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Comparative phylogeographical studies between parasites and their hosts or with biogeographical regions are useful to predict parasite dispersal potential over a broad geographical range. We used both microsatellite markers and mtDNA sequence data from a trematode parasite, Plagioporus shawi, to test for congruence across two evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) boundaries of its salmonid hosts (Oncorhynchus spp.). We find congruent patterns with the nuclear loci of P. shawi and the ESU boundaries of its salmonid hosts. This pattern indicates that broad-scale phylogeographical patterns of a parasite can be predicted by the biogeographical history of their hosts. Furthermore, this pattern provides independent support for these ESU boundaries as biologically relevant barriers. The mtDNA shows some discordance with nuclear loci and a level of genetic differentiation greater than can be explained by genetic drift. Thus, the mtDNA cannot be used in isolation to infer the population history of P. shawi. The genetic differentiation at both the nuclear and mtDNA markers will be useful for salmon fisheries management by providing a tool to assign ocean-migrating salmonids back to their freshwater population of origin.  相似文献   

An increasing body of studies of widely distributed, high latitude species shows a variety of refugial locations and population genetic patterns. We examined the effects of glaciations and dispersal barriers on the population genetic patterns of a widely distributed, high latitude, resident corvid, the gray jay (Perisoreus canadensis), using the highly variable mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and microsatellite markers combined with species distribution modeling. We sequenced 914 bp of mtDNA control region for 375 individuals from 37 populations and screened seven loci for 402 individuals from 27 populations across the gray jay range. We used species distribution modeling and a range of phylogeographic analyses (haplotype diversity, ΦST, SAMOVA, FST, Bayesian clustering analyses) to examine evolutionary history and population genetic structure. MtDNA and microsatellite markers revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations with high concordance between markers. Paleodistribution models supported at least five potential areas of suitable gray jay habitat during the last glacial maximum and revealed distributions similar to the gray jay's contemporary during the last interglacial. Colonization from and prolonged isolation in multiple refugia is evident. Historical climatic fluctuations, the presence of multiple dispersal barriers, and highly restricted gene flow appear to be responsible for strong genetic diversification and differentiation in gray jays.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic variation in the European chub, Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758), in order to understand the evolutionary history of this species and to test biogeographical hypotheses for the existence of co‐distributed European freshwater fish species. Location Rivers in Europe (Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy). Methods We genotyped 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers derived from 310 individuals collected from across the distribution of S. cephalus in Europe (including a total of 15 populations) and sequenced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a subset of 75 individuals. Sequences of mtDNA cytochrome b were analysed using both phylogenetic (median‐joining networks) and population genetic methods (tests for demographic history, mismatch distributions, Bayesian coalescent analysis). Geographical structure in microsatellite loci was examined using a distance method (FST), factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) and a Bayesian clustering method (structure ). Results The mtDNA network showed a clear split into four different haplogroup lineages: Western (separated into Atlantic and Danubian sublineages), Eastern, Aegean (occurring in two distinct sublineages in the Balkans and in Spain) and Adriatic. Our results indicate recent population expansion in the Eastern and Western Atlantic lineages and the admixture of two previously separate sublineages (Atlantic and Danubian) in the Western lineage. Bayesian structure analysis as well as FCA results roughly corresponded to the mtDNA‐based structure, separating the sampled individuals into almost non‐overlapping groups. Main conclusions Our results support hypotheses suggesting origins of extant lineages of freshwater fishes in multiple refugia and the subsequent post‐glacial colonization of Europe via different routes. We confirmed the previously proposed two‐step expansion scenario from the Danube refuge, the existence of a secondary (Atlantic) refuge during the last glaciation (probably in the Rhone River) and population expansion of this lineage. Conspicuous divergences among Mediterranean populations reflect their different origin, as well as their low contribution to the recent genetic pool of chub in central Europe.  相似文献   

