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Xylan is the third most abundant glycopolymer on earth after cellulose and chitin. As a major component of wood, grain and forage, this natural biopolymer has far‐reaching impacts on human life. This highly acetylated cell wall polysaccharide is a vital component of the plant cell wall, which functions as a molecular scaffold, providing plants with mechanical strength and flexibility. Mutations that impair synthesis of the xylan backbone give rise to plants that fail to grow normally because of collapsed xylem cells in the vascular system. Phenotypic analysis of these mutants has implicated many proteins in xylan biosynthesis; however, the enzymes directly responsible for elongation and acetylation of the xylan backbone have not been unambiguously identified. Here we provide direct biochemical evidence that two Arabidopsis thaliana proteins, IRREGULAR XYLEM 10–L (IRX10‐L) and ESKIMO1/TRICOME BIREFRINGENCE 29 (ESK1/TBL29), catalyze these respective processes in vitro. By identifying the elusive xylan synthase and establishing ESK1/TBL29 as the archetypal plant polysaccharide O‐acetyltransferase, we have resolved two long‐standing questions in plant cell wall biochemistry. These findings shed light on integral steps in the molecular pathways used by plants to synthesize a major component of the world's biomass and expand our toolkit for producing glycopolymers with valuable properties.  相似文献   

In plants, UDP‐glucose is the direct precursor for cellulose biosynthesis, and can be converted into other NDP‐sugars required for the biosynthesis of wall matrix polysaccharides. UDP‐glucose is generated from sucrose by two distinct metabolic pathways. The first pathway is the direct conversion of sucrose to UDP‐glucose and fructose by sucrose synthase. The second pathway involves sucrose hydrolysis by cytosolic invertase (CINV), conversion of glucose to glucose‐6‐phosphate and glucose‐1‐phosphate, and UDP‐glucose generation by UDP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGP). Previously, Barratt et al. (Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 2009 and 13124) have found that an Arabidopsis double mutant lacking CINV1 and CINV2 displayed drastically reduced growth. Whether this reduced growth is due to deficient cell wall production caused by limited UDP‐glucose supply, pleiotropic effects, or both, remained unresolved. Here, we present results indicating that the CINV/UGP pathway contributes to anisotropic growth and cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and imaging data demonstrate that cinv1 cinv2 seedlings are deficient in UDP‐glucose production, exhibit abnormal cellulose biosynthesis and microtubule properties, and have altered cellulose organization without substantial changes to matrix polysaccharide composition, suggesting that the CINV/UGP pathway is a key metabolic route to UDP‐glucose synthesis in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, differential responses of cinv1 cinv2 seedlings to exogenous sugar supplementation support a function of CINVs in influencing carbon partitioning in Arabidopsis. From these data and those of previous studies, we conclude that CINVs serve central roles in cellulose biosynthesis and carbon allocation in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

There are 10 genes in the Arabidopsis genome that contain a domain described in the Pfam database as domain of unknown function 579 (DUF579). Although DUF579 is widely distributed in eukaryotic species, there is no direct experimental evidence to assign a function to it. Five of the 10 Arabidopsis DUF579 family members are co‐expressed with marker genes for secondary cell wall formation. Plants in which two closely related members of the DUF579 family have been disrupted by T‐DNA insertions contain less xylose in the secondary cell wall as a result of decreased xylan content, and exhibit mildly distorted xylem vessels. Consequently we have named these genes IRREGULAR XYLEM 15 (IRX15) and IRX15L. These mutant plants exhibit many features of previously described xylan synthesis mutants, such as the replacement of glucuronic acid side chains with methylglucuronic acid side chains. By contrast, immunostaining of xylan and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals that the walls of these irx15 irx15l double mutants are disorganized, compared with the wild type or other previously described xylan mutants, and exhibit dramatic increases in the quantity of sugar released in cell wall digestibility assays. Furthermore, localization studies using fluorescent fusion proteins label both the Golgi and also an unknown intracellular compartment. These data are consistent with irx15 and irx15l defining a new class of genes involved in xylan biosynthesis. How these genes function during xylan biosynthesis and deposition is discussed.  相似文献   

