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Starch recognition by carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) is important for the activity of starch-degrading enzymes. The N-terminal family 41 CBM, TmCBM41 (from pullulanase PulA secreted by Thermotoga maritima) was shown to have alpha-glucan binding activity with specificity for alpha-1,4-glucans but was able to tolerate the alpha-1,6-linkages found roughly every three or four glucose units in pullulan. Using X-ray crystallography, the structures were solved for TmCBM41 in an uncomplexed form and in complex with maltotetraose and 6(3)-alpha-D-glucosyl-maltotriose (GM3). Ligand binding was facilitated by stacking interactions between the alpha-faces of the glucose residues and two tryptophan side-chains in the two main subsites of the carbohydrate-binding site. Overall, this mode of starch binding is quite well conserved by other starch-binding modules. The structure in complex with GM3 revealed a third binding subsite with the flexibility to accommodate an alpha-1,4- or an alpha-1,6-linked glucose. 相似文献
AgPbmSbTem+2 (abbreviated as LAST) has received tremendous attention as a promising thermoelectric material at medium temperature. It can be synthesized by a simple process combining mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS). This work reveals that the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT value) of LAST can be increased by 50%, benefiting from enhanced electrical conductivity and thermopower due to refined grains and from nanostructuring realized by repeating the milling and SPS processes. This modified process and further compositional optimization enables ZT values of the LAST alloys up to 1.54 at 723 K. This supports the potential of the LAST alloy as a promising medium‐temperature thermoelectric material and reveals the validity of ZT enhancement by a simple microstructural refining and nanostructuring method. 相似文献
Yanzhong Pei Aaron D. LaLonde Nicholas A. Heinz G. Jeffrey Snyder 《Liver Transplantation》2012,2(6):670-675
PbTe alloys have been the most efficient materials for thermoelectric power generation since the 1950s. In addition to the observed lattice thermal conductivity reduction by alloy scattering, recent efforts targeting electronic‐transport enhancement through band structure engineering have demonstrated a design route to achieve extraordinary thermoelectric performance. Guided by these recent results, the current work discusses the influence of alloying CdTe in p‐type PbTe where the solubility is strongly temperature‐dependent. Beneficial changes to the band structure and effective scattering of phonons are concurrently inferred when the PbTe–CdTe precipitate composite is expected to become a solid solution at high temperature, enhancing the peak thermoelectric figure of merit to ~1.7. This work emphasizes the importance of solid solution alloys of PbTe for thermoelectric power‐generation applications and also provides an upper limit of about 1 micrometer to the average distance between interfaces above which phonon scattering by composite interfaces is ineffectual. 相似文献
Xiao Yan Weishu Liu Shuo Chen Hui Wang Qian Zhang Gang Chen Zhifeng Ren 《Liver Transplantation》2013,3(9):1195-1200
Based on the best peak theromoelectric figure‐of‐merit value (ZT) of ca. 0.8 in Hf0.5Zr0.5CoSb0.8Sn0.2 and ca. 1 in Hf0.8Ti0.2CoSb0.8Sn0.2, the effect of Ti on thermoelectric properties is studied in (Hf, Zr, Ti)CoSb0.8Sn0.2, with the aim of further improving the ZT and reducing the usage of Hf. By either partial replacement of Hf and Zr with Ti in Hf0.5Zr0.5CoSb0.8Sn0.2 or partial replacement of Hf and Ti with Zr in Hf0.8Ti0.2CoSb0.8Sn0.2, a peak ZT of ≥1 is achieved at 800°C in Hf0.44Zr0.44Ti0.12CoSb0.8Sn0.2. This composition has two advantages over the previous two best compositions: higher ZT than Hf0.5Zr0.5CoSb0.8Sn0.2 and less Hf than in Hf0.8Ti0.2CoSb0.8Sn0.2. A higher ZT with less Hf is very much desired since Hf is much more expensive than other constituent elements. The ZT improvement is the result of thermal conductivity reduction due to phonon scattering by both alloy and the nanostructure effect. 相似文献
Jie Min Yuriy N. Luponosov Chaohua Cui Bin Kan Haiwei Chen Xiangjian Wan Yongsheng Chen Sergei A. Ponomarenko Yongfang Li Christoph J. Brabec 《Liver Transplantation》2017,7(18)