Identifying factors and the extent of their roles in the differentiation of populations is of great importance for understanding the evolutionary process in which a species is involved. Ctenomys minutus is a highly karyotype–polymorphic subterranean rodent, with diploid numbers ranging from 42 to 50 and autosomal arm numbers (ANs) ranging from 68 to 80, comprising a total of 45 karyotypes described so far. This species inhabits the southern Brazilian coastal plain, which has a complex geological history, with several potential geographical barriers acting on different time scales. We assessed the geographical genetic structure of C. minutus, examining 340 individuals over the entire distributional range and using information from chromosomal rearrangements, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 14 microsatellite loci. The mtDNA results revealed seven main haplogroups, with the most recent common ancestors dating from the Pleistocene, whereas clustering methods defined 12 populations. Some boundaries of mtDNA haplogroups and population clusters can be associated with potential geographical barriers to gene flow. The isolation-by-distance pattern also has an important role in fine-scale genetic differentiation, which is strengthened by the narrowness of the coastal plain and by common features of subterranean rodents (that is, small fragmented populations and low dispersal rates), which limit gene flow among populations. A step-by-step mechanism of chromosomal evolution can be suggested for this species, mainly associated with the metapopulation structure, genetic drift and the geographical features of the southern Brazilian coastal plain. However, chromosomal variations have no or very little role in the diversification of C. minutus populations.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of contemporary populations can be shaped by both their history and current ecological conditions. We assessed the relative importance of postglacial colonization history and habitat type in the patterns and degree of genetic diversity and differentiation in northern European nine‐spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius), using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 12 nuclear microsatellite and insertion/deletion loci. The mtDNA analyses identified – and microsatellite analyses supported – the existence of two historically distinct lineages (eastern and western). The analyses of nuclear loci among 51 European sites revealed clear historically influenced and to minor degree habitat dependent, patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation. While the effect of habitat type on the levels of genetic variation (coastal > freshwater) and differentiation (freshwater > coastal) was clear, the levels of genetic variability and differentiation in the freshwater sites were independent of habitat type (viz. river, lake and pond). However, levels of genetic variability, together with estimates of historical effective population sizes, decreased dramatically and linearly with increasing latitude. These geographical patterns of genetic variability and differentiation suggest that the contemporary genetic structure of freshwater nine‐spined sticklebacks has been strongly impacted by the founder events associated with postglacial colonization and less by current ecological conditions (cf. habitat type). In general, the results highlight the strong and persistent effects of postglacial colonization history on genetic structuring of northern European fauna and provide an unparalleled example of latitudinal trends in levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Many freshwater and marine algal species are described as having cosmopolitan distributions. Whether these widely distributed morphologically similar algae also share a similar gene pool remains often unclear. In the context of island biogeography theory, stronger spatial isolation deemed typical of freshwater lakes should restrict gene flow and lead to higher genetic differentiation among lakes. Using nine microsatellite loci, we investigate the genetic diversity of a widely distributed freshwater planktonic diatom, Asterionella formosa, across different lakes in Switzerland and the Netherlands. We applied a hierarchical spatial sampling design to determine the geographical scale at which populations are structured. A subset of the isolates was additionally analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Our results revealed complex and unexpected population structure in A. formosa with evidence for both restricted and moderate to high gene flow at the same time. Different genetic markers (microsatellites and AFLPs) analysed with a variety of multivariate methods consistently revealed that genetic differentiation within lakes was much stronger than among lakes, indicating the presence of cryptic species within A. formosa. We conclude that the hidden diversity found in this study is expected to have implications for the further use of A. formosa in biogeographical, conservation and ecological studies. Further research using species‐level phylogenetic markers is necessary to place the observed differentiation in an evolutionary context of speciation.  相似文献   