Xylan comprises up to one‐third of plant cell walls, and it influences the properties and processing of biomass. Glucuronoxylan in Arabidopsis is characterized by a linear β‐(1,4)‐linked backbone of xylosyl residues substituted by glucuronic acid and 4‐O‐methylglucuronic acid (collectively termed [Me]GlcA). The role of these substitutions remains unclear. GUX1 (glucuronic acid substitution of xylan 1) and GUX2, recently identified as glucuronyltransferases, are both required for substitution of the xylan backbone with [Me]GlcA. Here, we demonstrate clear differences in the pattern of [Me]GlcA substitution generated by each of these glucuronyltransferases. GUX1 decorates xylan with a preference for addition of [Me]GlcA at evenly spaced xylosyl residues. Intervals of eight or 10 residues dominate, but larger intervals are observed. GUX2, in contrast, produces more tightly clustered decorations with most frequent spacing of five, six or seven xylosyl residues, with no preference for odd or even spacing. Moreover, each of these GUX transferases substitutes a distinct domain of secondary cell wall xylan, which we call the major and minor domains. These major and minor xylan domains were not separable from each other by size or charge, a finding that suggests that they are tightly associated. The presence of both differently [Me]GlcA decorated domains may produce a xylan molecule that is heterogeneous in its properties. We speculate that the major and minor domains of xylan may be specialised, such as for interaction with cellulose or lignin. These findings have substantial implications for our understanding of xylan synthesis and structure, and for models of the molecular architecture of the lignocellulosic matrix of plant cell walls.  相似文献   

A crucial role for sterols in plant growth and development is underscored by the identification of three Arabidopsis sterol biosynthesis mutants that exhibit embryonic defects: fackel (fk), hydra1 (hyd1), and sterol methyltransferase 1/cephalopod (smt1/cph). We have taken a dual approach of sterol profiling and ultrastructural analysis to investigate the primary defects underlying the mutant phenotypes. Comprehensive gas chromatography GC-MS analysis of hyd1 in comparison to fk reveals an abnormal accumulation of unique sterol intermediates in each case. Sterol profiling of the fk hyd1 double mutant provides genetic evidence that FK C-14 reductase acts upstream of HYD1 C-8,7 isomerase. Despite distinct differences in sterol profiles, fk and hyd1 as well as smt1/cph share ultrastructural features such as incomplete cell walls and aberrant cell wall thickenings in embryonic and post-embryonic tissues. The common defects are coupled with ectopic callose and lignin deposits. We show that all three mutants exhibit a deficiency in cellulose, but are not reduced in pectin and sugars of the cell wall and cytosol. The sterol biosynthesis inhibitors 15-azasterol and fenpropimorph also cause cell wall gaps in dividing root cells and a reduction in bulk cellulose, corroborating that the cell wall abnormalities are due to altered sterol composition. Our results demonstrate that sterols are crucial for cellulose synthesis in the building of the plant cell wall.  相似文献   

We used atomic force microscopy (AFM), complemented with electron microscopy, to characterize the nanoscale and mesoscale structure of the outer (periclinal) cell wall of onion scale epidermis – a model system for relating wall structure to cell wall mechanics. The epidermal wall contains ~100 lamellae, each ~40 nm thick, containing 3.5‐nm wide cellulose microfibrils oriented in a common direction within a lamella but varying by ~30 to 90° between adjacent lamellae. The wall thus has a crossed polylamellate, not helicoidal, wall structure. Montages of high‐resolution AFM images of the newly deposited wall surface showed that single microfibrils merge into and out of short regions of microfibril bundles, thereby forming a reticulated network. Microfibril direction within a lamella did not change gradually or abruptly across the whole face of the cell, indicating continuity of the lamella across the outer wall. A layer of pectin at the wall surface obscured the underlying cellulose microfibrils when imaged by FESEM, but not by AFM. The AFM thus preferentially detects cellulose microfibrils by probing through the soft matrix in these hydrated walls. AFM‐based nanomechanical maps revealed significant heterogeneity in cell wall stiffness and adhesiveness at the nm scale. By color coding and merging these maps, the spatial distribution of soft and rigid matrix polymers could be visualized in the context of the stiffer microfibrils. Without chemical extraction and dehydration, our results provide multiscale structural details of the primary cell wall in its near‐native state, with implications for microfibrils motions in different lamellae during uniaxial and biaxial extensions.  相似文献   

