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The structure and function of photosystem II (PSII) are highly susceptible to photo‐oxidative damage induced by high‐fluence or fluctuating light. However, many of the mechanistic details of how PSII homeostasis is maintained under photoinhibitory light remain to be determined. We describe an analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana gene At5g07020, which encodes an unannotated integral thylakoid membrane protein. Loss of the protein causes altered PSII function under high‐irradiance light, and hence it is named ‘Maintenance of PSII under High light 1’ (MPH1). The MPH1 protein co‐purifies with PSII core complexes and co‐immunoprecipitates core proteins. Consistent with a role in PSII structure, PSII complexes (supercomplexes, dimers and monomers) of the mph1 mutant are less stable in plants subjected to photoinhibitory light. Accumulation of PSII core proteins is compromised under these conditions in the presence of translational inhibitors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the mutant has enhanced PSII protein damage rather than defective repair. These data are consistent with the distribution of the MPH1 protein in grana and stroma thylakoids, and its interaction with PSII core complexes. Taken together, these results strongly suggest a role for MPH1 in the protection and/or stabilization of PSII under high‐light stress in land plants.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic eukaryotes require the proper assembly of photosystem II (PSII) in order to strip electrons from water and fuel carbon fixation reactions. In Arabidopsis thaliana, one of the PSII subunits (CP43/PsbC) was suggested to be assembled into the PSII complex via its interaction with an auxiliary protein called Low PSII Accumulation 2 (LPA2). However, the original articles describing the role of LPA2 in PSII assembly have been retracted. To investigate the function of LPA2 in the model organism for green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we generated knockout lpa2 mutants by using the CRISPR-Cas9 target-specific genome editing system. Biochemical analyses revealed the thylakoidal localization of LPA2 protein in the wild type (WT), whereas lpa2 mutants were characterized by a drastic reduction in the levels of D1, D2, CP47 and CP43 proteins. Consequently, reduced PSII supercomplex accumulation, chlorophyll content per cell, PSII quantum yield and photosynthetic oxygen evolution were measured in the lpa2 mutants, leading to the almost complete impairment of photoautotrophic growth. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the absence of LPA2 protein caused reduced PSII assembly and reduced PSII turnover. Taken together, our data indicate that, in C. reinhardtii, LPA2 is required for PSII assembly and proper function.  相似文献   

STN8 kinase is involved in photosystem II (PSII) core protein phosphorylation (PCPP). To examine the role of PCPP in PSII repair during high light (HL) illumination, we characterized a T–DNA insertional knockout mutant of the rice (Oryza sativa) STN8 gene. In this osstn8 mutant, PCPP was significantly suppressed, and the grana were thin and elongated. Upon HL illumination, PSII was strongly inactivated in the mutants, but the D1 protein was degraded more slowly than in wild‐type, and mobilization of the PSII supercomplexes from the grana to the stromal lamellae for repair was also suppressed. In addition, higher accumulation of reactive oxygen species and preferential oxidation of PSII reaction center core proteins in thylakoid membranes were observed in the mutants during HL illumination. Taken together, our current data show that the absence of STN8 is sufficient to abolish PCPP in osstn8 mutants and to produce all of the phenotypes observed in the double mutant of Arabidopsis, indicating the essential role of STN8‐mediated PCPP in PSII repair.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C (PLC) is an enzyme that plays crucial roles in various signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells. However, the role of PLC in plant development is poorly understood. Here we report involvement of PLC2 in auxin‐mediated reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Disruption of PLC2 led to sterility, indicating a significant role for PLC2 in reproductive development. Development of both male and female gametophytes was severely perturbed in plc2 mutants. Moreover, elevated auxin levels were observed in plc2 floral tissues, suggesting that the infertility of plc2 plants may be associated with increased auxin concentrations in the reproductive organs. We show that expression levels of the auxin reporters DR5:GUS and DR5:GFP were elevated in plc2 anthers and ovules. In addition, we found that expression of the auxin biosynthetic YUCCA genes was increased in plc2 plants. We conclude that PLC2 is involved in auxin biosynthesis and signaling, thus modulating development of both male and female gametophytes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins are crucial for the perception of external signals and subsequent signal transduction in animal and plant cells. In both model systems, the complex comprises one Gα, one Gβ, and one Gγ subunit. However, in addition to the canonical Gγ subunits (class A), plants also possess two unusual, plant‐specific classes of Gγ subunits (classes B and C) that have not yet been found in animals. These include Gγ subunits lacking the C–terminal CaaX motif (class B), which is important for membrane anchoring of the protein; the presence of such subunits gives rise to a flexible sub‐population of Gβ/γ heterodimers that are not necessarily restricted to the plasma membrane. Plants also contain class C Gγ subunits, which are twice the size of canonical Gγ subunits, with a predicted transmembrane domain and a large cysteine‐rich extracellular C–terminus. However, neither the presence of the transmembrane domain nor the membrane topology have been unequivocally demonstrated. Here, we provide compelling evidence that AGG3, a class C Gγ subunit of Arabidopsis, contains a functional transmembrane domain, which is sufficient but not essential for plasma membrane localization, and that the cysteine‐rich C–terminus is extracellular.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis phosphate transporter PHT4;1 was previously localized to the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Here we investigated the physiological consequences of the absence of PHT4;1 for photosynthesis and plant growth. In standard growth conditions, two independent Arabidopsis knockout mutant lines displayed significantly reduced leaf size and biomass but normal phosphorus content. When mutants were grown in high‐phosphate conditions, the leaf phosphorus levels increased and the growth phenotype was suppressed. Photosynthetic measurements indicated that in the absence of PHT4;1 stromal phosphate was reduced to levels that limited ATP synthase activity. This resulted in reduced CO2 fixation and accumulation of soluble sugars, limiting plant growth. The mutants also displayed faster induction of non‐photochemical quenching than the wild type, in line with the increased contribution of ΔpH to the proton‐motive force across thylakoids. Small‐angle neutron scattering showed a smaller lamellar repeat distance, whereas circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated a perturbed long‐range order of photosystem II (PSII) complexes in the mutant thylakoids. The absence of PHT4;1 did not alter the PSII repair cycle, as indicated by wild‐type levels of phosphorylation of PSII proteins, inactivation and D1 protein degradation. Interestingly, the expression of genes for several thylakoid proteins was downregulated in the mutants, but the relative levels of the corresponding proteins were either not affected or could not be discerned. Based on these data, we propose that PHT4;1 plays an important role in chloroplast phosphate compartmentation and ATP synthesis, which affect plant growth. It also maintains the ionic environment of thylakoids, which affects the macro‐organization of complexes and induction of photoprotective mechanisms.  相似文献   

