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Peroxisomes are dynamic organelles crucial for a variety of metabolic processes during the development of eukaryotic organisms, and are functionally linked to other subcellular organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Peroxisomal matrix proteins are imported by peroxins (PEX proteins), yet the modulation of peroxin functions is poorly understood. We previously reported that, besides its known function in chloroplast protein import, the Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase SP1 (suppressor of ppi1 locus1) also targets to peroxisomes and mitochondria, and promotes the destabilization of the peroxisomal receptor–cargo docking complex components PEX13 and PEX14. Here we present evidence that in Arabidopsis, SP1's closest homolog SP1‐like 1 (SPL1) plays an opposite role to SP1 in peroxisomes. In contrast to sp1, loss‐of‐function of SPL1 led to reduced peroxisomal β‐oxidation activity, and enhanced the physiological and growth defects of pex14 and pex13 mutants. Transient co‐expression of SPL1 and SP1 promoted each other's destabilization. SPL1 reduced the ability of SP1 to induce PEX13 turnover, and it is the N‐terminus of SP1 and SPL1 that determines whether the protein is able to promote PEX13 turnover. Finally, SPL1 showed prevalent targeting to mitochondria, but rather weak and partial localization to peroxisomes. Our data suggest that these two members of the same E3 protein family utilize distinct mechanisms to modulate peroxisome biogenesis, where SPL1 reduces the function of SP1. Plants and possibly other higher eukaryotes may employ this small family of E3 enzymes to differentially modulate the dynamics of several organelles essential to energy metabolism via the ubiquitin‐proteasome system.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is a critical post‐translational protein modification that has been implicated in diverse cellular processes, including abiotic stress responses, in plants. In the present study, we identified and characterized a T‐DNA insertion mutant in the At5g10650 locus. Compared to wild‐type Arabidopsis plants, at5g10650 progeny were hyposensitive to ABA at the germination stage. At5g10650 possessed a single C‐terminal C3HC4‐type Really Interesting New Gene (RING) motif, which was essential for ABA‐mediated germination and E3 ligase activity in vitro. At5g10650 was closely associated with microtubules and microtubule‐associated proteins in Arabidopsis and tobacco leaf cells. Localization of At5g10650 to the nucleus was frequently observed. Unexpectedly, At5g10650 was identified as JAV1‐ASSOCIATED UBIQUITIN LIGASE1 (JUL1), which was recently reported to participate in the jasmonate signaling pathway. The jul1 knockout plants exhibited impaired ABA‐promoted stomatal closure. In addition, stomatal closure could not be induced by hydrogen peroxide and calcium in jul1 plants. jul1 guard cells accumulated wild‐type levels of H2O2 after ABA treatment. These findings indicated that JUL1 acts downstream of H2O2 and calcium in the ABA‐mediated stomatal closure pathway. Typical radial arrays of microtubules were maintained in jul1 guard cells after exposure to ABA, H2O2, and calcium, which in turn resulted in ABA‐hyposensitive stomatal movements. Finally, jul1 plants were markedly more susceptible to drought stress than wild‐type plants. Overall, our results suggest that the Arabidopsis RING E3 ligase JUL1 plays a critical role in ABA‐mediated microtubule disorganization, stomatal closure, and tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

Degradation of proteins via the ubiquitin system is an important step in many stress signaling pathways in plants. E3 ligases recognize ligand proteins and dictate the high specificity of protein degradation, and thus, play a pivotal role in ubiquitination. Here, we identified a gene, named Arabidopsis thaliana abscisic acid (ABA)‐insensitive RING protein 4 (AtAIRP4), which is induced by ABA and other stress treatments. AtAIRP4 encodes a cellular protein with a C3HC4‐RING finger domain in its C‐terminal side, which has in vitro E3 ligase activity. Loss of AtAIRP4 leads to a decrease in sensitivity of root elongation and stomatal closure to ABA, whereas overexpression of this gene in the T‐DNA insertion mutant atairp4 effectively recovered the ABA‐associated phenotypes. AtAIRP4 overexpression plants were hypersensitive to salt and osmotic stresses during seed germination, and showed drought avoidance compared with the wild‐type and atairp4 mutant plants. In addition, the expression levels of ABA‐ and drought‐induced marker genes in AtAIRP4 overexpression plants were markedly higher than those in the wild‐type and atairp4 mutant plants. Hence, these results indicate that AtAIRP4 may act as a positive regulator of ABA‐mediated drought avoidance and a negative regulator of salt tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