The irregular xylem 2 (irx2) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits a cellulose deficiency in the secondary cell wall, which is brought about by a point mutation in the KORRIGAN (KOR) beta,1-4 endoglucanase (beta,1-4 EGase) gene. Measurement of the total crystalline cellulose in the inflorescence stem indicates that the irx2 mutant contains approximately 30% of the level present in the wild type (WT). Fourier-Transform Infra Red (FTIR) analysis, however, indicates that there is no decrease in cellulose in primary cell walls of the cortical and epidermal cells of the stem. KOR expression is correlated with cellulose synthesis and is highly expressed in cells synthesising a secondary cell wall. Co-precipitation experiments, using either an epitope-tagged form of KOR or IRX3 (AtCesA7), suggest that KOR is not an integral part of the cellulose synthase complex. These data are supported by immunolocalisation of KOR that suggests that KOR does not localise to sites of secondary cell wall deposition in the developing xylem. The defect in irx2 plant is consistent with a role for KOR in the later stages of secondary cell wall formation, suggesting a role in processing of the growing microfibrils or release of the cellulose synthase complex.  相似文献   

Although telomere‐binding proteins constitute an essential part of telomeres, in vivo data indicating the existence of a structure similar to mammalian shelterin complex in plants are limited. Partial characterization of a number of candidate proteins has not identified true components of plant shelterin or elucidated their functional mechanisms. Telomere repeat binding (TRB) proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana bind plant telomeric repeats through a Myb domain of the telobox type in vitro, and have been shown to interact with POT1b (Protection of telomeres 1). Here we demonstrate co‐localization of TRB1 protein with telomeres in situ using fluorescence microscopy, as well as in vivo interaction using chromatin immunoprecipitation. Classification of the TRB1 protein as a component of plant telomeres is further confirmed by the observation of shortening of telomeres in knockout mutants of the trb1 gene. Moreover, TRB proteins physically interact with plant telomerase catalytic subunits. These findings integrate TRB proteins into the telomeric interactome of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

The production of hydrophilic mucilage along the course of seed coat epidermal cell differentiation is a common adaptation in angiosperms. Previous studies have identified COBRA‐LIKE 2 (COBL2), a member of the COBRA‐LIKE gene family, as a novel component required for crystalline cellulose deposition in seed coat epidermal cells. In recent years, Arabidopsis seed coat epidermal cells (SCEs), also called mucilage secretory cells, have emerged as a powerful model system for the study of plant cell wall components biosynthesis, secretion, assembly and de muro modification. Despite accumulating data, the molecular mechanism of COBL function remains largely unknown. In the current research, we utilized genetic interactions to study the role of COBL2 as part of the protein network required for seed mucilage production. Using correlative phenotyping of structural and biochemical characteristics, unique features of the cobl2 extruded mucilage are revealed, including: ‘unraveled’ ray morphology, loss of primary cell wall ‘pyramidal’ organization, reduced Ruthenium red staining intensity of the adherent mucilage layer, and increased levels of the monosaccharides arabinose and galactose. Examination of the cobl2cesa5 double mutant provides insight into the interface between COBL function and cellulose deposition. Additionally, genetic interactions between cobl2 and fei1fei2 as well as between each of these mutants to mucilage‐modified 2 (mum2) suggest that COBL2 functions independently of the FEI‐SOS pathway. Altogether, the presented data place COBL2 within the complex protein network required for cell wall deposition in the context of seed mucilage and introduce new methodology expending the seed mucilage phenotyping toolbox.  相似文献   