  • Mitochondrial function is critical for cell vitality in all eukaryotes including plants. Although plant mitochondria contain many proteins, few have been studied in the context of plant development and physiology.
  • We used knock‐down mutant RPS9M to study its important role in male gametogenesis and seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • Knock‐down of RPS9M in the rps9m‐3 mutant led to abnormal pollen development and impaired pollen tube growth. In addition, both embryo and endosperm development were affected. Phenotype analysis revealed that the rps9m‐3 mutant contained a lower amount of endosperm and nuclear proteins, and both embryo cell division and embryo pattern were affected, resulting in an abnormal and defective embryo. Lowering the level of RPS9M in rps9m‐3 affects mitochondrial ribosome biogenesis, energy metabolism and production of ROS.
  • Our data revealed that RPS9M plays important roles in normal gametophyte development and seed formation, possibly by sustaining mitochondrial function.

Centromeres define the chromosomal position where kinetochores form to link the chromosome to microtubules during mitosis and meiosis. Centromere identity is determined by incorporation of a specific histone H3 variant termed CenH3. As for other histones, escort and deposition of CenH3 must be ensured by histone chaperones, which handle the non‐nucleosomal CenH3 pool and replenish CenH3 chromatin in dividing cells. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis orthologue of the mammalian NUCLEAR AUTOANTIGENIC SPERM PROTEIN (NASP) and Schizosaccharomyces pombe histone chaperone Sim3 is a soluble nuclear protein that binds the histone variant CenH3 and affects its abundance at the centromeres. NASPSIM3 is co‐expressed with Arabidopsis CenH3 in dividing cells and binds directly to both the N‐terminal tail and the histone fold domain of non‐nucleosomal CenH3. Reduced NASPSIM3 expression negatively affects CenH3 deposition, identifying NASPSIM3 as a CenH3 histone chaperone.  相似文献   

The characterization of mutants with altered leaf shape and pigmentation has previously allowed the identification of nuclear genes that encode plastid‐localized proteins that perform essential functions in leaf growth and development. A large‐scale screen previously allowed us to isolate ethyl methanesulfonate‐induced mutants with small rosettes and pale green leaves with prominent marginal teeth, which were assigned to a phenotypic class that we dubbed Angulata. The molecular characterization of the 12 genes assigned to this phenotypic class should help us to advance our understanding of the still poorly understood relationship between chloroplast biogenesis and leaf morphogenesis. In this article, we report the phenotypic and molecular characterization of the angulata7‐1 (anu7‐1) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, which we found to be a hypomorphic allele of the EMB2737 gene, which was previously known only for its embryonic‐lethal mutations. ANU7 encodes a plant‐specific protein that contains a domain similar to the central cysteine‐rich domain of DnaJ proteins. The observed genetic interaction of anu7‐1 with a loss‐of‐function allele of GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 suggests that the anu7‐1 mutation triggers a retrograde signal that leads to changes in the expression of many genes that normally function in the chloroplasts. Many such genes are expressed at higher levels in anu7‐1 rosettes, with a significant overrepresentation of those required for the expression of plastid genome genes. Like in other mutants with altered expression of plastid‐encoded genes, we found that anu7‐1 exhibits defects in the arrangement of thylakoidal membranes, which appear locally unappressed.  相似文献   

