythroid ankyrin (Ank-1) cDNAs from spleen and reticulocyte libraries (total span 6238 bp) and identify potentially important regions of murine-human reticulocyte ankyrin homology. Comparison of the predicted peptide sequences of mouse and human erythroid ankyrins shows that these ankyrins are highly conserved in both the N-terminal, protein 3 binding domain (96% amino acid identity) and in the central spectrin-binding domain (97% identity), but differ in the C-terminal regulatory domain (79% identity). However, the C-terminal regulatory domain contains two regions of peptide sequence that are perfectly conserved. We postulate these regions are important in the regulatory functions of this domain.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of prolactin from the pituitaries of salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) has been determined. Salmon prolactin comprised two variants, I and II, which were separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Each variant was reduced, S-carboxymethylated, and then cleaved with cyanogen bromide and enzymes. The resulting fragments were separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, as well as gel filtration, and subjected to sequence analysis by the dansyl-Edman method. Both variants contain 187 amino acid residues with two disulfide linkages at residues 46-160 and 177-187, lack a linkage in the N-terminal portion of mammalian prolactins, and differ from each other by the replacement of only four amino acid residues. Salmon prolactin (sPRL) shows 31% sequence identify with ovine prolactin. Moreover, four restricted regions, i.e., sPRL (3-21), (46-60), (68-83), and (160-178), encompass this significant conservatism between the teleost and the mammalian hormone, with identities of 47, 87, 62, and 68%, respectively. Such considerable identity between these distant phylogenic species strongly suggests that these regions may be responsible for the biological activity of prolactin.  相似文献   

Idiotype conservation between human and mouse antibodies has been observed in association with various infectious and autoimmune diseases. We have isolated a human anti-idiotypic antibody to a mouse monoclonal anti-IgE antibody (BSW17) suggesting a conserved interspecies idiotype associated with an anti-IgE response. To find the homologue of BSW17 in the human genome we applied the guided selection strategy. Combining V(H) of BSW17 with a human V(L) repertoire resulted in three light chains. The three V(L) chains were then combined with a human V(H) repertoire resulting in three clones specific for human IgE. Surprisingly, one clone, Hu41, had the same epitope specificity and functional in vitro activity as BSW17 and V(H) complementarity-determining regions identical with that of BSW17. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed the presence of the Hu41 V(H) sequence in the human genome. These data document the first example of the isolation of a human antibody where high sequence similarity to the original murine V(H) sequence is associated with common antigen and epitope specificity.  相似文献   

A DNA fiber-based fluorescence in situ hybridization (fiber-FISH) technique was developed to analyze the structure and organization of a large number of intact chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) molecules from Arabidopsis, tobacco, and pea. Using this cytogenomic approach, we determined that 25 to 45% of the cpDNA within developing leaf tissue consists of circular molecules. Both linear and circular DNA fibers with one to four copies of the chloroplast genome were present, with monomers being the predominant structure. Arabidopsis and tobacco chloroplasts contained previously unidentified multimers (>900 kb) consisting of six to 10 genome equivalents. We further discovered rearranged cpDNA molecules of incomplete genome equivalents, confirmed by both differential hybridizations and size estimations. The unique cpDNA organization and novel structures revealed in this study demonstrate that higher plant cpDNA is more structurally plastic than previous sequence and electrophoretic analyses have suggested. Additionally, we demonstrate how the fiber-FISH-based cytogenomic approach allows for powerful analysis of very rare events that cannot be detected by traditional techniques such as DNA gel blot hybridization or polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   