Organic photovoltaic (OPV) technology offers many advantages, although no commercial applications have been achieved after more than a decade of intensive research and development. Several challenges have yet to be overcome including high power conversion efficiency (PCE), good processability, low cost, and excellent long‐term stability, and so on. In this article, these fundamental challenges are significantly addressed by surveying and analyzing a new merit factor for material applied accessibility containing three parameters: synthetic complexity, device efficiency, and photostability. Thirty‐five donor small molecules are introduced to assess their synthetic accessibility. Furthermore, the PCEs and device photostability of these molecules are carried out, and further measured under one sun illumination within 200 h, respectively. Combining with the characteristics of these three factors, investigated molecules are ranked according to an industrial figure of merit (i‐FOM), while some guidelines for the material design and synthesis are given. It is suggested that a PCE of >14% and an i‐FOM of >20% via active material engineering are realistic for possible industry future of OPV. Along with the systematic study, it is believed that this i‐FOM can be taken into consideration at an early stage of molecular design and provides valuable insight for efficient evaluation of photovoltaic materials for possible commercial applications. 相似文献
Processability: Evaluation of Electron Donor Materials for Solution‐Processed Organic Solar Cells via a Novel Figure of Merit (Adv. Energy Mater. 18/2017)

Jie Min Yuriy N. Luponosov Chaohua Cui Bin Kan Haiwei Chen Xiangjian Wan Yongsheng Chen Sergei A. Ponomarenko Yongfang Li Christoph J. Brabec 《Liver Transplantation》2017,7(18)
Crystal Structure of a Full-Length Autotransporter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bert van den Berg 《Journal of molecular biology》2010,396(3):627-142
The autotransporter (AT) secretion mechanism is the most common mechanism for the secretion of virulence factors across the outer membrane (OM) from pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, ATs have attracted biotechnological and biomedical interest for protein display on bacterial cell surfaces. Despite their importance, the mechanism by which passenger domains of ATs pass the OM is still unclear. The classical view is that the β-barrel domain provides the conduit through which the unfolded passenger moves, with the energy provided by vectorial folding of the β-strand-rich passenger on the extracellular side of the OM. We present here the first structure of a full-length AT, the esterase EstA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, at a resolution of 2.5 Å. EstA has a relatively narrow, 12-stranded β-barrel that is covalently attached to the passenger domain via a long, curved helix that occupies the lumen of the β-barrel. The passenger has a structure that is dramatically different from that of other known passengers, with a globular fold that is dominated by α-helices and loops. The arrangement of secondary-structure elements suggests that the passenger can fold sequentially, providing the driving force for passenger translocation. The esterase active-site residues are located at the apical surface of the passenger, at the entrance of a large hydrophobic pocket that contains a bound detergent molecule that likely mimics substrate. The EstA structure provides insight into AT mechanism and will facilitate the design of fusion proteins for cell surface display. 相似文献
目的:了解老年教师骨质疏松病的情况,用超声骨密度仪对813例老年教师做跟骨超声振幅衰减值研究。方法:超声测量是一种新技术,利用不同密度的物体衰减值不同及穿过不同密度物体声速不同等特性对跟骨进行成像,并计算最具说明性区域的一系列数据。参数中BUA值为最主要的参数,三根等距离曲线的形态和宽度能直观分析出年龄与骨量变化的关系。结果:本文男性平均BUA为63.87dB/MHz,得出回归公式:体重=189.1417 0.2062BUA-0.0224SOS。女性平均BUA为58.9dB/MHz,各年龄分组的BUA值与参考值很接近,统计学显示无意义。结论:调查发现男性和女性的骨质不同,男性BUA骨峰值比女性高。BUA值与其体重有密切关系。在60岁以后(或绝经1-5年后)年龄增长与BUA值无明显关系,说明随着年龄的增加骨量减少很小或不减少。利用这种关系,假如BUA值突然下降则提示近期发生骨质疏松。 相似文献