DegP proteases have been shown to possess both chaperone and protease activities. The proteolytic activities of chloroplast DegP‐like proteases have been well documented. However, whether chloroplast Deg proteases also have chaperone activities has remained unknown. Here we show that chloroplast Deg1 also has chaperone activities, like its Escherichia coli ortholog DegP. Transgenic plants with reduced levels of Deg1 accumulated normal levels of different subunits of the major photosynthetic protein complexes, but their levels of photosystem‐II (PSII) dimers and supercomplexes were reduced. In vivo pulse‐chase protein labeling experiments showed that the assembly of newly synthesized proteins into PSII dimers and supercomplexes was impaired, although the synthesis rate of chloroplast proteins was unaffected in the transgenic lines. Protein overlay assays provided direct evidence that Deg1 interacts with the PSII reaction center protein D2. These results suggest that Deg1 assists the assembly of the PSII complex, probably through interaction with the PSII reaction center D2 protein.  相似文献   

In plants, the plasticity of root architecture in response to nitrogen availability largely determines nitrogen acquisition efficiency. One poorly understood root growth response to low nitrogen availability is an observed increase in the number and length of lateral roots (LRs). Here, we show that low nitrogen‐induced Arabidopsis LR growth depends on the function of the auxin biosynthesis gene TAR2 (tryptophan aminotransferase related 2). TAR2 was expressed in the pericycle and the vasculature of the mature root zone near the root tip, and was induced under low nitrogen conditions. In wild type plants, low nitrogen stimulated auxin accumulation in the non‐emerged LR primordia with more than three cell layers and LR emergence. Conversely, these low nitrogen‐mediated auxin accumulation and root growth responses were impaired in the tar2‐c null mutant. Overexpression of TAR2 increased LR numbers under both high and low nitrogen conditions. Our results suggested that TAR2 is required for reprogramming root architecture in response to low nitrogen conditions. This finding suggests a new strategy for improving nitrogen use efficiency through the engineering of TAR2 expression in roots.  相似文献   

Unsaturation of membrane glycerolipid classes at their hydrophobic fatty acid tails critically affects the physical nature of the lipid molecule. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 7 fatty acid desaturases (FADs) differently desaturate each glycerolipid class in plastids and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we showed that polyunsaturation of ER glycerolipids is required for the ER stress response. Through systematic screening of FAD mutants, we found that a mutant of FAD2 resulted in a hypersensitive response to tunicamycin, a chemical inducer of ER stress. FAD2 converts oleic acid to linoleic acid of the fatty acyl groups of ER‐synthesized phospholipids. Our functional in vivo reporter assay revealed the ER localization and distinct tissue‐specific expression patterns of FAD2. Moreover, glycerolipid profiling of both mutants and overexpressors of FAD2 under tunicamycin‐induced ER stress conditions, along with phenotypic screening of the mutants of the FAD family, suggested that the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly 18:1 to 18:2 species, may be an important factor in allowing the ER membrane to cope with ER stress. Therefore, our results suggest that membrane lipid polyunsaturation mediated by FAD2 is involved in ER stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The deterioration of seeds during prolonged storage results in a reduction of viability and germination rate. DNA damage is one of the major cellular defects associated with seed deterioration. It is provoked by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) even in the quiescent state of the desiccated seed. In contrast to other stages of seed life, DNA repair during storage is hindered through the low seed water content; thereby DNA lesions can accumulate. To allow subsequent seedling development, DNA repair has thus to be initiated immediately upon imbibition. Poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerases (PARPs) are important components in the DNA damage response in humans. Arabidopsis thaliana contains three homologues to the human HsPARP1 protein. Of these three, only AtPARP3 was very highly expressed in seeds. Histochemical GUS staining of embryos and endosperm layers revealed strong promoter activity of AtPARP3 during all steps of germination. This coincided with high ROS activity and indicated a role of the nuclear‐localised AtPARP3 in DNA repair during germination. Accordingly, stored parp3‐1 mutant seeds lacking AtPARP3 expression displayed a delay in germination as compared to Col‐0 wild‐type seeds. A controlled deterioration test showed that the mutant seeds were hypersensitive to unfavourable storage conditions. The results demonstrate that AtPARP3 is an important component of seed storability and viability.  相似文献   