We have identified a family of RING finger proteins that are orthologous to Drosophila Goliath (G1, Gol). One of the members, GREUL1 (Goliath Related E3 Ubiquitin Ligase 1), can convert Xenopus ectoderm into XAG-1- and Otx2-expressing cells in the absence of both neural tissue and muscle. This activity, combined with the finding that XGREUL1 is expressed within the cement gland, suggests a role for GREUL1 in the generation of anterior ectoderm. Although GREUL1 is not a direct inducer of neural tissue, it can activate the formation of ectopic neural cells within the epidermis of intact embryos. This suggests that GREUL1 can sensitize ectoderm to neuralizing signals. In this paper, we provide evidence that GREUL1 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Using a biochemical assay, we show that GREUL1 catalyzes the addition of polyubiquitin chains. These events are mediated by the RING domain since a mutation in two of the cysteines abolishes ligase activity. Mutation of these cysteines also compromises GREUL1's ability to induce cement gland. Thus, GREUL1's RING domain is necessary for both the ubiquitination of substrates and for the conversion of ectoderm to an anterior fate.  相似文献   

Mammalian α4 phosphoprotein, the homolog of yeast Tap42, is a component of the mammalian target‐of‐rapamycin (mTOR) pathway that regulates ribogenesis, the initiation of translation, and cell‐cycle progression. α4 is known to interact with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac) and to regulate PP2A activity. Using α4 as bait in yeast two‐hybrid screening of a human K562 erythroleukemia cDNA library, EDD (E3 isolated by differential display) E3 ubiquitin ligase was identified as a new protein partner of α4. EDD is the mammalian ortholog of Drosophila hyperplastic discs gene (hyd) that controls cell proliferation during development. The EDD protein contains a PABC domain that is present in poly(A)‐binding protein (PABP), suggesting that PABP may also interact with α4. PABP recruits translation factors to the poly(A)‐tails of mRNAs. In the present study, immunoprecipitation/immunoblotting (IP/IB) analyses showed a physical interaction between α4 and EDD in rat Nb2 T‐lymphoma and human MCF‐7 breast cancer cell lines. α4 also interacted with PABP in Nb2, MCF‐7 and the human Jurkat T‐leukemic and K562 myeloma cell lines. COS‐1 cells, transfected with Flag‐tagged‐pSG5‐EDD, gave a (Flag)‐EDD–α4 immunocomplex. Furthermore, deletion mutants of α4 were constructed to determine the binding site for EDD. IP/IB analysis showed that EDD bound to the C‐terminal region of α4, independent of the α4‐PP2Ac binding site. Therefore, in addition to PP2Ac, α4 interacts with EDD and PABP, suggesting its involvement in multiple steps in the mTOR pathway that leads to translation initiation and cell‐cycle progression. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1123–1129, 2010. Published 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pollen formation is a complex developmental process that has been extensively investigated to unravel underlying fundamental developmental mechanisms and for genetic manipulation of the male‐sterility trait for hybrid crop production. Here we describe identification of AtPUB4, a U–box/ARM repeat‐containing E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a novel player in male fertility in Arabidopsis. Loss of AtPUB4 function causes hypertrophic growth of the tapetum layer. The Atpub4 mutation also leads to incomplete degeneration of the tapetal cells and strikingly abnormal exine structures of pollen grains. As a result, although the Atpub4 mutant produces viable pollen, the pollen grains adhere to each other and to the remnants of incompletely degenerated tapetal cells, and do not properly disperse from dehisced anthers for successful pollination. We found that the male‐sterility phenotype caused by the Atpub4 mutation is temperature‐dependent: the mutant plants are sterile when grown at 22°C but are partially fertile at 16°C. Our study also indicates that the AtPUB4‐mediated pathway acts in parallel with the brassinosteroid pathway in controlling developmental fates of the tapetal cells to ensure male fertility.  相似文献   

CHIP proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases that promote degradation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 substrate proteins through the 26S proteasome in animal systems. A CHIP-like protein in Arabidopsis, AtCHIP, also has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and has important roles to play under conditions of abiotic stress. In an effort to study the mode of action of AtCHIP in plant cells, proteins that physically interact with it were identified. Like its animal orthologs, AtCHIP interacts with a unique class of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (UBC or E2) that belongs to the stress-inducible UBC4/5 class in yeast. AtCHIP also interacts with other proteins, including an A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). This PP2A subunit appears to be a substrate of AtCHIP, because it can be ubiquitylated by AtCHIP in vitro and because the activity of PP2A is increased in AtCHIP-overexpressing plants in the dark or under low-temperature conditions. Unlike the rcn1 mutant, that has reduced PP2A activity due to a mutation in one of the A subunit genes of PP2A, AtCHIP-overexpressing plants are more sensitive to ABA treatment. Since PP2A was previously shown to be involved in low-temperature responses in plants, the low-temperature-sensitive phenotype observed in AtCHIP-overexpressing plants might be partly due to the change in PP2A activity. These data suggest that the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtCHIP may function upstream of PP2A in stress-responsive signal transduction pathways under conditions of low temperature or in the dark.  相似文献   

