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Lysyl ubiquitination has long been known to target cytoplasmic proteins for proteasomal degradation, and there is now extensive evidence that ubiquitination functions in vacuolar/lysosomal targeting of membrane proteins from both the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways. G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest and most diverse family of membrane proteins, whose function is of fundamental importance both physiologically and therapeutically. In this review, we discuss the role of ubiquitination in the vacuolar/lysosomal downregulation of GPCRs through the endocytic pathway, with a primary focus on lysosomal trafficking in mammalian cells. We will summarize evidence indicating that mammalian GPCRs are regulated by ubiquitin‐dependent mechanisms conserved in budding yeast, and then consider evidence for additional ubiquitin‐dependent and ‐independent regulation that may be specific to animal cells.  相似文献   

Lysosomal targeting of ubiquitylated endocytic cargo is mediated in part by the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complexes, a system conserved between animals and fungi (Opisthokonta). Extensive comparative genomic analysis demonstrates that ESCRT factors are well conserved across the eukaryotic lineage and complexes I, II, III and III-associated are almost completely retained, indicating an early evolutionary origin. The conspicuous exception is ESCRT 0, which functions in recognition of ubiquitylated cargo, and is restricted to the Opisthokonta, suggesting that a distinct mechanism likely operates in the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms. Additional analysis suggests that ESCRT III and ESCRT III-associated components evolved through a concerted model. Functional conservation of the ESCRT system is confirmed by direct study in trypanosomes. Despite extreme sequence divergence, epitope-tagged ESCRT factors TbVps23 and TbVps28 localize to the endosomal pathway, placing the trypanosome multivesicular body (MVB) in juxtaposition to the early endosome and lysosome. Knockdown of TbVps23 partially prevents degradation of an ubiquitylated endocytosed transmembrane domain protein. Therefore, despite the absence of an ESCRT 0 complex, the trypanosome ESCRT/MVB system functions similarly to that of opisthokonts. Thus the ESCRT system is an ancient and well-conserved feature of eukaryotic cells but with key differences between diverse lineages.  相似文献   

Reversible ubiquitination orchestrated by the opposition of ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes mediates endocytic trafficking of cell surface receptors for lysosomal degradation. Ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) has previously been implicated in endocytosis of several receptors by virtue of their deubiquitination. The present study explores an indirect role for USP8 in cargo trafficking through its regulation of the chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4). Contrary to the effects of USP8 loss on enhanced green fluorescent protein, we find that USP8 depletion stabilizes CXCR4 on the cell surface and attenuates receptor degradation without affecting its ubiquitination status. In the presence of ligand, diminished CXCR4 turnover is accompanied by receptor accumulation on enlarged early endosomes and leads to enhancement of phospho-ERK signaling. Perturbation in CXCR4 trafficking, resulting from USP8 inactivation, occurs at the ESCRT-0 checkpoint, and catalytic mutation of USP8 specifically targeted to the ESCRT-0 complex impairs the spatial and temporal organization of the sorting endosome. USP8 functionally opposes the ubiquitin ligase AIP4 with respect to ESCRT-0 ubiquitination, thereby promoting trafficking of CXCR4. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a functional cooperation between USP8, AIP4, and the ESCRT-0 machinery at the early sorting phase of CXCR4 and underscore the versatility of USP8 in shaping trafficking events at the early-to-late endosome transition.  相似文献   

Endosomes are transportation nodes, mediating selective transport of soluble and transmembrane cargos to and from the Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane and lysosomes. As endosomes mature to become multivesicular bodies (MVBs), Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport (ESCRTs) selectively incorporate transmembrane cargos into vesicles that bud into the endosome lumen. Luminal vesicles and their cargoes are targeted for destruction when MVBs fuse with lysosomes. Common assays of endosomal luminal targeting, including fluorescence microscopy and monitoring of proteolytic cargo maturation, possess significant limitations. We present a quantitative assay system called LUCID (LUCiferase reporter of Intraluminal Deposition) that monitors exposure of chimeric luciferase‐cargo reporters to cytosol. Luciferase‐chimera signal increases when sorting to the endosome lumen is disrupted, and silencing of signal from the chimera depends upon luminal delivery of the reporter rather than proteolytic degradation. The system presents several advantages, including rapidity, microscale operation and a high degree of reproducibility that enables detection of subtle phenotypic differences. Luciferase reporters provide linear signal over an extremely broad dynamic range, allowing analysis of reporter traffic even at anemic levels of expression. Furthermore, LUCID reports transport kinetics when applied to inducible trafficking reporters.   相似文献   