Galaxiella pusilla is a small, non-migratory freshwater fish, endemic to south-eastern Australia and considered nationally threatened. To assist in the conservation of the species, microsatellite markers were developed and used to characterize genetic variation in 20 geographically distinct populations across its range. Substantial genetic differentiation was found between an eastern (Victoria east of the Otway Ranges and Tasmania) and western (South Australia and Victoria west of, and including, the Otway Ranges) region. This major separation was also observed in data from a mitochondrial gene and supports a previously proposed split. Populations from the eastern region had overall lower genetic diversity for both the microsatellite and mtDNA markers. There was substantial genetic differentiation between populations within the two regions, suggesting that gene flow is limited by the isolation of freshwater streams. Genetic structure, consistent with an isolation-by-distance model, was also evident in both regions. Patterns of genetic variation in this threatened species are compared to those obtained for other taxa across the same region. The need to consider separate conservation strategies for the two sets of populations is emphasized.  相似文献   

The tendency of many species to abandon migration remains a poorly understood aspect of evolutionary biology that may play an important role in promoting species radiation by both allopatric and sympatric mechanisms. Anadromy inherently offers an opportunity for the colonization of freshwater environments, and the shift from an anadromous to a wholly freshwater life history has occurred in many families of fishes. Freshwater‐resident forms have arisen repeatedly among lampreys (within the Petromyzontidae and Mordaciidae), and there has been much debate as to whether anadromous lampreys, and their derived freshwater‐resident analogues, constitute distinct species or are divergent ecotypes of polymorphic species. Samples of 543 European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (mostly from anadromous populations) and freshwater European brook lamprey Lampetra planeri from across 18 sites, primarily in the British Isles, were investigated for 13 polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci, and 108 samples from six of these sites were sequenced for 829 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We found contrasting patterns of population structure for mtDNA and microsatellite DNA markers, such that low diversity and little structure were seen for all populations for mtDNA (consistent with a recent founder expansion event), while fine‐scale structuring was evident for nuclear markers. Strong differentiation for microsatellite DNA loci was seen among freshwater‐resident L. planeri populations and between L. fluviatilis and L. planeri in most cases, but little structure was evident among anadromous L. fluviatilis populations. We conclude that postglacial colonization founded multiple freshwater‐resident populations with strong habitat fidelity and limited dispersal tendencies that became highly differentiated, a pattern that was likely intensified by anthropogenic barriers.  相似文献   

Zooplanktonic taxa have a greater number of distinct populations and species than might be predicted based on their large population sizes and open‐ocean habitat, which lacks obvious physical barriers to dispersal and gene flow. To gain insight into the evolutionary mechanisms driving genetic diversification in zooplankton, we developed eight microsatellite markers to examine the population structure of an abundant, globally distributed mesopelagic copepod, Haloptilus longicornis, at 18 sample sites across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (= 761). When comparing our microsatellite results with those of a prior study that used a mtDNA marker (mtCOII,= 1059, 43 sample sites), we unexpectedly found evidence for the presence of a cryptic species pair. These species were globally distributed and apparently sympatric, and were separated by relatively weak genetic divergence (reciprocally monophyletic mtCOII lineages 1.6% divergent; microsatellite FST ranging from 0.28 to 0.88 across loci, P < 0.00001). Using both mtDNA and microsatellite data for the most common of the two species (= 669 for microsatellites, = 572 for mtDNA), we also found evidence for allopatric barriers to gene flow within species, with distinct populations separated by continental landmasses and equatorial waters in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins. Our study shows that oceanic barriers to gene flow can act as a mechanism promoting allopatric diversification in holoplanktonic taxa, despite the high potential dispersal abilities and pelagic habitat for these species.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical inferences based on multiple molecular markers from different modes of inheritance (i.e. mtDNA and nucDNA) can help to explore drivers of current species divergence over different timescales and allow a deeper understanding of evolutionary processes. River systems and mountains, owing to their drainage networks and complex topography, are often a high priority when inferring external causes of phylogeographical patterns. Here, we selected the Chinese endemic freshwater crab Sinopotamon acutum inhabiting drainage networks across the Qinling–Daba Mountains, a watershed that divides northern from southern fauna in China, as a model species (1) to investigate whether river networks and mountain systems act as barriers in shaping the phylogeography of freshwater crabs and (2) to test the impact of historic environments and ecological habitats on crab distribution. Phylogenetic tree and network analyses based on mtDNA revealed divergence between eastern and western populations, but microsatellite DNA did not recover this. Frequent and male‐biased gene flow is evident. The adjacent tributaries, such as Weihe River 1 and Hanjiang River 1, although isolated by Qinling Mts, have low genetic variation in mtDNA. In addition, microsatellite DNA showed low variation between all rivers. Frequent gene flow, genetic variation and mitochondrial genetic structure in S. acutum indicated that the Qinling–Daba Mountains have had no effect on divergence in this species; instead, hydrological networks across these mountains serve as a continuous migration corridor for these crabs. Glacial refugia are probably responsible for the initial isolation of the eastern and western clades, and local adaptations after dispersal have further driven divergence. Cytonuclear discordance in phylogeographical patterns may be attributable to ongoing male‐biased gene flow.  相似文献   