Sharpening is a powerful method to restore the details from blurred electron density in crystals with high overall temperature factors (B-factors). This valuable technique is currently not optimally used because of the uncertainty in the scope of its application and ambiguities in practice. We performed an analysis of ~ 2000 crystal data sets deposited in the Protein Data Bank and show that sharpening improves the electron density map in many cases across all resolution ranges, often with dramatic enhancement for mid- and low-resolution structures. It is effective when used with either experimental or model phases without introducing additional bias. Our tests also provide a practical guide for optimal sharpening. We further show that anisotropic diffraction correction improves electron density in many cases but should be used with caution. Our study demonstrates that a routine practice of electron density sharpening may have a broad impact on the outcomes of structural biology studies. 相似文献
This study aimed to quantify the dose and quality of the preprogrammed imaging modes on two cardiac angiography devices (Philips Allura FD10 Clarity and Allura FD10) using a task-specific in-house phantom, and to discuss the appropriateness of the pre-programmed settings. A Figure of Merit (FOM), defined as the squared Signal Difference to Noise Ratio (SDNR) divided by Entrance Surface Air Kerma (ESAK), was calculated for phantom inserts with different sizes and concentrations of iodine, as well as tin foils. For the Allura FD10 Clarity device, the low dose fluoroscopic mode was found to be very dose efficient, while the available ciné modes should only be used for cases with high demand for contrast and temporal resolutions. For both devices, the basic beam spectrum of the low dose fluoroscopic mode should be explored for use on other imaging modes. Ciné modes for the Allura FD10 device differ only by their spatial resolution characteristics and have almost identical dose per frame. This study also found that tin may not be a suitable replacement for iodine for research purposes due to mismatching SDNR. The number of recommendations formulated for these two devices suggests that comparative dose and image quality tests of all routinely used imaging modes should be an obligatory part of the physicists’ acceptance testing. 相似文献
Ziguo Zhang Leifu ChangJing Yang Nora ConinKiran Kulkarni David Barford 《Journal of molecular biology》2013
The anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) is a large E3 RING-cullin ubiquitin ligase composed of between 14 and 15 individual proteins. A striking feature of the APC/C is that only four proteins are involved in directly recognizing target proteins and catalyzing the assembly of a polyubiquitin chain. All other subunits, which account for > 80% of the mass of the APC/C, provide scaffolding functions. A major proportion of these scaffolding subunits are structurally related. In metazoans, there are four canonical tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) proteins that form homo-dimers (Apc3/Cdc27, Apc6/Cdc16, Apc7 and Apc8/Cdc23). Here, we describe the crystal structure of the N-terminal homo-dimerization domain of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc23 (Cdc23Nterm). Cdc23Nterm is composed of seven contiguous TPR motifs that self-associate through a related mechanism to those of Cdc16 and Cdc27. Using the Cdc23Nterm structure, we generated a model of full-length Cdc23. The resultant “V”-shaped molecule docks into the Cdc23-assigned density of the human APC/C structure determined using negative stain electron microscopy (EM). Based on sequence conservation, we propose that Apc7 forms a homo-dimeric structure equivalent to those of Cdc16, Cdc23 and Cdc27. The model is consistent with the Apc7-assigned density of the human APC/C EM structure. The four canonical homo-dimeric TPR proteins of human APC/C stack in parallel on one side of the complex. Remarkably, the uniform relative packing of neighboring TPR proteins generates a novel left-handed suprahelical TPR assembly. This finding has implications for understanding the assembly of other TPR-containing multimeric complexes. 相似文献
柠条抗旱的生理生态与土壤水分关系的研究 总被引:34,自引:7,他引:34
采用LI-1600气孔计和压力室测试了风沙土上生长的柠条的SPAC系统的水分关系和P-V水分特征曲线,结果表明:当沙土含水率(W)的水分特征曲线的回归方程为:ψs=-40.32196×0.427905W,沙土平均含水率大于45%,柠条固沙林生长正常,叶水势高。沙土含水率小于4.5%时,柠条生长速度显著下降,柠条清晨叶水势(ψm)与沙土含水率(W)的回归方程为:ψm=-0.35926·e6.31144/W,风沙土上生长的柠条的“经济水阈”大约在4.5%左右,“生命水阈”大约在3.5%左右。 相似文献