Mutations in the Park2 gene, encoding the E3 ubiquitin‐ligase parkin, are responsible for a familial form of Parkinson's disease (PD). Parkin‐mediated ubiquitination is critical for the efficient elimination of depolarized dysfunctional mitochondria by autophagy (mitophagy). As damaged mitochondria are a major source of toxic reactive oxygen species within the cell, this pathway is believed to be highly relevant to the pathogenesis of PD. Little is known about how parkin‐mediated ubiquitination is regulated during mitophagy or about the nature of the ubiquitin conjugates involved. We report here that USP8/UBPY, a deubiquitinating enzyme not previously implicated in mitochondrial quality control, is critical for parkin‐mediated mitophagy. USP8 preferentially removes non‐canonical K6‐linked ubiquitin chains from parkin, a process required for the efficient recruitment of parkin to depolarized mitochondria and for their subsequent elimination by mitophagy. This work uncovers a novel role for USP8‐mediated deubiquitination of K6‐linked ubiquitin conjugates from parkin in mitochondrial quality control.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination plays a key role in trafficking of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Previous work indicated that ubiquitination enhances ENaC endocytosis and sorting to lysosomes for degradation. Moreover, a defect in ubiquitination causes Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. In this work, we identified a role for USP8 in the control of ENaC ubiquitination and trafficking. USP8 increased ENaC current in Xenopus oocytes and collecting duct epithelia and enhanced ENaC abundance at the cell surface in HEK 293 cells. This resulted from altered endocytic sorting; USP8 abolished ENaC degradation in the endocytic pathway, but it had no effect on ENaC endocytosis. USP8 interacted with ENaC, as detected by co-immunoprecipitation, and it deubiquitinated ENaC. Consistent with a functional role for deubiquitination, mutation of the cytoplasmic lysines of ENaC reduced the effect of USP8 on ENaC cell surface abundance. In contrast to USP8, USP2-45 increased ENaC surface abundance by reducing endocytosis but not degradation. Thus, USP8 and USP2-45 selectively modulate ENaC trafficking at different steps in the endocytic pathway. Together with previous work, the data indicate that the ubiquitination state of ENaC is critical for the regulation of epithelial Na+ absorption.  相似文献   

In cells specialized for secretory granule exocytosis, lysosomal hydrolases may enter the regulated secretory pathway. Using mouse pancreatic islets and the INS-1 β-cell line as models, we have compared the itineraries of procathepsins L and B, two closely related members of the papain superfamily known to exhibit low and high affinity for mannose-6-phosphate receptors (MPRs), respectively. Interestingly, shortly after pulse labeling INS cells, a substantial fraction of both proenzymes exhibit regulated exocytosis. After several hours, much procathepsin L remains as precursor in a compartment that persists in its ability to undergo regulated exocytosis in parallel with insulin, while procathepsin B is efficiently converted to the mature form and can no longer be secreted. However, in islets from transgenic mice devoid of cation-dependent MPRs, the modest fraction of procathepsin B normally remaining within mature secretory granules is increased approximately fourfold. In normal mouse islets, immunoelectron microscopy established that both cathepsins are present in immature β-granules, while immunolabeling for cathepsin L, but not B, persists in mature β-granules. By contrast, in islets from normal male SpragueDawley rats, much of the proenzyme sorting appears to occur earlier, significantly diminishing the stimulusdependent release of procathepsin B. Evidently, in the context of different systems, MPR-mediated sorting of lysosomal proenzymes occurs to a variable extent within the trans-Golgi network and is continued, as needed, within immature secretory granules. Lysosomal proenzymes that fail to be sorted at both sites remain as residents of mature secretory granules.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF‐A) regulates many aspects of vascular function. VEGF‐A binding to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) stimulates endothelial signal transduction and regulates multiple cellular responses. Activated VEGFR2 undergoes ubiquitination but the enzymes that regulate this post‐translational modification are unclear. In this study, the de‐ubiquitinating enzyme, USP8, is shown to regulate VEGFR2 trafficking, de‐ubiquitination, proteolysis and signal transduction. USP8‐depleted endothelial cells displayed altered VEGFR2 ubiquitination and production of a unique VEGFR2 extracellular domain proteolytic fragment caused by VEGFR2 accumulation in the endosome–lysosome system. In addition, perturbed VEGFR2 trafficking impaired VEGF‐A‐stimulated signal transduction in USP8‐depleted cells. Thus, regulation of VEGFR2 ubiquitination and de‐ubiquitination has important consequences for the endothelial cell response and vascular physiology.   相似文献   