Humpback whales wintering in tropical waters along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the South American continent are thought to represent distinct populations or “stocks.” Here we present the first analysis of genetic differentiation and estimates of gene flow between these breeding stocks, based on both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (465 bp) and 16 microsatellite loci from samples collected off Brazil (n = 277) and Colombia (n = 148), as well as feeding areas near the western Antarctic Peninsula (n = 86). We found significant differentiation between Brazilian and Colombian breeding grounds at both mtDNA (FST = 0.058) and microsatellite (FST = 0.011) markers and corroborated previous studies showing genetic similarity between humpbacks from Colombia and those from Antarctic Peninsula feeding areas. Estimates of long‐term gene flow between Brazil and Colombia were low to moderate, asymmetrical, and mostly mediated by males. Assignment procedures detected some cases of interchange and individuals of admixed ancestry between breeding grounds, indicating limited mixing of individuals between these stocks. Overall, results highlight the differentiation of humpback whale breeding populations with adjacent feeding grounds. This appears to be a remarkable example of fidelity to seasonal habitat in the absence of any contemporary barriers.  相似文献   

Genetic markers are widely used to define and manage populations of threatened species based on the notion that populations with unique lineages of mtDNA and well‐differentiated nuclear marker frequencies should be treated separately. However, a danger of this approach is that genetic uniqueness might be emphasized at the cost of genetic diversity, which is essential for adaptation and is potentially boosted by mixing geographically separate populations. Here, we re‐explore the issue of defining management units, focussing on a detailed study of Galaxiella pusilla, a small freshwater fish of national conservation significance in Australia. Using a combination of microsatellite and mitochondrial markers, 51 populations across the species range were surveyed for genetic structure and diversity. We found an inverse relationship between genetic differentiation and genetic diversity, highlighting a long‐term risk of deliberate isolation of G. pusilla populations based on protection of unique lineages. Instead, we adopt a method for identifying genetic management units that takes into consideration both uniqueness and genetic variation. This produced a management framework to guide future translocation and re‐introduction efforts for G. pusilla, which contrasted to the framework based on a more traditional approach that may overlook important genetic variation in populations.  相似文献   

Saunders NC  Kessler LG  Avise JC 《Genetics》1986,112(3):613-627
Restriction site variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) was surveyed in populations ranging from New Hampshire to the Gulf Coast of Florida. MtDNA clonal diversity was moderately high, particularly in southern samples, and a major genetic "break" (nucleotide sequence divergence approximately 2%) distinguished all sampled individuals which were north vs. south of a region in northeastern Florida. The area of genotypic divergence in Limulus corresponds to a long-recognized zoogeographic boundary between warm-temperate and tropical marine faunas, and it suggests that selection pressures and/or gene flow barriers associated with water mass differences may also influence the evolution of species widely distributed across such transition zones. On the other hand, a comparison of the mtDNA divergence patterns in Limulus with computer models involving stochastic lineage extinction in species with limited gene flow demonstrates that deterministic explanations need not necessarily be invoked to account for the observations. Experiments to distinguish stochastic from deterministic possibilities are suggested. Overall, the pattern and magnitude of mtDNA differentiation in horseshoe crabs is very similar to that typically reported for freshwater and terrestrial species assayed over a comparable geographic range. Results demonstrate for the first time that, geographically, at least some continuously distributed marine organisms can show considerable mtDNA genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Six polymorphic microsatellite loci containing dinucleotide repeats were developed for the freshwater turtle Mauremys rivulata. The number of alleles ranged from five to 18. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.19 to 0.79 and 0.46 to 0.90, respectively. These markers may serve as a valuable tool for population genetics analyses and provide information on the evolutionary history of the species.  相似文献   