Summary A low molecular weight heat shock protein which localizes to chloroplasts has been identified in several plant species. This protein belongs to a eukaryotic superfamily of small HSPs, all of which contain a conserved carboxyl-terminal domain. To investigate further the structure of this HSP, we isolated and sequenced cDNA clones for the chloroplast LMW HSPs from Petunia hybrida and Arabidopsis thaliana. The cloning of chloroplast HSPs from these two species enabled us to compare the amino acid sequences of this protein from plant species (petunia, Arabidopsis, pea, soybean and maize) that represent evolutionarily divergent taxonomic subclasses. Three conserved regions were identified, which are designated as regions I, II and III. Regions I and II are also shared by cytoplasmic LMW HSPs and therefore are likely to have functional roles common to all eukaryotic LMW HSPs. In contrast, consensus region III is not found in other LMW HSPs. Secondary structure analysis predicts that this region forms an amphipathic -helix with high conservation of methionine residues on the hydrophobic face and 100% conservation of residues on the hydrophilic face. This structure is similar to three helices, termed methionine bristles, which are found in a methionine-rich domain of a 54 kDa protein component of signal recognition particle (SRP54). The conservation of regions I and II among LMW cytoplasmic and chloroplast HSPs suggests that these HSPs perform related functions in different cellular compartments. However, identification of the methionine bristle domain suggests that chloroplast HSPs also have unique functions or substrates within the special environment of the chloroplast or other plastids.Abbreviations HS heat shock - HSP heat shock protein - LMW low molecular weight  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome of Pelargonium x hortorum has been completely sequenced. It maps as a circular molecule of 217,942 bp and is both the largest and most rearranged land plant chloroplast genome yet sequenced. It features 2 copies of a greatly expanded inverted repeat (IR) of 75,741 bp each and, consequently, diminished single-copy regions of 59,710 and 6,750 bp. Despite the increase in size and complexity of the genome, the gene content is similar to that of other angiosperms, with the exceptions of a large number of pseudogenes, the recognition of 2 open reading frames (ORF56 and ORF42) in the trnA intron with similarities to previously identified mitochondrial products (ACRS and pvs-trnA), the losses of accD and trnT-ggu and, in particular, the presence of a highly divergent set of rpoA-like ORFs rather than a single, easily recognized gene for rpoA. The 3-fold expansion of the IR (relative to most angiosperms) accounts for most of the size increase of the genome, but an additional 10% of the size increase is related to the large number of repeats found. The Pelargonium genome contains 35 times as many 31 bp or larger repeats than the unrearranged genome of Spinacia. Most of these repeats occur near the rearrangement hotspots, and 2 different associations of repeats are localized in these regions. These associations are characterized by full or partial duplications of several genes, most of which appear to be nonfunctional copies or pseudogenes. These duplications may also be linked to the disruption of at least 1 but possibly 2 or 3 operons. We propose simple models that account for the major rearrangements with a minimum of 8 IR boundary changes and 12 inversions in addition to several insertions of duplicated sequence.  相似文献   

Summary The genus Allium contains many economically important species, including the bulb onion, chive, garlic, Japanese bunching onion, and leek. Phylogenetic relationships among the cultivated alliums are not well understood, and taxonomic classifications are based on relatively few morphological characters. Chloroplast DNA is highly conserved and useful in determining phylogenetic relationships. The size of the chloroplast genome of Allium cepa was estimated at 140 kb and restriction enzyme sites were mapped for KpnI, PstI, PvuII, SalI, XbaI, and XhoI. Variability at restriction enzyme sites in the chloroplast DNA was studied for at least three accessions of each of six cultivated, old-world Allium species. Of 189 restriction enzyme sites detected with 12 enzymes, 15 mutations were identified and used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. Cladistic analysis based on Wagner and Dollo parsimony resulted in a single, most-parsimonious tree of 16 steps and supported division of the species into sections. Allium species in section Porrum were distinguished from species in sections Cepa and Phyllodolon. Two species in section Rhiziridium, A. schoenoprasum and A. tuberosum, differed by five mutations and were placed in separate lineages. Allium cepa and A. fistulosum shared the loss of a restriction enzyme site and were phylogenetically closer to each other than to A. schoenoprasum. This study demonstrates the usefulness of restriction enzyme site analysis of the chloroplast genome in the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships in Allium.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila pneumoniae displays surprisingly little genomic variation, as seen by comparisons of the published genomes from three different isolates and sequencing of four different genes from different isolates. We have in the present study, however, demonstrated genomic variation between 10 C. pneumoniae isolates in the 11690-bp region between the two outer membrane protein genes pmp1 and pmp2. This region of the C. pneumoniae CWL-029 isolate contains seven C. pneumoniae-specific open reading frames (hb1-7, encoding hydrophobic beta-sheet-containing proteins). We identified additionally 12 open reading frames in the C. pneumoniae CWL-029 genome encoding hypothetical proteins with similarity to the seven hypothetical Hb-proteins. Compared to other isolates, genomic variation is seen to cause frame-shifting of three of the 19 hb-open reading frames, which are proposed to be three full-length genes and eight frame-shifted pseudogenes. The hypothetical proteins encoded by these proposed genes contain an N-terminally located highly hydrophobic stretch of 50-60 residues. A similar motif is found in all identified Chlamydia inclusion membrane proteins and therefore the Hb-proteins are candidate inclusion proteins.  相似文献   

Sequence data from the intron and spacer of the trnL-F chloroplast region elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Diseae (Orchidoideae: Orchidaceae). Within Diseae, 41 species of Disa, two of Brownleea, three of Satyrium, and two of Corycium were included, with five species of Habenaria sensu lato (Orchideae) and one epidendroid as outgroups. The sequences revealed substitutions and considerable length variation, due mainly to the presence of repeat motifs. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony revealed five distinct clades. The branching order of the five weakly supported the paraphyly of Diseae, with the successive divergence of Brownleea, Corycium, Habenaria, Satyrium, and Disa. Within the monophyletic Disa, three main groupings appeared, two strongly supported clades representing sect. Racemosae and sect. Coryphaea and the third grouping containing several clades currently grouped into sections based on morphological phylogenies. Some discrepancies between the molecular phylogeny and the phylogeny based on morphological characters may require reevaluation of some of the morphological characters. The presence of different numbers of repeat motifs, both among different taxa and within taxa, indicates that these characters may be phylogenetically informative at the population level.  相似文献   