β‐arrestin 1 and 2 (also known as arrestin 2 and 3) are homologous adaptor proteins that regulate seven‐transmembrane receptor trafficking and signalling. Other proteins with predicted ‘arrestin‐like’ structural domains but lacking sequence homology have been indicated to function like β‐arrestin in receptor regulation. We demonstrate that β‐arrestin2 is the primary adaptor that rapidly binds agonist‐activated β2 adrenergic receptors (β2ARs) and promotes clathrin‐dependent internalization, E3 ligase Nedd4 recruitment and ubiquitin‐dependent lysosomal degradation of the receptor. The arrestin‐domain‐containing (ARRDC) proteins 2, 3 and 4 are secondary adaptors recruited to internalized β2AR–Nedd4 complexes on endosomes and do not affect the adaptor roles of β‐arrestin2. Rather, the role of ARRDC proteins is to traffic Nedd4–β2AR complexes to a subpopulation of early endosomes.  相似文献   

Modification of proteins by ubiquitin (Ub) and Ub-like (Ubl) modifiers regulates a variety of cellular functions. The ability of Ub to form chains of eight structurally and functionally distinct types adds further complexity to the system. Ub-specific proteases (USPs) hydrolyse polyUb chains, and some have been suggested to be cross-reactive with Ubl modifiers, such as neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally downregulated 8 (NEDD8) and interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15). Here, we report that USP21 cleaves Ub polymers, and with reduced activity also targets ISG15, but is inactive against NEDD8. A crystal structure of USP21 in complex with linear diUb aldehyde shows how USP21 interacts with polyUb through a previously unidentified second Ub- and ISG15-binding surface on the USP domain core. We also rationalize the inability of USP21 to target NEDD8 and identify differences that allow USPs to distinguish between structurally related modifications.  相似文献   

蛋白质泛素化对真核细胞内几乎所有生理过程都具备调控作用。新的泛素化与去泛素化酶的发现、功能机制研究及相关化学分子干预是该领域的重要科学命题。针对泛素化与去泛素化酶的化学探针开发促进了人们对于蛋白质泛素化的形成、募集、信号传导及脱除过程中所涉及生化事件的理解。本文总结了近年来针对泛素化与去泛素化酶化学探针的发展,归纳了不同类型探针的化学结构及合成方法,并讨论了它们的各类应用,包括筛查泛素依赖的信号传导系统、监控泛素相关酶活性、辅助泛素相关的识别和催化过程的分子机制解析等。  相似文献   

The ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery is known to sort ubiquitinated transmembrane proteins into vesicles that bud into the lumen of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Although the ESCRTs themselves are ubiquitinated they are excluded from the intraluminal vesicles and recycle back to the cytoplasm for further rounds of sorting. To obtain insights into the rules that distinguish ESCRT machinery from cargo we analyzed the trafficking of artificial ESCRT‐like protein fusions. These studies showed that lowering ESCRT‐binding affinity converts a protein from behaving like ESCRT machinery into cargo of the MVB pathway, highlighting the close relationship between machinery and the cargoes they sort. Furthermore, our findings give insights into the targeting of soluble proteins into the MVB pathway and show that binding to any of the ESCRTs can mediate ubiquitin‐independent MVB sorting.  相似文献   