Histones are abundant cellular proteins but, if not incorporated into chromatin, they are usually bound by histone chaperones. Here, we identify Arabidopsis NASP as a chaperone for histones H3.1 and H3.3. NASP interacts in vitro with monomeric H3.1 and H3.3 as well as with histone H3.1–H4 and H3.3–H4 dimers. However, NASP does not bind to monomeric H4. NASP shifts the equilibrium between histone dimers and tetramers towards tetramers but does not interact with tetramers in vitro. Arabidopsis NASP promotes [H3–H4]2 tetrasome formation, possibly by providing preassembled histone tetramers. However, NASP does not promote disassembly of in vitro preassembled tetrasomes. In contrast to its mammalian homolog, Arabidopsis NASP is a predominantly nuclear protein. In vivo, NASP binds mainly monomeric H3.1 and H3.3. Pulldown experiments indicated that NASP may also interact with the histone chaperone MSI1 and a HSC70 heat shock protein.  相似文献   

The glucosinolate breakdown product indole‐3‐carbinol functions in cruciferous vegetables as a protective agent against foraging insects. While the toxic and deterrent effects of glucosinolate breakdown on herbivores and pathogens have been studied extensively, the secondary responses that are induced in the plant by indole‐3‐carbinol remain relatively uninvestigated. Here we examined the hypothesis that indole‐3‐carbinol plays a role in influencing plant growth and development by manipulating auxin signaling. We show that indole‐3‐carbinol rapidly and reversibly inhibits root elongation in a dose‐dependent manner, and that this inhibition is accompanied by a loss of auxin activity in the root meristem. A direct interaction between indole‐3‐carbinol and the auxin perception machinery was suggested, as application of indole‐3‐carbinol rescues auxin‐induced root phenotypes. In vitro and yeast‐based protein interaction studies showed that indole‐3‐carbinol perturbs the auxin‐dependent interaction of Transport Inhibitor Response (TIR1) with auxin/3‐indoleacetic acid (Aux/IAAs) proteins, further supporting the possibility that indole‐3‐carbinol acts as an auxin antagonist. The results indicate that chemicals whose production is induced by herbivory, such as indole‐3‐carbinol, function not only to repel herbivores, but also as signaling molecules that directly compete with auxin to fine tune plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana is enhanced by cold acclimation, resulting in changes in the compositions and function of the plasma membrane. Here, we show that a dynamin‐related protein 1E (DRP1E), which is thought to function in the vesicle trafficking pathway in cells, is related to an increase in freezing tolerance during cold acclimation. DRP1E accumulated in sphingolipid and sterol‐enriched plasma membrane domains after cold acclimation. Analysis of drp1e mutants clearly showed that DRP1E is required for full development of freezing tolerance after cold acclimation. DRP1E fused with green fluorescent protein was visible as small foci that overlapped with fluorescent dye‐labelled plasma membrane, providing evidence that DRP1E localizes non‐uniformly in specific areas of the plasma membrane. These results suggest that DRP1E accumulates in sphingolipid and sterol‐enriched plasma membrane domains and plays a role in freezing tolerance development during cold acclimation.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, spermine is produced in most tissues and has been implicated in stress response, while its structural isomer thermospermine is only in xylem precursor cells. Studies on acaulis5 (acl5), a mutant defective in the biosynthesis of thermospermine, have revealed that thermospermine plays a repressive role in xylem development through enhancement of mRNA translation of the SAC51 family. In contrast, the pao5 mutant defective in the degradation of thermospermine has high levels of thermospermine and shows increased salt tolerance, suggesting a role of thermospermine in salt stress response. Here we compared acl5 with a mutant of spermine synthase, spms, in terms of abiotic stress tolerance and found that acl5 was much more sensitive to sodium than the wild‐type and spms. A double‐mutant of acl5 and sac51‐d, which suppresses the excessive xylem phenotype of acl5, recovered normal sensitivity, while a quadruple T‐DNA insertion mutant of the SAC51 family, which has an increased thermospermine level but shows excessive xylem development, showed increased salt sensitivity, unlike pao5. Together with the result that the salt tolerance of both wild‐type and acl5 seedlings was improved by long‐term treatment with thermospermine, we suggest a correlation of the salt tolerance with reduced xylem development rather than with the thermospermine level. We further found that the mutants containing high thermospermine levels showed increased tolerance to drought and heat stress, suggesting another role of thermospermine that may be common with that of spermine and secondary to that in restricting excess xylem development associated with salt hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

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