Suppression of expression of DAF [DEFECTIVE IN ANTHER DEHISCENCE1 (DAD1)‐Activating Factor], a gene that encodes a putative RING‐finger E3 ligase protein, causes non‐dehiscence of the anthers, alters pollen development and causes sterility in 35S:DAF RNAi/antisense Arabidopsis plants. This mutant phenotype correlates with the suppression of DAF but not with expression of the two most closely related genes, DAFL1/2. The expression of DAD1 was significantly reduced in 35S:DAF RNAi/antisense plants, and complementation with 35S:DAF did not rescue the dad1 mutant, indicating that DAF acts upstream of DAD1 in jasmonic acid biosynthesis. This assumption is supported by the finding that 35S:DAF RNAi/antisense plants showed a similar cellular basis for anther dehiscence to that found in dad1 mutants, and that external application of jasmonic acid rescued the anther non‐dehiscence and pollen defects in 35S:DAF antisense flowers. We further demonstrate that DAF is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and that its activity is abolished by C132S and H137Y mutations in its RING motif. Furthermore, ectopic expression of the dominant‐negative C132S or H137Y mutations causes similar indehiscence of anthers and reduction in DAD1 expression in transgenic Arabidopsis. This result not only confirms that DAF controls anther dehiscence by positively regulating the expression of DAD1 in the jasmonic acid biosynthesis pathway, but also supports the notion that DAF functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and that the conserved RING‐finger region is required for its activity.  相似文献   

Hormone‐ and stress‐induced shuttling of signaling or regulatory proteins is an important cellular mechanism to modulate hormone signaling and cope with abiotic stress. Hormone‐induced ubiquitination plays a crucial role to determine the half‐life of key negative regulators of hormone signaling. For ABA signaling, the degradation of clade‐A PP 2Cs, such as PP 2 CA or ABI 1, is a complementary mechanism to PYR / PYL / RCAR ‐mediated inhibition of PP 2C activity. ABA promotes the degradation of PP 2 CA through the RGLG 1 E3 ligase, although it is not known how ABA enhances the interaction of RGLG 1 with PP 2 CA given that they are predominantly found in the plasma membrane and the nucleus, respectively. We demonstrate that ABA modifies the subcellular localization of RGLG 1 and promotes nuclear interaction with PP 2 CA . We found RGLG 1 is myristoylated in vivo , which facilitates its attachment to the plasma membrane. ABA inhibits the myristoylation of RGLG 1 through the downregulation of N‐myristoyltransferase 1 ( NMT 1 ) and promotes nuclear translocation of RGLG 1 in a cycloheximide‐insensitive manner. Enhanced nuclear recruitment of the E3 ligase was also promoted by increasing PP 2 CA protein levels and the formation of RGLG 1–receptor–phosphatase complexes. We show that RGLG 1 Gly2Ala mutated at the N‐terminal myristoylation site shows constitutive nuclear localization and causes an enhanced response to ABA and salt or osmotic stress. RGLG 1/5 can interact with certain monomeric ABA receptors, which facilitates the formation of nuclear complexes such as RGLG 1– PP 2 CA – PYL 8. In summary, we provide evidence that an E3 ligase can dynamically relocalize in response to both ABA and increased levels of its target, which reveals a mechanism to explain how ABA enhances RGLG 1– PP 2 CA interaction and hence PP 2 CA degradation.  相似文献   