The number of surface membrane proteins and their residence time on the plasma membrane are critical determinants of cellular responses to cues that can control plasticity, growth and differentiation. After internalization, the ultimate fate of many plasma membrane proteins is dependent on whether they are sorted for internalization into the lumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), an obligate step prior to lysosomal degradation. To help to elucidate the mechanisms underlying MVB sorting, we have developed a novel cell‐free assay that reconstitutes the sorting of a prototypical membrane protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor, with which we have probed some of its molecular requirements. The sorting event measured is dependent on cytosol, ATP, time, temperature and an intact proton gradient. Depletion of Hrs inhibited biochemical and morphological measures of sorting that were rescued by inclusion of recombinant Hrs in the assay. Moreover, depletion of signal‐transducing adaptor molecule (STAM), or addition of mutated ATPase‐deficient Vps4, also inhibited sorting. This assay reconstitutes the maturation of late endosomes, including the formation of internal vesicles and the sorting of a membrane protein, and allows biochemical investigation of this process.  相似文献   

Multivesicular Endosome Biogenesis in the Absence of ESCRTs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) protein machinery comprises four complexes, ESCRT-0, ESCRT-I, ESCRT-II and ESCRT-III, that facilitate receptor sorting into the lumen of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) in order to terminate signalling receptors for final degradation within the lysosomes. Even though ESCRT proteins appear to be essential for the biogenesis of MVEs in Saccharomyces cerevisae , it is not clear whether ESCRT-independent pathways for MVE biogenesis exist in higher organisms. In this study we maximized inhibition of ESCRT-dependent pathway by depleting cells of key subunits of all four ESCRTs and followed MVE formation and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) traffic using electron and confocal microscopy. There was a dramatic alteration in the morphology of components of the endocytic pathway in ESCRT-depleted cells, but early and late endosomes stayed clearly differentiated. Importantly, although EGF-induced formation of MVEs was highly sensitive to ESCRT depletion, EGF-independent formation of MVEs could still occur. The MVEs remaining in ESCRT-depleted cells contained enlarged intralumenal vesicles into which EGFRs were not sorted. Our observations suggest that both ESCRT-dependent and ESCRT-independent mechanisms of MVE biogenesis exist in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The voltage‐gated potassium channel KV7.1 is regulated by non‐pore forming regulatory KCNE β‐subunits. Together with KCNE1, it forms the slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium current IKs. However, where the subunits assemble and which of the subunits determines localization of the IKs‐complex has not been unequivocally resolved yet. We employed trafficking‐deficient KV7.1 and KCNE1 mutants to investigate IKs trafficking using the polarized Madin‐Darby Canine Kidney cell line. We find that the assembly happens early in the secretory pathway but provide three lines of evidence that it takes place in a post‐endoplasmic reticulum compartment. We demonstrate that KV7.1 targets the IKs‐complex to the basolateral membrane, but that KCNE1 can redirect the complex to the apical membrane upon mutation of critical KV7.1 basolateral targeting signals. Our data provide a possible explanation to the fact that KV7.1 can be localized apically or basolaterally in different epithelial tissues and offer a solution to divergent literature results regarding the effect of KCNE subunits on the subcellular localization of KV7.1/KCNE complexes .  相似文献   


The manipulation and reorganization of lipid bilayers are required for diverse cellular processes, ranging from organelle biogenesis to cytokinetic abscission, and often involves transient membrane disruption. A set of membrane-associated proteins collectively known as the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery has been implicated in membrane scission steps, which transform a single, continuous bilayer into two distinct bilayers, while simultaneously segregating cargo throughout the process. Components of the ESCRT pathway, which include 5 distinct protein complexes and an array of accessory factors, each serve discrete functions. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which the ESCRT proteins facilitate cargo sequestration and membrane remodeling and highlights their unique roles in cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