The aim of this study was to investigate the adipocyte size and fate in subcutaneous fat (scAT) of cows diverging for genetic merit at mid lactation stage, when anabolic activity increases and animals are in a state of positive energy balance. Twenty mid lactation cows (180 ± 20 days in milk) grouped according to the Estimated Breeding Values (EBV) for milk yield in plus (EBVp) and minus (EBVm) variants were selected. Average of adipocytes area, proliferation and apoptotic labelling index as well as DLK-1 expression, a marker of pre-adipocytes, were immunohistochemically evaluated in scAT biopsies. In EBVp cows, the BCS was lower (P < 0.01) whereas milk yield, protein, fat yield (P < 0.001) and plasma free fatty acid concentration (P < 0.05) were higher. The scAT of EBVp cows showed a significantly (P < 0.001) higher frequency between 500 and 3000 μm2 classes in comparison to EBVm cows, that showed a significantly (P < 0.01) higher apoptotic labeling index. The immunohistochemical reaction showed DLK-1 positivity in scAT of EBVp cows. Taking together, the data indicate a link between milk yield genetic merit of cows, scAT morphology and function, suggesting greater dynamics and metabolic flexibility in EBVp cows. 相似文献
Zihang Liu Yumei Wang Jun Mao Huiyuan Geng Jing Shuai Yuanxu Wang Ran He Wei Cai Jiehe Sui Zhifeng Ren 《Liver Transplantation》2016,6(7)
Despite the unfavorable band structure with twofold degeneracy at the valence band maximum, MgAgSb is still an excellent p‐type thermoelectric material for applications near room temperature. The intrinsically weak electron–phonon coupling, reflected by the low deformation potential Edef ≈ 6.3 eV, plays a crucial role in the relatively high power factor of MgAgSb. More importantly, Li is successfully doped into Mg site to tune the carrier concentration, leading to the resistivity reduction by a factor of 3 and a consequent increase in power factor by ≈30% at 300 K. Low lattice thermal conductivity can be simultaneously achieved by all‐scale hierarchical phonon scattering architecture including high density of dislocations and nanoscale stacking faults, nanoinclusions, and multiscale grain boundaries. Collectively, much higher average power factor ≈25 μW cm?1 K?2 with a high average ZT ≈ 1.1 from 300 to 548 K is achieved for 0.01 Li doping, which would result in a high output power density ≈1.56 W cm?2 and leg efficiency ≈9.2% by calculations assuming cold‐side temperature Tc = 323 K, hot‐side temperature Th = 548 K, and leg length = 2 mm. 相似文献
Herbert Ziezold 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1994,36(4):491-510
Fundamental propositions for mean figures and mean shapes in the plane are proved by using complex numbers. A test of equality of two figure or shape distributions is introduced and applied to data from larvae of mussels and from saurian heads. 相似文献
Mackey DR Gordon AW McCoy MA Verner M Mayne CS 《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2007,1(1):29-43
Relationships between genetic merit for milk production and animal parameters and various parameters of reproductive performance were examined using multilevel binary response analysis in a study of 19 dairy herds for three successive years, representing approximately 2500 cows per year. The proportion of cows intended for rebreeding that were back in-calf again within 100 days of calving (ICR-100) and the proportion of cows that reappeared again with 365 (RR-365) and 400 days (RR-400) of a previous calving were considered in addition to the traditional measures of reproductive performance. Each 100-kg increase in genetic merit for milk yield was associated with an increased interval to first service (IFS) and calving index (CI) of 1.4 ( P < 0.001) and 1.8 days ( P < 0.001), respectively, a 0.5% increase ( P < 0.05) in calving rate to first insemination (CR-1) and 0.8% increase in RR-400. Each £10 increase in £PIN (the economically weighted yield selection index used in the UK that takes account of butterfat and protein yields) was associated with an increased IFS and CI of 1.5 ( P < 0.001) and 3.0 days ( P < 0.001), respectively. Cows with increased genetic merit for milk yield and £PIN were more likely to re-calve (RR-overall; P < 0.001). Each 1000-kg increase in 305-day milk yield was associated with an increased IFS and CI of 3.2 ( P < 0.001) and 7.8 days ( P < 0.001), respectively, and a 13.6 ( P < 0.001), 22.4 ( P < 0.001), 19.9 ( P < 0.001) and 19.0% ( P < 0.001) decrease in CR-1, ICR-100, RR-365 and RR-400, respectively. A 10-kg increase in maximum yield was associated with a 6.6-day increase in CI ( P < 0.001) and a 14.9 ( P < 0.001), 18.3 ( P < 0.001), 9.6 ( P < 0.05) and 14.2% ( P < 0.001) decrease in CR-1, ICR-100, RR-365 and RR-400, respectively. Fertility performance was also associated with season of calving, lactation number and dystocia score. Level of production had a larger effect on fertility performance than genetic merit for milk production suggesting that infertility at an individual cow level is more likely to be associated with increased production and an inability to meet the nutritional requirements of the cow. