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Herein, we provide external and internal morphological data of Scinax skuki tadpoles from its type locality. The benthic tadpole of S. skuki has eyes and nostrils positioned dorsally, vent tube dextral and reaching the free margin of the ventral fin, oral disk ventral with posterior margin concave when partially closed, labial tooth row formula 2/3, and the presence of nonpigmented spurs behind the lower jaw. These characters, together with the absence of a tectum parietale, and the shapes of the pars articularis quadrati and suprarostral, are useful for species identification and may be informative for systematic purposes.  相似文献   

We describe the tadpole of Scinax aromothyella from the surroundings of Quebrada de los Cuervos, Departamento de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay. It shares with other larvae of the Scinax catharinae clade the slightly depressed body, a dextral vent tube that reaches the free margin of the ventral fin, and the oral disc with a dorsal gap in the marginal row of papillae and with a concave posterior edge. It is most similar to the tadpole of Scinax berthae, from which it differs in the larger total length of S. aromothyella.

Describimos la larva de Scinax aromothyella de los alrededores de la Quebrada de los Cuervos, Departamento de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay. Comparte con las larvas de otras especies del clado de Scinax catharinae el tener el cuerpo levemente deprimido, el tubo proctodeal dextro que alcanza el borde libre de la aleta ventral, y el disco oral con un claro rostral en la hilera de papilas marginales y con su borde posterior cóncavo. Es muy parecida a la larva de Scinax berthae, de la que difiere en la mayor longitud total de S. aromothyella.  相似文献   

Molecular species delimitation methods are efficient tools to identify species, including the discovery of new taxa and cryptic organisms, thus being useful to biodiversity studies. In the present work, 16S mitochondrial sequences and cytochrome oxidase I (COI) were used to evaluate the richness of species in the genus Scinax and Ololygon from a biodiversity hotspot in Atlantic Forest. A total of 109 specimens formally belonging to eight species of Scinax and three species of Ololygon were collected in 13 localities along the state of Bahia (northeastern Brazil) and one site in Espírito Santo (southeastern Brazil). Of the Scinax species collected in this study, three were morphologically differentiated from other described species and identified as putative new species (Scinax sp.1, Scinax sp.2 and Scinax sp.3). The species delimitations were inferred using three different methods: ABGD, PTP and mPTP which allowed recognizing 11 Scinax species and five Ololygon species. Scinax sp. 1, Scinax sp. 2 and Scinax sp. 3, have been confirmed as new putative species and Ololygon argyreornata possibly contains cryptic species. We suggest additional studies, including morphological and bioacoustic data to validate these new putative species.  相似文献   

The hyolaryngeal apparatus includes the arytenoid, cricoid and hyoid cartilages, and varied sizes and shapes can be distinguished between species. Although the larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs, few studies describe the structures and processes of its parts in hylids. We studied the hyolaryngeal anatomy of both males and females of Scinax ruber (Laurenti, 1768), using clearing and double staining methods, comparing it with that of Scinax wandae (Pyburn and Fouquette, 1971), Scinax kennedyi (Pyburn, 1973) and other hylid species. We found that S. ruber has the largest arytenoid cartilage of any species of the subfamily Scinaxinae studied to date. We described both the laryngeal differences among three Scinax species and the interspecific variability in the shapes of the projections of the arytenoid in the males of these species. The taxonomic characters (presence/absence of processes of the cartilage of Santorini, oesophageal process or bronchial processes) described here can play a key role in differentiating these species from Scinax species and from other species. In addition, we want to contribute to the natural history and comparison of the larynges in Scinax and within the genus and the Hylidae.  相似文献   

A new species, Leptolalax laui sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from Hong Kong and Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be distinguished from other known congeners by morphological and molecular data. The new species is characterized by the following characters: 1) small size (adult males SVL 24.8.1 mm-26.7 mm); 2) near immaculate creamy white chest and belly; 3) broad lateral fringes on toes; 4) head longer or as long as wide; 5) distinct dark brown spots in flank; 6) moderate dermal fringes on fingers; 7) brown or reddish-brown dorsum with fine round scattered tubercles; 8) thin traverse brownish-grey bars on the dorsal surface of tibia and lower arms; 9) longitudinal ridges under toes not interrupted at the articulations.  相似文献   