Alix is a phylogenetically conserved protein that participates in mammals in programmed cell death in association with ALG-2, a penta-EF-hand calciprotein. It contains an N-terminal Bro1 domain, a coiled-coil region and a C-terminal proline-rich domain containing several SH3- and WW-binding sites that contribute to its scaffolding properties. Recent data showed that by virtue of its Bro1 domain, Alix is functionally associated to the ESCRT complexes involved in the biogenesis of the multivesicular body and sorting of transmembrane proteins within this specific endosomal compartment. In Dictyostelium, an alx null strain shows a markedly perturbed starvation-induced morphogenetic program while ALG-2 disruptants remain unaffected. This review summarizes Dictyostelium data on Alix and ALG-2 homologues and evaluates whether known functions of Alix in other organisms can account for the developmental arrest of the alx null mutant and how Dictyostelium studies can substantiate the current understanding of the function(s) of this versatile and conserved signaling molecule.  相似文献   

The spatial regulation of Pten is critical for its role as a tumour suppressor with both nuclear and cytoplasmic locations being implicated with distinct functions. In the cytoplasm, Pten plays a central role in opposing PI3K/Akt cell signalling, whereas in the nucleus, Pten is important for maintaining genome stability and enhancing the tumour suppressor activity of APC‐CDH1. Despite this diversity in protein function at different subcellular locations, there is limited knowledge on how Pten is able to find different cellular niches. Here, we report that Rab5 GTPase is required for efficient trafficking and ubiquitination of Pten on endosomes inside the cytosol. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) for imaging protein interactions, we observed that ubiquitinated Pten is localized to peri‐nuclear and nuclear regions of the cell. Nuclear trafficking of Pten required both Rab5 as well as the E3 ligase adaptor protein Ndfip1. Rab5 colocalization with Pten was observed on endosomes and expression of a dominant negative form of Rab5 significantly reduced Pten ubiquitination and nuclear trafficking. Genomic deletion of Ndfip1 abrogated nuclear trafficking of ubiquitinated Pten, even in the presence of Rab5. Our findings show that endosomal trafficking and ubiquitination are important mechanisms for the subcellular distribution of Pten.   相似文献   

The Hsc70 cochaperone, G cyclin‐associated kinase (GAK), has been shown to be essential for the chaperoning of clathrin by Hsc70 in the cell. In this study, we used conditional GAK knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to determine the effect of completely inhibiting clathrin‐dependent trafficking on the cell cycle. After GAK was knocked out, the cells developed the unusual phenotype of having multiple centrosomes, but at the same time failed to divide and ultimately became senescent. To explain this phenotype, we examined the signaling profile and found that mitogenic stimulation of the GAK KO cells and the control cells were similar except for increased phosphorylation of Akt. In addition, the disruption of intracellular trafficking caused by knocking out GAK destabilized the lysosomal membranes, resulting in DNA damage due to iron leakage. Knocking down clathrin heavy chain or inhibiting dynamin largely reproduced the GAK KO phenotype, but inhibiting only clathrin‐mediated endocytosis by knocking down adaptor protein (AP2) caused growth arrest and centrosome overduplication, but no DNA damage or senescence. We conclude that disruption of clathrin‐dependent trafficking induces senescence accompanied by centrosome overduplication because of a combination of DNA damage and changes in mitogenic signaling that uncouples centrosomal duplication from DNA replication.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells play a vital role in the defense against viral infections and tumor development. NK cell function is primarily regulated by the sum of signals from a broad array of activation and inhibitory receptors. Key to generating the input level of either activating or inhibitory signals is the maintenance of receptor expression levels on the cell surface. Although the mechanisms of endocytosis and trafficking for some cell surface receptors, such as transferrin receptor and certain immune receptors, are very well known, that is not the situation for receptors expressed by NK cells. Recent studies have uncovered that endocytosis and trafficking routes characteristic for specific activation and inhibitory receptors can regulate the functional responses of NK cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of receptor endocytosis and trafficking, and integrate this with our current understanding of NK cell receptor trafficking.  相似文献   

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