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to quantify the quality of the available imaging modes for various iodine-based contrast agent concentration in paediatric cardiology. The figure of merit (FOM) was defined as the squared signal to noise ratio divided by a patient dose related parameter. An in house constructed phantom simulated a series of vessel segments with iodine concentrations from 10% or 30 mg/cc to 16% or 48 mg/cc of iodine in a blood plasma solution, all within the dimensional constraints of a paediatric patient. The phantom also used test inserts of tin (Sn). Measurements of Entrance Surface Air Kerma (ESAK) and exit dose rate were performed along with calculations of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all the objects. A first result showed that it was favourable to employ low dose fluoroscopy mode and lower frame rate modes in cine acquisition if dynamic information is not critical. Normal fluoroscopy dose mode provided a considerably higher dose level (in comparison to low dose mode) with only a slight improvement in SNR. Higher frame rate cine modes should be used however when the clinical situation dictates so. This work also found that tin should not be intended as iodine replacement material for research purposes due to the mismatching SNR, particularly on small vessel sizes. 相似文献
The experiment was carried out during the ripening of grape (Vitis vinifera L. and V. vinifera × V. labrusca) fruits using the technique of dye tracing and measurement of water potential. Under the natural conditions of sufficient soil water supply and those of a high evapotranspiration potentiality on clear days, the water in fruits was transfered, during the morning and afternoon, out of the clusters and into the xylem of shoots; but the fruits capture water in the late afternoon and evening from the xylem of shoots. The diurnal variations of the water exchange between fruits and the xylem of shoots have been described and these variations seemed to be relevant not only to the differences of water potential between leaves and fruits but also to the hydraulic status of fruits. Under the mild water stress, the variations of the diurnal \"fruits-shoots\" water exchange were similar to those under the conditions of ample water supply, but the rate of \"fruits-shoots\" water exchange in the lightly stressed vine was decreased as compared with the fully watered vines. After a certain period of severe water stress, the fruits possessed a great capacity of conserving their water and an equilibrium in water potential was set up between leaves and fruits so that the fruits did not lose any more water. Under a sudden severe water stress, the fruits lost water at a higher outflux rate than when the water supply was sufficient. However, this water loss ceased rapidly. The water flowing out from the fruits was privileged to pass in the lateral shoots located above and on the same side of the fruits, and then the water might enter the primary shoot leaves situated above and on the same side of the fruits. Water captured by the fruits of the well watered vines in the evening came from the roots while under severe stress water might be obtained from the roots and also from the leaves as well. The fruit cell water potential, solute potential and pressure potential were different from those of leaves, mainly in the more important differences of water potential necessitated for the volume changes of fruit cell after incipient plasmolysis in com parison with leaves. Finally the relationships between water exchange and water potential dif ferences between \"fruits-shoots\", associated with the fruits hydraulic status, have been discussed. The possible relationships between water \"sink-source\" of fruits and the fruit development have been analysed. 相似文献