Rhamnose is required in Arabidopsis thaliana for synthesizing pectic polysaccharides and glycosylating flavonols. RHAMNOSE BIOSYNTHESIS1 (RHM1) encodes a UDP‐l ‐rhamnose synthase, and rhm1 mutants exhibit many developmental defects, including short root hairs, hyponastic cotyledons, and left‐handed helically twisted petals and roots. It has been proposed that the hyponastic cotyledons observed in rhm1 mutants are a consequence of abnormal flavonol glycosylation, while the root hair defect is flavonol‐independent. We have recently shown that the helical twisting of rhm1 petals results from decreased levels of rhamnose‐containing cell wall polymers. In this study, we found that flavonols indirectly modify the rhm1 helical petal phenotype by altering rhamnose flux to the cell wall. Given this finding, we further investigated the relationship between flavonols and the cell wall in rhm1 cotyledons. We show that decreased flavonol rhamnosylation is not responsible for the cotyledon phenotype of rhm1 mutants. Instead, blocking flavonol synthesis or rhamnosylation can suppress rhm1 defects by diverting UDP‐l ‐rhamnose to the synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides. Therefore, rhamnose is required in the cell wall for normal expansion of cotyledon epidermal cells. Our findings suggest a broad role for rhamnose‐containing cell wall polysaccharides in the morphogenesis of epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is the barrier that pathogens must overcome to cause a disease, and to this end they secrete enzymes that degrade the various cell wall components. Due to the complexity of these components, several types of oligosaccharide fragments may be released during pathogenesis and some of these can act as damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Well‐known DAMPs are the oligogalacturonides (OGs) released upon degradation of homogalacturonan and the products of cellulose breakdown, i.e. the cellodextrins (CDs). We have previously reported that four Arabidopsis berberine bridge enzyme‐like (BBE‐like) proteins (OGOX1–4) oxidize OGs and impair their elicitor activity. We show here that another Arabidopsis BBE‐like protein, which is expressed coordinately with OGOX1 during immunity, specifically oxidizes CDs with a preference for cellotriose (CD3) and longer fragments (CD4–CD6). Oxidized CDs show a negligible elicitor activity and are less easily utilized as a carbon source by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The enzyme, named CELLOX (cellodextrin oxidase), is encoded by the gene At4 g20860. Plants overexpressing CELLOX display an enhanced resistance to B. cinerea, probably because oxidized CDs are a less valuable carbon source. Thus, the capacity to oxidize and impair the biological activity of cell wall‐derived oligosaccharides seems to be a general trait of the family of BBE‐like proteins, which may serve to homeostatically control the level of DAMPs to prevent their hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

Whole genome duplication, leading to polyploidy and endopolyploidy, occurs in all domains and kingdoms and is especially prevalent in vascular plants. Both polyploidy and endopolyploidy increase cell size, but it is unclear whether both processes have similar effects on plant morphology and function, or whether polyploidy influences the magnitude of endopolyploidy. To address these gaps in knowledge, fifty‐five geographically separated diploid accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana that span a gradient of endopolyploidy were experimentally manipulated to induce polyploidy. Both the diploids and artificially induced tetraploids were grown in a common greenhouse environment and evaluated with respect to nine reproductive and vegetative characteristics. Induced polyploidy decreased leaf endopolyploidy and stem endopolyploidy along with specific leaf area and stem height, but increased days to bolting, leaf size, leaf dry mass, and leaf water content. Phenotypic responses to induced polyploidy varied significantly among accessions but this did not affect the relationship between phenotypic traits and endopolyploidy. Our results provide experimental support for a trade‐off between induced polyploidy and endopolyploidy, which caused induced polyploids to have lower endopolyploidy than diploids. Though polyploidy did not influence the relationship between endopolyploidy and plant traits, phenotypic responses to experimental genome duplication could not be easily predicted because of strong cytotype by accession interactions.  相似文献   

During secondary cell wall formation, developing xylem vessels deposit cellulose at specific sites on the plasma membrane. Bands of cortical microtubules mark these sites and are believed to somehow orientate the cellulose synthase complexes. We have used live cell imaging on intact roots of Arabidopsis to explore the relationship between the microtubules, actin and the cellulose synthase complex during secondary cell wall formation. The cellulose synthase complexes are seen to form bands beneath sites of secondary wall synthesis. We find that their maintenance at these sites is dependent upon underlying bundles of microtubules which localize the cellulose synthase complex (CSC) to the edges of developing cell wall thickenings. Thick actin cables run along the long axis of the cells. These cables are essential for the rapid trafficking of complex-containing organelles around the cell. The CSCs appear to be delivered directly to sites of secondary cell wall synthesis and it is likely that transverse actin may mark these sites.  相似文献   

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