The giant garter snake, Thamnophis gigas, is a threatened species endemic to California’s Central Valley. We tested the hypothesis that current watershed boundaries have caused genetic differentiation among populations of T. gigas. We sampled 14 populations throughout the current geographic range of T. gigas and amplified 859 bp from the mitochondrial gene ND4 and one nuclear microsatellite locus. DNA sequence variation from the mitochondrial gene indicates there is some genetic structuring of the populations, with high FST values and unique haplotypes occurring at high frequency in several populations. We found that clustering populations by watershed boundary results in significant between-region genetic variance for mtDNA. However, analysis of allele frequencies at the microsatellite locus NSU3 reveals very low FST values and little between-region variation in allele frequencies. The discordance found between mitochondrial and microsatellite data may be explained by aspects of molecular evolution and/or T. gigas life history characteristics. Differences in effective population size between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, or male-biased gene flow, result in a lower migration rate of mitochondrial haplotypes relative to nuclear alleles. However, we cannot exclude homoplasy as one explanation for homogeneity found for the single microsatellite locus. The mitochondrial nucleotide sequence data supports conservation practices that identify separate management units for T. gigas.  相似文献   

Using primer pairs for seven previously described microsatellite loci and three newly characterized microsatellite loci from the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay and Mohler, we assessed genetic variation within this species. Analysis of microsatellite length variants (alleles) was conducted for 85 E. huxleyi isolates representative of different ocean basins. These results revealed high intraspecific genetic variability within the E. huxleyi species concept. Pairwise comparison of a 1992 Coastal Fjord group (FJ92) (n=41) and a North East Atlantic (NEA) group (n=21), using FST as an indicator of genetic differentiation, revealed moderate genetic differentiation (FST=0.09894; P=0; significance level=0.05). Gene flow between the FJ92 and NEA groups was estimated to be low, which is in agreement with the moderate levels of genetic differentiation revealed by the microsatellite data. A genetic assignment method that uses genotype likelihoods to draw inference about the groups to which individuals belong was tested. Using FJ92 and NEA as reference groups, we observed that all the E. huxleyi groups tested against the two reference groups were unrelated to them. On a global biogeographical scale, E. huxleyi populations appear to be highly genetically diverse. Our findings raise the question of whether such a high degree of intraspecific genetic diversity in coccolithophores translates into variability in ecological function.  相似文献   

We examined range‐wide mitochondrial phylogeographical structure in the riverine freshwater turtle Chelodina expansa to determine whether this species exhibits deep genetic divergence between coastal and inland hydrological provinces, as seen in co‐distributed freshwater taxa. We sequenced two mitochondrial loci, genealogical relationships were assessed using a network approach, and relationships among biogeographical regions were tested using analyses of molecular variance. Population history was evaluated using neutrality tests, indices of demographic expansion, and mismatch analyses. Twenty‐one haplotypes were recovered across two mitochondrial haplogroups separated by approximately 4% nucleotide divergence. The haplogroups have discrete geographical boundaries but only partially support a hypothesis of deep divergence between coastal and inland bioregions. The first haplogroup comprises populations from the inland Murray‐Darling Basin and from coastal catchments south of the Mary River in south‐east Queensland. The second haplogroup comprises populations from coastal catchments north of the Mary River. Cryptic phylogeographical barriers separating adjacent coastal populations are congruent with those demonstrated for other freshwater taxa and may result from the combined influences of the Conondale Range and alluvial deposits at the mouth of the Mary River. The findings of the present study demonstrate that freshwater taxa commonly display genetic differentiation within a biogeographical region where no boundaries have been recognized, highlighting the need to uncover cryptic microbiogeographical regions to aid conservation of freshwater biota. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 789–805.  相似文献   