Scinax species are still underrepresented in cytogenetic studies, mainly with respect to populations from northeastern and northern Brazil. In this study, we provide new chromosomal information on Scinax boesemani, S. camposseabrai, S. garbei, S. pachycrus, S. trilineatus and S. x-signatus, all belonging to clade S. ruber. They were collected at two locations in the Caatinga biome (northeastern Brazil) and at one in the Amazon (northern Brazil) biomes. Chromosomes were analyzed by conventional staining, C-banding, Ag-NOR staining, and fluorochrome staining. All species shared a modal diploid value of 2n = 24 and fundamental arm number (FN) of 48. Moreover, both chromosomal size and morphology were similar to other species in this Scinaxclade. C-banding revealed centromeric heterochromatin in all species, along with terminal species-specific C-bands in some species. Active nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) were identified at 11q in most species, except for S. boesemani and S. garbei (Ag-NORs at interstitial region of 8q). Differing from most anurans, GC-rich regions were not restricted to NORs, but also coincident with some centromeric and terminal C-bands. These data contribute to the cytotaxonomy of Scinax by providing chromosomal markers and demonstrating the occurrence of microstructural rearrangements and inversions on chromosomal evolution of Scinax.  相似文献   

A new species, Brachytarsophrys popei sp. nov., is described based on a series of specimens collected from Mount Jinggang, Jiangxi Province, Taoyuandong Nature Reserve, Hunan Province and Nanling Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be easily distinguished from other known congeners by morphology, morphometrics and molecular data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. It is characterized by its relatively small size with 86.2 mm in snout-vent length in adult female and 70.7 mm-83.5 mm in males; vomerine teeth bearing on two markedly elevated ridges, which projecting behind far beyond the posterior level of the choanae, widely separated by a distance nearly 1.5 times length of one; margin of tongue de~ply notched behind; toes about one-third to two-thirds webbed in males, at most one-third webbed in female; the webs extending as a wide fringes along either side of toes; upper eyelid with tubercles, one of which is enlarged and becoming a remarkably prominent, bluntly conical light- yellow horn; black tiny nuptial spines on the dorsal surface of the first finger and second finger base, single vocal sac in males; gravid females bear pure yellowish oocytes; tadpoles with a transverse white stripe on ventral surface and two longitudinal white stripes along the sides of body. The new species represents the fifth known Brachytarsophrys species.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Phyllomyza Fallén are revised. Four new species, Phyllomyza kanmiyai sp. nov., P. amamiensis sp. nov., P. proceripalpis sp. nov. and P. japonica sp. nov., are described and illustrated. P. securicornis Fallén is recorded from Japan for the first time. A key to the Japanese species of Phyllomyza is presented.  相似文献   

Detection of genetic and behavioural diversity within morphologically similar species has led to the discovery of cryptic species complexes. We tested the hypothesis that US populations of the canyon treefrog (Hyla arenicolor) may consist of cryptic species by examining mate‐attraction signals among three divergent clades defined by mtDNA. Using a multi‐locus approach, we re‐analysed phylogenetic relationships among the three clades and a closely related, but morphologically and behaviourally dissimilar species, the Arizona treefrog (H. wrightorum). We found evidence for introgression of H. wrightorum’s mitochondrial genome into H. arenicolor. Additionally, the two‐clade topology based on nuclear data is more congruent with patterns of call variation than the three‐clade topology from the mitochondrial dataset. The magnitude of the call divergence is probably insufficient to promote isolation of the nuclear DNA‐defined clades should they become sympatric, but further divergence in call properties significant in species identification could promote speciation in the future.  相似文献   

We review the systematics of the Hypsiboas calcaratus species complex, a group of widely distributed Amazonian hylid frogs. A comprehensive analysis of genetic, morphological, and bioacoustic datasets uncovered the existence of eleven candidate species, six of which are confirmed. Two of them correspond to Hypsiboas fasciatus and Hypsiboas calcaratus and the remaining four are new species that we describe here. Hypsiboas fasciatus sensu stricto has a geographic range restricted to the eastern Andean foothills of southern Ecuador while Hypsiboas calcaratus sensu stricto has a wide distribution in the Amazon basin. Hypsiboas almendarizae sp. n. occurs at elevations between 500 and 1950 m in central and northern Ecuador; the other new species (H. maculateralis sp. n., H. alfaroi sp. n., and H. tetete sp. n.) occur at elevations below 500 m in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. The new species differ from H. calcaratus and H. fasciatus in morphology, advertisement calls, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Five candidate species from the Guianan region, Peru, and Bolivia are left as unconfirmed. Examination of the type material of Hyla steinbachi, from Bolivia, shows that it is not conspecific with H. fasciatus and thus is removed from its synonymy.  相似文献   

The flies of the genus Dicranosepsis from Vietnam were investigated and classified taxonomically. Six new species (D. longa sp. nov., D. kurahashii sp. nov., D. monoseta sp. nov., D. sinuosa sp. nov., D. barbata sp. nov., and D. vietnamensis sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Dicranosepsis is redefined and a revised key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