Two related mammalian proteins, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), share high-affinity binding to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a glycolipid found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. The recently determined crystal structure of human BPI permits a structure/function analysis, presented here, of the conserved regions of these two proteins sequences. In the seven known sequences of BPI and LBP, 102 residues are completely conserved and may be classified in terms of location, side-chain chemistry, and interactions with other residues. We find that the most highly conserved regions lie at the interfaces between the tertiary structural elements that help create two apolar lipid-binding pockets. Most of the conserved polar and charged residues appear to be involved in inter-residue interactions such as H-bonding. However, in both BPI and LBP a subset of conserved residues with positive charge (lysines 42, 48, 92, 95, and 99 of BPI) have no apparent structural role. These residues cluster at the tip of the NH2-terminal domain, and several coincide with residues known to affect LPS binding; thus, it seems likely that these residues make electrostatic interactions with negatively charged groups of LPS. Overall differences in charge and electrostatic potential between BPI and LBP suggest that BPI''s bactericidal activity is related to the high positive charge of its NH2-terminal domain. A model of human LBP derived from the BPI structure provides a rational basis for future experiments, such as site-directed mutagenesis and inhibitor design.  相似文献   

An albino mutant designated cla1-1 (for ‘c loroplastos a lterado’, or ‘altered chloroplasts’) has been isolated from a T-DNA-generated library of Arabidopsis thaliana. In cla11 plants, chloroplast development is arrested at an early stage. cla1-1 plants behave like wild-type in their capacity to etiolate and produce anthocyanins indicating that the light signal transduction pathway seems to be unaffected. Genetic and molecular analyses show that the disruption of a single gene, CLA1, by the T-DNA insertion is responsible for the mutant phenotype. RNA expression patterns indicate that CLA1 is positively regulated by light and that it has different effects on the steady-state RNA levels of some nuclear- and chloroplast-encoded photosynthetic genes. Although the specific function of the CLA1 gene is still unknown, it encodes a novel protein conserved in evolution between photosynthetic bacteria and plants which is essential for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila and other pathogenic Legionella species multiply inside protozoa and human macrophages by using the Icm/Dot type IV secretion system. The IcmQ protein, which possesses pore-forming activity, and IcmR, which functions as its chaperone, are two essential components of this system. It was previously shown that in 29 Legionella species, a large hypervariable-gene family (fir genes) is located upstream from a conserved icmQ gene, but although nonhomologous, the FIR proteins were found to function similarly together with their corresponding IcmQ proteins. Alignment of the regulatory regions of 29 fir genes revealed that they can be divided into three regulatory groups; the first group contains a binding site for the CpxR response regulator, which was previously shown to regulate the L. pneumophila fir gene (icmR); the second group, which includes most of the fir genes, contains the CpxR binding site and an additional regulatory element that was identified here as a PmrA binding site; and the third group contains only the PmrA binding site. Analysis of the regulatory region of two fir genes, which included substitutions in the CpxR and PmrA consensus sequences, a controlled expression system, as well as examination of direct binding with mobility shift assays, revealed that both CpxR and PmrA positively regulate the expression of the fir genes that contain both regulatory elements. The change in the regulation of the fir genes that occurred during the course of evolution might be required for the adaptation of the different Legionella species to their specific environmental hosts.  相似文献   

The green algal genus Ostreobium is an important symbiont of corals, playing roles in reef decalcification and providing photosynthates to the coral during bleaching events. A chloroplast genome of a cultured strain of Ostreobium was available, but low taxon sampling and Ostreobium's early‐branching nature left doubt about its phylogenetic position. Here, we generate and describe chloroplast genomes from four Ostreobium strains as well as Avrainvillea mazei and Neomeris sp., strategically sampled early‐branching lineages in the Bryopsidales and Dasycladales respectively. At 80,584 bp, the chloroplast genome of Ostreobium sp. HV05042 is the most compact yet found in the Ulvophyceae. The Avrainvillea chloroplast genome is ~94 kbp and contains introns in infA and cysT that have nearly complete sequence identity except for an open reading frame (ORF) in infA that is not present in cysT. In line with other bryopsidalean species, it also contains regions with possibly bacteria‐derived ORFs. The Neomeris data did not assemble into a canonical circular chloroplast genome but a large number of contigs containing fragments of chloroplast genes and showing evidence of long introns and intergenic regions, and the Neomeris chloroplast genome size was estimated to exceed 1.87 Mb. Chloroplast phylogenomics and 18S nrDNA data showed strong support for the Ostreobium lineage being sister to the remaining Bryopsidales. There were differences in branch support when outgroups were varied, but the overall support for the placement of Ostreobium was strong. These results permitted us to validate two suborders and introduce a third, the Ostreobineae.  相似文献   

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