Bax, a pro‐apoptotic protein from the Bcl‐2 family, is central to apoptosis regulation. To suppress spontaneous apoptosis, Bax must be under stringent control that may include regulation of Bax conformation and expression levels. We report that IBRDC2, an IBR‐type RING‐finger E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulates the levels of Bax and protects cells from unprompted Bax activation and cell death. Downregulation of IBRDC2 induces increased cellular levels and accumulation of the active form of Bax. The ubiquitination‐dependent regulation of Bax stability is suppressed by IBRDC2 downregulation and stimulated by IBRDC2 overexpression in both healthy and apoptotic cells. Although mostly cytosolic in healthy cells, upon induction of apoptosis, IBRDC2 accumulates in mitochondrial domains enriched with Bax. Mitochondrial accumulation of IBRDC2 occurs in parallel with Bax activation and also depends on the expression levels of Bcl‐xL. Furthermore, IBRDC2 physically interacts with activated Bax. By applying Bax mutants in HCT116 Bax?/? cells, combined with the use of active Bax‐specific antibodies, we have established that both mitochondrial localization and apoptotic activation of Bax are required for IBRDC2 translocation to the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a ubiquitous hormone that regulates plant growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. In recent researches, pyrabactin resistance 1-like protein (PYL) and protein phosphatase type 2C (PP2C) were identified as the direct receptor and the second component of ABA signaling pathway, respectively. However, a lot of PYL and PP2C members were found in Arabidopsis and several other plants. Some of them were found not to be involved in ABA signaling. Because of the complex diversity of the genome, few documents have been available on the molecular details of the ABA signal perception system in maize. In the present study, we conducted bioinformatics analysis to find out the candidates (ZmPYL3 and ZmPP2C16) of the PYL and PP2C members most probably involved in ABA signaling in maize, cloned their encoding genes (ZmPYL3 and ZmPP2C16), verified the interaction between these two proteins in response to exogenous ABA induction by yeast two-hybrid assay and bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and investigated the expression patterns of these two genes under the induction of exogenous ABA by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. The results indicated that the ZmPYL3 and ZmPP2C16 proteins interacted in vitro and in vivo in response to the induction of exogenous ABA. The downregulated expression of the ZmPYL3 gene and the upregulated expression of the ZmPP2C16 gene are responsive to the induction of exogenous ABA. The ZmPYL3 and ZmPP2C16 proteins are the most probable members of the receptors and the second components of ABA signaling pathway, respectively.  相似文献   

E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases play diverse roles in cellular regulation in eukaryotes. Three homologous AtRmas (AtRma1, AtRma2, and AtRma3) were recently identified as ER-localized Arabidopsis homologs of human RING membrane-anchor E3 Ub ligase. Here, auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1), one of the auxin receptors in Arabidopsis, was identified as a potential substrate of AtRma2 through a yeast two-hybrid assay. An in vitro pull-down assay confirmed the interaction of full-length AtRma2 with ABP1. AtRma2 was transiently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) plants through an Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration method and bound ABP1 in vivo. In vitro ubiquitination assays revealed that bacterially-expressed AtRma2 ubiquitinated ABP1. ABP1 was poly-ubiquitinated in tobacco cells and its stability was significantly increased in the presence of MG132, a 26S proteasome inhibitor. This suggests that ABP1 is controlled by the Ub/26S proteasome system. Therefore, AtRma2 is likely involved in the cellular regulation of ABP1 expression levels.  相似文献   

Salinity is a deleterious abiotic stress factor that affects growth, productivity, and physiology of crop plants. Strategies for improving salinity tolerance in plants are critical for crop breeding programmes. Here, we characterized the rice (Oryza sativa) really interesting new gene (RING) H2‐type E3 ligase, OsSIRH2‐14 (previously named OsRFPH2‐14), which plays a positive role in salinity tolerance by regulating salt‐related proteins including an HKT‐type Na+ transporter (OsHKT2;1). OsSIRH2‐14 expression was induced in root and shoot tissues treated with NaCl. The OsSIRH2‐14‐EYFP fusion protein was predominately expressed in the cytoplasm, Golgi, and plasma membrane of rice protoplasts. In vitro pull‐down assays and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays revealed that OsSIRH2‐14 interacts with salt‐related proteins, including OsHKT2;1. OsSIRH2‐14 E3 ligase regulates OsHKT2;1 via the 26S proteasome system under high NaCl concentrations but not under normal conditions. Compared with wild type plants, OsSIRH2‐14‐overexpressing rice plants showed significantly enhanced salinity tolerance and reduced Na+ accumulation in the aerial shoot and root tissues. These results suggest that the OsSIRH2‐14 RING E3 ligase positively regulates the salinity stress response by modulating the stability of salt‐related proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4‐phosphate (PI(4)P) and its metabolizing enzymes serve important functions in cell signalling and membrane traffic. PI 4‐kinase type IIα (PI4KIIα) regulates Wnt signalling, endosomal sorting of signalling receptors, and promotes adaptor protein recruitment to endosomes and the trans‐Golgi network. Here we identify the E3 ubiquitin ligase Itch as binding partner and regulator of PI4KIIα function. Itch directly associates with and ubiquitinates PI4KIIα, and both proteins colocalize on endosomes containing Wnt‐activated frizzled 4 (Fz4) receptor. Depletion of PI4KIIα or Itch regulates Wnt signalling with corresponding changes in Fz4 internalization and degradative sorting. These findings unravel a new molecular link between phosphoinositide‐regulated endosomal membrane traffic, ubiquitin and the modulation of Wnt signalling.  相似文献   

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