We examined the development of serous (poison) cutaneous glands in larval and juvenile Scinax nasica (Hylidae) at the ultrastructural level. We describe the biosynthesis and maturation of the cutaneous poison in comparison with the corresponding processes in representatives of Discoglossidae, Leptodactylidae, Pelobatidae and Pipidae. Serous biosynthesis in S. nasica starts in discrete adenoblasts and continues in the syncytial secretory unit. Biosynthetic processes involve rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, that releases membrane-bounded material, varying from fine grained to flocculent. During the post-Golgian secretory phase, this material undergoes initial maturation, and two products are formed: dense granules and larger vesicles holding a thin substance that will later be structured into a three-dimensional, honeycomb-like net. Both the secretory granules and vesicles change into glomerular-like aggregates of bowed, rod-shaped subunits (modules). In adult frogs, formation of dense granules is bypassed. The modular granule substructure seems to be related to the merocrine release of small amounts of poison, involved in regulating skin homeostasis. Comparison with maturational changes in larval glands of species representing four anuran families discloses similar patterns in the Leptodactylidae, but production of opaque homogeneous granules occurs in the Discoglossidae, clear vesicles in the Pelobatidae and aggregates of dense bars in the Pipidae.  相似文献   

The volvocacean genus Pleodorina has been morphologically characterized as having small somatic cells in spheroidal colonies and anisogamous sexual reproduction with sperm packets. In this study we examined two new species that can be assigned to the genus Pleodorina based on morphology: P. starrii H. Nozaki et al. sp. nov. and P. thompsonii F. D. Ott et al. sp. nov. P. starrii was collected from Japan and had 32‐ or 64‐celled colonies with anterior somatic cells and spheroidal individual cellular sheaths that were weakly attached to each other within the colonial envelope. P. thompsonii from Texas (USA) exhibited four or 12 somatic cells in the anterior pole of 16‐ or 32‐celled colonies, respectively, and had a single large pyrenoid in the chloroplast of mature reproductive cells. The chloroplast multigene phylogeny placed P. starrii and P. indica (Iyenger) H. Nozaki in a clade that was robustly separated from the type species P. californica Shaw and P. japonica H. Nozaki. Pleodorina thompsonii was resolved as a basal branch within a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group) composed of Eudorina, Pleodorina and Volvox (excluding section Volvox). Thus, Pleodorina was found among three separate lineages within the Eudorina group in which Eudorina and Volvox were also resolved as nonmonophyletic. The DNA sequences from additional species/strains as well as recognition of morphological attributes that characterize the monophyletic groups within the Eudorina group are needed to construct a natural generic classification within these members of the Volvocaceae.  相似文献   

We characterized eight microsatellite loci for snouted treefrogs in the Scinax perpusillus species group, a group of hylid frogs endemic to the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil, and tested their utility in mainland and island species of the complex. All eight loci were polymorphic in one population of S. perpusillus; four of the loci showed excess homozygosity and three of those deviated from Hardy–Weinberg expectations, possibly due to null alleles, inbreeding, or population structure in sampled individuals. Six loci amplified and were polymorphic in S. arduous, S. argyreornatus, and S. faivovichi, but only one in S. alcatraz. These markers will be useful for quantifying effects of habitat fragmentation on population genetic diversity and connectivity in coastal and island populations of this threatened species group.  相似文献   

Two new marine red algae, Gelidium tenuifolium sp. nov. and Gelidium koshikianum sp. nov. (Gelidiales, Gelidiaceae) are described from Japan. Gelidium tenuifolium with large‐sized thalli (up to 30 cm tall) is distinguished from other species with such thalIi by the production of wide, flattened and thin branches (up to 2 mm wide and 60–80 urn thick), the presence of an apical depression and simple determinate branches. Gelidium koshikianum with middle‐sized thalli (5–8 cm tall) is distinguished from other species with such thalli by having wide axes (up to 2.5 mm wide) and short (2.0–3.2 mm), unbranched, second‐ and third‐order branches issuing at short intervals (0.8–1.4 mm). In phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences, four Gelidium species that are chiefly distributed in Japan including G. tenuifolium were clustered together with 99% bootstrap value (Japanese Gelidium‐complex clade). Gelidium linoides Kützing came to the position of the sister group to G. tenuifolium with 99% bootstrap value. There were four substitutions (0.3% divergence) between G. linoides and G. tenuifolium sequences. Gelidium koshikianum and Gelidium allanii Chapman were clustered together with 100% bootstrap value and they came to the position of the sister group to the Japanese GeIidium‐complex clade with 83% bootstrap value. There were six substitutions (0.4% divergence) between G. koshikianum and G. allanii sequences.  相似文献   

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