Revealing the genetic basis of the existence of different species living together in different geographic regions provides clarification of this phylogeographic differentiation. In this study, we investigated the population genetics and evaluated the level of genetic variation of inland and coastal populations of Mauremys and Emys in Turkey. Tissue samples of 196 terrapins were studied which were collected from syntopic coastal (Gölbent-Söke/Ayd?n; M. rivulata and E. orbicularis) and inland populations (Bahçesaray/Aksaray; M. caspica and E. orbicularis). DNA was isolated using the InnuPREP DNA Mini Kit. Mitochondrial DNA sequences and allelic variation at 13 microsatellite loci for Mauremys and 12 microsatellite loci for Emys were examined.  Three haplotypes were found for Emys orbicularis (Im, Ip and Iw) collected from the coastal region and two haplotypes for Emys orbicularis (Ig and Im) collected from inland. Two haplotypes were identified for M. caspica (Cmt8 and Cmt9) and three haplotypes were identified for M. rivulata (Rmt3, Rmt24 and Rmt26). Using microsatellites and the software STRUCTURE the most probable value for K was revealed as two 2 for both species. The FST value between M. rivulata and M. caspica was 0.39, and between the coastal and inland populations of E. orbicularis 0.09. It can be concluded that Emys populations tend to evolve by somehow preserving the allelic richness they have and Mauremys populations continue to differentiate so that new species emerge in the evolutionary process to reach the ideal allelic structure.


Rodents of the Praomys daltoni complex are typical inhabitants of the Sudanian savanna ecosystem in western Africa and represent a suitable model for testing the effects of Quaternary climatic oscillations on extant genetic variation patterns. Phylogeographical analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b) across the distribution range of the complex revealed several well‐defined clades that do not support the division of the clade into the two species currently recognized on the basis of morphology, i.e. P. daltoni (Thomas, 1892) and Praomys derooi ( Van der Straeten & Verheyen 1978 ). The observed genetic structure fits the refuge hypothesis, suggesting that only a small number of populations repeatedly survived in distinct forest‐savanna mosaic blocks during the arid phases of the Pleistocene, and then expanded again during moister periods. West African rivers may also have contributed to genetic differentiation, especially by forming barriers after secondary contact of expanding populations. The combination of three types of genetic markers (mtDNA sequences, microsatellite loci, cytogenetic data) provides evidence for the presence of up to three lineages, which most probably represent distinct biological species. Furthermore, incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA markers in some individuals unambiguously points towards a past introgression event. Our results highlight the importance of combining different molecular markers for an accurate interpretation of genetic data.  相似文献   

Dispersal triggers gene flow, which in turn strongly affects the ensuing genetic population structure of a species. Using nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we estimated the genetic population structure of the wasp Polistes olivaceus throughout Bangladesh. The level of population differentiation using nuclear markers (F ST) appeared to be much lower than that estimated using mtDNA haplotype sequences (ФST), even after correcting for effective population size differences between the two markers. These results suggest a philopatric tendency, in which gynes disperse less than males. We observed no isolation by distance among the study populations at either the nuclear or mtDNA level, suggesting nonequilibrium between gene flow and drift as a result of very frequent interpopulation movement. For the nuclear markers, an individual assignment test showed no genetically and geographically distinct groups. Instead, phylogenetic analyses as well as a minimum spanning network using mtDNA haplotypes consistently revealed two distinct lineages. The distribution of haplotypes indicated western populations with a single lineage and offered clear evidence for restricted gene flow across the Jamuna–Padma–Upper Meghna river system. Mismatch distributions exhibited a unimodal distribution, which along with a starlike haplotype network, suggested a population expansion in lineage I but not in lineage II. Overall, these results suggest that gene flow among populations of P. olivaceus was affected by both female philopatry and a major river system across Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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